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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/06/30 01:16:29

Post by: nerull

So I've been working my Chaos army for several years now, but between work, a year of school, then half a year in the hospital, and my embarrassingly slow pace I still don't have that much completed. I've been posting on Warseer, but since I hardly ever get replies there I figured I'd migrate my plog on to Dakka.
I have a lot of stuff unassembled, but here's what I have done so far. You'll have to excuse the picture quality, my camera is old and in need of replacing.
Starting with HQ's and then Heavies.

[Thumb - Prince 1a.JPG]
[Thumb - Prince 1b.JPG]
[Thumb - Prince 1c.JPG]
[Thumb - Prince 1e.JPG]
[Thumb - Bubbles a.jpg]
[Thumb - Bubbles b.jpg]
[Thumb - Bubbles c.jpg]
[Thumb - Typhus a.jpg]
[Thumb - Typhus b.jpg]
[Thumb - Typhus c.jpg]
[Thumb - Vindicator d.jpg]
[Thumb - Vindicator b.jpg]
[Thumb - Vindicator c.jpg]
[Thumb - Vindicator a.jpg]
[Thumb - Cyrax (2).JPG]
[Thumb - Cyrax (1).JPG]
[Thumb - Cyrax (3).JPG]
[Thumb - Sektor a.jpg]
[Thumb - Sektor b.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/06/30 01:31:54

Post by: Archon_Zarbyrn

That is possibly the most hideous Daemon Prince of Nurgle I have ever seen, well done. I really like how warp and mutated the models look especially the vehicle. Did you use mostly green stuff or kit bashing? Are you planning on doing a Heldrake as well?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/06/30 01:58:48

Post by: nerull

Next up are the Possessed, Beserkers, Plague Marines, Plaguebearers, and Nurglings
The Plague Marines and Typhus are my first try with weathering pigments.
The Plague Marine champion is also my first use of magnets so he has options for chainsword, plague knife, power sword, and power fist.
Eventually I'll get to my Terminators which will have pretty much every arm option there is. So for 10 models there will be 50 or so arms to do, hence why I'm procrastinating starting them.

[Thumb - Possessed a.JPG]
[Thumb - Possessed b.JPG]
[Thumb - Possessed c.JPG]
[Thumb - Possessed d.JPG]
[Thumb - Possessed e.JPG]
[Thumb - Possessed f.JPG]
[Thumb - Beserkers a.JPG]
[Thumb - Beserkers b.JPG]
[Thumb - Beserkers c.JPG]
[Thumb - Beserkers d.JPG]
[Thumb - Beserkers e.JPG]
[Thumb - Beserkers f.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines a.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines b.JPG]
 Filename Plague Marines c.JPG [Disk] Download
 File size 106 Kbytes

[Thumb - Plague Marines d.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines e.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines f.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines g.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines h.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines i.JPG]
[Thumb - Plague Marines group1.JPG]
[Thumb - Plaguebearers.JPG]
[Thumb - Plaguebearers b.JPG]
[Thumb - Plaguebearers c.JPG]
[Thumb - Plaguebearers d.JPG]
[Thumb - Nurglings a.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/06/30 02:16:03

Post by: nerull

 Archon_Zarbyrn wrote:
That is possibly the most hideous Daemon Prince of Nurgle I have ever seen, well done. I really like how warp and mutated the models look especially the vehicle. Did you use mostly green stuff or kit bashing? Are you planning on doing a Heldrake as well?

Thanks so much for the complement Archon_Zarbyrn. The little tentacles on the Daemon Prince's face are my attempt at the army list picture of the Chaos Lord in the 3.5 codex. I actually have the parts for a pair of heavily converted heldrakes, which in this case will be helsquids.
I took the idea from another poster, but mine will be more tentacley than the original. Unfortunately since they got nerfed they've moved to the back of my back log.
This army is definitely the most green stuff work I've done, for example the cloaks on the beserkers and possessed are all greenstuffed along with quite a bit on the Oblits and Plaguebearers (of which I still have a few more converted but unpainted). There's also some kit bashing with Tyranid and Dryad bits on the Vindicator.
Here's what it looked like when it was still being worked on, along with the model I will most likely be working on next: another Obliterator.

[Thumb - Vindicator 1a.JPG]
[Thumb - Vindicator 1b.JPG]
[Thumb - Vindicator 1d.JPG]
[Thumb - Obliterator 3a.JPG]
[Thumb - Obliterator 3b.JPG]
[Thumb - Obliterator 3c.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/06/30 19:45:34

Post by: nerull

And lastly here are the cultists and zombies I have done. I've added hair to a few of the models in the army to try and cut down on the number of baldies, and I'm particularly fond of the Cultist with a hockey mask, whom I've dubbed Jason. It's also worth noting that the names on the bases in my army are my own phonetic alphabet of chaos runes. 5 of the zombies, plus another 5 yet to be completed, are from Puppetswar.

Also here is a brief summary of the game I played with a friend on the weekend, my first full game in years.

I used pretty much everything I had done except for the Possessed, Beserkers, and Daemons including a big mob of 33 Plague Zombies, but had to use Plaguebearers and normal Cultists as proxies. I also had 9 bikers/cold one riders and a couple obliterators unpainted, but I wanted to test out Nurgle bikers to see if they're worth painting up next. We decided to just play the kill point mission so the zombies were pretty much a waste with no objectives to camp on.
My 1500pts of chaos was up against Necrons so my vindicator was also a terrible choice, but I had yet to ever field it up to this point so I threw it in anyway. My HQ's consisted of Typhus and my Nurgle Daemon prince for that 2+ cover save with the Black Mace.
His side consisted of a Monolith, a Stalker, 2 Ghost Arks, 2 squad of warriors, 2 squads of Immortals and Lord with a shooty staff but no combat upgrades at all, 2 Annihilation Barges, and a Doomscythe.
I got the first turn and moved everything up, even though I should have just hid my zombies in the corner to deny a kill point. Between 4 Obliterators firing lascannons and 3 plasmagun bikers all they managed was taking the shielding off an Annihilation barge. My Vindicator was only in range of the stalker, but the shot scattered off his tiny footprint and it was promptly gaussed to death on his turn 1. My bikers were also blasted to smithereens and things were looking grim, but my Daemon prince was about to charge in.
He smashed into the warrior squad with a whopping 12 attacks! After killing most of them the warriors somehow passed their break test so he was shielded in combat from the next turns shooting, which instead focused on whittling down my zombies and Nurgle marines. In my turn 3 a lucky shot from an Oblit exploded the Stalker, the prince glanced to death an Annilation Barge, and Tyhpus came 1 HP short of wrecking a Ghost Ark.
His flyer luckily didn't arrive until his turn 4, but I also ended up wounding both my prince and Typhus with their own Daemon weapons. In the last couple turns the prince took down the last Annihilation Barge, the first Ghost Ark was finished off by an Oblit leaving the Lord and Immortals to disembark, and Typhus slew the Lord in a challenge (despite forgetting to activate my force weapon), catching the the fleeing Immortals thereafter.
I should have hid my Obliterators, but I couldn't resist trying in vain to wreck the last Ghost Ark.

By the end, since we got a 1 on whether to play a turn 6, all I had left was my Prince, Typhus with a couple marines, and one of my two units of two Oblits. He had his Monolith, Doomscythe, 1 Ghost Ark with warriors, and some Immortals the flyer dropped off. I had Slay the Warlord, he had first blood, we both could have had, but ended up forgetting about, linebreaker. He most likely would have won if I had had more units for him to kill, but as it stands I managed to squeak out a minor victory of 7 to 6.
The star of the game was definitely the Daemon prince, but it still sucks how the change to Smash rules means he's useless against walkers and vehicles with Armour 12 or higher. If I'm going to play Necrons in the future I have to get more done to replace the vindicator, and my hopes for having a reason to start my bikers were pretty much vaporized. Typhus was good in combat, but since I didn't get his 5-6 power my Psychic phase was so pointless. My hate for Chaos marines' forced god powers is still as strong as ever.
For Typhus' roll on the Chaos Boon table I got poisoned attacks, but had nothing on which, and no time, to use it.

That's it until my next update.

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[Thumb - zombies (3).jpg]
[Thumb - zombies (7).jpg]
[Thumb - Cultists a.JPG]
[Thumb - Cultists b.JPG]
[Thumb - Cultists c.JPG]
[Thumb - Cultists d.JPG]
[Thumb - Cultists e.JPG]
[Thumb - Cultists f.JPG]
[Thumb - Cultists g.JPG]
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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/07/02 05:01:28

Post by: nerull

Here are a few pictures of my side of the battlefield. You can see a couple of the other Obliterators I have yet to do from Hitech Miniatures.

[Thumb - Battle-013.jpg]
[Thumb - Battle-014.jpg]
[Thumb - Battle-015.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/07/02 13:46:28

Post by: Cryptek of Awesome

Very cool work - love the tank especially. You must take it every game - even if it does get Gaussed to death.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/07/02 14:35:27

Post by: tinfoil

What a feast! Love this army! The big gribblies are wonderfully wild -- as if it's hard to wrap your brain around what you're seeing. Which IMO is how chaos should be.

And the tanks are particularly wyrd. Well done, man!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/07/09 01:46:45

Post by: nerull

Cryptek of Awesome wrote:
Very cool work - love the tank especially. You must take it every game - even if it does get Gaussed to death.

It's so nice to return and see more comments. Your feedback is much appreciated.

 tinfoil wrote:
What a feast! Love this army! The big gribblies are wonderfully wild -- as if it's hard to wrap your brain around what you're seeing. Which IMO is how chaos should be.

And the tanks are particularly wyrd. Well done, man!

I recognize you from back when I first started the plog, your Harrowed have come a long way and your fortress of irredemption is spectacular.
The vindicator will be fielded in every non-Necron game for sure, and once I get more vehicles done to split fire a bit it will get more chances to blast apart Necrons too.

Speaking of which my next project was going to be some Havocs, but the local GW is having a painting competition for their 1 year anniversary on the 23rd of August and they're allowing entries in several categories.
I was thinking of entering my Beserkers for the unit, although I have a couple arms I want to change, Typhus for character, and my Great Unclean One for the monster/tank. I already entered the Vindicator in their 3-month anniversary competition and it got 6th place (not too shabby, but I was hoping to get high enough to score some loot for the 2nd time in my painting history).
Anyway that leaves the walker and super-heavy categories with nothing for me to enter with. I have the parts for a walker conversion on my Lord of Skulls, but there's no way I can finish that big a project in a month and a half so that leaves me with either a) a forgefiend or b) a Decimator. I still may not end up finishing in time, but here's hoping.

Normally I hate deadlines, but I'm emboldened by the fact I finished that Obliterator in a week.
The Decimator would normally take me less time, but I'm waiting for a tentacle/hose maker to be shipped from Spain (which oddly enough was far cheaper than getting one shipped from Green Stuff Industries in the States). I want to add more hoses to mine particularly since I pinned his pelvis to his chest piece with a good deal of extra room to be filled in. It's already a huge model compared to a normal dreadnought, but I just couldn't get past his lack of a stomach region.

So since I have no idea how long I'll have to wait for the shipment from Spain I have opted to start work on the Forgefiend. So far I have his arms and his ectoplasma head magnetized, a big rhino horn pinned to the head and the leftover hooves from my chaos warrior giant pinned to his bigger front legs. So all four legs will have hooves and I'm going to try to Nurgle him up as much as time and my abilities will allow.
I'm going to ignore the Maulerfiend option altogether since it would be much less sturdy not gluing the front legs, plus the fact the tendril set is reserved for a Helsquid later on, plus I've heard they're only useful in pairs or trios, and I don't think they're worth taking up multiple Heavy slots with.

I don't like his not-a-gun head so I'm torn between using a spare head from a Heldrake with a big tongue and a couple Dark Eldar blades to keep the rhino horn motif or ordering a Troglodon head which would also need to arrive first and it would be harder to magnetize with the gaping hole the body has. I also tried a Terrorgiest head I had laying around, but it wasn't to my taste either. The Heldrake head has the mechanical look, but it's not Nurgley enough for me yet. So I'll try to work on it a bit, but as far as the competition goes I'll probably just use the ectoplasma head.

For now here are pics of that Oblit. I touched up the back of his loincloth after taking the photos, it didn't help having a bit of gravel stuck to it. I may have to add a cloth to his backside later as his mutated butt is a bit disturbing even to me.
If you look close you'll notice I drilled out all six barrels on his assault cannon.

[Thumb - Obliterator 3d.jpg]
[Thumb - Obliterator 3e.jpg]
[Thumb - Obliterator 3f.jpg]
[Thumb - Obliterator 3g.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2014/08/24 02:29:11

Post by: nerull

I just returned from the local GW's store birthday painting competition. I didn't place with my unit, character or monstrous creature, but more importantly I got 2nd place in the Walker/war machine category with my forgefiend that I was still working on into the wee hours the night before. Personally I thought he was better than war-walker who got first, but I am of course just a tad biased.

I ended up magnetizing him in a way that will allow me to switch him to a Maulerfiend with magma-cutters, but since I secured all four legs I'm not sure how I would attach the lasher tendrils. I'm fine with that for now since I see the main use of a Mauler as tank hunting anyway. Most of the units that would be worth the bother of sending him to tie up in combat could probably just destroy him with grenades or something.

I spent too much time working on an alternate head for him that I still can't use since I didn't realize the neck was so impossible to position at anything but a downward angle which, coupled with the heads length, meant it extends to far below the base to stand properly. I was thinking of cutting the ball joint off, sanding, and pinning it to a more acceptable angle. Or I got a Slaughterbrute head, but it too looks a bit too big to be in proper proportion. Since I was mainly working on him just to have something to enter for that category I'll more than likely abandon the head and alternate arms for a while to work on more pressing units.

[Thumb - Forgefiend a.jpg]
[Thumb - Forgefiend b.jpg]
[Thumb - Forgefiend c.jpg]
[Thumb - Forgefiend d.jpg]
[Thumb - Forgefiend e.jpg]
[Thumb - Forgefiend base.jpg]
[Thumb - Forgefiend 2b.jpg]
[Thumb - Forgefiend head 2a.jpg]
[Thumb - Medal back.jpg]
[Thumb - Medal front.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/01/06 03:12:14

Post by: nerull

I finally got around to finishing my proxy biker lord. I figure the scythe will just be counting as a power sword most games, but it could also double if I feel like swapping out the Daemon Heart for the Spineshiver Blade.
You can kind of see one of the magnets from the front shot, but it's less noticeable when the arm is tilted down. So I could try smoothing a tiny ring of putty around it, but it wouldn't be obvious outside of that one photo. I still have a few alternate arms for him left, but I'll try to build up his unit first.
Once I get to the non-special weapons I'll be using the sternguard stormbolters to represent the twin-linked bolters of bikes while still allowing for chainswords.
Other than the aspiring champion, the rest won't have robed legs, which meant cutting them in half and rejoining them with green stuff to get the right leg spread. I also had to cut off the back off the saddle and attempt a new back for the thicker rider.
I might have been able to use the thunderwolf legs, but they looked maybe even a bit too wide. So I think the ones I'm using are raven-wing legs, with the loyalist iconography filed off.

[Thumb - Biker Lord (2).JPG]
[Thumb - Biker Lord (3).JPG]
[Thumb - Biker Lord (4).JPG]
[Thumb - Biker Lord (5).JPG]
[Thumb - Biker Lord (6).JPG]
[Thumb - Biker Lord (7).JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/01/08 21:25:22

Post by: nerull

Just a small update this time. I've had the idea for my Terminators to also carry power scythes to count as swords (instead of the cruddy axes).
The thing was that the power axe (especially the mace) arms have pretty short hafts, so it took some delicate pinning (with goblin spears, the very oldest thing left in my bitz box). I managed to get the first three done, so I wanted to have more WIP shots for the plog.
The reaper autocannon took a thicker magnet to stay stable. Hopefully the cutting and filing will be fine enough to do the job a drill and vice would probably leave less noticeable, but I don't really want to go buying more tools. Plus Nurgle is the one 40k army that can get away with being a tad asymmetrical.
The Legs and bodies for this first set are both Forgeworld, but half of the ten I have will just be the Deathwing knight torsos I took the loincloths from, and most will just be regular legs. I'd like to Nurglify those ones a bit more, but we'll see what I end up with.
They will all be on skull bases, same as Typhus. Even though I also have the next 3 bikers primed I don't think I can resist the termies any longer (I never had any in my old chaos army), and once I get enough of them done I can start my first big forgeworld kit.

[Thumb - Termies WIP (1).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies WIP (2).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies WIP (3).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies WIP (4).JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/01/12 05:42:05

Post by: nerull

So I still haven't gotten much paint on the terminators, but I have spent most of the weekend working on that forgeworld kit I mentioned... a Chaos Spartan.
I got the new oppressor tracks on, but it was a much bigger job than I had originally thought. They come in two size options. Although the smaller one might have been just a tad too narrow, the bigger ones I purchased took a LOT of cutting and filing to correct the width. They also didn't end up an even number of links when I finished them. So they both have one partial link filed down to the appropriate size, but I placed them on the bottoms where they'll be less noticeable.
All in all I think they look much better than the stock tracks, which is critical given they're a big focal point of the model.

That's about all I can do so far though because I'm waiting on some glow in the dark paint to arrive all the way from Romania (why is it always places on the other side of the world that have the cheapest shipping?). I considered LEDs for the interior briefly, but I've never used them before, would need to learn how to sodder, and it would be hard to hide the wires in the solid blocks that are the sides. So hopefully glow in the dark paint will add enough of a glow to illuminate an otherwise dark abyss.
I'm also waiting on a drill and vise so I can magnetize the guns. I wish I had it back when I was magnetizing the forgefiend, but I'm very anxious about drilling through the guns to make them swivel better. There's no way to get new guns if I screw either one up.

Along with the tracks is a pic, atthough hard to make out, of the first two shoulder pads I green-stuffed with faces like I put on the possessed and beserkers, years ago now. I skipped them for my Plague Marines, but I figured I'd try and bring them back for such an elite unitas Terminators.

Lastly are a couple more pics of the Vindicator. I didn't have a bird's eye one, and I tried to get one from the front that isn't too dark (both the flash and automatic flash cause way too much glare to see much).

[Thumb - Tracks.jpg]
[Thumb - Vindicator 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Tracks.jpg]
[Thumb - termi pads.jpg]
[Thumb - Vindicator 3.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/01/27 22:38:41

Post by: nerull

I've returned with the first three Terminators. The one with the shoulder pad faces and no helmet is the unit champion, Simmons, after Al Simmons from Spawn. I have a lot more arms to do, but for now the only alternate is the extra combi-bolter if I don't field the autocannon.

I also have the guns drilled and magnetized for the Spartan, including a couple pintle options, and I received my glow in the dark paint. So now it's on to try my hand at the interior so I can put it all together after.

[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (2).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (3).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (4).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (5).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (6).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (7).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (8).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 1 (9).JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/05/03 21:51:16

Post by: nerull

Although I still have parts for a couple more, and a bunch more arms, for now my 9 terminators and terminator lord are done. I also finished a few missile launcher Havocs. I'm currently working on a few basic marines and lascannons.
Once those are done I'll probably get on with the rest of the Spartan since I finally got a Kabalite green to try to add a different hue to some of the layers of armour. I did get to try him out for this first time this weekend, more on that to follow.

[Thumb - Termies - Group 2-3 (2).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 2-3 (4).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 2-3 (5).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 2-3 (6).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 2-3 (7).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 2-3 (8).JPG]
[Thumb - Termies - Group 2-3 (10).JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/05/03 22:29:43

Post by: JeffyP

Excellent conversions! They really make you feel all creepy and crawly on the inside! And the vibrant colors really set these guys apart from standard nurgle armies. You're bold! Keep it up.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/05/03 23:38:46

Post by: nerull

 JeffyP wrote:
Excellent conversions! They really make you feel all creepy and crawly on the inside! And the vibrant colors really set these guys apart from standard nurgle armies. You're bold! Keep it up.

Thanks a lot Jeffy.

Here are the first Havocs I've completed, along with a Terminator Lord which is actually marked in my mind as the HQ that most represents me in real life since I've had long hair and a beard since high school.
(Side note: I originally did his cape in a aqua color that was just too bright so I have now finally fixed him with a much more pleasing purple). I also have the interiors on my rhinos done, but haven't photographed them yet.

I've included some photos of the rematch battle, or at least what was left alive at the end when I remembered my camera. Side note: If I recall correctly this was the last 40k battle I ever played.

For the battle I fielded my Forgefiend, my missile launcher Havocs were counting as lascannons, Spartan, 2 units of Nurgle Marines (some proxies) with Rhinos, Daemon Prince of Nurgle without the Black Mace, and my Termies and Lord counted as Tzeentch rather than the usual Nurgle (since he had quite a bit of AP2 weaponry).
He was using the Decurion Formation along with whatever the formation with 3 Night Scythes is called. So 2 Ghost Arks, 3 units of Warriors, Immortals, a large unit of Lychguard, 3 Tomb Blades, Lord, and the Night Scythes.

We played the Emperor's Will Mission so he deployed first with his base in the corner ruin held by the Immortals and my base was in the middle held by Havocs with everything else but the Daemon prince surrounding them. The Prince I sent up the left flank, hoping his cover save would allow him to get into combat.
In his first turn the Necrons took off 3HP from the Spartan and 2 from a Rhino with Gauss. My turn started off well with my Spartan exploding a ghost ark, and my havocs penetrated the other, but it was saved by Jinking. I moved up my rhinos and Prince, although in my urgency to run him forward I left him a bit too open.
He managed to survive the cover ignoring Tomb Blades, but succumbed to the weight of fire from the first Night Scythe to come on and the Immortals. The right hand Rhino, and of course the Spartan, were also wrecked.
My counterattack started off okay, except my left rhino getting immobilised from terrain. I finished off the 2nd ghost ark or possibly the turn after, both my Terminators and a unit of Nurgle marines made their charges into Warrior squads, but for combat the former killed a couple who promptly ran away, leaving the Termies wide open to shooting, and the latter combat was casualty free on both sides.
The terminators were whittled down to just 1 chainfist and the Lord from shooting, and were then charged by the Lychguard with Lord. I made the mistake of arming my lord with a chainfist (and combi-melta which missed), thinking there would be a Monolith or some Annihilation Barges, so he was killed without even getting to attack. On the upside the marines fought bravely and chased down their Warrior unit, but still a horrible performance by my Termies.
At this point the Tomb Blades were in Linebreaker position, so the squad from my immobilized rhino charged them and managed to wipe them out in the first round, and what was left of my other squad charged into the last squad of Warriors (partly to try and put distance between them and the Lychguard). My Forgefiend penetrated a Night Scythe, but couldn't explode it without AP 2.
He nearly died the next turn from 3 glances, but managed to pass all 3 Daemon saves. The game went to turn 6, but we both still held our bases. My first blood canceled his slay the warlord and there was no linebreaker so the result was a tie. I didn't have much left at the end, but technically we also tied for Kill Points at 5.

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[Thumb - IMG_1301.JPG]
[Thumb - Missile Launchers (1).JPG]
[Thumb - Missile Launchers (2).JPG]
[Thumb - Missile Launchers.JPG]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/10/15 02:36:14

Post by: nerull

I haven't gotten any work done on my army in quite a while, mostly due to going back to school, but also due to my ever-growing disillusion towards the rules system.
So since I'm not worrying about what my list is going to be any more, I decided to switch gears from my Spartan to an old idea for a Heldrake conversion.

He's still got a long way to go, and yet more tentacles from the Mutalith to add, but he's starting to take shape. I magnetized the mouth gun, even though no one uses the autocannon, did the upper eyes, and one side of the rear tentacles. I'm also going to attempt to magnetize his flying base eventually.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/10/15 05:49:17

Post by: evildrcheese

Aw man, so much cool stuff! Really awesome and thematic army you have there.

The vehicles are especially cool, loving the vindicator and deamon engines. Looking forward to seeing that heldrake painted up.


The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/10/15 08:21:38

Post by: Scorpionov

so much awesome cannot be contained in one plague

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/10/16 00:33:04

Post by: War Kitten

Those models are hideous (in a good way). Nice work

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/10/16 14:03:32

Post by: Spacewolverine

Love Nurgle blogs, so much win here! The converted Robes on the Missile Launchers are pure awesome. Best use I've seen of DA Robes. Great stuff man!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2015/10/18 21:50:19

Post by: nerull

Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone, it is greatly appreciated.

Only Papa Nurgle knows how long it will be before I finish the Helsquid. I'm pretty close to the point where I can put on the undercoat, but since I'm still painting all the tentacles separately, there probably won't be many more work in progress shots.
With that in mind here is a shot of my attempt at adding to the front tentacles. They might need some tweaking when I rejoin them.

I've been employing a technique from a youtuber which suggested to break off the green stuff joints to be super-glued back later on, for more strength. This is why the rear tentacles are not pictured here.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2016/12/31 19:00:52

Post by: nerull

Happy new year! My old camera died quite a while ago, so this was my first chance to get a few shots of my completed Helsquid. It was a long dry-spell in between painting sessions. I'm surprised my paint hadn't dried up, but I did get him magnetized to his flying base for easier transportation. Not that I really plan on taking him anywhere.

I can't say how long it will be til the next update sans camera, but I do have a big order of Creature Caster demons coming in. They're over 2 years late, but should be getting shipped sometime this month. Reviews of the casting quality are a bit mixed, but I've already paid off the bulk of the price.

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[Thumb - Helsquid right.jpg]
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[Thumb - Helsquid left.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/05/23 02:27:33

Post by: nerull

Better late than never.
I got a new camera and have had this guy painted up for a long time, but hadn't gotten around to posting him. He doesn't have a 60mm base attached yet, as I'll be needing more of them.
I'm on summer break at the moment so I was going to try to finish off my pair of rhinos. Even though they're not as interesting as the half a dozen creature caster greater demons and dragons I have to do, they should be more straight forward.

I must mention that during the kickstarter campaign I was actually the poster who suggested the chosen name for his weapon, the Evening Star.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/06/17 06:46:56

Post by: nerull

A quick post before a big stretch where I'll have nothing to show for a while.
I said I would work on my rhinos, but my eye wandered to a very old and big project, a Chaos Knight.
He's made from a knight's legs and pelvis, the upper body of a Lord of Skulls, and the feet from an off-brand model I had considered for the legs as well.
I'm still in the process of green stuffing to make him into something more plague flavored.
Wish me luck.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/06/26 05:06:09

Post by: nerull

I've been getting some good painting sessions in, so it's time to show the first half.
While surfing forgeworld I discovered they now make a walker variant of the Lord of Skulls called the Kytan, but I'm hoping mine will turn out a bit cheaper and a bit better.
You can see part of the peg sticking out that I inserted into the pelvis. I've got a piece of cardboard cut out with a matching hole which I will soon glue to the bottom of the gut gun from the Lord of Skulls where it's hollow.
I first did the metal sections of the knight legs so I could rust them with pigments, sealed with rubbing alcohol, and continued on. I used my medium hose maker to add to the back of the legs. It was much easier to dry brush than the smaller hoses.
There are just over 100 skulls on the base. Even though it's a Nurgle themed variant, there still has to be skulls for the skull throne.
I've also got most of the putty work done on the arms and shoulders. So there is more incoming.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/06/28 07:02:24

Post by: nerull

I don't normally do many WIP shots, but I'll make an exception for a project this big.
Technically he is now a unicorn, and will stand just under 8" tall when finished. He's not attached yet at the gut or the torso, so he's kinda slumped forward.
I added the rear plate at his waist with supports. You can also see on the back where I used modeling chain to signify that this port is where the daemon is housed. I'm soon going to see if I can fit it on the smaller cylinder above it for a multi-daemon engine.
I have dubbed him Kronos, after the titan. Unfortunately I made the name on his base off center so I'll probably redo it.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/06/28 08:45:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well this is all looking pestilicious! Always fun to find another blog devoted to Big Papa! Love where you're going with the big fella.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/01 06:25:32

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Well this is all looking pestilicious! Always fun to find another blog devoted to Big Papa! Love where you're going with the big fella.

Thanks a lot inmygravenimage. Always nice to receive praise from a fellow Nurgle devotee, especially one with such an extensive collection.

I just have a small update for today. I'm waiting til Teusday for some paints to arrive, so I can't finish the horns until then. Other than that it's going rather quickly.
I'm pleased to report that I should be able to finish what is left by the end of the week or thereabouts, so the next post should be the finished product. I had originally hoped to be done by the end of July with my usual slow pace, but I just couldn't help but work on him at least a bit every day.
This means I'll have more time left in the summer to start my next project. It's currently inbound and it should be a crowd-pleaser. Looks like my Creature Caster daemons and dragons are getting pushed to the back-burner once again.

So for now here's a shot of the attached torso, the smoke stacks are on as well, and one of the arms so far. The chains have been added to the second daemon housing. There will be another talon on the arm and another horn on the shoulder, but I'm leaving them off for now.

I'm not really pleased with the green stuff joining between the torso and the cannon. With the torso being completely hollow I was kind of forced to obscure whatever you would call the engine things on the side of the cannon. If I could go back I would have extended them out in the first place or tried to fix cardboard or something to the inside of the torso before placing it on. Truly hindsight is 20/20, but there's no way to get it off without most likely breaking everything, so I'll have to live with it. I'll soon be attaching armor plates to the sides so maybe it won't look as bad with a bit more bulk there.

After mulling it over and what may or may not have been a lapse in judgement I went about cutting through the joining I didn't like. After much coaxing I got it off and then tried out my idea of bending pieces of cardboard to shape and gluing them to the inside of torso. This gave the green stuff something to stick to, so the attachment went pretty smooth.
The only drawback is that I snipped off the front exhaust thing to extend with green stuff. It's currently setting overnight propped up by bent q-tips and hopefully they won't turn out too lop-sided.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/07 03:06:07

Post by: nerull

It's time for Kronos's big unveiling. Not bad for less than a month's work. Please let me know what you think.

I'll soon be posting the next project with a breakdown of what I have left to paint, which is actually increasing rather than decreasing.
The death guard release was just the inspiration I needed to reinvigorate my interest, even though I still doubt I'll be playing any games.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/07 16:21:02

Post by: monkeytroll

Some nice stuff here. Sure it's more flavoured of pus and pestilence than years and pleadyre, but I'm not adverse to a bit of multi-culturalism

Great conversions, that old rhino is excellent, perfect example of corrupted splendour. But you definitely had me at the help-squid - I do like me some tentacles in my chaos.

Nice work with Kronos too, big fella looks ace.

I like your overall take on a more vibrant, almost gaudy, scheme for Nurgle, really nice.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/08 08:20:14

Post by: nerull

 monkeytroll wrote:
Some nice stuff here. Sure it's more flavoured of pus and pestilence than years and pleadyre, but I'm not adverse to a bit of multi-culturalism

Great conversions, that old rhino is excellent, perfect example of corrupted splendour. But you definitely had me at the help-squid - I do like me some tentacles in my chaos.

Much gratitude for the exaltation monkeytroll.
I've got a lot more to paint, but the rest will be a bit light on conversions. I believe the only conversions I have left on the drawing board are 9 more Cold One Riders/Bikers, 5 Spawn, 7 raptors (which are just using wings), and technically I have the parts for a second Hellsquid if I ever get around to it.

With that in mind here is a complete list of everything I have left to do.
Death Guard

Lord of Contagion
Noxious Blightbringer
7 new Plague Marines
4 old Plague Marines
20 Cultists/Traitor Guard
10 Poxwalkers
2 Rhinos
Foul Blightspawn
2 Blight Drones
5 Chaos Spawn
Myphitic Blighthauler
Spartan Assault Tank

Chaos Marines
7 Raptors
9 Cold One Riders/Bikers
7 Havocs
3 Off-brand Obliterators


Great Unclean One
Daemon Prince
Herald of Nurgle
16 Plaguebearers
4 Nurgling bases
3 Plague Drones


Plague Angel
Possessed Dragon
Spider Daemon
Pincer Daemon
Warrior Daemon
Vulture Daemon
Zombie Dragon
Tree Walker

That totals 118 models, so it's best to think one step at a time. The present step begins with Mortarion, or more specifically waiting once again on even more paint. I'll be building and painting in stages, which means there won't be much to show until he's nearly done. After that it's the Great Unclean One, then I may actually do the Plague Angel. Let's see how much pestilent goodness I can accomplish in two months before school starts again.

[Thumb - IMG_0368.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/09 06:39:11

Post by: nerull

While I wait for paints I started to work on my five spawns. You'll have to forgive the lack of proper bases, but I have the necessary 50mm ones ordered off ebay.
I still have more to add to them, but this is the basic makeup. I'll have to get more green stuff soon though.

[Thumb - IMG_0380.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0382.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/19 05:39:54

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I like your GS schnozzle.

Thanks inmygravenimage, I had to replace a couple whose parts went missing.

My paints are in but I did these 5 Plaguebearers and Herald while I waited. The one conversion is the musician. It's my attempt at bagpipes.
However the remaining plaguebearers, spawn, and Mortarion are all being pushed aside for some even more new models. First is the Glutton Daemon and eventually will be the Lord of Virulence, and Lady of Anguish.

He's about the same size as the current Great Unclean One, but he's going on a slightly smaller 100mm base. I already have his 2 heads magnetized, although I think the alternate looks a bit goofy. I've got him undercoated and intend to start tomorrow.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/30 03:57:35

Post by: nerull

As you can see I still have work to do on the arms of the Glutton Daemon, but I couldn't resist showing him off so far. I've named him Balthazar after a daemon that showed up on an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He was so fat he was physically unable to get out of his giant tub. His feet didn't line up right with the slots on the rock base, but it seems solid enough with some putty put in the gaps.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/07/31 10:08:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Sweet! I need a good GUO counts-as. Lovely contrast on the skin tones.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/03 06:30:31

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Sweet! I need a good GUO counts-as. Lovely contrast on the skin tones.

Thanks again inmygravenimage, I'm grateful for your continued support.
Even though his girth makes him the most expensive model available from Creature Caster, he is still cheaper than the gw GUO. You can equip him with a sort of bone mace, but I couldn't pass up this intestine grappling hook thing.

I was also proud to notice that since the last post my plog was featured on the site's homepage, which I never really expected to happen.

So without further ado, here's Balthazar pretty much finished other than to clean up some putty at the joints, a matt varnish, and a bit of gloss. He towers over the old metal GUO I have done.
I should do the alternate head first, but I'm thinking of attempting the Lady of Anguish next. I find female models to be a bit of a challenge though, and she is definitely on the smaller side compared to the other models in the line.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/03 10:21:31

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice work! Can we get a scale shot to fully appreciate his size?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/04 01:07:10

Post by: nerull

 monkeytroll wrote:
Nice work! Can we get a scale shot to fully appreciate his size?

Sure thing monkeytroll and thank you.
Here's him next to my old GUO, the new GUO I have yet to start, and a plague marine. To the top of his back spikes is almost 6.5 inches.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/04 14:15:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well. He is quite a big fellow great stuff

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/05 19:57:06

Post by: insaniak

Nicely done! That's a big fellow indeed...

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/12 05:46:06

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Well. He is quite a big fellow great stuff

 insaniak wrote:
Nicely done! That's a big fellow indeed...

Thank you both. He's also heavy enough that I had concerns whether my glass cabinet would support him, and I love your inquisitor plague marine btw insaniak.

I only have the wings left on the Lady of Anguish, but I decided to post ahead of time since they'll be rather fiddly to finish. She's about 5" tall without the wings and her alternate weapon is a pair of punch daggers.
I've named her Freya like the Norse goddess. I'm a big fan of the new God of War plus she represents love and fertility.

Afterwards I should go back and do Mortarion, but with summer soon coming to a close I've decided to try one of the two non-chaos themed models I own, the Creature Caster Zombie Dragon.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/12 08:03:17

Post by: monkeytroll

Looking good. The wings look like they'll be very interesting.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/18 02:38:35

Post by: nerull

 monkeytroll wrote:
Looking good. The wings look like they'll be very interesting.

Thanks a lot monkeytroll, always nice to hear from you.

Here is the finished Lady of Anguish, although I can see now I missed a spot on one of the wings. With her wings she stands just over 6". I'll try and get a comparison shot for all the big models moving forward.
The zombie dragon is going to be another big project, so it might be a while til the next post. Since I have the kickstarter version it comes with a back plug to make him riderless.
I would have gotten a vampire lord just to complete him, but I don't know what legs would properly fit the saddle option, and the included howdah doesn't include a bottom. If I went with the howdah there would be a glaring square hole in his back.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/08/27 21:38:52

Post by: Bash the Bosh

Just simply fantastic stuff! Anymore progress since your last update?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/09/05 22:58:28

Post by: nerull

 Bash the Bosh wrote:
Just simply fantastic stuff! Anymore progress since your last update?

Thanks a lot for your interest Bash the Bosh. It's always nice to come back to see more positive feedback.
To answer your question I've abandoned the Zombie dragon for now. I realized I was never going to finish it before school starts, and I was worried if I continued with the dark grey color scheme I had planned he might just blend in to his rocky base.

So I switched to a smaller project, my Foul Blightspawn. I would have gotten him done a while ago, but I've been distracted watching the complete Sons of Anarchy marathon.
I still have to put ardcoat on the tank window, but I was leaving it until after the matte varnish since I've read they can cancel each other out.

I've since gotten a Biologus Putrifier and Sloppity Bilepiper to add to the list in order to get free shipping on some Nurgling green (my local store is an hour and a half away). So I'll try and get some work done on the latter. I wasn't pleased with how light my Plaguebearers turned out so I'll be starting with a black undercoat rather than white this time, and the same scheme as my Glutton Daemon.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/09/06 16:21:27

Post by: inmygravenimage

I quite like those two models, I like how you've done the tank, interested to see what you do with old sloppychops

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/09/06 17:48:06

Post by: monkeytroll

Agreed, nicely done on the tank.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/09/12 21:20:47

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I quite like those two models, I like how you've done the tank, interested to see what you do with old sloppychops

 monkeytroll wrote:
Agreed, nicely done on the tank.

Thanks again monkeytroll and inmygravenimage. It's so lovely to have regulars on my plog.
I was trying to emulate the tank from a youtube video by the Brush and Boltgun.

Unfortunately this update could be the last for quite a while as I'm now in the thick of school work, but on the off chance I do finish anything I'll be sure to post it up.
So here is my Sloppity Bilepiper who has been dubbed McIntyre. I nearly lost his accompanying Nurgling disposing of a pile of paint chips on my desk, but thankfully I didn't have to replace him.

Happy painting to you all, and Papa Nurgle bless.

[Thumb - Sloppity (4).JPG]
[Thumb - Sloppity (3).JPG]
[Thumb - Sloppity (1).JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2018/09/15 22:56:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

He looks suitably slimy and sticky. Kudos!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/01/15 03:16:51

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
He looks suitably slimy and sticky. Kudos!

Thanks inmygravenimage for yet another compliment. I always appreciate the feedback.

Well I'm back with some progress. I managed to finally finish Mortarion over my Christmas break, although I had started him quite a while ago.
He's a bit of a departure from my normal paint scheme, but I decided to focus on drybrushing the armor since there is already a fair amount of line work on the wings. I would have completed him earlier, but I had to fight off a bugger of a cold that took up most of my holidays. I still have to add the snow to the base, but I'll do that after the varnish. I ended up leaving off the smoke from his back because I was sick of trying to get it to stay in place while the glue dried. It was bad enough that one of the wings took an entire day to set, and, even though it's an exquisite model, I'm eager to move on to a different project by now.

Speaking of which as if my backlog wasn't big enough already I was lured in by some black Friday sales so I got a few more Creature Caster models, a bunch of Lust Elves from Raging Heroes, the new Noise Marine, two battleforces, and the Wrath and Rapture box. Some of this is straying from my devotion to Papa Nurgle, but I'll probably still post it in here rather than make a whole new thread. I have some of it assembled, but since school starts back up again tomorrow I don't know how much I'll be able to accomplish before summer rolls back around.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/01/15 04:42:36

Post by: amazingturtles

I really love the variety of colors, and the wings, of course. I like that green too, so vibrant!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/01/15 11:24:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Agreed, I really love your technicolour devotion to Big Papa! I had settled on red, after seeing nerdfest09's take on Morty, but this has really got me dithering. Curse you!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/01/15 22:05:07

Post by: monkeytroll

Good job, also a fan of the different take you have on Nurgle's finest.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/01/26 07:55:43

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Agreed, I really love your technicolour devotion to Big Papa! I had settled on red, after seeing nerdfest09's take on Morty, but this has really got me dithering. Curse you!

What a pleasant surprise to return to a wave of positivity. I'm glad you all like my version of Morty. I'm also a big Rick and Morty fan, so I enjoy your use of the moniker inmygravenimage. I look forward to the day you finish yours. The red looks cool too.

 amazingturtles wrote:
I really love the variety of colors, and the wings, of course. I like that green too, so vibrant!

Welcome to my putrid little corner of the web amazingturtles. I wasn't sure the blue was going to work out at first, but I also plan on doing a similar scheme for my Plague Drones. The green on the lower portion I borrowed from miniwargaming.

 monkeytroll wrote:
Good job, also a fan of the different take you have on Nurgle's finest.

And thanks monkeytroll, I love those hauler crawlers you're working on btw.

In other news I just finished this limited edition Creature Caster model of the festive daemon Krampus. He's only a bust mind you, but he stands about 3.5 inches tall. There's a bit of a gap to be filled in one of the joins of the horns and I had to place him on a base to keep him from keeling over, but he went pretty smoothly. It's not often I can finish a project in just over a week.

I've also started on my first Lust Elf who is riding a daemon steed, but I haven't quite settled on the colors yet.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/08/05 08:29:31

Post by: nerull

So I was working on my Plague Angel, but got the urge to work on something smaller for a change of pace. That something is my first Lust Elf, a Medusa.
I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures, but these are with the flash set to automatic which never seems to be able to focus properly that way. Normally I have the manual flash on all the time, but in this case it really highlighted the areas where the Fang spray was in the deep recesses. When viewing it in person it's not very noticeable, but on camera it makes me regret ever buying that color of spray. It provides a good base for color, but getting rid of the recesses is next to impossible.

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[Thumb - IMG_0609.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/05/09 18:42:46

Post by: nerull

I'm happy to be beginning my summer break once again since I was too busy to finish anything during the semester. I did get my Plague Angel about one third done, but I didn't have the motivation to complete him yet.
Instead I did my favorite part of the Shadowspear box, the Venomcrawler. I haven't done a mostly black model since my vindicator, but I didn't think my normal green color scheme would make sense for a spider. There's not really anything special about him, but hopefully it's gotten the ball rolling for more relatively soon.

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[Thumb - IMG_0624.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/05/13 08:40:48

Post by: nerull

I'm back again with a bit more progress. Here is my first of the Nightmare Hulks, although I won't be painting the others for a while. He's not actually as bright as he appears in the pictures, but things get too obscured without the flash on full. I've since made a few small corrections. I'm not sure what I'll be working on next, but I have a lot to choose from.

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[Thumb - IMG_0636.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/05/18 04:06:14

Post by: nerull

Here's the next model coming down the pipe, my Master of Possessions. I have named him Nandor, after Nandor the Relentless from the new "What We Do In The Shadows" tv series. Like the Venomcrawler, I felt he would look better in black rather than green. Being a sorcerer is enough of a distinction, kind of like how marine chaplains are always clad in black. Other than the Master of Executions and when I eventually get to Abaddon, I'll be returning to my old color scheme with the rest of my army. I'm fairly happy with how he turned out. He's not really a small model, but he is smaller than what I have been working on recently. I find bigger models, though time consuming, are slightly more forgiving.

I was thinking of doing one of the Greater Possessed next, but sooner or later I should really finish my Plague Angel. Part of me wants to move on to my King of Ruin from Creature Caster, but I can't justify starting something that huge until I complete the aforementioned first.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/05/18 12:56:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

I really like him, the fire is great. But I think Nando, I think spicy chicken!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/05/25 08:09:38

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I really like him, the fire is great. But I think Nando, I think spicy chicken!

Thanks inmygravenimage, I'm glad you like him. I'm not familiar with that type of chicken, but it sounds tasty. Hopefully you'll enjoy this update as well.

I got this Killer Croc from a local gaming store I just started going to recently. However, I was sorely disappointed when I got him home and realized he was missing a piece. The plus side is they gave me back some store credit, and he was already half price, so he really only cost me 12 bucks Canadian. I tried my best to replicate the missing forearm, but I should have shaved it down more before making the bracer, so it came out a bit too thick on that side. My hope is that it is at least somewhat passable, since there's no changing it now. I'm not the biggest fan of metal miniatures, so I'm looking forward to moving on to the next project.

I'm somewhat hampered lately since I somehow managed to snap my neck the wrong way and even after visiting my chiropractor it's still not quite back to normal. With that being said the next item on the list is another first for me, one of my new A Song of Ice and Fire miniatures which are the newest addition to my ever growing backlog. I purchased the Night's Watch Starter set and a box of Wilding Raiders, though I don't know when I'll get to the latter. I had to straighten most of the daggers on the veterans and one great sword was completely missing, but I guess that's acceptable since I don't really plan on playing this game either. I can just fill out the unit with a character or champion. It does make me reconsider my plan to keep them in the form fitting trays they came in though.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/05/25 09:11:57

Post by: inmygravenimage

I think he's looking great bud, really like him. I really need to paint my Rebirth era version! I'm actually, finally, starting to feel like painting BMG again.
(Nando's is a Piri-piri chicken chain in the UK, btw).

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/05/26 13:01:20

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I think he's looking great bud, really like him. I really need to paint my Rebirth era version! I'm actually, finally, starting to feel like painting BMG again.
(Nando's is a Piri-piri chicken chain in the UK, btw).

I'm pleased that you are satisfied with my Killer Croc inmygravenimage, I'd love to see you get to that Rebirth version.
I'm kinda tempted to check out Nandos now that I know there is a location fairly close to me.

Now it's time to present the first of my Night's Watch, Ghost. He's the only one that isn't mostly black, so it may take awhile to find the scheme to finish his compatriots. It's a totally new line of models so I thought it would be a good opportunity to test out my new Army Painter snow since I only have one container of Citadel snow left without having to resort to their more recent textured paint.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/01 10:57:04

Post by: nerull

I've been working away trying to finish my Plague Angel and have made enough progress to show him off a bit. He is pictured here with his kickstarter exclusive head, minus a horn, which I haven't seen documented anywhere else. I plan on doing his original head shortly after since I have them magnetized. Both options look cool. There isn't actually that gap on one side of his neck, I just had it on slightly crooked at the time.
I'll include a model for scale once he's complete, but suffice to say he is pretty damn tall. I also still have to do the last highlight on half his butt and fill in some gaps in the rock.

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[Thumb - IMG_0704.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0710.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/01 13:20:05

Post by: Fifty

The models look really good, but it is hard to see them well. Is there any chance you could crop your photos before uploading?

(I especially like the boney/flamey guy)

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/05 08:36:22

Post by: nerull

 Fifty wrote:
The models look really good, but it is hard to see them well. Is there any chance you could crop your photos before uploading?

(I especially like the boney/flamey guy)

Thanks for checking out my page Fifty. At first I didn't want to put in the extra work, but I admit they do look better cropped, other than one where I accidentally removed a line from it.

Here's the finished Plague Angel, whom I've named Gabriel. The only thing left to do is fill a couple gaps where his scythe attaches and varnish him. As you can tell from the scale shots, he's a big one at almost 9 inches total. I still have his other head to do so hopefully I'll get around to that. The one thing I think could have turned out better is if my Ushabti Bone paint hadn't dried up a while ago since the bone on the scythe is a bit too pure white for my tastes. I also might try putting a thinned down coat of blue ink on his shoulder skulls.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/06 01:03:30

Post by: amazingturtles

Whoa, he is giant, and a very impressive piece of work!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/06 11:34:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

I dunno, I like the contrast of the very sharp bone white. Wings look ace btw.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/09 04:41:53

Post by: nerull

 amazingturtles wrote:
Whoa, he is giant, and a very impressive piece of work!

Thanks a lot amazingturtles. It's great to hear from you again. He's a big'un indeed, in fact it's getting so cramped in my display case that I plan on ordering a bigger one to start filling up soon.

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I dunno, I like the contrast of the very sharp bone white. Wings look ace btw.

I appreciate how closely you follow my work inmygravenimage and it's nice to know that the white doesn't stick out as much as I thought it did. For the wings I was trying to copy someone else's work that came up during a quick google search. I still think theirs was a bit better, but I'm content with mine.

With the alternate head now done, the Plague Angel is ready for varnishing so he can take his place with all the others. At the moment I'm in the middle of trying to complete my second dire wolf, Shaggydog, from the new Stark Heroes 2 set, which I mostly got for Arya. At first I thought he was pretty much all black, but when I later checked google he appears to have a bit of brown or light gray to his fur in the show.

Hopefully I can modify what I have without too much headache because I'm itching to start my King of Ruin shown here. Sorry for the lack of paint, but it's easier to see the detail when he's not completely black. He'll look better at the end when I can attach his hands and the multitude of antlers that go on his head and back. I think he's about the same size as my Glutton Daemon, Balthazar, though the latter appears taller due to his rocky base, so this one will probably take me quite a while.

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[Thumb - IMG_0747.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/10 12:56:13

Post by: nerull

Shaggydog is now complete. I tried to restrain myself a bit with the snow since it plumps up more than the one I am used to. Like I said, the King of Ruin is a big project, so this will be the last update for a bit.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/10 13:44:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looking nice, but maybe a dark, dark brown drybrush, just to give the fur a bit of variety?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/06/11 14:01:42

Post by: amazingturtles

I agree, the doggie is quite neat looking but it's a bit hard to make out details. It does look quite haunting against the snow!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/07/01 06:43:54

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Looking nice, but maybe a dark, dark brown drybrush, just to give the fur a bit of variety?

I would have liked to have taken your suggestion into account inmygravenimage, but I had Shaggydog varnished shortly after posting. The last drybrush was actually Steel Legion Drab, which is kind of a mid tone brown, so I think a dark brown might have cancelled it out a bit.
Nevertheless he could have used some more lightening up in hindsight, but I was trying to avoid crossing more into gray than black.

 amazingturtles wrote:
I agree, the doggie is quite neat looking but it's a bit hard to make out details. It does look quite haunting against the snow!

Haunting is a nice way to describe him amazingturtles. Sorry if the black is hard to make out, it makes me dread starting the horde of forty Night's Watch Brothers I have to do at some point.

I've made enough progress on the King of Ruin to update you with, especially since the arm full of guts is hard to attach without doing all six pieces in short order.
The antlers being blackish grey is a bit different from how I normally do bone, in fact I had to go back and change how I did the shoulder horns to blend in with them, but that's how the examples I've seen have been done. I think it provides for good contrast. If I had thought ahead I would have used my rust weathering powders on his armor plates as I did with his other shoulder and weapon, but I guess the dark green looks okay too.
It's interesting to note that Creature Caster went to the trouble of modelling his testicles, even though they're unnoticeable behind his loincloth.

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[Thumb - IMG_0789.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/07/01 13:21:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's fab. And I love the contrast of the orange. Testicles eh? Papa decrees he should have 3!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/07/08 07:19:40

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's fab. And I love the contrast of the orange. Testicles eh? Papa decrees he should have 3!

Much gratitude inmygravenimage. I was originally going to make the boils an off white with crimson ink, but some of them are too small for that to work well.

Now for the unveiling of the final product, with the exception of the smudge I just noticed on one of his fingers and some green stuff around the hand as well as the loincloth on the back. It sticks out, but I wanted him available to show off tomorrow.
Rather than just the King of Ruin, he shall now be known as Sugar Bumps. I got the idea from a scene in the first Batman movie where Jack Nicholson emerges from the shadows to murder some mafia guy. "That you Sugar Bumps?"

I apologize if the pictures are a bit darker than usual, but the second light in my kitchen which was the best spot for lighting is on the fritz and getting my superintendent to fix anything is like pulling teeth.
He would have been done a bit sooner, but I lost a day repainting his handful of worms and guts from red to purple, as I felt it was getting too Christmas-y with the red and green. Plus now it matches the guts falling from his belly, which if you look closely contain another worm poking its head out.

I'm not sure what the next project will be, but it might not be a Chaos model because I purchased a set of Mangler Squigs on sale as well as some interesting models from Wargames Exclusive aka Grim Skull, although it will be quite a while before the latter arrives. Also in a fit of shortsightedness I went ahead and bought the new Acastus Knight Asterius from Forgeworld that will hopefully be shipping out soon at express speed.

He's both the biggest, reported to be about 10.5", and by far the most expensive of any figure I've ever bought, but I had been tempted to get a Porphyrion for a while and I thought the Asterius looked even cooler than that. I anticipate those giant arms being a challenge to attach, but I heard a tip from a youtube video about an epoxy called JB Weld that is supposedly stronger than super glue. Speaking of which my super glue has become a pain lately what with always being stuck shut from drying but I'm trying to get everything I can from it before moving on to a fresh bottle.

In other news I recently got and built a new slightly bigger glass display cabinet as well as a narrow bookcase with a glass door which will hopefully be enough to contain the overflow of minis I have left on the drawing board.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/07/09 12:15:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

Never run another man's rhubarb.
I always assumed that line was Sugar Lump, like a cheap Floozie of some sort.
Anyway, mighty fine prince there!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/07/11 09:34:29

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Never run another man's rhubarb.
I always assumed that line was Sugar Lump, like a cheap Floozie of some sort.
Anyway, mighty fine prince there!

Thanks a lot inmygravenimage. I checked youtube after seeing your post and the subtitles confirm it's Sugar Bumps rather than lumps though.

My Acastas Knight Asterius arrived yesterday and it seems I picked a good time to order one because they just raised the price by $35. I received all the right pieces, including a double of a part for the guns, but unfortunately one of the missiles from the Karacnas Mortar rack was broken off during shipping. I'm still waiting for a reply from Forgeworld to see if they'll be nice enough to replace it.

Acastas Knight Asterius sure is a mouthful, so in keeping with the Greek titan theme from my Chaos Knight, Kronos, I've decided to name him after his brother, Hyperion.
Although I guess it's technically Cronus with a C and U, but it doesn't really matter since the names on my bases are spelled phonetically anyway.

Apparently Hyperion is also the name of a Grey Knight psyker, but none of the other male titans seemed fitting, except maybe Atlas who is unrelated to Cronus. I prefer keeping them as siblings to tie in with my original concept of my army as a brotherhood. I'm not really concerned about the fact that this version is supposed to only be available to Mechanicus as I don't play games anymore. There is a dark Mechanicus after all so nothing is safe from the taint of corruption.

I'll still be waiting a while on my epoxy to come, I ended up settling on Bob Smith Industries Quick Cure epoxy since it dries clear, but I was too impatient so I started building his torso. He's already about four times the size of a normal marine. I'll be leaving off the armored cowl from his head since I think it looks much better without it. There's also a couple shots of the multitude of parts, 154 in total, and one of the interior cockpit. I won't bother painting it since it's completely hidden once the carapace goes on.

He's such a huge project that I doubt I'll be able to finish before the summer comes to an end and school starts again, but I'll try and post as many updates as is feasible since I don't think there is much info regarding him out there yet.
I also found a base that should work for him already. It's actually a coaster for a cooking pot, but it's about the right size being a 7"/ 180mm circle.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/07/11 16:05:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

So basically it's a way of saying Sugar tits instead? love the coaster idea. Can't wait.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/07/31 05:05:52

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
So basically it's a way of saying Sugar tits instead? love the coaster idea. Can't wait.

Precisely . The coaster idea didn't work though since it was too flimsy being made from cork. So instead I purchased a wooden plaque which is fortunate because even at 8" instead of 7 across it's barely big enough.

My epoxy arrived but putting the legs together was still quite a process. I almost undoubtedly have them positioned incorrectly since the big pistons on the back of the legs barely stretched far enough and the little ones I had to trim the rods shorter to fit properly. At least the cabling fit in there without having to bend it.
It will look better once I have the armor plates on which are on the agenda for tomorrow. It's important to note that I haven't glued on the gold supports at the base of the legs since it would be very difficult to attach the armor having them already affixed with the shallow sockets they fit into.

I also pinned the pelvis to the torso with a brass rod so it isn't glued on yet either. I was considering running a pin up through the bottom of the feet into the legs, but with how strong the epoxy is I didn't feel it necessary to risk drilling through crooked. I had to add a significant strip of green stuff to the top where the carapace will attach at the front, where it shouldn't be that noticeable, because no matter how I tried heating it up and bending it it wouldn't sit flush on both ends at once.
However I have already received my new mortar rack from Forgeworld to replace the broken one. I only asked for the top section, but they sent me all three so now I have some spares I'll never use.

Also pictured here are the two sci-fi cars I got from Grimskull Miniatures aka Wargames Exclusive all the way from the Ukraine. They're quite short but I guess they're supposed to be scaled to fit a cultist sized soldier rather than a space marine.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/08/02 18:10:33

Post by: nerull

Just a small update for today, the leg armor. I wanted to get some shots of it before I varnish. Normally I'd wait until the end, but I think the paint on the carapace and torso armor that I've had done for a while has begun to fade a bit, so I may end up redoing them.
I used a technique I saw from a youtuber whereby you take a small chunk of filter, in my case a deep fryer filter, tie wrap it to a pair of tweezers and dab at the armor hopefully creating a stippling effect.

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[Thumb - IMG_0861.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0864.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/08/03 06:20:16

Post by: inmygravenimage

Yeah, that's nice, like a more even sponge weathering.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/08/20 13:13:03

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Yeah, that's nice, like a more even sponge weathering.

Thanks and that's the idea although I would have liked it more if I had gotten the mid tone of kabalite green to be more noticeable.

I haven't been making as much progress as I had hoped, partly because I've been distracted by several kickstarters involving models. I'm eventually getting Etherfields, Gotham City Chronicles, Middara, and with any luck Cthulhu Death May Die. I've also already received Folklore The Affliction, but its minis are a bit on the cartoonish side.

So the torso is done other than the missile rack and pair of guns. The shoulder pads and back armor are done too but are not attached yet. Hopefully the arms will go on relatively smoothly when the time comes.

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[Thumb - IMG_0877.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0875.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/12/17 14:39:30

Post by: nerull

Now that I've got some time again over Christmas break I'm getting stuck in to my huge backlog starting with the Ghouls from my copy of Cthulhu: Death May Die.
Since there is almost 50 models just in the core box alone you can see why I'm going more for speed than detail, but they look okay for taking less than 2 days.

I only have a couple so far, but this is my first use of a contrast paint. I also tried to get pictures of them using my new, to me at least, phone but the flash wouldn't work right so it's back to the old standalone camera I guess.
I just left their bases black because the room tiles you play on vary between outdoor and indoor environments.

I don't know if my holidays will be long enough for me to get any more work done on my Acastus Knight Asterius, but if not I'm hoping to get him done over the coming summer. I've also added Aeon Trespass Odyssey and Oathsworn to the list of kickstarters I'll be receiving in the distant future.

[Thumb - Ghouls 1.JPG]
[Thumb - Ghouls 2.JPG]
[Thumb - Ghouls 3.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0976.JPG]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2019/12/25 03:56:16

Post by: nerull

I'm back with more progress, this time with all the finished cultists.
I'm not really pleased with how the Kislev Flesh highlight on the hands came out, but the Tuskgor Fur by itself seemed kind of plain. I also highlighted the mouths after the photos were taken so they show up a bit better.
Next up on the docket are my 8 Deep Ones, which when finished will mean one whole tray will be done.

With a couple units done now I can get in a couple more games without feeling ashamed of all the grey plastic.
It's a tough game, with more than a little luck needed to win, but at least with having gotten my hands on the kickstarter extras box I have the full complement of investigators to choose from. I just wish the plastic trays to hold the player cards actually snapped together properly as they seem a bit cheaply made.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/01/03 03:21:33

Post by: nerull

Happy new year everyone! I've tried to start things off right by buckling down on my Deep Ones which are now more or less complete.

I'm still not sure how I feel about them since they are the first unit of the game to differ significantly from the art. The picture on the unit card is kind of a dirty grey, but I had already purchased a couple blue contrast paints before I gave it much notice. I spent today lightening and then darkening them back a bit so hopefully they read as blueish from a greater distance than what I had before.

This post marks my first time using pics from my hand me down phone. I think I finally figured out how to get semi decent shots with it so I hope this translates to a slight improvement in the visual quality of my content.

I've still got a couple weeks of vacation left to maybe complete a couple more things. Currently I'm trying to decide whether to work on my first couple investigators or Hashtur and his crew.
I've played quite a few sessions of Death May DIe now and so far he is my favorite Elder One to fight. I even tried one game against the Black Goat of the Woods and got my butt handed to me, despite making it to his final stage. My one complaint with the game is how unbalanced the difficulty is with him and Dagon, as well as several of the scenarios.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/01/03 07:46:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

I like the colour, they're looking good and nasty

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/01/10 06:05:42

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I like the colour, they're looking good and nasty

Thanks inmygravenimage, I always appreciate your feedback. Your productivity is part of what is inspiring me to try and get more finished this year.

On that note here is my first finished Elder One, Hashtur. I actually find him to be the easiest boss to fight since he doesn't summon nearly as many enemies as the others.
This much yellow is not usual for my palette, but that's how he is depicted.

I would have finished him faster, but I had quite the mishap when the night I started him my adjustable lamp's base suddenly began to crumble and fall apart, immediately followed by it toppling over.
I now have an even better replacement from RONA with 5 bulbs instead of 4, 60 watts instead of 40, and they're LED to boot. So if I turn them all on at once it's almost blinding, but it certainly helps one see all the nooks and crannies.
I should get some investigators started, but with how well the big guy went I may move on to his four female underlings with Tommy guns first.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/01/10 07:15:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's a great set of colours. All this lovecraftian nonsense really puts me in mind to get my Hellboy stuff started.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/01/13 12:13:34

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's a great set of colours. All this lovecraftian nonsense really puts me in mind to get my Hellboy stuff started.

I'm glad you're liking my delve into board game madness inmygravenimage. I didn't even know Hellboy had miniatures.

Unfortunately for me school starts tomorrow, but I might be able to get one last batch finished before things start ramping up. For now here are my four Hastur Disciples which makes the grand total of 28 models done over my break. They appear like I forgot to do the eyes, but that's because the art has them with black eyes just like the Deep Ones. I did however go back and highlight the bump stocks and add a little bit of Agrax Earthshade in parts.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/01/17 19:00:11

Post by: nerull

I just have a tiny update, and it will likely be the last until the summer now that I see my current workload.

Although I was making good progress on Death May Die, I'll have a hard time not getting sidetracked by my newest haul, an almost complete set of The Order of Vampire Hunters by Dark Gate Games.
That's another 136 miniatures to add to the pile!
I've included a shot of some of the playable characters as well as my favorite model of the bunch, Gugadeth and the Beast, but there are too many to get photos of them all.

Unfortunately there was a broken off gun and more importantly a broken wing on my 2nd favorite Elder Vampire, but hopefully they can be fixed. I got a pretty good price on it so I guess I can't complain.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/05/17 17:51:56

Post by: nerull

It's the starting of summer again, only year of my college program left to go, so it's time to get painting once more.
With the current state of the world the only games I'll actually get to play will be solo, but I'm starting with my copy of The Order of Vampire Hunters as predicted.
I hope everyone out there is staying safe.

I actually finished 10 of the basic enemies already in addition to whatever these are called, but the pictures I took of them were more than a little out of focus, so I'm not sure they're worth posting.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/05/23 06:13:53

Post by: nerull

I'm starting to hit a good rhythm, whether or not I can keep it up remains to be seen.
Here is my finished Gugadeth and the Beast. It's unfortunate that one of his wings is pretty badly warped and his base is all wonky, I may try and use putty to fill in the bottom, but for now he is somewhat stable.
I might work on the Nyx character next since she has similar wings, thankfully straight in her case, or I may switch gears and start my set of Gotham City Chronicles. You should see how badly Batman's base is warped, much worse than this guy. He can't even stand at all, the drunkard, so that one will have to be replaced entirely .

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/05/24 22:21:17

Post by: nerull

Here is my first model from Gotham City Chronicles, Killer Croc. He is my favorite Batman villain so it's a shame he is only used in a single scenario despite coming in two different sculpts.

This was a quick one, but he looks pretty good in person. Maybe he could use a Deathclaw Brown highlight just around his collar and a bit of pink on the tongue.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/05/25 21:26:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's a lovely job there you've done. Play DCU or BMG instead, lots of use there I'm a big Croc fan, as you might guess from my profile pic

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/05/26 07:47:42

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's a lovely job there you've done. Play DCU or BMG instead, lots of use there I'm a big Croc fan, as you might guess from my profile pic

Nice to hear from you again inmygravenimage, I'm glad you like this version of him too.
Croc is the best, I have a giant poster of him overlooking me right now.
I don't normally reply without something new to show off, but I had to let you know that thanks to you reminding me about BMG I had to make my first purchase from knight models.

Stupid me, I failed to realize that they offer free shipping if the order is large enough so I ended up making two orders. The new Poison Ivy on her plant throne is what caught my eye, but to reach the threshold I added several others including the Rebirth version of Croc. It might seem a bit excessive to have 4 different versions of him, but I was lured in by the low stock warning.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/03 04:44:41

Post by: nerull

Going back to the Order of Vampire Hunters for the moment, here is the next batch. I believe these ones are called burrowers seeing as how one leg is still emerging from the ground. There is still a whole lot left just in the core box alone, but I'm starting to make headway.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/05 01:27:55

Post by: nerull

Switching back and forth between the two games, here is the biggest model of the whole Batman set, Clayface.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/05 06:26:22

Post by: inmygravenimage

Very cool, like where you're going with the block. Could he maybe take a swift, light brown drybrush?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/07 03:22:54

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Very cool, like where you're going with the block. Could he maybe take a swift, light brown drybrush?
I'm glad you like him, there's still a huge amount of Batman to get to. I took your advice about lightening up the block a bit, even though I had previously darkened it down, but I'll refrain from re-posting after such a small improvement.

I already received my Poison Ivy and Mad Hatter. I expected the former to be bigger, but the latter is freakin minuscule. I was going to work on them only to find out my 3 brand new and unopened bottles of super glue had completely dried solid which is ridiculous. I have more ordered, Bob Smith brand this time, but I guess I'll have to prioritize a few of the other hundreds I have left to do for the time being.

Still oscillating and never quite settling on one thing here is my first completed playable character with which to hunt down those vampires, except he needs one slight correction to his right hand. He has a weird name, but I prefer to just call him by his nickname, Rat. I'm inching closer to being able to actually play a game, even though the complexity of the rules leaves a bit to be desired from what I can surmise.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/13 04:14:35

Post by: nerull

This batch are just thralls rather than full fledged vampires, though I still have the female versions to do. I feel like I should have gone with a more noticeable green for the eyes, but I don't really want to redo them.
It's my first test of Creature Caster's line of paints, and I was hoping this pale green would allow me to replace my Skarsnik green as it's the most prone to drying up on since it tends to be the most time consuming color. Unfortunately it seems to be closer to Nurgling green than Skarsnik.

It looks like I'll still be waiting on my glue for another week , but at least my remaining add-ons from the Vampire Hunters kickstarter arrived today. Now I have almost everything, and I'll be starting Brith soon which is a slightly bulkier Elder Vampire.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/13 07:44:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh, I like that skin tone. Really unusual, and great sculpt too.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/19 00:59:27

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Ooh, I like that skin tone. Really unusual, and great sculpt too.
Thanks for the feedback. It seems like you're my only fan lately, but ya the models for Vampire Hunters are pretty decent for such a small company.

This next one isn't Brith, although he is started. According to the website, his name is Grelrok.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/19 06:14:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's how it feels sometimes on here though, it comes and goes. I like this guy but I'd bring up the highlights on the face a bit more so it doesn't get lost in the grey?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/25 08:23:21

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's how it feels sometimes on here though, it comes and goes. I like this guy but I'd bring up the highlights on the face a bit more so it doesn't get lost in the grey?
There's only so many ways to say I appreciate the support, but I always do. One is much better than none.

Here is the promised elder vampire, Brith. This is actually only his his first form, but it's enough for now. Once he "dies" he comes back with an exploded stomach revealing more tendrils to grab his prey.

My super glue is supposedly arriving later today so even though I have another playable character from Vampire Hunters started I may end up moving on to Poison Ivy's giant plant, Frank.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/06/26 06:01:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Nasty lol. I'd still consider hitting the face with a bit of a highlight.
Much as I love Frank and new ivy I've really scaled back my km purchases. I have huge amounts of 1st/2nd but DCU is more my jam. 3rd is a far better game, granted, and I still have all the Joker and Bane stuff. I'm just not prepared to go nuts for it.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/07 20:38:31

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Nasty lol. I'd still consider hitting the face with a bit of a highlight.
Much as I love Frank and new ivy I've really scaled back my km purchases. I have huge amounts of 1st/2nd but DCU is more my jam. 3rd is a far better game, granted, and I still have all the Joker and Bane stuff. I'm just not prepared to go nuts for it.
It has to be a pretty big model for me to bother making the face a different color than the body. In any case there are well over 100 minis in this game alone, with more games on the way, so there are bound to be some minor concessions in order to ever have a finished product.

Which game is better rules-wise is irrelevant to me since I don’t play skirmish games anymore, but personally Batman is the only DC property I’m interested in. I’m a bit picky when it comes to superheroes.
I noticed you also got the Heath Ledger set. I did as well, although I don’t know when I’ll get to him.
I won't be purchasing any more Knight models though. I just got hit with a bogus customs charge like a month after they had already arrived, but apparently my credit is at stake if I don't pay.

This next one turned out pretty well. Meet Frank, the aforementioned pet of Poison Ivy. I'd also like to start Croc, and maybe even Poison Ivy herself soon, but I'll probably be distracted by the fact that my copy of the Tainted Grail game just came today.

It's my first big narrative board game to arrive, and since I didn't want the optional set of enemy models there isn't quite as daunting a number of minis.
I had to work out a deal with a nice fellow near me who already pledged as I had missed the kickstarter campaign.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/10 04:59:24

Post by: nerull

Here is the beginnings of my Tainted Grail models.
The game is set in Arthurian times in a land that is being enveloped by an unnatural darkness called the Wyrdness. This guy is one of the 3 Menhir which somehow ward off the evil provided they are given the proper offerings.

I'll include a model for scale with the next one since they're pretty sizable. I've seen some people who are more skilled at painting reflected light go to town on the areas around the little candles, but mine is a bit more on the humble side in that area.
I did include a bit of mini autumn leaves though which I had been waiting for an appropriate place to bust out.

So now I just have two more Menhir, 5 playable characters, and the final boss to do, but I am somewhat tempted to try and add in a touch of green for that mossy look. I used to have a can of very fine flock, but it seems I've misplaced it. I also have some coarser foliage, but I felt that would conflict with the autumn leaves.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/10 08:51:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Spooky. I like the candle glow and spot colour from the leaves.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/10 12:58:55

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That is a very spooky mini, very well painted!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/12 22:58:48

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Spooky. I like the candle glow and spot colour from the leaves.

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
That is a very spooky mini, very well painted!
Thanks a whole bunch guys. If he looks spooky then I know I have done my job. Glad to have you as a new visitor, Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll. I'm pleased that you like my candle glow inmygravenimage, since I thought it might be a bit lacking.

I wish I had more leaves so I could put them on everything I have, but they are long since no longer being sold. I heard they were somehow made from actual plant material, but don't quote me.

Here is Menhir number two, although there are still a couple spots I should touch up. Now you can see from the first shot just how big these statues are.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/16 22:47:09

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
These are absolutely smashing
I didn't expect such a strong reaction to the Menhirs considering how quickly they came together, but I appreciate it nevertheless.

As usual there is always at least one spot I notice that could use a touch up once I've seen the pictures, but here is the third and final Menhir as well as a group shot of them all hanging out together.
The completionist in me is now kind of regretting not getting the optional enemy monsters pack, but only about half of them looked cool. Also there was a second enemy expansion for the wave 2 stuff so the cost was getting a bit out of control.

Now comes the much more fiddly task of painting the heroes. I should probably begin reading the instructions since I told myself I could start playing once I have a couple characters complete.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/19 11:14:42

Post by: nerull

I'm back already with the first playable character from Tainted Grail.
It's been a long time since I actually finished a relatively normal looking human, but I think he came out not too bad.
He goes by the outlandish name of Arev, and I was immediately drawn to him because of his scythe and Celtic body paint. The stitching on his pants also has a great texture to it, though it's a bit hard to distinguish from the pictures.

His art shows him with a scar like line of paint over his eye, but it took me a while to attempt it so it's only shown in the last couple photos here.
This marks my first use of my new artist's pen for dotting the eyes, and my first real test run of my new Pro Acryl paints on the flesh. I recently bought a bunch more since they were splitting from their parent company and their new site charges over twice the shipping so I figured it was my last chance to avoid that.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/23 03:16:14

Post by: nerull

I see that since my last post we've passed another milestone with 15,000 views.
It's been quite a while since I started this blog, and I'd like to think I have since grown as a modeler, but I still have a lot left to do. In fact my backlog has only gotten bigger over the years, but there are worse problems to have of course.

Next up is Niamh, who was the special bonus for backing on the first day. She is the most flexible character since she can use any one of the others' board or deck.
I'm pleased with the way she turned out since I still find painting women to be tricky.

Technically I have enough done to play now, but I didn't realize that the tutorial mission requires a different hero that I was going to save til later. It shouldn't be long now though. I just hope I can wrap my head around all the rules.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/23 08:51:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lovely skin tones and tattoos there.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/07/27 00:42:46

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Lovely skin tones and tattoos there.
Thanks inmygravenimage, that's nice of you to say. I can't take full credit for the tattoos since they are sculpted on to the models. The girl's were a bit trickier since her's were concave whereas Arev's were convex.

This is Beor, the blacksmith. All the heroes have some sort of drawback, but his is more readily apparent, a Festering Wound in his side.
This time I retook the pictures a second time after a few touch ups, most notably I attempted to make his eyes match each other better.

Now once I get him varnished it will be time to take the game for a trial run.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/08/04 03:30:26

Post by: nerull

Here is the bugger that's taken to hunting me down when I was minding my own business while adventuring.
He's called the Foredweller, and he's the only enemy included in the core box as what is presumably the final boss.

I've also included a couple shots of one of my games so you can get an idea of the setup.

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The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/08/04 18:00:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

Love the cape and the lantern. Great stuff.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/08/13 23:04:01

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Love the cape and the lantern. Great stuff.
I'm glad to be keeping you interested.

I decided to go for something bigger this time before the summer draws to a close.
I've had this tree lady for a few years or more, along with several others from the same company, so it's nice to cross her off my list. She along with all the original models have long since sold out on their store.
You'll notice in the last few pictures her little pet, Mr. Jackalope. He was the bonus for pledging on the kickstarter, along with this alternate head I used.
The last shot is with my only finished spawn for scale in order to appreciate her size. Not the biggest from Creature Caster by far, but still big enough.

[Thumb - Walker 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Walker 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Walker 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Walker 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Walker 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Walker 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Walker 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Walker 8.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/08/14 04:28:01

Post by: JustALittleOrkish

That TreeLady looks great. And immense

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/08/17 12:16:00

Post by: nerull

 JustALittleOrkish wrote:
That TreeLady looks great. And immense
Thanks a lot JustALittleOrkish. It's always nice to see a new face visiting my page. Maybe next summer I'll get around to my Queen of Ecstasy for something truly immense, compared to her the Tree Lady is a bit of a shorty. Of course I still to have finish my Acastus Knight Asterius too.

For now here is the second last hero left from Tainted Grail, Maggot. Maybe his mom was a Slipknot fan, who knows. I find it amusing how he is described as having an addiction to magic mushrooms. I assume they have some sort of practical application within this setting. That just leaves one character left and some of the plastic dials to do at some point.

I was probably going to hold off on her for the time being though. I was thinking about starting this guy, the Warrior Demon, also from Creature Caster. He doesn't look that imposing just yet, but wait until I attach his weapon arm and his fairly massive wings.

[Thumb - Maggot 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Maggot 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Maggot 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Maggot 4.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200815_043012.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200815_043034.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200815_043055.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/08/25 03:13:59

Post by: nerull

So there was a change of plans, for the moment anyway.
I had been intimidated to go back to my big guy, the Asterious, since the arms are most likely going to be the most challenging to build, but I didn't want to be back in school with no progress to show on him yet again. In fact it had been almost exactly a year since I'd touched anything 40k related.

The project has been fraught with pieces that didn't quite fit properly or took some real effort to get even halfway right, but I'm starting to make headway. I added the carapace missile launcher rack, the volcano cannons, and the back armor, along with some basic basing.
We'll see if I can summon the courage to begin the final phase of assembly. Wish me luck.

[Thumb - Asterius 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Asterius 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Asterius 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Asterius 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Asterius 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Asterius 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/09/04 12:17:44

Post by: nerull

Here is the big unveiling of what will more than likely be the biggest model I will ever complete, the Acastus Knight Asterius. At just a hair over a foot tall, it's not quite a miniature.
You can see the size difference between him and a Foul Blightspawn as well as Morty.

My 2 part epoxy seems to have worked. Normal super glue just wouldn't have cut it for the major joints. His base is a wooden plaque to provide the needed support.
He's now in his spot on the bottom shelf of my display case since it's the only one capable of holding his weight. It's a nerve wracking experience carrying him, but from my guess he weighs about 5 pounds.
The green on the guns seems a bit lighter in shade than what I did last year, but I'm hoping that's because it was the only part that wasn't varnished at the time.
The shoulder pads and the carapace were the most warped parts, but I did my best to correct them with green stuff. It's just a shame that there is no way to construct it to allow the cockpit to be visible. Hopefully I'll be able to do so when I eventually get around to my Chaos Knight despite him being much smaller by comparison.

I'll be hanging up my brushes for now until I get some more holidays, but I feel I made good progress with 43 models completed in about 4 months.

[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 8.jpg]
[Thumb - Acastus Knight Asterius 9.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/13 20:09:03

Post by: nerull

I just finished my exams yesterday, and I'm trying to get back into the swing of painting with this lil guy as a warm up.
He's the first mini completed from my copy of Etherfields which arrived a couple weeks ago. I have it on good authority that his briefcase is filled with crackers.
Hopefully I can get at least a couple of the playable characters done before I start playing.

[Thumb - Penguin 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Penguin 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Penguin 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Penguin 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Penguin 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/13 21:37:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

I really love that penguin. I do wonder what I can use it for...

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/16 00:37:35

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I really love that penguin. I do wonder what I can use it for...
I'm glad you like him, it's nice to be back with you slowly chipping away at the ever-growing backlog.

With that in mind, here is the first player character from the game, the Gambler.
I don't know if I'll really play as her much since her playstyle is more luck-based, but I love the model.
This is just her first form since every character has an upgraded "lucid" form. The only thing I didn't pledge for is the art book since it isn't coming until wave 2 which makes it pretty much useless as a painting guide.

[Thumb - Gambler 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Gambler 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Gambler 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Gambler 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Gambler 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Gambler 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/17 11:43:33

Post by: Ragsta

That Knight is feckin awesome! Great work, particularly for such a large model. I like the skin tones you’ve achieved on your recent ‘human’ figures, and the various monsters in general are very nicely done. Great stuff! Like the wee leaves on some bases too..

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/19 11:30:26

Post by: nerull

 Ragsta wrote:
That Knight is feckin awesome! Great work, particularly for such a large model. I like the skin tones you’ve achieved on your recent ‘human’ figures, and the various monsters in general are very nicely done. Great stuff! Like the wee leaves on some bases too..
Thanks so much for all the positive feedback Ragsta. It's especially nice to hear about the Knight Asterius since he was a long project that seemingly went mostly unnoticed. The skin tones are a pretty simple recipe so I'm pleased they're going over well. It's just Shadow Flesh, Tan Flesh, and then Olive Flesh from Pro Acryl/ Monument Hobbies.
I've got lots more cool monsters in the pipeline. I'll post a shot of what I've built of the Canuckimera so far next time, but the big stuff, like the King of Malifica – Resplendent will have to wait until I have more time this summer.

For now here are a couple of quick ones to make the dreamscape less grey, some possessed furniture or mimics if you prefer.
I'm also currently working on my next player character and am almost done reading all the instructions.

[Thumb - Dresser 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dresser 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dresser 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Dresser 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Wardrobe 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Wardrobe 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Wardrobe 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Wardrobe 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Wardrobe 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/20 02:18:36

Post by: tzurk

Wow, these are some awesome minis, and your paintwork really does them justice. The blue cloak on the spooky seance drawer is brilliant, and the eyes on the Gambler show great brush control - very jealous!

Can't get over the penguin either...

Great work - thanks for sharing!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/21 14:15:08

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Lovely tongue there
Thanks inmygravenimage. There are a lot of cool mini's in the game, but he's one of my favorites (along with the business penguin of course).
 tzurk wrote:
Wow, these are some awesome minis, and your paintwork really does them justice. The blue cloak on the spooky seance drawer is brilliant, and the eyes on the Gambler show great brush control - very jealous!

Can't get over the penguin either...

Great work - thanks for sharing!
Welcome tzurk, I'm flattered to receive so many compliments at once. I do what I can so anytime my work stands out to someone is fantastic. My trick for the eyes is using a fine tip "artist's" pen. It's still tricky to get right, but it works more often than without it.

With that being said, I'm not sure if the eyes on my follow up player character, the Reaper, came out quite as good, but they look okay in person. She also has a little blot on her one thigh that I had to fix as well as her one arm, but hopefully you get the idea. She came as the optional 5th player expansion, but I only got her because of a bundle since I mostly play solo.

I even got to play the introduction scenario yesterday which was pretty fun. I'll try and get some pictures of my session next time.
The second model, Mr Boxman, is pretty lackluster, but was quick to paint up.
I also included what I have so far of the Canuckimera as promised. He'll probably be the only non-Etherfields mini I'll have time for on my break.

[Thumb - Reaper 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Reaper 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Reaper 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Reaper 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Reaper 5.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20201220_222424.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20201220_222433.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20201220_222443_1.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20201220_222500.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20201220_223345.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20201220_223406.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/28 16:09:59

Post by: nerull

In theory it shouldn't take me that much longer to finish the Canuckimera, but I couldn't resist showing off my work in progress so so far. This model was probably almost a decade from the original concept to now being in my hands, and as a Canadian it's one of favorites.

He came with the option for either wings or additional horns, but I'm going with the latter since the wings just look like a touch too much going on. I've only seen a few examples of him fully painted, but I think I'm the first to give the goose tail his true Canadian black and white coloring.
I haven't started the smaller beaver arms/wings yet as I'm still considering what color to use. A goose's wings are a mix of browns, but I want something more contrasted to the brown of the main body.

[Thumb - WIP Canuck 1.jpg]
[Thumb - WIP Canuck 2.jpg]
[Thumb - WIP Canuck 3.jpg]
[Thumb - WIP Canuck 4.jpg]
[Thumb - WIP Canuck 5.jpg]
[Thumb - WIP Canuck 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2020/12/30 01:54:04

Post by: nerull

I finished sooner than expected so here he is along with what eventually be he sidekick that I got for preordering, the Beaver of the Dammed.
One last thing I forgot to do before photographing is sprinkle a bit of those miniature leaves on the base.
I'll also try to add a shot for scale later on. He's big enough, but not that big.

[Thumb - Canuckimera 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Canuckimera 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Canuckimera 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Canuckimera 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Canuckimera 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Flying Beaver 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Flying Beaver 2.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/01/09 11:27:33

Post by: nerull

I'm sad to say that this little guy is most likely going to be the final model I complete until summer eventually arrives once more.
He's just a minor enemy from Etherfields, one of the many shapeshifters that are placeholders for anything that isn't a named monster.

In the meantime I should be receiving my copies of both Middara Wave 1 and Tainted Grail Wave 2 in about a couple months so once again my backlog keeps growing to the point of approaching painting paralysis. Nevertheless there's a lot to look forward to assuming the world doesn't end before I get the chance to get to it.

[Thumb - Human Shapeshifter 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Human Shapeshifter 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Human Shapeshifter 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Human Shapeshifter 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Human Shapeshifter 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Human Shapeshifter 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/04/20 13:40:59

Post by: nerull

I'm glad to be finished with my semester once more, just one final class left to go.
At the moment I'm relaxing for a bit since my sister has yet to clear her painting off the main table. She does canvas painting during my studies. Still I couldn't resist partially building what will possibly be my first project of spring/summer.

It's the biggest of the four 75mm scale resins I got from the Limbo: Saga of Noadin kickstarter, Ylva.
I've never painted a 75mm before and this seemed like a good one to try.
Pictured with Ghost the dire wolf and my Master of Possessions for comparison.

[Thumb - IMG_20210420_090919.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20210420_090953.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20210420_091036.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/04/20 20:58:57

Post by: inmygravenimage

... well this is exciting. Really looking forward to your take on a 75mm fig.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/05/26 20:22:56

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
... well this is exciting. Really looking forward to your take on a 75mm fig.
Thanks for the words of encouragement inmygravenimage. I'm glad to see you back as I chip away at the backlog once again.

Here is the finished Ylva. I'm pleased with how she came out with the nagging exception that I didn't quite get the rider's eyes to match despite numerous attempts. You'd think with the increased scale it would have been a breeze, but I may have to take yet another crack at it. I don't like the idea of trying it now that it means grasping the entire piece at once, but if I don't it's probably going to bug me.

Hopefully I will be receiving my copy of Act 1 of Middara anytime now so that will likely preoccupy my time once it arrives.

[Thumb - Wolf Lady 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 8.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 9.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady 10.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/05/26 20:30:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Really enjoyed this. My favourite bit is the wolf's eyes and the scarring. As for the lady herself, TT he muscle definition and cloak highlights are most impressive - I do love a bit of capework!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/05/29 02:48:47

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Really enjoyed this. My favourite bit is the wolf's eyes and the scarring. As for the lady herself, TT he muscle definition and cloak highlights are most impressive - I do love a bit of capework!
Thanks for the positive feedback inmygravenimage, nice to hear it meets your approval.

I have a few more from that kickstarter left to do, but for now I decided to switch it up to a project I haven't touched in about 2 years, Death May Die. For all my hesitation and considering how I would go about it, the game's namesake ended up coming together pretty quickly.

Now if I can just get done his smaller kin, the Star Spawn, which is his right hand demon in game I'll have to bring it back to the table at least once. I've actually only played against Cthulhu himself once during my very first game, but I didn't understand a couple big rules at the time so my victory over him really can't be considered legit.
He is rightfully one of the tougher elder ones to fight although he is beatable, whereas the Black Goat and Dagon seem very badly balanced to the point of near invincibility.

I've also included a shot of my last attempt at fixing the eyes on my last model.

[Thumb - Cthulhu 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Cthulhu 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Cthulhu 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Cthulhu 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Cthulhu 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Wolf Lady Face.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/05/29 06:02:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Love me a great Cthulhu. It's intimidating painting something that size, and So iconic: I know I held off painting mine for Brimstone (The Ancient One) for ages. I like your palette and take on it, the mottling on the back contrasts well and simultaneously helps the whole thing pop. And her eyes look great!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/01 22:27:09

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Love me a great Cthulhu. It's intimidating painting something that size, and So iconic: I know I held off painting mine for Brimstone (The Ancient One) for ages. I like your palette and take on it, the mottling on the back contrasts well and simultaneously helps the whole thing pop. And her eyes look great!
This Cthulhu isn't all that big, but I'm glad you like it. There was a giant one for the kickstarter, but even if I had the money for it I definitely don't have the space. Iconic is definitely applicable though. Other than the giant one I'd say this is by far the best sculpt of him I've seen. I had to look up your Brimstone one, and while I don't really like the model itself your paint job on it is very good.

Except now with his accompanying Star Spawn minion completed I wish I had incorporated my Elysian green which I used for it on Cthulhu himself as well. He looks kinda muted by comparison, but I guess it's too late since I already varnished him.

Still progress is progress I suppose. Now I can face off against them in full colored glory! I still have yet to finish any of the player characters, but the demons are much more fun to paint.
I'm not sure what exactly I'll work on next with so many options available.
I thought I would have Middara delivered by now, but so far all they sent was the one package of sleeves I ordered separately. I sent pick and pack logistics a ticket, but I hate how they don't just have a phone number. As long as I get it in the end, but being so close yet so far sure is nerve wracking.

[Thumb - Star Spawn 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Star Spawn 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Star Spawn 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Star Spawn 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Star Spawn 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Star Spawn 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/11 15:36:51

Post by: nerull

I'm happy to say my copy of Middara Act 1 arrived almost a week ago so besides being distracted by videogames and life in general I have already started buckling down so I can hopefully get to play with most of it painted, at least for the first few scenarios anyway.

The only thing I'm disappointed by so far is that about half the mid-sized card packs were covered in an unknown sticky substance which in some cases leaked through to the cards themselves. I got a reply back from the company about it, but since I plan on sleeving most of it anyway I didn't think it would be worth the bother to arrange a replacements for what is in theory maybe a dozen cards out of like a thousand.

Anyway without further ado, here is the monsters that will be used in the introductory fight, the cave sickles, along with the resin version of Zeke, one of the four player characters. Unfortunately Zeke's cigarette he's supposed to be holding had already broken off by the time I got so I had to make do with what I could sculpt myself. Hopefully it doesn't break off again so easy does it.

Rook is the only other resin I ordered since the female party members seemed to have decent pvc versions in the base game and all the others are designed to be used in crawl mode which is not really what I purchased the game for. I'm all about the narrative experience. I have to get around to him at some point, but at least I have made a start on Nightingale and I'm about a third done reading the rule book.

I really have to order some replacements for my artist pen though because the first one totally dried up with minimal use and the spare disappeared somewhere. Dotting the pupils without one is a completely maddening experience, , hell even with one it can be frustrating.

[Thumb - Zeke 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Zeke 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Zeke 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Zeke 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Zeke 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Zeke 8.jpg]
[Thumb - Zeke 9.jpg]
[Thumb - Group A 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Group A 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Group A 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Group A 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Group B 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Group B 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Group B 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/12 20:58:18

Post by: nerull

This is Nightingale. That's half the main party done and one step closer to trying out the game.
I ordered the last couple artist pens I could find for a decent price, but it's from across the pond so it seems they will take upwards of a month to get to me, .

[Thumb - Nightingale 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Nightingale 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Nightingale 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Nightingale 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Nightingale 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Nightingale 8.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/15 12:26:44

Post by: nerull

Next up is Casual Rook, the second of the pair of resins I ordered.
I have pretty much no experience painting darker skin tones, but I like the way he turned out. I had to mix a couple colors to get the last brown to not appear too stark which I normally avoid.
Also not having to bother with pupils was deeply satisfying. Can everyone wear sunglasses?

I still have about half the rulebook left to read, but things are coming along nicely now.

[Thumb - Rook 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Rook 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Rook 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Rook 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Rook 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Rook 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Rook 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/15 12:28:22

Post by: inmygravenimage

He's looking sharp as. And yeah, great shades

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/15 13:23:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I love his skin tone, you did a great job!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/19 12:40:42

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
He's looking sharp as. And yeah, great shades
I'm glad you like him inmygravenimage, but sharp as what exactly? I'm going to assume hell/ all get out or something similar.
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
I love his skin tone, you did a great job!
That's very kind of you to say Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll, and it's excellent to see you make your return here.

It's always invigorating to come back to comments. The last member of the main adventuring party left to unveil is named Remi. I was trying to emulate her concept art so this is the closest I've seen to the slightly grey with black tips that is pictured. As usual I noticed a nagging detail I missed just after photographing her, one of her arm bands this time. It's fixed now, but hopefully this suffices.

I also included a group shot of the gang being surrounded by the encroaching swarm of cave sickles.
That's still only 10 out of 44 models in the core game so far, but even though Middara has been a lot of fun to paint there is a lot of other stuff in the backlog to get to at some point as well.

Game time is drawing ever closer since all that's left to do for the opening battle is a pair of weird scorpion fox things called Gevaudans, about a dozen pages in the rulebook (it's over 70 pages long but seems well written for the most part), and some sleeving.
Additionally Middara includes narrated story passages on an app called forteller which should help set the scene.

[Thumb - Remi 0.jpg]
[Thumb - Remi 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Remi 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Remi 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Remi 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Remi 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/19 15:02:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

Sharp as feth very cool. Love her wings, fine looking lady.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/21 13:45:02

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Sharp as feth very cool. Love her wings, fine looking lady.
I have no idea what feth is referring to, but I appreciate the compliment all the same. I find painting women to be tricky so it's nice to hear when I succeed in making one halfway good looking. The wings didn't take all that long since half of it was dry-brushing.

The Gevaudans went pretty well today. I've seen a couple other examples where people recreated the red line work on the top of their heads from the concept art, but free hand was never my strong suit so I just skipped that part. I also sleeved all 400 small cards which leaves just over 100 oversized cards to go.

I probably won't have a chance to actually start playing until Tuesday afternoon, but I'm looking forward to doing so.
I could use a day off from painting since I haven't taken one in probably 2 weeks, but I've been trying to take advantage of the slightly cool weather here while it lasts.

[Thumb - Gevaudan 0.jpg]
[Thumb - Gevaudan 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Gevaudan 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Gevaudan 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Gevaudan 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Gevaudan 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Gevaudan 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/22 11:57:42

Post by: inmygravenimage

Feth is what dakka autocorrects sweary f word to . I like the way the green pops on the gevudan.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/26 13:05:21

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Feth is what dakka autocorrects sweary f word to . I like the way the green pops on the gevudan.
That's interesting, thanks for the clarification and the compliment as well.

This is a slightly bigger update than usual since I finished these water elementals, or Loa's as they're called, earlier and hadn't gotten around to posting them.
Then I dove into the game itself for several days and made some good progress despite misinterpreting a couple of the rules at the time. I included a shot of one of the early scenario's deployment.
Eventually I started running into unpainted enemies so it's back to painting I go, but I can't wait to delve deeper, especially since I finally got to a break in the fights that allowed me to spend my gold and re-equip everyone. Unfortunately an old, but very serious, back injury keeps me from playing too much at once since being slightly bent over for hours at a time really does me in.

I just completed these "Animates" last night which are my favorite minor enemies from act 1. Next on the docket are a pair of Earth Loa's.

[Thumb - Water Loa 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Loa 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Loa 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Loa 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Loa 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Scenario 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Animates 0.jpg]
[Thumb - Animates 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Animates 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Animates 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/26 13:08:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

Love the water Loa and the animates are great! Especially the yellow, but both look ace.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/06/27 19:59:44

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Love the water Loa and the animates are great! Especially the yellow, but both look ace.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. The yellow one helps tell them apart and later on in the story many of the monsters get stronger alternate versions, in this case yellow.

With that in mind here are the aforementioned Earth Loas with slightly altered colors as well. Being entirely rock makes them kind of boring visually, but I think the glow effect turned out okay.

If I can finish the trio of odd looking hounds then that's all the required enemies for the rest of Chapter 1 of Middara's story, but a big part of me wants to get it back out today to test out all my characters' shiny new gear.
There are 5 chapters total, but each one gets noticeably longer. Maybe a big part of that length could be different choices that branch out, but I don't know for sure yet.

[Thumb - Earth Loas 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Earth Loas 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Earth Loas 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Earth Loas 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Earth Loas 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/03 23:11:28

Post by: nerull

I haven't gotten as much painted the last few days, but that's because I've been engrossed playing yet more Middara.
Now that I've made it to chapter 2, I'll be running into new enemies again so here are what are called Fragors.

They're disturbing insect things with what I assume are explosive bulbs which they shoot at you I guess. I just know there are tokens for them and it sounds like a tough opponent from what others have said.

Next on the list are the merc hounds which aren't my favorite design either, but after that are a couple of human characters which might be the first allies I'll run into.
One of them has sunglasses luckily, but I'm hoping the couple artist pens I ordered about a month ago will finally be arriving soon so I can get back to dotting eyes without so much trial and error.

[Thumb - Fragors 0.jpg]
[Thumb - Fragors 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Fragors 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Fragors 10.jpg]
[Thumb - Fragors 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/04 07:26:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

Nice and creepy! Horrid little critters

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/05 12:03:28

Post by: endtransmission

Ah nice to see some Middara getting some love here, fantastic work on everything so far! I've not started on mine yet

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/08 14:27:23

Post by: nerull

 endtransmission wrote:
Ah nice to see some Middara getting some love here, fantastic work on everything so far! I've not started on mine yet
Thanks a lot for the positive feedback endtransmission. I'm sure once you are able to play you will enjoy it. It's actually kind of addicting.
It's a lot of rules to keep track of when you're playing all 4 party members solo as I am, but of the several kickstarters I've received so far I'd say it has quickly become my favorite. I'm already looking forward to wave 2.

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Nice and creepy! Horrid little critters
Glad to see I'm continuing to keep you interested inmygravenimage. They're not the most complex of paint jobs, but I think you'll enjoy this next guy.

He's the first ally available to finally add some fresh blood to my burgeoning party, Padric. He's the local barkeep/ blacksmith and I'm pretty pleased with how he turned out.

I should also note that I've started to try out a new brand of varnish which, so far, seems to be working okay. I always take my pictures before varnishing so it's only noticeable on my end, but hopefully it will continue to perform because it still greatly annoys me how much my original kind tended to muddle the colors.
Continuing with some more good news, my replacement pair of artist pens arrived just in time for my next human character. Thankfully she is wearing an eyepatch so that one should go fairly quickly once I get to it.

I also completed my three merc hounds I guess, but I didn't even bother posting them because they turned out too dark to notice much of the detail and they're probably my least favorite models out of the the whole game to begin with.

[Thumb - Padric 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Padric 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Padric 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Padric 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Padric 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/08 16:07:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Great skin tones and really dig the shades B)

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/08 19:33:27

Post by: endtransmission

 nerull wrote:
 endtransmission wrote:
Ah nice to see some Middara getting some love here, fantastic work on everything so far! I've not started on mine yet
Thanks a lot for the positive feedback endtransmission. I'm sure once you are able to play you will enjoy it. It's actually kind of addicting.
It's a lot of rules to keep track of when you're playing all 4 party members solo as I am, but of the several kickstarters I've received so far I'd say it has quickly become my favorite. I'm already looking forward to wave 2.

I'm about 4 missions into the game itself, also solo, I've just not painted anything. I only stopped playing because I needed to get a redlight torch as I couldn't read anything through those little red bits of plastic. So far it's a great game and I'm looking forward to seeing how the story pans out across the rest of this box and the other bits from the campaign!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/13 16:19:29

Post by: nerull

 endtransmission wrote:
I'm about 4 missions into the game itself, also solo, I've just not painted anything. I only stopped playing because I needed to get a redlight torch as I couldn't read anything through those little red bits of plastic. So far it's a great game and I'm looking forward to seeing how the story pans out across the rest of this box and the other bits from the campaign!
Oh, well then it gets even better from there. It's starting to get pretty challenging at the part that I'm at, but the story really does draw you in. I find it takes some really strong lighting to make the hidden bits readable, which I don't have much of at my place.

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Great skin tones and really dig the shades B)
I'm glad you dig him. I don't always bother with the second skin highlight, but he was looking too tanned without it.

This next lovely lady is the villain, Aisling, whom I'll have to face off against in a daring boss fight once I work up the courage to see what's in store. I won't spoil anything, but it sounds like an interesting setup. The last picture is taken using my sister's phone. It zooms in a lot more, but for some reason it really throws off what the colors look like.

[Thumb - Aisling 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Aisling 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Aisling 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Aisling 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Aisling 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/13 18:00:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

That looks very kawaii/bubblegum - spot on. Not my sort of aesthetic, but looks great. Don't envy you the stripes!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/17 18:36:03

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That looks very kawaii/bubblegum - spot on. Not my sort of aesthetic, but looks great. Don't envy you the stripes!
Thanks, and I don't normally go for anything with an anime art style, but the story and gameplay more than make up for it. It's even starting to have branching narratives that make me want to pick the other option on another playthrough at some indeterminate time in the future. Actually the stripes weren't that bad since they're sculpted in.

As for new stuff this will be just a short update for today. It's my first of 6 large models for the game, the Corpse Collector, but since it's mainly just a mass of tentacles it basically looks the same from every angle.
I added some bright green dots to the green on his base afterwards to look more like a bubbly sludge, but other than that he is as pictured.

[Thumb - Corpse Collector 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Corpse Collector 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Corpse Collector 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Corpse Collector 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/17 20:31:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's a nasty creepy grabby bugger. Looks ace

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/18 18:24:19

Post by: endtransmission

I know what you mean about anime figures, I don't normally go for that style either, but it's fun. If lighting is an issue for you, I picked up a cheap red light torch like this one. It removes the need for the little bit of plastic and makes it really easy to read

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/21 14:21:11

Post by: nerull

 endtransmission wrote:
I know what you mean about anime figures, I don't normally go for that style either, but it's fun. If lighting is an issue for you, I picked up a cheap red light torch like this one. It removes the need for the little bit of plastic and makes it really easy to read
Thanks for the recommendation. I get by okay with the decoder for now, but that's a very reasonably priced alternative especially if I ever lose/ damage it.

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's a nasty creepy grabby bugger. Looks ace
Thanks I appreciate that, especially considering that like a lot of my other Middara models I didn't spend that much time on him, but despite my relatively rapid progress there's always more to do.

With that being said here is another somewhat quick paintjob for what are called Blighted Terrors, one of my favorite enemy designs from the game next to the Animates. I think that just leaves another 14 or so models left in the core game.

I'm particularly looking forward to the Soul Butcher, but I don't know how much more story I'll have to make it through before I face him.
The included mini for him is by far the ugliest in the game to the point where parts of the sculpt look unfinished. His giant oversized weapon looks dull and cartoonish, as does what appears to be a chef's hat (although I'm guessing it was meant to be a bone?). With that being the case I will be using it as an excuse to replace him with a much more aesthetically pleasing, albeit a tad shorter, proxy from Creature Caster.

[Thumb - Blighted Terror 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Blighted Terror 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Blighted Terror 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Blighted Terror 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Blighted Terror 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/23 08:49:42

Post by: nerull

I'm back from another day's painting, but this time I decided to switch things up. I gave in and ordered Creature Caster's just released Trickster model, and that reminded me how long it has been since I've worked on any of their stuff.

So, here is my first of a pair of their Matriarchs of Ecstasy I have, the Siren. It's a bit risque and more than a little disturbing once you realize that the giant worm seems to be growing out of her back, but I'm pleased with how she turned out.
She was originally a limited edition figure that was only available at events like Gencon and such, but eventually they put her on the webstore.

[Thumb - Siren 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Siren 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Siren 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Siren 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Siren 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Siren 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Siren 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/23 14:32:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

Saucy really love your colour choices.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/27 01:53:05

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Saucy really love your colour choices.
Thanks a lot inmygravenimage. I debated what colors to go with for a little while, but am glad I settled on the light purple and flesh.
I have another much bigger demon which is similarly scantily clad from the same company called the Spider Demon that has long been only half painted, and another one that dwarfs them both called the Queen of Ecstasy. The latter is such a huge project that I haven't found the time to devote to it yet. I figure it would take about 2 months or so.

After finishing the Siren I was in the mood to paint another resin from Creature Caster, so here is the aforementioned one I am replacing the goofy looking Soul Butcher from Middara with. I didn't get the original out of the box for a comparison shot, but trust me when I say the replacement is much better, and putting him on a 50mm base matches him in game perfectly.

I'm not sure what I'll paint next. I should get my Living Oblation done so I can continue playing Middara, but I just haven't been feeling the model, so I may do another 75mm from Limbo or something else entirely.

[Thumb - Soul Butcher 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Soul Butcher 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Soul Butcher 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Soul Butcher 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Soul Butcher 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/07/27 05:22:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looks cool. Don't feel obliged to paint things, that way burnout lies. Posting what you want, when you want.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/08/01 11:14:54

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Looks cool. Don't feel obliged to paint things, that way burnout lies. Posting what you want, when you want.
Thanks for reminding me of that inmygravenimage. I was already leaning in that direction, but it helps to have a bit of a push at times.

This one dates back to the first kickstarter I ever pledged on in the fledgling days of Creature Caster's creation. I still have a few left from that batch, but without further ado here is the Pincer Demon.

He was a relatively quick job considering his impressive size, 6 inches to the top his raised pincer, which you can see from the plague marine for comparison. I had originally painted his flesh a pale blue, but didn't like the look of it and switched over to a more traditional flesh tone shortly after.
There are a couple things still left to touch up, namely a gap under his throat and the fact that I lost track of my 60mm bases has prevented me from adding one yet, but he turned out okay I suppose.

I just received Creature Caster's newest addition to their line in the post, the Trickster, but he's interesting enough to skip to the head of the line. I'll see how much of him I can assemble and still provide the best angles for painting.
Unfortunately I had thought I'd lost my other Matriarch of Ecstasy so I had ordered a replacement to fill out my order, and of course promptly found the original one the day after the order shipped. She's one of their cheapest models, but I'm still pissed at myself for not being better organized.

[Thumb - Pincer 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Pincer 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Pincer 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Pincer 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Pincer 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Pincer 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Pincer 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Pincer 8.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/08/01 15:02:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lovely skin tones there, nice job, and the purple is suitably lush

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/08/08 12:02:20

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Lovely skin tones there, nice job, and the purple is suitably lush
I'm happy you're happy with the results. After looking back on him, I shouldn't have rushed him, but I'm much more pleased with how this next one ended up.

It's another 75mm from Limbo: Eternal War called Shyale, a druidess. I actually would have finished sooner, but I had to take a few days off because I got my second Covid vaccine and I was feeling both a lot of discomfort and fatigue. Seem to be okay now though.
I picked her to work on because Limbo was recently having another kickstarter which offered more 75mm figures in addition to the core game, so I wanted to finish a bit more of what I had by them before investing further.
Unfortunately they had to postpone and regroup until September because the funding level wasn't were it needed to be, but that's fine for me since it gives me another month to save up.

[Thumb - IMG_20210808_012948.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20210808_012958.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20210808_013012.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20210808_013025.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20210808_013054.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20210808_013105.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/08/14 10:34:42

Post by: nerull

After taking a break from painting Middara for the last few models I finally came back around to work on the Middara model I had been putting off, the Living Oblation.

Unfortunately there isn't much time left in the summer in which to delve back into the game, but at least now I have enough done to play a couple more scenarios the next time I get a chance. Looking ahead a bit, there are only a couple more models required for all of chapter 3 if I can manage that much.
Hopefully I'll be getting a tracking email for the Valentine's day resins I ordered from the Middara webstore soon.

[Thumb - Living Oblation 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Living Oblation 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Living Oblation 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Living Oblation 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Living Oblation 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/12/07 03:31:15

Post by: nerull

I hope you all are having a happy and festive holiday season. I haven't been able to paint in months, to the point where some of my paint has dried up, but I managed to get not one, but two mini's completed today.

I was playing a couple more missions in Middara, and when I got to the next point where unpainted models showed up in the story, I couldn't wait to paint them up so I could see what the next scenario holds.
The first is named Damocles, who is an aristocratic yet powerful character.
The second, Justice Bouchard, is a new addition to my party. Hopefully she sticks around for good. She is a powerful mage that can damage every figure in a radius around her once per encounter. This could be very effective with some planning, but I don't like the idea of having her surrounded all by herself.

I also received my valentine's day resins that can act as additional summons in the game a long time ago, but I won't have time to tackle them anytime soon.
I'm wondering whether Oathsworn or Aeon Trespass Odyssey will be the next giant board game to reach me. Unfortunately neither of them are scheduled to begin fulfillment until roughly the second quarter of 2022.

[Thumb - Damocles 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Damocles 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Damocles 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Damocles 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Justice 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Justice 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Justice 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Justice 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Justice 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/12/07 09:37:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

Really cool sculpts. Like your take on them, especially all the books/pages

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/12/07 11:43:21

Post by: endtransmission

I really need to get back to Middara, especially as they are now talking about the work on Act 2!

Nice work on both of those figures too

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/12/19 11:54:51

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Really cool sculpts. Like your take on them, especially all the books/pages
 endtransmission wrote:
I really need to get back to Middara, especially as they are now talking about the work on Act 2!

Nice work on both of those figures too
Thanks a bunch to you both for your continued support. I cheated a bit on the pages by just using a normal black pen. I'm really looking forward to wave 2 as well even though I still have a couple chapters of Act 1 to finish first.

For now though I've had to pack up the gaming table to make room for the Christmas tree, but here is another Middara model that will be ready for whenever I can get back to it, the Grotesque Effigy. There's not a whole to it which is why I knew I could complete it quickly.
It may be the last mini for a while with my postponed final semester of college once again rearing its ugly head. I may be able to get in one more with a bit of luck.

[Thumb - Grotesque Effigy 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Grotesque Effigy 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Grotesque Effigy 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Grotesque Effigy 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2021/12/19 22:38:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Nice (well, not nice, but you know what I mean)! Particularly like the glow at its heart.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/01/03 15:23:59

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Nice (well, not nice, but you know what I mean)! Particularly like the glow at its heart.
I'm glad you like him inmygravenimage. Happy new year to you and here is to getting off to a productive, but still fun, start. Hopefully you'll like this next one almost as much as I do.

This is the Lich Wurm, which is my favorite enemy design from Middara so far. Sorry I forgot to get another figure for scale, but it's the biggest in Act 1, except for the goofy looking Soul Butcher I replaced. It's hard to paint anything that is mostly black, but I think I got just enough shading in there to give a somewhat oily appearance.
I had a hell of a time getting all the nooks and crannies since this was one of the only times I undercoated in Grey Seer so there is still a spot or two sticking out.

[Thumb - Lich Wurm 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Lich Wurm 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Lich Wurm 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Lich Wurm 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Lich Wurm 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Lich Wurm 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/01/03 20:32:05

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Creepy! That blue-black oil sheen is very disturbing, a real HR Giger kinda look.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/01/03 22:19:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

Wow that's huge and VERY creepy. Absolutely agree about the giger vibe

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/01/08 01:10:14

Post by: nerull

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Creepy! That blue-black oil sheen is very disturbing, a real HR Giger kinda look.
I appreciate that Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll. If it resembles anything like the alien movies than I guess it came out pretty well. It's great to see you back here btw.
 inmygravenimage wrote:
Wow that's huge and VERY creepy. Absolutely agree about the giger vibe
I'm glad you liked it as I anticipated inmygravenimage. It's not actually that huge since the girl on top is not at all the same size as a normal human character. I'd say about 9-10 cm tall in total. She's back in the box at the moment, but I'll try and get a comparison shot taken at some point.

I managed to get a bonus mini done in the last few days I had left. I have yet to meet her in game, but her name is Echo.

I would have liked to have had the time to get some non-Middara models completed over my break, but I've nearly got all of Act 1 painted now. There are only 8 total models left, not including a few optional resin summons to get to eventually.
I'll be back hopefully some time around May to continue chipping away at my backlog. Happy painting to you all until then.

[Thumb - Echo 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Echo 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Echo 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Echo 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Echo 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/14 04:11:17

Post by: nerull

Technically my final semester isn't over until the 18th, but I'm close enough that I already fit in a bit of painting time. It's my first one done after another long hiatus so I wasn't going for anything crazy, but I think he turned out alright.
It's the first of my Horizon Zero Dawn minis, a Strider. Now I have to see if I can repeat that 3 more times before I get the urge to move on to something else.

I already had the base game, but I splurged recently and got 6 expansions, which isn't even all of what they offer. A few are still on their way so hopefully they all arrive safe and sound. The Thunderjaw is going to be the most challenging since I plan to try magnetizing it once my slightly bigger magnets arrive. He comes in 4 pieces, but if I glue him I lose the ability to store him back in the box.
It's probably not the best board game out there gameplay wise, but I finished playing Forbidden West not long ago which rekindled my interest in the IP.

[Thumb - Strider A1.jpg]
[Thumb - Strider A2.jpg]
[Thumb - Strider A3.jpg]
[Thumb - Strider A4.jpg]
[Thumb - Strider A5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/17 04:16:59

Post by: nerull

I'm back with more progress already. I only have 1 Strider left now, but I'll wait and post them once the whole group is done. What is more interesting is that I completed my first test model for the Watchers today.
They're the weakest enemy individually, but in the video game they're sharp lookouts that immediately warn all other nearby machines to your presence.

As a side note, I also spent the better part of the day rearranging my workspace to take advantage of the new storage unit which just arrived. It's infinitely better than what I was working with before.
I'm itching to work on something a bit more display worthy, maybe even paint a 40k model for once in a blue moon, but I'm getting close to having enough Horizon minis done to actually try out the game a bit.

I actually sold quite a chunk of my unbuilt 40k models recently since I have so many board games incoming, but I still have nearly 100 left in reserve that I'd still like to work on at some point.
I also managed to sell my copies of the Order of Vampire Hunters and Gotham City Chronicles. The former wasn't as cool a game as I thought it was when I bought it despite having nice minis and GCC had to go once I heard that Knight Models is making an Escape From Arkham Asylum board game... eventually.

[Thumb - Watcher 1A.jpg]
[Thumb - Watcher 1B.jpg]
[Thumb - Watcher 1C.jpg]
[Thumb - Watcher 1D.jpg]
[Thumb - Watcher 1E.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220416_180105.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220416_180054.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/17 07:25:32

Post by: inmygravenimage

Impressive storage? Arkham Asylum still on the back burner, a lot of the models have been coopted into the new (ish) version of 3rd which launches on 22nd April. I never really got into GCC, it had some very problematic mechanics. Mind you, Arkham Asylum is essentially just Talisman. KM are a very frustrating company...

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/18 20:15:12

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Impressive storage? Arkham Asylum still on the back burner, a lot of the models have been coopted into the new (ish) version of 3rd which launches on 22nd April. I never really got into GCC, it had some very problematic mechanics. Mind you, Arkham Asylum is essentially just Talisman. KM are a very frustrating company...
Ya GCC was another example of me completely overlooking shoddy gameplay in favor of pretty models. Even if Knight Models takes forever to launch Arkham Asylum I'll at least check it out. It's one of only 2 upcoming kickstarters I have an eye on to maybe pledge for, the other being Sankokushin. I'm not familiar with Talisman.

It's not often that I feel the need to show off a WIP, but I'm taking a break from Horizon Zero Dawn to work on something significantly bigger, my first non-board game mini of this year. He's an old Creature Caster model called the Lord of Virulence, but don't confuse him with the GW Death Guard one.
He came with the option for wings, but they really dropped the ball on sculpting the wings so I'm attempting to mount some Hive Tyrant wings instead. I'm kind of dreading the gluing process, but hopefully they'll work. Once his other arm goes on it's going to hide a lot the hanging guts.
Also I think I still have to go back and touch up some of the skin on his torso since I kind of screwed it up trying to save time by drybrushing instead of highlighting.

[Thumb - LoV WIP1.jpg]
[Thumb - LoV WIP2.jpg]
[Thumb - LoV WIP3.jpg]
[Thumb - LoV WIP4.jpg]
[Thumb - LoV WIP5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/21 15:15:06

Post by: nerull

I've been working away on the Lord of Virulence and it's now time for his final unveiling after only 3 and a half days. While that's not a long time, I packed in a whole lot of painting hours in that period and I think it shows.
He stands 9 inches tall at the highest point. You can see how he dwarfs the marine-sized models for comparison.

I'm not entirely happy with how the angle of the wings came out, but they're so huge it was difficult to get them attached at all. Hopefully they will appear to add a sense of motion rather than just looking goofy.
I haven't used my rust pigments in a very long time, but I think they add a lot to the sword.
I checked my collection the other day and it turns out that this is the 11th Creature Caster model I've finished and I have 11 more left so at least I made it to the halfway mark on that front. There's still a few other enormous projects from them for when I feel I have mustered enough courage and most importantly sufficient time set aside to devote to them.

[Thumb - Lord of Virulence 1A.jpg]
[Thumb - Lord of Virulence 1B.jpg]
[Thumb - Lord of Virulence 1B2.jpg]
[Thumb - Lord of Virulence 1C.jpg]
[Thumb - Lord of Virulence 1D.jpg]
[Thumb - Lord of Virulence 1E.jpg]
[Thumb - Lord of Virulence 1I.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/21 15:59:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

Phwoar. Check out the wings on that. Looks top.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/24 13:14:11

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Phwoar. Check out the wings on that. Looks top.
I'm glad to see you approve inmygravenimage. I thought you might enjoy something more warhammer adjacent than the board game minis I've been focusing on lately. I'm happy to have you join me again while I start to chip away at my backlog once more. I'm happy to say that this season should be a bit longer than usual since as far as I know I'm about to graduate from my accounting program .

I'm actually thinking of starting a Warhammer model soon, the Great Unclean One I got years ago. I haven't done any since way back on my Acastus Knight, but for now I'm getting close to the point where I can feel comfortable trying out a game of Horizon Zero Dawn.
This guy is called a Scrapper. I've also got a couple more Watchers done. After them there are only 3 more types of machine left in the core game. Soon I'll be starting to get into the slightly bigger varieties, the Sabretooths and Shell-Walkers.

I also bought my first Age of Sigmar models in the longest time, the Mirebrute Troggoth and Archaon, even though I have no idea when I'll get to the big man himself.

[Thumb - Scrapper 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Scrapper 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Scrapper 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Scrapper 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/04/24 19:25:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hey, I'm not fussy, and I'm one of those weirdos that likes to paint board game minis. But hey, love some good old fashioned action.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/01 05:10:00

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Hey, I'm not fussy, and I'm one of those weirdos that likes to paint board game minis. But hey, love some good old fashioned action.
Good to hear I'm not the only one here that does it. I've also got a Glottkin and a Lord of Change on the way. I've told myself that has to be the last of my purchases for a good long while .

I played my first 2 rounds of HZD yesterday, but quickly got to the point where I'd be facing unpainted minis again. It's not a bad game so far.
I intended to start work on the Shell Walker, but ended up finishing my first hunter instead, the Oseram Forgesmith.
His hammer is a bit crooked. I tried straightening it out with hot water, but it just reverted back after a while anyway. Nevertheless I like the way he turned out. All the hunters are made on an extremely small scale to make the machines look bigger so it's a bit of a challenge.
Once I finish a few more I'll get some group shots for comparison.

[Thumb - Oseram 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Oseram 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Oseram 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Oseram 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Oseram 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/01 09:49:39

Post by: nerull

Following closely on the heels of the forgesmith is the other character I've been playing as so far, the Nora Marksman or markswoman in this case.
I've also included the aforementioned group shot of everything I've done for the game so far. If I finish 1 more model I will be halfway done the core game.

[Thumb - Nora Marksman 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Nora Marksman 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Nora Marksman 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Nora Marksman 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Nora Marksman 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Group Shot.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/01 19:06:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Oh that Archer is something else. Love the pallete.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/02 20:25:54

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Oh that Archer is something else. Love the pallete.
I appreciate you saying so. I actually did a bit of touch ups afterwards since some of the robes were slightly muddled together, but the face came out pretty decent.

I finished the rest of the core box hunters today. Their faces on the other hand came out a bit wonky, but like I said their tininess can easily spell disaster. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered with pupils at all for this game, but oh well. It's too late to go back now.

These two are called the Banuk Survivor and Carja Warrior in that order. I fixed a couple things on the latter after taking the photos, namely her boots, but you get the idea. I've also included a shot of the whole set.
There are another 7 hunters that are found in the expansions I have, but this is enough options for now.

[Thumb - All Core Hunters.jpg]
[Thumb - Banuk 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Banuk 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Banuk 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Banuk 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Banuk 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Carja 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Carja 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Carja 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Carja 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/02 20:45:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

Great fur and great red cloth bud.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/04 04:06:49

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Great fur and great red cloth bud.
Thanks inmygravenimage, you're too kind. The fur in particular was just a bit of quick drybrushing.

This next one hopefully looks okay. It's the first of the bigger machines and probably my least favorite sculpt of the core game, the Shell-Walker.
I had to go back and make a few rounds of touch ups after taking photos. First the blue on his arms was too grey so it just blended in, and then I realized I had been too lazy with the white on the back of the arms so I had to go back and shade it a bit.
It's nothing that complicated, but it also has a bit of freehand for the symbols which I don't have much experience with.

I still have 1 more left to try and replicate at some point, but for now I have to get to work on at least 1 Sawtooth.
I'm planning on showing off the game to some friends in a few days and it just wouldn't do for the boss hunt of the main game to just be a blackened lump of plastic.

[Thumb - IMG_20220503_233032.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220503_233042.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220503_233049.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220503_233103.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220503_233118.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/06 01:21:49

Post by: nerull

Here it is, the boss machine of the core game. It's called the Saw Tooth.

He was actually pretty fun to paint compared to the big crab. Now that just leaves the deer-like Grazers and a bunch of doubles of what I already did left in the main game.
This is probably the last Horizon model for a while. I have to get a couple more games in before I'm comfortable teaching it to others and after that it will be nice to switch it up for some variety, whatever it ends up being. I am looking forward to painting some of the expansions though.

I had a bit of an alarming mishap with my varnish though. I've been using Army Painter matte varnish and I just noticed that the bottom of the can had started to bulge out so I was too nervous to use it any longer and had to throw it out despite still having a bunch left. I have another 2 fresh cans, but I really think I'll have to find something else to use after those.

It's a shame because it did a much better job of preserving the paint jobs than the generic stuff I was using before and everywhere I read says the Games Workshop stuff leaves an unsightly "frosting" which is ridiculous considering they are the market leader yet can't even develop something as essential as varnish.

[Thumb - Saw Tooth 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Saw Tooth 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Saw Tooth 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Saw Tooth 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Saw Tooth 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/06 05:48:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Snazzy. I really like the ramped, slightly cartoony highlights.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/11 06:28:07

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Snazzy. I really like the ramped, slightly cartoony highlights.
I'm glad to continue to be keeping you interested.

Now for something a bit different, but still within the realm of board games. This one is from a new campaign I just caught wind of, Waste Knights, which is basically the unofficial Mad Max game. I was able to find a retail copy so I could test it out ahead of time.

It still has a week to go for their new expansion on kickstarter called Beyond the Horizon so if you like the theme and the looks of the game please consider checking it out. It continues to get better as more stretch goals are gradually being unlocked, but it doesn't seem to be getting quite the amount of funding I would have thought.

Maybe that's because it's a bit light on the actual models. The base game pretty much just has the 6 player characters themselves, starting with the generic version of Max, Logan Harris. I just might get to finally painting the Interceptor-like car I already had to go along with him though.

[Thumb - Max 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Max 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Max 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Max 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Max 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Max 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/11 08:32:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh, I do like a bit of near future apocalyptica. How's the gameplay?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/11 09:39:22

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Ooh, I do like a bit of near future apocalyptica. How's the gameplay?
I'll be having my first game sometime in the next few days, but just based on what I know about it it has a fairly strong focus on the narrative. It has about 150 pages of choose your own adventure type story. There is also an app if you prefer that to using the book, but no narration.

The retail game only comes with 4 scenarios, but they are fairly long and having branching paths for replayability. The expansion's campaign has the option for the previous stretch goals as addons which doubles the number of scenarios up to 8 and adds more story to go along with it. Only one of them is playable true solo with one character, but the Beyond the Horizon expansion is supposed to add a further 5 scenarios that are all solo-able and a few that are more open-ended or "sandbox" as they say. BtH expands the map of Australia to include ships and sea travel to islands as far off as New Zealand. It can be played competitively, but most of them are co-op up to 4 players.

Gameplay revolves around exploring the world map and fighting encounters that are fast paced since each side only gets one attack per combat. It uses dice so it can probably be swingy at times, but there are 4 different types of varying power. There is a bit of leveling up to get more upgrades and a good variety of weapons and enemies. If you die you get an injury card, but you can go to doctors or repair your vehicle. Pretty much every item has a weaker version once it breaks from overuse.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/14 04:03:55

Post by: nerull

I'm continuing to make good progress despite the fact that the first real heat wave has already hit were I live. I hope there are still some cool days ahead, it's not even June!

Anyway here is the next character I have for you from Waste Knights, Zoey Shaw the mechanic. I think she turned out pretty good. Some of the youtube reviews were a bit critical of the minis, but so far they've been pretty fun to work on.

I also completed my first playthrough of the game yesterday. It's actually pretty fun, though it's a bit unforgiving since there are very few opportunities for rerolls.
I made it the entire scenario without even getting knocked out. I only failed at the very last second because my rolling let me down. I should have spent a couple more turns trying to get some better weapons as I was still using the ones I started with, just a pistol and knife. I had a grenade but it just ended up damaging me instead.

The campaign for the expansion, Beyond the Horizon, just revealed today that there will be a couple options for adjusting the difficulty level added to the game with the new stuff so that's nice to hear.

[Thumb - Zoey 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Zoey 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Zoey 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Zoey 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Zoey 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Zoey 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/16 12:21:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Great hazard stripes on the gun there!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/19 02:56:54

Post by: nerull

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Great hazard stripes on the gun there!
Thanks Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll, it's great to see you back. I can't take that much credit for the stripes though since they're molded on to the model.

This one is from a different company altogether called Wargame Exclusive, but I thought it was reminiscent of Mad Max's Interceptor so it seemed fitting to do it in between working on Waste Knights.
They're based in Ukraine so hopefully they're okay relatively speaking. I've had it for several years so it's nice to finish it.

I plan to use a pigment powder to simulate dust around the wheels, but that requires me to varnish it first and I like to get pictures before that step.
I don't know what the deal is with the guy hooked up to the back. Maybe he helps power it or something.

[Thumb - Interceptor 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 8.jpg]
[Thumb - Interceptor 9.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/19 05:32:58

Post by: Guardling

Nice wheels!
Those cars were made with 40k in mind, so the guy on the back is a servitor (mind scrubbed cyborg slave) which fills the Imperium's need for an AI and skirts the total ban on AIs.
He could be controlling anything from air conditioning to sat nav to self drive...

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/22 16:40:33

Post by: nerull

 Guardling wrote:
Nice wheels!
Those cars were made with 40k in mind, so the guy on the back is a servitor (mind scrubbed cyborg slave) which fills the Imperium's need for an AI and skirts the total ban on AIs.
He could be controlling anything from air conditioning to sat nav to self drive...
Thanks Guardling, always nice to see a new face. A servitor makes sense, I take it you're familiar with this company's models?

I was actually considering replacing the servitor with an old chaos marauder that somewhat reminded me of Chumbucket from the ps4 Mad Max videogame. He rode around on the back of your ride to man the harpoon, but unfortunately they're a slightly bigger scale than the Waste Knight characters or the car itself.

Anyway for now I thought I'd go back and work on the last handful of models left for Middara. I wanted to finish playing Act 1, but Wave 2 will hopefully be on the way by the end of this year and it includes a lot of models that are only represented by standees at the moment so I may just wait until everything is in hand.

Either way these creatures are called Gatekeepers. That brings the count down to only 6 minis left until the rest hopefully arrives.

[Thumb - Gatekeepers 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Gatekeepers 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Gatekeepers 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Gatekeepers 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Gatekeepers 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/25 03:51:23

Post by: nerull

I'm pretty proud of how this one turned out. This is Herena from Limbo: Eternal War.
She's one of the last 75mm models I had left so that's why the details seem a bit crisper. Of the ones I ordered from them I only have the smaller dwarf character, which I only got because he was free, and the big viking dude left.

I'm kind of kicking myself for using sand on the base instead of grey gravel since it looks a bit out of place, but oh well it's too late now. I suppose I could go back and paint over top of it.

The kickstarter for the main game is still a long ways off from delivering, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless. It has a ton more minis with it. They'll of course be smaller, but still big enough since they are on a 40mm or so scale.

I also went back and touched up the chests of the Gatekeepers since I had left a bit unfinished.

[Thumb - Herena 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Herena 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Herena 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Herena 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Herena 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Herena 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Herena 8.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/25 08:38:38

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lovely work. Great greens, beautiful skin and amazing eyes.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/05/28 22:18:59

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Lovely work. Great greens, beautiful skin and amazing eyes.
I appreciate such high praise. I'm glad you like her as much as I do, but I think you'll enjoy this next one as well since you've worked with knight models before.

It's none other than the bewitching Poison Ivy herself. I've had her friend, Frank, done for a long time, but I've been too intimidated to work on such tiny detail.
I've recently bought a few 3d printed models off of Etsy which includes a much bigger 100mm version of her so I figured I should finally tackle this one beforehand.

I still have the 3 smaller plant minions from the Frank kit left to work on, but if I manage to finish them without moving on to something else I'll be sure to post a group shot of the whole floral family.

I also still have Killer Croc, Harley Quinn with her hyena pets, and the Health Ledger Joker with his crew to work on at some point, but I don't if I'll ever bother with the exceedingly miniscule Mad Hatter.

[Thumb - Poison Ivy 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Poison Ivy 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Poison Ivy 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Poison Ivy 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Poison Ivy 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Poison Ivy 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Poison Ivy 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/06/01 03:23:22

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Nice... Foliage
Nice to hear she meets your approval.

As promised here is the whole gang together. The flowers are nothing that special, but they help complete the look with a bit of a scenic touch.
The gravel on Frank's base was from before I bought the sand, but I guess I had to use it anyway because his base is entirely some kind of cobble stone.

We'll see what the next project ends up being. I was considering finally working on one of my favorites from Cthulhu: Death May Die, the Dimensional Shambler, or maybe Killer Croc to go along with Poison Ivy.

[Thumb - IMG_20220531_224410.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220531_224452.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220531_224524.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220531_224547.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/06/01 05:23:30

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looking great. And to go with Ivy it's surely got to be... Kite Man! Yeah!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/06/06 10:20:10

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Looking great. And to go with Ivy it's surely got to be... Kite Man! Yeah!
Thanks again, I did look into getting Kite Man at one point, but the last couple orders I had from Knight Models ended up getting hit with customs charges so I probably won't be picking up anymore.
I do love the Harley Quinn tv series though. Season 3 sure is taking forever to come out.

I hesitated to post this next project since it's a bit scandalous, but my Lady of Anguish had a similar look so I figured it should be okay.
She is the first of a 3 woman Mechanic Adept Eradicator squad, another unit from Wargame Exclusive.
I also have their Tech Priest Domina leader half built as well as a standard gw Tech Priest Dominus to get to at some point.

[Thumb - Eradicator 1A.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 1B.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 1C.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 1D.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 1E.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 1F.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/06/06 10:50:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's... horribly good. Saucy.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/06/10 03:22:02

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's... horribly good. Saucy.
That's nice of you to say. I'm always pleased to keep you coming back for more, and possibly throw in some surprises along the way.

I just received another one of the 3d prints I ordered from a different Etsy seller and was pretty disappointed with the quality unfortunately. I should have held off before ordering the others, but here's hoping they turn out better when I get them next week.

For now here is Eradicator # 2 out of 3.

[Thumb - Eradicator 2A.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 2B.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 2C.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 2D.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 2E.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 2F.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 2G.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/06/10 08:11:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's some saucy dark mechanicus right there. I am not usually a fan of all the bewbs but these have a great HR Geiger vibe that's creepy as sexy and really works. Nice job.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/06/13 09:02:16

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's some saucy dark mechanicus right there. I am not usually a fan of all the bewbs but these have a great HR Geiger vibe that's creepy as sexy and really works. Nice job.
Anytime I succeed in bringing out the HR Geiger-ness of something I consider that a win so thanks for saying so. If you like the models, but prefer a more conservative look the Wargame Exclusive has an alternate version labeled as "sealed" where they have wrappings around their chests instead.

Here is the 3rd member to complete the squad as well as a group shot.
I'd like to get their Domina leader done to go along with them, but it could be a pain to get all her servo arms and skulls attached properly. I hate using super glue for small stuff since most of the time the only thing it succeeds in gluing is my fingers.

[Thumb - Eradicator Squad.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 3A.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 3B.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 3C.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 3D.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 3E.jpg]
[Thumb - Eradicator 3F.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/07/23 07:27:42

Post by: nerull

It's been a long time since I've had anything to post. I've been distracted since I went on a bit of a movie and tv series shopping spree and just recently I received some pretty infuriating personal news that left me in no mood for artistic pursuits.

At long last here is a bit of progress in the form of a random bust from Etsy I've had for a year or two. I don't think it's available anymore and I don't even remember what it's called, but it seems to be some sort of forest nymph.

I might manage to work on something small for the time being, but I'm actually holding off on starting on any serious projects because with any luck I'll finally be receiving my copy of Oathsworn in the next 2-4 weeks, and that will definitely take priority.

[Thumb - Nymph 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Nymph 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Nymph 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Nymph 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Nymph 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Nymph 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Nymph 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/12 22:10:17

Post by: nerull

I'm excited to be back with my copy of Oathsworn now in hand. Here is the first player character I've got done, the A'Dendri Ranger, which is basically a tree person.
It's the first time I've ever strung a mini's bow which came out a little bit wonky, but I figured it was as close as I was going to get.

Now if I can get 3 more characters and the first boss finished, which is a giant rat with a swarm of baby rats, I'll be ready to try out a game or two. I skipped the terrain and armory expansions, but I did get the metal coins and mystery box. I won't spoil the latter, other than to say it's not at all gameplay related.

Note: I will however be posting pictures of all the enemy models once I finish them. The company has made it seem, completely unnecessarily imo, that the encounters are supposed to be giant secrets until the moment you play them so if you don't want "spoilers" then keep that in mind.

Personally I think it's utter nonsense to buy a game without knowing what you're buying so I didn't hesitate to look at what all the encounters were since the very first day of the kickstarter campaign.

[Thumb - Dryad 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dryad 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dryad 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Dryad 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Dryad 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Dryad 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/13 07:16:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Love the colours, pallette looks great, and the basing offsets it well.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/18 15:27:59

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Love the colours, pallette looks great, and the basing offsets it well.
Thanks a lot inmygravenimage. She was a fun one to paint, and if you haven't heard of Oathsworn there should be a lot to enjoy with what's coming down the pipe.

I forgot to mention that all the Oathsworn models are a bigger scale than usual, probably 40 or 45 mm so it helps get at the details a bit easier. That also means that a lot of the bigger enemies are on 100 mm bases so they're pretty massive.

I actually would have posted this next one a couple days ago, but my internet was gone the last couple of days thanks to our subpar provider. In fact, I already have the following party member half done now.

For the moment here is the Penitent. I went back and added markings to the wrappings on his wrist to match the rest, and cleaned up a couple areas on his shield where the ink had pooled, but that's pretty much him as pictured.
I probably should stuck with the same autumn leaves for his base, but I use them sparingly since I think they have since been replaced by a slightly different product after I got them.
I haven't looked into the rules that much yet, but I know that his specialty is that he hits harder as he gets more and more wounded.

I also made an unexpected purchase that should be arriving any minute now.
I had just been watching my new 4k collector's edition of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and I was pleased with how well it stills holds up after not having watched it for almost a decade.
That combined with the recent news that the Middle Earth strategy game will be getting a new starter set as well as battle host boxes soon convinced me to dive into the game for the first time ever with the Battle of Pelennor fields while I still could.
I really hope GW will eventually release the new Gothmog as a separate kit at some point.

The minis are super old, but I wanted the Witch King on fell beast, and I figured for 2.5 times his price I might as well get the whole set. I also liked the idea of painting up some of the Warriors of the Dead which are otherwise out of stock here. I'm not sure how painted the horses of Rohan will go, but there's already a lot to compete for my attention as it is.

[Thumb - Penitent 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Penitent 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Penitent 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Penitent 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Penitent 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Penitent 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/18 18:39:48

Post by: inmygravenimage

He looks great, love how the metals turned out.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/19 03:12:57

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
He looks great, love how the metals turned out.
Much appreciated, although he looks even better now that I've updated my basing process.

You can see what I mean in action for this next one, the Priest. I remembered I had some shrub like stuff that I probably haven't used since back on the very first models of my Chaos Marines, my Obliterators and old Plaguebearers. I think the two of them combined look much better than either one would individually.

His skin came out a bit pale because I'm starting to run out of my normal flesh colors, but other than that I'm quite pleased with him.
That just leaves one more party member left before I can move on to the first enemy, and both of them should be worth the wait as long as I can pull them off okay.

For now though I think I've earned a little break from Oathsworn since my Pelennor Fields box came literally minutes after my last post, and I'm itching to put together my Mordor Troll. The Fell Beast is cooler, but that's a much bigger project.

I also made one final purchase of the month to help complete the scene from the Return of the King since they were the last cool LotR kits my FLGS had, the King of the Dead and Eowyn with Merry.
To go along with it I added a pot of Hexwraith Flame to work on the ghost warriors with. I wasn't sure whether the technical version or the contrast version would work better, but I ended up going with the technical.

[Thumb - Priest 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Priest 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Priest 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Priest 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Priest 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Priest 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Priest 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/19 06:07:06

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh. Real Ronan the Accuser vibes!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/21 22:05:18

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Ooh. Real Ronan the Accuser vibes!
Thanks for the favorable comparison. I had to look up the reference since I don't watch Marvel stuff, but now I can see the resemblance.

This next one went fairly quickly since it's pretty simply designed, but I think you'll like her. It's the Ursus War Bear which is pretty much impossible to resist including in any party.

At first I made the fur to purely white, but I like it better now that I went back with some more Ushabti Bone so hopefully that reads well from the pictures.

With that I'm proud to announce that this finishes off my starting Oathsworn, at least for now. I've included a group shot to help set the scene a bit.

It will probably be a while before my next update because the first encounter is a huge one, unless I start working on my Lord of the Rings stuff, but now that I'm so close to being table ready I can't not continue with it.

[Thumb - Starting Party 1.jpg]
[Thumb - War Bear 1.jpg]
[Thumb - War Bear 2.jpg]
[Thumb - War Bear 3.jpg]
[Thumb - War Bear 4.jpg]
[Thumb - War Bear 5.jpg]
[Thumb - War Bear 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/27 07:18:03

Post by: nerull

I'm back sooner than expected with the finished first encounter, the Broodmother.
I've included a couple shots with both a marine and an Oathsworn mini for scale to try and demonstrate her massiveness.
The tail made for a bit of a challenge to reach her underbelly with a brush.

Now I just have to paint her accompanying swarm consisting of 12 little rats which aid her and get back to reading the rules before I'll finally be ready to try out the first chapter of the game.

[Thumb - Broodmother 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Broodmother 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Broodmother 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Broodmother 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Broodmother 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Broodmother 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/08/27 16:46:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That is a properly scary rat queen. I wouldn't want to find it in my kitchen after dark.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/01 12:29:54

Post by: nerull

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
That is a properly scary rat queen. I wouldn't want to find it in my kitchen after dark.
Hi Kid Kyoto, that's very kind of you to say. I think the model is almost the size of a real rat which can be disconcerting. It's always nice to see a new face turn up, and I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of attracting a mod's notice.
 inmygravenimage wrote:
Blarg. Nice job.
Thanks again inmygravenimage. He went rather quickly since so much of his surface area is just drybrushing, but I'm glad to hear he turned out okay.

Now to accompany her here is the accompanying swarm of baby rats she summons throughout the battle. There's not a whole lot to them, but I did mix it up a bit with several different shades.
I'm almost done reading the rules too, but it turns out that the adventuring party starts off with 4 NPC allies so I'll try and get some of them done as well. I'm so close, but I am also kind of itching to get to paint something other than Oathsworn despite the fact that it in itself contains a huge amount of variety. There's just so many choices to pick from.

Normally around this time I'd be preparing to head back to school for the fall semester, but not only did I finally graduate in April, I actually managed a perfect grade of 100 on my final course that centered around putting everything into practice.

So even though I don't have to suddenly cut my painting time short, I'm happy to report that it has been my most productive summer I've ever had since I started keeping track. I've completed 48 models in 4.5 months, 28 of which were all different sculpts.

As a side note I'm STILL waiting on my wave 2 of Etherfields to arrive. Pretty much every country other than Canada has already been delivered, but ours were the only ones stuck in the Chinese lockdown while waiting to be loaded on the ship for a couple months. Now it's been stuck waiting to dock in the Vancouver port for about the same amount of time as it took to cross the ocean in the first place .

[Thumb - Mother with Swarm.jpg]
[Thumb - Rat Swarm 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Rat Swarm 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Rat Swarm 3.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/01 12:34:34

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That's a lot of little skitters! And one amazing giant skitter.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/06 11:50:30

Post by: nerull

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
That's a lot of little skitters! And one amazing giant skitter.
Glad to see you like her too Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll. With the obvious exception of inmygravenimage, you might be my second biggest supporter.

Now for something totally different. This one is literally my first official Games Workshop model since my giant Acastus Knight 2 years ago almost to the exact day. I got as far as building and undercoating my Great Unclean One, Glottkin, and even my Tech Priest Dominus, but none of them have gotten any paint whatsoever applied yet.

So without further ado, I present my first Lord of the Rings mini, the Mordor Troll from the Battle of Pelennor Fields box.
I'm fairly pleased with how he turned out.
The severed heads hanging from his belt turned out kind of like orc heads, but I figured if I painted them a normal flesh tone they would just blend in too much. I guess he might have killed a few orcs who looked at him the wrong way.

Speaking of which I had an odd occurrence when I opened up my King of the Dead box. I got a double of the same sprue instead the actual King sprue, but the FLGS I got it from was nice enough to ship me a replacement sprue super quick. So now I actually have 3 Heralds instead of 2 which is more than anyone really needs, but still a bonus.

I'll probably go back to Oathsworn for a while so I don't know when I'll get to the rest, but it's a start at least.

[Thumb - Mordor Troll 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/06 11:51:48

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Great troll skin, and the dirty metallics are kinda gross

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/06 11:56:27

Post by: inmygravenimage

Yeah, the skin is great, and hey who doesn't love rotting flesh?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/10 14:18:15

Post by: nerull

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Great troll skin, and the dirty metallics are kinda gross

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Yeah, the skin is great, and hey who doesn't love rotting flesh?
Much appreciated to you both, I'm happy to hear that this first foray of mine into the realm of Tolkien was a success, and I never tire of seeing all the feedback.
I've always felt an affinity towards trolls since the old metal stone trolls were literally my first warhammer minis I ever bought, which I have still kept to this day. I even have 6 of the new plastic Rockgut Trolls as well as a Mirebrute Troggoth to paint up if I ever get to them.

I'm looking forward to maybe moving on to the Warriors of the Dead once I get a few games of Oathsworn to the table, and with that in mind here is the first of my 4 ally NPC's.

I think there is a bit of room for improvement for the others if I take a bit of a slower approach, but nevertheless I should be able to try out my first game sometime next week with any luck.

[Thumb - Allie 1A.jpg]
[Thumb - Allie 1B.jpg]
[Thumb - Allie 1C.jpg]
[Thumb - Allie 1D.jpg]
[Thumb - Allie 1E.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/10 21:39:05

Post by: sennacherib

Do you mostly use gloss varnish when you clear coat your minis?

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/13 23:00:34

Post by: nerull

 sennacherib wrote:
Do you mostly use gloss varnish when you clear coat your minis?
Hi sennacherib, welcome to my blog and thanks for commenting. I used gloss varnish for everything in my Death Guard army, but I grew pretty dissatisfied with how much it muddled both the detail and colors.
I switched to Army Painter matte varnish shortly after starting to paint my Middara stuff, but with very few exceptions I always varnish AFTER taking the pictures.

Today was a pretty productive day. Not only did I finish my last 3 Oathsworn allies, but as a side note I also finished Book 5 of the fantasy novels series I've been reading, the Runelords.
It's a pretty old series, but if you're into that genre I'd highly recommend it.

So here they are along with a group shot. I tried painting the one with the polearm's quilted armor completely manually thinking it look better, but it turns out the drybrushing was both faster and a nicer result imo.
Also I know one of their swords is bent, but even if I could straighten it the plastic tray that holds it isn't really a good shape so it probably just bend back anyway.
This means I am finally ready to start playing. Now I just have to get everything set up and somehow manage to survive my encounter with the Broodmother.

[Thumb - Allies 0.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 3A.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 3B.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 3C.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 3D.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 3E.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 4A.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 4B.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 4C.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 4D.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 4E.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 2A.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 2B.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 2C.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 2D.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 2E.jpg]
[Thumb - Ally 2F.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/14 05:46:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lovely set of figs. Your metals are impressively neat and even, a real sense of TMM.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/18 13:43:01

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Lovely set of figs. Your metals are impressively neat and even, a real sense of TMM.
That's kind of you to say considering most of the time my metals are just leadbelcher with a couple coats of either nuln oil, agrax earthshade, or a combo.
In fact the ally with the polearm has an unsightly spot on the blade where the ink pooled rather badly. I did go back and fix it, but neglected to retake the picture in this case. Sometimes I'll highlight with a brighter shade of silver, but my selection of gold/bronze colors are a bit more respectable.

Now that I have enough painted to try out chapter 1 of Oathsworn, I'm taking a break to work on some more of my Lord of the Rings. I did get everything unpacked and mostly setup last night, but it took so long I didn't have the energy to actually get past the first paragraph.

Anyway these guys are the first of my Warriors of the Dead unit from the good side of the Battle of Pelennor Fields set. It's a unit of 20 so I still have a ways to go, but it's a pretty simple color scheme. It doesn't really make sense that the metals aren't a ghostly green too, but I felt it needed a little something to break it up.

I was originally going with Steel Legion Drab for the sides of the bases, but it just blended in with the sand I went with. I also intend to put some tufts of grass on the bases, but I only have one little pack so I have to get a bunch more at some point.

The Mordor Troll I already finished had black gravel, which apparently is actually crushed glass, but I changed my mind and scraped it off since I want both armies to match so it looks like they're part of the same battlefield.

[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead - Spears 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead - Spears 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead - Spears 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead - Spears 4.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/22 20:31:28

Post by: nerull

I'm back with a few more ghosts painted. For being such a simple color scheme I'm not sure these ones turned at as good as the first ones, but I'm sick of fiddling with them.

I actually made a decent start on the Chapter 2 boss for Oathsworn, but it's another giant project so it'll probably be the better part of a week before it's done.

I also played my first game of Oathsworn yesterday. Despite screwing up the rules in a couple major ways for my encounter with the giant rat queen, I did most of right enough to not feel too bad about moving on, and I can say that the game is pretty fun so far. It was a very tight squeeze fitting everything on my small 3' x 3' table though as it's much more of a space hog than I was hoping for.

[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Swords 1A.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Swords 1B.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Swords 1C.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Swords 1D.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/23 05:57:57

Post by: inmygravenimage

Oooh. Or possibly, ooooOOOOooooOOOOoooh

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/23 12:02:18

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I like the spots of metallic to break up the ghostliness.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/09/25 12:24:42

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Oooh. Or possibly, ooooOOOOooooOOOOoooh
Happy to see you like these ghostly fellows inmygravenimage. They're a bit basic, but hopefully they resemble the movie closely enough.
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
I like the spots of metallic to break up the ghostliness.
Thanks Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll, I'm glad to hear that design choice worked out since I try to offer some contrast in pretty much everything I paint, even if it's just a little bit.

I hope you guys aren't getting too bored of these Warriors of the Dead yet since that's what I've brought more of once again today, but now that I'm kind of getting the process down more they're getting faster to crank out. I can say I'm more pleased with the results this time than the last batch which was a bit of a disappointment imo.

So here are another 4, which means the unit is now half done, along with a couple of group shots. The other 10 are all exact duplicates of these same sculpts so I might hold off on posting them until they are all done, but it should be a more impressive sight by then.

[Thumb - Group Shot WotD 1A.jpg]
[Thumb - Group Shot WotD 1B.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Maces 1A.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Maces 1B.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Maces 1C.jpg]
[Thumb - Warriors of the Dead Maces 1D.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/10/03 00:52:38

Post by: nerull

I'm back once again. This time I've returned with the next boss encounter for Oathsworn.

SPOILERS: If you're actually one of the people who have this game and care about spoilers then I guess come back later once you've fought it already, for everyone else go ahead and enjoy presently. I know there is probably a way to hide the pictures, but I don't know how to make it work for anything besides text.

So without further ado, this is the Satyr. I should have put in a normal sized model beside him for scale because he is humongous.
To the top of his staff is 8 inches tall so it's kind of surprising I managed to finish him in only 2 and a half days. He's so big that he comes in two pieces so he can fit back in the box.

The next Oathsworn encounter might be my favorite sculpt of the whole game so keep an eye out for that at some point.
I also finished another 4 warriors of the dead, but like I said I'll post them all at the end.

[Thumb - Satyr 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Satyr 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Satyr 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Satyr 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Satyr 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Satyr 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Satyr 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Satyr 8.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/10/03 05:49:42

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh he's a big fella. I might use those colours for Lord Balam for Hellboy. Nice job.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/10/07 13:37:04

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Yeah it's not until you notice the body on the staff that you REALLY understand how big this guy is! Great paint job, love the ruddy flesh.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/10/29 22:11:16

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Ooh he's a big fella. I might use those colours for Lord Balam for Hellboy. Nice job.
Thanks a lot, it's flattering anytime someone thinks of taking inspiration from something of mine.
It's a really simple recipe: a dark off-brand brown which could be substituted for rhinox hide, doombull brown, and then tuskgor fur.
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Yeah it's not until you notice the body on the staff that you REALLY understand how big this guy is! Great paint job, love the ruddy flesh.
Thanks Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll, I'm chuffed to see you like him as well. This next one is just as big, if not bigger.

I've finally returned with the aforementioned subsequent boss for Chapter 3 of Oathsworn, the sand worm, or at least that's what it appears to be.
I took a bit of a break to watch Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power and all 3 seasons of the show From Dusk Til Dawn since it was disappearing from netflix. I've also been having fun playing Plague Tale Requiem with God of War Ragnarok to follow shortly so needless to say there are a lot distractions at the moment.

Anyway you can see from the pics with the marine in them just how massive this guy is, which is to say big enough to expose just how basic my paper backdrop is. My sister really wanted me to paint him with all black and white stripes like the one from Beetlejuice, but I thought it would be too monochromatic.
Now with him done I was going to try and get a couple more play sessions of Oathsworn in to see how far I can advance without getting brutally slaughtered.

If I get anymore painting time done I may just go back to a game I haven't touched in a long time, Cthulhu: Death May Die, since I'm currently following the kickstarter campaign for the new expansion, and it's reminded me both how cool it was and that I still have so much left of it unpainted.

[Thumb - Sandworm 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Sandworm 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Sandworm 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Sandworm 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Sandworm 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Sandworm 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Sandworm 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/10/29 22:17:05

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's really creepy. I love it. And yeah man, keep doing what you're doing. My favourite online content is all the non mainstream stuff.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/02 10:42:50

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's really creepy. I love it. And yeah man, keep doing what you're doing. My favourite online content is all the non mainstream stuff.
I'm happy to hear it and to have you along for the ride inmygravenimage because I have a giant pile to slowly make my way through, most of which isn't very mainstream.

As I mentioned last time, Death May Die has been pushed back to the forefront of my attention with their new campaign so I'm proud to unveil to you Meryl, the first investigator I've ever finished.
It helps me justify purchasing more of something if I actually manage to make some progress on what I already have first so I'll try and work on a bit more of it at some point.

CMON pumps their games with an almost infuriating number of player characters to fill out their stretch goals with so if you include the new ones coming to the expansion there's actually over 60 to choose from, even though I mostly stick to the same 7 or 8 I find most useful.

Meryl has perhaps the best ability in the game. Since she is an actor, she can copy an ability from any of the other investigators in your party each turn. Since there is only one true medic character out of that myriad of investigators, she essentially doubles your healing capacity while simultaneously giving you access to much more.

[Thumb - Meryl 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Meryl 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Meryl 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Meryl 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Meryl 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/02 11:11:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's really cool, I love depth of shading on the cloth, and mechanically interesting. There's a similar character in Arkham Horror LCG who can change the role she's performing allowing you massive deck-building flexibility - really useful in a campaign, particularly if there's just a couple of players. I know what you mean about infinite characters to choose from - we have that problem with Brimstone, which also comes with gender-swapped versions of them all too. Talk about paralysis of choice!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/07 01:28:42

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's really cool, I love depth of shading on the cloth, and mechanically interesting. There's a similar character in Arkham Horror LCG who can change the role she's performing allowing you massive deck-building flexibility - really useful in a campaign, particularly if there's just a couple of players. I know what you mean about infinite characters to choose from - we have that problem with Brimstone, which also comes with gender-swapped versions of them all too. Talk about paralysis of choice!
Thanks for providing yet more positive feedback. I've heard Arkham Horror is fun, but I have a hard time going back to standees after getting so many cool models to choose from.
BTW they've unlocked even more investigators these past few days and revealed another expansion so they're crossing even further into the absurd with about 80 now.

Hot on Meryl's heels is another Cthulhu investigator. He's one of the few who is based on an actual person, in this case Ernest Hemingway.
I'm particularly proud of the paint job on his sweater. He has a bit of a different skin tone since he looked more tanned in the game art.

I've actually never played a game with him since with so many characters I actually never noticed him before. His unique ability doesn't sound as cool as Meryl's since he just gets bonuses when fighting monsters, which are everything except the cultists and the Elder Ones, but he's a good damage dealer.

[Thumb - Ernest Hemingway 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Ernest Hemingway 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Ernest Hemingway 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Ernest Hemingway 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Ernest Hemingway 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Ernest Hemingway 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/12 21:39:14

Post by: nerull

This next Cthulhu investigator is named Elizabeth.
The game takes place in the 20's so she's basically a flapper girl.
Her unique ability is very powerful because it's just straight up getting more and more rerolls. At the max level she can reroll 3 dice from every single roll she makes.

Her skin came out a bit darker than I intended, but I don't know if touching it up is worth the risk of messing up what I've got.
I usually play with 4 investigators so if I finish 1 more, the healer, I may actually get the game to the table for the first time at least a year.

[Thumb - Elizabeth 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Elizabeth 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Elizabeth 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Elizabeth 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Elizabeth 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Elizabeth 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/13 07:25:10

Post by: inmygravenimage

I rather like her skin tone, contrasts well with the yellow.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/14 02:54:10

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I rather like her skin tone, contrasts well with the yellow.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I didn't really want to meddle with it anyway.

I'm back already with the fourth and final member of my starting party of investigators, Ahmed. He's not my favorite design or model, but he is pretty much required to have any hope of winning.

There are still a lot of Cthulhu demons I have left to paint, not to mention more investigators, but I might move on to something else for now, we'll see.

[Thumb - 0 -Investigators Group 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Ahmed 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Ahmed 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Ahmed 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Ahmed 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Ahmed 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/14 08:41:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

Love the fez. Because fezzes are cool.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/26 02:23:55

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Love the fez. Because fezzes are cool.
Thanks inmygravenimage. I put my freshly painted investigators to use in a game, but got swarmed by cultists before I could even disrupt the ritual to make Cthulhu vulnerable.
It's a good game, but I might have to houserule it because the balancing is all over the place.

I took a break from painting board game stuff to work on a bit more Lord of the Rings, in this case my Mordor Troll Chieftain.
It's a bit of a departure from the normal paint scheme for one I found on youtube instead.
I'm not sure it turned out that good and the skin is a bit darker than the other one I did, but he's not too bad I suppose.
There were a couple small touchups after this, namely his upper lip and a couple areas where the ink had pooled on his armor.

[Thumb - Mordor Troll Cheiftain 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll Cheiftain 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll Cheiftain 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll Cheiftain 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll Cheiftain 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll Cheiftain 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Mordor Troll Cheiftain 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/11/26 07:21:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

I like him, he's life a giant monstrous lotr mandrill.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/12/21 19:20:03

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I like him, he's life a giant monstrous lotr mandrill.
Thanks inmygravenimage, once again I'm glad to have not disappointed you. Part of me still wants to change him to a more traditional dark steel for his armor. Sometimes things don't quite turn out the way I envisioned them, but at least for now I have too many projects to choose from to start going backwards.

Case in point, I just had another big kickstarter arrive. This time it's Aeon Trespass Odyssey in which you sail around the ancient Greek world using titans to fight the even more gigantic primordials.

I had to take a somewhat extended break from painting for almost 3 weeks because I had a bit of a neck injury. Nothing serious, but I had to splurge for a visit to a chiropractor since it refused to go away on its own. Hopefully that's behind me now though, and I can begin to make up for lost time.

So here is my first titan completed, Herodotus. I'm much more pleased with how he turned out than my troll. The art from the game depicts them with a very pale skin tone so that's what I went for. The titans are mostly space marine sized, but they had to do it that way because they are totally dwarfed by the primordials. You can still get an idea of the scale from the fact that he is using a ship's hull as a shield.

I've got 3 more starting titans to do since you always fight with a party of 4. After that I can move on to the first boss, the Hekaton, which is based on the Hecatoncheires. It's a monster made entirely of arms and hands, and it's the model which most attracted me to the game.
I just hope I can actually manage to fit a game session on my somewhat meager table, but if I can get through the tutorial I should really get back to making progress on Oathsworn rather than have another giant campaign on the go. I already have Middara mostly finished, but I'm waiting on Wave 2 to deliver for that since it has minis for some of the bosses that are normally just standees.

I did get word recently that 2 more big kickstarters should be shipping out from China any day now so my hands will be even more full soon enough. They are Vampire the Masquerade Chapters and The Witcher: Old World in case you were wondering.
I'm not sure which one I'm more looking forward too.
The good thing about Chapters is that for not that much extra I got the pledge that includes a set of prepainted character minis so I'll be able to get straight to playing that, though I'll still have 16 NPC's plus all the stretch goals to work on.

[Thumb - Herodotus 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Herodotus 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Herodotus 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Herodotus 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Herodotus 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Herodotus 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/12/21 21:07:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

That skin tone is really interesting, I like it a lot.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/12/29 03:13:59

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That skin tone is really interesting, I like it a lot.
Thanks for the positive feedback. Besides the card art I partly did it that way because I'm running out of my good flesh tones. It's another really simple recipe: Dark Reaper Grey, Warpfiend Grey, Ionrach Skin.

I'm back with titan #2, Solon. I wasn't satisfied with how dark his club was at first so I went back and re-highlighted a bit. If you happened to catch this post as soon as it happened, this is the now updated version.

[Thumb - Solon 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Solon 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Solon 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Solon 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Solon 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2022/12/31 03:07:55

Post by: ph34r

That skin color is great! Thanks for letting us in on how you did it.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/01/01 20:10:46

Post by: nerull

 ph34r wrote:
That skin color is great! Thanks for letting us in on how you did it.
Welcome ph34r, always happy to see some new people come across my blog. It's flattering to hear that not only is my new paint scheme getting a good response, but that someone might actually want to know how to do it.
I have a gigantic and ever expanding backlog to make my way through so usually my processes aren't anything that complicated, but I'd like to think they mostly turn out pretty good.

On that note I'd like to wish anyone and everyone who happens by a happy new year!
I've painted a lot of minis in 2022, about 77 or so by my count. That's probably a personal best for me, but I'm hoping to do even better this year since I don't have college classes to worry about anymore.
There is still a lot left in my collection still unfinished with even more big board games set to deliver this year. Maybe I'll even squeeze in some more Lord of the Rings or the odd Chaos mini at some point. I should also find time to paint at least one Creature Caster model since I only managed to finish one in 2022, but they are big time-consuming projects.

The first one done in 2023 is my 3rd Aeon Trespass Odyssey titan, Philoctera, which is a bizzare name.
Just one more and the starting group will be complete which means I can start moving on to the primordials.
I almost forgot there is also a mini of the Argo, which is the ship that you use to explore the ancient Greek world, before I can finally try out the tutorial.

[Thumb - Philoctera 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Philoctera.jpg]
[Thumb - Philoctera 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Philoctera 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Philoctera 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Philoctera 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/01/08 19:57:32

Post by: nerull

Here is the fourth and final of my starting party of ATO titans, Ulyssea, along with some shots of the whole group.

Her upper chest doesn't really show up well in the pictures since it involves some dark brown netting and what appears to be wagon wheels, but it looks okay in person.
It will probably be a while before I can finish the Hekaton.

[Thumb - Starting Titans 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Starting Titans 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Ulyssea 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Ulyssea 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Ulyssea 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Ulyssea 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Ulyssea 5.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/01/17 23:50:50

Post by: nerull

The Hekaton, based on the hecatoncheires in Greek mythology, is one of the main models that attracted me to Aeon Trespass Odyssey in the first place so I wanted to make sure I did a good job on him. I think he turned out not too shabby.

Now I just have their ship, the Argos, left to do before I start playing the tutorial.

[Thumb - Hekaton 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Hekaton 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Hekaton 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Hekaton 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Hekaton 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Hekaton 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Hekaton 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/01/28 19:38:03

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Ooh. Very gribbly. Nice.
Thanks, that's a good way of describing it. Greek mythology is chock full of cool monsters. The only other media I've seen an example of the Hecatoncheires in was God of War Ascension which I loved despite it not getting great reviews. His skin turned out a bit darker than I wanted though since I was hesitant to highlight it too much, but I ended up going back afterwards to try and lighten it up at least a little bit.

Next up is the aforementioned ship, the Argo. It's obviously inspired by the story of Jason and the Argonauts. There's nothing in the pictures to show scale, but it's on about a 25 mm base so the details on it are pretty tiny.

I just finished playing the tutorial already which consists of a fight with the Hecatoncheires and subsequently sailing around which introduces you to the "Voyage Phase". So far it's actually pretty fun and straightforward enough, but I have no doubt that the difficulty is going to increase exponentially. There are only about a dozen monsters that you fight, but they keep leveling up as the game goes on.

I also just worked on my first conversion in probably several years. I've been so focused on all these board games, but there is one particular mini for ATO that has such a stupid and ugly design that I just couldn't leave it alone. What makes it even more perplexing is that the company actually had a perfect version of it to begin with, but then decided to completely ruin it for no good reason.
It's pretty much the only bad mini in the bunch though so they can't all be winners sometimes.
I'd include a photo of my attempt at fixing it, but I find it's hard to capture detail very well in anything that's unpainted so it will have to wait.

Now the question is do I continue painting models for this or go back to Oathsworn? I think technically Oathsworn is a shorter game, at least by comparison anyway, but it's hard not to be distracted. Part of me even want's to paint more Cthulhu. Decisions, decisions.

[Thumb - IMG_20230125_040804.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230125_040814.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230125_040833.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230125_040848.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230125_040905.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/01/28 19:49:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well, I'm biased, but the Argo is boss (water lovely too) so more of the same!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/01/28 20:57:25

Post by: Llamahead

Cool stuff here just started painting Death may Die for the same reason!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/02/10 02:44:52

Post by: nerull

 Llamahead wrote:
Cool stuff here just started painting Death may Die for the same reason!
Welcome Llamahead, thanks for checking out my work. I definitely have to get back to painting Cthulhu, it's just a matter of when. I looked at your hunting horror. Nice color choices, I still have yet to start that unit at all.

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Well, I'm biased, but the Argo is boss (water lovely too) so more of the same!
Thanks, I didn't think it would get such a warm reception since there are a couple areas that could have been done a bit neater, but since you are enjoying ATO so far I think you are really going to like today's entry.

It's the second primordial from the game, the Hermesian Pursuer.
As you can see from the titan mini for scale, he's pretty big so he took a while to finish, but it helped that he's also pretty spindly.
The water was a bit tricky, as was getting the wings to match, but I think he turned out pretty well in the end.
There is also a tiny version of him for when he chases you across the world map, but I'll get to that later.

[Thumb - Hermesian Pursuer 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Hermesian Pursuer 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Hermesian Pursuer 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Hermesian Pursuer 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Hermesian Pursuer 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/02/22 00:54:34

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Weird and wonderful
Thanks inmygravenimage, I figured you'd be someone who appreciates something creepy yet colorful. The Pursuer reminds me quite a bit of the Lady of Anguish, the butterfly demon lady, I painted years ago.

Next up for ATO is this guy, the Labyrinthauros. He's that mini I was mentioning a while back that I had to exercise my conversion skills on since the design they ended up going with is just so terrible.
I included one pic of the original version so you can see what I mean. It's basically just a simple head swap, and I sculpted a new tail instead of whatever in god's name was going on with his butt. Personally I think it looks like an outrageous case of hemorrhoids.
Technically he's supposed to be a bull because he lives in Crete like the minotaur instead of a rhino, but it was the most suitable head I had and the sizing was perfect.
I posted my version in the game's facebook group, and pretty much everyone agreed that the stock one is their least favorite mini in the game. It was actually about a dozen people which is the most comments I've ever gotten on a single post.

With him done that just leaves a few more upgraded titans and one more monster from the first third of ATO to go, but that one is gigantic so it might take a while.
Unfortunately I also have to get through the 60+ page rulebook before I can continue playing. The tutorial rules I know just covered the basics.

[Thumb - Labyrinthauros 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Labyrinthauros 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Labyrinthauros 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Labyrinthauros 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Labyrinthauros.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/02/22 06:40:50

Post by: inmygravenimage

I think you're being far too hard on your conversion skills, and that's a massive improvement on the original mechaoctoblob.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/02/23 13:01:22

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Definitely, it's way more clear, the original is hard to understand what you're looking at.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/03/23 02:19:44

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I think you're being far too hard on your conversion skills, and that's a massive improvement on the original mechaoctoblob.
Thanks for the vote of confidence inmygravenimage.
I am actually quite proud of my conversions. A few of my favorite models I've worked on are conversions, but I just meant that I'm a bit rusty because I haven't had to do any for so long so I wasn't going for anything that advanced.
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Definitely, it's way more clear, the original is hard to understand what you're looking at.
I'm glad you both see why the original design was in need of fixing, and that you consider my take on him to be an improvement.

I'm a bit disappointed in myself that it has been an entire month since I have really painted at all. I have undercoated a couple things, but my absence was partly because my neck has been bugging me again lately.
I managed to both start and finish this guy today though.
Coming out of left field, it's a Grazer from my Horizon Zero Dawn game which I haven't touched in almost a year. It's the only enemy from the base game which I had yet to work on. I still have a handful of doubles to left to do, but I would like to move on to at least one of its many expansions at some point.

[Thumb - IMG_20230322_213744.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230322_213800.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230322_213815.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230322_213823.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230322_213834.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230322_213846.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/03/30 14:48:37

Post by: nerull

I just have a short update for you all today.
I have actually been pretty productive this week, but it's all been painting doubles for the Horizon enemies I've already established.
Nevertheless, I thought it was worth showing off one of the biggest group photos I've ever done. This is the entire core box, except for a second Sawtooth and Shellwalker (the big ones).

I just finished facing off against them in the base campaign, but I was doing so well that I decided to really test my loadout against one of the expansions, the Rockbreaker.
For those viewers who aren't familiar with the video game, it's basically a giant mole with a saw blade mouth that burrows deep underground in order to pop out and strike you unawares. It's one of 3 expansions I have where the boss is so big that he takes up 4 whole spaces on the board instead of just 1.
I haven't started painting him yet, but I did manage to win the game against him. It was a slobber knocker, but both my characters survived with just a few hp left.

So now I'm close enough to being done with the core box that I intend to finally move on to painting one of my expansions.

[Thumb - Core Box Group Photo.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230326_052636.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/03/30 18:53:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

Impressive work indeed buddy. I need to get back to Forbidden Fortress, but board game minis always seem to slip to the back.of the queue for some reason.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/04/02 01:24:58

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Impressive work indeed buddy. I need to get back to Forbidden Fortress, but board game minis always seem to slip to the back.of the queue for some reason.
Thanks a lot friend, I'm the exact opposite. Even though I really like a lot of the Warhammer minis I have in my backlog of shame, I just can't bring myself to work on them for the most part.

I managed to squeeze in one more mini for Horizon before another board gaming day with friends. This is the first thing from one of the many expansions that I've tackled, the Carja Noble. I think she turned out better than expected.

I was going to say screw it and just give up on dotting the pupils for this game, but for once I got it perfect on the first try!

I don't think I've included a normal sized model to illustrate just how tiny the scale is on the human characters before, but you can see my point with the Possessed Marine.

I also just received one of the few expansions I was still missing for it today. It's called the Stormbird, and while its body isn't that big it has a MASSIVE wingspan to the point it covers pretty much the whole battlefield.
I actually had to get a replacement for it because the first one came with a broken leg. It's actually pretty common with that kit, but thankfully the new is fine.
I don't know when I'll get to paint it, like so many things, but it should look very imposing once the time comes.

[Thumb - Noble 1a.jpg]
[Thumb - Noble 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Noble 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Noble 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Noble 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Noble 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/04/02 06:59:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

She looks cracking, and can't wait to see the giant bird of doom.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/04/04 03:28:38

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
She looks cracking, and can't wait to see the giant bird of doom.
Thanks again, and glad to hear I've piqued your interest with the Stormbird, but I've got to get through at least a couple other expansions before I go forward with that one.

With that in mind, here's the first enemy from the Soldiers of the Sun expansion I started in the previous post, the first of 4 Broadheads.
It's kind of similar to the horse-like Striders, but I like the result.
Once I get through those it's on to the larger Tramplers, and then the boss of the expansion, the Behemoth. He's probably my second or 3rd most favorite model in the whole game so hopefully he will tide you over until I can get to that Stormbird.

[Thumb - Broadhead 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Broadhead 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Broadhead 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Broadhead 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Broadhead 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Broadhead 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/04/12 18:15:39

Post by: nerull

I've been looking forward to this update.
I was intending to work my way up from smallest to largest enemies for this expansion, but I'm still not quite sure how I'm going to paint the bison-like Tramplers so I decided to skip past them for now.

So that means after 3 days of working on him I get to finally unveil the Behemoth. I've already mentioned how partial I am to this enemy design, and I think I managed to do him justice.
As usual I noticed the part I forgot about (the connective bits on his front legs) just after taking the photos, but he's 98% done.

Now if I can figure out the Tramplers, and maybe get around to the other expansion character class, I really think it's getting time to switch to a different project for a while.
Even though I still have a whole bunch of other Horizon expansions to get to down the line, I feel much better about my investment now that I've made a fair amount of headway. When I was posting my work on the game's facebook group I even happened to notice that there is currently a small window to get the other kickstarter exclusive expansion that I'm missing, the Heart of the Nora.
It's only 3 models, but the Corruptors are really cool and the other one is a massive spider tank which is basically the final boss of the videogame.

As a side note my copy of Vampire the Masquerade Chapter is inching its way ever closer to delivery. It should already be at the US distribution hub so maybe I'll have it by this time next month.

[Thumb - Behemoth 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Behemoth 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Behemoth 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Behemoth 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Behemoth 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Behemoth 7.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/04/12 21:49:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

That there is one big bonkers beast. Love the high contrast shading and get real Zord vibes. Also, VTM! ah takes me back to being a gothy teenage nerd...

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/04/20 11:47:09

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That there is one big bonkers beast. Love the high contrast shading and get real Zord vibes. Also, VTM! ah takes me back to being a gothy teenage nerd...
I'm happy to hear that he is appealing in your opinion as well.
I take it you're referencing the Zords from the Power Rangers. I only watched them in my youth, but I still have nostalgia towards them.
I was always more of a metalhead than goth per se, but VTM Chapters will most likely be a really fun time. It's a bit intimidating trying to understand all the background and deep lore in such an established universe.

It has taken a bit longer than usual to finish my first Trampler since my area went through the first heat wave of this year, but nevertheless here is my take on him.

If I paint the 2nd Trampler I should take another photo for the complete Soldiers of the Sun group shot.
There is also one other character class to paint for this expansion, but I may leave it for quite a while since a lot of his abilities pertain to the competitive game mode, and I only really play co-op.

As for my next project, I have undercoated one of the few 3d prints I ordered off Etsy for a complete change of pace.
I don't know how well it will go, but it's a 75mm version of Leeloo from the Fifth Element, which is debatably my #1 favorite movie from my childhood.

[Thumb - Trampler A1.jpg]
[Thumb - Trampler A2.jpg]
[Thumb - Trampler A2b.jpg]
[Thumb - Trampler A3.jpg]
[Thumb - Trampler A6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/04/20 14:54:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

I was indeed referenced the Power Rangers. I'm looking forward to Leelo, I did a hover-taxi for my Judge Dredd board with 5th Element references

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/03 04:57:17

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I was indeed referenced the Power Rangers. I'm looking forward to Leelo, I did a hover-taxi for my Judge Dredd board with 5th Element references
I'm really liking that Fifth Element style space cab, but I'm sorry to say I once again completely changed my mind regarding what to work on. I did undercoat my Leeloo, but then I noticed I should have really sanded some of the marks where there must have been resin supports from printing. Also I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to tackle her skin and face, but hopefully this update will suffice for now.

I said it before, but I swear after this I'm taking a break from Horizon models. Nevertheless I'm proud to unveil my biggest project of 2023, so far anyway . It's the sandworm-like Rockbreaker mega boss I mentioned earlier.
You can see how massive he is from the hunter mini used for scale, and that is just the portion of his body that is above ground.
Considering he only took me 5 or 6 days to paint, I like the results. I also painted another Sawtooth in the meantime, but that's not really worth posting.
I have however included a group shot of the Soldiers of the Sun expansion as promised now that it is more or less complete.

One thing I can never promise is that I will know for sure what mini I will actually complete next, but with Leeloo left on the sidelines for now I have been feeling like getting back into painting a little 40k for the first time since 2020 .

This is partly because I was lured in by the new Vashtorr the Arkifane model that I just happened to stumble on, and my FLGS only had one left so I couldn't resist picking him up. I like the idea of a Chaos demigod that specializes in daemon engines, and most of my tanks are brimming with daemonic mutations so I think he will mesh well with my current forces.
I also bought a box of Jakhals in order to get free shipping so I should really work on something to justify the expenditure.

[Thumb - Rockbreaker 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Rockbreaker 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Rockbreaker 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Rockbreaker 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Rockbreaker 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Rockbreaker 6.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230425_005104.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/03 06:22:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's bonkers huge! Love it. And never apologise for hobby adhd. Hey look, a squirrel!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/04 04:40:52

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
That's bonkers huge! Love it. And never apologise for hobby adhd. Hey look, a squirrel!
Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a short attention span, and that you enjoyed the Rockbreaker as anticipated.

I know you said that you like all my board game projects, but I think you'll also enjoy seeing a bit of a return to form for me. I've finally come back with some progress on the Death Guard that is responsible for me starting this thread in the first place.

I can't say how long this burst of interest will last, but I'd say today has been fairly productive. In addition to assembling a squad of Plague Marines, the first of the newer sculpts for me, I decided to ease back into it by attempting to touch up some of my past paintjobs that I was never pleased with.

First up is my Chaos Terminator Lord for which I had made a very poor color choice for his cape. It looks a lot better now that it's purple instead of an out of place aqua. I changed the original post featuring him way back on page 1, but here are a few shots so you don't have to look for him.

I like the result, but obviously that isn't an extensive operation so I moved on to one of my newer Plaguebearers - the Poxbringer.
I had completed 6 before, but despite my best efforts at the time they all came out way too bright for my liking so they really didn't fit in with my old metal ones.

This is a complete redo on all the flesh. I have included a couple shots of the previous version for reference. Hopefully you agree that it is an improvement.

[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Chaos Lord - Nerull 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Plague Herald 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Plague Herald 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Plague Herald 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Plague Herald 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Old Herald 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Old Herald 2.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/04 06:40:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

All looks very sticky. Papa Bless!

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/05 04:07:57

Post by: FoxHybrid

I have to agree that the cape looks better this way, mainly because I enjoy the classic DG scheme of pale green with some bronze trim and purple cloth.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/09 10:01:02

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
All looks very sticky. Papa Bless!
Thanks, although part of that might have been a bit too much brush on 'ardcoat. Nevertheless, I have more in store for fellow devotees of Papa Nurgle.
 FoxHybrid wrote:
I have to agree that the cape looks better this way, mainly because I enjoy the classic DG scheme of pale green with some bronze trim and purple cloth.
Hi FoxHybrid, I see you must be a newcomer to DakkaDakka so it's nice to see something of mine make an impression. I'm glad I made the right choice.

I have a slightly bigger update to my continuation of my Death Guard today so I hope you all enjoy.
First off here is a preview of what I have coming down the pipe. I've been doing a LOT of assembly, although my copy of the Witcher: Old World is set to arrive any day now to compete with my attention.
I have Vashtorr the Arkifane built enough for priming, a squad of mono-pose plague marines, and a giant squad of warp talons ( or 2 small squads).
It's a bit hard to tell at such a distance, but the Warp Talons all have Nurgle heads and shoulder pads. They will also all have wings instead of jump packs to reinforce the theme of possession and mutations in my army.

In addition, not pictured here I have a squad of 10 Daemonettes and half my Jakhals built. I love how the latter contains some female Jakhals, but I hate how they basically all have male heads so I chose to give the women Daemonette heads as well. They look much better that way.

Next up is a friend for that one Gellerpox Infected Spawn I painted ages ago, I think he was getting lonely .
I had posted him earlier, but contrary to my recent darkening down repainting of the Poxbringer this Spawn came out TOO dark, especially compared to the first one. This is him after the touchups.
It's amazing what another simple head swap can achieve.
I also sculpted some more of the little tentacles that were coming out of the old mouth. Maybe I should have just gotten rid of them, but I figured they were kind of a tentacle beard, maybe?

Last for today is a work in progress I made from my least favorite Gellerpox, and I'm having fun getting to do some more converting. These were all parts I had planned for different spawn based on minotaur bodies, but that never really panned out so I'm happy to still make use of them.

I told you there is a lot in store for the future, if the summer heat doesn't soon become stifling.

[Thumb - IMG_20230505_052750.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn B1.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn B2.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn B3.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn B4.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn B5.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230505_235850.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230505_235908_1.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/09 13:14:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gruesome. Grizzly. Love it. Good head swaps, too.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/14 12:05:10

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Gruesome. Grizzly. Love it. Good head swaps, too.
Much appreciated friend, I updated the paintjob on the Spawn so check out the updated version in the previous post if you have time.

I also took out the first couple rebased Possessed from before since I wanted to group them all together now that whole squad is done again.
I would have had them done much sooner, but just as I predicted another heat wave came, and my roommates are always badgering me about getting any painting done because my painting lamp makes a lot of heat. Hopefully once we put in an air conditioner or two they will get off my back about it so I don't have come to completely halt my progress for a quarter of the year .

Nevertheless, I think they look pretty good altogether with the new bases. Maybe I should lighten up the blue in the ghostly face shoulders, but it's good enough for now.

[Thumb - Possessed Group Shot Rebased.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed AB - 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed AB - 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed AB - 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed AB - 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed AB - 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed CDE 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed CDE 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed CDE 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed CDE 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed FG 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed FG 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Rebased Possessed FG 3.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/18 02:11:50

Post by: nerull

I'm back already with the 3rd Spawn/Gellerpox Infected. There is a fourth one, but I don't know when I'll get to it.

For now here are a couple group shots of the unit. I never noticed how short the one on the left is by comparison.
The most recent one looks less shiny than the others since I have actually gone back to using a gloss varnish for this unit so he has yet to get his.
Let me know what you think of them.

I also have already started and halfway completed Vashtorr the Arkifane so hopefully I'll have him done to show in a few days.
In addition, I have recently found some cool bits online to make some noise marines with.
I still have yet to paint the GW one with the guitar, but he's on my list.

[Thumb - Spawn C1.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn C2.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn C3.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn C5.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn C6.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn C7.jpg]
[Thumb - Spawn C8.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230517_204655_1.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230517_204729.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/18 04:24:13

Post by: FoxHybrid

Disgusting. I love it! I really like how you painted the bits of muscle, mainly on the latest spawn’s arm, it makes the model feel grisly, like it has already sloughed off some of its skin.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/18 05:58:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

I love the really visceral mix of colours. Excellent as ever.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/22 18:58:11

Post by: nerull

 FoxHybrid wrote:
Disgusting. I love it! I really like how you painted the bits of muscle, mainly on the latest spawn’s arm, it makes the model feel grisly, like it has already sloughed off some of its skin.
I appreciate you saying so since painting skin is always the part that gives the most trouble, and also faces. It's always a balancing act between having too much or too little shadow. Everything else seems pretty simple by comparison. It's nice to see you coming back for more btw.

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I love the really visceral mix of colours. Excellent as ever.
Thanks, as ever I always value having you in my corner, and visceral is a cool way of describing it.

Hopefully you guys will also like the results of today's project, my new Vashtorr the Arkifane.
It feels good to have something bigger for 40k finished, although the fact that he is a bit spindly helped. There are a lot of metallic areas so I used almost every variation I have.
I didn't really like the official paint scheme of yellowish gold armor so I went for a slight variation of my normal Nurgle armor to tie him in with everything else.

[Thumb - Vashtorr 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Vashtorr 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Vashtorr 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Vashtorr 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Vashtorr 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Vashtorr 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Vashtorr 8.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/22 19:13:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Oooooooooooooooooooooooh slimy. Spiky. Love the colour Palette.

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/25 10:47:26

Post by: nerull

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh slimy. Spiky. Love the colour Palette.
I think he's actually less slimy than a lot of my stuff. I only used one ink on him, waywatcher green. I still have a little bit left from before it was discontinued, but I recently discovered a recipe to mix more at some point. Anyway, I'm pleased that you like the way he turned out. I figured since he is technically an undivided demigod, a slightly different skin tone was appropriate.

Vashtorr might be my last 40k model for a while though because I'm elated to say my copy of The Witcher: Old World finally arrived yesterday, and I'm already making progress.
Usually I stop painting for the day once I finish anything, but today went so well that I managed 2, and started a 3rd.

I figured the best place to start is with the very first enemy Geralt fights in the Witcher 3, a ghoul.
In the game they have mostly greyish skin, but I wanted to go for a slightly more colorful approach. There is a bit of grey here and there though.

Following closely behind the ghoul comes a more unique monster, a Nekker. They're pretty scrawny and weak individually, but they always come in a pack in the video game.
Is there anyone else here that is a fellow fan of the books/games/Netflix show?

My progress will likely take a hit soon since it looks like the entire next week is going to be blistering here, but hopefully I can squeeze out another couple tomorrow.

[Thumb - Ghoul 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Ghoul 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Ghoul 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Ghoul 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Ghoul 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Nekker 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Nekker 2.jpg]
[Thumb - Nekker 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Nekker 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Nekker 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Nekker 6.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/27 12:30:15

Post by: nerull

It seems my unveiling of the first Witcher monsters came and went without notice, but maybe this next update will prove otherwise since I think I'm starting to get stuck into some of the slightly cooler enemy designs.

Yesterday was another productive day where I was able to finish multiple minis so without further ado here is the second enemy encountered from the Witcher 3 after the ghoul, the ubiquitous drowner.
They dwell around water and the coasts to attack any passerby. The background mentions that it is believed that they are reanimated drowned men, but at the same time waves it off as a myth.

Keeping with the aquatic theme comes the first of 2 varieties of "Hag", the water hag, to accompany him. Like the drowners, they obviously like to hang around in swampy areas, but they are definitely a bit of a step up in power.
The other 3 monsters I have unveiled so far always attack in numbers, whereas hags can put up a fight by themselves if they have to.
I tried to make her a bit of a purple blue to differentiate from the water, which I think turned out well.

I've got one more surprise up my sleeve for tomorrow so stay tuned.

[Thumb - Drowner 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Drowner 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Drowner 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Drowner 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Drowner 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Drowner 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Hag 1.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Hag 3.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Hag 4.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Hag 5.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Hag 6.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Hag 7.jpg]
[Thumb - Water Hag top view.jpg]

The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin) @ 2023/05/28 03:22:45

Post by: FoxHybrid

I’ve never played any of the Witcher games, which is part of the reason why I didn’t comment on your latest post, but I will say, I love your basing. The base of the water hag is just so cool, I love the texture on the edges of it.