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Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 02:33:02

Post by: plastictrees

This is a big one for helping this game get off the ground, support for non Chaos factions right out the gate!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 02:36:57

Post by: ingtaer

For those not in the know what factions do those symbols represent?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 02:38:36

Post by: Thargrim

I'm hoping the top right symbol is for free peoples, it would be great if stormcast weren't a part of this game. It would be too much like having space marines in necromunda, in theory they'd just wipe everyone else out.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 02:44:42

Post by: Arachnofiend

I'll keep track of this in case any of the models excite me. I like the look of the Iron Golems and Darkoath from an overall standpoint but they're not what I'd want for myself; probably have to wait and see if the Tzeentch faction (I can only assume that's what the eye represents) tickles my fancy.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 02:46:12

Post by: GaroRobe

I don't think (and hope) there will be any warbands dedicated to a single god. Maybe a warband from each of the different realms.
Iron Golems=Chamon
The other warband=Ghur
and so on.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 02:48:11

Post by: Chopstick

There are weapon options, wow! Seem pretty good.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 02:51:26

Post by: DaveC

I think the eye is more likely Idoneth Deepkin

At a guess the 9 are from top left anticlockwise

Ironjawz, Daughters of Khaine, Legions of Nagash or FEC, Gloomspite Gitz, Idoneth Deepkin, Bonesplitters, Nighthaunts, Stormcasts.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 03:05:44

Post by: Dread Master

YES!!! Weapon options and some poseability!!! Awesomeness!!!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 03:06:40

Post by: Albino Squirrel

But didn't they say 9 non-chaos factions at start? Or is that just a typo?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 03:14:53

Post by: hvg3akaek

 Albino Squirrel wrote:
But didn't they say 9 non-chaos factions at start? Or is that just a typo?

Yep - it would mean that either one of the original six weren't chaos (i mean, how many versions of chaos can we really get?), or that a band not yet put onto the chart are still coming (skaven?...)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 03:18:51

Post by: plastictrees

Is the flaming skull Nighthaunt?
Thats a very Dark Elf style skull, but that would be odd...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 03:35:10

Post by: Trimarius

 plastictrees wrote:
Is the flaming skull Nighthaunt?
Thats a very Dark Elf style skull, but that would be odd...

I see what you mean, it does read a bit like that. It'd be an odd way to introduce the new shadow-elves, though.

It also looks like it's almost superimposed over another symbol (see the partial swirl peeking out on the top left). Maybe they didn't want to spoil something? Or just botched arranging the nine and ended up with a 4x2 setup?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 03:59:38

Post by: Chikout

Some more info on the game from the seminar courtesy of warhammer weekly.
The chaos minis are not mono-pose. You will be able to build them with a variety of different weapons.
All the new warbands will have rules for AoS.
The game will have continued support in a similar style to Killteam.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 04:00:53

Post by: Sabotage!

I am loving the Iron Golems, they will probably be the faction I play in Warcry. It's extra cool they have weapon options and can be positioned a bit. Also glad to hear some other factions are getting rules for those who aren't interested in Chaos.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 04:02:02

Post by: plastictrees

 Trimarius wrote:
 plastictrees wrote:
Is the flaming skull Nighthaunt?
Thats a very Dark Elf style skull, but that would be odd...

I see what you mean, it does read a bit like that. It'd be an odd way to introduce the new shadow-elves, though.

It also looks like it's almost superimposed over another symbol (see the partial swirl peeking out on the top left). Maybe they didn't want to spoil something? Or just botched arranging the nine and ended up with a 4x2 setup?

Yeah, I thought the same thing. But then I remembered my copy of firestorm and found this:

So I guess it's Nighthaunt? It's just different enough to leave some doubt and ambiguity though.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 04:05:00

Post by: DaveC

Yep looks like Nighthaunt to me and they are pushing Nighthaunt in a big way in AOS 2. It looks more likely from that image that the winged skull is FEC rather than Legions of Nagash. FEC probably suits the setting better.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 05:53:35

Post by: ImAGeek

I hope the 9 non Chaos factions were planned from the start and aren’t just shoehorned in as a response to people online complaining that it was Chaos only.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 07:22:37

Post by: Sabotage!

So we have 6 Chaos factions, and it's seemingly like we are getting each one from a different realm, which is very cool.

The Iron Golems are from the Realm of Metal, and it appears the other warband in the starter is from Ghur, which leaves 4 warbands unaccounted for. What 2 realms won't get a warband? Life and Light? Light and Heavens?

In the reveal video the Iron Golems are fighting a warband in the art in the beginning that is dressed in black, have stormcast style masks and curved blades. They look to me like they are from the Realm of Shadows.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 07:37:31

Post by: GoatboyBeta

Heaven and light would be my guess. Chaos warbands from Azyr wouldn't make much sense and GW have been fairly tight lipped about Hysh and its residents so far. That said I wouldn't rule out a realm of light Chaos warband in the future.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 08:12:00

Post by: Danny76

So we’ve got 14 icons to work with,and 1 not revealed yet (assuming they counted right. I just hope someone didn’t write that article while looking at the picture of 9 lit up icons (4 each edge and then Iron Golems in the middle), if it was someone non GW I would d figured it out wrong, but surely they should know their own stuff - so I hope it’s jut one not revealed purposely

Automatically Appended Next Post:
hvg3akaek wrote:
 Albino Squirrel wrote:
But didn't they say 9 non-chaos factions at start? Or is that just a typo?

Yep - it would mean that either one of the original six weren't chaos (i mean, how many versions of chaos can we really get?), or that a band not yet put onto the chart are still coming (skaven?...)

I don’t think any of the originals aren’t chaos. Perhaps likely the realm option that people have suggested.

Shaven are chaos though so maybe not one of the 9. They could be in the realm ones somewhere though, or if it isn’t 6 variant realms then easily just one of the first 6.

My main question is when it and all the bands are out..

But also, if the 6 are new band sculpts (which it seems), and the 9 end up not being (which I wouldn’t be surprised, as that’d be a lot for first release, or even following - depending how they set up the book).
It would mean you just use existing models from the 9 factions, which is great, but for instance I have some Khorne mortals from that first big box, I’d quite like to use in Warcry as I don’t play AoS, but I wonde if they would actually fit in any of the 6 warbands

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 08:31:26

Post by: terry

Danny76 wrote:

But also, if the 6 are new band sculpts (which it seems), and the 9 end up not being (which I wouldn’t be surprised, as that’d be a lot for first release, or even following - depending how they set up the book).
It would mean you just use existing models from the 9 factions, which is great, but for instance I have some Khorne mortals from that first big box, I’d quite like to use in Warcry as I don’t play AoS, but I wonde if they would actually fit in any of the 6 warbands

Its probably possible, especially with the right gaming group

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 08:34:03

Post by: Elbows

This is one of the first Warhammer Fantasy based things that has intrigued me (not the game, but the faction/models). Perfectly dark/Chaos-esque without being overdone and covered in spindly impossible bits. They would be a friggin' sublime Pitfighters warband for Mordheim as well.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 08:36:37

Post by: Chopstick

I reckon the 9 non-chaos factions rule are just copy paste from AoS warscrolls with the ever-slightly twitst.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 08:38:00

Post by: Danny76

terry wrote:
Danny76 wrote:

But also, if the 6 are new band sculpts (which it seems), and the 9 end up not being (which I wouldn’t be surprised, as that’d be a lot for first release, or even following - depending how they set up the book).
It would mean you just use existing models from the 9 factions, which is great, but for instance I have some Khorne mortals from that first big box, I’d quite like to use in Warcry as I don’t play AoS, but I wonde if they would actually fit in any of the 6 warbands

Its probably possible, especially with the right gaming group

I hear that. My group wouldn’t mind I’m sure, but I’d also like them to at least roughly fit weapon wise etc, so I’m hoping..

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Elbows wrote:
This is one of the first Warhammer Fantasy based things that has intrigued me (not the game, but the faction/models). Perfectly dark/Chaos-esque without being overdone and covered in spindly impossible bits. They would be a friggin' sublime Pitfighters warband for Mordheim as well.

Me too.
Though the game too, I’d been intrigued but not enough to start it or play etc (and just lack of time..)
But this, I’d like to give it a try. Especially if it’s like any other war and skirmish games from the past.
(Anyone ever play Legends of the High Seas/Old West that GW did? But those, Necro/Mord, even Blood Bowl etc, I like building people up in a narrative..)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Chopstick wrote:
I reckon the 9 non-chaos factions rule are just copy paste from AoS warscrolls with the ever-slightly twitst.

I was thinking a bit like Kill Team, they might just take one/two kits and put those rules there..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 14:02:47

Post by: kestral

Those are some neat figures!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 14:21:25

Post by: Malkyr

I am almost certain that the Winged Skull logo in the lower left is Vampires

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 14:30:40

Post by: Kanluwen

 plastictrees wrote:
Is the flaming skull Nighthaunt?
Thats a very Dark Elf style skull, but that would be odd...

Darkling Covens are still a thing, so could work.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 14:30:49

Post by: Sir Heckington

Warcry looks super exciting!

Totally not saying that to steal them for Traitor Guard conversions...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 14:31:00

Post by: DaveC

 Malkyr wrote:
I am almost certain that the Winged Skull logo in the lower left is Vampires

Vampires are part of the Legions of Nagash now. The winged skull is either LoN or Flesh Eater Courts the image plastictrees posted suggests its the latter.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 14:45:25

Post by: lord_blackfang

I'm hyped for multi-part plastics, for random chaos monsters and for the boatload of terrain (note the box looks thicker than the KT starter!)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 15:32:32

Post by: Clanan

 ImAGeek wrote:
I hope the 9 non Chaos factions were planned from the start and aren’t just shoehorned in as a response to people online complaining that it was Chaos only.

This was my first thought since the original chaos theme was so strong. Regardless, I'm glad it's expanding since I wasn't crazy about chaos-only.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 17:36:11

Post by: Mr Morden

Much more interested now its not just Chaos stuff hitting each other!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 17:44:05

Post by: Ghaz

From GW's Instagram account...


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 17:45:17

Post by: Danny76

Looks more just for AoS..

Just the endless spell stuff from the new expansion?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 17:46:13

Post by: Gallahad

I'm really excited for those Chaos furies.
I'm sad that the Adepticon tease of Warcry was substantially smaller than the pictures we got from GAMA. Almost nothing new was revealed for or about Warcry.

I also honestly think it is a shame there will be non chaos factions. I prefer games that don't try to be all things to all people, but rather focus on a tight theme and do it well. There is already Warhammer Underworlds for the small scale skirmish for everybody thing. Age of Sigmar itself could even fill that hole...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 17:59:55

Post by: GaroRobe

Those reveals aren't related to Warcry. Just endless spells for everyone and Fyreslayers

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 18:04:16

Post by: Ghaz

Underworlds most definitely doesn't fit what I'd call a skirmish game. It's more of a board game with set teams and as far as I can see it could be played with counters instead of the miniatures. I have zero interest in Underworlds because of that but I'm really looking forward to finding out more about Warcry.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 19:02:36

Post by: Danny76

Yeah me too.
Underworlds, the models look cool enough. Gameplay also even.

But if this has that custom skirmish style I’m looking for, then I’m in.

I also would have been happy with just Chaos, or maybe expansion way down. But just lots of factions battling it out couldnwork too I guess

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 19:24:53

Post by: tommse

How'd you paint the red metal the Iron Golems wear? Is it just a red glaze over silver and then some drybrushing of silver?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 19:30:58

Post by: Sabotage!

GoatboyBeta wrote:
Heaven and light would be my guess. Chaos warbands from Azyr wouldn't make much sense and GW have been fairly tight lipped about Hysh and its residents so far. That said I wouldn't rule out a realm of light Chaos warband in the future.

That sounds look as good of a guess as any. I think you are probably right on this one.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 19:35:42

Post by: DaveC

 tommse wrote:
How'd you paint the red metal the Iron Golems wear? Is it just a red glaze over silver and then some drybrushing of silver?

Looks like Screaming Bell with Sycorax Bronze on the Trim washed with Agrax Earthshade and highlight with Sycorax on the main parts and Stormhost Silver on the trim or Skullcrusher Brass?

Bronze and Brass colours

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 19:40:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Keen for more details on War Cry.

Are the warbands fixed? Does it slot somewhere between Path to Glory (skirmish to batallion sized battles) and Underworlds (fixed squad level combat)? Can one win, such as your Champion becoming Varangard, or is it your typical ‘biggest fish in the pond after X weeks’?

I’m totally sold on the models like, but must know more about the gameplay.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 19:46:34

Post by: Galef

Anyone else see Tremors 3? I can't not see these as the @$$blasters from Tremors 3


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/28 20:26:20

Post by: Flashman

I clocked out of Warhammer at the end of 8th and went off to play other skirmish games like Guild Ball and Bushido. However, this seems totally my bag. Now teaching myself about the Mortal Realms to figure out what other Chaos Warbands will be revealed...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 01:24:45

Post by: skullking

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I'm hyped for multi-part plastics, for random chaos monsters and for the boatload of terrain (note the box looks thicker than the KT starter!)

This was my thought too. I don't really want the Furies, but I like the bird, and the large dog/cat we saw. I love the idea that these tribes can hire monsters like necromunda gangs hire mercs.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 01:26:59

Post by: Carlovonsexron

I'm thinking the chimera dog is going to be a Ghur realm pet, and that all the other beasties are map hazards.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 01:30:10

Post by: Kanluwen

 ingtaer wrote:
For those not in the know what factions do those symbols represent?

So, going off what's been seen:


We can identify Nighthaunt(second one down on the outer right), Ironjawz(directly beneath that), Idoneth(that icon beneath the Ironjawz is present in their book repeatedly yet isn't their actual faction icon!), Gloomspite Gitz(the crazed moon), Legion of Nagash(directly above crazed moon), what looks like Daughters of Khaine(that rune is what their dice has minus one extra set of lines for the wings), and the top two are unknowns.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 02:05:52

Post by: Voss

I would say that the top two are Savage orcs and Sigmarines respectively.

Bones in a lower jaw shape tied together by rope? Savages seems a given.

An even circle with a lightning zap? Stormwhatever Sigmarines.

Definitely looking forward to this. Seems a nice chunky fantasy necromunda with support up front, not a just a half-dozen gangs doled out over a year and then a fat load of nothing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 02:10:09

Post by: hvg3akaek

Danny76 wrote:
Shaven are chaos though so maybe not one of the 9.

Oh! Yes, I had been thinking "chaos" as in "the four chaos gods". but if its "chaos" as opposed to "order", then skaven could be the horned skull looking thing?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 02:12:28

Post by: GaroRobe

Definitely Bonespittaz.
I'll be optimistic and say the sigmar one will be for Free people. Though, I assume the non chaos warbands will be made from existing models, so who knows (that doesn't mean it won't be free people, they could just use the empire models.)

If we don't get Free People, I'm going to convert the Iron Golems into Savages of Sigmar. They already have little hammer icons, and most of them have hammer weapons. There already is lore of backwards tribes sacrificing people into volcanoes for Sigmar, so it's not un-fluffy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
hvg3akaek wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Shaven are chaos though so maybe not one of the 9.

Oh! Yes, I had been thinking "chaos" as in "the four chaos gods". but if its "chaos" as opposed to "order", then skaven could be the horned skull looking thing?

The Horned ones are the Darkoath looking guys that were shown fighting the Iron Golems a few months back.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 02:35:17

Post by: hvg3akaek

GaroRobe wrote:
The Horned ones are the Darkoath looking guys that were shown fighting the Iron Golems a few months back.

:( Oh well.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 09:13:40

Post by: Danny76

I’d have thought the teeth with rope could have been something Ogre related but they are probably too big for this..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 11:45:36

Post by: Voss

I wonder how kit ash able the various gangs will be. Like plugging bone gang arms on metal guy chests or swapping heads and etc. that there are definitely ogres and dwarfs among the humans complicates it a bit, but not if that ends up a normal thing across all the gangs.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 12:09:19

Post by: RiTides

 DaveC wrote:
At a guess the 9 are from top left anticlockwise

Ironjawz, Daughters of Khaine, Legions of Nagash or FEC, Gloomspite Gitz, Idoneth Deepkin, Bonesplitters, Nighthaunts, Stormcasts.

As someone intrigued by the orruks / gobbos, the fact that there are 3 (Ironjawz, Bonesplitters, and Gloomspite Gitz) is pretty darn cool!

I don't have an interest in the Bonesplitters (the older Savage Ork line), but the other two - hmmmmm

Also wondering about using models from Underworlds here, given that a pretty fantastic variety of Gloomspite Gitz were released for it. Does it seem like that will be possible, or will there be new models, etc etc?

 Flashman wrote:
I clocked out of Warhammer at the end of 8th and went off to play other skirmish games like Guild Ball and Bushido. However, this seems totally my bag. Now teaching myself about the Mortal Realms to figure out what other Chaos Warbands will be revealed...

Same here . I've already gotten back in with Underworlds, but it'd be awesome to have a skirmish game option that doesn't require cards for folks who aren't into that

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 15:23:35

Post by: Geifer

 RiTides wrote:
Also wondering about using models from Underworlds here, given that a pretty fantastic variety of Gloomspite Gitz were released for it. Does it seem like that will be possible, or will there be new models, etc etc?

We don't really have information on the non-Chaos factions yet, but the current thinking is that while the Chaos bands are all new and custom made for this game, the non-Chaos factions will simply use suitable models from Age of Sigmar.

If you have the option for a goblin with a bow or a pointy stick, it won't matter whether you get that goblin out of a Night Goblin box, or a Shadespire band, or from a third party. It's just a goblin with a bow or pointy stick.

The bigger question is how much customization the rules will allow in general, and whether there will be much of a difference between the Chaos bands that have kits made for the game and non-Chaos bands that may draw their models from kits with more limited options (possibly going all the way back to Fantasy's rigid regimental organization).

Plus at least with the Iron Golems we get different races serving Chaos, so if you don't like ogres and dwarfs, you can instead convert a minotaur to take the ogre's place and an irate halfling from the new Blood Bowl kit because you know you want a Chaos halfling.

I expect that even if the rules end up sucking, you can do a good deal with models and conversions in Warcry and won't have to worry about whether your models conform to exact standards.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/29 22:32:18

Post by: RiTides

Yeah that mirrors my thinking . Really looking forward to seeing more on this!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 14:16:00

Post by: kendoka

How come noone is commenting on the mini from Ugly (see attachment).
IMHO it is one of the worst Gw minis since the old bobblehead Nagash...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 14:22:43

Post by: Nostromodamus

 kendoka wrote:
How come noone is commenting on the mini from Ugly (see attachment).
IMHO it is one of the worst Gw minis since the old bobblehead Nagash...

Maybe most other people like it?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 14:30:37

Post by: Geifer

I don't particularly like the model, but at least it's a step up from Fyreslayers. The one I painted for Warhammer Quest had the entire appearance of his skin ruined by having tons of runes plastered all over it. Completely got in the way of getting a sense of anatomy.

This one could look good by cutting off the elbow hammers, giving him new weapons and maybe removing the helmet topper (or adding a horsehair tail to it so it doesn't look like it's... just there).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 14:39:43

Post by: GaroRobe

I like it. It's a new take on Chaos Dwarves. I kinda imagine him just gutturaly cheering on all the carnage. Kind of like that diminutive henchmen that revels in all the violence his masters are causing. And the fact that he has a different grip on each hammer is also a nice touch

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 15:00:56

Post by: kendoka

So the fact that, anatomically speaking, it is a disaster beyond repair (with limbs randomly attached to the body like a chaos spawn and muscles that makes Catachans look good) doesent bother you at all?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 15:07:54

Post by: dan2026

I'll be honest the best new models from this set for me are the Chaos Furies.
They turned probably some of the worst models gw has ever produced into something interesting and characterful.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 15:09:52

Post by: Dread Master

That little feller rocks

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 15:19:26

Post by: EnTyme

 kendoka wrote:
So the fact that, anatomically speaking, it is a disaster beyond repair (with limbs randomly attached to the body like a chaos spawn and muscles that makes Catachans look good) doesent bother you at all?

Look like standard fantasy Dwarf proportions to me. You don't have to like it, but your tastes aren't universal.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 15:53:33

Post by: Geifer

 kendoka wrote:
So the fact that, anatomically speaking, it is a disaster beyond repair (with limbs randomly attached to the body like a chaos spawn and muscles that makes Catachans look good) doesent bother you at all?

I don't agree with this assessment. If you want limbs randomly sticking out of places, look at the new Chaos Terminators. Even by GW's standards, those are appalling. The Chaos Dwarf has raised upper arms that should be, and are, above shoulder level. The left arm is raised higher, so the shoulder plate is slanted and higher on his left. The hip is twisted with one leg back and one leg forward as if advancing. I have a really hard time seeing how you get the idea that the limbs are in the wrong places.

The muscles? Certainly not to everyone's taste, but that's simply the standard in Age of Super Buff Dudes. Everyone has that. Tzeentch's skinny librarians are super buff by any human standard. Khorne's blood blooders are even buffer. Have you had a look at the Fish Elves? Super buff, like you've never seen before on an elf. It may look funny applied to a dwarf if you are not familiar with the idea, but that aesthetic has been around since Fyreslayers and this Chaos Dwarf is nothing new in that regard. It's just how things in Age of Sigmar are.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/30 16:02:51

Post by: Gallahad

 dan2026 wrote:
I'll be honest the best new models from this set for me are the Chaos Furies.
They turned probably some of the worst models gw has ever produced into something interesting and characterful.

Yeah, I think the furies are the real standout. They aren't over designed like most other things released for AOS.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 06:32:04

Post by: Adeptus Doritos

I'm pleased that GW finally remembered that "Warriors of Chaos" is more than dudes with Khorne Cafeteria trays coming out of their heads.

I look forward to seeing the different aesthetics they bring to the table. Hopefully we get something closer to the original Chaos Warriors, so I will finally have more motivation to play AoS besides "my friends are begging me to".

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 07:11:02

Post by: Carlovonsexron

Im hoping for more darkoath (the Ghur guys have way too many bones on them to match tje current darkoaths, who look like a cross between the ghur boys and the iron golems)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 07:16:35

Post by: Marleymoo

If you don't like the chaos dwarf then I quess the Iron Golems aren't the warband for you.

Remember this is the realm of Chaos not everything will be anatomically correct or aesthetically pleasing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 12:11:18

Post by: Albino Squirrel

I think several of the models suffer from some really bad poses. Like they are posing instead of fighting. But I guess for a bunch of people trying to get the attention of the chaos gods, maybe it makes sense that they spend a lot of time looking up in the sky and striking a cool pose.

And I don't like the general style of the gladiator/diving bell faction. I'm looking forward to seeing how the other chaos factions look, though. The Ghur ones look pretty good, aside from the silly poses.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 12:17:03

Post by: Haighus

Yeah, the sillier poses look like "victorious gladiator" poses as they promote their sacrifice to the Dark Gods. Certainly more classy than teabagging (leave that to Slaanesh?).

I like the general theme of the Iron Golems, but I really wish they had mail over the exposed abdomens to really cement the armoured Chaos warrior-smiths look. Exposed stomachs just seems a bit... odd. Especially combined with mail breeches and skirts. Something a bit closer to Chaos knights basically, Chaos warriors-at-arms

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 12:18:38

Post by: GaroRobe

I like the Ghur warband a lot more than I like the Darkoath. They look more savage, and less 80s barbarians. The one thing I'm not a fan of are their bone weapons. Because they don't make any sense. I get that creatures are weird in AoS and chaos makes mutations, but one dude has a weapon which is just three different jawbones. Not lashed together, but a single bone with three different jawbones. Looks like the symbol Skaven occasionally use. And I can't imagine what creature it comes from.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 13:38:16

Post by: porkuslime

I think for me, that dwarf has iron spikes inside his elbows where they bend. I understand that I am not inside his body, but for ME, if *I* had the spikes in my elbows, I could not bend my arms.. and it hurts to look at him.

Plus, with the hand grips/handles on the warhammers he has, he has NO ability to build torque as he swings them.. they ALMOST look like he should punch with them..

Really not a fan

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 18:00:11

Post by: Binabik15

Cut the mini-hammers off (gods, I didn't even see them until this discussion), cut the hammer heads and handles off and glue the handles between the hands and the heads. Model somewhat salvaged in two minutes.

He's very much the weakest member in tha band and the Iron Golems are FAR less cool than the bone band, IMO. And I'm not just saying that beause I really want the sabretooth skull for Atramentar pauldrons.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/03/31 21:08:46

Post by: plastictrees

He's a solid sculpt. The torso has good mass for a 'strong' creature of his height, the shoulders are lifted with the pose etc.
The spikes arent in his elbows, they are next to them. On the top or bottom of the hinge rather than inside the hinge.
He has large triceps relative to his biceps, but thats not anatomically odd, its a larger muscle group.
Hes holding the hammers high, but the 'guards' are on his hands, not the hammers based on the paint colour choices, so he could be holding them anywhere.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 01:13:18

Post by: Ghaz

From GW's Instagram account...


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 01:20:54

Post by: H.B.M.C.

They look way better than my 30 Furies.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 01:41:47

Post by: Voss

Could have lived without seeing someone glue '-yx' to the end of 'raptor.' Its almost worse than popping an 'A' in front of 'elf.'

At least the model is good..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 02:38:03

Post by: Strombones

I was probably just going to pick this up for models, but think I will likely go in for the game. Looks solid.

New Furies are very impressive.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 03:03:33

Post by: Sacredroach

Love the new Fury, not a fan of the ultra-mega-chicken.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 03:13:54

Post by: Chopstick

Meh, nothing new from that instagram post.

Can't wait to see the sprue.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 03:21:48

Post by: ScarletRose

Don't they mean Iiron Golyms? I can't believe we have an AoS name that's not some copyrightable trainwreck.

In all seriousness good looking minis, and like Shadespire I might pick some up just to paint/use for rpgs

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/01 03:25:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 kendoka wrote:
So the fact that, anatomically speaking, it is a disaster beyond repair (with limbs randomly attached to the body like a chaos spawn and muscles that makes Catachans look good) doesent bother you at all?

Hammer Party in the HOUSE!
Hammer Party in the HOUSE!

Yeah, um, yeah.

But the rest are winners. I wonder if they can be cross bred with Goliaths. No idea what I'd be making but I would want about 100 of them! Maybe counts as Orks... yeah.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Wait, I just realized who he reminds me of!

(Dr Bong, a 70s Marvel character)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/02 20:56:10

Post by: Gael Knight

I'm glad this exists.Looking forward to seeing the other bands and armour styles. I'm hoping we get a more dynamic update of the classic chaos warrior/knight.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/02 21:12:06

Post by: streetsamurai

 Sacredroach wrote:
Love the new Fury, not a fan of the ultra-mega-chicken.

Same here, whle the fury look a bit too similar to Confrontation Gargoyle, it is solid. The raptor on the other end.....

Really eager to see the other bands, this game looks like a winner

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/02 21:16:02

Post by: Strg Alt

Raptoryx looks like ass. Furies look good but they have claws and shouldn´t need knives.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/02 21:49:31

Post by: Gallahad

I really hate the fact that every single model has the same belt buckle with their team logo on it.
"All right ladies, remember to wear our coordinating belt buckles for tonight's slaughterfest!
--Grokflag the Fabulous of the Iron Golem's squad

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/02 21:51:55

Post by: Dread Master

I love how the Furies have daggers.... makes them appear to be something more than animal. I mean, aren’t they undivided daemons ? And the Raptoryxes are awesome. I hope they play up the beast/daemon angle around the warbands themselves. Lots of opportunity for new stuff.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/02 22:17:01

Post by: plastictrees

 Gallahad wrote:
I really hate the fact that every single model has the same belt buckle with their team logo on it.
"All right ladies, remember to wear our coordinating belt buckles for tonight's slaughterfest!
--Grokflag the Fabulous of the Iron Golem's squad

Yeah, a fighting force wearing the icon of their faction is pretty crazy.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/03 00:09:37

Post by: Gallahad

 plastictrees wrote:
 Gallahad wrote:
I really hate the fact that every single model has the same belt buckle with their team logo on it.
"All right ladies, remember to wear our coordinating belt buckles for tonight's slaughterfest!
--Grokflag the Fabulous of the Iron Golem's squad

Yeah, a fighting force wearing the icon of their faction is pretty crazy.

Depends on the faction dude. Also a big difference between all the Chaos dudes painting the same symbol on their shields/armor and them all ordering the same embossed belt buckle from the ChaosBucklesNMore store.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/03 00:31:11

Post by: Pugnacious_Cee

They’re from the realm of metal... stylized buckles is probably their specialty!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/03 00:59:17

Post by: Gallahad

 Pugnacious_Cee wrote:
They’re from the realm of metal... stylized buckles is probably their specialty!

Ha! That is a fair point. If any faction would have matching belt buckles, it would be the realm of metal guys.

Maybe I can blame them for the Blood Warriors totally fierce and carnival parade ready head dresses...

At the very least other followers of Chaos should get to taunt them for free at least once a game for their squad outfit coordination.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/03 01:12:05

Post by: Gael Knight

It's a bit big for a belt buckle, it's like a mini gut plate.

Thankfully you can fix it with a file if you find it too repetitive.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/03 01:19:29

Post by: cygnnus

 Gael Knight wrote:
It's a bit big for a belt buckle.

You’ve never been to Texas, have you?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/04/03 18:20:41

Post by: Albino Squirrel

 Gallahad wrote:
 Pugnacious_Cee wrote:
They’re from the realm of metal... stylized buckles is probably their specialty!

Ha! That is a fair point. If any faction would have matching belt buckles, it would be the realm of metal guys.

Maybe I can blame them for the Blood Warriors totally fierce and carnival parade ready head dresses...

At the very least other followers of Chaos should get to taunt them for free at least once a game for their squad outfit coordination.

When you think about it, the Chaos followers, while they looks somewhat ragged, are actually some of the most most image-conscious. They always make sure to have the right icons everywhere and probably spend a lot of time getting their look just right, trying to impress their gods. Even the nurgle guys with rusty weapons and armor and looking like slobs still make sure they have perfectly shaped icons on their armor and weapons, and sometimes shields shaped like flies. It is obvious their forges actually put a lot of work into getting a certain look.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 11:29:53

Post by: DaveC

Meet the Untamed Beasts – perhaps Warcry’s most savage warband (and believe us, they’ve got some stiff competition). Hailing from the Jagged Savannah in Ghur, these raiders have a distinctly old-school aesthetic that’s reminiscent of classic Marauders and barbarians of Warhammer’s past. If you’re looking for a warband that looks like it came straight from the pages of Slaves to Darkness, these are the guys for you!

Just as distinct as their Chamonite counterparts, the Iron Golems, the Untamed Beasts are nomadic warriors. They scorn those who indulge in fripperies like establishing permanent settlements or wearing forge-crafted armour, instead subsisting on hunting carnivorous beasts – or any unfortunates who’ve stumbled into their domain.

The Untamed Beasts have a really distinct and dynamic aesthetic that sets them apart from other Chaos models. Traditionally, the servants of the Dark Gods are trudging, resolute, ironclad creatures. Instead, each of these models is bursting with energy and dynamism. At first glance, you could well mistake the Untamed Beasts for hunting animals. Just as with the Iron Golems, the rich, dark world of Warcry has allowed our designers to shed light on new facets of Chaos, as well as giving us insight into life in the wilds of the Mortal Realms themselves.

Also, for fans of Warhammer critters like Gryph-hounds, vulcharcs and squigs, the Untamed Beasts are bringing us this awesome goat-lion thing. Maybe give petting him a miss though – unless you don’t mind losing a hand…

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 12:14:31

Post by: Geifer

I figured I might like the guys from Ghur.


Though the headgear is funny, I like these the best. They're mostly plain and don't suffer from clutter overload.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 12:31:22

Post by: Danny76

What’s weird is in the first picture, those two guys poses legs up to torso, it’s so similar, but the detail is enough that I don’t think they are duplicates necessarily.
But then second picture, those guys again, so similar, both right feet on rocks and leg positions. But again different boots and detailing etc..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 12:33:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

What I’m liking is we can see shared design cues between these, and Savage Orcs.

Both infest Ghur, and of we look through the Digga Lens? I’m seeing a fallen culture that aped their persecutors, and found their way to Dark Gods as a result.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 12:39:29

Post by: timetowaste85

I’m a fan. I like these better than the previously shown ones!!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 12:47:15

Post by: porkuslime

I like the appearance of their weaponry, as hunters they would use jawbones and spines I could believe.. I like their ethestic more than the Iron Golems..

I like the Beastmistress and Lionthing the best

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 12:48:16

Post by: Binabik15

Can't lie, I love those.

There's quite a bit wrong with them, sure. Some wonky proportions and quite a lot of the weapons look downright silly - seriously, what kimd of twistes spawn would even grow jaws bifurated *and* ram-rod straight like that - but swap some weapons out and I'm in love. I feel like I have quite a few of those dudes from HATE the boardgame, too

Whip lady and spear guy and goat-lion, though. Marvelous. And beautiful skin tones.

PS: I guess without matching wrestling championship belts the gods/Archaon won't notice your team when points are awarded. Gotta dress sharp.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 12:49:37

Post by: Geifer

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
What I’m liking is we can see shared design cues between these, and Savage Orcs.

Both infest Ghur, and of we look through the Digga Lens? I’m seeing a fallen culture that aped their persecutors, and found their way to Dark Gods as a result.

I think it's more a case of shared culture of the realm they inhabit and has nothing to do with Savage Orcs being a bad influence on them, one way or another. That's just how the inhabitants of Ghur roll. The Mortal Realms have that kind of "natural order" going on.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 13:15:55

Post by: kestral

I like what GW is doing here. The bearded fury is a neat take, and these are fairly original takes.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 13:36:24

Post by: timetowaste85

Spear guy is definitely my favorite too! Plus the great weapon guys.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 13:50:00

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Wow, those are exactly the kinds of models I want to see from GW.

Looks like I found my homebrew Monster Hunter crew. Spear guy with the tusks is pretty snazzy.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 14:25:17

Post by: Gallahad

Thank Khorne for their matching belt buckles, I don't know how I would ever tell them apart from the Iron Golem guys on the table without those.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 14:26:59

Post by: His Master's Voice

Lovely models, but they do need about 80% more beards and skull helmets.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 15:17:16

Post by: streetsamurai

really unequal in quality. Some are egreat and others (especially the almost naked ones) are really poor

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 15:35:51

Post by: Carlovonsexron

 streetsamurai wrote:
really unequal in quality. Some are egreat and others (especially the almost naked ones) are really poor

If you want to send them to me I'll be happy to take them off your hands- those are my favorites from the whole bunch!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 15:39:12

Post by: Danny76

Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 15:51:36

Post by: streetsamurai

Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 15:55:02

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

The more I see of Warcry, the more convinced we’re getting a matching Battletome for AoS.

I’d love to field this varied aesthetic as a complete army. Especially if there’s an army construction method along the lines of 5th(possibly 6th?) Ed Warhammer Chaos.

Pick a Character. Spend whatever you want. Then pick a retinue (relatively free choice of stuff, too) of at least equal points.

Give us the feel of otherwise disparate warbands and their champions coming together to wreck face.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 16:04:13

Post by: Danny76

 streetsamurai wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

No. That was FW led wasn’t it.
This is still GW, I think the warbands will all come out on release day.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
The more I see of Warcry, the more convinced we’re getting a matching Battletome for AoS.

I’d love to field this varied aesthetic as a complete army. Especially if there’s an army construction method along the lines of 5th(possibly 6th?) Ed Warhammer Chaos.

Pick a Character. Spend whatever you want. Then pick a retinue (relatively free choice of stuff, too) of at least equal points.

Give us the feel of otherwise disparate warbands and their champions coming together to wreck face.

I’m more and more sure we won’t get a tome.
Not sure why, just think it’s not something on the cards

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 16:31:44

Post by: Geifer

Danny76 wrote:
 streetsamurai wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

No. That was FW led wasn’t it.
This is still GW, I think the warbands will all come out on release day.

Yeah, as a GW proper game the comparison is Kill Team and Shadespire. Even if the other warbands are not out on day one, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be a matter of weeks rather than one gang every quarter as for Necromunda.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 16:32:55

Post by: ImAGeek

Danny76 wrote:
 streetsamurai wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

No. That was FW led wasn’t it.
This is still GW, I think the warbands will all come out on release day.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
The more I see of Warcry, the more convinced we’re getting a matching Battletome for AoS.

I’d love to field this varied aesthetic as a complete army. Especially if there’s an army construction method along the lines of 5th(possibly 6th?) Ed Warhammer Chaos.

Pick a Character. Spend whatever you want. Then pick a retinue (relatively free choice of stuff, too) of at least equal points.

Give us the feel of otherwise disparate warbands and their champions coming together to wreck face.

I’m more and more sure we won’t get a tome.
Not sure why, just think it’s not something on the cards

They won’t all come out on release day. Looks like there’ll be a starter with the 2 bands we’ve seen so far.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 16:34:28

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Man these warcry models are crazy awesome. I see what they meant at LVO when they said it is some of the best miniatures they've put out.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 16:38:41

Post by: callidusx3

Those three similar looking, young ones make me think of Necro Juves.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 16:46:47

Post by: Pointer5

I missed out on the Killteam box but I won't miss in Warcry. The Iron Golems look great with a ton of character. I like the terrain. I'm not a chaos player but if the rest of the range looks as good the Iron Golems I will pick them up. Now we just need a release date.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 16:58:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

callidusx3 wrote:
Those three similar looking, young ones make me think of Necro Juves.

They’re not massively far from Ratskins?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 18:15:35

Post by: Sabotage!

This is the most exciting GW product (at least to me) since Mordheim, I love how characterful the miniatures are. Hopefully we will get a look at some gameplay next weekend. Also it would be really cool to get some background and maybe a pic or two of some of the other four bands. If they are anything like the first two we are in for a treat.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 18:27:39

Post by: Flashman

Impressive minis thus far. Kind of disappointed they are shoe horning in other races from the off, as I am totally ok with the "different facets of chaos" approach.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 18:29:23

Post by: RazorEdge

I would like so see a Bonesplitterz Outcast Mercenary Character for Warcry.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 18:46:38

Post by: streetsamurai

 Geifer wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
 streetsamurai wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

No. That was FW led wasn’t it.
This is still GW, I think the warbands will all come out on release day.

Yeah, as a GW proper game the comparison is Kill Team and Shadespire. Even if the other warbands are not out on day one, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be a matter of weeks rather than one gang every quarter as for Necromunda.

No way will the release rate be as fast as Kill Team. 99% of these minis already existed, while Warcy ones are all new.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 18:55:29

Post by: ImAGeek

 Geifer wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
 streetsamurai wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

No. That was FW led wasn’t it.
This is still GW, I think the warbands will all come out on release day.

Yeah, as a GW proper game the comparison is Kill Team and Shadespire. Even if the other warbands are not out on day one, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be a matter of weeks rather than one gang every quarter as for Necromunda.

Like the Shadespire warbands were, right?

They’ll most likely be spread over a few months.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 19:32:45

Post by: Binabik15

Shadespire released much quicker than Necro. Almost two seasons in the same time as it took to get all six gangs. It had two in the starter and two the next week (or month? Dunno anymore), right. Four bands real quick would be a great start I think. I guess how quick the rest releases depends on the other, non-Chaos releases being bespoke kits or just rules.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 22:29:42

Post by: Dread Master

I suspect that the other races are being given rules to play Warcry. I don’t think they are being “shoehorned” into the opening narrative, which appears to be chaos-centric.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 22:52:33

Post by: Sabotage!

Dread Master wrote:
I suspect that the other races are being given rules to play Warcry. I don’t think they are being “shoehorned” into the opening narrative, which appears to be chaos-centric.

I think this to be the case also. I imagine the core book probably won't even mention the other races. I think GW is just going to put out some PDF rules for them because so many people were asking for rules for other races. I wouldn't be too surprised if they put out a few boxed war bands for the other factions too, similar to the KT boxes or maybe if we are really lucky a mixed box of sprues (for example one sprue of skeletons and one of Grave Guard for five of each) at a slight discount. I doubt we will see any new models for them (At least Warcry branded) or any fluff beyond maybe a paragraph for each at the beginning of each list in the PDF. Maybe some will be included in a future expansion ( like Empire in Flames for Mordheim), though to be honest if a big expansion like that does come out I would rather just have more Chaos bands.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/04 23:11:12

Post by: Danny76

Indeed. They’ll get pdf, maybe a slim chance of something in the book, but I doubt that.
I could see boxes like you say, minus the discount bit. More if it has a printed version of the pdf or whatnot.

Yeah to readdress my over eager suggestion. All warbands At release, I think I meant more as in pretty sharpish rather than what I put, being all that weekend.

But there is nothing shocking about a Kill Team / Underworlds pace.
Bear in mind, all the models are done and most likely produced and in boxes ready (or in the next few months will be the case, that statement sort of depends when the ‘Summer’ release ends up being).

The point is, when this comes out. I will likely buy something from it, and then hope someone local plays the game

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 09:57:13

Post by: Geifer

 streetsamurai wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
 streetsamurai wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

No. That was FW led wasn’t it.
This is still GW, I think the warbands will all come out on release day.

Yeah, as a GW proper game the comparison is Kill Team and Shadespire. Even if the other warbands are not out on day one, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be a matter of weeks rather than one gang every quarter as for Necromunda.

No way will the release rate be as fast as Kill Team. 99% of these minis already existed, while Warcy ones are all new.

Kill Team had all factions in the core book. In spite of all the models being available at the time, they then released the actual Kill Team boxes over the course of months. By availability of the models, that was unnecessary. One assumes they just wanted to have fresh releases for a while to keep interest up.

I assume Warcry will see something similar happen, with a core box to set things up and then a couple of months that see related releases.

All new models is no hindrance to GW. Six warband kits and some critters for what is by all accounts this year's big summer release is hardly the biggest release we've ever seen.

 ImAGeek wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
 streetsamurai wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Just makes me really excited to see more warbands.
Fest reveals hopefully.

Annoyingly going to make me probably want to get several..


Can't really say that these guys were a reveal, since we've pretty much all seen them a few months ago. Wonder if the release rate is going to be as slow as necro?

No. That was FW led wasn’t it.
This is still GW, I think the warbands will all come out on release day.

Yeah, as a GW proper game the comparison is Kill Team and Shadespire. Even if the other warbands are not out on day one, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be a matter of weeks rather than one gang every quarter as for Necromunda.

Like the Shadespire warbands were, right?

They’ll most likely be spread over a few months.

Shadespire got its core box with two warbands, then another two within two weeks. That was at the end of October or start of November, if I recall, with the next two coming in February. It took Necromunda that long to get out Orlocks. By the time the six houses were released, Shadespire season 1 was wrapped up and we already had season 2 warbands.

So yeah, that doesn't even compare. If you want slow releases from GW proper, look at Blackstone Fortress. They are in no hurry there. But I see no indication that Warcry will go that way.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 19:30:01

Post by: GaroRobe

How does the guy on the left swing his sword with his helmet blocking it?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 19:44:22

Post by: AegisGrimm

Waist height?

I don't as much like the Chamon guys, but these guys specifically would be really cool standard non-Chaos barbarians for other minis games, though. Especially if put together with the Godsworn from Underworlds, even though those minis all have steel weapons.

Did I miss anything about how many of them will be available in a set?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 20:10:09

Post by: Kanluwen

No info yet on set sizes.

Important thing to remember with regards to the whole "Realms" thing is that each has a different manner of "Realmstone". Ghur has what are effectively "bones" as its Realmstone; a material that is a bit more impressive than ordinary steel.

It's very possible that these guys use some of that material for their weapons.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 20:21:10

Post by: Thargrim

I have mixed feelings on these barbarians, not enough beards maybe. Some look cool though...I kinda prefer the iron golems a little more.

Looking forward to seeing some gameplay of this though, cause honestly that will be the deciding factor for me. I don't need to be buying any more games that sit on the shelf.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 20:30:10

Post by: Not-not-kenny

 Thargrim wrote:

Looking forward to seeing some gameplay of this though, cause honestly that will be the deciding factor for me. I don't need to be buying any more games that sit on the shelf.

Same. At this point we know GW can make good looking models, I'm more concerned wether or not we will get a good fantasy skirmish game.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 22:03:00

Post by: AegisGrimm

I dunno, after nearly 25 years, I am mostly just interested in GW for the models, not the rules.

better if this has good skirmish rules, though, as GW stuff are pretty much the only minis games played in my area, so at least I can finally play skirmish games with someone, as I have no time to play armyscale games anymore.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 22:47:52

Post by: tre manor

well guess I just found my first Warhammer army.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 22:51:02

Post by: Theophony

GaroRobe wrote:

How does the guy on the left swing his sword with his helmet blocking it?

Golf swing

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/05 23:20:52

Post by: Ghaz

 Theophony wrote:
GaroRobe wrote:

How does the guy on the left swing his sword with his helmet blocking it?

Golf swing

Looks more like 'Batter Up!' to me

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 02:43:18

Post by: Kendo

There are 8 classically described cuts in western sword play manuals. Those horns would really only interfere with two of the 8. I’m sure he does ok.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 03:08:58

Post by: Chopstick

With that guard it will sure get in the way, Just another case of GW sculptor didn't try to reenact the pose before sculpting them.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 09:44:12

Post by: Geifer

You're all a little harsh on the poor guy. He's already on the problem and once he sawed through the horn he'll be able to hack and slash like a champ.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 10:29:35

Post by: kendoka

The way he holds his sword (position of knuckles) indicates that he is about to use the sword as a club (hitting sideways while twisting the hands as in a baseball swing, thus loosing some control of the orientation of the toothed edge) anyway - so he seems to have already adapted to the helm and given up the finer parts of swordplay

That said, I see nothing wrong with a barbarian using force instead of finesse.
-”You cut flesh, me crush bone!”

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 10:39:11

Post by: Chopstick

It that was a side way swing the Club had to be way lower and closer to his left shoulder.

Seriously, pick up a stick and pose before sculpting. It's a standing pose, not a jumping pose. Or you'll end up with awkward and very uncomfortable pose.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 10:42:57

Post by: Overread

Perhaps the heads are interchangeable and the pose was sculpted generic without a horned helm or with one with smaller horns.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 11:37:24

Post by: Dread Master

 Overread wrote:
Perhaps the heads are interchangeable and the pose was sculpted generic without a horned helm or with one with smaller horns.

Bingo!!! Have an exalt!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 11:38:48

Post by: Crimson

 Overread wrote:
Perhaps the heads are interchangeable and the pose was sculpted generic without a horned helm or with one with smaller horns.

I am really interested in seeing how modular these are.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 11:47:18

Post by: Overread

 Crimson wrote:
 Overread wrote:
Perhaps the heads are interchangeable and the pose was sculpted generic without a horned helm or with one with smaller horns.

I am really interested in seeing how modular these are.

You know whilst I LOATH the deign choice of flat on flat connection points for all the arms, the most interchangeable and diverse kit GW ever did is the Slaanesh range. Seekers, chariots and deamonettes all use the same head and arm connection points so you can effortlessly swap parts between them. And as they use the same mounts the riders from seekers and chariots can swap over too. Far as I'm aware that's one of the few times GW intentionally did a kit that can swap over parts between kits so easily.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 11:57:29

Post by: timetowaste85

Which is why it sucks we don’t have a mounted Herald. So easy to make from those kits.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 21:44:22

Post by: pancakeonions

Those models look fantastic. I'm just worried they're all going to be 8 foot tall uber humans. I sure wish they'd go back to normal scale for AoS.

But they'll be a great pack of ogres if they end up being in 40mm scale!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/06 22:06:42

Post by: GaroRobe

If they are "ogor" sized, I wonder how big the Iron Golem's ogor will be? We've got AOS skulls and gut plates, but this is our first actual ogor

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/07 01:07:42

Post by: Danny76

I don’t think these look Ogor sized.
Just thick set human sized. Obviously a little taller than the regular human size in that warband, but doesn’t look like it’s by much.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/07 01:26:55

Post by: Carlovonsexron

I'm thinking they will be a mix between Kairic acolytes and darkoath chieftain in size.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/07 19:06:06

Post by: tre manor

guys, horned helms would be sure fire neck breakers in combat anyway. There is a very good reason they were never used in reality. They looks cool but they are nto practical.

and those horns would interrupt any two handed weapon stroke except for horizontal stroke aimed at waist height. ANy other stroke would require that the blad pass through the space occupied by the horns either at the beginning of the stroke or end of the stroke.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/07 19:09:43

Post by: GaroRobe

I figured Untamed Beasts would be the only bone themed warband. But what about the warband of Shyish? I imagine they'd use scythes, and bones, and whatever else

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/07 19:11:45

Post by: pancakeonions

But tre! They're soooooooo cooooool looooooking!

(or maybe kinda cool looking. or maybe only just a little silly looking. but hey! very savage looking!)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:05:37

Post by: DaveC

Released in July.

The Splintered Fang

These guys might hail from the Realm of Life, but they’ve got nothing but death for their foes! And snakes – lots and lots of snakes. These guys show off facets of Chaos rarely seen on the tabletop, as one of the insidious murder cults who use cunning as much as brute force to claim victory. Just like with the Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts, the Splintered Fang show off new aspects of Chaos – there’s even an aelf amongst them!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
From Garro's Facebook

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:22:14

Post by: His Master's Voice

Damn, that dimachaerus might be my new favoritestest model. Fantastic composition.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:28:00

Post by: Gael Knight

That live action trailer is certainly something.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:33:56

Post by: Gallahad

Those harpies/furies or hyrpies/fyries or whatever they are look great! I will likely buy too many boxes of them.

The splintered fang also have a great classic sword and Sorcery look to them. Some of their arms strike me as a little weird or off, but I'm still a fan. They have the advantage of using real weapons instead of meat tenderizers (iron golems give lots of bruises!) or jawbones (not actually great weapons irl), so my money is on them in "WarCry: Belt buckle throw down!"

The chicken thing's wings just look awful.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:39:05

Post by: Danny76

Just one more warbands was revealed?
I was expecting two at least, if not all the remaining ones..

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:46:21

Post by: Voss

Fairly nice. The scale armor looks good (thouh triggers an anachronistic response in my head, especially with the lack of boots).

Actually the lack of shoes just bothers me. It works on the bone tribe, but between those bases and the functional metallurgy and alchemy/chemistry these guys have, you'd think they'd value feet protection

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:50:10

Post by: Crimson

Voss wrote:
Fairly nice. The scale armor looks good (thouh triggers an anachronistic response in my head, especially with the lack of boots).

Actually the lack of shoes just bothers me. It works on the bone tribe, but between those bases and the functional metallurgy and alchemy/chemistry these guys have, you'd think they'd value feet protection

They're styled after Roman gladiators so no shoes makes sense.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 14:57:22

Post by: Galas

Man I had decided the Iron Golems as my band but this ones? pfff.

Greco-Roman style all the way baby! This is how Slaanesh culitsts should look.

I love the black gladiator guy. INCREDIBILIS!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:01:29

Post by: Kanluwen

Danny76 wrote:
Just one more warbands was revealed?
I was expecting two at least, if not all the remaining ones..

There's 3 left.

It's going clockwise, based upon this:

It started at Adepticon with the Iron Golems, then we saw the Untamed Beasts at the Australian Open, and today we saw the Splintered Fang. We have the UK Wargames Expo in May still, and then we have June for the final bits to come out--with the release in July.

Bonus: here's the 'extras'. 3 Death(Soulblight, Nighthaunt, and Flesh Eater Courts), 3 Order(Daughters of Khaine, Devoted of Sigmar, Idoneth), and 2 Destruction(Ironjawz and Gloomspite Gitz)...which means there's one missing because it's supposed to be 9 non-Chaos factions.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:07:26

Post by: zamerion

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Kanluwen wrote:

Bonus: here's the 'extras'. 3 Death(Soulblight, Nighthaunt, and Flesh Eater Courts), 3 Order(Daughters of Khaine, Devoted of Sigmar, Idoneth), and 2 Destruction(Ironjawz and Gloomspite Gitz)...which means there's one missing because it's supposed to be 9 non-Chaos factions.

There are 3 destruction in that picture.
One death is missing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:20:05

Post by: Binabik15

 His Master's Voice wrote:
Damn, that dimachaerus might be my new favoritestest model. Fantastic composition.

Certainly my favourite model to come out of AoS, easily besting the 2H axe Slaughterpriest. The pose is marvelous.

I admit it, I LOVE gladiators. This is a gift from the gods to me. It's like Arena Rex in the right scale and easy to modify plastic.

PS: Untamed Beasts vs. Splintered Fang -> who will be the first to create a Conan vs. Thulsa Doom diorama?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:29:13

Post by: GaroRobe

Splintered Fang coming from the Realm of Life surprised me. Snakes and venom make me think of Ulgu, especially since Morathi is the biggest snake thing we have in AoS (Sorry Seraphon.)
I'm guessing the flayed skin will be ulgu then, if not Shyish? (They'll have that scythe rumor engine I'm betting)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:31:28

Post by: Voss

 Crimson wrote:
Voss wrote:
Fairly nice. The scale armor looks good (thouh triggers an anachronistic response in my head, especially with the lack of boots).

Actually the lack of shoes just bothers me. It works on the bone tribe, but between those bases and the functional metallurgy and alchemy/chemistry these guys have, you'd think they'd value feet protection

They're styled after Roman gladiators so no shoes makes sense.

No shoes never makes sense. Ugly, vulnerable slabs of meat.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:40:06

Post by: streetsamurai

Mam warcry looks cool. Everything looks great so far (bar the ugly chicken thing, how that thing passed quality control, ill never know, and a few cultist).

And more importantly, its a test of nugw capacity of making a new good exciting game and setting. They mostly only revived old games in tje last few years

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:40:29

Post by: Crimson

Voss wrote:

No shoes never makes sense. Ugly, vulnerable slabs of meat.

Oh, no, this is the new helmet thing isn't it?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 15:44:58

Post by: GaroRobe

Wow, they actually went all out on this trailer.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 16:05:25

Post by: Galas

 Binabik15 wrote:
 His Master's Voice wrote:
Damn, that dimachaerus might be my new favoritestest model. Fantastic composition.

Certainly my favourite model to come out of AoS, easily besting the 2H axe Slaughterpriest. The pose is marvelous.

I admit it, I LOVE gladiators. This is a gift from the gods to me. It's like Arena Rex in the right scale and easy to modify plastic.

PS: Untamed Beasts vs. Splintered Fang -> who will be the first to create a Conan vs. Thulsa Doom diorama?

Yeah. Like. Crested helmets with gladiator feel? COUNT ME IN.

That black skinned female gladiator under the elf in the pic of the cabinet? I believe is my favourite one of the bunch.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 16:33:44

Post by: Carlovonsexron

Untamed beasys2 are picts! Regular darkoath are MUCH better to represent Conan.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 17:38:59

Post by: Geifer

Snake guys aren't for me. Nice enough I guess, but not what I'm looking for.

Well, I like the actual snakes.

GaroRobe wrote:
Splintered Fang coming from the Realm of Life surprised me. Snakes and venom make me think of Ulgu, especially since Morathi is the biggest snake thing we have in AoS (Sorry Seraphon.)
I'm guessing the flayed skin will be ulgu then, if not Shyish? (They'll have that scythe rumor engine I'm betting)

We have eight Realms and six warbands. Azyr is obviously out because it's the no fun allowed Realm, but if I had to guess I'd also say that Shyish is the other Realm that's not represented. It wasn't the most friendly Realm to mortals before Nagash went off he deep end, and certainly hasn't improved since. Further I'd guess the eye is Hysh, the bird skull Ulgu and the flayed skin Aqshy, mostly because they have a history of savagery and cannibalism.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 17:47:05

Post by: Chopstick

Iron Golem, or Untamed Beast are probably my fav if they have the spiky hammer and spiky axe option for everyone, I;m certainly not a fan of flimsy whip and chain flail.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 17:56:21

Post by: DaveC

So at the seminar they mentioned that the 6 Chaos warbands are all new sculpts. They will get AoS warscrolls likely with the Slaves to Darkness keyword. There should be minis for other races that have fallen to Chaos like the Ogor, Aelf and Duaradin

The 9 other warbands will not get minis and will use the current AoS range. They plan to add new warbands for each grand alliance at a later date.

Kill Team is a good pointer for the number minis per side. Some will be more elite some less so, so warband sizes will vary.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 19:16:42

Post by: GaroRobe

 Geifer wrote:
Snake guys aren't for me. Nice enough I guess, but not what I'm looking for.

Well, I like the actual snakes.

GaroRobe wrote:
Splintered Fang coming from the Realm of Life surprised me. Snakes and venom make me think of Ulgu, especially since Morathi is the biggest snake thing we have in AoS (Sorry Seraphon.)
I'm guessing the flayed skin will be ulgu then, if not Shyish? (They'll have that scythe rumor engine I'm betting)

We have eight Realms and six warbands. Azyr is obviously out because it's the no fun allowed Realm, but if I had to guess I'd also say that Shyish is the other Realm that's not represented. It wasn't the most friendly Realm to mortals before Nagash went off he deep end, and certainly hasn't improved since. Further I'd guess the eye is Hysh, the bird skull Ulgu and the flayed skin Aqshy, mostly because they have a history of savagery and cannibalism.

I think we'd see a Shyish Warband before we see a Hysh. Though, it would be cool if they were all blinded. Not like Namartai reavers, aka, no eyes, but rather had to mutilate their eyes to avoid the blinding light of Hyish. Still, I'm thinking that the scythe would still be for a Shyish group. Maybe undead chaos followers? Or at least, Necromancers?

Unrelated, but it's pretty cool that we now have a: Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Ogre, and now a Chaos Elf.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 19:31:42

Post by: Sabotage!

I love these guys. To be fair I love all the factions they have previewed for Warcry thus far.

Now we have warbands from Metal, Beasts, and Life.

Geifer is onto something with the Bird Skull being Ulgu, though I think the flayed face is Shyish. Maybe the eye is Hysh.

Also worth noting that in the video introducing Warcry the art at the beginning showed a warband fighting the Iron Golems that had "spiked rings" around their heads similar to the symbol of the flayed face. I'm guessing the warband in that art is what the models from that faction will look like.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 20:56:15

Post by: ImAGeek

The guy with the snakes is probably my favourite model they previewed today, and my favourite for Warcry.

They said in the Q&A that the non Chaos factions are just rules for existing models to start with, but ‘who knows what the future holds for them’.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 21:20:45

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

I love Kill Team and rarely get a chance to play full-on AoS. With how good it feels to have fully painted Kill Teams, I think I am going to jump in on this. Just looks fantastic.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/11 21:53:30

Post by: Binabik15

 Galas wrote:
 Binabik15 wrote:
 His Master's Voice wrote:
Damn, that dimachaerus might be my new favoritestest model. Fantastic composition.

Certainly my favourite model to come out of AoS, easily besting the 2H axe Slaughterpriest. The pose is marvelous.

I admit it, I LOVE gladiators. This is a gift from the gods to me. It's like Arena Rex in the right scale and easy to modify plastic.

PS: Untamed Beasts vs. Splintered Fang -> who will be the first to create a Conan vs. Thulsa Doom diorama?

Yeah. Like. Crested helmets with gladiator feel? COUNT ME IN.

That black skinned female gladiator under the elf in the pic of the cabinet? I believe is my favourite one of the bunch.

Speaking of helmets...the Idoneth have some very gladiator-ish ornamentation on their panzy heads.

The lord on deepmare with a few modifications (like a snake head or three for the mare) -> Lord of Slaanesh on steed, now that GW dropped the model. The Warcry dudes for marauders, snake leader (?) as a sorceror. A DoK Medusa as a spawn or hero or whatever (someone sell me one, please ). Nice little Skirmish warband.

If the other bands are as good Warcry would be the best thing to happen to Fantasy Chaos in quiiite some time.

Hysh and Shyish bands would both be awesome, I like the idea of blinded Chaos acolytes. I mean, we got ornamental poisonors for Ghyran! I would've expected, I don't know, maybe Nurgle stuff given his antics there, so they're hopefully imaginative with the rest as well.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 02:58:12

Post by: nagash42

The hooded guy is my favorite. His danger noodles have poison on both ends (fangs and scorpion tails lol)

I hope there are more trident or spears available I think the ones with shields would look much better with spears.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 03:06:42

Post by: NinthMusketeer

Danger noodles... or nope ropes? But seriously, really pushing the bar for chaos with these miniatures. With the AoS setting they really had the opportunity to diversify tribal chaos marauder types, and man are they running with it now.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 07:20:37

Post by: DanceOfSlaanesh

These look very nice. Good job GW. Thank you for making these for me to spend money on. Amen.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 07:23:20

Post by: Elbows

I'm in for the figures, more than likely not the game. Excellent figures for all manner of fantasy gaming though. I hope the cost is reasonable (Shadespire gangs have been very reasonable thus far - not something I can often say about a GW product)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 07:51:53

Post by: Geifer

 DaveC wrote:
So at the seminar they mentioned that the 6 Chaos warbands are all new sculpts. They will get AoS warscrolls likely with the Slaves to Darkness keyword. There should be minis for other races that have fallen to Chaos like the Ogor, Aelf and Duaradin

The 9 other warbands will not get minis and will use the current AoS range. They plan to add new warbands for each grand alliance at a later date.

Kill Team is a good pointer for the number minis per side. Some will be more elite some less so, so warband sizes will vary.

Non-Chaos factions using AoS models was to be expected. Did they confirm that it's actually going to be nine and not just the eight we saw in the announcement video? People assuming it's going to be three per Grand Alliance have a good point, but I haven't read any account of GW correcting the video yet.

GaroRobe wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
Snake guys aren't for me. Nice enough I guess, but not what I'm looking for.

Well, I like the actual snakes.

GaroRobe wrote:
Splintered Fang coming from the Realm of Life surprised me. Snakes and venom make me think of Ulgu, especially since Morathi is the biggest snake thing we have in AoS (Sorry Seraphon.)
I'm guessing the flayed skin will be ulgu then, if not Shyish? (They'll have that scythe rumor engine I'm betting)

We have eight Realms and six warbands. Azyr is obviously out because it's the no fun allowed Realm, but if I had to guess I'd also say that Shyish is the other Realm that's not represented. It wasn't the most friendly Realm to mortals before Nagash went off he deep end, and certainly hasn't improved since. Further I'd guess the eye is Hysh, the bird skull Ulgu and the flayed skin Aqshy, mostly because they have a history of savagery and cannibalism.

I think we'd see a Shyish Warband before we see a Hysh. Though, it would be cool if they were all blinded. Not like Namartai reavers, aka, no eyes, but rather had to mutilate their eyes to avoid the blinding light of Hyish. Still, I'm thinking that the scythe would still be for a Shyish group. Maybe undead chaos followers? Or at least, Necromancers?

Unrelated, but it's pretty cool that we now have a: Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Ogre, and now a Chaos Elf.

I expect the scythe is AoS proper, probably belonging to the next Mortarch. GW had an article that outright said one of Nagash's pals was locked away in a stormvault, and we got to see artwork of Olynder trying to release him.

Agreed on different races for Chaos worshippers. Adds a bit of fun having all sorts of stuff besides humans.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 08:20:37

Post by: Fayric

Warcry looks awesome. The concept and execution is great for giving some much needed life to the worlds.

Pehaps Azur will have sigmar faithful barbarian gladiators, kind of like those christian heavy metal bands in the eighties

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 09:09:46

Post by: Binabik15

I'm working (very slowly) on a Skirmish band of gladiators styled after Egyptian gods - inspired by the DoK background of gladiatorial pits in Order cities. They are likely Tzeentchian in nature, but don't tell they city guard The goal was to have everyone in a different size and body shape, with different weapons.

I really hope Warcry gives us the tools to port stuff like this into the game. The kits are supposed to have weapon options, right? Hopefully gameplay is good.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 12:08:57

Post by: porkuslime

I am amused that in the video on the prior page.. the lack of shoes spelled death for the one cultist.. got a hammer dropped on his foot, and that distracted him ..

Soo.. SHOES are good!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 12:21:36

Post by: Strombones

The snake guy leader is a little absurd, but the rest are awesome. This game is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid.

40k proper drove me away from GW awhile back, but its stuff like this and Necromunda that keeps me around. These specialist games have been scoring big.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 12:32:26

Post by: AegisGrimm

I'm really hoping this will be a way to get my Orcs, Skaven, and Stormcast off the shelf. They were all painted up for Age of Sigmar skirmish, but noone local has any interest in it. I have used them successfully for home games One Page Rules and even Song of Blades and Heroes, but Warcry gives me hope, as there is a local scene for Killteam, locally, so maybe there will be for Warcry.

Would be great to play a skirmish game where I don't have to paint both sides and create all the scenery just to play. If need be, the Feral boys will be mine.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 12:49:37

Post by: timetowaste85

Same; I tried to start some Skirmish at my local GW, but the same exact 3 guys there always try to control 40k everything and I couldn’t spark up interest (I even brought 5 ready-made war bands from home).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 13:12:54

Post by: DaveC

Fury and Raptoryx sprue from Garro

[Thumb - fury.png]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 13:41:58

Post by: Gallahad

Oh no. No no no. They are a combined box? The worst warhammer model since pumbagor shares sprues with the model I want 30 of?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 13:51:36

Post by: Strg Alt

These new furies would have been an excellent opportunity to create a succubus unit for Slaanesh. Another chance wasted by GW.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 15:04:30

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I thought all those critters were going to come in the Warcry game box, no? Or was I imagining something? Perhaps just wishful thinking?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 15:08:18

Post by: DaveC

I believe it's 2 sets of those sprues in the starter box for 6 of each. No indication yet if they will be available separately.

Some more images from Garros facebook including unpainted minis and alt schemes. I think that Iron Golem with the helmet off is someones own conversion but at least it looks easy to do as I'd like a few without helmets. Iron Golems are my least favourite so far but it looks like they are in the starter.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 15:10:21

Post by: stahly

Doesn't seem like the Warcry warbands will be multipart in the sense of different wargear or posing options :(

Splintered Fang look awesome though, and a great paint scheme they chose. Tempting...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 15:15:22

Post by: NinthMusketeer

 Strg Alt wrote:
These new furies would have been an excellent opportunity to create a succubus unit for Slaanesh. Another chance wasted by GW.
I dunno about that... It is part of a starter/larger boxed set so there is a strong incentive both to conserve sprue space and to make the contents as straightforward as possible. And anything they did would have to be different enough to distinguish them from simply Slaanesh-marked furies. One could say any kit is a 'missed opportunity' to have it dual build with something else, for that matter.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 porkuslime wrote:
I am amused that in the video on the prior page.. the lack of shoes spelled death for the one cultist.. got a hammer dropped on his foot, and that distracted him ..

Soo.. SHOES are good!
TBF unless it were a very solid/heavily padded boot it would not do much against a hammer being dropped on it, bludgeoning force and all. Such a boot would no doubt be a hindrance when climbing over all the nice new terrain!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 15:35:54

Post by: GaroRobe

Is the helmetless head a conversion?

It look's a lot like the Blood warrior head from Magore's fiends, but that head is yelling. And I don't think it's from another blood warrior set.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 15:36:52

Post by: sockwithaticket

I really want that snake swarm.

 stahly wrote:
Doesn't seem like the Warcry warbands will be multipart in the sense of different wargear or posing options :(

Splintered Fang look awesome though, and a great paint scheme they chose. Tempting...

Regular releases barely have that anymore, boxed sets like this were definitely unlikely to.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/12 15:44:42

Post by: JSG

 stahly wrote:
Doesn't seem like the Warcry warbands will be multipart in the sense of different wargear or posing options :(

Splintered Fang look awesome though, and a great paint scheme they chose. Tempting...

Pretty sure it's been confirmed that they are. Posing is difficult/limited unless you want another catachan boxed set but there's different weapon options.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/14 17:31:14

Post by: Albino Squirrel

That terrain looks cool. I like the stairs, though they'd be irrelevant in Age of Sigmar since everyone can walk up walls. Presumably that is not the case in Warcry.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/14 17:32:11

Post by: Sabotage!

That looks like the size of a KT board to, which is what I expected, but still awesome to know. I love games that I don't need a dedicated table to play on.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/14 17:52:05

Post by: Danny76

Isn’t that the picture we had back near the reveal.
When we first realized new scenery and stuff?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/14 19:42:00

Post by: Sabotage!

I'm not sure if we got that pic during the reveal, but they definitely used close-ups from that set up in the announcement video. I could have definitely missed it if we got the whole thing.

Also those Iron Golems with the alternate paint scheme look really nice.

It seems like GW will be releasing at least three warbands at launch (or maybe the third two weeks after launch). I'm really happy they are taking this approach. Part of what hurt Necromunda in my area was the drip feed of rules and warbands. I'm hoping we see all 6 Warbands around release, or at least like Shadespire with the Starter and then two more bands a few weeks later. If the rest of the warbands look anywhere near as good as the first three we are in for a treat.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/14 19:55:37

Post by: nels1031

Danny76 wrote:
Isn’t that the picture we had back near the reveal.
When we first realized new scenery and stuff?

I hadn't seen all of it together in one shot until today.

Most of it was just solo shots, and this is, I believe, is the first where all of it is shown together in one photo.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/14 21:05:06

Post by: ImAGeek

Danny76 wrote:
Isn’t that the picture we had back near the reveal.
When we first realized new scenery and stuff?

They were just screenshots from the trailer, and didn’t really show the table size or the whole thing in one shot.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/14 21:08:10

Post by: Not-not-kenny

Now THAT'S the AoS terrain I've been waiting for

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 01:38:53

Post by: hvg3akaek

I like the fact that it's diagonal - more boards need to be like this

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 02:11:50

Post by: H.B.M.C.

That looks pretty cool.

Wouldn't it be nice if that was the starter box.

(/wishful thinking)

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 09:08:30

Post by: lord_blackfang

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
That looks pretty cool.

Wouldn't it be nice if that was the starter box.

(/wishful thinking)

Why would you think it isn't? All recent promo pictures for new products were the exact box contents, every time. And we've known the Warcry box is like 50% thicker than Kill Team from the very first teaser at GAMA.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 09:24:25

Post by: AndrewGPaul

 sockwithaticket wrote:
I really want that snake swarm.

 stahly wrote:
Doesn't seem like the Warcry warbands will be multipart in the sense of different wargear or posing options :(

Splintered Fang look awesome though, and a great paint scheme they chose. Tempting...

Regular releases barely have that anymore, boxed sets like this were definitely unlikely to.

they're all plastic, so converting them is a trivial matter.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Albino Squirrel wrote:
That terrain looks cool. I like the stairs, though they'd be irrelevant in Age of Sigmar since everyone can walk up walls. Presumably that is not the case in Warcry.

the distance along the stairs is less than the horizontal distance from the foot of the stairs to the wall plus the vertical distance up the wall.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 09:49:43

Post by: Danny76

Ah I thought we’d seen it all.but yeah definitely portions of it.

I’m fully expecting that’s gonna be the starter contents. I thought that seemed clear.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 10:31:46

Post by: Geifer

Looks nice.

If this is the starter set, hopefully they'll do the same as in Necromunda and also have the gangs available separately to get easy access to extra models.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
That looks pretty cool.

Wouldn't it be nice if that was the starter box.

(/wishful thinking)

Why would you think it isn't? All recent promo pictures for new products were the exact box contents, every time. And we've known the Warcry box is like 50% thicker than Kill Team from the very first teaser at GAMA.

Not contradicting you, but just to point out, some of us haven't handled the Kill Team box nor are we able to make sense of box render that isn't even the real thing. And when I say some, I totally mean me.

So in spite of good hopes and the educated guess of others, I for one will remain a little cautious until we have the existence and contents of the Warcry starter box confirmed by GW.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 14:07:33

Post by: Albino Squirrel

 AndrewGPaul wrote:

 Albino Squirrel wrote:
That terrain looks cool. I like the stairs, though they'd be irrelevant in Age of Sigmar since everyone can walk up walls. Presumably that is not the case in Warcry.

the distance along the stairs is less than the horizontal distance from the foot of the stairs to the wall plus the vertical distance up the wall.

Sure, it is slightly less distance to get to the top, assuming you are coming from the right direction. Otherwise it's worse. And I guess the other nice thing about it is that you can possibly keep track of being part way up it by setting the model on one of the steps, if the base allows that. You can't really do that when climbing a vertical wall.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 15:51:06

Post by: Gallahad

I would be really surprised if all of that was in the starter box. That is a lot of terrain.

If it is in the starter the starter will be priced at $200 USD or something. GW doesn't really surprise with value.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 16:00:27

Post by: fresus

Starter boxes are much better value than standard kits.
The KT starter had quite a lot of terrain, and it seems like the Warcry box is actually bigger, so it does look like it could contain all of it.

I'm just hoping that most components will be available separately from the get-go. It's unusual, but not unheard of. And given the likely price tag, would really help the game take off.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 16:03:30

Post by: Sqorgar

I'm just hoping the Warcry box sticks around longer than Kill Team's... or Looncurse or any of the other box sets GW can't keep in stock.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 17:00:52

Post by: Geifer

 Gallahad wrote:
I would be really surprised if all of that was in the starter box. That is a lot of terrain.

If it is in the starter the starter will be priced at $200 USD or something. GW doesn't really surprise with value.

I forgot the exact figure again, but the Killzone boxes are bought were between 40% and 50% cheaper compared to the individual price of the components. That's reasonable. And not just reasonable for GW, but reasonable in context of the wider market.

GW starter sets and bundles like that are actually decent.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 17:06:21

Post by: Overread

 Sqorgar wrote:
I'm just hoping the Warcry box sticks around longer than Kill Team's... or Looncurse or any of the other box sets GW can't keep in stock.

Looncurse and Carrion Empire were not long term products anyway; they were always going to be short term products designed to only work for half a year or so at most. Killteam is a bit of an oddball because it is a longer term game, but I think some of that was GW testing the waters.

Warcry I suspect will be a medium term product unless GW is making it into AoS Killteam. Ergo it will last for a good while but its not going to last as long as, say, getting started sets. This is even more the case if (as I suspect) we will see GW roll the new models from Warcry into a big Slaves to darkenss/Dark Oath army release.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 17:06:37

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Binabik15 wrote:
I admit it, I LOVE gladiators. This is a gift from the gods to me. It's like Arena Rex in the right scale and easy to modify plastic.
Amen on the gladiator love. This is probably the thing most keeping me interested in War Cry, that and the success of Kill Team as a gaming experience (still playing weekly). It is of course ironic that I'm just now starting to look back at Arena Rex itself, which I KS'd years ago but never read the rules for until yesterday

Sadly for AR, GeeDub makes it so easy to dive in, build stuff and (probably) find opponents, plus their preposterous production limits force you to immediately grab stuff you're even partially interested in ...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/15 17:28:02

Post by: Voss

 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Now THAT'S the AoS terrain I've been waiting for

Walls? Pretty sure there are AoS branded walls already.

These aren't bad pieces, but...ruins pieces aren't exactly rare.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 00:08:36

Post by: Haighus

Voss wrote:
 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Now THAT'S the AoS terrain I've been waiting for

Walls? Pretty sure there are AoS branded walls already.

These aren't bad pieces, but...ruins pieces aren't exactly rare.

There are- most of the walls in the image above are the existing AoS walls. What is interesting about that image is it shows new components that expand the existing terrain with extra modular pieces, like stairs and the bell tower. The basic ruins are pretty bland, so the extra components help hugely in providing variety, detail, and visual interest to an AoS themed ruined city.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 00:18:33

Post by: Chikout

 Haighus wrote:
Voss wrote:
 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Now THAT'S the AoS terrain I've been waiting for

Walls? Pretty sure there are AoS branded walls already.

These aren't bad pieces, but...ruins pieces aren't exactly rare.

There are- most of the walls in the image above are the existing AoS walls. What is interesting about that image is it shows new components that expand the existing terrain with extra modular pieces, like stairs and the bell tower. The basic ruins are pretty bland, so the extra components help hugely in providing variety, detail, and visual interest to an AoS themed ruined city.

Those are not the regular aos walls. The shape and size is the same but the detailing is different. You can see them up close on the reveal video. That does mean that they will probably be compatible with existing terrain.
I imagine they will put out new terrain and board packs as they have done for Killteam.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 03:02:03

Post by: Elbows

As someone who possesses an entire table of Mordheim terrain (most of which is hand-made) I'm looking forward to any kind of skirmish game I can use the figures for - unlikely to be Warcry itself of course, but I'm loving the aesthetic (and I generally dislike AoS aesthetics so that's saying something).

Welcome to the jungle!


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 08:41:47

Post by: Binabik15

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 Binabik15 wrote:
I admit it, I LOVE gladiators. This is a gift from the gods to me. It's like Arena Rex in the right scale and easy to modify plastic.
Amen on the gladiator love. This is probably the thing most keeping me interested in War Cry, that and the success of Kill Team as a gaming experience (still playing weekly). It is of course ironic that I'm just now starting to look back at Arena Rex itself, which I KS'd years ago but never read the rules for until yesterday

Sadly for AR, GeeDub makes it so easy to dive in, build stuff and (probably) find opponents, plus their preposterous production limits force you to immediately grab stuff you're even partially interested in ...

I couldn't get anyone to play AR, sadly. Even with all the sick helmets.

I hope Warcry is easy enough to use as an intro game for my 9 years old nephew. A simple but fun game, with easy to manage but somewhat impactful upgrades that plays super fast and has easy bookkeeping would be ideal. And all that terrain wouldn't hurt, either. If it's the Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts plus terrain and the NPC monsters I hope they'd stick to the Kill Team starter price, which was a good offer...that I didn't buy fast enough. More and this is probably dead.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 09:28:22

Post by: Not-not-kenny

Voss wrote:
 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Now THAT'S the AoS terrain I've been waiting for

Walls? Pretty sure there are AoS branded walls already.

These aren't bad pieces, but...ruins pieces aren't exactly rare.

Yes, walls. Usable, modular, combinable walls. Compared to the latest terrain release which is just flat surfaces and some pillars this is much more up my alley. And then there's the gangways, ladders and obstacles, stuff that's sorely been missing for a while.

I'm getting the urge to buy one of each ruin kit and build a few tiles of fantasy zone mortalis.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 09:33:47

Post by: Darnok

 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Voss wrote:
 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Now THAT'S the AoS terrain I've been waiting for

Walls? Pretty sure there are AoS branded walls already.

These aren't bad pieces, but...ruins pieces aren't exactly rare.

Yes, walls. Usable, modular, combinable walls.

Azyrite Ruins say hello. These have been around for a while, same as the Ruins of Osgiliath (available also in smaller sets some time ago).

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 13:29:05

Post by: Not-not-kenny

 Darnok wrote:
 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Voss wrote:
 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Now THAT'S the AoS terrain I've been waiting for

Walls? Pretty sure there are AoS branded walls already.

These aren't bad pieces, but...ruins pieces aren't exactly rare.

Yes, walls. Usable, modular, combinable walls.

Azyrite Ruins say hello. These have been around for a while, same as the Ruins of Osgiliath (available also in smaller sets some time ago).

Already have those, and they're great but provide extremely little in the way of customisation and variety, but thanks for trying to help.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/16 13:44:15

Post by: Albino Squirrel

Yeah, those Azyrite ruins and townscape look way more modular than they really are. There are very few options with them, so you can't really fill a table with them. Buying a second set would mean a lot of identical pieces.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/17 12:46:30

Post by: Geifer

 Albino Squirrel wrote:
Yeah, those Azyrite ruins and townscape look way more modular than they really are. There are very few options with them, so you can't really fill a table with them. Buying a second set would mean a lot of identical pieces.

I never checked the spues before now. That's actually disappointed. Just from glancing at them I would have guessed they're like Cities of Death tiles, but no. Rigidly cast large sections it is.

Hopefully Warcry terrain will be better, but with Gw you never know. Monopose walls ahoy!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/17 13:20:36

Post by: Albino Squirrel

Yes, that's why I'm looking forward to this new set. Hopefully it will be much more modular, and hopefully stackable which the current ones are not. The Azyrite Townscape really only has two ways to put it together. The way shown on the box, or you can put the two long pieces together and the two short ones together, but then the floor pieces don't work out that well. But at least you can end up with four different corner pieces. But that's all the options, and you can't stack them to make anything higher.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:02:10

Post by: DaveC

Corvus Cabal

Meet the Corvus Cabal – a shadowy pack of murderers hailing from Ulgu. These guys worship Chaos as a vast, black-feathered bird known as the Great Gatherer, offering trophies stolen from their victims to this strange deity. The Corvus Cabal have come to the Varanspire to seek the patronage of Archaon, who they see as an avatar of the Great Gatherer. They use stealth, guile and unnatural cunning to claim victory in the Bloodwind Spoil.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:05:41

Post by: Mr Morden

Ok so they are pretty awesome

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:06:24

Post by: Abadabadoobaddon

The guy with the stilts is just comical.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:10:51

Post by: Not-not-kenny

Models are fantastic, hitting it out of the park as expected etc. etc. now please give us some info on the rules GW!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:16:23

Post by: nels1031

 Not-not-kenny wrote:
Models are fantastic, hitting it out of the park as expected etc. etc. now please give us some info on the rules GW!

I want a focus on the terrain kits, myself.

Granted, I definitely want the rules to get some preview love as well, but for me the terrain has the most crossover appeal.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:23:23

Post by: DaveC

More images from Sprues and Brews

[Thumb - 20190531_1608303161676985058683996.jpg]
[Thumb - 20190531_1608357798937471525736869.jpg]
[Thumb - 20190531_1608384123397371188077617.jpg]
[Thumb - 20190531_1608479059534693525716356.jpg]

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:23:29

Post by: Binabik15

Friendship with Snakedudes ended. Now Ravenfolk is my new best team.

Like, seriously, I have a thing for ravens and crows with some of my Nurgle stuff, even got the big KD:M birdie to use as a cockatrice. And building a MGS Vulcan Raven *right now* out of a Slaughterpriest for a couple of tech-barbarians for Inquisimunda.

Then those guys drop and I didn't even know there was a preview planned for today.

Warcry, BB Woodies...drool.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:23:34

Post by: lord_blackfang

Holy gak, I expect to be a fight at my FLGS over who gets to play these guys.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:28:05

Post by: Albino Squirrel

That is a pretty cool looking warband. My favorite so far.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:47:49

Post by: Knight

Neat, makes me wonder what else they've come up with.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:49:58

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Wonderfully dynamic models.

Just wish they’d speed up the Warcry Dripfeed!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 15:51:51

Post by: Geifer

Not for me. Like, at all.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:01:33

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Not a fan of the aesthetic, but they're showing off a very dynamic range of miniatures (at least in style - they'll all be optionless mono-pose miniatures), so I can at least appreciate that.

Still like the diving helmet folks the most so far.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:05:24

Post by: Binabik15

So, that's

Khorne - Iron Golems
Undivided - Untamed Beasts
Slaanesh - Splintered Fang
Tzeentch - Raven dudes


Not in a "this is clearly worshipping god X" way, but very congruent design elements between the main armies and the Warcry stuff, but with awesome twists. Leaving Nurgle-ish and a wildcard band?

I just wish we'd have ANYthing on gameplay so far. I really need this to be as good as Underworlds, so I'll get to actually play it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:10:11

Post by: Voss

Eh. Leans way too far into the theme. Subtle could have been good, but these are too much.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:12:33

Post by: streetsamurai

These guys are insane. Game looks better and better with each preview

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:13:24

Post by: Albino Squirrel

We still need a realm of death warband, realm of light warband, and realm of fire warband. But there are only two warband icons left.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:16:05

Post by: Gallahad

Those guys look great. They give me a real classic swords and Sorcery movie feel. They also have real weapons, which is another plus.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:24:12

Post by: fresus

Another great warband. I really want to pick most of them.
I'm hoping the next one will have a little less flesh/muscles, just to add more variety.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:24:29

Post by: streetsamurai

Only minor minor minor gripe is that the motto of these guys is the weakest one yer

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:28:58

Post by: Geifer

fresus wrote:
Another great warband. I really want to pick most of them.
I'm hoping the next one will have a little less flesh/muscles, just to add more variety.

Not sure how likely that is. I've ruled out Shyish as a realm of warband origin for myself, leaving Aqshy and Hysh. I guess you might get a a monk robe theme for the enlightened realm, but given Aqshy is home to all sorts of half naked people, I'd assume you'll get some more muscle and flesh yet.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:33:44

Post by: Cataphract

 Binabik15 wrote:
So, that's

Khorne - Iron Golems
Undivided - Untamed Beasts
Slaanesh - Splintered Fang
Tzeentch - Raven dudes


Not in a "this is clearly worshipping god X" way, but very congruent design elements between the main armies and the Warcry stuff, but with awesome twists. Leaving Nurgle-ish and a wildcard band?

I just wish we'd have ANYthing on gameplay so far. I really need this to be as good as Underworlds, so I'll get to actually play it.

Actually they ALL appear to be of the Undivided Allegiance. What sets each of them apart is what realm they come from.

Iron Golems - Chamon
Untamed Beasts - Ghur
Splintered Fang - Ghyran
Corvus Cabal - Ulgu

This is a look at Undivided based on different realms.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:34:17

Post by: ImAGeek

Somehow each warband is better than the last. I honestly thought they must’ve peaked with snake dudes.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:36:25

Post by: Geifer

 ImAGeek wrote:
Somehow each warband is better than the last. I honestly thought they must’ve peaked with snake dudes.

I have a bone club with your name on it that says you're wrong.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:39:02

Post by: JSG

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Not a fan of the aesthetic, but they're showing off a very dynamic range of miniatures (at least in style - they'll all be optionless mono-pose miniatures), so I can at least appreciate that.

Still like the diving helmet folks the most so far.

We know they have options though...

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:39:13

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Tell you what.

If I get ded at a LARP event, that’ll pretty much be the end of my House.

These Warcry sets are giving me ideas for spare characters!

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:45:44

Post by: Chopstick

Cool band, Very ninja-esque feeel. The female models certainly look much better than the other bands.

Still hope all the kit would be a bit more modular and posable.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 16:59:33

Post by: Kanluwen

 Binabik15 wrote:
So, that's

Khorne - Iron Golems
Undivided - Untamed Beasts
Slaanesh - Splintered Fang
Tzeentch - Raven dudes


Not in a "this is clearly worshipping god X" way, but very congruent design elements between the main armies and the Warcry stuff, but with awesome twists. Leaving Nurgle-ish and a wildcard band?

Truthfully, it looks/seems like all of the warbands are meant to be Undivided, simply worshiping Chaos rather than a specific deity.

Iron Golems wrote:Like all Warcry warbands, the Iron Golems offer a more complex, nuanced take on Chaos than we’ve seen before. The Iron Golem miniatures combine classic Chaos aesthetics with cultural cues based on the Mortal Realm from which they originate. Hailing from the Realm of Metal, these warriors are renowned for the quality of their smithing, believing themselves chosen by Archaon himself to forge arms and armour for the Slaves to Darkness.

Untamed Beasts wrote:Just as distinct as their Chamonite counterparts, the Iron Golems, the Untamed Beasts are nomadic warriors. They scorn those who indulge in fripperies like establishing permanent settlements or wearing forge-crafted armour, instead subsisting on hunting carnivorous beasts – or any unfortunates who’ve stumbled into their domain.
Just as distinct as their Chamonite counterparts, the Iron Golems, the Untamed Beasts are nomadic warriors. They scorn those who indulge in fripperies like establishing permanent settlements or wearing forge-crafted armour, instead subsisting on hunting carnivorous beasts – or any unfortunates who’ve stumbled into their domain.

Splintered Fang wrote:These guys might hail from the Realm of Life, but they’ve got nothing but death for their foes! And snakes – lots and lots of snakes. These guys show off facets of Chaos rarely seen on the tabletop, as one of the insidious murder cults who use cunning as much as brute force to claim victory. Just like with the Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts, the Splintered Fang show off new aspects of Chaos – there’s even an aelf amongst them!
If you’re a fan of the more seductive, civilised side of Chaos, or you’re looking to conquer Warcry through dirty tricks and judicious use of poison, this is the warband for you.

Corvus Cabal wrote:Meet the Corvus Cabal – a shadowy pack of murderers hailing from Ulgu. These guys worship Chaos as a vast, black-feathered bird known as the Great Gatherer, offering trophies stolen from their victims to this strange deity. The Corvus Cabal have come to the Varanspire to seek the patronage of Archaon, who they see as an avatar of the Great Gatherer. They use stealth, guile and unnatural cunning to claim victory in the Bloodwind Spoil.

Each of these have shown off not an aspect of one of the Powers, but rather a Realm. So we've seen:
Chamon(Metal/Iron Golems), Ghur(Beasts/Untamed Beasts), Ghyran(Life/Splintered Fang), and now Ulgu (Shadow/Corvus Cabal).
That leaves us Aqshy(Realm of Fire), Shyish(Realm of Death), Azyr(Heavens--Sigmar's Realm), and Hysh(Tyrion and Teclis' Realm) with no representation.

Two of those Realms(Hysh and Azyr) don't seem like they'd be the place where we'd see baddies springing up from, but there's only 2 Warbands left unrevealed so it's likely that we'll be seeing the remaining two(Fleshy Face and Chaos Star) coming out of Aqshy and Shyish.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 17:07:53

Post by: Binabik15

Cataphract wrote:
 Binabik15 wrote:
So, that's

Khorne - Iron Golems
Undivided - Untamed Beasts
Slaanesh - Splintered Fang
Tzeentch - Raven dudes


Not in a "this is clearly worshipping god X" way, but very congruent design elements between the main armies and the Warcry stuff, but with awesome twists. Leaving Nurgle-ish and a wildcard band?

I just wish we'd have ANYthing on gameplay so far. I really need this to be as good as Underworlds, so I'll get to actually play it.

Actually they ALL appear to be of the Undivided Allegiance. What sets each of them apart is what realm they come from.

Iron Golems - Chamon
Untamed Beasts - Ghur
Splintered Fang - Ghyran
Corvus Cabal - Ulgu

This is a look at Undivided based on different realms.

While the realm is most important, there's still too much of a similarity with major gods for three of the bands to them not worshipping an aspect of the pantheon - knowingly or not. It's something that cropped up a lot in older WHFB and 40k stuff but had taken a backseat for most of the more recent editions. Worshipping the Great Gatherer might not make Tzaangor Enlightened turn up on your doorstep, but you'd still strenghten Tzeentch (or one of his Greater Demons or princes).

I'm not saying that it's 100% for sure that the meat tenderiser wielding smith dudes in red armour are leaning Khorne, but it's certainly possible. This makes porting over Khorne bits easy - and the other way round - but you can also paint them bright pink or black or white, it's subtle enough to not shoehorn you into a niche. I like it a lot.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 18:02:49

Post by: Dread Master

I don’t see any elements here that bring aligned cues forward to me. Like has already been said, I see themes from their realms of origin, which I think they are doing well.

In terms of the remaining realms, I think we are in for a surprise. I think one will be from Hysh.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 18:13:50

Post by: sockwithaticket

New favourites for sure, but all the warbands shown so far have been great.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 18:25:27

Post by: Sabotage!

fresus wrote:
Another great warband. I really want to pick most of them.
I'm hoping the next one will have a little less flesh/muscles, just to add more variety.

I think the Death? (At least that's my guess) warband will have you covered. In the intro video to the game there is art of a warband fighting the Iron Golems that are wearing flowing robes or long clothing, have masks with "iron halos" that match the one above the emblem of the flayed face and have curved blades and spears.

I dig the Corvus guys. I love how individual the warbands are.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 18:30:57

Post by: Gallahad

I mostly curious about price at this point, and what bands come in the starter.
My guess is snake dudes and bird dudes are separate from the starter, and we get my two least favorite bands in the starter...:(

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 18:31:55

Post by: timetowaste85

Favorite thus far is the snake army, followed by bird army, then bone weapon army, then iron golems are dead last. Did I miss anyone?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 18:37:46

Post by: DaveC

 Gallahad wrote:
I mostly curious about price at this point, and what bands come in the starter.
My guess is snake dudes and bird dudes are separate from the starter, and we get my two least favorite bands in the starter...:(

Starter box showed Iron Golems versus Untamed Beasts in the artwork so they are probably the starter minis. But yeah the Splintered Fang and Corvus Cabal are more interesting. Hopefully the boxed game is around the £105 mark they are currently charging for starters with warbands around £25?


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 20:41:11

Post by: Gallahad

 DaveC wrote:
 Gallahad wrote:
I mostly curious about price at this point, and what bands come in the starter.
My guess is snake dudes and bird dudes are separate from the starter, and we get my two least favorite bands in the starter...:(

Starter box showed Iron Golems versus Untamed Beasts in the artwork so they are probably the starter minis. But yeah the Splintered Fang and Corvus Cabal are more interesting. Hopefully the boxed game is around the £105 mark they are currently charging for starters with warbands around £25?


Good point/info. That probably means I don't buy into it as a game, but buy just the harpies and snake and crow guys off eBay. At that price the starter just isn't worth it for me given the only miniatures I like in the starter are the harpies.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/05/31 21:10:03

Post by: skrulnik

 Binabik15 wrote:
Cataphract wrote:
 Binabik15 wrote:
So, that's

Khorne - Iron Golems
Undivided - Untamed Beasts
Slaanesh - Splintered Fang
Tzeentch - Raven dudes


Not in a "this is clearly worshipping god X" way, but very congruent design elements between the main armies and the Warcry stuff, but with awesome twists. Leaving Nurgle-ish and a wildcard band?

I just wish we'd have ANYthing on gameplay so far. I really need this to be as good as Underworlds, so I'll get to actually play it.

Actually they ALL appear to be of the Undivided Allegiance. What sets each of them apart is what realm they come from.

Iron Golems - Chamon
Untamed Beasts - Ghur
Splintered Fang - Ghyran
Corvus Cabal - Ulgu

This is a look at Undivided based on different realms.

While the realm is most important, there's still too much of a similarity with major gods for three of the bands to them not worshipping an aspect of the pantheon - knowingly or not. It's something that cropped up a lot in older WHFB and 40k stuff but had taken a backseat for most of the more recent editions. Worshipping the Great Gatherer might not make Tzaangor Enlightened turn up on your doorstep, but you'd still strenghten Tzeentch (or one of his Greater Demons or princes).

I'm not saying that it's 100% for sure that the meat tenderiser wielding smith dudes in red armour are leaning Khorne, but it's certainly possible. This makes porting over Khorne bits easy - and the other way round - but you can also paint them bright pink or black or white, it's subtle enough to not shoehorn you into a niche. I like it a lot.

There's hints toward Old World marauder clan worship.

The Golems lean toward Khorne in appearance and warlike aspect.
There is an aspect of Nurgle in worshipping a carrion bird, and I think some of the old clans followed the plague god.
The Splintered Fang probably have poison in their repertoire, which i would call an aspect of Slaanesh.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 01:08:20

Post by: Danny76

 Gallahad wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
 Gallahad wrote:
I mostly curious about price at this point, and what bands come in the starter.
My guess is snake dudes and bird dudes are separate from the starter, and we get my two least favorite bands in the starter...:(

Starter box showed Iron Golems versus Untamed Beasts in the artwork so they are probably the starter minis. But yeah the Splintered Fang and Corvus Cabal are more interesting. Hopefully the boxed game is around the £105 mark they are currently charging for starters with warbands around £25?


Good point/info. That probably means I don't buy into it as a game, but buy just the harpies and snake and crow guys off eBay. At that price the starter just isn't worth it for me given the only miniatures I like in the starter are the harpies.

Or just buy the rulebook and then those warbands?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 06:00:46

Post by: ScarletRose

Not a fan of the crows, but all the other warbands have looked great.

I'm probably going to pick this game up, even if it's just to have a bunch of unique sculpt warbands to paint up.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 06:50:25

Post by: zamerion

Do we know something about how to play it?

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 08:39:16

Post by: Geifer

zamerion wrote:

Do we know something about how to play it?

Not yet. We're still at least a month from release, which is too early for rules previews.

Also consider that GW is taking their time and only showing off the warbands one at a time.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 08:53:01

Post by: Baragash

I really like the crows, then that model on stilts comes along and ruins it.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 08:53:46

Post by: Chopstick

I just want to see the warband sprue to see how big and how much option is in there.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 09:54:15

Post by: DaveC

The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Open day will also be the first time ever that you’ll have the chance to play Warcry

Pre-order same day (20th) for a July 27th release I'd say going by that or it could be a 2 week pre-order

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 11:02:18

Post by: nagash42

I like that the case shows the models can be armed differently.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 12:26:52

Post by: Geifer

End of July is a bit of a wait still.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 13:30:48

Post by: Voss

 DaveC wrote:
The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Open day will also be the first time ever that you’ll have the chance to play Warcry

Pre-order same day (20th) for a July 27th release I'd say going by that or it could be a 2 week pre-order

I was under the impression it's due for august, so probably the latter.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 13:59:04

Post by: ImAGeek

Voss wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Open day will also be the first time ever that you’ll have the chance to play Warcry

Pre-order same day (20th) for a July 27th release I'd say going by that or it could be a 2 week pre-order

I was under the impression it's due for august, so probably the latter.

No, it’s due in July.

From one of the videos (spoilered for size):


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/01 14:11:49

Post by: Geifer

Worth pointing out that GW gives the pre-order date for these things. A rare two-week pre-order on the last weekend of July, in stores basically in the middle of August, would still be advertised as July 2019.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 01:34:58

Post by: FrothingMuppet

On one hand I'm bummed at the lack of poseability/set loadouts; but then I think back to Mordheim and think these new bands equate to those types of games. Mordheim were all single posed metals. The new generation are plastic. Theres an improvement there, even if it doesn't go as far as genuine multipart/option kits.

At least they dont have the Necromunda treatment of 5 base minis with simple hand swaps being the best that can be done without material gutting and gluing and greenstuffing.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 01:44:12

Post by: Kanluwen

 Geifer wrote:
Worth pointing out that GW gives the pre-order date for these things. A rare two-week pre-order on the last weekend of July, in stores basically in the middle of August, would still be advertised as July 2019.

No, because it wouldn't be out in July.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 02:33:06

Post by: Ghaz

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
Worth pointing out that GW gives the pre-order date for these things. A rare two-week pre-order on the last weekend of July, in stores basically in the middle of August, would still be advertised as July 2019.

No, because it wouldn't be out in July.

They did that last year with the Nighthaunts battletome. The teaser trailer said June, yet it went on pre-order June 30th for a July release.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 02:43:25

Post by: Chopstick

Could be any day, could be July, could be August. Guess no one remember "Orktober" eh?

Oh no the false advertising

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 02:52:12

Post by: Ghaz

Chopstick wrote:
Could be any day, could be July, could be August. Guess no one remember "Orktober" eh?

Oh no the false advertising

Except we do have one video from back in March which says July. It just means that it could go on pre-order July 27th and release in August.


Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 03:14:41

Post by: Chopstick

 Ghaz wrote:
Chopstick wrote:
Could be any day, could be July, could be August. Guess no one remember "Orktober" eh?

Oh no the false advertising

Except we do have one video from back in March which says July. It just means that it could go on pre-order July 27th and release in August.

So exactly what I just said, could be July or August.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 03:23:27

Post by: Chikout

Don't know why we are having this debate. I would put good money on the preorder date being July 20th to coincide with the open day where it will be playable. They did exactly the same thing with warhammer Quest when it first launched.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 09:14:53

Post by: Binabik15

They should've put it in the Sylvaneth release lot. I want it nooow

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 15:53:26

Post by: Da Boss

Those Crowbarians are fething amazing. I have to find a use for them.

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/02 23:58:06

Post by: Danny76

Some new short stories set around Warcry coming too..
6 stories, centering on the factions.
Should be interesting

Warcry (AoS) News & Rumours - Briar and Bone preorder 27th July (Sylvaneth v OBR) @ 2019/06/03 00:04:49

Post by: Sabotage!

 Binabik15 wrote:
They should've put it in the Sylvaneth release lot. I want it nooow

This so much.