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Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/20 23:08:06

Post by: Random Dude


Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/20 23:10:56

Post by: Swastakowey

Imperial Guard.

The only army that does it for me modeling and fluff wise (older fluff).

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/20 23:18:44

Post by: Poly Ranger

Can't vote yet as you have not put in inquisition.
Mine are BA, CSM, Necrons and Inquisition. Also proxy to use IF allies and have tried out my BA as IH.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/20 23:40:59

Post by: SharkoutofWata

From the threads I've seen, Dark Angels and Orks are the most popular. Dark Vengence and new codex for Orks prolly being the main reasons. Might be that these are the only people asking questions because they're more new than the people with a soundly hammered out list

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/20 23:55:12

Post by: motyak

Moved to Polls, because it seems we don't have a poll specifically about most popular 40K army. That's surprising.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/20 23:56:32

Post by: Mysterious Pants

Squats! Genestealer Cults!

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 00:34:51

Post by: urbanevil


But i reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy wanna start a ork army, cause orks feth yea!

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 01:29:33

Post by: Random Dude

Space Wolves and Dark Angels? Playing both the rivals? Also, Space Wolves have been in conflict with Grey Knights.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 01:42:09

Post by: MrFlutterPie

 Mysterious Pants wrote:
Squats! Genestealer Cults!

I do play Adeptus Arbites so....

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 01:42:43

Post by: Yonan

No Imperial Guard? (refuses to acknowledge AM)
Get off my lawn!

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 01:51:16

Post by: Random Dude

 Yonan wrote:
No Imperial Guard? (refuses to acknowledge AM)
Get off my lawn!

I don't like the name change, but I've learned to except things in stride.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 02:36:13

Post by: urbanevil

 Random Dude wrote:
Space Wolves and Dark Angels? Playing both the rivals? Also, Space Wolves have been in conflict with Grey Knights.

I can always have the heros deck it out after we win lol, to keep up the the tradition.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 02:48:47

Post by: jreilly89

 urbanevil wrote:
 Random Dude wrote:
Space Wolves and Dark Angels? Playing both the rivals? Also, Space Wolves have been in conflict with Grey Knights.

I can always have the heros deck it out after we win lol, to keep up the the tradition.

I believe (for DA and SW) they recently took it out. When you first could ally them, they had to pre-game (or postgame, can't remember) nominate two soldiers to duke out the old grudge. It was quite awesome

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 03:41:46

Post by: urbanevil

 jreilly89 wrote:
 urbanevil wrote:
 Random Dude wrote:
Space Wolves and Dark Angels? Playing both the rivals? Also, Space Wolves have been in conflict with Grey Knights.

I can always have the heros deck it out after we win lol, to keep up the the tradition.

I believe (for DA and SW) they recently took it out. When you first could ally them, they had to pre-game (or postgame, can't remember) nominate two soldiers to duke out the old grudge. It was quite awesome

Ughhhh that would be epic!

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 04:39:09

Post by: jreilly89

 urbanevil wrote:
 jreilly89 wrote:
 urbanevil wrote:
 Random Dude wrote:
Space Wolves and Dark Angels? Playing both the rivals? Also, Space Wolves have been in conflict with Grey Knights.

I can always have the heros deck it out after we win lol, to keep up the the tradition.

I believe (for DA and SW) they recently took it out. When you first could ally them, they had to pre-game (or postgame, can't remember) nominate two soldiers to duke out the old grudge. It was quite awesome

Ughhhh that would be epic!

I know several people who when allied or fighting SW vs DA still opt to do this ritual. It's quite awesome

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 13:24:26

Post by: Random Dude

 jreilly89 wrote:
 urbanevil wrote:
 jreilly89 wrote:
 urbanevil wrote:
 Random Dude wrote:
Space Wolves and Dark Angels? Playing both the rivals? Also, Space Wolves have been in conflict with Grey Knights.

I can always have the heros deck it out after we win lol, to keep up the the tradition.

I believe (for DA and SW) they recently took it out. When you first could ally them, they had to pre-game (or postgame, can't remember) nominate two soldiers to duke out the old grudge. It was quite awesome

Ughhhh that would be epic!

I know several people who when allied or fighting SW vs DA still opt to do this ritual. It's quite awesome

In the 6th ed. rule book, DA and SW weren't battle brothers, they were allies of convenience. Now all Imperium are battle brothers. Thanks GW!

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 20:17:47

Post by: Etna's Vassal

CSM 100%. I have a normal unaligned army as well as a Forge World Plague Marine army.

...still waiting for a Death Guard supplement from either GW or FW...

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 20:31:32

Post by: Random Dude

 Etna's Vassal wrote:
CSM 100%. I have a normal unaligned army as well as a Forge World Plague Marine army.

...still waiting for a Death Guard supplement from either GW or FW...

I would like to see that.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/21 20:41:07

Post by: Etna's Vassal

 Random Dude wrote:
 Etna's Vassal wrote:
CSM 100%. I have a normal unaligned army as well as a Forge World Plague Marine army.

...still waiting for a Death Guard supplement from either GW or FW...

I would like to see that.

Yeah, especially since FW has a billion Nurgle Marine bits and units. Where's the love?

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 04:19:48

Post by: Ruberu

Space Marines are my first and most played army. Other armies that I play include; Eldar/Dark Eldar (always allied, have not played individually yet), Imperial Guard (AM), Grey Knights, Space Wolves (forgot to mark them... woops), Tau and Inquisition.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 07:02:57

Post by: BadMoonMek

Aren't Space Marines, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves all "the same"? I.e. they are all Space Marines. I only say this because adding them all together would IMO give a better visual indication of just how much more popular SM are than anything else.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 07:44:49

Post by: Mysterious Pants

 MrFlutterPie wrote:
 Mysterious Pants wrote:
Squats! Genestealer Cults!

I do play Adeptus Arbites so....

Was there ever an actual official Adeptus Arbites list for 40k? I know they were a faction in Necromunda and could be taken as units in 40k, but could you ever take a full list of Arbites?

Most popular 40k army @ 0020/11/22 10:05:18

Post by: Quarterdime

Chaos Daemons. Exclusively. For now.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 10:45:58

Post by: Envihon

Mainly GK with Eldar and SM allies. That is going to be added to here soon when I get my Imperial Knight.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 11:33:58

Post by: Reaper Man 2020

Ok this survey has actually scared me, the only ones I don't collect are adeptus sororitas, chaos demons and militarum tempestus. Lets be honest I could probably field militarum tempestus from my guard. As for Marines i have my own chapter, crimson fists, black templars, Iron hands, Ultra Marines, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and pre heresy death guard, that is quite a lot of models! I think my hobby is way out of control!

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 13:32:09

Post by: MrFlutterPie

 Mysterious Pants wrote:
 MrFlutterPie wrote:
 Mysterious Pants wrote:
Squats! Genestealer Cults!

I do play Adeptus Arbites so....

Was there ever an actual official Adeptus Arbites list for 40k? I know they were a faction in Necromunda and could be taken as units in 40k, but could you ever take a full list of Arbites?

Yup and 100% codex legal too.

I use the IG codex.

HQ I use a Lord Commissar as a Judge/Marshal of the Court with carapace armour and a power maul. I also like to add priests to some units for LD and assault buffs.

Elites I based cyber mastiffs on 40mm base and use them as Bullgryns with power mauls and slab shields. You can also add Tech Priests to taste.

Troops are Vets with shotguns and carapace armour with grenade launchers and flamers mounted in chimeras.

Fast Attack I use scout sentinels and hellhounds (nothing says "disperse citizen" like a 30m gout of flame )

Heavy support Leman Russ, exterminators (The street sweeper) I also might use Eradicators and a Punishers.

I use 2ed shotgun models with 2ed champions and 2ed grenade launchers. I also use Necromunda enforcer models for my HQ, flamer guys, priests and cyber mastiffs. Then I just use standard vehicles with some small conversions.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 15:52:09

Post by: dpal666

Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tau, and Space Wolves

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 17:29:11

Post by: Mad_Proctologist

When you add up all the SM varients it's more than 30%, which is kind of odd considering how rare SM's are supposed to actually be in the universe. However, it's pretty in line with my personal experience.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 18:54:14

Post by: Asmodas

I run Nids and Eldar, but not so much the Eldar any more. I feel king of dirty playing them... Plus, Nids were always my first love, ever since the glory days of 2d ed.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 19:30:04

Post by: BrotherTitus

Im a regular sm fanboy with inq allies, love the modelling opportunities with those guys. If j had more cash id start an ork army beacuse nothing says funny like a giant green cockney alien who just wants a fungus beer and a good rumble.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 19:33:52

Post by: Random Dude

BrotherTitus wrote:
Im a regular sm fanboy with inq allies, love the modelling opportunities with those guys. If j had more cash id start an ork army beacuse nothing says funny like a giant green cockney alien who just wants a fungus beer and a good rumble.

I'm in the same boat. Orks seem like such a fun army to play on the days when I don't care if I win. It's just so expensive and time consuming to collect a "horde" army.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 21:15:49

Post by: Snilbog

Orks and dark eldar, although my blood runs green under the surface.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/22 23:11:51

Post by: daddyorchips

Space Marines - my own chapter.

Then I have a generic chaos army, which is a CDM (alpha legion) army with loads of lost and damned, cultists, traitor guard etc. and a chaos daemons allied detachment.

played dark angels when i got back into the hobby because of DV, but got a bit bored of them after a while, so moved to creating my own chapter.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/23 04:34:50

Post by: Commander_Nightflier

raven guard and tau. ive been playing them side by side ever sense 6th ed came out.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/23 04:51:46

Post by: spunkybass

Imperial Guard - my personal favorite. been building and playing different incarnations (massed infantry, mechanized infantry, armored company, AirCav, super-heavy company) since 3rd ed. Starting yet another one next one

Eldar - my very first 40k army, since 3rd ed. Mainly field either a Windrider-themed host, or a Ranger war host.

Thousand Sons - my most painstakingly painted army, also since the 3.5 ed book came out. Lately joined by some Daemon allies.

Ravenwing - since 5th ed. Just started a new project to build 3rd company DA (but I think my new IG project will trump this one )

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/23 08:30:24

Post by: horatiosnake

Current Standings:
1. Space Marines
2. Chaos Space Marines
3. Orks
4. Astra Militarum
5. Dark Angels
6. Tau
7. Eldar
8. Space Wolves
9. Tyranids
10. Necrons
11. Chaos Daemons
12. Grey Knights
13. Blood Angels
14. Dark Eldar
15. Inquisition
16. Adepta Sororitas
17. Imperial Knights
18. Militarum Tempestus

In my opinion its not very surprising.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/07/23 10:40:06

Post by: Envihon

I am kind of surprised that Necrons aren't higher. The popularity of Tau and Eldar is probably at least a little to do the fact that they are a top tier army right now but I know Necrons are still pretty good too. Interesting, maybe I have to take up a Necron army .

Other than that, yeah, not surprising at all.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/08/23 10:14:16

Post by: Pyeatt

I couldn't find Imperial Guard...

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/08/23 20:50:19

Post by: RedFox

Black Templars, Death Guard + Renegade allies, Orks, Space Wolves, Grey Knights

would love to play/collect: Necron, Minotaurs space marines, Death Korps of Krieg, Vostroyan First Born, Imperial Knight, Inquisition

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/09/03 16:35:40

Post by: JRose

I used to have about 4000 points of Guard, then started Wolves in the spring. I can't play two armies though, I prefer to focus on one, so I gave my entire Guard army to my little brother.
He promptly beat my new Wolves with my old Guardsmen.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/09/03 19:20:51

Post by: toasteroven

Orks and Imperial Guard for me. I like that they're the two armies that aren't all about being super-powered super beings. The guardsmen are ordinary men and women, the orks are ordinary... well, orks. Strong and tuff, sure, but not in the same class as Space Marines or Necrons or so on.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/09/24 12:54:09

Post by: Insane Smile

Kinda wonder how close this'll match polls like this one.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/09/24 22:31:22

Post by: Filch

WTF? There are 256 Chaos Space Marine players but I cant even sell my army to?

Tied for 11%, Space marines, Ork, Guard.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/09/30 17:51:00

Post by: Brennonjw

blood angel, eldar , tau ftw.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/10/02 07:20:10

Post by: toasteroven

 Filch wrote:
WTF? There are 256 Chaos Space Marine players but I cant even sell my army to?

Tied for 11%, Space marines, Ork, Guard.

Well, couldn't that mean that they already have their armies? It's the other guys you should be looking to sell to.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/10/07 12:22:08

Post by: Sanka


Go crazy on the builds, and mod the frack out of stuff ,and it still looks like it's suposed to... I just love building my Grot army...
And I even won a few games with them....

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/10/25 16:37:40

Post by: Knockagh

Really suprised and pleased at the fairly healthy spread! I play a few 500 pointer armies that I ticked the box for but mainly lovely guard. I'm assuming looking at the figures that there are alot of small armies included here. Good poll very interesting.

You forgot mechanicum.........

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/10/25 22:39:17

Post by: Commissar41.0

Salamanders(SM), Farsight Enclave(Tau), Plauge Marine(CSM), 8th Cadian(Imperial Guard....NOT Astra Militarum...there is only IG )

Wheres the FW armies? cuz i play Mechanicus and 30K Marines

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/11/26 18:12:59

Post by: theredemption

About 9000 in orks
Just started tau, maybe 600.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/11/26 20:36:29

Post by: Bellzo

Lately, I've been almost exclusively playing a Grey Knights/Space Marines/Inquisition army and loving it.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/12/13 08:20:46

Post by: Gandohar

CSM and GK for me.
SM are clearly the most popular army though.

Most popular 40k army @ 2014/12/31 13:28:58

Post by: Matthew

SM, Orks, Chaos and IG. Huh.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/01/28 10:27:52

Post by: Cirronimbus

Been playing Tau since 4th and all through the "dark days" of 5th. I remember bringing out my army to cries of "Wow! A Tau player!" Now there's quite a few more

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/01/28 14:07:09

Post by: Sledgio

I play Grey Knights allied to Imperial Guard as Mechanicus?

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/01/28 16:42:06

Post by: Tristan228

I play only Crimson Fists , they're the most reasonable Chapter of all in my opinion

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/02/01 07:51:50

Post by: Da Stormlord

Necrons and tau. Sometime next year I'm planning on getting space marines or imperial guard though.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/03/01 12:20:17

Post by: Whiskered

custom chaos space marines war band, even thought all models are second hand space marines, hur hurr.

Also recently I started building up some lost and damn.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/03/01 21:46:25

Post by: ZergSmasher

Dark Angels
They have some of the best fluff of all space marine chapters and one of their characters has the last remaining jetbike in the Imperium!
I also have some Tau I am thinking about filling out and playing more, as well as some CSM (mainly the DV stuff).

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/03/02 00:27:51

Post by: Lobokai

Good to see IG, SM, CSM, and Orks at the top. As it should be.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/03/03 02:30:47

Post by: AnomanderRake

AM, Inquisition, GK, Assassins, some Imperial Armour Guard. One 3e Daemonhunters army, four Codexes.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/03/03 02:38:32

Post by: jreilly89

You should edit the poll to remain open, it's closed for me. But I currently play both pure Dark Angels and Chaos Daemons.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/03/03 03:12:05

Post by: Nosferatu71

Guard for me.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/04/02 12:16:40

Post by: Hawkeye888

maybe I'll add Mechanicus when is releases...

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/05/03 18:51:42

Post by: Deadp00l

Sisters, Scions, Knights, Inquisition and Necrons.

1st post - yay

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/05/03 19:50:27

Post by: WarbossDakka

Space Marines, Eldar and Da Orks for me.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/05/11 19:00:48

Post by: FenixPhox

I only play chaos space marines..... so that

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/06/04 12:18:40

Post by: Madoch1

I run the two most opposite armies in the game. SoB and DE. Currently both armies are below 1000 points but thats soon to change.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/06/04 15:28:05

Post by: Lord Impaler

Where is Adeptus Mechanicus? I play that

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/06/05 02:36:15

Post by: ProwlerPC

Orks are number one for me. Next will be IG/AM.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/07/06 01:42:54

Post by: LeCacty

You guys need to add Skitarii and CultMech!!!

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/08/06 18:23:29

Post by: TyranidPainter

Wolves & 'Nids. Nom!

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/08/07 07:44:21

Post by: LogosVeritas

No Khorne Daemonkin in the list? I expanded when I got this codex, so now I have a bunch of daemons. Fun times. I am converting a bunch of Dark Vengeance bikes to chaos. Gorepack FTW!

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/09/07 16:40:28

Post by: QuazzaP

I run orks, nids, imperial gua- astra militarum, tau and a teeny bit of space marines in drop pods to ally with my other armies and spice games up a little. Just like the OP of the poll I am extremely indecisive, but hey, I settled on a mere five armies, right guys?

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/11/09 15:00:52

Post by: Grumblewartz

Wow, that is an amazingly even distribution. I really expected there to be a heavy skew towards space marines. Even adding in their different codices, it still is less than a quarter of the total.

Most popular 40k army @ 2015/11/10 09:53:51

Post by: Lithlandis Stormcrow

29%, actually - at the moment anyway.

I was expecting around 33% so...

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/01/11 20:02:12

Post by: r_squared

Interesting. If those results are representative of actual army distribution, it makes sense why GW keep buffing the less popular armies at the expense of Orks, CSM and AM.
SM are obviously immune to this phenomenon.

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/02/12 15:43:22

Post by: xSoulgrinderx

I have 9 armies:


Most popular 40k army @ 2016/02/15 01:45:25

Post by: CorpusBro

Lost and the Damned baby! But seriously I've had pretty decent success with the FW book so far, not a bad list and pretty balanced play.

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/02/25 01:10:04

Post by: Metaljunx

I thought space marines is going to be overwhelming high

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/05/13 12:57:08

Post by: Soldier0Fortune

Space Wolves : First ever Warhammer army, sentimental value... + space Vikings
Space marines - Soul Drinkers : Read the first book in the omnibus and immediately loved their backstory. A chapter defending its honour and punished for it.
CSM - Death Guard : Childhood love of horror movies, zombies, and the colour green rolled into one !

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/05/31 23:54:53

Post by: EYEofTERROR

I collect too many armies to afford with the current prices. I never buy any of these outrageously overpriced toy soldier models, however and have come to nurture a bitter-sweet disdain for the evil-doppelganger that calls itself Games Workshop. Fortunately for me I have been collecting since...1991-92? and have since acquired loads of armies through purchase, trade or magnanimous gifting. I only ever play Chaos Daemons and/or Marines, tho because everyone plays imperial. I have one player in my troupe that exclusively plays xenos (Eldar and Tau). So I have been painting up my Blood Angels (codex space marines >cough< so i can finally smash face for the Emperahr again! I'm at probably 2-3k of losing painted models and am now focusing on stuff that I hope will actually be effective. It's surprising to see how many CSM players voted vs everything else, especially Codex Marines.

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/06/14 11:13:23

Post by: snykyninja

What about harlequins?

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/09/29 21:21:07

Post by: Red_Ink_Cat

Eldar, Harlequins, and Corsairs... which I guess are all under the blanket Eldar?

Wierd, but not surprising, to see that the by far and away most common are SM, CSM, and IG. Orks kinda threw me though, even if they are GW's go to media bad guy/goofball.

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/10/18 16:47:34

Post by: RandomTechpriest

What. no Skitarii?

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/10/18 17:52:10

Post by: FormalEntropy

LOL I some how came about other army by simply getting Lots.
but my main armies are TAU, Space wolfs, Choas and Gray knights
mostly what became parts and bits resulted in Armies or Squads lol
Imagination is

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/10/21 08:27:50

Post by: Cat_astrophe

Orks all the way over here! And black legion too, but whatever

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/10/23 22:38:35

Post by: KommissarKiln

Maybe this poll should be edited/redone to include Admech/Skitarii (are these truly different factions, or more like IG/Tempestus?) and GSC. It'd be interesting to see how quickly people are willing to go try the newer stuff.

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/11/19 11:57:33

Post by: Yuusai_Zombolt

Grey Knights Sir!!!

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/11/19 12:46:04

Post by: Amishprn86

I play Corsairs and Harlequins... thats not on the options

Most popular 40k army @ 2016/12/01 06:06:59

Post by: Howlin' Mad Murdrean

Ive been a tau player since 3rd edition and picked up a smattering of other armies along the way. Its fin to experience and develop different play styles.

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/02/22 10:39:57

Post by: Blackie

Orks, Dark Eldar, Space wolves. In that order.

It's amazing how chaos, AM and orks are quite popular in this poll. In my area these are not the most common armies, especially orks.

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/03/23 10:27:30

Post by: Kinetochore

I own a Nid army not that it gets played much anymore :-(

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/04/24 11:04:01

Post by: SHUPPET

Nids only nowadays.

By my count at the moment 46% of players are in power armor. Geez.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
surprised that eldar and tau is both only 6%

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/04/24 12:07:30

Post by: Megaknob

 BadMoonMek wrote:
Aren't Space Marines, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves all "the same"? I.e. they are all Space Marines. I only say this because adding them all together would IMO give a better visual indication of just how much more popular SM are than anything else.

I was thinking the same thing a space marine is a space marine, from my prospective id say 50% of warhammer 40k guys play space marines.

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/04/24 13:32:51

Post by: RandomTechpriest

No Cult Mechanicus/Skitarii?

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/04/24 14:16:17

Post by: SHUPPET

 Megaknob wrote:
 BadMoonMek wrote:
Aren't Space Marines, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves all "the same"? I.e. they are all Space Marines. I only say this because adding them all together would IMO give a better visual indication of just how much more popular SM are than anything else.

I was thinking the same thing a space marine is a space marine, from my prospective id say 50% of warhammer 40k guys play space marines.

well, that would be about accurate as just under 50% of armies in this poll are power armor variants

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/07/27 10:09:06

Post by: Jendi

Hmm I don't see Mechanicus nor Skitarii down there.

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/07/27 19:50:15

Post by: Amishprn86

Where is Harlequins?

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/08/28 11:16:04

Post by: Qu3nt

What about Admech, Ynnarii and Harlequins?

Most popular 40k army @ 0194/10/28 17:00:07

Post by: ChargerIIC

I'm really surprised to see AM so high and Tyranids so low. Maybe I need to switch armies

I play AM with Inquistion support right now, but am filling in the points with Tac marines while I continue to build and buy models.

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/09/29 14:55:56

Post by: supreme overlord

Necrons, Eldar, Dark Eldar, just built a small force for some INQ28, and the unlisted ones: Harlequins and Genestealer Cult

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/10/27 14:13:41


Death Guard but I do like to poach from other CSM.

Love Orks just as much as the DG, especially their vehicles.

Space Wolves are so tempting though.

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/10/30 10:53:25

Post by: kastelen



Most popular 40k army @ 2017/10/31 04:23:12

Post by: MarsNZ

RandomTechpriest wrote:No Cult Mechanicus/Skitarii?

Jendi wrote:Hmm I don't see Mechanicus nor Skitarii down there.

Amishprn86 wrote:Where is Harlequins?

Qu3nt wrote:What about Admech, Ynnarii and Harlequins?

kastelen wrote:admech


Maybe look at the date on the OP?

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/11/05 17:45:59

Post by: Bobthehero

Imperial Guard/Krieg and Scions

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/11/29 15:38:55

Post by: NoPoet

If the Tyranid codices weren't written by utter morons who have no idea how to make the Nids adaptable or competitive, I'd choose Nids every time. The latest Codex is a disgrace, they get about two options each, which is like a menu where the only food choices are dog poo and fungus-encrusted bark (the latter being suitable for vegetarians). Apparently their formations are also rubbish.

What happened to being able to create mutant swarms led by Gaunts with massive heads that are plugged into the Hive Mind? What about the tooled up Carnifexes of yore that scared the hell out of everyone until they ran into Battle Sisters with AP1 bolters and AP1 missiles and cheesy Prayers of Ridiculous Might? (Yeah, don't mention the Sisters to me.)

What happened to Synapse creatures having Eternal Warrior? Why are Tyranid Warriors three times more expensive than Space Marines yet die just as easily? Even more so, with their heads sticking up over walls and bushes.

Er... yeah, sorry for the rant. I've got Death Guard and Nurgle Daemons.

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/12/01 20:58:39

Post by: Mayk0l

Edit: Nevermind..

Most popular 40k army @ 2017/12/04 17:16:18

Post by: Shadow Walker

Tyranids. I love them since 2nd ed.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/06/07 19:33:27

Post by: Messiah

Dark Eldar, Mixed CSM and Mechanicus. But there was no choice for the last ones.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Edit: Why is the family poll for today from 2014?

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/06/07 19:38:18

Post by: Kelligula

The Guard with a lot of Militarum Tempestus
Dark Angels
Blood Angels
Dark Eldar

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/06/07 20:15:17

Post by: Duskweaver

Night Lords (CSM)

Angels of Silence (SM)

Ordo Xenos (combined Inquisition + Deathwatch + Militarum Tempestus)

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/06/07 21:31:11

Post by: Casbyness

Where are the Inquisition and Genestealer Cults? O.o

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/06/08 03:50:37

Post by: mchammadad

Your missing Khorne Daemonkin

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/08/09 14:17:54

Post by: ProtoClone

Harlequin Eldar, but I don't see a choice.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/08/09 16:45:08

Post by: flametron

No Harlequins on this list?

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/08/09 18:52:01

Post by: Amishprn86

Can we lock this poll its years old. It doesnt even have all the codex's

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/08/10 10:22:25

Post by: FrozenDwarf

in terms of all time, my guess is space marines.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/09/10 11:25:25

Post by: Just Tony

Bear in mind this list mostly pertains to 3rd Ed. with a splash of 4th and 5th.

Imperial Guard
Chaos Space Marines (Iron Warriors AND Thousand Sons for a bit)
Dark Eldar
Space Marines (Crimson Fists)

Sold all but the Guard, Fists, and Dark Eldar, and since the 3rd Ed. retro group is taking off, intend to build all other 3rd Ed. armies.

ESPECIALLY with plastic Sisters coming...

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/09/11 03:25:10

Post by: Pointer5

I play orks and space wolves. I have about 350 dollars of the metal imperial guard squads to get to. I would love to do a squat army if GW would get off their butts and make one.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/10/11 12:50:09

Post by: ccs

Well, atm, I've only played Space Wolves and an all BA/Salamander based dreadnought force here in 8th.

But I only returned to playing a few weeks ago & I have a lot more armies in storage.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/10/12 00:21:14

Post by: Lythrandire Biehrellian

I chose "eldar" because it didn't list craftworld, harlequins, and corsairs...

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/11/12 12:20:04

Post by: EdwardRenus

I thought Eldar Cheelselords were more popular than that. Every second army I see is Eldar.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/11/12 16:23:44

Post by: Ezki

Eldar, Dark Eldar, Orks and Death Korps of Krieg.
Only played with DKoK and Eldar in 8th, but trying to get the other armies sorted out as well.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/11/12 16:33:36

Post by: Sir Heckington

No lost and the damned?


Most popular 40k army @ 2018/11/12 19:33:26

Post by: Girthquake

my bank account doesn't like it....but I play/collect SoB

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/11/13 23:01:26

Post by: Kall3m0n

Only one of my three armies are available on the list!

I play Tau, Death Guard and pure Custodes.

Most popular 40k army @ 2018/11/14 02:34:07

Post by: epronovost

My favorites are Orks, Militarum Tempestus, Dark Eldars, Eldars, Adepta Sororitas,Genestealer Cults, Astra Militarum, Tyranids, Tau, Space Marines (all flavors), Chaos Space Marines (all flavors), Chaos Daemons, Necron, Imperial Knights in that order I would say.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/01/14 13:29:24

Post by: hawkeye

Where is the Adeptus Mechanicus? I play Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Knights, Death Korps, Imperial Fists, and Primaris Marines.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/01/14 16:27:12

Post by: Woodbro_Chillson

Currently playing with deathguard, deathwatch, and a custom SM chapter. Just getting started with the hobby(6 months in)

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/01/14 17:17:50

Post by: tiaomaster

where my custodes be at?

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/01/14 17:22:43

Post by: Excommunicatus

The OP was posted nearly four and a half years ago...


Slaanesh 'soup'; R&H, EC Heretic Astartes, Daemons.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/01/15 06:03:05

Post by: Ginjitzu

 Excommunicatus wrote:
The OP was posted nearly four and a half years ago...


Slaanesh 'soup'; R&H, EC Heretic Astartes, Daemons.

Perhaps it's time for an updated poll with a more up to date list? How long since OP's been online?

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/02/15 20:33:31

Post by: Norchack

 Ginjitzu wrote:
 Excommunicatus wrote:
The OP was posted nearly four and a half years ago...


Slaanesh 'soup'; R&H, EC Heretic Astartes, Daemons.

Perhaps it's time for an updated poll with a more up to date list? How long since OP's been online?

Exactly. Why is such an out of date poll still popping up on Dakka's front page?

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/03/04 18:52:37

Post by: Captain Brown

Voted for the five I have that are painted and get played.



Most popular 40k army @ 2019/03/16 11:02:14

Post by: Pyrosphere

Deathwatch is missing in this list.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/03/21 01:26:59

Post by: Ginjitzu

Pyrosphere wrote:
Deathwatch is missing in this list.

Yeah. I already posted a request over on the "Suggest A Poll Here..." thread for an updated thread, but haven't received any feedback yet.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/03/21 01:47:55

Post by: Adeptus Doritos

I stand by my theory that nearly everyone that plays 40k has a few Space Marines laying around.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/03/21 01:52:22

Post by: Ginjitzu

 Adeptus Doritos wrote:
I stand by my theory that nearly everyone that plays 40k has a few Space Marines laying around.

I don't think that's too surprising seeing as every 40k starter box includes Space Marines.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/03/21 13:45:05

Post by: Melissia

Yeah, GW has pushed Marines as the starting faction for its entire existence.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/04/17 17:47:50

Post by: Rob Lee

As I have access to all the current codices I tend to play as whatever I want. I have however selected my preferred armies - Chaos, Imperial Guard, Eldar, Dark Angels/Space Marines and Necrons (only because they seem to me to be pretty easy to win with, I'm not overly keen on Necron models and I only own a Command/Annihilation Barge that is yet to be assembled).

Also helps that I own at least 100 Dark Angels infantry models plus some vehicles, a handful of Chaos and Eldar and a couple of Imperial Guard models.

Most popular 40k army @ 2019/06/19 14:05:05

Post by: Karnij

forgot genestealer cults.

Most popular 40k army @ 2020/10/04 12:08:39

Post by: xerxeskingofking

None of the Above.

Admech and Custodes, neither of which are on the list.

Most popular 40k army @ 2021/01/07 11:56:53

Post by: KidCthulhu

No Admech or Genestealer cults in the poll?

It's just as well; I only ever played my GSC as GSC once and my Admech, though painted nicely, have never seen the field of battle.

Most popular 40k army @ 2021/02/08 17:47:18

Post by: Stalked21

I also play Adeptus Custodes but it wasn’t an option

Most popular 40k army @ 2021/07/13 16:15:38

Post by: SamusDrake

Modern 40K: Harlequins and Chaos Knights.
Classic 40K: Craftworlds and Tyranids.

Most popular 40k army @ 2021/08/14 12:25:38

Post by: Boringstuff

Over the years I've played: Orks, Space Marines, Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Chaos Space Marines & Chaos Daemons. But the only army I've kept is Chaos Space Marines, because playing the good guys is boring.

Wait this poll is from 2014? Lmao, needs updating maybe? XD

Most popular 40k army @ 2021/08/14 15:23:23

Post by: Infidel305

orks and black templars, the extremes of both lol.

Most popular 40k army @ 2022/04/14 23:17:07

Post by: Gitzsmasha

Orks for life bro, Orks for life.

Most popular 40k army @ 2022/06/16 23:47:03

Post by: Hecaton

No option for clowns...?

Most popular 40k army @ 2022/07/28 19:54:15

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

Deathguard or Genestealer Cults

Most popular 40k army @ 2022/09/19 23:18:38

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

...and Genestealer Cult. If it's there, I missed it.

Most popular 40k army @ 2022/10/20 11:01:26

Post by: ogre666

And where is CUSTODES???????? :-(

Most popular 40k army @ 2022/12/23 05:16:48

Post by: Oborosen

IG, Chaos Marines, Grey Knights, and Tau.

I haven't played my Chaos in a while, and I'm updating my IG for an upcoming tourney. My GKs and Tau have always been pretty standard. I just think that GKs, with their access to free force weapons, and MW spam. Hold a pretty nice place in the game, right now.

Most popular 40k army @ 2023/07/29 15:01:06

Post by: JB

I play Imperial Guard.

Didn't vote though since I hate the name, Astra Militarum.

And where are GSC, Custodes, and Votann? Inquisition isn't even an army now but the others are.

Most popular 40k army @ 2023/11/02 14:20:43

Post by: Alpha_Rad_Storm64

Iron Hands painted as an custom successor chapter.
Adeptus Mechanicus as an custom forge world.
Word Bearers
Drukhari as an custom Kabal/Cult/Coven

Most popular 40k army @ 2024/05/09 12:02:12

Post by: bullisariuscowl

Blood Angels, CSM, and some Orkz on the side.
Desperately trying to suppress the urge to buy loads of Eldar, if that counts.