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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/09 21:44:56

Post by: The Brave

Hello everybody. I'm a long time fan of this community and in the last I was a terrible WH and Confrontation player. I never won a battle, but I always loved to paint and craft new characters. I have recently returned to this hobby, so here my modest works. All made for fun or for d&d nights.
First of all some kitbash: Gnomes.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/09 21:47:37

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

What an awesome idea!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/11 08:03:09

Post by: The Brave

And now something completely different, a tomb king giant or hierotitan(ess).

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/11 13:36:03

Post by: Dwarfmorf101

These are awesome! I bet you will go where gnome man has gone before

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/12 14:20:34

Post by: The Brave

Some more small folks.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/13 04:55:42

Post by: The Brave

And because I like to use toys instead of miniatures...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/13 05:16:50

Post by: evildrcheese

Wow. Fantastic conversion and modelling skills. I'll be keeping and eye on this plog. Love the Gnomes.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/13 12:00:43

Post by: The Brave

And here his brother.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/16 11:40:03

Post by: The Brave

Toys again, I wanted some critter for my D&D nights, so I bought some cheap animals. Still, some sculpts are very nice.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/18 11:17:03

Post by: The Brave

More D&D, but with a lot of warhammer in it. Here a classic D&D giant, the ettin.

It started as a Gormiti toy (Dedalus)

I cut the limbs and the head off and beefed the body with Andrea Sculpt.

I changed the hands, sculpt over the feet to make some pointy boots and add a couple of Warhammer ogre heads I got on e-bay ages ago.
Then I glued back the limbs, modified with some more putty to show the muscles and add some fur and straps.

After a day or so I add some more details with green stuff and various bits. The... diaper, some shields as an armor, trophies and a second weapon. The flat round buckles on the belt are cutted sprues.

It took me 2 days to paint this bastard, I made the skin 3 times, and in the end I'm not happy with it, but I'm tired to try.
The toy plastic is impossible to paint, only after 5 layers of paint I finally manage to finish the boots.
I was wondering if I can add some tattooes on the back, but I'm afraid to make a mess.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/18 12:29:54

Post by: Eilif

I'm loving this thread. Your use of toys as the base musculature and form for miniatures is completely brilliant! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with now.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/18 13:08:25

Post by: The Brave

 Eilif wrote:
I'm loving this thread. Your use of toys as the base musculature and form for miniatures is completely brilliant! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with now.

Thanks, here one more, I think this is one of the first toy conversion I did, so it's not my best sculpt.
It was originally a Dinofroz toy, a chubby little t-rex.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/18 16:39:52

Post by: Dwarfmorf101

Omg the purple squig...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/19 10:43:24

Post by: The Brave

Orcs and goblins were my army in the past, but I never finished to paint all of it.

Btw, here my army, painted 15 years ago

Yeah, this is an ogre, but I needed a orc leader.

And a random pirate orc I made more recently

A lot more, but I have not photos of them.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/20 03:55:37

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

They're all great. The Mordheim Ogre actually makes a good Orc.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/20 05:51:03

Post by: evildrcheese

Still loving the conversions, your old orks look great, nice collection. The 'albino' ork you painted recently is cool too, nice idea.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/20 08:10:22

Post by: The Brave

Thanks guys, I'll post some more orcs in the future, but for now a little project I love, dino-men.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/20 09:12:37

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

Thats some crazy stuff, I love the mad eyes.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/22 23:39:47

Post by: The Brave

D&D, again.

Same technique, a mix of toys and some sculpt. The "recipe" is: main body, gormiti toy, legs, another gormiti arms, head from a t-rex bag of dinosaurs, side legs from a spider toy .

It's an hook horror, but maybe it can work as a chaos demon.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/09/26 17:54:12

Post by: The Brave

Random bits bag are always fun, you never know what you can find and mix.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/04 11:49:15

Post by: The Brave

Some dwarves, because they are cool. And because I'm full of bits.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/05 09:04:03

Post by: Llamahead

That cannon is excellent and the dwarf sculpts are impressive.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/08 09:02:36

Post by: The Brave

Random update:

Dire tortoise



Monkey man

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/10 14:40:22

Post by: Eilif

Dang, this thread keeps bringing the goods. I'm particularly impressed by the dinoman and the beaked cloaked fellow.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/11 09:10:00

Post by: The Brave


Planescape anybody?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/20 16:28:17

Post by: The Brave

Some skaven, because I have to clean my bit box

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/26 20:25:22

Post by: The Brave

Time to make some order.
I'm full of old Bretonnia archers and knights, plus some random Empire bits that I glued into an unit.
Plus some random human miniatures and a couple of good bretonnian goblins (why not).

So here the lot. What I'll do with it, no idea, maybe I'll paint some of them and the rest to eBay.

Converted flag bearer.


I halso have at least 5 of these knight without an horse, so I'm looking for alternatives.





Any ideas for the units colors? I'll usually go with white-red for the Empire and red and blue for Bretonnia, but I'm open to suggestions.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/27 06:50:02

Post by: Woof

Loving this blog! So much creativity going on in one thread, really inspiring. I find that I'm always trawling through the dollar shops and toy stores now looking for potential critters for DnD as well.

Can't really help you on the paint colours, though I did always like the split or quartered schemes for Bretonnians. I remember seeing an army of black and yellow ones in a WD battle report years and years ago that stayed with me.

Lovely old range - sad to see them get swallowed up in the new edition.

Keep up the good work - I will be following along here, and probably stealing some ideas as well!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/27 10:46:07

Post by: evildrcheese

Love the Knights on various mounts. My fave is the Walrus lol.

How about getting some small dinosaur figures to put them on?


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/27 22:26:31

Post by: The Brave

 evildrcheese wrote:
Love the Knights on various mounts. My fave is the Walrus lol.

How about getting some small dinosaur figures to put them on?


I tried, but I have not the right size.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/10/31 14:55:03

Post by: The Brave

I think I have solved the problem at least with one knight.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/03 11:17:05

Post by: The Brave

The dragon knight is almost done, but today I was struck by inspiration.
1€ of wood bits to make necklances, with a more sci-fi intent.

I'm thinking to simply paint it silver and black, but suggestions are welcome.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/07 09:12:37

Post by: The Brave

Working on some monsters.

Here the first two: a giant frog-like creature (that I like to call troll-dogtoad) and a little wind drake made with scrapped toys parts.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/08 09:04:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Fantastic thread, I love Toyhammer.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/08 09:33:32

Post by: evildrcheese

Awesome! I love the toad beast!


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/08 21:39:14

Post by: Llamahead

With a saddle those dragons might work.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/12 12:51:27

Post by: The Brave

Holiday seasong is getting its tool on me, so much work. So let me show you some old stuff.

First of all the dwarf cannon got a base.

Then a coupleof giants.

A chaos lord made from a 2€ vending machine toy (it's me or the shield is a copy of a GW chaos shield?) No customization here, only paint.

And then a frost giant made from a 2€ biker action figure.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/12 15:35:15

Post by: Viktor von Domm

that biker conversion is daring and bold as brass....but pure awesomeness!!!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/13 11:55:06

Post by: The Brave

Thank you, I hope you also like this giant persian skeleton.
Made with a Prince of Persia action figure and warhammer bits.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/13 12:03:39

Post by: evildrcheese

Both the giants looks awesome. Top work.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/18 19:45:26

Post by: The Brave

Again toyhammer, a rat ogre made from an Egyxos toy, a dragon toy and a bunch of parts. Also fur made of static grass, it kinda works.
Plus some touch ups on the old rats.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/24 18:04:24

Post by: The Brave

Another toy conversion. This is born as another rat ogre, but in the middle became a chaos cyborg.
And because tomorrow is Christmas I use some snow!

I'm not happy of the bloody meat on te back or the base, but I still think it's pretty good,

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/24 19:53:07

Post by: Wirecat

Wonderful! Having such an eye to spot potential in simple toys is a great skill, and even more so with Your paintjobs! Congratulations! (And merry holidays too)

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2016/12/28 15:19:35

Post by: The Brave

Back to dungeons & dragon, with a classic. The silly looking roper.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/01/01 14:53:36

Post by: The Brave

First miniature of 2017!

Again, toyhammer.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/01/06 07:03:14

Post by: Wehrkind

I love this all so much. I am going to have to dig through the old toy bins to see if I can find some 30 year old treasures down there

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/01/19 23:10:54

Post by: The Brave

I think I made my less expensive miniature ever.

Wood beads golem. Painted in the colors of my dwarf band.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/01/20 00:40:53

Post by: Rotgut

Some of these conversions are awesome, subscribed!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/01/20 09:13:44

Post by: evildrcheese

That's an impressive use of wooden beads.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/01/25 23:45:22

Post by: The Brave

I was in the mood to make some terrain this week.

Small to big.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/02/03 14:25:47

Post by: The Brave

Time to begin a new project.

I recently got some bits on ebay and I found enough pieces to put togeter a couple of Blood Bowl teams.

I do not play the game, but whatever, I can still use them in D&D.

First team, Chaos!


Chaos Warriors

Group shot

Big Guy.
This was a problem.
I have my big cyborg, an heroquest minotaur and a wereboar toy (Cronox, I think). I do not really want to use the cyborg, it's a little too much Norse, and he has a giant axe for an arm, not the best for a Blood Bowl game. The heroquest minotaur is classic, but the sculpt is old and I do not like the humanoid feet. The last is the wereboar, I hate the big legs but at the moment it is the best I have.

Here a test on the team colors, it's a little bland, but I want to keep the blue so I can still use the cyborg. I do not really like this scheme (except blue & gold), maybe the problem is the gray fur.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/02/09 13:10:30

Post by: The Brave

Some update on the Chaos Blood Bowl Team.

Plus some other miniature for a Nurgle team. Basically all made with Gormiti minifigures and bits.





W.i.p. Nurgle Beast

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/03/07 14:28:00

Post by: The Brave

Blood bowl chaos team.

Maybe I'll work a little on the bases, but for now it is done.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/03/07 19:47:36

Post by: inflatablefriend

You've got a great eye for conversions, some truly fantastic work here!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/03/11 11:04:52

Post by: The Brave

From Hulk minifigures (kinder eggs I think) to flesh golems.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/03/11 11:27:52

Post by: Llamahead

Excellent stuff

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/03/20 12:08:56

Post by: The Brave

Some more toys. Mini Gormiti, used as a proxy Blood Bowl Team, or for some d&d nights.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/04/05 18:56:58

Post by: The Brave

Pirate team w.i.p. for Blood Bowl, D&d or Mordheim.
Well, Frostgrave too if you are in the mood.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/04/06 10:09:46

Post by: Viktor von Domm

LOL...that Obelix model! smaller scale and you´d have yourself an awesome looking dwarf....

i like that you used cadian kneeling heavy weapon legs for your blood bowlers....kind of like a sweet revenge for all the kitbashs that have been done the other way to make medieval looking troopers....

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/04/06 10:36:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love the pirates! I miss the old Empire plastics...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/04/06 15:48:05

Post by: The Brave

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
LOL...that Obelix model! smaller scale and you´d have yourself an awesome looking dwarf....

i like that you used cadian kneeling heavy weapon legs for your blood bowlers....kind of like a sweet revenge for all the kitbashs that have been done the other way to make medieval looking troopers....

I was a little limited by my bits box, I actualy used 3 or 4 already glued empirial models to have all these characters. But it is for the best, I like pirates more than bland empirials

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/05/08 12:12:11

Post by: The Brave

Very busy month, I only painted the two big guys.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/23 22:32:00

Post by: The Brave

I'm back

Some progression on the pirate crew.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 05:50:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love the pirates, who made the two ogres?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 05:57:39

Post by: evildrcheese

Yaargh. There be Pirates!

Looking good dude.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 08:02:40

Post by: The Brave

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Love the pirates, who made the two ogres?

The fat one is a resculpted Obelix kinder egg surprise, the fit one is an hulk minifigure with an old orc head.

Other creatures made with these hulk minifigures.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 08:20:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Oh that is nice.

*Slow clap*

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 12:27:25

Post by: Meer_Cat

Terrific stuff- imagination unbound! I've read through the whole string so far and have to admit: seeing some of the materials you started with I thought to myself 'no way is that gonna come out right'. I'm thinking particularly of the wrestling figure. But dang if at the end it isn't a super Norse Frost Giant type character, with no hint of its origins.

I look forward to seeing more mad genius on these pages!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 14:55:54

Post by: alamandra

great work, one question though, what is the white stuff with the genie guy with the beard?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 17:11:34

Post by: The Brave

alamandra wrote:
great work, one question though, what is the white stuff with the genie guy with the beard?

Which one?
The sculpting clay is Andrea Sculpt or Milliput, if you are talking about the snow of the blue giant is cheap fake snow made for christmas decorations, made, I think, from cotton, or some plastic fiber.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/24 18:02:05

Post by: alamandra

Ah super fine milliput, I use the standard one as like the bulk for stuff I make as it is cheaper. I have heard of Andrea paints before but never the clay.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/26 07:45:31

Post by: The Brave

Some old stuff, Heroclix conversions.

I got better.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/07/26 11:56:02

Post by: Viktor von Domm

respect! i own some of the above models...and especially the dr. doom conversions are ace as they get!

sabertooth too.and electra is a wicked one...also ben grim as a golem is kind of a very humerous conversion....

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/08/07 11:30:35

Post by: The Brave

I took a break on the pirate crew because I wanted to finish this toy I found.

It's a Huntik Minifigure (https://www.nattoysmodels.com/15196-thickbox_default/huntik-secrets-seekers-3d-serie-1-hoplite-figure-6-7cm-card.jpg), I found it without the shield and the sword but that was not a problem.

I think it can work in Sigmar, maybe a good dragon ogre?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/08/10 22:41:56

Post by: The Brave

I usually don't make terrain, but lately I'm a little bored in only painting miniatures.

So here a litlle piece made with some trash I had at home.

I wanted something useable in modern, future and steampunk settings.
The base is a little bland, maybe I'll add something later.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/08/11 09:53:59

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Looks good, when I started making terrain I reduced drastically my output of painted miniatures ...I need to refocusing^^
But making terrain can be sometimes more rewarding than painting minis...at least for a sub par painter like me

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/08/14 18:18:28

Post by: The Brave

Thanks, here another.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/08/28 21:31:03

Post by: The Brave

I'll never end the pirates, I'm too easily distracted.
Well, fimir from a plastic dinosaur, enjoy.

Full gallery here. https://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-106331-56665_Fimir.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/05 18:01:48

Post by: The Brave

A friend of mine give me some old minis and a lot of old plastic soldiers, pirates and cowboys. I'm making good use of them.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/06 01:43:04

Post by: insaniak

 The Brave wrote:
I'll never end the pirates, I'm too easily distracted.
Well, fimir from a plastic dinosaur, enjoy.

What sorcery is this???

Cracking job.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/06 05:11:19

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That Firmir is amazing, and the toy soldier statue is no slouch either.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/09 19:55:29

Post by: The Brave

I'm thinking to begin a blog about my miniatures. What do you think? For the name I like: toy-hammer or toybash.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/10 21:10:24

Post by: Wirecat

 The Brave wrote:
I'm thinking to begin a blog about my miniatures. What do you think? For the name I like: toy-hammer or toybash.

You mean a separate (stand-alone) blog? Because this one is already great and has good following! Lots of inspiring things.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/10 22:39:42

Post by: The Brave

Wirecat wrote:
 The Brave wrote:
I'm thinking to begin a blog about my miniatures. What do you think? For the name I like: toy-hammer or toybash.

You mean a separate (stand-alone) blog? Because this one is already great and has good following! Lots of inspiring things.

Yes, but I'll also upload the iamges here and on the other forum I'm subscribed.
But with a blog I'll be able to post some more w.i.p. stuff and maybe some articles.

Well, I'll think about that, for now here a zoat.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/19 13:38:42

Post by: The Brave

I checked my bit box and old miniature collection to see if I can assemble a blood bowl amazon team.
Unfortunately, not. I litterally only have 4 female miniatures in my collection, 3 heroclix and a pathfinderd one.
Ok, a mixed amazon and pygmy team? Lustria for the win?
ehhh, kinda...
I have 3 Fenryll pygmies, not bad but not the best, a box of goblins I can customize...
Ok, no bloodbowl, but at least let me see if I can prepare some "african" themed encounter for d&d.

Here the result.
note: heroclix face sculpts are terrible.

Full gallery https://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-106331-56890_Lustria.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/22 13:22:05

Post by: The Brave

I did it, I made a blog: https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/09/27 20:45:57

Post by: Wirecat


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/01 18:00:10

Post by: The Brave

October, time for ghosts and other scary things.

Here for example a bone golem.

Full gallery on my new blog.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/06 16:52:31

Post by: The Brave

If you liked the flesh golem you can find some more pictures here.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/10 20:25:42

Post by: The Brave

Some Halloween stuff, Bat riders!
Made with cheap plastic bats, lotr goblin and wh wolf heads.

Full gallery here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/10/goblin-bat-rider.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/11 16:04:21

Post by: The Brave

Very late for shark week but here a new monster.

Without any surprise it is a toy, an invizimal called Tigershark with very little kitbash and sculpt.
But he has some water elementals from Confrontation.

I have not yet finished the pirates, but we already have enemies.

Full galley here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/10/wereshark.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/18 22:49:06

Post by: The Brave

I posted this one before? I don't remember.
Well, if you play D&D you know this guy, the roper. A silly looking monster in the same way of the mimic. A normal looking thing who beats the craft out of you.
And it is easy to sculpt, it is basically a rock.

If you want a litlle tutorial how to sculpt this guy follows the link. https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/10/roper-sort-of-tutorial.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/20 10:50:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Nice! Where did the other nautical models come from? Are they kit bashes as well?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/21 09:55:50

Post by: The Brave

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Nice! Where did the other nautical models come from? Are they kit bashes as well?

The small sea guys are from Confrontation, water familiars.

The zoat has now a brother. This time I was lazy and I dis not sculpt the shell.

As usual, more images here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/10/zoat-2-return.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/10/26 20:24:03

Post by: The Brave

Halloween, time for cheap decorations, like some spiders, here some use for them. Dryders. And some dark elf. I tried something different for this guys and girls for the usual "we are evil and wear black and purple".
So more colors, exept for the spider parts in black and purple...

The minis are from Warhammer, some older then others. A mix of dark elves, wood elves and empire.
I have aroundsome high elf minis, I think I can paint them to be a part of this group.
I really like the kitbashed mage with the book.

More images here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/10/dryders-and-dark-elves.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/11/03 14:25:35

Post by: The Brave

Well, Halloween is gone and winter is coming. Better to be prepared.

Very easy to make, here what do you need:

a stereofoam ball and a sereofoam cutout, you can use the inside theball if you want to carve it, or a random piece of foam like I did.

Cut the ball in half, do not worry if it looks small, real igloos are.

Draw the blocks with a pen or other sharp object.

Now take the small piece of foam, round and shape a bit.

Make a little slot for it on the main body and glue it.

It is basically done, as base I used a pressed cardboard coasted.

Now you can paint as you like.

I basecoated it gray, whashed cyan, blue on the recesses and drybrush white for last.

Some fake snow.

And we are done.

Some creatures for size.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/11/20 19:59:10

Post by: The Brave

When I found this poor toy without an arm I knew I could rebuild him better, faster, stronger.

Now, with his new cybernetic implants, this simple bear can protect his Country and avenge himself. Now, he is the CYBEARIAN!

More images here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/11/when-i-found-this-poor-toy-without-arm.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/11/20 20:51:36

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Brilliant idea of the bear conversion... and I love the cybearian pun you made!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/11/29 08:16:32

Post by: The Brave

Lately I'm experimenting with 3d printing thanks to the Genova Maker's Village.

I know the topic of 3d print is a little spicy for Games Workshop and other brands, but donot worry, I do not want to print any official models.
At the moment only heroforge and free models downloaded online.

The quality is not bad, at least for bigger creatures. 28mm miniatures are still a little low on details, but if you are good with paint (better than me) you can make some decent stuff.

Here some examples.

As usual more images on the blog https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/12/07 18:11:00

Post by: The Brave

Something funny today: Bowser!

Full gallery here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/12/koopa-king-bowser.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/12/07 18:18:49

Post by: Ratius

Haha, some absolutely wacky stuff in here. I LOVE it!
The sharkmen and battlebear are brilliant

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/12/21 11:05:08

Post by: The Brave

Some more terrain: a dead dragon and a couple of gargoyles. Do you know where the gargoyles are from? I like them a lot. Also a Gormita used to experiment a new lava base.
More images at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/12/some-more-small-terrain-and-elemental.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/12/21 16:37:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Some very interesting conversions here.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/12/28 11:56:05

Post by: The Brave

Hello guys, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas full of love and gifts.

Well, back to business.

Looking for gifts I finally found some big cone-shaped seashells. I think they are used for fish tanks, but we'll use them for something better.

Stalagmites! (or stalactites if you glue them on the ceiling).

First of all what do you need?

The cheapest air dry modelling clay you can find (if you are a gluegun master you can use it)
cone shaped seashells
something to use as a base (I used pressed cardboard)

In this tutorial I'll show you how to make stone, ice and lava terrain. But you can use these shells to make some organic looking terrain too, maybe an alien breeding nest, or crystal towers. If you are thinking to use one of these shell as a base for a Roper or some other creature... please let me know if you made it.

Cave stalagmites tutorial
1) make a little blob of clay on your base and put the shells in the order you like. I prefer to have the big sheels a little on the background.

2) sculpt the clay as you like, you can texturize it with a rock or tin foil. I used the back of a brush to make some holes. I also add some big rocks around.

3) flock as you like. I used two different sands to have a mix of small and medium rocks.

4) paint it. I used only drybrush from this one. In order: black primer, dark brown, sienna brown, dark gray, light gray, white.

The technique is the same if you want to make different terrain. For example:


The difference is only in the paint, you can check my igloo tutorial to know how I painted the ice. The short version is: white coat, cyan wash, drybrush white, fake snow. Let's see how they look painted and with Santa's friends.

Also, about the igloo, here a bonus figure, the saberthoot tiger toy I showed in the tutorial.
I think it is pretty amazing.

Last, lava terrain. Again, same technique. This time I used the same colors as for my fire elemental. White basecoat, yellow, red wash, drybrush yellow, drybrush black, drybrush dark gray.

And finally, a shot with everything. As stated before, you can put the shells upside down to make stalactites.

For more image visit my blog at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2017/12/stalagmites-tutorial.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2017/12/28 16:46:21

Post by: Eilif

Really clever! Never thought of it before but there's lots of potential for alien terrain with seashells.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/01/19 12:11:11

Post by: The Brave

If you play wargames I'm sure you have some forgotten army around your house.
It's the same for me, my Warhammer Orc army is an unfinished mess.
I've sold halfof it, but I still have a lot of orcs, and to tell the truth I cannot look at those goofy faces anymore.

So time for an head swap, let see what toys I have around?
Well, in the end I think they look great now! Good proxies for Chaos Beastmen.

There are a lot of photos, so for a full view, check my blog. https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2018/01/elephant-men-orc-toybash.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/01/19 12:35:18

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Brilliant! Using toy elephant heads...you gave those poor orcs a stylish makeover!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/01/30 14:29:53

Post by: Boss Salvage

Great plog, especially impressive work on the toys

- Salvage

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/01/31 09:39:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I see mold lines on those elephants, unsubscribering.

Nah, great stuff as always!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/03 13:53:36

Post by: The Brave

Terrain again

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/03 14:39:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Whowever doesn't like yakult bottle terrain etc...must be totally insane...

Lovely pieces...will be kept in mind for future references!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/03 17:50:05

Post by: craggy

some great stuff here, loving the variety. Paintjob on the street shark dude is really wonderful, and the shell terrain is something I've not seen in recent years considering how great it looks.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/08 10:28:22

Post by: The Brave

Something different today.

I need a little help. I'm finally creating a set of science fiction miniatures.

The theme will be "cyberpunk parkour", or as I like to call: "Punkour": D.
I defined a series of characters and props, but before having them modeled in 3D, I started with a good old character design.
He is the simplest of this set of characters, which artificial legs do you prefer?

And btw, yes, I can draw. Contact me if you like more art.

[Thumb - design corridore.jpg]

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/08 11:28:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I recognized that Yakult bottle right off! I should go back to my Family Atomics terrain one of these days...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/13 14:07:19

Post by: The Brave

If you look back at my elephant men, you can notice I changed the orcs' weapons. I found them too big, but the are perfect for larger creatures.
Here for example a troll.

For more images

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/15 21:12:15

Post by: The Brave

I originally planned to make these three guys as Blood Bowl players. But in the end I changed my mind and I simply used them as an excuse to experiment with a different palette from my usual one.
Tell me what do you think?
Do you like more these vivid colors or my usual dull palette?

More images here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2018/02/tzeentch-proxies.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/02/16 14:18:58

Post by: Boss Salvage

I dig the war chickens, end result looks quite solid - cartoony but I don't think that's a bad thing per se. Impressive vision on the big bird, final paint really pulls your rebuild together!

- Salvage

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/01 11:32:54

Post by: The Brave

Last February the Tabletop Craft Guild made a contest, use a soda bottle to craft anything you want.

It was a little funny challenge and I made this observatory.

Naturally, after finishing it I got a better idea, a retro-sci-fi space rocket... well, next bottle.

The contest is closed but the votes are not, so in 2 weeks you can check the results. Stay tuned.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2018/03/guild-build-craft-off-bottle-to.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/02 08:54:42

Post by: Tim 121RVC

Just discovered this blog. Nice work all around, very inspiring.
I love the Roper, reptile warriors, shark man and the lava stalagmite in particular. Bowser is just too funny!
Really diggin' the "bird men" too, they remind me of the classic Battle Beasts.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/02 09:23:51

Post by: The Brave

Thank you. Do not forget to subscribe to blogspot too ☺

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/04 20:07:15

Post by: Wirecat

That soda bottle is sick... in a good way, I think. Your ability to see into things is enviable!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/06 21:15:06

Post by: The Brave

I cannot call this a water filter, so maybe it is a simple storage unit.

In the end it's simply an egg container with some bits on. But I think it looks nice. Expecially with all the set.

For more https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2018/03/another-water-themed-factory-terrain.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/08 06:31:08

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I love the wizards tower, though the telescope looks a bit too much like a ray gun.

Or, alternately, the ray gun looks too much like a telescope.

And OMG I love that Johnny Five!


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/23 15:26:21

Post by: The Brave

Here a new project in its early stage.
The aim is to make a Slaan Blood Bowl team on the cheap.
But at the moment I have not enough toys to make a full team (I have only have 6 of these toad like mini gormiti), so I decided to test the idea at the moment.

Here the first modified toad (a catcher), I have no idea of a theme a the moment, but this first one kinda looks like a japanese monster.
Maybe I should go with a yokai theme.

more images here https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2018/03/wip-frogfolk-part-2.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/24 23:33:46

Post by: Ruglud

Turtle Toad power dude...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/25 12:00:24

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Slann from rubber toads I love it.

This blog is so inspiring!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/03/26 06:00:23

Post by: Camkierhi

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Slann from rubber toads I love it.

This blog is so inspiring!

Completely agree, so many excellent ideas.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/04/02 21:36:26

Post by: The Brave

Another quick tutorial: easy columns. This tutorial can help you to make some cheap terrain, but unfortunately nothing very detailed.

In any DIY store you can find wooden caps used for repair imperfections on your forniture. You drimel out the gross part and glue a wood cap. These caps can be found in several sizes. You simply need to glue these caps together.

Here an example of the product.

And here some examples.

The cilindrical piece is also found in the same bricolage stores.

And with some drybrush...

As stated before, nothing spectacular, you can see the wood texture. But you can make a large amount of these colums in a very small amount of time and with even less money.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/04/03 05:00:27

Post by: Camkierhi

Fantastic idea, look spot on to me. Quick and cheap wins every time.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/04/04 00:19:55

Post by: Meer_Cat

The idea of using wood repair bits for making pillars is a keeper- brilliant! With the dry brushing they need no texturing at all to look like rough rock. As has been mentioned several times earlier- lots of wonderful ideas in this blog- I'll be following with interest!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/04/07 19:43:13

Post by: Wirecat

This idea has crossed my mind, but at that time I was unable to find these things in a proper caliber. Thank You for reminding me of them! Will start looking around again.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/04/14 09:47:59

Post by: The Brave

Another contest, this time the theme was the humble paperclip.
And again I'm not in the finalists.
Well, at least I can show you the project.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2018/04/guild-build-craft-off-paperclip-to.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/04/14 12:56:21

Post by: Viktor von Domm

oh....sweet....a project just of my heart! i love these simplistic material themes...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/04/26 08:20:21

Post by: The Brave

Some random stuff today.

An horse (kinder egg toy), a bulltaur (a small rhino body and bits) and a 3d printed adventurer from Heroforge.

Warhammer quest mage and Sigmar dude for scale.
I'm the only one I found the Stormcasters ugly? That expressionless face... I have to do something about that.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/05/02 20:10:58

Post by: The Brave

Sometimes you can find diamons in the trash, or near it.

Near the plastic recycling bin in my neighbourood someone leaved an entire set of kid toys in a bag. They were full of sand and webs, the main attaction was a Simba plastic castle with some missing parts but still in great shape.
The scale is actually pretty good for Warhammer and I found some people did amazing thing with this toy.

After a lot of soap the castle is now ready to see some battles, and you can assemble it in many different ways!
Unfortunately the plastic knights are on the big side... well, more statues.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/05/02 20:52:24

Post by: Viktor von Domm

oh my.... i always fancied getting me one of these castle sets...never exactly sure if the scale would be fitting...now...the next fleamarket will have my lazy eye peeled for such a thing...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/05/10 21:21:50

Post by: The Brave

A couple of quick pieces of terrain. One made with blue foam, the other with icecream sticks.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.it/2018/05/welcome-to-my-shack.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/05/13 12:46:21

Post by: Camkierhi

Awesome work all round, that castle is a brilliant find.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/04 18:54:29

Post by: The Brave

A couple of random characters today.
An armored cobra toy I found, repurposed as a Bronze Serpent, and a kobold, actually made with a Lord of the Rings goblin with Warhammer bits. They turned out pretty good.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/05 02:47:54

Post by: alabamaheretic

this has to be the cleverest blog I've read I really enjoyed the boser and the shells

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/06 22:14:16

Post by: The Brave

 alabamaheretic wrote:
this has to be the cleverest blog I've read I really enjoyed the boser and the shells

I'm glad to read that.

I think I finally got the appeal of Chaos.
It's very easy to recycle things. You can pick random parts from your bit box and make a mutant in no time. And even works with toys. Nurgle is the best, mostly because is the most monstruos army you can make. So if it looks like s**t is a plus.
Here a small band of horrors that can be used as a proxy Blood Bowl team if you really need one.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/06/nurgle-proxies.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/06 22:39:28

Post by: alabamaheretic

very nice man

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/15 17:28:25

Post by: The Brave

Hello guys, I'm still working on the paintjob of the big monster for my Nurgle Proxies, but I wanted to take a break from all that purple, so I finished an old project. A stormcaster conversion.

As many of you know, I don't like Age of Sigmar. It's too dark and serious. I liked a lot more the old warhammer, when the models and the world were sillier and funnier. And I hate the grimdark tone of the 40k, in particular the space marines.
I'm not the first one to jump on this train, but i think the Stormcasters are one of the ugliest things ever made by GW, only because that doll-like head. And space marine proportions.

Still, I got 3 of them for free, so let's see what I can do.

At the moment I converted only 2, one with a simple chaos warrior head swap, the other one with various Bretonnia bits. I have no idea about the last one, maybe an undead knight, or I simply paint him as a statue.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/06/stormcaster-conversions.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/16 00:18:41

Post by: alabamaheretic

actually I really like the simple head swaps makes them a touch more believable good job man

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/16 20:16:07

Post by: Wirecat

 The Brave wrote:
Hello guys, I'm still working on the paintjob of the big monster for my Nurgle Proxies, but I wanted to take a break from all that purple, so I finished an old project. A stormcaster conversion.

As many of you know, I don't like Age of Sigmar. It's too dark and serious. I liked a lot more the old warhammer, when the models and the world were sillier and funnier. And I hate the grimdark tone of the 40k, in particular the space marines.
I'm not the first one to jump on this train, but i think the Stormcasters are one of the ugliest things ever made by GW, only because that doll-like head. And space marine proportions.

I just cant pass without signing under every of these words. Very true, IMHO. And of these three former stormcasts the one with a horned helmet (first) is, in my view, the best. They are chaos.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/21 14:46:07

Post by: The Brave

I finally finished the big guy on the background.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/06/nurgle-proxies-part-2.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/26 22:54:34

Post by: The Brave

No miniatures or terrain today, but some pictures. Don't worry, still made by me.

The hook horror is a classic D&D monster from the Underdark. It's an ogre-sizes bird-cockroach beast with hook for arms. It's pretty cool looking, but in the end it's nothing special, there are lot of better monsters to fight.
Still, I think it's a well design monster with a lot of potential, it's a shame it only lives underground.

I mostly play d&d 3.5 and Pathfinder, but here some flavour and some suggestions if you want to give some real stats to these guys.
The first design is the classic hook horror, but I think it can also works for:

Ice hook:
this hook horror specie lives on top of mountains and glaciers. It's bigger then the usual hook horrors and adapted to live in cold enviroments. Unlike the most common Underdark species, this variant does not feel any pain from sunlight. The chitin of and Ice Hook is strong as steel and, unlike the other species, it is exclusively carnivorous.
Variation to the stats. As standard Hook Horror but:
- no light sensitivity
- cold subtype
- bonus to hide in cold enviroments instead of underdark areas

Wood hook:
also known as needle horror, this specie is a little smaller then a man, but its vicious claws can strike enemies from distance with amazing speed. The needle horror lives in dense forests and rarely touches the ground. It's the most pacific of the known species, but it is very territorial. It is extremely adapted to the enviroment, possessing unique traits from the other species; it lacks a strong beak, but it posses a long prensile tongue, the vestigial arms on the sides actually are used to scrape wood in search for insects and fruits. The long feather-like fibers help the creature camoufage in the foliage and they actually change colors during seasons.
Variation to the stats. As standard Hook Horror but:
- no light sensitivity
- no blindsight
- low-light vision
- medium size (and related changes to the stats: +2 dex, -4 for, +1 CA)
- talents more suited to hit a lot and disarm instead of breaking stuff
- no bite attack
- a tongue attack
- reach
- bonus to hide in forest enviroments instead of underdark areas
- they speak Sylvan (or at least understand it) instead of Undercommon

Sea hook:
also know as fish hooks, crab horror and boat ripper, this specie lacks the climbing abilities of its cousins in exchange for powerful webbed feet and the ability to hold breath for almost two hours. It's the bigger variant of hook horror and it is built to only a purpouse: crush. Shells, bones, boats: nothing can resist its pincher or the powerful beak. Still, its diet is almost all made of mollusks.
Variation to the stats. As standard Hook Horror but:
- no climbing speed
- swimming speed
- amphibious subtype
- they speak Aquan (or at least understand it) instead of Undercommon

What do you think, do you want to see some more stuff like this in the future? I should color them? Let me know.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/27 13:21:36

Post by: Boss Salvage

I'm a fan of the weird old hook horror, and really dig your take on them, both art and expanded rules. Consider this a vote for colorization as well as more love for strange beasties

- Salvage

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/06/30 12:14:28

Post by: Wirecat

 The Brave wrote:
No miniatures or terrain today, but some pictures. Don't worry, still made by me.


What do you think, do you want to see some more stuff like this in the future? I should color them? Let me know.

Short answer YES!!! Long answer - Your fantasy is awesome in any number of dimensions, please, continue!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/10 16:19:07

Post by: The Brave

I'm happy to see you like the horrors, so here another variant.

...I'm sorry...

A little

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/10 17:15:18

Post by: Boss Salvage


- Salvage

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/10 19:41:48

Post by: alabamaheretic

oh my awesome

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/12 16:47:40

Post by: The Brave

A small project, some bits put together to make a small obstacle, or a base for some future miniature.

And now something completely different, a Kung Fu Panda toy. Some touch up in the details, but basically prepainted. And epic for a Tortle monk.

more at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/07/dead-tree-and-grandpa-mutant-monk-turtle.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/23 12:04:38

Post by: The Brave

Another aberration (or they are monstrosities now?), the ettercap. Spider-men without responsibilities.
Probably a cursed cult of spider-druids, the ettercaps are a low/middle level encounter for unfortunate heroes in the woods.
Because if you are afraid of spiders, now they have an (almost) intelligent boss too.

Cave fisher ettercap
This ettercap lives in caves underground and it preys fishes and other small animals. It has the magical ability to walk on water like a water skipper and to catch underwater preys with the long, double-jointed limbs. The most powerful ones have some control over water and can breathe underwater. They use their webbing only to build nests and store foods, they also make nets to catch fishes.
They are more pacific then the standard ettercap, but they are known to drown unfortunate adventures when hungry.
Stats: as standard ettercaps but
no low light vision
dark vision
light sensibility
permanent water walking as magical ability
breath underwater as magical ability (3/day)
no trap making
reach thanks the long arms

Also known as redcap, mosquito ettercap, tick ettercap or stirge ettercap, this variant lives mostly in marshes. It's the most strange variant, it's origin is unknown, but most think blood magic or vampirism are involved. The natural form of a bloodcap is of a small, childlike version of the standard redcap, but bloody red in color. They attack in swarm, their bite lacks venom, but, thanks to a retractile sharp tongue, they can pierce the enemy and drink their blood. They can convert blood into mass, growing large and stronger for each killed enemy. Some adventures report of ogre-size bloodcap killing lizardmen in a blood-blind frenzy. They lack the usual affinity with spiders, bu they have some link with stirges, used sometimes like living blood-bags.
Old bloodcap can develop blood related spells and abilities, and affinity for necromancy.
They can also expel the sucked blood in a blinding splash of putrid blood.
Stats: as the standard ettercap but
small size
no venom
no webs
no spider connection
blood drain bite: for each point of constitution drain, they gain +1 strength for one hour, if they suck at least 4 points, they grew one size, for 8 more two sizes, and so on (until large size).
affinity for stirges
blood splash: they can expel the blood to blind the enemy

Tarantula ettercap
Big, hairy and savage. They are not very dissimilar to the standard ettercap except for the fact they lack webs of any sort. To compensate that they are stronger and jump the enemies with incredible leaps. The fur in their bodies allow them to live in cold regions, but they prefer forests where they can jump from tree to tree.
Stats: as standard ettercap but
no webs
+4 strenght
leap ability
no trap making

Brood mother ettercap
This is not a true subspecies, but more of a class for ettercap.
Some ettercaps become living nest for their spiders, letting them live under the skin. They can host several swarm of spiders on them and they act as weapon and armour.
Stats: like standard ettercap but
more natural armour
less agility
spider swarm connection

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/23 13:50:22

Post by: Boss Salvage


Ettercap! Another great candidate for this project, and indeed a great entry in your expanded monsternomicon Dig the bloodcap in particular.

- Salvage

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/24 08:35:33

Post by: The Brave

 Boss Salvage wrote:

Ettercap! Another great candidate for this project, and indeed a great entry in your expanded monsternomicon Dig the bloodcap in particular.

- Salvage

Very cute image.

What do you like to see next?
Another monster subspecies?
New creatures?
A sexy ettercap? XD

Suggest a creature.

Also a gazebo

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/24 18:57:43

Post by: alabamaheretic


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/29 21:28:11

Post by: Wirecat

Neat dead tree, even if a bit lacking in texture comparing to bits adorning it. Gazebo is in the details, they say, good luck with it!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/31 17:04:44

Post by: The Brave

Simply a gazebo, made from a cheap plastic baby-blue box.
4 miniatures can stand inside this thing. Or a big one.

Let start the puns about the dreadful lv 8 gazebo.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/07/31 22:33:30

Post by: Meer_Cat

That there is clever- great eye to spot the terrain use! That Chaos Warrior can certainly entertain in style!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/08/01 11:50:44

Post by: The Brave

I don't know much of d&d 5th edition, but I tried to make some stats for some of the previous guys.

Take a look (a lot of typos and engrish, I know)


Ice hook

Needle horror

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/08/07 10:17:23

Post by: The Brave

I found some random parts and I tried another fimir.
Again a cheap dinosaur toy and a gormiti minifigure for the upper tors and arms.

To tell the truth I think the first one was a little better.

And I went lazy with the base.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/08/another-fimir.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/08/10 08:42:08

Post by: The Brave

This was a long project, mostly because I forgot about them!

Another blood bowl team, and this time is 90% official GW parts, only the ogres are toys.
I'm not sure about the parts, but I think they are mostly cadian and empire.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/08/human-pirate-blood-bowl-team.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/08/10 19:34:29

Post by: monkeytroll

Good looking blood bowl team there. But no Asterix?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/08/10 22:38:14

Post by: The Brave

 monkeytroll wrote:
Good looking blood bowl team there. But no Asterix?

I haven't found the miniature yet.
I'm looking for a set of these toys to base them and have a little fun set for a friendly game in the Roman Empire

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/08/14 00:12:26

Post by: The Brave

A new project takes shape.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/08/26 07:51:49

Post by: The Brave

Little progress in these weeks, it's summer after all.

Here some color on the halfling characters, made only with GW parts.
No toys, wow.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/09/12 19:05:23

Post by: The Brave

Do you remember my variant ettercaps?

I pimped one of them.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/10/09 23:21:30

Post by: The Brave

I finally finished the halflings.

More at [/url]https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-halfling-brigade.html[url]

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/10/10 00:00:48

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

Dig the Marauder halfling. Is he in a stiff breeze or has he wired his cloak up for added drama?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/10/19 18:25:28

Post by: The Brave

I completely forgot to post the 3 previously painted guys!
Here they are.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/10/27 07:25:38

Post by: Camkierhi

Lots of character in these guys.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/11/02 17:00:46

Post by: The Brave

Some time ago I found this toy.
It's mesmerizing. It's truly ugly. A fat demon body with a steampunk head. I want to find more of this toy, but I got nothing.

Well, time to make something of it.
I tried a lot of palettes but in the end I choose a simple combination.

And she found a friend.

Both are made with toys and bits. In particular, the hippo girl is from Madagascar.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/11/minotauress-with-friend.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/11/05 14:25:50

Post by: Boss Salvage

Nice recovery! That's one weird toy but the mino girl really works

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/11/05 15:54:31

Post by: IGtR=

They are both fab - thanks for sharing. Some truly wacky but great conversions here

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/11/06 02:30:07

Post by: Camkierhi

So much great work on display. Loads of Inspiration.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/11/09 23:10:44

Post by: The Brave

I don't like how my phone smudges all the photos, so I went back to my old camera.

Woo-hoo, today is my birthday, and I celebrate with quiet night of relax cataloging miniatures.
For example, let's take a look at all the beasts my favorite druid miniature has.

All cheap kid toys. And we have dinosaurs too.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/01 19:29:20

Post by: The Brave

November was a very busy month. But today relax. And some more minis.

A vampire made from various bits, a robot dog I have no idea where it is from and the marvelous keg golem who has already many fans online.

Sorry forthe muddy pictures.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/12/finally-update.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/13 23:47:50

Post by: The Brave

Christmas is among us and it's time to craft something about it.

I have some warhammer beastmen, skaven and tau parts around so I cobbled this thing up.
Pretty standard kitbash.

Happy Holidays folks.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/12/krampus.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/20 19:57:51

Post by: The Brave

A very simple sculpt but I'm so proud of it.

Made with gormiti parts, a small barrel and milliput.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/12/keg-mimic.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/20 20:33:56

Post by: Viktor von Domm

is this some kind of mimic then? nice idea!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/20 21:38:02

Post by: Da Boss

I just read two pages of this blog and saw more creativity than I could handle. Amazing work, love the sense of fun and whimsy you are bringing to these minis!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/20 23:35:19

Post by: The Brave

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
is this some kind of mimic then? nice idea!

Exactly, inspired by this

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/21 13:24:38

Post by: Viktor von Domm

yup...very close...but i think it needs some sort of focus on the eyes....no actual pupils but maybe some lens effect? shimmer or something?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2018/12/31 10:15:18

Post by: The Brave

Last mini of the year.
Happy 2019 folks!

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-green-knight.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/01/06 20:19:22

Post by: Wirecat

Happy New Year! And may it _bring_ more than it _mimics_. Great inspiring things, The Brave! Loving them!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/01/25 10:34:17

Post by: The Brave

So many bits!
Too much ebay!

I love random bits boxes, you don't know what you can find and what you can make, the only problem is too many arms and heads.
With some ingenuity you can make some characters that don't look from GW.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/01/26 20:44:52

Post by: Wirecat

I'll make sure You will inherit my bits box. These are amazing!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/01/31 22:53:59

Post by: The Brave

I'm still working on some kitbashes, also, strange orcs. Which one is best?

[Thumb - IMG_20190131_233454.jpg]
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[Thumb - IMG_20190131_232501.jpg]

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/01 09:25:51

Post by: Viktor von Domm

oh....cool headswaps...hmmm.... litardman and dwarf are the only ones i think look too much off... the demonic ones and the fishhead are really nice... but the long necked chaos man looks funny...in a good way! all in all i think the hooded goblin and the (?) fishhead (?) are the best...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/03 13:37:11

Post by: Camkierhi

It's funny how the gobbo ones look right, The smaller head with the bulkier body has something right about it. I would agree the lizard man and the dwarf are a bit off, not quite right.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/03 20:37:04

Post by: Wirecat

Hmm, I remember these orks with bows and blades. maybe even still have a few of them? I will not be very original here - goblin head look just right on these shoulders. Dwarf may also be an OK choice, but with something like horns on his helmet. The head is right, it is just slightly out of style, IMHO. But maybe even a proper painting would blend it in. Vampire and lizardmen are equally goofy in a good way. They may be in a draw for the third place.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/05 23:52:08

Post by: The Brave

Time for another toy kitbash. Mini gormiti bodies, goblin wolf riders legs and heads from the bit box.
The boggles are small stretchy gremlins. I used them in only one session in 20 years, but we always need evil smurfs in our collections.

I'm also trying to convert the orcs into bugbears, but I cannot sculpt the fur on the head.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2019/02/boggles-in-blogger.html?m=1

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/11 23:21:48

Post by: The Brave

Some progress on the goblin-orc hybrid bugbear. A test head.

[Thumb - IMG_20190211_235516.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20190211_235524.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20190211_235520.jpg]

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/13 19:21:58

Post by: The Brave

I think it's a sort of rule.
If you buy bit boxes you HAVE to find some undead parts.
Fine by me, zombies and skeletons are always useful.
But for some reason it seems the lefts arms are pretty rare.

A quick and dirt paintjob for these guys, good to be table ready.

(I have already posted most of them, but new camera, new pictures )

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/13 19:54:00

Post by: Viktor von Domm

your observations are true to the point...a bitz box without undead bitz is not complete...and yep... all left arms are rare... and if you want to top it even more...open left hands and other poses...at least thats what i seek and crave!

nice shamblers!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/20 22:58:41

Post by: The Brave

If you play d&d you know this monster. It's a bugbear, a big, hairy goblin. I don't know why they exist. In the end they are orcs. So why don't use orcs?

Orc body, beastmen arms, a modified goblin head and a random shield.

Not a bad result, a middle range between a goblin and an orc.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2019/02/bugbear-test.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/24 16:02:03

Post by: The Brave

Another minotaur, a simple Huntik toy with some bits on. I bought it for a Blood Bwl team, but in the end I found him too cartoonish compared to the other players.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/24 16:40:34

Post by: Wirecat

Heh. These same ork bodies with bestigor bits made me quite a few bestigorks long, long time ago. Thanks for bringing up these memories... and that minotaur could really use a little bit of better lighting - it is difficult to see details beyond the notion that they are there. Thumbs up (green thumbs!)

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/02/24 20:40:05

Post by: The Brave

Wirecat wrote:
Heh. These same ork bodies with bestigor bits made me quite a few bestigorks long, long time ago. Thanks for bringing up these memories... and that minotaur could really use a little bit of better lighting - it is difficult to see details beyond the notion that they are there. Thumbs up (green thumbs!)

Check here https://www.instagram.com/toy_hammer_miniatures/, I hope they show better.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/07 12:34:19

Post by: The Brave

A sort of experiment this time. I took an old plastic toy soldier, a native American and various bits, mostly skulls to make this thing.

The result is odd but not bad. Some sort of giant shaman wendingo thing...

I don't know what to use this thing for, but a nice diversion from the usual stuff.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/07 13:27:56

Post by: Viktor von Domm

indeed...cool conversion!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/08 20:10:38

Post by: Camkierhi

Loads more excellent work here as well.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/13 20:17:11

Post by: The Brave

A quick proof of concept.

I have a lot of plastic cups with this interesting texture.

I tried a quick terrain piece with this hut, but you have some more ideas how to use these things?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/13 20:38:17

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I'm amazed what you can do wtih PVC plastic, what glue do you use? They never seem to hold well for me.

And the Shawoman looks perfect for the new Chaos game coming out.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/13 21:00:51

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i like the small roof for the small hut...also as a tower roof very clever use...
what my first reaction to the structure was is this: a carbon meiler...where you slow burn wood into wooden coal...? that could be really cool and inventive kind of terrain be^^

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/13 22:47:23

Post by: The Brave

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I'm amazed what you can do wtih PVC plastic, what glue do you use?.

Glue gun and Loctite super attak.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/20 20:07:53

Post by: The Brave

Some more terrain an altar for an evil god.
Or in other terms, another statue.
With a desert flavor this time.

More at https://toy-hammer.blogspot.com/2019/03/altar-of-evil-lord.html

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/20 20:31:54

Post by: Camkierhi

Excellent. Great work and colour choice. Really works.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/21 13:48:37

Post by: IGtR=

Altar looks cracking - looks like something out of a classic stop-motion film

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/30 22:14:54

Post by: The Brave

Some kitbashing. Not bad I think.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/30 23:52:55

Post by: Camkierhi

Brilliant, really fun and great stuff.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/31 12:09:18

Post by: Meer_Cat

Very nicely done- you'd never know that wasn't a custom-made kit, the joins are so perfect!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/03/31 14:03:27

Post by: Viktor von Domm

These dinos probably top everything as you can loot now any bitz box on ebay and get yourself some cheapo toy dinos and then come up with an epuc price coolness ratio of minis... I'll definitely will be remembering this fir my d&d projects!!!

True genius at work here!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/01 14:21:52

Post by: Boss Salvage

That turned out great

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/07 11:14:30

Post by: The Brave

He's a Viking penguin made from a Madagascar toy.

I think it says all.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/07 11:38:02

Post by: Viktor von Domm

is that skyper? bloody hell!!!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/07 11:53:42

Post by: Flinty

I love it. They all look so happy

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/14 16:50:57

Post by: The Brave

After a couple of silly characters, time for something more close to the classic WH.

A dimetrodon toy painted to look like a old lizardmen's salamander.

I noticed that GW changed a lot of old monsters designs to look less like dinosaurs and more like monsters. I think they were sick of people using cheap plastic toy dinos instead of their identical looking crazy expensive plastic toy dinos.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/14 21:08:48

Post by: Wirecat

Now that is a one pretty lizard with a radiator! Wonderful work with all the edges. Thumbs up!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/22 11:43:40

Post by: The Brave

A small band of Warhammer goblin, but with some pretty neat kitbashes.

The twin goblins are the oldest, they got some parts from bretonnia, 4th edition goblin wolf riders, gor shields and random bits. The hobgoblin is made with zombie legs, goblin wolf raider torso, empire arms and gnoblar head. The squat orc is made with skaven body, orc head and gor arms. The bugbear is an orc with ungor arms and a goblin head with a new nose.

As a bonus, a green skin hobgoblin made with empire, elf and goblin parts.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/04/22 11:54:27

Post by: Viktor von Domm

for this you must´ve raided some very selective bitz boxes! i recognize quite a lot of the bitz...and they´re old...!!!!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/05/15 18:45:46

Post by: The Brave

Yeah, just a random plastic tree I found and give it a base.

Cute little piece of terrain.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/05/20 20:21:35

Post by: The Brave

Here a proxy kroxigor, a proxygor you can say...
Made from a build yourself toy dinosaur, gormiti arms, milliput and shield and bits

Way too much effort for this dude, now I need some more simple project. 

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/05/25 11:09:02

Post by: The Brave

Here a cool way to clean some bits.

Multi-legged creatures are an amazing way to use random parts.

Even the head is made with two different toy dinos head. Try to look at it upside down...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/05/25 16:08:17

Post by: Theophony

Great work on the Proxygor , I wish that was just a little smaller so I could use it for Bloodbowl.

The basilisk looking beast is a great idea, your channeling Avatar with making a whole new world by giving everything more appendages than it really needs.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/05/28 15:06:13

Post by: Boss Salvage

That not-basilisk really came together! Smart paint unites all those pieces quite nicely

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/04 11:45:07

Post by: The Brave

I was a little bored take photos of my miniatures on a white background (sheet of paper), so I took some cheap plastic soldier terrain and some bits.

The result is a bit modern and doesn't perfectly fit fantasy miniatures. But I don't care.

The back is a little plain at the moment.

Some photos.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/09 20:38:18

Post by: Wirecat

You can summon the defence of a Pulp Fiction! Now nothing needs to be properly aligned in time period or space. Good props!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/18 23:27:01

Post by: The Brave

Alias, the flesh golem.

It's the 3rd time I made this monster, always from toys.

This time is a Ben Ten toy with an head swap.

A nice addition to my collection. 

BTW, here my collection, I'm reorganizing it. 

Let me know if you want some close up photos. 


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/19 04:16:46

Post by: Briancj

We want close-up photos, or a BIG photo we can zoom in on!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/19 08:52:41

Post by: Theophony

 Briancj wrote:
We want close-up photos, or a BIG photo we can zoom in on!

Agreed .

Frankenork is awesome .

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/19 23:25:11

Post by: The Brave

Ok, here the photos.

Men, I have to sell some stuff, no more room.

Any ideas how?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/20 00:30:40

Post by: Meer_Cat

My gosh- what a fantastic body of work! Everything is well executed, but what really caught my eye was the realism of the bat flyers. The High Elves were great too- but I'm biased there as I play them. I'd hate for you to have to let any of them go....

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/20 08:02:20

Post by: Viktor von Domm

I´m with Meer-cat... it would feel like selling your kids....(something i rather would not want to be doing...just to clarify here)

also...so much win... i know i am following your works for quite some time now but i discovered yet even more stuff full of win...

also again... who could ever pay you for such individual quality pieces in an equivalent way???

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/21 20:31:12

Post by: The Brave

You can pay them with money. You can do amazing thing with money, you can buy food and pay bills.
You can even buy other miniatures.
I like money.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/21 21:05:56

Post by: Viktor von Domm

best line ever...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/23 18:23:20

Post by: Wirecat

I hate to pick individual things from such a great display, but... I will!

Monuments and a cart are awesome, just rough enough to be believable on the table top. The trio of golems (barrels, rope and bricks) are next - hilarious sculpts and very fitting paintwork - congratulations! The shambling bunch - a solid third.

A line of beastmen-minotaurs is very.. nostalgic. A bit too dark, perhaps, but maybe it is just the photo. Scaven too. I prefer my rats more reddish or light greyish, it's harder to forget them after the game this way.

I don't think I've commented on Your wolfen - they are good, although subpar compared to many other things. If You ever decide to sell them (I hope You don't) I 'd like to be somewhere close to snatch a few I still miss in my collection (evil evil green).

Thank You for the photos! Wonderful collection!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/28 08:45:12

Post by: The Brave

Time to finish some stuff on the desk.

The teddy bear is some sort of charm.

The devil is a Gormiti toy.

The skeleton is a test. It's a cowboy toy with some bits on. It weirdly looks like an undead Indiana Jones.

The gorilla is a King Kong toy. I have another one and for it I used a matte primer. This new one looks a little too shiny.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/28 10:17:14

Post by: Theophony

I don’t even know where to begin .

Such an amazing collection of unique things.

Elephant warriors, giant gorillas, and constructs of all type.

If you don’t have a local shop to sell them through, I’d suggest the dakkadakka swap shop thread.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/28 20:54:28

Post by: Camkierhi

Just love all the variety, so much wonderful inspiration.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/28 21:20:45

Post by: Briancj

Really, this is all wonderful, and I can say that selling it will just hurt. I'd rather design you better display cases.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/30 09:33:56

Post by: The Brave

I want to try something.
Here the w.i.p. I have on my shelf.
Vote for the one you want me to paint first. And suggest a theme or color scheme.

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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/30 15:15:50

Post by: Briancj


Note: Your primer seems very powdery. Might be time to replace the can?


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/30 18:12:26

Post by: The Brave

I don't use spray, it's dust...

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/30 18:50:17

Post by: Briancj

Glad to hear it!

I still vote for the snake-head staff guy.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/06/30 20:24:13

Post by: Wirecat

Another vote for the snake-staff. Color scheme - red and bronze with black trim on the dress and green-grey-blue for gems /snake.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/02 22:01:39

Post by: The Brave

I heard you clear and loud.

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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/02 22:25:11

Post by: Briancj


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/03 14:03:23

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i want to see muscleman with his chain an ball! in complete circus worthy attire...with blue and white stripped shirt!!!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/03 16:44:07

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love snake staff man, I have fond memories of that head. Back when GW didn't mind people who looked like people instead of action figures.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/04 23:31:17

Post by: The Brave

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
i want to see muscleman with his chain an ball! in complete circus worthy attire...with blue and white stripped shirt!!!

I actually prefer red stripes.
Maybe blue for next one.

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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/05 02:51:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love the strong man! Very classy.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/05 12:26:26

Post by: Viktor von Domm

red and white is a classic too!!!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/07 22:25:58

Post by: Wirecat

Very good! But also quite creepy - I'm talking about the circus show. Priest with a snake staff came out near-perfect, an excellent bad guy!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/14 06:16:43

Post by: The Brave

Another mini from the infinite w. i. p. shelf.

[Thumb - IMG_20190713_190237.jpg]
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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/14 09:23:46

Post by: Viktor von Domm

i was wondering if skaven arms would work on a human/elvish body for a long time... excellent use mate!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/20 15:49:26

Post by: The Brave

Some more industrial-looking terrain pieces. I think now I have enough to set a small table.

Mostly yogurt bottles, trash, sprues and army man toys.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/20 18:31:24

Post by: Briancj

They look AMAZING, great use of everything!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/20 18:42:34

Post by: Theophony

Nice recycling of trash. The shared paint scheme also links them all together well.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/31 22:24:00

Post by: The Brave

What are these?

I'm not really sure... It all started with the idea to assemble the smallest character I could and then paint it as a halfling, or an imp or as a smurf.

In the end I painted the skin bright red, so let's say they are 3 very small warrior imp.

Or cosplaying children.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/07/31 23:17:08

Post by: Theophony

I don’t know what you call them, but I call them awesome . Reminds me of the old meme “Chaos begin to grow” these are tiny little jerks in the helmets of defeated warriors of chaos that are growing into future warriors. Or maybe they are just old chaos warrior familiars protecting a sorcerer. Either way they are a great idea and well executed.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/01 01:02:08

Post by: Meer_Cat

Adolescent Hell Boys

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/01 06:43:29

Post by: gobert

they are awesome! So much character in such small minis! I like Theophony’s theory that they’re kids that picked up a helmet and bits to play at being Warriors! The full sized soldier is their dad telling them they’ll get a good hiding for hitting each other too hard!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/01 20:25:11

Post by: Captain Brown

The Brave,

Interesting use of odds and ends to make that terrain.

Well done,


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/02 11:08:21

Post by: Viktor von Domm

wow....these are so lovely! what did you use for the bodies? i would love to recreate these for some D&D npc/pc characters...!!!!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/02 23:58:19

Post by: The Brave

 Viktor von Domm wrote:
what did you use for the bodies?

Wakfu's keychains rapresenting super deformed main characters from the cartoon.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/03 12:44:31

Post by: Viktor von Domm

thx mate!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/09 08:38:25

Post by: The Brave

This is a classic. A Monsters in my Pocket toy, with a couple of bits to add some personality and to cover some little damage. It reminds me a little the Heroquest ogres.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/09 13:04:37

Post by: Boss Salvage

 The Brave wrote:
This is a classic. A Monsters in my Pocket toy ...
Awesome! I've never even thought of painting up MIMP monsters, let alone converting them. Very smart, and great result.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/18 10:25:28

Post by: Camkierhi

He looks fantastic bud.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/18 12:52:58

Post by: IGtR=

Fantastic work as ever, and such creative choices of components!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/24 09:24:16

Post by: The Brave

Well, all good things end and Monday I'm back to work.

At least I found some time to make minis.

An empire soldier and a repurposed heroclix with some touch ups.

Also some wip toybashes.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/24 21:16:19

Post by: Wirecat

Nice and joyful, for a goblin. Very good job on these! Please continue and do not let the work to gnaw on good things in life!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/24 22:16:27

Post by: Da Boss

Monsters in My Pocket as minis is inspired. I loved those things as a kid, them and boglins and mini-boglins.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/27 05:52:49

Post by: The Brave

Last Sunday I found that Warhammer has a new magazine called Warhammer Conquest. It is a pleasant surprise, my introduction to the hobby was a similar magazine 20+ years ago about Warhammer Fantasy battle who made the bulk of my old orc army. I hope this magazine will introduce some youngsters to the hobby too.

The first issue gives you 3 colors, 3 miniatures and a (very cheap) brush for 2€. It's a good price and I got 2.

Mostly for the colors, because I absolutely despise Warhammer 40k.

It's not the first time I rant so please take a seat. 

I have a big problem with Games Workshop, they love their grimdark universes. When I started the hobby Warhammer lore was a lot more generic. Expecially Warhammer Fantasy. This should be a bad think, but on the other hand it was a lot less grim. You had your badass miniatures but also some goofy ones, orc and goblin were a lot of fun. They miniatures were more expressive and show emotions. Maybe because they were badly sculpted, but some soldiers were afraid, some utterly confused and some bored. 

Now everyone is angry. We lost the fun. 

I also don't like the space marine design, they are too bulky. And I hate all the fluff about the emperor, holy war, yadda yadda yadda. 

So you can imagine my joy about the spacemarinifaction of Warhammer fantasy. 


Oh boy, GW, I know you need something iconic for the fantasy and the space marine is you most known design. But the sigmar soldiers are ugly, expecially the head. 

And again with the holy war theme. People cannot simply kill each other for land, resources and food (and fun), it always should be Good VS Evil. And the difference is paper thin when they all are angry and bulky. 

Well, enough rant. 

The new space marine are actually pretty good. They fit perfectly together even without glue. They are a head bigger of the old ones and a lot more proportionated, and the actual head is better, it looks like an helmet instead of an angry face. 

The story about their creation is nonsense in the actual lore, but I don't care about the lore. 

I got doubles, so here some conversions, plus one more guy. 

P. S. I don't hate science fiction, it is my favorite genre, but I think the future should be bright. So more Star Trek and less Starship Troopers. You can make your distopic fascist empire army, but you need to go over the top. 

Yes, it is space Jesus. 

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/08/27 07:23:42

Post by: Da Boss

I agree with you on the background for the game gradually jumping the shark. I think it is a function of the original creatives leaving and the newer stuff being done by fans who love the original but perhaps some specific aspects more than others, and so push the background in an extreme direction.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/04 18:54:44

Post by: The Brave

Demon prince of gnoll, lord of famine and decay, badass bag guy, Invizimals toy with a lot of bits.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/06 17:13:53

Post by: The Brave

The begin of a new kill team?

[Thumb - ice_planet_space_marine_by_thebrave_ddf8yxl-pre.jpg]

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/07 11:21:25

Post by: gobert

Nice start on the kill team, great inspiration choice! I’ve been using my kids stories for ideas and Lego Space Marines are a genius idea!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/07 11:48:01

Post by: StormX

Nice!, they look very cool.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/14 08:15:34

Post by: The Brave

He's a space alien lizard guy!

Ben10 toy with some bits glued on and a quick paint job.

I love the tiny legs.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/14 16:32:52

Post by: Briancj

Nice use of the smoke launcher!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/14 17:51:45

Post by: Meer_Cat

Ditto- in the finished piece it looks a bit of custom kit- it wasn't until I saw it in your WIP photos that I did a double take and realize what it was!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/14 18:29:00

Post by: The Brave

So it's a smoke launcher... Good to know

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/14 19:09:55

Post by: Briancj

 The Brave wrote:
So it's a smoke launcher... Good to know

To be specific, because it amuses me you use bits without knowing what they are (naturally!), it is an Imperial Guard smoke launcher from the 90's/early 2000's before GW revamped the IG line of vehicle kits.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/15 10:49:56

Post by: IGtR=

 Briancj wrote:
 The Brave wrote:
So it's a smoke launcher... Good to know

To be specific, because it amuses me you use bits without knowing what they are (naturally!), it is an Imperial Guard smoke launcher from the 90's/early 2000's before GW revamped the IG line of vehicle kits.

I think this is a really interesting example of freeing yourself from constraints when looking at conversion materials. It is odd that I don't look at random gubbinz from household appliances or other gak that I have lying around as being where they come from, but I have that approach to bitz (i.e. this is for a tank as it is a smoke launcher). This thread is a mind-bending trip of inspiration because so many disparate things are used for so many different purposes and it all works.

Thanks for sharing as ever!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/19 00:16:00

Post by: The Brave

Ignorance is a bliss

Another couple conversion.

The bird lady has 2 right legs.

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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/22 13:33:38

Post by: The Brave

A simple head swap of a Pegleg Pete toy.


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/23 05:44:50

Post by: gobert

Nice Kinder robot, did you get to eat the chocolate?

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/23 12:50:09

Post by: The Brave

One of the tasteless chocolate I ever tried.

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/09/23 13:00:40

Post by: Briancj

I love the robot! So adorable! So killy!

The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/10/03 22:05:26

Post by: The Brave

 IGtR= wrote:
 Briancj wrote:
 The Brave wrote:
So it's a smoke launcher... Good to know

To be specific, because it amuses me you use bits without knowing what they are (naturally!), it is an Imperial Guard smoke launcher from the 90's/early 2000's before GW revamped the IG line of vehicle kits.

I think this is a really interesting example of freeing yourself from constraints when looking at conversion materials. It is odd that I don't look at random gubbinz from household appliances or other gak that I have lying around as being where they come from, but I have that approach to bitz (i.e. this is for a tank as it is a smoke launcher). This thread is a mind-bending trip of inspiration because so many disparate things are used for so many different purposes and it all works.

Thanks for sharing as ever!

I think you'll love this.

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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/10/06 22:30:26

Post by: The Brave

One more.

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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/10/15 11:27:44

Post by: The Brave

Around 50% done.

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The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/10/15 11:28:57

Post by: Briancj

Gettin' there, keep at it!


The Brave's madness: oldhammer, kitbash, toys and conversions  @ 2019/10/22 06:19:42

Post by: The Brave

Well, this was a project.
They are the primaris I got with the first issue of Warhammer Conquest magazine.
In a previous post I explained I don't like Warhammer 40k so much, but these are fine miniatures, you can actually assemble them without glue.

I'm not used to modern-looking toy soldiers, so I hope the armor looks right.

The color scheme is inspired by Ice Planet 2002 Lego sets.