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Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/04/23 18:50:44

Post by: Llamahead

A couple of year's back inmygravenimage ran a competition The Great Repurposing. I came 2nd with this guy.

6mm Gryphon Rider.

To enter this I sort of had to buy a 6mm army as the character pack wasn't available seperately in the shop and after a while it ended up like this

It was chronicled here http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/356363.page on my Hijinks and Shenanigans blog.

I rather liked this scheme and when I started painting up models for Frostgrave I tried it on a few of my 28mm Brettonians. This is the result.

I rather liked it and have decided to paint up my Brets in this scheme as my original attempt to paint a white scheme never worked well. My attempts to paint freehand heraldry was also disastrous.

I have rather a lot of the Perry metals to use and far preferred this generation of Brettonians to the recently defunct plastics. I currently have no need to buy more models for this army and if I do it'll be Fireforge Games and Perry plastics rather than GW. The current aim is to use this army in Kings of War & Dragons Rampant. The background material will also be associated with my homebrew setting of Mundi rather than any official setting.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/04/24 20:44:17

Post by: Llamahead

Painted up a Grail Damsel as much for Frostgrave as for this army.

Actually very happy with her.

I've also been reading the army lists for Kings of War. Currently I'm planning to go with the Kingdom of Men. This offers a basic list with a wide variety of units. Brotherhood is the more natural choice if all I'm looking for is a straight Brettonian port but in the fullness of time I want the variety of infantry and artillery I've got in my 6mm force. i'll probably retain the option to use it as Brotherhood however.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/05/04 20:24:34

Post by: Llamahead

I picked up these Black Tree design historicals ages ago to use with my army in skirmishes and sieges. They fit nicely within the Brotherhood and Kingdom of Men lists and give both of those armies an actual option for siege games.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/06/18 05:49:46

Post by: Azazelx

Some very nice models here!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/06/18 08:46:58

Post by: evildrcheese

Cool. I really like tha Grail Damsel model.


Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/06/22 19:52:05

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Everybody.
Here's the first troop.

There painted up but still require a banner and maybe shield decals. I'm planning to use printed banners and maybe transfer paper for the shields. However if anybody knows of a good source of sunrise transfers or banners I'm interested.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/06/25 07:55:47

Post by: Llamahead

I've got transfer paper on order now.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/07/10 08:49:50

Post by: Llamahead

Got the transfer paper I will create my own transfer sheet when I get a round to it. Fortunately I've got a unit which doesn't require them for this month's pledge but it'd be nice to beat the challenge. Bearing in mind a troop counts for the pledge, although a regiment counts better and a horde counts bestest.

I've also completed two Zombicide heroes both of which will probably end up being involved in this force somehow.



I'm not even going to pretend I've not earmarked all the Monty Python models for this army.......

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/07/27 20:59:15

Post by: Llamahead

Grail Knight entering the fray

Just finishing of the final archer for the troop.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/07/31 09:59:32

Post by: Llamahead

Archer Troop scrapes in to complete the pledge.

Next months is transfer sheet and Knight and Pole-Arm Troops.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/08/14 16:08:30

Post by: Llamahead

Got the transfer sheet printed out. Simply used clipart as I don't want anything too ornate.

This guy will also join the army Falstaff from Zombicide.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/08/15 19:49:35

Post by: Llamahead

After all the faff with the transfer sheet it didn't work at all so freehand it is. Oops.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/08/20 09:02:41

Post by: Llamahead

Got my pledge finished for this month

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/08/27 22:38:38

Post by: Llamahead

You know I said I didn't need new models. Well I splurged out on a big Waylands games order. I've been semi-promoted at work and doing a fair amount of overtime and in the next 5 weeks I'm finishing my thesis and completing my MA so I've brought new toys. Lots of them, coming soon!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/08/29 17:36:43

Post by: Llamahead

Lady Faye a nice Zombicide Female paladin to join the force

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/08/29 17:41:52

Post by: evildrcheese

Congrats on all the real life stuff, looking forward to seeing your new toys.

Paladin is looking sharp too.


Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/09/04 17:13:14

Post by: Llamahead

Been to the Hereward Wargames Show at Perterborough picked up a few bits and bobs. Open Combat or Blood Bowl the wargame. Some Arabs, Gates of Antares bugs and a pile of Bones for Frostgrave but best of all a complete 2nd hand but new on sprue Pike & Shotte starter Battalia for £40. This'll give me 2 of these excellent boxes for the force. Uh thats a lot of Plastic! I also played two games and lost with Vikings twice. Open Combat which gives me a detailed skirmish and a third level of fantasy rules to use my collection with and I played Herewards Attack on Peterborough against a little girl. Naturally she won with a double six allowing the Norman Abbot to smash the skull of the upstart Saxon rebel. Leaving my Danes to try and explain it was just a coincidence and they'd just been trying to return these poor lost cows to their rightful owners.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/09/05 20:31:05

Post by: Llamahead

Here's a photo

Good result there.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/09/19 16:21:51

Post by: Llamahead

Sir Montalban Zombicide Survivor

Spearman Troop

Still want to get the light cavalry done. I'm also considering whether I have a troop of Foot Guard done might sneak them in as next months pledge if nobody notices!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/09/22 14:11:03

Post by: Llamahead

Here you go evildrcheese

Once Wayland Games got everything in delivery was next day courier and just to prove I am assembling as well.

These are the first models from the other Battalia I acquired currently humming and hahing about how to paint them. Midnight Blue sash is definite but another spot colour to make them look like a mercenary contingent probably from a Swiss/Scandanavian inspired Dwarven influenced state makes sense.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/09/24 15:06:58

Post by: Llamahead

Pledge for the month completed. Battling with the Sprue Mountain currently it's still high but it's ending up into a dozen ice cream tubs and two bitz boxs gradually. The Perry miniatures are gorgeous. So many nice useful parts excellent poses and brilliantly researched options. When I'm in the mood I'll get some sprue shots done.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/09/25 13:03:40

Post by: Llamahead

Heres a set of sprue photographs. We'll start with the ECW stuff.





and now on to the meat and drink the Perrys stuff.

The French Infantry box give 1 of these Foot Knight Sprues

and 3 of these sprues

The War of the Roses Foot box provides
2 Command Sprues

and 3 core sprues

While the mercenaries provide 2 of these command sprues

and 3 Core Sprues

The bodies and heads on the core sprues of these sets are identical.

The Foot Knights box provide 1 character sprue

and 6 core sprues

Both Cavalry boxes come with 4 of these horse sprues

While the Mounted Men-at-Arms comes with 3 of these

and the Light Cavaly comes with 3 of these.

All are utterly awesome and utterly recommended and now to continue the assault on sprue mountain

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/09/27 16:05:41

Post by: Llamahead

Began getting the Perry stuff assembled.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/10/01 21:32:19

Post by: Llamahead

Been slightly rash on my pledges this month finishing of my Foot Guard, Knights of the Realm and Grail Knight troops and turning the troop of knights into a regiment. Equally that's only 8 models but don't tell anyone!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/10/07 13:09:17

Post by: Llamahead

Chauncey from Zombicide is done

He finishes of the first troop of Foot Guard

Really liking the Zombicide knights. Nice and realistic style which fits my preference for grim and gritty fantasy.

I've also got a classic Bretonnian hero done.

This guy is the test model for my ECW

Tan and a midnight blue sash giving them a more formal look than the earlier elements.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/10/28 19:42:51

Post by: Llamahead

Kept the Tan look for the first of my ECW foote as well.

Works nicely. It'll be distinct but fit the force fine.

I've also got the Grail Knights finished. Working away from home might mean I'll fail this month's pledge harrummppphhh.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/11/05 16:24:13

Post by: Llamahead

Finished the knight regiment. Two standards and no musician due to available models. The banners are awaiting inspiration.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/11/21 17:58:37

Post by: Llamahead

First batch of the Perry Miniatures painted up. Currently I'm fighting with Baron Odo to get the Knights of the Realm done.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/11/27 16:05:41

Post by: Llamahead

Finally got the Knights done.

I've also got the Pole-Arms up to a regiment.

The armies growing nicely now.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/12/13 18:28:26

Post by: Llamahead

First part of the pledge and a random hero


Bones model hmm details nowhere near as sharp as Board Games plastic or HIPS

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2016/12/29 19:18:27

Post by: Llamahead

I've finished the Arquebusier Troop.

This finishes the final pledge and here is the final force

I'm going to keep adding models to this army at a steady pace the aim is to get a decent force finished for Kings of War and Dragons Rampant in the near future. No new purchases are planned for this army any time soon as I'm still assembling that massive order. Equally you'll get to see new stuff here fairly regularly for the next few months as I haven't shown off the Artillery or any completed Perry Cavalry yet. This army is going to be my primary project for a long while to come!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/03/31 18:41:29

Post by: Llamahead

Long time no update but it's a Compleat Llamahead as well with posts on my Forces of Nurgle https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/360/231101.page#9247091 and Rawl Plug Shenanigans https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/750/356363.page#9283330 as well.
First set of painted Perry Foot Knights

Expectmorecompleted units soon honest.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/05 20:10:11

Post by: Llamahead

Here's the first completed unit of the year.......

Ummm better late than never!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/17 08:19:53

Post by: Llamahead

Another painted unit. while it may not seem I'm getting much done I'm continuing my habit of batch panting four models but with different equipment and therefore from different regiments this keeps me interested and provides models for Skirmish regiments. Incidentally I've shown these as a troop rather than a regiment for KoW as i think they look better that way and will probably be more effective.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/26 08:33:23

Post by: Llamahead

First Perry Mounted Man-at-Arms enters fray. The Perry kits are leaps and bounds ahead of most in terms of layout and options.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/26 09:25:19

Post by: evildrcheese

Nice job on the mounted knight.


Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/26 16:31:04

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Looking good, interesting minis as well. How do they relate to GW figs?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/27 09:33:20

Post by: Llamahead

Hadn't realised I hadn't done a scale shot. More Gracile is how I would describe it. "True" as opposed to "Heroic" but work fine together.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/27 09:42:54

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Interesting. Information stored away for future use . Thanks for the scale shot!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/04/27 19:56:34

Post by: Llamahead

No trouble already done it it was just on my Rawl Plug Shenanigan blog as the three unpainted models were new stuff for Frostgrave

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/05/29 18:40:02

Post by: Llamahead

Finally finished my regiment of Foot Guard today huge variety of miniatures in there can anyone name all the makers?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/06/12 17:38:53

Post by: Llamahead

Red Box Games Katherine of Chalton. Excellent no fuss female model.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/07/15 18:33:51

Post by: Llamahead

Perry Knight with a Fireforge Games Russian shield due to historical accuracy the Perry miniatures don't have shields my Knights aren't so worried about reality and therefore have them.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/08/06 14:58:58

Post by: Llamahead

A Troop of Musketeers enters the fray.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/09/25 20:21:35

Post by: Llamahead

Got my first regiment of Pike finished

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/10/12 21:01:42

Post by: Llamahead

Just pledged for Joan of Arc on Kickstarter because the Dragon is awesome. This'll start the Army of New Haven in a whole new scale.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/10/21 10:26:13

Post by: Llamahead

Spearmen Troop
All Perry models the Spears being longer and thinner plastic versions just don't scale well with the Brettonian Spearmen. These are minly made with parts from the French Hundred Years War box.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/10/21 11:04:11

Post by: Azazelx

Nice work mate. Those Perry models are great!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/11/04 17:19:41

Post by: Llamahead

Not the best models to demonstrate it because of their pavises but I'm most impressed with the Crossbows most would just research one type but the Perrys did half a dozen with distinct loading mechanisms. Excellent stuff.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/11/05 04:47:18

Post by: Azazelx

They look great - especially with their pavises. Which Perry models are these?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/11/05 17:43:49

Post by: Llamahead

They're mixed and matched from both the European Mercenaries and the Agincourt French Infantry. The Pavises definitely look great but you can't really see all the intricately detailed crossbow mechanisms. The Hand Guns also have an excellent style to them.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/11/12 17:56:29

Post by: Llamahead

Sir Gilbert from Zombicide

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/11/13 01:02:04

Post by: kestral

Nice stuff. Maybe someday I'll finish my Brettonian Defenders of Vaurendale with some of the Perry figures. Always wanted them to be a bit later period than the usual brets.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/11/13 18:00:06

Post by: Llamahead

Excellent call that. Lovely kits to work with as well.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2017/12/29 18:30:06

Post by: Llamahead

So it's time for my review of the year. Well for this plog the main aim is to get games in there is apparently a nearby tournament venue for KoW so next year I'll head to there at some point I'm also aiming to play some Dragons Rampant and Open Combat. Modelling wise I'd like to carry on finishing models I'm beginning to get there with the assembly although a lot of Cavalry need to be done and he painting is also going well. I'd like to add some of the Warlord Games plastic Landsknechts but can't really imagine adding much more historical stuff to this force. The main aim is to add a few more explicitly fantasy components to the force mainly from Reaper but crewing my Green Horde Warmachines is also a plan for this army.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/03/04 17:51:54

Post by: Llamahead

So wait ages for one unit to be finished and heres two at once.

More Warlord Games shot with a couple of Firelocks in. The Firelock as a set has only one pose so for actual ECW skirmishers I'd recommend using somebody else.

Warlord Games Horse
and finally a Perry Twins Light Cav so I've finally got something from each box painted up.

Excellent kit actually.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/04/15 08:10:18

Post by: Llamahead

So last week my Landsknecht arrived.
1 Command Sprue per box

5 of these sprues

90 of these fellows from the third off sale. Then at Salute I saw the new Missile Troops and Doppelsoldners. I've held off for now as the sprue mountain was already large but I'll be hmming and hahhing about an order of them sometime soon, although frakly I still think I'll start the Greeks sooner.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/04/18 20:20:25

Post by: Llamahead

Had an excellent game of Kings of War at the club last night. I provided both armies and the Army of New Haven pulled of a win against my Chaos. Kings of War is a fast brutal game the highspot for me was probably the flank charge by the Knight Regiment on the Bloodsworn resulting in the being driven off. Then the Warband managing to drive the Knight Regiment of as my opponent rolled a double 6 for nerve. The Warband was a ajor thorn in my side counting for almost half my losses as they also saw of the Pole-Arms the Foot Guard also did excellently flank charging both the Trolls and the Chaos Knights to win me the battle.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/05/20 10:53:24

Post by: Llamahead

I actually paint a lot more models for this force than I show so I've decided to change how I present them. This is what I've done since I last got the camera out.

A batch of Foot Knights an ECW cavalryman and a batch of infantry. Foot Knights have a different painting mix so they get painted as seperate batches as do my ECW stuff. Hmming and Hahhing about whether to do that with Landsknechts as well......

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/05/20 12:09:36

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Nice bunch, should look good on the tabletop

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/05/23 18:46:48

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Another thread I didn't know about. You always amaze me with the sheer volume you produce.

Landsknechts? Yes. Do that. Every army needs massive polearms and enormous swords.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/07/14 13:29:10

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks guys. Cheers Skalk. Another batch of roughly the same size this time.

Batch painting infantry keeps it tolerable and mixes the colours nicely.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/08/11 19:42:01

Post by: Llamahead

More Soldiers enter the fray.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/09/08 16:52:04

Post by: Llamahead

Changed the blog title as I've began the painting of a new army which I'd rather bung with this lot than set up seperately. It's Undead mainly Mantic and Zombicide models as well as the host of Undead I've got from other Board Games and picked up for Frostgrave at some point I'll work out what I've got and tally it. But heres the first troopers simple Mantic Skeletons

Don't worry the Army of New Haven will continue to expand as shown here.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/09/29 20:05:46

Post by: Llamahead

More soldiers for the force.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/10/06 17:50:09

Post by: Llamahead

Mantic Undeads today Dwarf King Holds Dwarf King oddly enough and some Loka Skellies. Picked out the jewellry as loot and to give an idea that the ghost is powered by them.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/10/06 19:01:19

Post by: Commander Cain

Those are some good looking skellies! Are you planning on tidying up the bases a little? If you scraped the scraps of grass of the sides and painted them a nice solid black or brown it would help the models pop a lot more.

Keep up the good work!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/10/21 12:39:09

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Commander Cain probably will at some point.

Pike & Shotte troopers and a Perry Light Cavalryman.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/10/28 16:06:10

Post by: Llamahead

All Undead today
CP models Wraith. Big imposing heavy metal.

Zombicide Necromancer

and Conan Mummies

as you can see my Undead model will comprise mostly of random board games elements with a backbone of the 100 skeleton deal I picked up last Black Friday from Mantic games.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/10/28 16:46:42

Post by: amazingturtles

Those mummies are fun, nice and creepy looking.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/11/10 16:25:14

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Amazingturtles.
Skellies for you

and Troopers to face them

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/11/10 17:08:03

Post by: Theophony

Undead army out of boardgame miniatures should be easy with zombicide and massive darkness in your fold. I hope a second massive darkness comes along with more of the current species fleshed out and maybe some PC of those species to use as characters .

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/11/10 20:11:37

Post by: Llamahead

Sounds good I'd like a version of Zombicide with more gothic Undead, Vampires, Skeletons, Wights and Banshees as well as Zombies myself.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/12/08 13:23:17

Post by: Llamahead

Two more elite models for my Undead this time
Heresy Ghoul Child

Mantic Wight

My humans received a few more Cavalry and some basic troopers.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/12/09 19:15:37

Post by: Llamahead

First of all thats a Wraith not a Wight.
Secondly I picked up some new toys lately a couple of boxes of Landsknecht with Zweihander and Landsknecht Missile Troops. Nice models work fine with my Perry stuff and the ECW range.

Heres the Zweihander Sprue

This box comes with 12 Zweihander wielders and 12 Halberdiers for £16. GW equivalent is £41. Yeah. Equally there are three major caveats to this box no head or body variety from the Pikeman sprue and only en garde or advancing poses. The final one is the Halberdiers are reliant on a metal upgrade sprue and are hybrid models. Equally excellent for the price. I hope eventually this box is phased out for a full Zweihander and Halberdier box myself. No Command Sprue as well.

Now the Missile Troops

This box comes with 30 missile troops for £18. GW equivalent is £46.50. Excellent box variant bodies and some variant heads sadly some are repeats from the Pike sprue but not too many. The main qualm with this box is that their is one common arm between both the Handgun and the Crossbow. This means using the rest of the weapons on spare bodies are not encouraged. Also the poses and equipment is far less varied than the Perry WOTR models who have several intricate mechanisms for the Crossbow rather than the standard one used here and a greater variety of poses.

Still neither of these are stinkers to avoid and both are good fun kits. Also with Warlord teasing Warlords of Erewhon I have a feeling I'll be scratching my fantasy gaming itch with smething other than board games soon.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/12/10 00:07:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Sorry if it's been mentioned but who makes those?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2018/12/28 12:13:47

Post by: Llamahead

Warlord Games.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/02/03 21:03:08

Post by: Llamahead

Been awhile.

Human reinforcements.

Undead mainly Mantic with a Heresy ghoul.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/02/17 16:50:55

Post by: Llamahead

More Undead for the host

More Skeletons

First of the Green Horde.
I've got a copy of Warlords of Erewhon on order so I'm hoping to get a few games in with these two forces in the near future.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/03/09 09:29:16

Post by: Llamahead

More Zomborcs from the Green Horde

and some elite reinforcements for the host

Not quite sure what to count the Orcs and Rats as in KoW.

Fairly dull more Warlord ECW for my humans.

I've also got a game of Warlords of Erewhon and it's good clean fun attracting interest at the club. Hopefully I'll be ableto use both these forces far more.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/03/30 21:28:02

Post by: Llamahead

Had the last 2 weeks of to use up my leave before April and still had enough leave to take Salute week off.....So I've blown it on painting and modelling. Only got a couple of Undead models done.

I've also got some reinforcements for the Army of New Haven and made up the new light box.

Just a plastic cake box with some cardboard hills flocked.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also you may remember I received this little lot from Kickstarter a while ago.

Well I've finally picked up the rank and file to go with them all Victrix models so far from my FLGS. I brought 2 boxes of Unarmoured Hoplites, boxes of Athenian and Mercenary Armoured Hoplites, Peltasts, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and War Elephants. Heres sprue shots
Athenian Armoured Hoplites

Mercenary Armoured Hoplites

Unarmoured Hoplites




Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry


Elephant Crew


Colour scheme and background are a bit up in the air at the moment. They ceratinly won't be Spartans however as two other people at the club have acquired those forces for Hail Caesar/Warlords of Erewhon.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/04/21 12:00:10

Post by: Llamahead

Been working on another Cavalryman

and a fair few more Undead

as well as acquired some more slingers and archers from Salute. The archers are Black Tree Design Metals while the slingers are the nice Victrix Plastics. Irritating thing about these are the fact that the Unarmoured Hoplites don't produce a simple Spear at rest pose as they are the same body as the Peltasts. Got quite a few assembled will get around to a few unpainted shots.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/05/26 11:32:56

Post by: Llamahead

Back to the Army of New Haven with some artillery.

Warlord Games Cannon model I've also got a bunch of Zombicide artillery I plan to complete various crews for.

Undead mainly from the Conan Boardgame with a Mantic Revenant and a Fireforge/Frostgrave cross for some variety

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/07/28 20:24:36

Post by: Llamahead


and Undead

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/08/25 10:47:14

Post by: Llamahead

Reinforcements for the Army of New Haven classic GW foot knight and a Loka wizard as well as the usual suspects. Incidentally Wave 2 of Joan of Arc has same in so I'll be doing a load of work in 15mm as well...

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/09/04 15:20:44

Post by: Captain Brown


Love your 16th century army figures.



Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/09/29 09:30:40

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Captan Brown. There'll be more on the way but first Undead.
First some Plague Ratz from Black Plague

Some Elites all Mantic. Wraith and Revenant are self explanatory horsey thing is from Loka.

Some more rank & file. Mantic Skeletons, Black Plague Zombie Orcs and Conan mummies

Some Liches and a familar Warlock from the Conan Game, Skeleton from Loka and familiar from Guilds of Cadwallon

Lastly some monsters a Skeletal Owlbear from Reaper and The Black Shadow from Conan which I'll use as a massive Ghoul thing.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/12/27 16:57:21

Post by: Llamahead

Just bunging a bunch of finished stuff for the Army of New Haven

Really happy about how the disparate elements combine into a single force with the paint. As it's the year end I'd thought I'd review where I am with the projects. This is one with which I'm happy with where I'm at unlike the Ancient Greeks where I haven't even started painting I'm making steady progress with this force. I've also added the first 15mm elements to the collection with the models from Joan of Arc.

Lovely models fun to paint and I'll definitely consider expanding my 15mm forces sometime next year.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/12/29 15:47:40

Post by: amazingturtles

It's neat to see all the progress you have made! The undead are excellently creepy, as usual

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2019/12/30 15:39:42

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers its less impressive when you realise it's more posting backlog than pace however.
Got a bunch more Undead for you. This project has now reached the stage where I just need to crank out models. I have however added a regiment of Undead dinosaurs over the holidays, Expect to see stable expansion throughout the year I'm highly tempted by some of the GW start collecting sets for them and the Nighthaunt issues of Conquest are appealing to say the least. The Ossiarch Bone Reapers are also intriguing but I'll finish up what I've got first. Heres the models to join the fray.
A Ghoul

Some Spirits

Some Knights

A Golem

and a host of Skellingtons

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/01/12 15:45:10

Post by: Llamahead

Some nice simple ECW Troopers

More Joan of Arc Troopers I'm enjoying painting 15mm it's more stylistic and less detailed than the 28mm while being more detailed and less stylistic than the 6mm. I've also worked out what I'm going to do with the Greeks. I'm going to paint them in the same colours as the Army of New Haven. I'll just blaim global warming. Actually the British styles I've used for the lat medieaeveal period were based on continental styles and the general period I'm aiming for roughly corresponds with the Italian Wars which were ancient greek successor states. My project will naturally involve more Wizards, Dragons, Gods and Monsters than most historical armies.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/02/09 18:42:28

Post by: Llamahead

I'm aiming to complete Conan and Massive Darkness this year so I've been painting some pieces from the Conan game.

The unuusual mummy is Cun-Ha from Massive Darkness who I'll use as a hero. Theres been a bit of a hissy fit in the recent attempts to kickstarter a Conan expansion about repeat sculpts but frankly I could use a few more of these and don't quite understand the fuss. If Monolith games wants to chuck a few dozen more of these at me with some new models who am I to argue? Admittedly I use these models for Regiments and Wargame with them so I'm less worried about duplicate sculpts than most customers.

I've also been picking up Mortal Realms for the Night Haunt models so I really can't say I worry much about duplicate sculpts.....

Mantic Wraith


Ghoul objective markers from Heresy games.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/02/12 19:38:31

Post by: Bschwi1

Very creepy undead Llamahead! (Some very nice 16th century models too) I would love to see an army shot if there's one going!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/03/22 12:39:36

Post by: Llamahead

More Undead for now.
Wraiths I've decided I'll go with the greener variant without the brown ink for my Night Haunt.

Zomborcs Nothing much to say here.

Skellies The tiny ones are 15mm models from Joan of Arc.

Hoggar Mantic Undead Troll Shaman

Still got plenty to update soon.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/03/22 15:34:27

Post by: monkeytroll

Yep, the green variant is a good choice. I like both, but the green is more spectral.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/03/23 14:57:50

Post by: Theophony

I like the green ghosts more as well, really off set from the rest of the zombies.

Little baby army skeletons.....aaaaaaawwwwwwww how cute.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/04/04 12:16:46

Post by: Llamahead

Green it shall be then.
I've been painting but not posting and I've got a load of men done for the Army of New Haven. Bear in mind though this is what has been completed since mid-january so it's not that impressive.
War of the Roses models


English Civil War Troopers

and some Artillery

as well as two heroes a Heresy Paladin and a Loka wizard.

Along with that I've got a bunch more 15mm done.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/04/05 00:47:53

Post by: monkeytroll

I mean, it's still impressive - it's finished figures

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/04/05 12:29:17

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I was going to say something about the eyes, then I saw it was 15mm!!

Great job.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/04/05 13:46:07

Post by: amazingturtles

I think it's plenty impressive! I really like that wizard and his bird.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/05/30 13:22:49

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers only the final photograph is 15mm Kid Kyoto and yep I don't bother with eyes on 28mm. Bad eyes are one of the easiest ways to spoil a paint job and I just never produced them right consistently. More Undead this time.
A bunch of basic Skellies both Conan and Mantic

Two reaper ghouls,a zombicide rat swarm and an undead construct made from a Loka model.

Some ghosts both Zombicide and Mantic I over did the green washes on the Zombicide models.

Finally a Celtos Standard Bearer I've finally painted up to use as a Battle Standar in Kings of War.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/06/07 13:38:07

Post by: Llamahead

Large batch of Joan of Arc figures.

Really enjoying painting this scale hmming and hahhing about adding more figures from some of the metal manufacturers for variety but I've got plenty on the go at the minute. I'd also quite like to add the Landsknecht and ECW elements as well.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2026/06/10 16:16:38

Post by: Llamahead

Reaper Bones Hero Landsknecht style meant painting her for this force was a no brainer with sme Perry Men-at-Arms and Warlord ECW Cavalryman

Massed Landsknecht been varying my colour choice a little more not too much as I want a fairly uniform feel but a bit more than the other elements. Realised the best way to do this going forward involves not painting the dark blue elements first. They also show why I've stayed square massed dense formations look good and are more "realistic" than skirmish blocks for a mass army game.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/07/07 17:37:24

Post by: Llamahead

Got the first of my Victrix Greeks painted up. I'm also actally running low on Perry medieaevel's to assemble......

I've also seen something new on the web called Turnip28 it's basically a blanchitsu take on fantasy napoleonics. Now I first saw it on Gardens of Hecate and looked about for it. Oddly enough thought provokingly for me I didn't really get that impressed with it and I've thought about why. Blanchitsu for a start it's hyper surreal and heavily grim dark. I actually find grim dark a bit of a put off really if everythings dark and wangsty why care? I want to root for and emphasise with characters in fiction. Blanchitsu as a style impresses me less than "Eavy Metal or realism. I do like oldhammer but I've always been drawn to the real roots which make it plausible. I don't paint that way and to be honest while I create gribbly mutants and mucky nurgle I do like clean simple colours to contrast it with.

The other thing it's made me consider are the elements of these 3 projects. My Army of New Haven are currently barely fantasy and could do with some none human and fantasy elements to jazz it up. At the moment I only have Wizards and some Brettonian Pegasus Knights adding saddles to a few of my Reaper models and knight riders will also help. I've got a hankering to add some of Wargames Atlantics Halfling Militia and possibly Dwarven allies of some kind eventually. A steam tank is a definite possibility at some point. My Undead as yet have no real elements of Mundi within them nothing truly original to me. Well some toy dinosaurs will sort that out when I get around to it. My Greeks will have plenty of mythic elements from Mythic Battles Pantheon but I'll probably add faun and centaur auxillaries as well.

Fantasy Napoleonics are something I would love to do. I enjoy taking fantasy out of Medieaevel stasis and also out of Western Europe. My greek project is a start at this. I have a madcap dream of presenting Mundi some day as a series of settings for different periods and Napoleonics would be one. However Turnip 28 doesn't quite hit the spot for me and I think it's as it ignores what fascinates me about the periods. Massive set piece battles and the formations and tactics used are the key to me for the Napoleonic period and it doesn't include them. The lack of cavalry also doesn't sit right with me as one of the grim darkiest images of the period for me is a lot of young men being led to their doom by an idiotic toff of a cavalry officer who's generally outwitted by his horse. The pageantry and spectacle of a formal Napoleonic battle also horribly contrasts with the hideous aftermath.

Equally as an art project it's caught my attention intrigued me and made me consider having a go even if Ido end up producing something totally different and that is a success right?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/07/08 01:03:50

Post by: Vermis

That's an impressive array of minis! Although the ECW examples at the top of the page give me flashbacks to a lot of snapped polystyrene pikes...

 Llamahead wrote:
I do like oldhammer but I've always been drawn to the real roots which make it plausible.

I know what you mean, and I like how you're drawing into your own worldbuilding.

Wasn't there a range of fantasy Napoleonics floating about somewhere? Looking a bit more Kev Adams than John Blanche, IIRC.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/09/11 13:24:56

Post by: Llamahead

Yep Alternative Armies they are rather "Old School" miniatures and it's a project for the future if ever

These'll provide a fantasy element interestingly enough they seem rather period agnostic so should work with the Greeks as well as the Army of New Haven.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/09/26 12:58:14

Post by: Llamahead

After all that talk of new concepts more rank and file

Other combat infantry

Missile Troops


Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/09/26 14:08:39

Post by: Flapjack

Rank and file looking good. I like the pikemen and musketmen, great job.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/09/26 15:08:16

Post by: amazingturtles

Pike are still fun! I especially like redbeard there.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/11/14 15:57:34

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers been a while. Fortunately I've still been painting so heres a bunch of Undead.

Revenants Mantics take on Elite skeletons

Characters and Bonepiles.

Zombies and Ghouls mainly from Zombicide.

Skelebobs from Mantic and Conan

Been looking at the Oathmark and Wargames Atlantic skeletons with interest but I have loads of Mantic Skellies to do still. I'll definitely be buying the book however. Next purchase I have my eye on is some Fauns and Centaurs to go with the Greeks I reckon.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2020/11/28 14:21:14

Post by: Llamahead

Speaking of Greeks.


and the Shield Maiden Cyclops from Massive Darkness giving them some monstrous muscle.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/01/05 16:26:41

Post by: Llamahead

Some Undead I got finished at the end of last year. New Year means it's time to reflect and plan so as I update projects I'm going to be adding a rough plan. For Undead I'm going to continue adding models through Mortal Realms as and when. I've also got the hankering to add some centrepieces to the army. This will probably involve picking up several GW start collecting sets and possibly a Reaper order. My coy of Bloodborne has also just arrived and believe me there are some excellent gribbly Undead monsters in there. It's an excellent set of Lovecraftian abominations. I will admit it also makes my decision not to back Darkest Dungeon easier. As they aren't Chibi and follow similar themes. So there'll be coming along. There'll probably be my main collecting army this year.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/01/10 18:36:21

Post by: Llamahead

More men for the army of New Haven. I'n not planning on adding any new models to this army for a while. I've still got plenty of troopers of various kinds to paint up. I've also treated myself to a bunch of RGD Fauns and Centaurs as well as the Halflings. Now as my Greeks and this army share a similar scheme I can attach the none human auxillaries to both armies to amuse myself as I wish.....

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/02/27 13:01:08

Post by: Llamahead

Just a quick update on the Undead. First of my GW Ghosties

I've realised I want to do the various kinds of ghostie differently some like these and the Chainrasps will benefit from a darker grittier colours with bright ghosty bitz to stand out while the Harridans will benefit from a more ghostly brighter scheme. With Mortal Realms I have a lot of these. Including 120 Chainrasps 3 proper hordes or 2 legions for Kings of War. Mweeheehee.

More Mantic Skeletons and Revenants. I've also picked up a bunch of Runewars stuff on clearance in particular 10 of the Carrion lancers so exect more giant gribblies soon.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/02/27 13:25:02

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Wow, so many interesting miniatures on here that I’ve never seen before! It’s a nice break from seeing all the space marines. Great stuff here. Keep it up.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/03/21 17:59:38

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers I've moved away from GW over the years. Frankly the change from 5th to 6th ed 40k in my opinion was a bad one and then Age of Sigmar weeelll....The price also became prohibitive for me. Equally if I was getting games in currently between Frostgrave, Warlords of Erewhon, KoW, Dragons Rampant and Open Combat I'd be fine without them. More basic troopers for the Army of New Haven.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/05/16 13:44:17

Post by: Llamahead

Been letting the blogging slide for a bit recently. Fortunately the painting hasn't been and I've been on a youtube inspired terrain kick as well as picking up Mortal Realms for reasonably priced ghosties and Stargrave has entered my life. But first something different. Painted Greeks.
We'll start with the Skirmishers

Victrix Peltasts and Light Cavalry
A decent block of Hoplites

and finally some Wargames Atlantic Halflings.

Sensibly I've painted these so they can look good as part of both my Human armies getting double use for the models. Part of this is that I like the idea of showing the same nation throughout it's history.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/07/22 20:09:14

Post by: Llamahead

Speaking of the ghosties some Grimghast Reapers. With Mortal Realms expect plenty more ghostties to come.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/07/25 11:32:02

Post by: Llamahead

As I said plenty more ghosties to come

First 3 batches of 4 of my 120 Chainrasps fortunately I'm enjoying painting them.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/07/25 13:09:32

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Love the earthy colours contrasted with the ghostly green! Super cool work.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/08/08 17:10:29

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Gwyn glad you like them as I enjoy painting them. Here's a bunch of Zombicide Zombies for your enjoyment.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/08/14 10:59:22

Post by: Llamahead

RGD gaming's Fauns and Centaurs painted in a scheme where they can join both periods of the forces of New Haven. Been looking at te PErry twins Prussians and been thinking Steampunk.....

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/08/16 21:04:15

Post by: Llamahead

Just some armoured Hoplites.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/08/29 09:36:01

Post by: Llamahead

Perry foot knights.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/09/05 21:40:43

Post by: Llamahead

Forgot to post this guy Mantic Zombie Troll. Here's what I was actually going to post a small band of Glaivewraiths.

Not going for uniform with these chappies....

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/09/10 14:58:28

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Wow. I went through this entire thread and that's a lot of work you've accomplished. Your Brettonians look great! I also like the "not GW" brand models. You are truly a machine of production.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/09/12 11:20:48

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Skalk little and often is the key there.

2 simple ECW cavalrymen

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/09/13 19:05:10

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

"little and often" is the antithesis of my hobby existence... perhaps even of my being. My style of everything is best described as "feast or famine".

Do you have a lot of miniatures in process or do you have small batches you take from start to finish?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/09/18 21:08:49

Post by: Llamahead

Fair enough whatever works. Personally I have several small batches I take from start to finish having one batch which just needs a litte bit to finish motivates me to progess on all the batches especially through the tedious touch ups (Landsknecht.........).

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/09/19 17:32:19

Post by: Llamahead

Skellingtons. Mantic Skellies certainly look good en masse.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/10/02 10:19:59

Post by: Llamahead

Peltasts to keep the ball rolling

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/10/03 08:54:23

Post by: Llamahead

Harridans these are actually some of the first Nighthaunts I painted. I'm still that far behind in posting. At the time I was planning to paint the entire ghost in the green like I did with a lot of my Zombicide and Mantuc Wraiths so I did the same here. I toned it down with the rest of the Nighthaunt painting the cloth and weapons as I normally would then adding the skin & glow. I therefoe may in the fullness of time go back to these and repaint them in that style.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/10/04 17:52:27

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Those Nighthaunts are awesome in sculpt and paint. Are those GW? If not, who makes them? I've alwasy wanted to run a Nighthaunt but haven't jumped in yet.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2021/10/04 19:38:52

Post by: Llamahead

GW if you get Mortal Realms in the states go for it made them half price which is wha I consider a reasonable price for GW kits,

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/01/02 00:03:47

Post by: Llamahead

So where am I with these projects? Well grinding inexorably forward. I'm getting plenty painted if not photographed and aim to improve that in the new year. I've almost reached the end of assembling that massive original perry order and have in fact finiished all the cavalry assembly. The painting will be grinding on throughout the next year. Landsknecht's are wearisome. I've treated myself to some Fireforge Peasants who will be far less finikitty to paint and the expansion for Joan of Arc arrived in November so plenty more 15mm to do. My Greeks are also geting painted and I'm hoping to be able to se thm for Oathmark sometime soon. The auxilaries are adding the fantasy element to both armies and I have an RDG kickstarter on the way at some point as well. The Undead have recently received some ghoulish additions in the form of a Start collecting Flesh Eater courts and I may get more. I've also added the Crimson Court from Underworlds for the lovely Vampires so expect plenty of new models for that force as well. Just need to remember to actually post some photographs.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/01/05 15:58:15

Post by: Llamahead

Undead Chimera from Reaper. Lovely and quick to paint!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/01/13 15:35:18

Post by: Llamahead

Some Grimghast Reapers to keep the posting flowing.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/01/16 17:53:08

Post by: Llamahead

Greek arrchers a mix of Black Tree and Victrix.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/01/22 14:29:28

Post by: Llamahead

Really enjoy painting these ghosties.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/03/06 11:33:31

Post by: Llamahead

Reaper Lesser Vampires

I like the simplicity of both of these sculpts.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/03/27 13:23:15

Post by: Llamahead

Siegebreaker Abomination from Zombicide Green Horde

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/14 14:21:31

Post by: Llamahead

Several batches of Zombie Orcs I've got around to photographing.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/22 14:31:19

Post by: Llamahead

Pair of Revenant Knights I've got plenty more to photo up it's just getting round to it.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/23 21:27:15

Post by: Llamahead

Just a Greek Horseman. Major backlog to post up still.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/25 15:29:58

Post by: Captain Brown

Prodigious work there Llamahead.



Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/25 23:18:16

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks it seems more impressive than it is as I've got a massive backlog of work to put up. I've still not got round to a buch of mdels from last year so things like this have been painted over far longer than it seems. Equally 20 Landsknecht is a nice batch of figures.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/27 05:28:03

Post by: Llamahead

Mantic Skeledwarf annoying base size but always good to have a but of variety in the ranks

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/28 08:13:18

Post by: Llamahead

Just some more Glaivewraiths.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/05/28 22:40:20

Post by: Llamahead

Banshees as they fit the theme of the title currently

Plan is to paint them a bit more individually as that makes sense to me for some reason.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Keeping to the theme a pair of Reaper Wraiths

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/02 14:25:48

Post by: Llamahead

More Ghosties Zombicide and GW

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/03 13:57:16

Post by: Llamahead

Got most of the painted ghosts cleared from the "to post" pile so now for something else. Greek levy or unarmoured spearmen. Standard scheme I like the unified look for Greeks fairly unhistorical but the fauns and centaurs mean I shouldn't worry myself too much about that.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/05 21:48:08

Post by: Llamahead

More levy but this time pint sized!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/10 16:33:16

Post by: Llamahead

Undead Manticore from Reaper moving away from an official force to my own hodge podge allows me to follow things that interest me I personally like the idea of Undead beasties.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/13 20:25:50

Post by: Llamahead

Back to levy with some ECW troopers and a Cavalryman.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/15 05:09:48

Post by: Llamahead

Rank & File Hoplites

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/16 05:17:17

Post by: Llamahead

Small batch of Fauns

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/19 11:27:34

Post by: Llamahead

Just some generic WoTR guys

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/06/25 21:58:10

Post by: Llamahead

Grimghast Reapers

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/07/03 18:01:23

Post by: Llamahead

A bunch of Skellington's sorry about the photo but they like the dark.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/08/20 09:45:20

Post by: Llamahead

Bunch of Zombicide zombie ratz

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/08/28 10:14:55

Post by: Llamahead

Happy enough with this Reaper Model painted up to provide a Matriarch archetype wizard for the Army of New Haven

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/08/29 18:28:02

Post by: Llamahead

Skeleton Bowmen from Runewars got a bunch of models from this game on clearance including 10 Carrion Lancers.......

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/08/31 22:10:35

Post by: Llamahead

Peasants from Fireforge games.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/09/18 13:44:49

Post by: Llamahead

Mantic Revenants

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/09/19 11:43:20

Post by: Llamahead

Midlam miniatures Mummy Lord

Excellent model

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/09/19 23:31:35

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I received an email alert for a reply PM from someone I messaged 4 years ago so I logged in. Oddly enough, you updated your thread the same day. The universe is peculiar.

Catching up on your past posts I really enjoy the Undead models you've shared. And I agree, sometimes you have to break rank from "list legal" models and just paint what inspires you.

Also high marks on the WoTR infantry and the Faun / Hoplite shields. I rarely put proper effort into shield design, my freehand is challenged at best.

Glad to see you still grinding away. I'm off to check your other threads.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/09/25 15:02:30

Post by: Llamahead

Definitely Skalk as I've gone more for the independent games I can go far more random with what I paint having said that heres some stabdard GW albeit on the wrong bases.

GW Bladegheists excellent models acquired from Mortal Realms for a far more reasonable price.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/09/29 18:24:21

Post by: Llamahead

Simple Victrix Slingers

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/09 21:46:54

Post by: Llamahead

Happy with this guy just a dusty horseman who needed to be posted

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/16 22:01:25

Post by: Llamahead

Crimson Herald a really useful fun abomination style wizard for my Undead

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/20 18:31:02

Post by: Llamahead

Swamp Lurker with a name like that itshould probably be with my Forces of Nurgle ah well....

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/22 10:29:49

Post by: Llamahead

Centaur for the Greeks

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/23 18:47:59

Post by: Llamahead

Wight king and Tomb from Reaper

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/26 18:54:23

Post by: Llamahead

Nothing is scarier than realising how many Landsknecht I have to paint..

and yes those are pink trousers mostly because I hadn't used pink in ages and you see it a lot in pictures mainly as its one of the few chances for military illustrators to use it I'm guessing.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/30 21:52:39

Post by: Llamahead

Pair of Grimmghast Reapers.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/10/31 20:39:01

Post by: Llamahead

Nice set of armoured Hoplites hope you like them. Been looking at the Wargames Atlantic Landsknecht Ogres those are on the list at some point. As well as that this months painting competition theme is snazzy and nothing says snazzy like Fredd mercury in a Landsknecht wizards outfit does it?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/11/17 17:46:27

Post by: Llamahead

Grimghast Reapers.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2022/11/25 20:18:24

Post by: Llamahead

Peltasts nice simple grecian rank and file

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/06 14:49:55

Post by: Llamahead

Got some time of work mostly lazing about and not painting sadly but I'm beginning to review the year. Main aim with the Greeks is to carry on painting models hopefully with an eye to starting to use them for a few game either Oathmark or Warlords of Erewhon. No particular need or desire to add models currently. I'd also like to begin work on the Mythic Battles Pantheon stuff but that'll hang fire for now. I might also consider splitting this blog into 3 with 1 for each of the army projects. Do people prefer a combined blog or the varied projects?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/08 00:19:28

Post by: Llamahead

More Landsknecht.This army the force of New Haven is still gradually expanding there are two extra elements I'm planning on adding this year Conquistadors and Landsknecht Ogres from Wargames Atlantic but I'll leave that fora while as I gradually plug away at painting them. Landsknecht are a chore to paint and I've been mildly neglecting this project and to remedy that I need to start playing some rank and file fantasy games....

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/21 16:19:40

Post by: Llamahead

Final army review. Like the others more games is more necessary than extra models but I do feel the urge to get some games eventually. I'd also like to add some more proper war engines and maybe some character Vampires.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/22 19:10:09

Post by: Llamahead

Greek Cavalryman nothing particularly exciting but these Victrix Heavy Cav look good.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/23 22:00:46

Post by: Llamahead

More Bladegheists with some minor limb swaps to avoid duplications oddly enough the more dynamic a pose the more obvious and jarring the duplicate which I find odd to say the least.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/24 22:08:10

Post by: Llamahead

Some more Fireforge peasant chaps and a chapess

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/28 21:11:24

Post by: Llamahead

Banshees mild weapon swaps for variety.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/28 21:22:51

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

There's a lot of good work in this blog.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/01/30 18:35:59

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Warboss Waazag really impressed by your Space hulk

Fauns out of focus and oddly flocked out of interest have people been receiving their RGD kickstarter stuff I heard it was delivering in October but haven't heard more from them?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/02/05 22:08:35

Post by: Llamahead

Zombie Unicorn from Zombicide nice simple model to paint hope you like it.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/02/11 20:29:50

Post by: Llamahead

Conan Hyperborean primitive making a useful Undead leader.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/02/19 16:49:00

Post by: Llamahead

More Zombie Orcz

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/02/25 16:41:55

Post by: Llamahead

Nartohk a dusty old lich from Conan

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/02/26 17:39:28

Post by: Llamahead

After all the Undead some simple Hoplites for varieties sake.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/03/05 16:19:50

Post by: Llamahead

Some Halflings painted and finally posted. I've been working at Newark recently and headed over to Wargames Foundry so you can expect some Harpies here at some point. The Nymphs I picked up are more skirmishy so will probably end up on the Fantasy Hijinks blog

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/03/12 13:15:18

Post by: Llamahead

Large batch of Chainrasps for your enjoyment.

Picked up a bunch of Stormstrike magazines the Orcs are lovely models and will make excellent skirmish baddies especially when added to my Massive Darkness warband while the Spear Stormcast can be a fantasy elite element for my Greeks.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/03/20 14:36:01

Post by: Llamahead

Pery twins Knight. Had a really nice surprise coming home from Newark on Friday. After being in the house for a few minutes the Fedex man turned up with my Amazons Scythians and Satyrs from RGD games. Nice kits but currently they don't seem to scale well with other historicals. I'll check again after I've made some. They are also clearly not designed for 20mm size bases which is pretty much standard for 28mm figures.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/03/21 20:24:17

Post by: Llamahead

Just a banshee been assembling some of the Satyrs which are a nice kit but might end up in the Forces of Nurgle as they are an excellent source of cheap Gors.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/04/02 20:32:32

Post by: Llamahead

Quick scale shot of the RGD Amazons with a set of models quite an odd scale I'd have preferred them slightly smaller and scaled with historical 28mm where as they seem to have aimed for closer to current GW 28mm might be mitigated by shaving of the puddle bases however.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/04/08 21:59:04

Post by: Llamahead

Here's a bunch of Glaivewraths

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/04/10 21:41:47

Post by: Llamahead

Some more English Civil War troopers.

Still up at Newark for work there's an ECW museum which I haven't visited and the Queens Sconce which I have and it's a nice earthwork or in another words an interesting pile of dirt.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/04/11 21:40:41

Post by: Meer_Cat

Nice job on the ECWs (Parliamentarians- not sure I see enough floppy hats to be Cavaliers? Or did both sides favor heavy buff coats for foot soldiery?) I was stationed in North Yorkshire for three years at one point and got to visit the museum at Leeds and attend Sabre twice in Harrogate. In Royalist country like that I should know more about the forces for the Civil War, but got distracted by the glitter of Napoleonics.

Glaivewraths came out very well also!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/04/15 22:02:01

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Meer_Cat these could happily serve on either side in the early part of the ECW as the forces were mainly based upon local levies and weren't issued uniforms until the creation of the New Model Army and even that may well have been more theoretical. Both sides definitely favoured buff coats among those who could affordthem and wide floppy hats and lobster pots were used by both sides only in later media would they become synonymous with the opposing sides. My personal plan is to use them in fantasy games where they will provide an elite uniformed professional town guard supported by Landsknecht mercenaries and more feudal levies for fantasy games. Equally the fact Ican use these as a generic force for a widevariety of historical conflicts is a happy coincidence. I am vaguely hmming and hahhing about doing a similar force in different colours to oppose them. Here's something totally inappropriate for either side an Undead Cavalryman.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/04/28 20:14:53

Post by: Llamahead

Another Hexwraith receives paint

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/04/30 21:24:09

Post by: Llamahead

A bunch of dirty ratz

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/05/08 20:25:36

Post by: Llamahead

Massed ranks do have a certain look to them don't they? Mantc skellies with a Reaper leader painted over a while.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/05/13 21:07:51

Post by: Llamahead

More hoplites as the army continues to grow.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/05/14 19:43:52

Post by: Llamahead

New manufacture for me Archon Studios. Really nice complex monopose plastics which almost compete with GW and are far cheaper. The only problem is they are hard to source away from kickstarter and also often come in large packs which make it difficult to obtain specific models. This was transparent plastic given a simple wash.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/05/27 21:37:00

Post by: Llamahead

Knight of Shrouds

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/06/04 20:58:33

Post by: Llamahead

Simple Reaper Wraith.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/06/10 21:45:07

Post by: Llamahead

ECW cavalryman.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/06/11 19:43:17

Post by: Llamahead

Just some Greek Archers.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/06/18 20:56:11

Post by: Llamahead

More mantic revenants

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/06/25 21:17:35

Post by: Llamahead


Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/06/26 22:21:00

Post by: Meer_Cat

"Run along out front and tell me if it's safe, Baldric!"

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/07/09 20:39:13

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers, speaking of Blackadder I'm getting rather excited by Operation Doggerland Ospreys planned Lovecraftian WW1 setting.

Orc Abomination proving it's not safe around the corner.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/07/15 20:48:49

Post by: Llamahead

Just various kinds of Zombies for you today

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/07/16 01:17:12

Post by: bbb

Those look like fun zombies

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/07/22 21:18:55

Post by: Llamahead

Just some Hoplites

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/07/23 20:26:24

Post by: Llamahead

Necromancer from Conan one of the witch hunters.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/07/29 20:09:38

Post by: Llamahead

Halfling command group.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/07/30 20:35:04

Post by: Llamahead

Revenant Knight I'm still gradually churning my way through this army.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2023/08/05 21:13:15

Post by: Llamahead

Executioner which really needs the flock cleaned off. Quite happy with the conversion replacing the gibbet with the beacon from a corpse cart.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/01/08 22:33:42

Post by: Llamahead

Reaper Cyclops painted up to support my Greeks and also turn up in Frostgave. I'm also begin my review for the year. My Greeks have been going well with the basic Hoplites still being cranked out. I should start on a few of the excellent monsters from Mythic Battles Pantheon I've got and the Satyrs, Fauns Centaurs and Amazons will add a far greater variety going forward. Gaming wise I'm hoping to get more done this year if I'm not working away from home which absolutely tanked last years wargaming. This army will do nicely for Oathmark and is starting to get there for KoW however for KoW I'll need to make this army far more of a focussed priority than it currently is.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/01/13 22:48:45

Post by: Llamahead

Here's a Spirit Torment for your entertainment. My Undead are gradually being churned out. I still have a large stockpile of models from Mortal Realms, Mantic and Zombicide to paint up for this but the new Wargames Atlantic stuff looks extremely interesting.I'm going to hold fire for now as I've still got plenty to do.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/01/29 23:00:42

Post by: Llamahead

Here are some Perry Foot Knights.

This project is on a continual slow burner (which is something of a pattern for me but a satisfying one). I'm hmming and hahhing about adding more models to this army. Possibly Fire Forge or more Perry twins models equally the Wargames Atlantic conquistadors look tempting although not half so much as the Landsknecht Ogres. Equally plenty more to paint first.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/02/17 22:01:41

Post by: Llamahead

Revenant Knight nice and simple but good to post up

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/02/25 11:43:36

Post by: Llamahead

More Undead cavalry with the Headless Horseman from Archon just a wash over the transparent plastic.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/03/10 19:54:13

Post by: Llamahead

Greek Centaur.With spring springing I can get back to spray painting soon although with the lack of winter I could have done it far sooner. Oh yes. Hammerhead was last weekend and I have 2 boxesof Landsknecht ogres and the new Victrix Hoplites for some variety!

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/03/17 21:37:48

Post by: Llamahead

Large batch of Bladegheists. I'll be interested to see if some of these Night haunt don't end up with olde worlde rules someday....My undead are in an odd situation with that game. Too many modern style ghosties for Olde Worlde but too many Skellies and zombies for the new...

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/03/24 23:01:00

Post by: Llamahead

A relatively large batch of landsknecht enter the fray I paint in batches of four generally but Landsknecht are some ofthe more intricat models I batch paint and can often end up being a chor but really satisfying to finish.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/03/29 22:01:14

Post by: Llamahead

Grimghast. It seems that the Olde Worlde is getting traction at the club. The Army of New Haven slots in well, and the Undead can be done (I have way too many ghosties that don't fit properly and don't rank up well but are doable as Vampire Counts but not Tomb Kings). The Greeks however really don't gel into it properly. I'll carry on thinking about it mass battle games after work are a bit much for me at the moment but I do have a hankering for some proper Wargaming again.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/03/31 21:13:44

Post by: Llamahead

More of my backlog of unposted Undead from last year and this year, gradually running these down.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/04/01 22:10:40

Post by: Llamahead

Horde Brother one of the Zombicide Abominations nothing spectacular but its painted.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/04/06 21:22:07

Post by: Llamahead

Some Greek archers entering the fray.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/04/07 21:35:51

Post by: Llamahead

Fireforge games Peasants. Nice models would be simple kits with one modification a number or a letter on each pair of arms.. I've also just got my first batch of Satyrs done however I'll put them up on my Forces of Nurgle blog as I've painted them to do double service.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/04/13 15:32:55

Post by: blockade23

Peasants are looking good - I have the same kit and will need to build them up for the village I'm working on. Will you use them for an army or just to clear the backlog?

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/04/21 20:21:05

Post by: Llamahead

I'll use them for a variety of things clearing the backlog is part of it but also they'll work excellently as peasant levy for the Army of New Haven and also as peasants in skirmish games.

These Landknecht have some rather impressive back up. These are Wargames Atlantic Landsknecht Ogres excellent kit would definitely buy more and coulddo with more variant parts.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/04/28 20:07:44

Post by: Llamahead

Revenant Knight just to show progress

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/05/05 23:33:21

Post by: Llamahead

Big batch of Chainrasps

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/05/06 21:52:38

Post by: Llamahead

Perry Light cavalryman with a couple of Landsknecht parts.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/05/26 22:35:53

Post by: Llamahead

Been using the Dakka painting challenge to push me to paint stuff I've been planning on getting around to in years. Here's Zardos my Vampire lord on his skeltal dragon.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/06/09 20:54:51

Post by: Llamahead

My first batch of Amazons to go with the Greeks they can either be added to mixed units to annoy historical puritans or provide seperate elite formations.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/06/17 21:22:14

Post by: Llamahead

Perry Knight using Landsknecht parts.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/06/22 21:55:40

Post by: Llamahead

More basic Perrys simple and nice to paint with plenty of individualism.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/08/28 21:20:27

Post by: Llamahead

I'm surprised how much better this Stormcast looks with Hoplite parts.

Llamahead's Forces of Mundi; Zardoz @ 2024/08/31 22:09:42

Post by: Llamahead

Wargames Foundry Dryads nice simple fun models to paint.