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Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/03 06:09:01

Post by: timetowaste85

So everyone wants to get to work on their Deadzone stuff ASAP, and a bunch of you (I'm talking about you, Grimdork!) have bought a bunch of Enforcers from Miniature Market in preparation for Deadzone. So who wants to show off their models for Deadzone? We've seen a bunch of painted models making up the N&R thread, as well as the current Deadzone completion thread, so lets all throw our pictures in this one to show them off. As the first poster, I'll of course grace you with my pictures of Iron Ma-, um, my Enforcers.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/03 21:10:54

Post by: Azazelx

Looking really good there. I'm really going to have to think about how I paint mine. I was originally going to go for full squads of IM/WM/SC with no real plan of how to work it out but seeing how yours came out, I really like the way the WM ones came out. I might reserve the red and gold livery for characters or some such and the SC for elite squads or some such.

I might skip the Iron Patriot look though. Or perhaps again just for specific character(s).

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/03 21:18:41

Post by: timetowaste85

The WM look was Boltgun Metal for the dark body parts, chainmail for gun and both were washed with badab black. After that, the light silver was added, which was mithril/runefang silver. The new paints work fine. The red was blood/Mephiston red. Very simple, but the contrasting silvers work well together. It also looks like the old War Machine toys I had when I was a kid.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/04 00:14:12

Post by: GrimDork

The iron man and warmachine scheme is just awesome

My guys didn't come in today =/ so much for 1 day priority shipping, I guess I can't complain *too* much if they come in by tomorrow.

So soon I'll come back. Perhaps after I get them swapped to clear acrylics I'll post up some of my zombie marines, they'll be filling in for 3rd gens at least until I've got a strike team painted.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/04 02:13:45

Post by: timetowaste85

Glad you guys are enjoying them, I can't wait to paint up Howlett in yellow and brown armor. Might get a second for a variant yellow and blue armor too. Also, the guys with riot shields will be my Iron Patriot armored models.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/04 09:37:56

Post by: monders


Now I'm super gutted to have missed out on the DZ KS... But I think I may have to cheer my self up with a box of Enforcers and dust off my paints!

Maybe Father Christmas reads Dakka and will update my list accordingly?!

*cough* Dead Zone please *cough*

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/04 20:00:18

Post by: The Dwarf Wolf

Im thinking to paint my enforcers exact like that...

With some fluff ideias for 40k universe

(i can alredy hear the heresy claims)

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 02:04:08

Post by: ChaoticMind

Where's the gauntlet from? All the stuff on Mantic's site doesn't list any.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 02:28:41

Post by: timetowaste85

It comes with the corporation rangers. With the sergeants, specifically. I didn't have to do any green stuffing either, a nice clean cut and it attached and looked natural. If you want a left handed one, get the metal corporation hero, give him his sword arm and use the energy gauntlet for an enforcer. The sizes are pretty good in comparison.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 02:48:04

Post by: GrimDork

The metal one is a bi smaller, but its still obviously an energy fist.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 15:05:55

Post by: timetowaste85

 GrimDork wrote:
The metal one is a bi smaller, but its still obviously an energy fist.


Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 15:10:22

Post by: GrimDork

I'd say its almost half as big. The restic one is a lot beefier. Still... maybe passable. You'd need a right handed pistol too

Speaking of conversions, what you're calling your TFU... how did you come about that design? Is there one in the kit that I don't know about, or did you just do a fancy chop job? I did several on my corporation marines, though it's looking challenging on the enforcer with the hands attached to the heavy rifle.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 15:33:48

Post by: timetowaste85

The tactical flamer comes with an assault squad-the one that comes with 4 metal blade/pistol arms.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 15:38:20

Post by: GrimDork

Oh snap, I thought it looked too good to be a conversion but I wasn't sure

Well damn, I'm still gonna make one! Y'know, its funny... because they're actually calling that a fusion gun now... which is why I actually want to do one. I did it on the marines, surely I can figure something out here too.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 15:50:43

Post by: timetowaste85

I coulda sworn they called it a tactical flamer...whoops. I guess I'll change that to fusion gun later. I have 5 extra guys at home too-3 with assault blade and pistol to replace the fusion guns if I decide to save points and two burst cannons if I choose not to use the missile launchers (or add a second BC) in the basic strike teams when they're 10-man units. I aim to have all my non-DZ enforcers painted by Christmas and hope to show them off proudly.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 16:06:26

Post by: GrimDork

Wow that is a tight schedule man! You realize that's less than 20 days right?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 16:32:00

Post by: timetowaste85

Two a day once I get home from Ohio! Or 5 on the days I get truly motivated. Only about 40ish to go.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 16:37:10

Post by: GrimDork

Can't paint that fast unless i'm doing some kind of dip scheme, kudos for your speed

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 16:52:07

Post by: timetowaste85

I'll paint the yellow on 2-3 guys at a time, let it dry, do the red, paint the gun silver, then badab black. Let that dry, dot of ice blue on the chest and bam. Done. I'll do 5-6 bases at a time later. Takes about an hr and a half to do 5 guys that way.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 16:53:18

Post by: GrimDork

Honestly it looked like there was more work put in than that. I guess washes do wonders with recesses. They look good especially for how little time it takes you

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 17:15:52

Post by: timetowaste85

Washes completely changed the game. They do such wonders and have sped up my painting tenfold. The Silver Centurian armor was runefang with a wash, khorne red and the blade was white with a carroburgh red wash. I think I described the War Machine paint style earlier too. All very easy, and I'm quite happy with the results.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/06 17:18:46

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah those are nice. I'm a big fan of dipping but it actually takes a bit longer than washing as you've gotta go in after the fact and clear a lot of it away before it dries. Dipping is almost a wash/highlight combo though, and it makes the models super tough.

I think I'm gonna take it slower with my Deadzone stuff. Not quite as if I were painting Infinity models, but somewhat closer than table top speed painting. I kind of got a bit rushy with my last mantic models and want to slow it down a bit. We'll see though, I like finishing stuff and adding it to the done pile

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Alright, your badgering has forced me to deploy a color scheme. View at your own peril for I'm not quite sold on it!

I think it may be too bright/colorful for grimdark hard scifi. Thinking of maybe going with mid-dark red armor plates and grey/black recessed armor, will try that on the next guy.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/07 09:21:01

Post by: Pacific

Looks good mate, a nice colour combination.

If you wanted to change its style, what about adding some kind of camo pattern to the black or yellow to make it look a bit more military-ish?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/07 09:27:32

Post by: Paradigm

Looks good. I agree it may look a bit bright, which is fine but doesn't seem to be what you're going for. Red and black sounds good, I considered doing something similar but never got round to it.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/08 20:39:27

Post by: larva_uk

The deadzone enforcer sculpts are definitely less detailed than the warpath ones. On the plus side this does mean I can get away with a slightly simplified (and, more importantly, faster) paint job without it being too obvious next to the old ones.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/08 20:53:55

Post by: GrimDork

Wow. I hadn't seen them that close before. They do look different huh? I definitely prefer the DZ wristblade, it looks like it can come out of the wrist device and still retract, the WP looks like a static fixture which quasi-breaks what fluff we have.

WP enforcer looks chunkier overall, with nicer definition on the muscle-torso-armor-bit. Looks like you'd have to be even skinnier to fit into the DZ enforcer armor.

Still both are cool, and nice paint job, its simple, but that just means you'll have a bunch of them painted and ready to rumble sooner

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Alright, I think I've got the scheme hammered out. This guy is a little rough around the edges as I just jumped in and did some correcting without removing the first layers of paint, I think he still looks alright though:

And here he is with one of my corporation marines.

I was in a bit of a hurry for this guy, the yellow on the squad markings needed more attention. I'm not sure if its a bit lame to have yellow for the eyes and squad markings, but I do like the yellow for the eyes. If I do any more assault blades, I'll take another look and try to get them a bit fancier.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 07:55:06

Post by: Paradigm

Nice work on the Enforcer, GrimDork. Looks nice and dark next to the brighter Corp-Marine.

Interesting to see how different the WP and DZ enforcers look. I kind of like the sleeker, less cluttered look of the DZ ones, but I'm not sure washes will be quite as magic on them. Either way, I can't wait to get mine and have a play around with them.

I should be able to get some shots of my Enforcers and Corp marines up in here later today.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 11:39:03

Post by: BlessMyBeard

I like your Iron man inspired scheme TimeTW! I just did some Dreadball Corp in a similar scheme. Your Enforcer looks really cool Grim, I like how battered he looks, he aint fresh from the factory, he's been kicking arse for the Corporation! Good to see that an Enforcer painted with lots of metal looks good like yours Larva. then just that touch of blue makes it pop!
I wanted to wait until I'd finished a model, but there is just too much DZ buzz to resist. I wanted my Rebs to look abit Cyber Punk, with a sci-fi gang feel, so I've gone for yellow armour. I intend to put lots of scratches, blasts and mud on too!

Rebs test WIP

What do you think, is the yellow to much?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 13:04:19

Post by: timetowaste85

Good God, man, the yellow looks good! I'm jealous of those painting skills. That reb looks very nice. Kudos for also having the first non-enforcer in the thread.

GrimDork, I don't know why, but I get an almost Spartan feel from your Enforcer, from Halo. They really don't look anything alike, but I still feel that way anyway. Great paintjob-he definitely looks like he's seen some battle!

Larva, you're right-those enforcers are definitely quite different looking. The new ones will still get the Iron Man treatment though. Haha. Love the silver look with just a splash of blue highlight-looks nice.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 13:25:21

Post by: larva_uk

BlessMyBeard wrote:
I like your Iron man inspired scheme TimeTW! I just did some Dreadball Corp in a similar scheme. Your Enforcer looks really cool Grim, I like how battered he looks, he aint fresh from the factory, he's been kicking arse for the Corporation! Good to see that an Enforcer painted with lots of metal looks good like yours Larva. then just that touch of blue makes it pop!
I wanted to wait until I'd finished a model, but there is just too much DZ buzz to resist. I wanted my Rebs to look abit Cyber Punk, with a sci-fi gang feel, so I've gone for yellow armour. I intend to put lots of scratches, blasts and mud on too!

What do you think, is the yellow to much?

Nice shading on that armour. I think the yellow works well and has a definite look of "yes I am wearing high-tech ceramic armour - you should have brought a bigger gun"

Grim, I like the grimy "I've been in the field for a looong time" look on your enforcer. Plus it's always good to see clear bases in use (i'm too messy with the superglue to use them).

The other major difference I've seen between the DZ and WP enforcers is the DZ ones have much less pronounced jump jets which contributes to their overall look of being less bulky and imposing. I still like 'em though and they are close enough for mixed units to look ok. Also the sniper model is really nice. Going to do him next I think.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 13:53:20

Post by: timetowaste85

I'm trying to decide what to do the camo-cloak in, but the armor will be stealth armor iron man on my sniper. There's a really good probability I don't have to explain why.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 14:06:03

Post by: Paradigm

Nice to see some rebs in here, I love that yellow ceramic armour. It really fits the model.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 15:12:22

Post by: GrimDork

Definitely like the reb scheme BmB.

Is that one purple silver TtW?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 15:27:41

Post by: BlessMyBeard

Thanks for the kind words guys. As the internet Mantic fans have spoken, I will carry on with the yellow scheme Can't wait to paint the leader, I've got plans for Turquoise hair and a purple coat. I'm giving the Enforcers to my brother, so hopefully he will have a bash this week.You got any plans for basing Grim?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 15:28:23

Post by: timetowaste85

No, GD. It's a dark blue with a red energy source in the chest and eyes. Very shiny appearance, I'll likely do regal blue (or w/e the new name is) with a heavy blue wash, then a very light black wash, then a gloss coat afterwards. That should give it the appropriate sheen. If not, Mantic owes me about 4 snipers in total, so I have room to get it right.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 15:41:04

Post by: GrimDork

Ahh nice, I've only seen the stealth suit in one of the cartoons and I couldn't remember it that well, now I think memory is a bit clearer.

Speaking of clear, BmB, he's on his base solution!

Clear acrylic disk, 1.5mm thick, to show off all of that pretty deadzone terrain beneath his little restic feet

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 16:07:36

Post by: BlessMyBeard

Sorry Grim, didn't mean to rag on your bases Its an awesome Idea though, never occurred to me to use see through bases. Especially with all the changing terrain and lovely gaming mat to show through. (Thinks about stealing idea)

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 16:09:29

Post by: timetowaste85

Actually, Grim, now that I think about it...depending on the media portrayed, it could be purplish. Dark purple with blue ink and a gloss. I'll play around with it and give you the details. Time to fly guys! I'll be back after my plane touches down in DC. I want more pictures to come back to!!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 16:13:39

Post by: GrimDork

What are you a pilot/stewardess? You seem to fly alot, especially if since you keep reporting painting stuff in the airport :p

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 17:40:56

Post by: timetowaste85

I work for a mobile dental company. Sometimes I have to fly out to where work vehicles are stationed. This (and my last trip) were such flights. This was just a nightmare getting home. Feth Philly! (New warcry, as weather over Philly has been the source of my late return).

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 17:47:06

Post by: GrimDork

Lamesauce on the weather. I got buried under a foot of snow a couple of days ago, and we usually get 1-2 inches here.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 17:49:35

Post by: timetowaste85

I wasn't smart enough to bring minis on this trip. I figured I wouldn't have time. With a delay...man, did I have serious time on my hands! Could have been another full squad of assault and suppression enforcers done...

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 17:56:03

Post by: GrimDork

:( indeed! I think my guys may paint up almost as fast as yours now that I've sorted out an easier color scheme, looking forward to getting a horde of them on the table.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/09 19:56:31

Post by: timetowaste85

Where are the Plague and Marauder pics?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/10 01:16:28

Post by: Yonan

Larva, yours matches my copy of the enforcer dreadball team, I'm undecided between doing that or the Deadzone enforcer scheme. Yours has greatly inclined me to the Dreadball style, I think it looks really good.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/11 04:52:52

Post by: timetowaste85

 timetowaste85 wrote:
Actually, Grim, now that I think about it...depending on the media portrayed, it could be purplish. Dark purple with blue ink and a gloss. I'll play around with it and give you the details. Time to fly guys! I'll be back after my plane touches down in DC. I want more pictures to come back to!!

Got my stuff in today, and I decided to try GD's train of thought that involved purplish armor for Stealth Armor Iron Man. Hormagaunt purple with a Drakenholf blue wash over it. I'll post pictures eventually when I get him done.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/11 05:51:22

Post by: GrimDork

Excellent, looking forward to seeing that. I'm just about done with my entry for Skalk's junk pile contest so I'll be hitting the enforcers a bit harder soon. Of course we've just got the go ahead to start moving furniture/stuff to the new house so I may drop off the radar for a day or two at some point Not sure if its even wise to open my deadzone before I get set up

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/11 23:58:09

Post by: larva_uk

One thing you will notice with the DZ enforcer missile launcher specialist is the mini base he's molded on is way too big to fit into the recess in a normal mantic base. You'll need to do some trimming.

Also, I really like the sniper mini

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 00:04:06

Post by: GrimDork

Ooh, I really like the way you've painted the sniper mini. Definitely fits the urban feel of the game.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 00:24:32

Post by: timetowaste85

I will be posting my sniper late tonight too, once I finish him up. So far the basic body is painted (and looking sweet!) but I need to do details and the cloak. That cloak is gonna be problamatic, as iron man never wears one, so it'll be interesting.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Not sure if my sniper is getting 100% finished tonight: I've painted the body with hormogaunt purple, washed twice with Drakenholf Shade, the cape is chaos black with necron abyss dry-brushing, followed by highlights of shadow grey. The body still has to be covered with the 'Ard Coat, the gun needs to be painted bolt-gun with a black ink and the eyes and chest center need to be red. I should also do the ammo pouches a separate color, but then again, everything on Iron Man's armor tends to be of the appropriate color-so it may stay as is. I'll post the picture when those last 3 things are done and get opinions.

And now I only have the wash to do over the gun and cloak. Everything else has been finished. Base is still a boring grey though, that'll be done later. I'm more concerned with the guy. Gimme another 20 minutes to let the wash dry (after I apply it after finishing this post, of course) and I'll have the image up for you guys.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 04:50:23

Post by: timetowaste85

 timetowaste85 wrote:
I will be posting my sniper late tonight too, once I finish him up. So far the basic body is painted (and looking sweet!) but I need to do details and the cloak. That cloak is gonna be problamatic, as iron man never wears one, so it'll be interesting.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Not sure if my sniper is getting 100% finished tonight: I've painted the body with hormogaunt purple, washed twice with Drakenholf Shade, the cape is chaos black with necron abyss dry-brushing, followed by highlights of shadow grey. The body still has to be covered with the 'Ard Coat, the gun needs to be painted bolt-gun with a black ink and the eyes and chest center need to be red. I should also do the ammo pouches a separate color, but then again, everything on Iron Man's armor tends to be of the appropriate color-so it may stay as is. I'll post the picture when those last 3 things are done and get opinions.

And now I only have the wash to do over the gun and cloak. Everything else has been finished. Base is still a boring grey though, that'll be done later. I'm more concerned with the guy. Gimme another 20 minutes to let the wash dry (after I apply it after finishing this post, of course) and I'll have the image up for you guys.

I do have to say, the detail is MUCH better to see in person. The bluish-purple armor with the dark cloak makes it hard to see, but most of you should have figured that going in, as I was quite adamant about what I wanted my color scheme to be. He's designed to be dark and blend into the shadows. I think he's perfect.

[Thumb - IMG_0461.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0462.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0463.JPG]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 05:03:52

Post by: GrimDork

Might even hit his gun with another round of black wash to tie it even further into the shadowy theme you've got. He really looks like he'd be hard to see at night or crouched back into the shadows, and looks much different from the rest of your enforcers, so I'd say good job

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 05:13:01

Post by: timetowaste85

Hmm, that might not be a bad idea....back to the paint table!! I wish I could present the actual model instead of a picture though. Lol. That dark, it gets hard to see, short of holding it in your hand...hmm, for a stealth sniper, I guess that means it's a complete success, right? Only 1 more to paint (until shipment 2 rolls around ) and then I'll do the engineer. He's gonna get a silver paintjob with gold highlights to represent Tony Stark's underarmor in the cartoon that he wore underneath his Iron Man suit. This, for instance:


Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 05:20:36

Post by: GrimDork

Interesting. I think I may have had that toy back in the day... I don't recall the tony stark outside the suit, but the helmet and arms/legs armor I do clearly remember.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 05:28:11

Post by: timetowaste85

I figure with him calling himself "the mechanic" in the most recent movie, and this being the closest to a mechanic suit he's worn...it might be a stretch, but it's all I got. Lol. If you or anyone else has any creative ideas...please, impart your knowledge unto me.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 05:31:17

Post by: GrimDork

If you are going that route, you may consider using the captain's open face helmet instead of the engineer helmet. Someone else has done that I think, so pretty sure it works. It doesn't look anything like stark, but for the fact that the face is showing as opposed to not.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 07:59:33

Post by: Paradigm

Both snipers are looking good. Great stuff, and keep it coming guys.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 14:50:03

Post by: larva_uk

 timetowaste85 wrote:
Hmm, that might not be a bad idea....back to the paint table!! I wish I could present the actual model instead of a picture though. Lol. That dark, it gets hard to see, short of holding it in your hand...hmm, for a stealth sniper, I guess that means it's a complete success, right? Only 1 more to paint (until shipment 2 rolls around ) and then I'll do the engineer. He's gonna get a silver paintjob with gold highlights to represent Tony Stark's underarmor in the cartoon that he wore underneath his Iron Man suit. This, for instance:


Like the purple. He'll blend into the shadows very well. Curious as to whether that link is to a Tony Stark action figure or a Freddy Mercury one.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/12 16:20:44

Post by: timetowaste85

Nice call. That's how I intend my engineers to look, probably complete with the red/yellow helm and boots. Make it so a true iron man fan will go flying rodent gak crazy over my enforcer army.

And trust me when I say the picture doesn't do justice to the stealth armor. I will have Porkuslime confirm this to be true when I see him tomorrow.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 00:38:04

Post by: larva_uk

Nearly enough to get started. Undecided whether to do some Marauders or Plague next. Or just go back to the endless drudgery of painting a seemingly infinite pile of zombicide zombies.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 00:44:52

Post by: Yonan

 larva_uk wrote:
Nearly enough to get started. Undecided whether to do some Marauders or Plague next. Or just go back to the endless drudgery of painting a seemingly infinite pile of zombicide zombies.

Really nice Larva! Stealing for inspiration.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 02:48:09

Post by: GrimDork

Those are really sharp. Nice work!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 11:26:33

Post by: carlos13th

These look really good so far guys.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 12:51:44

Post by: timetowaste85

Nice, Larva. Sharp paint job!

We have some Rebs and some enforcers, somebody wanna throw a plague or marauder in?

Also, I'm gonna force Porkuslime to agree with me that my sniper looks better in person than in the picture in about three and a half hrs. I have hostages to guarantee his agreement.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 13:09:09

Post by: CptJake

 larva_uk wrote:
Nearly enough to get started. Undecided whether to do some Marauders or Plague next. Or just go back to the endless drudgery of painting a seemingly infinite pile of zombicide zombies.


Those look really good. Why didn't you base the sentry guns to match the figures though?


Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 14:38:55

Post by: larva_uk

 CptJake wrote:

Those look really good. Why didn't you base the sentry guns to match the figures though?


They aren't quite finished yet. Hence no engineer with them. I have spare bases...

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 14:54:14

Post by: Thraxas Of Turai

I wanted to do different from the Mantic paintjob, but they basically ended up the same:

have already done the entire faction starter, Dr Simmonds and most of the Enforcers since these pictures were taken.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 16:04:11

Post by: larva_uk

Mmmmm, spiky.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/13 16:13:13

Post by: Paradigm

Nice Plague! (taken out of context, the oxymoron in that sentence is wonderful ). I like the darker, more gritty look.

For my own, I'm probably going to go for something similar to Halo's Flood. Marauders will be fairly standard, Enforcers are a darker, grittier version of the studio scheme, and rebs will be whatever I feel like.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/15 16:48:15

Post by: BlessMyBeard

Nice to see some plague! Really like your bases too!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/15 16:54:07

Post by: timetowaste85

So Porkuslime thought the armor for my model was too shiny. I chalk it up to him not being an Iron Man fan boi. He said the cloak was very nice. He hasn't come on here to say it himself, so I guess it falls to me.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/15 17:49:44

Post by: Pacific

Yes those Plague are very cool, the colour scheme works well! A nice, yukky kind of organic/shelled look to them..

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/15 19:46:47

Post by: larva_uk

 CptJake wrote:

Those look really good. Why didn't you base the sentry guns to match the figures though?



Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/15 19:51:58

Post by: CptJake


Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/16 03:50:16

Post by: porkuslime

Yes.. I admit it.. been busy.

I saw TTW's dark shiny purple. I did say it was too shiny. I am not an iron man afficionado.

However, it was very well done.. and I really DID like the cloak..

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 12:39:16

Post by: monkeyhead

I still have a lot of work to do but here is what ive got so far

[Thumb - 2013-12-17 07.00.06.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 13:27:13

Post by: timetowaste85

Very nicely done! I love the non-typical Orc color.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 14:02:45

Post by: Paradigm

As above. Very unique.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 16:07:25

Post by: larva_uk

Very nice. Can't wait to see them finished.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 16:14:23

Post by: Barzam

I already posted them in the Mantic thread in the N&R section, but I suppose I can repost them here as well.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 18:27:10

Post by: MrDwhitey

Well, here are my efforts at a quick Plague force:



And here is my Enforcer lot:


The second assault looks so bad, I painted him by hand the first time around before I decided to try airbrushing. They're not great, but they're quickly done and painted/ready to fight.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 18:34:04

Post by: Pacific

Those look very nice MrDWhitey, the blood effect looks rather... well, gory!

Barzam - those look good, are you going to do anything extra with the bases though?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 19:24:03

Post by: Talking Banana

The dead white eyes and muted bone and skin pallor MrDwhitey gave his Plague moves them away from "mutant rednecks" towards "scary zombies" for me, and I'll take "Rraaagh" over "Yeehaw! Gonna roast me some smoothskins, Y'all!" anyday.

Truth to tell, as far as painting the 3rd gens goes, I think I'm liking everybody's take better than the official one so far.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 19:56:16

Post by: Barzam

 Pacific wrote:
Barzam - those look good, are you going to do anything extra with the bases though?

Actually, I am. I'm going to try actually doing some proper basing on them. I'd picked up some sand to do the bases. I just haven't worked up the courage yet to actually try using the stuff.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 23:02:34

Post by: JaydeeOT

hey everybody, just got my Deadzone kickstarter through in the post the other week and I figured I would post a pic or two of the models I've started on, this is my first Mantic game and I'm quite impressed with the model detail.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 23:26:58

Post by: CptJake

Really nice.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/17 23:37:38

Post by: JaydeeOT

 CptJake wrote:
Really nice.

Thanks CptJake, stage 2's were a bit of a rush job, hopefully I can do better with the stage 3 troopers, I need to practice my painting skills again before moving onto the Rebs and mercenaries, cant believe I haven't painted a wargame miniature in almost 10 years!!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 08:30:37

Post by: Barzam

Figure I'll show off the next three Plague figures I've done.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 11:45:18

Post by: BlessMyBeard

Hey guys, we've got a really nice steady creep of awesome pics coming in now. Its great to see how different every bodies look too. Nice to finally see some Marauders too, thanks Monkeyhead!
Finally finished my first reb, I've based coated another 6 minis too, so its all coming along now.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 19:57:31

Post by: larva_uk

Mine will not look that good. Even if I try...

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 19:58:23

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah mine either, BmB sure can make them shine

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 21:19:21

Post by: Barzam

I'm not even going to bother trying to get mine as nice looking as BmB. Tabletop quality is A-okay for me.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 21:22:01

Post by: timetowaste85

BmB, that Reb is gorgeous. What are you tryin to do, put everyone to shame?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 22:07:59

Post by: Pacific

Agreed, that Rebel is a beaut!

Lovely collected of Deadzone stuff that you guys are amassing..

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 22:21:56

Post by: JaydeeOT

BlessMyBeard wrote:
Hey guys, we've got a really nice steady creep of awesome pics coming in now. Its great to see how different every bodies look too. Nice to finally see some Marauders too, thanks Monkeyhead!
Finally finished my first reb, I've based coated another 6 minis too, so its all coming along now.

Wow BmB I am loving your Reb paint scheme, did you use an airbrush or is that all bristle and brush skills?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/18 23:21:41

Post by: BlessMyBeard

No I'm not trying to shame anybody, just putting it out there I paint high quality Deadzone for a very reasonable price Joking aside, thanks for the compliments guys. No airbrush, all bristle and brush work Jaydee!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/19 17:09:58

Post by: ChaoticMind

Release the Iron Frogs!

First I need to thank timetowaste85 for the basics of the paint scheme as I shamelessly copied his Iron Man Enforcers.
These are the sacrificial test minis and I think I'll go with the darker scheme.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/19 17:14:00

Post by: GrimDork

The look nice and dark.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/19 17:21:25

Post by: timetowaste85

 ChaoticMind wrote:
Release the Iron Frogs!

First I need to thank timetowaste85 for the basics of the paint scheme as I shamelessly copied his Iron Man Enforcers.
These are the sacrificial test minis and I think I'll go with the darker scheme.

Steal away, friend, steal away.

They look very nice! Now that my work vacation starts as soon as I get home today...I'll be getting my Enforcer faction FULLY painted up, as well as test plans for the marauders and plague. Rebs, Asterians and Forgefathers will all be wave 2 for me. Looking through what's here, I may be spending upwards of $3-400 on wave 2.

Also, I'm going to be making some changes to some of the models. Hope you guys enjoy the conversions when I post them later.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/20 09:59:22

Post by: Thraxas Of Turai

Have got my enforcer faction starter done (sans one enforcer who was sacrificed in the name of getting a paint scheme)

and also some Mercs.




Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/20 14:44:13

Post by: GrimDork

Those all look great! Very interesting take on colors for Oberon.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/20 18:00:24

Post by: Pacific

Very nice! Haven't seen the Enforcers in that colour before (think it works surprisingly well) and glad that you chose an appropriately bling colour-scheme for Blaine!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/20 18:22:34

Post by: Thraxas Of Turai

I figured with the enforcers that the best do not have to hide behind camo armour . To bastardise a dakka Meme "Blaine is gonna Blaine" and mostly in gold armour. I start some Rebs tonight, my main faction. Was gutted to hear about your delivery in the rumours thread Grim, you have handled it very well.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/20 18:39:11

Post by: GrimDork

Better late and (hopefully) intact than them sending out less than half cause they're out. I still have a few enforcers to finish here (though I did lose a torso moving house) and some forge fathers to work on. I'm happier now than I was yesterday, now I don't have to wait on the mailman for awhile. That was getting tiresome and how.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/20 18:42:48

Post by: timetowaste85

Grim, I'm gonna take Taarnak's suggestion and use one set of legs from an enforcer to make my engineer stand. Do you want the leftover torso? I won't need it, and it sounds like you could. PM me your address and I'll send it out.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/20 18:54:58

Post by: GrimDork

Let me finish moving, there's a not-nonexistant chance I'll find it sweeping the basement. Thanks for the thoughf though, will keep in mind .

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 01:07:51

Post by: timetowaste85

I think my camera decided it didn't want to play nice tonight and the picture isn't as crisp as I'd like, I'll try to take a better one later. But here is my Enforcer Sergeant made from an Enforcer MVP from Dreadball with his left hand replaced by a Corporation Sergeant's Energy Gauntlet. Easy conversion, no complications, a cakewalk. The paint is shining gold with badab black over it and khorne red with carroburgh crimson over that. Instead of a traditional pistol, the repulsor in his right glove counts as the pistol.

[Thumb - IMG_0470.JPG]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 01:18:17

Post by: GrimDork

Hmm yeah that isn't bad at all. Good work. Really helps to militarize the MvP into looking like a proper enforcer. Nice.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 01:41:52

Post by: timetowaste85

Thanks Grim, that's the design I wanted you to see so you could get an enforcer group built with what you have so far, and this gave you access to a sergeant. That peacekeeper captain is just crazy points, this makes it a bit cheaper. I'm also going to take a better pic later, plus the other sergeant I have built but not painted.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 01:49:15

Post by: timetowaste85

Okay, this should be an improvement. The black base absorbing light instead of the white reflecting it makes all the difference, I think. I knew my Blu-Ray player was good for something.

[Thumb - IMG_0472.JPG]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 02:01:26

Post by: GrimDork

I like the barely visible horde of enforcers in the background

I've got a Sgt conversion with a rifle arm and marine energy fist and a missile guy. Think I'll do at least one rifle guy but now that my stuff is so delayed I think I'm gonna do 1-2 defenders for fun

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 02:23:12

Post by: timetowaste85

Haha. Shhh, pay no attention to the legion of unpainted ones. I could almost run a full 1850 Black Templar horde (no vehicles) using enforcer models at the moment.

I'll have the next Enforcer sergeant up and running soon, I've already started him. These guys paint up so easily and look good. I think the marauders are going to take more work. A lot more work.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 02:34:18

Post by: GrimDork

I wouldn't know /woe is me! Just kidding. I'll manage, I've got some kickass forgefather specialists who may be getting bumped up the painting queue.

Besides, you've only let us see half a dozen or so there, it certainly doesn't imply the what 90 or so you have left Or is it 90 anymore? I forget, I know you had to get a bunch more from DZ.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 02:49:15

Post by: timetowaste85

It was around 70 before, either 72 or 77. Add the 20 from Deadzone and I'm at 92 or 97. Plus all the wave 2 enforcers. Yeah, just shy of 100....I don't need any help, I swear it. Lol. I post pics as they finish up. It's been slow going due to work.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 14:07:04

Post by: timetowaste85

All I had to do this morning to finish was paint the gun and ammo, but last night I was just too wiped out. Here's my second sergeant in an action pose. Ready to deliver the uppercut of justice! Or whatever the equivalent of justice is in a Deadzone.

[Thumb - IMG_0473.JPG]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 14:16:39

Post by: CptJake

Uppercut of retribution?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 14:40:02

Post by: timetowaste85

Works for me.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 15:10:11

Post by: GrimDork

From something like an enforcer? Council sanctioned uppercut of oppressive subjugation for sure!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 15:38:06

Post by: timetowaste85

I already had enough assault enforcers, I wanted an action packed sergeant with retribucut punches and kung fu grip. Wait, it's not the 90s anymore? Crap.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 21:37:40

Post by: JaydeeOT

Hi All, right just finished on of my plague hounds as a test model to see how the paint scheme works out and to be honest I'm a little conflicted, I could do with a little feedback and see if this is the way I want to go with the rest of my stage 3 troopers.

[Thumb - plague hound right side.jpg]
[Thumb - plague hound left side.jpg]
[Thumb - plague hound top.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 22:00:26

Post by: Mu

I'm liking these, you have captured a suitable
sickly-pale skin tone that I will be going for. They also seem to have the pale geyed-out eyes to.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/21 22:58:00

Post by: Paradigm

Yeah, they look good. For mine, I've gone for something along very similar lines on the 2nd and 3rd Gens (not painted the 1A yet) and it looks fine on them, so it should translate nicely. I'd also recommend going for fairly muted colours for the 3A clothes, like muddy browns and greys, as it helps the rotted/mutated flesh really stand out.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/22 09:23:38

Post by: Pacific

Looks good JaydeeOT - suitably yucky!

I suppose you could try a bit more dark red or black wash in the crevices to make the details pop a bit more, but that's probably the only thing I could think of.

Agree with Paradigm, think more muted colours for clothing work well if you are using the official colour-scheme. They need something to offset the brightness of their skin tones, otherwise they'll end up looking like they've come off of a float on the Rio carnival!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/22 10:05:13

Post by: lord_blackfang

Quick question for all you guys already painting. Is it necessary to dunk the restic pieces in detergent before painting to get release agent off?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/22 10:24:59

Post by: Paradigm

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Quick question for all you guys already painting. Is it necessary to dunk the restic pieces in detergent before painting to get release agent off?

I've not found it necessary, the paint goes on fine just on the bare Restic.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/22 12:45:26

Post by: timetowaste85

I prime mine and haven't washed a single piece yet. You shouldn't need to wash them first.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/22 13:10:27

Post by: JaydeeOT

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Quick question for all you guys already painting. Is it necessary to dunk the restic pieces in detergent before painting to get release agent off?

Nope, haven't washed a single figure yet, I do use and airbrush for the base coat with an alcohol based thinner so that usually cuts through any of the remaining release agent but I havent had any problems yet, you should be fine

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mu wrote:

I'm liking these, you have captured a suitable
sickly-pale skin tone that I will be going for. They also seem to have the pale geyed-out eyes to.

Yeah i was trying to go for a pale colour with a more angry red around the spines but the mixture of washes kind of added up and blurred into one, hopefully my next plague hound will be a bit better but this one didn't turn out too badly.

 Paradigm wrote:
Yeah, they look good. For mine, I've gone for something along very similar lines on the 2nd and 3rd Gens (not painted the 1A yet) and it looks fine on them, so it should translate nicely. I'd also recommend going for fairly muted colours for the 3A clothes, like muddy browns and greys, as it helps the rotted/mutated flesh really stand out.

I was thinking that yeah, possibly browns, blacks and khaki greens etc... I'm just thinking what kind of people would be the first to fall victim to the plague and try and capture that in the clothing.

 Pacific wrote:
Looks good JaydeeOT - suitably yucky!

I suppose you could try a bit more dark red or black wash in the crevices to make the details pop a bit more, but that's probably the only thing I could think of.

Agree with Paradigm, think more muted colours for clothing work well if you are using the official colour-scheme. They need something to offset the brightness of their skin tones, otherwise they'll end up looking like they've come off of a float on the Rio carnival!

suggestion noted and i'll give that a shot on the next model and see how it turns out, next one on the list is the other plague hound so I can test the red and black washes and see if I can make it look a bit better than the first, Ive almost finished it so i'll post pics when I get a chance.

Cheers guys for the comments and suggestions, time to see if i can make them work

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/23 21:45:20

Post by: ChaoticMind


The Iron Frogs are 1 Teraton away from completion!

More pics in my irregularly updated blog

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/23 22:05:21

Post by: JaydeeOT

ok, second hound done, may I present to you Flesh (left) and Blood (right), now the question is which one of the paint schemes says "I've been messed up by some alien mutagen and quite frankly i don't care for it much, in fact I would go as far as to saying I'm having a bad day, coincidently that's what your about to have too" ?

[Thumb - flesh and blood 1.jpg]
[Thumb - flesh and blood 2.jpg]
[Thumb - flesh and blood 3.jpg]
[Thumb - flesh and blood 4.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/23 22:57:51

Post by: Paradigm

Both schemes look nice, but I think I prefer the one on the left. There's more contrast on that one, which will make more of the detail on the larger models. That said, the blood on the one on the right looks good.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/23 23:32:58

Post by: GrimDork

Can always do both for variation in skin tone or what have you.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/24 18:41:44

Post by: Stunami

I liked it better when they were on a Purina box.

The right makes the flesh look more freshly flayed. A "wetter" look. The left looks good as well. It's really up to you how you want your dogs to look.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/24 20:47:44

Post by: Barzam

I just finished painting him. I figured I ought to share my ninja squid with you guys.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/24 21:08:32

Post by: GrimDork

Looks great. Having trouble telling from the photo are the tentacles grey or pink?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/24 22:00:32

Post by: Barzam

It is kind of hard to tell, but they are pink.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/24 23:05:06

Post by: GrimDork

It looked pink, just kind of pale so hard to tell.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/25 00:20:56

Post by: barnacle111

So here is some more plague out rampaging. Despite not being a fan originally, I quite like these minis.

[Thumb - image.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/25 00:49:22

Post by: timetowaste85

Nice. I like the mutated convict look! Orange jumpsuits for the win! Painting is on hold while I'm out of town. Maybe I'll build my plague stuff.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/25 01:21:25

Post by: Yonan

That's a nice unique take on plague, I like it! Great theme. Can deffinitely see corps testing it on them too.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/25 04:20:01

Post by: Beef Nuggets

My first painted enforcer!

[Thumb - image.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/25 10:44:12

Post by: lord_blackfang

 timetowaste85 wrote:
Nice. I like the mutated convict look! Orange jumpsuits for the win!

Seconded and idea stolen!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/25 15:15:15

Post by: Pacific

barnacle111 wrote:
So here is some more plague out rampaging. Despite not being a fan originally, I quite like these minis.

Very nice! Looks like they have escaped from a mutant prison

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/25 19:10:50

Post by: Barzam

barnacle111 wrote:
So here is some more plague out rampaging. Despite not being a fan originally, I quite like these minis.

Were it not for the fact that about half of my Plague are painted now, I would totally be stealing this idea.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/26 04:23:29

Post by: GrimDork

Whelp, Mantic came through and got some christmas crazy boxen to someone in time for me to get them for christmas today... so it looks like I've got 4 more deadzone minis to paint while I wait for my shipment to come in. And the much coveted Soraks too, with a bonus of more Yndij. Not sure what to do with Anne-Marie-Helder twins, but I'll think of something. I also got two dreadball mechs (!!) and even though the Deadzone striders are supposed to be bigger now, I think I'll still convert them both to have guns and serve in the deadzones. Wee!

@Beefnuggets, that enforcer is awesome by the way The white looks well done and the highlights give it a lot of pop. The scheme presents extremely well at a distance and the custom base is a nice touch. Please continue and show us some more like that


Here's what my energy fist looks like. Pardon the facepalm pose, its magnetized and he was upset to have guard duty again so soon after his promotion. I'll be trying to get that painted as I work on the next couple of enforcers.

Sgt Conversion, in progress.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 14:08:03

Post by: Stunami

 GrimDork wrote:
Whelp, Mantic came through and got some christmas crazy boxen to someone in time for me to get them for christmas today... so it looks like I've got 4 more deadzone minis to paint while I wait for my shipment to come in. And the much coveted Soraks too, with a bonus of more Yndij. Not sure what to do with Anne-Marie-Helder twins, but I'll think of something. I also got two dreadball mechs (!!) and even though the Deadzone striders are supposed to be bigger now, I think I'll still convert them both to have guns and serve in the deadzones. Wee!

@Beefnuggets, that enforcer is awesome by the way The white looks well done and the highlights give it a lot of pop. The scheme presents extremely well at a distance and the custom base is a nice touch. Please continue and show us some more like that


Here's what my energy fist looks like. Pardon the facepalm pose, its magnetized and he was upset to have guard duty again so soon after his promotion. I'll be trying to get that painted as I work on the next couple of enforcers.

Sgt Conversion, in progress.
That is a nice looking sandwich, dude!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 16:47:37

Post by: GrimDork

It was tasty too! They've started selling the arby's and horsey sauce at the drive thru and it's amazing to have on hand

I've got a Yndij assembled and I'm thinking of painting him kind of like Red XIII minus the fire, what do you guys think?

Basically red-orange with burgundy maine/tufts of hair.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 21:29:28

Post by: JaydeeOT

 GrimDork wrote:
Can always do both for variation in skin tone or what have you.

Yeah i could do both but in an effort to save me time I usually like replicate paint jobs with the airbrush for the base coat then just add a few little variations but I guess i can throw a bit more ink at one or two of them to keep it interesting.

 Stunami wrote:
I liked it better when they were on a Purina box.

The right makes the flesh look more freshly flayed. A "wetter" look. The left looks good as well. It's really up to you how you want your dogs to look.

Ha ha, yeah no wonder they're annoyed and after human flesh, some idiots been feeding them CAT FOOD!!!

well after a little pondering I think I'm going to go for the flesh paint job, the details seem to stand out more and the red effect around the spikes and wounds seem to appear more angrier and painful which I think suits them well, I've just got to remember how I did it now

 GrimDork wrote:
It was tasty too! They've started selling the arby's and horsey sauce at the drive thru and it's amazing to have on hand

I've got a Yndij assembled and I'm thinking of painting him kind of like Red XIII minus the fire, what do you guys think?

Basically red-orange with burgundy maine/tufts of hair.

Awww man, GrimDork you are definitely on my wavelength this is exactly what i was thinking for my Yndij although I really want to try out a turquoise fading into white paint effect on one of the alien types for the Reb faction but I'm not sure which ones yet.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 22:18:27

Post by: Paradigm

That plan looks good for the Yndij, any idea on what you'll do for the armour?

As for the blue/white fade, I think that my look good on the Kraw, maybe on the wings?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 23:37:39

Post by: squall018

Here are a few of my plague. Not sure what I'm going to do with the bases yet, but they are done besides that.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 23:40:00

Post by: Paradigm

Pics aren't showing up.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 23:41:48

Post by: squall018

 Paradigm wrote:
Pics aren't showing up.

figured it out!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 23:44:24

Post by: Paradigm

If you're hosting them on another site, then you need to bring up the full-screen image and put the url in the tags, if they're on Dakka then I think there is a button in the gallery page for 'add to post' or something.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/27 23:47:54

Post by: squall018

additional pics now that I've figured this thing out. Ideas on the bases would be appreciated.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/28 00:56:28

Post by: GrimDork

I like the inhuman colors. Not sure about bases I've switched tocclear acrylic.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/28 00:58:34

Post by: squall018

I think I'm just gonna go with a GW textured gray on the base, dry brush it up a shade and then throw some nuln oil on it. Which means I need to go buy said textured gray paint tomorrow.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/28 01:10:58

Post by: GrimDork

Sounds pretty easy and reasonable.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/28 10:38:04

Post by: Paradigm

Very interesting take on the plague, not like anything I've seen. The carapace looks almost insect-like, which is unique but works well.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/28 14:40:37

Post by: GrimDork

That's it! They remind me of umber hulks s bit. Knew it was something.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/28 22:21:37

Post by: squall018

Couple more models I finished today (except the bases... still trying to decide exactly what to do). And some unfinished scenery in the last pic. Enjoy.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/28 23:48:24

Post by: GrimDork

2nd gen really reminds me of an umberhulk with smaller arms and head. Pretty cool enforcer scheme too!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/29 13:26:50

Post by: JaydeeOT

Right then, got started with my 3rd gen plague last night and then ended up doing an all nighter to finish the first one.
And remember, if you send local military to do an enforcers job... they're going to have a bad time.

[Thumb - First plague 3rd gen front.jpg]
[Thumb - First plague 3rd gen back.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2013/12/29 14:21:38

Post by: GrimDork

That looks really nice.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/01 14:03:24

Post by: BlessMyBeard

Love your Green plague Squall, awesome colour combination! Your plague looks really good too Jaydee, really like the blood effect. They give me a Duke Nukem vibe, which is just awesome for a video game nut like myself.

Not got round to much painting unfortunately. Here is some WIP/conversions and a quick look at my last board setup. I have finished 1 more reb except the coat, ran out of monster brown :(, I love army painter paints by the way!
Sorry pics were taken on camera phone.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/01 15:08:29

Post by: carlos13th

I like those a lot Jaydee

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/01 15:21:31

Post by: GrimDork

That's a nice looking board there BmB. I'd have to be able to hover it and get the old models eye view, but it looks to provide fair cover beyond daring flank attacks in the open areas.

I like the rest of your rebs. That's a good use of a corporation marine arm, I may have to follow suit. Who's the running female reb, for instance?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/01 15:34:06

Post by: Imaginos

BmB I like the X-Men look to the Rebs. Enough that I am debating copying/stealing it.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/01 16:28:54

Post by: timetowaste85

 Imaginos wrote:
BmB I like the X-Men look to the Rebs. Enough that I am debating copying/stealing it.

Crap. Me too.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/01 18:09:14

Post by: squall018

Keep up the painting and the playing BMB. I've been working on my plague and enforcers some more this morning, myself. Need to get some more games in.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
A few more guys I finished up today. There are more pics in my Deadzone blog that I started up in the P&M forum if anyone is interested.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/05 03:49:02

Post by: GrimDork

Very slowly chipping away at my limited batch of Deadzone friendly models. Newly done missile enforcer makes for two. These guys are a bit bland, mostly just two colors. I need to go back and highlight the utility pouches a bit.
I'm not in love with the pose, I like the ML combined with that set of legs, but I had trouble getting the arms and heads arranged into a proper "using the weapon" pose. As it stands he seems to be lowering it into place, or possibly just moving on from a shot.

What do you guys think, do they need a stripe/slash/etc of color somewhere?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/05 09:08:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

 GrimDork wrote:
I'm not in love with the pose, I like the ML combined with that set of legs, but I had trouble getting the arms and heads arranged into a proper "using the weapon" pose. As it stands he seems to be lowering it into place, or possibly just moving on from a shot.

Those are the Warpath Enforcers, right? I found it helpful to have the missile launcher guys leaning back at the waist to make them look like they were actually firing.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/05 10:09:26

Post by: Yonan

The poses look ok to me Grim, but due to the closeness of the dark blue and black, I do think some more detail like stripes/slashes etc. could help. Lookin' good on the clear acrylic!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/05 10:54:18

Post by: Paradigm

@GD: I found when I was trying various Enforcer schemes that a spot colour was essential, otherwise they do end up a bit bland, even if you use two highly contrasting colours for armour. I went for a stripe diagonally across each half of the chest, like this: \ / I also put a stripe along the front of the helmet ridge. It does wonders to break up areas of the model. Take a look at the studio scheme for an idea on where to put spot colours.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/05 14:36:42

Post by: GrimDork

Hmm. Perhaps I'll try some yellow or orange here and there.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/05 14:43:23

Post by: Paradigm

Orange works well on mine, stands out nicely.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/06 10:48:29

Post by: JaydeeOT

 GrimDork wrote:
That looks really nice.

 carlos13th wrote:
I like those a lot Jaydee

Thanks GD and Carlos, im still getting used to painting Mantic miniatures, some of them are not as detailed as others and sometimes you have to fill in the gaps and hope that it works but they seem to be going ok so far.

BlessMyBeard wrote:
Love your Green plague Squall, awesome colour combination! Your plague looks really good too Jaydee, really like the blood effect. They give me a Duke Nukem vibe, which is just awesome for a video game nut like myself.

Cheers BmB I've been experimenting with the blood effect over the last few models and it seems to be working quite well and being a video game nut myself I was going for a resident evil G-virus look

Also Squall I quite like the unique green look to the Plague, definitely give them that crazy mutant insect meets Frankenstein's monster look .

 Paradigm wrote:
Orange works well on mine, stands out nicely.

I agree with Paradigm, the orange does make quite a striking colour, in fact I kind of stole the idea >.> as you can see in the attached picture, I didn't want a unified look to my plague force I want them to feel like they've been grabbed from everywhere and the idea of having convicts either tested on or forced to fight the plague is quite an interesting idea.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/06 10:54:37

Post by: Paradigm

Nice-looking Plague, the skin tones are fantastically decayed.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/06 15:10:34

Post by: KillusMaximus

Did a speed paint color test for each of the factions. About 20-30 minutes a model. They look more shiny in the photo than they are in person.

[Thumb - Faction Test 2.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/06 15:57:08

Post by: carlos13th

 JaydeeOT wrote:
 GrimDork wrote:
That looks really nice.

 carlos13th wrote:
I like those a lot Jaydee

Thanks GD and Carlos, im still getting used to painting Mantic miniatures, some of them are not as detailed as others and sometimes you have to fill in the gaps and hope that it works but they seem to be going ok so far.

BlessMyBeard wrote:
Love your Green plague Squall, awesome colour combination! Your plague looks really good too Jaydee, really like the blood effect. They give me a Duke Nukem vibe, which is just awesome for a video game nut like myself.

Cheers BmB I've been experimenting with the blood effect over the last few models and it seems to be working quite well and being a video game nut myself I was going for a resident evil G-virus look

Also Squall I quite like the unique green look to the Plague, definitely give them that crazy mutant insect meets Frankenstein's monster look .

 Paradigm wrote:
Orange works well on mine, stands out nicely.

I agree with Paradigm, the orange does make quite a striking colour, in fact I kind of stole the idea >.> as you can see in the attached picture, I didn't want a unified look to my plague force I want them to feel like they've been grabbed from everywhere and the idea of having convicts either tested on or forced to fight the plague is quite an interesting idea.

Mind doing a tutorial on how you did the plague? I want to steal your skin painting.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/06 23:38:42

Post by: JaydeeOT

 carlos13th wrote:

Mind doing a tutorial on how you did the plague? I want to steal your skin painting.

Ok Carlos you caught me just as i was doing the next batch of plague models and I have the perfect one here although I've never really done a tutorial on painting before... but I'll give it a shot
I may have to break this down over a few posts

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/06 23:58:34

Post by: JaydeeOT

Ok next couple of steps. I've left half the model unpainted in some steps so you can see the difference as it progresses.

(i should mention at step 7 you need to highlight the bones and spines again, it acts as an optical illusion and breaks up any large areas of red

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 00:10:58

Post by: JaydeeOT

right last step, optional but they do add a little more little more life to the model. it involves GW technical paint but if you cant get a bottle just mix up a bit of red and flesh wash and water it down slightly, this last step is to add blood effects either from wounds or onto clothing, if your doing blood effect on clothing i would also suggest using a little more red wash to soften the edges and blur it out across the fabric until you get a look your happy with.

And as I final note I neglected to mention during all these steps you will require Tea, nice strong, possibly milk with two sugars, it is the staple diet of most modellers

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 00:11:10

Post by: CptJake

Great tutorial.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 00:18:22

Post by: JaydeeOT

 CptJake wrote:
Great tutorial.

Cheers CptJake, im still picking up a few things here and there and experimenting so I would love to hear any suggestions or things people have tried, best thing about painting is there are so many ways to do things and new ways to get the right look

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 KillusMaximus wrote:
Did a speed paint color test for each of the factions. About 20-30 minutes a model. They look more shiny in the photo than they are in person.

Woah Killus, I like the use of colours on these and only 20-30 mins each!! damn i spend that long just painting a gun sometimes!!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 02:14:56

Post by: Barzam

I like the mods you've done here. I think I might have to scrounge a spare marine head for one of my own Rebs now. I also like what you've done with that Dreadball MVP.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 08:45:48

Post by: monders

 CptJake wrote:
Great tutorial.


I really don't want want bright pink Plague, and this method is ideal. It looks awesome and detailed, but is within my technical... reach, shall we say.

Thanks Jaydee, you've saved me a whole load of headache.

Now er... How are your Stage 1s and 2s coming along?!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 13:25:05

Post by: carlos13th

Thanks for the tutorial mate.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 18:04:15

Post by: Paradigm

Yeah, I picked up 'Blood for the Blood God' the other day and the first thing it hit was my Plague. It is a great asset.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 18:20:06

Post by: timetowaste85

Is BftBG good to get? What exactly is it supposed to do-I guess the only technical I really took a look at was the earth shade.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 18:26:11

Post by: Paradigm

It basically dries clear if you put it on thin, and opaque if wet, and shiny either way. There are other ways to achieve a blood effect, but this is by far the fastest and easiest.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/07 22:24:47

Post by: JaydeeOT

 monders wrote:


I really don't want want bright pink Plague, and this method is ideal. It looks awesome and detailed, but is within my technical... reach, shall we say.

Thanks Jaydee, you've saved me a whole load of headache.

Now er... How are your Stage 1s and 2s coming along?!

 carlos13th wrote:
Thanks for the tutorial mate.

no problem guys I hope that it's helpful and i cant wait to see how your little nasty mutants turn out

oh and I've already done my stage 1's and 2's Monders they were some of the first things I got out of the box, there should be a few pics posted earlier on this thread but I don't think I posted this one

[Thumb - Plague Comander.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/08 09:12:07

Post by: monders

Ahhh yes, I remember THAT guy!

Quality work there pal. I'm actually looking forward to painting my lot now!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 21:06:27

Post by: JoshInJapan

In the lull between the holidays and the start of the new school year, I managed to sneak in some painting time. Here are the results.

Three Stage 3 Plague guys, along with one of the SW zombies that I'll be using when the zombie rules are available. A pretty simple paintjob, just basecoat, highlight, wash. I might go back and try something different with the eyes.

Enforcers. I played around with a couple of paint schemes before I decided to go with this one. One of the reasons I'm getting out of 40K is that everything is bright, primary colors. Th Enforcers strike me as a professional military outfit, and would choose colors and patterns appropriately. They don't show up well in these photos, but I have rank and unit insignias on their shoulders-- waterslide transfers from Company B.

Rebs. I'm sticking with neutral tones for most of these. So far,I have enjoyed painting Rebs the most.

Reb Commander. The color scheme was partially inspired by Captain Marvelous, a Japanese superhero my son likes. I'm not happy with the eyes, so I'll probably go back over those this weekend.

Marauder Captain. I like this model, but I have a huge 40K Ork army and I'm not looking forward to painting greenskins...

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 21:14:28

Post by: timetowaste85

The marauder captain looks great, and I love the HALO Enforcers.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 21:35:27

Post by: GrimDork

Marauder Captain. I like this model, but I have a huge 40K Ork army and I'm not looking forward to painting greenskins...

Don't paint them like orks then, go with a fleshy tone, or maybe a brown or red. Several people have been talking about doing that, I might myself for a change.

Looking good in any case, are those bases resin or something you've done custom?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:15:05

Post by: JoshInJapan

 GrimDork wrote:
Marauder Captain. I like this model, but I have a huge 40K Ork army and I'm not looking forward to painting greenskins...

Don't paint them like orks then, go with a fleshy tone, or maybe a brown or red. Several people have been talking about doing that, I might myself for a change.

Looking good in any case, are those bases resin or something you've done custom?

I considered painting the Marauders in the same blue-grey that I use for fantasy ogres, but they wouldn't really match the Orks which I'd planned to port over to Warpath when it gets a full release. It's only a dozen models, though, so I should be able to tough it out. The bases came from the PDC Kickstarter-- I ordered 100+ specifically for Deadzone.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:24:18

Post by: GrimDork

Ahh nice, they look pretty good.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:32:26

Post by: JoshInJapan

 GrimDork wrote:
Ahh nice, they look pretty good.

Yeah, I like them a lot. I originally wanted to use Sedition Wars bases, but to my knowledge they aren't available separately.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:34:15

Post by: GrimDork

Ahh. I used to make my own custom city bases, but then I figured they wouldn't match DZ so I tried to come up with something else. I found clear acrylics and haven't looked back, although I still quite like fancy detailed bases, especially for the internets or individual display.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:43:18

Post by: JaydeeOT

hey JoshInJapan, im liking the paint job on the miniatures so far, nice looking enforcers, I was looking forward to painting mine myself but I've let my brother give them a shot which may have been a mistake but i might buy another squad of them to do myself so its nice to see all the different paint jobs people are trying with them, its giving me good ideas

you mentioned something about the bases being from a Kickstarter project, do you mind linking me/us so I/we can have a look?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:47:22

Post by: JoshInJapan

 JaydeeOT wrote:
hey JoshInJapan, im liking the paint job on the miniatures so far, nice looking enforcers, I was looking forward to painting mine myself but I've let my brother give them a shot which may have been a mistake but i might buy another squad of them to do myself so its nice to see all the different paint jobs people are trying with them, its giving me good ideas

you mentioned something about the bases being from a Kickstarter project, do you mind linking me/us so I/we can have a look?

Thanks for the kind words.

The Kickstarter was here:http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1474140048/toys-for-your-toys-science-fiction-wargaming-acces

but of course it's finished. The bases (and other items) should be available at PDC Gaming

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:48:50

Post by: carlos13th

I still haven't decided how I am going to do my enforcers. Will probably use the make do enforcers to do colour scheme tests.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/09 23:59:58

Post by: JaydeeOT

 JoshInJapan wrote:

Thanks for the kind words.

The Kickstarter was here:http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1474140048/toys-for-your-toys-science-fiction-wargaming-acces

but of course it's finished. The bases (and other items) should be available at PDC Gaming

cheers for that, i just wanted to see the details for their Kickstarter to see what the original plans were, some nice looking bits and bobs on there so i might have to get a few from PDC gaming =) I am planning on making a custom board for Deadzone and i'm looking for scenery pieces that will match so this is a good start.

 carlos13th wrote:
I still haven't decided how I am going to do my enforcers. Will probably use the make do enforcers to do colour scheme tests.

the actual colour scheme of the enforcers is pretty good but after seeing people painting them up as iron man and master chief its making me want to be a bit more adventurous with mine too, my brother is going for a dirty white, silver and brown look which is not looking too bad but i might have to steal them off him when he's done and do the fine details since he kinda sucks at that sort of thing

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/11 23:59:11

Post by: JaydeeOT

hey everybody, well seeing as you took the time to flick over my painting tutorial I figured I would post some pics of the finished model including the mortar cannon.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 11:42:01

Post by: Paradigm

Nice mortar. I've found Hazard stripes are a great way to really draw attention to specific parts of models among the grey/white scenery and board. The skin tones are fantastic.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 13:57:34

Post by: JaydeeOT

 Paradigm wrote:
Nice mortar. I've found Hazard stripes are a great way to really draw attention to specific parts of models among the grey/white scenery and board. The skin tones are fantastic.

Cheers Paradigm, I was a bit dubious about painting the hazard stripes since they never really turn out that well when I attempt them but I think I got lucky with this but you are right, the use of these warning signs really do help break up all the plain open spaces.

 JoshInJapan wrote:

Reb Commander. The color scheme was partially inspired by Captain Marvelous, a Japanese superhero my son likes. I'm not happy with the eyes, so I'll probably go back over those this weekend.

I'm not familiar with captain Marvelous Josh but to me she looks very similar to the character Edward Elric from the full metal alchemist series a personal favourite of mine so I'm liking this

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 14:56:03

Post by: carlos13th

 JaydeeOT wrote:

 carlos13th wrote:
I still haven't decided how I am going to do my enforcers. Will probably use the make do enforcers to do colour scheme tests.

the actual colour scheme of the enforcers is pretty good but after seeing people painting them up as iron man and master chief its making me want to be a bit more adventurous with mine too, my brother is going for a dirty white, silver and brown look which is not looking too bad but i might have to steal them off him when he's done and do the fine details since he kinda sucks at that sort of thing

Tempted to go for some kind or Urban Digital Camo.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 15:43:21

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah, black pants and you'd have it.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 17:10:01

Post by: dakkon426

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 17:15:46

Post by: carlos13th

They do look very good.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 17:16:02

Post by: GrimDork

Oooh those are nice. Look a lot like the stock scheme but that's nothing to complain about. Good work and welcome to dakka

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 17:16:23

Post by: Paradigm

Wow, that's one heck of a first post, Dakkon426! Those enforcers are amazingly clean and neat. You've also managed to make them interesting using only 2 colours, so well done for that.

Great stuff, looking forward to more. Welcome to Dakka!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 17:20:35

Post by: GrimDork

I think he did the yellow lines on the chest plates too yeah? Just a bit more subtle than the studio scheme.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 17:25:10

Post by: Paradigm

Oh yeah, I missed the yellow. Nice and subtle, still great stuff.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 17:46:05

Post by: JaydeeOT

Awww hell yeah, these are nice

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 18:21:39

Post by: carlos13th

A lot of the time details seem to be lost on the enforcers once painted. He has done a good job of ensuring that isn't the case.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 18:47:13

Post by: dakkon426

Thanks very much everybody! and yes I did notice that the deadzone specific enforcers especially the heads were I guess a bit muddy? in the the detail department. And as for scheme I really just love the standard enforcer colors so I just went with that, I think I might do a bit of dry brushing as just the black on the armor doesn't really show much of the detail on the armor.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 19:01:59

Post by: carlos13th

Have you not dry brushed the black on the armour? How did you do the black on the waist? I assumed dry brushing but I could obviously be wrong.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/12 19:45:01

Post by: dakkon426

I did do some dry-brushing but on only 3 of them so far.
Edit: Also after looking more looking more closely at the pic it appears to be a little overexposed some some lighter shading was a bit obscured but all of the troops have the same yellow marks on the chests and shoulders as the normal scheme I didn't add the legs marks though as I don't care for them. And now on to the next faction.

Also for anyone interested:
1. Black primer/base coat, I used Gesso
2. Light grey on armor dark grey or brown on weapons and bits and Red eyes
3. Touch up the black armor
4. dry brush on slightly lighter grey

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 04:53:16

Post by: greenskin lynn

snapped a quick shot of my enforcers with my ipod
pretty much just went with the same system i used to paint my blood angels

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 05:00:20

Post by: GrimDork

Its a little hard to tell from the shot, but they look nice and imposing. The kind of guys you do not want knocking down your door.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 05:07:32

Post by: greenskin lynn

hm, assuming the weather is decent tomorrow, i'll try and get a shot with proper lighting, instead of using my table lamp

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 06:24:05

Post by: GrimDork

I don't think proper lighting will help my poor Yndij, I think he best keep to the shadows:

I do realize now that I need to go back and paint his nails and claws, and look at the mouth again. I think I got all of the teeth that physically exist, but the tongue could be a different shade to help differentiate it. I think I'll keep the scheme of black armor/guns and mid-grey straps and equipment for the rest of my rebs. I'll go back and fix the eyes when I don't suck at them.

A quick thought... Does anyone have an idea of what the misshapen pouch/item on his left hip may be? It almost looks like a pistol goes there but it was all the same level. I'm wondering if it's like that on all of these guys or if anybody got with with more definition. My guess is some kind of scanner, but who knows?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 13:20:17

Post by: monkeyhead

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 13:27:26

Post by: CptJake

I like those!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 14:52:25

Post by: GrimDork

Those look downright evil. Great work!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/13 15:40:49

Post by: carlos13th

They remind me of one of the Xmen. Colossus was it?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/14 01:27:17

Post by: greenskin lynn

snapped a few new pics, still not great, but about the best i can do with my current lighting setup

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/14 03:11:14

Post by: GrimDork

Nice, they definitely look intimidating, regular citizens are liable to toggle their holo-blinds to opaque and hide in the closet until they've passed... if they hear them coming at all.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/14 04:52:51

Post by: greenskin lynn

thank you for the kind words, just wish the pics showed a bit better that i've used a mix of inks and whatnot to darken the joins and grooves and the like
they models are much less solid blocks of red in real life
assuming i can keep steaming along, i should have some of my rebs ready to show on here by later tonight or in the morning

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 07:43:55

Post by: dakkon426

 greenskin lynn wrote:
just wish the pics showed a bit better that i've used a mix of inks and whatnot to darken the joins and grooves and the like
they models are much less solid blocks of red in real life

I know how you feel, it is so hard to get good pics. If your camera has an HDR mode try that it can make differences in shades a little more apparent. It has worked out better for me about 50% of the time.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 16:46:59

Post by: pretre

My wife painted my Stage 1A. God I love this model:

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 16:49:33

Post by: carlos13th

That looks really cool. Almost looks like its from a comic book.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 16:54:17

Post by: pretre

 carlos13th wrote:
That looks really cool. Almost looks like its from a comic book.

Thanks! I'll let her know.

She's doing my Stage 1A and 2As. I'm doing all the 3s.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 16:59:21

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah it does look good. Subtle, and I like how the thickest armor around the shoulders is more obvious, gives him an added sense of weight around there.

But get her to do the base (or do it yourself ), they look sooo much better after that

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 18:02:32

Post by: Paradigm

That S1 looks awesome, I love the way the flesh has blended into the bone-stuff, that was something I've attempted on mine and I'm not convinced I've pulled it off. Certainly nowhere near as well as that one.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 18:27:43

Post by: pretre

 GrimDork wrote:
But get her to do the base (or do it yourself ), they look sooo much better after that

Not sure what we're going to do with the base. Right now it is painted Fenrisian Grey to match the mat.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 18:37:50

Post by: timetowaste85

Yeah, the S1 is (to me) one of the best looking models currently on the market. Without a doubt, the best model Mantic has made. I don't think anyone has mentioned disliking it. Am I incorrect in that statement?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 19:08:49

Post by: Paradigm

I'd certainly second that, TTW. If they sold them separately, I'd probably buy another next time I put in a Mantic order.

I'm actually amazed by the plague as a whole. Before the models came in, they were kind of the 'because I have to' faction as they came in the boxed game, but a month later they are the only faction I have fully painted (1 soark away from the Rebs being done) and I've loved every model. There's a lot you can do with the textures on them, and the style is far less cartoony that I imagined at first. The S1, the crouching S2 and the S3 General are awesome.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/15 23:13:29

Post by: carlos13th

Yeah I never liked the plauge much but I always have liked that model.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 04:50:40

Post by: barnacle111

So I need to make a decision between two schemes. Anyone help?

1) blue camo with grey armour
2) brown camo with black?

I want to get a scifi look. My other factions are plague -pale flesh and prison orange, marauders- grey/brown skin and plain green fatigues with orange bits.... (Nb unfinished minis!)
What should I do or change?

[Thumb - image.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 06:35:04

Post by: carlos13th

I prefer the brown.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 10:09:16

Post by: JaydeeOT

barnacle111 wrote:
So I need to make a decision between two schemes. Anyone help?

1) blue camo with grey armour
2) brown camo with black?

I want to get a scifi look. My other factions are plague -pale flesh and prison orange, marauders- grey/brown skin and plain green fatigues with orange bits.... (Nb unfinished minis!)
What should I do or change?

hmmmm i personally would go more for the blue camo, blue grey and black are more fitting for urban warfare although ironically the blue also makes them stand out a bit more against all the grey on the board.

The brown is also nice but the blue camo seems to break up the model a bit more, when paining browns and blacks onto the clothing and belts it all seems to blend into one and makes it hard to distinguish individual details therefore if you did decide on the brown colour scheme I would suggest mixing things up a bit and doing the belts in another colour like a green or a very sandy brown/yellow/white mix.

Also as a final note, I am loving the camo itself, I've been trying to get a good camo effect but I just cant seem to get it to look right and always looks a bit cluttered and blurry

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 10:22:54

Post by: CptJake

 JaydeeOT wrote:

I've been trying to get a good camo effect but I just cant seem to get it to look right and always looks a bit cluttered and blurry

Sounds like you ARE getting a good cammo effect.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 10:43:40

Post by: JaydeeOT

 CptJake wrote:
 JaydeeOT wrote:

I've been trying to get a good camo effect but I just cant seem to get it to look right and always looks a bit cluttered and blurry

Sounds like you ARE getting a good cammo effect.

Ha! good point although there is a fine line between camo and crap, I just cant seem to get the balance right

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 14:09:55

Post by: squall018

I vote for the brown and black. I think it looks a little more realistic.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 17:21:06

Post by: Paradigm

I suppose this is the best place to put this, as it's not really worth its own thread. What are people thinking of the DZ enforcers compared to the WP ones?

I just painted up a bunch of both, and I'm in two minds. I actually prefer the more simple aesthetic of the DZ ones, as it lends itself to clean paint schemes better, but obviously the WP ones are far more varied and the detail is sharper. I also like the thicker legs and the added equipment of the DZ ones.

Of course, this will all be largely moot once we get hard plastic multi-part enforcers at some point, but for now, what's the consensus (if there is one)?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 17:32:56

Post by: Bolognesus

All for the DZ legs (and ease of assembly!!). I'm dumpijg my 15 unassembled wp enforcers for sure

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 17:48:30

Post by: Paradigm

Dumping them is possibly a tad harsh, they're still very neat models.

What might be an idea is to see if anyone in your gaming group who doesn't yet play DZ wants them, as with Enforcers only needed 6-7 models a side (if you can convert a sarge/heavy weapon) they make a neat starting faction. With 15, you could even get 2 new players in.

But I do agree they can be a bit of a pain to assemble, having done 30-odd WP ones.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 21:40:39

Post by: Bolognesus

...a starter with a lot more weapons variety etc. is all of €27,50 before discounts. And I didn't mean throw away, I'll try to trade them off or something. Just really can't be bothered with them anymore now we have enforcers with proper knees

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 23:12:21

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Bolognesus wrote:
...a starter with a lot more weapons variety etc. is all of €27,50 before discounts. And I didn't mean throw away, I'll try to trade them off or something. Just really can't be bothered with them anymore now we have enforcers with proper knees

I picked up the 45-model Strike Team package, and I never had a problem with their skinny knees because I assumed that Enforcers were cyborgs. True story.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/16 23:46:05

Post by: Bolognesus

I don't mind the fluff, I mind the look. It happens - true story
(And I actually liked wp enf until I saw their DZ counterparts... )

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/17 00:01:12

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Bolognesus wrote:
I don't mind the fluff, I mind the look. It happens - true story
(And I actually liked wp enf until I saw their DZ counterparts... )

Did I come across as confrontational? That wasn't my intention. I was just saying that I didn't mind the skinny knees because I misinterpreted the fluff.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/17 00:04:59

Post by: dakkon426

Just a quick post before dinner.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/17 02:53:26

Post by: GrimDork


I still say enforcers are RoboCop inspired cyborgs. At least on my game boards

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/17 15:32:43

Post by: Paradigm

Nice plague.

And I must admit, I too liked the idea of Enforcers as cyborgs or cybermen-type things or even robots. I was actually a little disappointed when they turned out to be basically human+1

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/17 19:38:16

Post by: Bolognesus

 JoshInJapan wrote:
 Bolognesus wrote:
I don't mind the fluff, I mind the look. It happens - true story
(And I actually liked wp enf until I saw their DZ counterparts... )

Did I come across as confrontational? That wasn't my intention. I was just saying that I didn't mind the skinny knees because I misinterpreted the fluff.

Looked that way, hard to gauge tone over the internet - though
Anyway, dakkon: that's some pretty well-done plague skin.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/19 18:15:24

Post by: Fezman

Hey folks, just want to say that there is some really inspiring stuff in this thread - my LGS still has a couple of Deadzone starter sets and I'm getting one tomorrow. It was the models themselves that finally swung me in favour, especially that Stage 1 Plague mini - can't wait to get some paint on that one.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/19 18:52:20

Post by: timetowaste85

Fezman, you're gonna be in for a big surprise. Literally. That S1 IS the size of a Daemon Prince/Greater Daemon. It would make for a really good Nurgle Prince that wasn't bloated and slow. Make sure if you split a box with a friend (if you aren't just going full in yourself) that you find a way to ensure you get the S1. Don't let friends sway you away from him. Lol

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/20 13:23:35

Post by: monkeyhead


[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.23.38.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.23.23.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.23.11.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.22.52.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.22.31.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.22.18.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.22.07.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.21.47.jpg]
[Thumb - 2014-01-19-20.21.31.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/20 16:04:33

Post by: pretre

Great rebs!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/20 17:21:01

Post by: GrimDork

I quite agree

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/20 17:47:51

Post by: Paradigm

Nice Rebs, you've done a great job with the rag-tad feel of them with the variation in colour.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/21 23:10:35

Post by: JaydeeOT

hey everybody, I wanted to hold off from posting this guy since I wanted to get both him, the grenade launcher guy and doctor Simmonds together since I'm going for a plague infected science team look to them all but I'm quite happy with this and I wanted to share

Also Is it just me, or did anybody else want to paint this guy up as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

[Thumb - Plague science team 1 front.jpg]
[Thumb - Plague science team 1 back.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/22 07:41:14

Post by: Azazelx

 GrimDork wrote:
Marauder Captain. I like this model, but I have a huge 40K Ork army and I'm not looking forward to painting greenskins...

Don't paint them like orks then, go with a fleshy tone, or maybe a brown or red. Several people have been talking about doing that, I might myself for a change.

Or just swap in and use your existing painted Ork figures and come back to these later on when you can be bothered...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
barnacle111 wrote:
So I need to make a decision between two schemes. Anyone help?

1) blue camo with grey armour
2) brown camo with black?

I want to get a scifi look. My other factions are plague -pale flesh and prison orange, marauders- grey/brown skin and plain green fatigues with orange bits.... (Nb unfinished minis!)
What should I do or change?

I'd go with the blue - rooted enough in reality to work, while still standing out enough for effective tabletop use.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 15:56:27

Post by: JaydeeOT

Hey everybody, this probably isn't the right place to post this but seeing as its deadzone related I thought I would post it here.

I've taken a little break from painting and focusing on a bit of modelling lately and one of my larger projects is a custom made deadzone board to be used as a base then the extra deazone scenery placed on top.

Here are a few work in progress pics of my abandoned settlement and a few variations on how the board pieces can be arranged.

[Thumb - Milton project scale.jpg]
[Thumb - Milton project scale2.jpg]
[Thumb - Milton project variation 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Milton project variation 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Milton project variation 3.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 16:36:39

Post by: GrimDork

Ooh modular, that's cool. Keep us posted.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 17:22:16

Post by: Paradigm

That's pretty cool, I think I might try something like that myself next time I stock up on plasticard. It'd make a nice and cheap modular base until I can grab some more terrain.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 18:20:56

Post by: GrimDork

Gah, it makes me hate how much better/more patient other people are with that foamcore board stuff. I am just not a person who can do "clean" paint jobs or cut nice boxy/blocky straight lines into various materials.

On a more topical note, I do kind of know how I want to paint my plague. I just painted some strain from sedition wars, the scheme is super simple and fast, but I think it looks good. No reason it shouldn't work on plague mutants if it works on nano/machine zombie/mutants, right?

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 18:28:27

Post by: Paradigm

Like I said over in your thread, the Strain and Plague should mesh very well, both scheme and model-wise. Space-mutant-zombies are Space-mutant-zombies after all.

It does take patience with plasticard and foam core, to be sure, but there's not that much requirement to be super-accurate with the first layers. I tend to start very, very rough and neaten it up with subsequent layers of detailing. I do sometimes wonder (after 10 hours on a chimera, for example) if it's really worth it. I like it as I enjoy the process of scratch-building, but on the whole, it's probably far less labour/time intensive to just buy plastic terrain, which I believe you have plenty of coming with the KS package.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 18:44:23

Post by: GrimDork

Yeah, hopefully Do you make the whole tank from scratch? I love those, wish I had the time and patience I see now that you have blogs, I must go avail myself of them.

With all of these strain, I should be able to just paint up a couple of token Plague models and have a viable temporary force so I can focus something else down. Getting a little twitchy about my enforcers and since I've only done two so far... I may end up changing my mind.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 19:21:10

Post by: Paradigm

Yeah, the tanks are entirely scratch-built, the only non-homemade parts are any guns like multilasers and the like, which are fiddly to do. I only have a couple of them at the moment, but am looking to make a few more soon. They tend to take 10-12 hours each, but only cost around £7.50 in materials, or about $11. So in the end, it's a good deal, especially when I enjoy the process.

Apologies if you were expecting pictures on the blog, it's just a collection of wordy ramblings on IG at the moment. I still haven't managed to get time, lighting and possession of a camera to be aligned long enough to get some actual pics of my models.

Strain should easily work as Plague forces, I can see the bigger ones making nice S2s (not sure there's anything big enough for S1s). Depending on what you have in the way of terrain and enforcers, it shouldn't be that hard to get a game going before the package arrives.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 20:10:13

Post by: GrimDork

The Grendlr may actually be as big as the 1st gen. The Cthonian might sub for a terrorton, though he has guns. Scythe whiches would make lovely second gens. The brimstone may even pass for a mortar while the Quasimodo is s boomstick.

I think I like my vanguard test so much I may be repainting my enforcers

Its too bad there are no rules for corp Marines yet... got s ton of those painted lol.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 20:17:59

Post by: Paradigm

I'm working on some house-rules for the corp fighting the first waves of an outbreak. I've been playing around with making them very susceptible to the plague, each killed one potentially being zombified. This would be balanced by giving extra VP for each on e of the zombies killed. No idea about if this would work, but I'll try and get something structured posted up soon for review.

Looking forward to seeing the Vanguard test.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/26 20:49:59

Post by: GrimDork

Tomorrow, as soon as the minwax as cured and seal+base. It's basic, just medium gray, but I like it.

Let me know how your outbreak campaign progresses. Perhaps after we've seen the Nexus Psi campaign, zombie rules are out, and so on, we can work out a proper 'early days' mini campaign to play out

Automatically Appended Next Post:

They need sealer yet.. too glossy. I may adapt the vanguard for enforcers, would be like studio scheme just a bit darker. I'm thinking of keeping the dark grey/black portions on the bigger strain for plague color scheme. Would make gens 1 and 2 a lot of black and red.. might be neat.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/27 07:19:27

Post by: greenskin lynn

finally got around to taking some pics of my rebs

also snapped a quick shot of my still very wip plague

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/27 13:18:54

Post by: Alpharius

Green plague NEED purple clothes!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/27 16:11:19

Post by: pretre

Stage 1 smash!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/27 17:45:16

Post by: Paradigm

GD, those Vanguard and Strain are looking ace, the simplicity of the Vanguard will work very nicely with the DZ style. The Strain scheme works nicely on the bigger beasties.

Greenskin lynn, very unique Plague there, good stuff.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/27 18:42:41

Post by: timetowaste85

 Alpharius wrote:
Green plague NEED purple clothes!

I fully agree. Rest assured, mine WILL have purple pants! Except the S1, who doesn't believe in pants. He'll look like Abomination. Maybe the second S1 I got will be blue-ish and look like A-Bomb. It will be team smash, have no doubt.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/27 18:48:03

Post by: Alpharius

The Abomination is one of my all time favorite villains, and I'm still a little peeved that they killed him off.

A-bomb looks cool, but in the end, he's no Abomination!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/27 19:01:41

Post by: GrimDork

Those rebs look pretty solid, and the radioactive mutant plague too

@Paradigm thanks

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/28 05:56:49

Post by: greenskin lynn

thanks to the magic of a day off and no pressing engagements, i was able to finish up my plague today

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/28 13:43:27

Post by: GrimDork

Nice work.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/29 22:33:49

Post by: larva_uk

3rd gen went to mow, went to mow a meadow
3rd gen, 2nd gen and his dog (woof) went to mow a meadow

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/29 22:40:29

Post by: GrimDork

Those are pretty cool. Interesting colors.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/01/29 23:21:39

Post by: JaydeeOT

yeah some pretty nice/nasty looking plague beasties there, look forward to seeing how the stage 1 turns out.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/01 09:42:08

Post by: partisan_nick

I posted this in the DeadZone news thread but thought I would post it here too. I prefer hard plastic over restic but I don´t think that restic is worse then metal to clean up, at least not by much. Going on 35 + celaned and assembled Deadzone minis. (And the game is fun too)

And then I discovered the "hot-water trick" which in my mind really makes restic worthwhile. It is extremely an easy and stunningly effective method for conversions. I'm a bit sad that I didn´t discover it until I had glued both rebs, enforcers and most of the plauge. For any organic model one can easily twist and rotate not only arms, legs and heads but also entire torsos! A real boon for modelers and fun and fast to do. No two restic miniatures need ever look the same. Here are some examples of doublicates in one stock version and one water-bent. I am particualry pleased with the dogs (sorry for the bad images):

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/01 13:57:47

Post by: GrimDork

Said it there, will say it here, nice work I've got a bucket load of this stuff coming yet, so anything to de-mono-pose stuff is appreciated

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/01 15:46:41

Post by: partisan_nick

absolutely, things like repositioning the heads and necks of the dogs would have been very time consuming and needed lots of cutting and greenstuffing in plastic (or metal) but here it took literally half a minute.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/01 16:07:00

Post by: GrimDork

You can bend hard plastic too though. I straightened at least a dozen gw hormagaunts to be running instead of leaping. I'm sure its not as convenient as restic but it is possible. I used s hair dryer

Still a useful property of restic, gonna use it on my sedition wars strain.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/01 17:04:41

Post by: JaydeeOT

partisan_nick wrote:
absolutely, things like repositioning the heads and necks of the dogs would have been very time consuming and needed lots of cutting and greenstuffing in plastic (or metal) but here it took literally half a minute.

Some good conversions and variations on poses there Partisan_nick, I personally think that hard plastic and metal miniatures are a far better option to the resin variety, the clean casting and general quality of the figures out weighs the convenience of altering the model itself.

In other news, the modular board is slowly progressing, its taking a while since I'm trying to get as much "free" modelling material together from old boxes etc...

For now here are a few more W.I.P shots.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/01 17:33:08

Post by: Paradigm

Great idea using card for squares, it adds a nice 3Dness to the board, looks awesome, and is very convenient. Consider the idea borrowed if/when I get around to doing this myself.

Just getting 1 set of terrain on there you'd already have a far more dynamic and varied board than the base set. Good stuff, looking forward to progress.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/01 18:31:23

Post by: GrimDork

Yep, that board is really nice, I may have to borrow some of your ideas The extra ups and downs you've added are probably approximate to at least another battlezone added in, which should allow you to use less tiles, or just go even crazier When I set off to do my DOOMCUBE, I may make a base for it like you have done, do the lowest levels in some other material, maybe even make them a bit rougher/older looking as possible. Maybe even a street level 2-3 tiles up and some sewer action at the bottom

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/02 12:49:44

Post by: JaydeeOT

quote=GrimDork 566289 6498657 d771eb2dde6afad53b1d001f82ed671a.jpg]Yep, that board is really nice, I may have to borrow some of your ideas The extra ups and downs you've added are probably approximate to at least another battlezone added in, which should allow you to use less tiles, or just go even crazier When I set off to do my DOOMCUBE, I may make a base for it like you have done, do the lowest levels in some other material, maybe even make them a bit rougher/older looking as possible. Maybe even a street level 2-3 tiles up and some sewer action at the bottom

This DOOMCUBE intrigues me good sir, I look forward to seeing some pictures when you start work on it. The concept i was working towards wiyh my board was to have the raised area an equal amount of squares as the original game mat, although a lot of the squares become unusable due to the slope on the ramps etc... but on the flip side the contrast between the low areas and the higher platforms does offer reducd sight lines and tactical advantages which should create a bit more variety in games.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/02 19:52:35

Post by: JaydeeOT

just got Dr Simmonds and her science team finished, to be honest I'm not too happy with how these have turned out but there done now. =/

[Thumb - Dr Simmonds team front..jpg]
[Thumb - Dr Simmonds team back.jpg]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/02 20:00:40

Post by: GrimDork

Look pretty good to me! I like the white and the blood fx on the coats.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/02 21:04:54

Post by: Alpharius

Same here - I think they look great!

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/02 22:13:48

Post by: timetowaste85

Well, as I promised you guys... movie Abomination paint scheme for my S1.

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/02 23:49:37

Post by: timetowaste85


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also, with the picture I see there is a mold line. Whoops. Can't really notice it on the model, just in the pic, so whatev's

[Thumb - IMG_0527.JPG]

Show off your painted Deadzone (and Warpath) minis! @ 2014/02/02 23:54:11

Post by: GrimDork

Bwahahha nice.