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Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/03 15:44:31

Post by: Vejut

So, I decided to try to post more non-dakka painting challenge stuff and WIP things in an effort to make myself finish some of the partially started pile of shame stuff I've got sitting around, and maybe figure out how to improve what I'm doing. Mostly this is going to be a lot of random Reaper Miniatures and Oathsworn Miniatures stuff, with the odd bit of GW, Crocodile Games, and random stuff thrown in.

So, to start off, spoilered for possible size issues:

Deep Cuts ancient green dragon, for the dakka challenge and a freind's D&D game:

As far as I got on the chariot I was going to do last month, with background Oathsworn animal adventurers from the month before, patiently awaiting bases:

My main issue with the chariot, beyond me starting far too late in the month and frustration making my paint jobs sloppier than normal, was just how plain the basket ended up looking--not quite sure how to break that up without some seriously heavy modeling work.

Some chunky Oathsworn fox bow-women, still untouched from year before last:

Half my Chaos Khornate Kill Team/4E CSM terminator squad, waiting their turn around for color scheme experiments, want a cold white fur and skin, with bone armor:

And a mess of interleaved catfolk: Pikes are Crocodile games Basti (an attempt at mass/speed painting that didn't really turn out where I wanted, and are waiting on bases), then a reaper catfolk (waiting on final highlights, and base), a bones sphinx (another failed attempt at two months ago's painting challenge), some Crocodile games cat-centaurs (Harbringers of Heru), and some misc bits.

Lets see if I can keep this updated once a week with some forward motion.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/07 14:05:28

Post by: Vejut

So, the weekend when I'll try to post updates to this thing, so time for another picture dump.

First off, got the Oathsworn stuff off their corks and onto bases, ready for the cabinet:
hedgie and racoon:

Wildcat. You can kinda see where I messed up and got some paint splatter on him from working on other things nearby, and I'm annoyed, but well, only so much I can do...:

Reaper Tabaxi, really needs more work but I'm just tired of seeing it for the moment:

Those done, for some reason I decided I was going to try to do a skin color test for very pale blueish skin, for my CSMs Terminator kill team, two different ways because I was skeptical on how the lady was looking before I started layering:

Which kinda turned into trying to actually make some progress on them because hey, I guess I've started...

Did VMA UK Azure base, then a thin AP red wash, followed by MSP ghost white and VMC cold while layers on the necromancer, and PP Carnal pink with MSP ghost white layered over on the beastman. Thinking I should try a third version, with ghost white as the base, and then carnal pink or a pale violet wash, might end up a bit more like what I want. I do like the Necromancer, but really not digging the chalkiness--not sure what thats from, used watered paint, not drybrushing, and need to work on smoother layers.

finally, made a little progress on the dragon--began the first layer on the scales with PP gnarls green. We'll see if maybe it works better once the whole model is done, and possibly with some more layers. Not sure AP or VMC's greens are going to be darker than the Russian Green primer on it, so thinking a black wash on the scales, and then try to figure out how to get some more yellow and shading on the beige bits.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/07 16:46:28

Post by: Nevelon

Nice work.

The beastman looks a little too pink, IMHO. I like the blues on the lady. Maybe a thin glaze to help smooth out the layers?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/07 19:24:37

Post by: Vejut

I agree the beastman is a bit pink--was thinking either another layer of ghostl white or a purple wash. Glaze wise, I've got some medium I can try. Probably use the midtone ghost white again so it all ties together?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/14 19:51:35

Post by: Vejut

Another week, another update, though not a whole lot to report.
The gang of stuff from last week as a group shot:

Did some minor cleanup to the skulls and a wash layer of army painter red mixed with vallejo vehicle black on the necromancer's robe, starting to come together.

Dragon was pretty stalled because I wasn't sure the scale scheme was working or how I'd do the wings and etc, so found some of the bones 4 Rocky chibi dragons as test models. Coming along well.

Current state:

Good enough to go ahead with the dragon, but only thing so far there is mostly finishing the gnarls green layer, and I forgot a picture, so next week for that one. Lets see if I can maybe put some of these to bed by then.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/22 06:32:59

Post by: Vejut

So, a little late, was tired and forgot to post before work.
Did put the beastman and necromancer to finished, at least for the moment--beastman may come off his cauliflower base and into a chariot later.

So, first up, necromancer:

A bit flattened by the camera, sadly. I think I should have pushed the reds and skulls a bit more, but wanted the contrast with the light color skin.

Next, an actual fuzzy thing for the void:

Really a bit quick and dirty, at least "quick" by my standards.

Also made some progress on the dragon, but that'll be a post in a few hours, as I'm outta lunch hour.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/22 10:10:51

Post by: Nevelon

Nice work on the necromancer. The skin came out really well. Not something we often see from you, as you mostly paint fuzzy things.

The beastman could probably use a little more shading on his skin. Just a little something subtle would probably go a long way.

Keep up the good work!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/22 10:24:26

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon. Yeah, the pink base layer just isn't contrasting enough. If I do another, I'll probably use a darker pink wash over ghost white.

Also, promised WIP pics of the dragon. Thinking on it, put the soft tone layering on the wrong end of the wing membrane, and let it get a bit messy, but ah well, commited now. May try to do a lighter glaze at the other end, before going with the planned yellow inking.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/29 05:52:01

Post by: Vejut

Well, time for the weekly update. Dragon is done, or at least done ish, given some of the messy bits I can see now in the pics:

Also got some shapeways stuff, fennec mechanic and rabbit hippie:
Pre paint:

With some initial paint:

Seem to take paint ok, if with a bit of surface roughness and a bit of filler needed, but nothing too bad.
Also a bit of paint more on the ork:

Not much to tell there. On to next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/09/29 10:12:31

Post by: Nevelon

That some assortment of stuff on the same bench!

Dragon looks pretty good. I hate the camera pointing out all the stuff I missed when I thought I was done...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/06 06:03:14

Post by: Vejut

So weirdly, not a lot of WIP pics this week, but a good thing because I basically rushed down a model to completion, so balances out I think?
Started this months challenge models, and a loose lamia:

Got some fur and such down, but really got caught by the dwarf wereshark, at least partially because the name scans with that kids song, and so he got done:

Think I needed to sharpen the highlights on either the jacket or the skin, and possibly drag the skin a bit more green-- they kinda blend when next to each other. I also think I should have used more water and less glazing medium on the skin. Its army painter blue ink over privateer turquoise ink, and then vallejo glazing and matte mediums mixed with color for highlight, but it really still came out quite gloss. Ah well.

Until next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/06 12:12:48

Post by: Nevelon

A little gloss is fine for something aquatic. Makes it seem a little wet. I do agree that the jacket and skin are too close. I noticed you have what looks like a fellow crew-member with the same coat. You want them to match the same uniform? In which case you might want to tint the skin. Although another layer might be good on the coat to help dull the gloss down a bit.

You could look up some shark pics for color schemes, but I’d go with a grey/green as a knee-jerk suggestion. When I think of sharks, I think grey, and a green tint helps with the aquatic mood.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/06 13:11:24

Post by: Vejut

Well, the rat is definitely a fellow sailor with a similar coat, but not the same uniform. One is more intended as british-ish, possibly even british-esque, while the shark is based on the continental navy. Skin wise, was working from a google image search of "blue shark", but yeah, if I did more, it would probably swing more towards green, possibly verdigris, though matte and dark prussian blue as a wash on the coat, so the highlights aren't so close might also be a solution.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/12 22:47:47

Post by: Vejut

Not a lot of work done this week, but still some motion.
Only one guy got finished, a tre manor sculpt of a werewolf he did for reaper. May go back and do some more with the roughed areas of the base, but good enough for now:

Also got the three rats down to just needing to greenstuff and paint bases, though been slacking on that:

Also added a bit of base coat to the lamia:

And finally, started a batch of basti spears for war gods of aegyptus. Trying to finally build up the army of them I've wanted for a good few years now. These ones are a bit of bending and a weapon swap away from being skirmishers to carring some nice long northstar wire pikes. Spoilered because bare boobs:

So, that was the week that was, and we'll see what I get done next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/15 05:48:28

Post by: Vejut

Quick update on the basti, mostly done the base colors, just need a little work on the eyes, and then a lot of cleanup before shading. Small steps...
Spoiler for bare breasts:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/20 05:44:45

Post by: Vejut

So, a little progess on the cats, but they more or less look the same, so skipping showing them. Did get the lamia done, so have some pics of that:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/27 06:18:10

Post by: Vejut

So, finally sat down, did the shields, and started to base up the basti spearwomen. Shown here after layering on spackle mixed with some sculforous brown paint:
Very distant low detail boob spoiler:

Let that partially dry, layer on some army painter soft tone, and finally finished. The five I just painted, again with boobspoiler:

And the whole just finished unit:

Technically not entirely done, as there are some repairs needing done from knocking about my desk for two years, but good enough for now. Hopefully can turn around that wildcat rifle lady in the background over the next few weeks, but we'll see.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/27 10:53:41

Post by: Nevelon

Always nice to see a unit finished and all ranked up. How many times you stab yourself on those pikes?

Good job!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/27 12:50:43

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon. Oddly, stabbing only happened once, which is good because they're the shaped steel wire ones! Now, catching on the pikes and knocking them off the desk, often from several inches away from the edge...far, far too many times.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/27 19:41:14

Post by: Wirecat

This brings out a lot of old vibes, from Reaper to Rackham. Overly bright but eerily fitting together. That shrew captain is almost painful... I haven't risked with mine half as much. The unit is very good looking together, enough variety to force a closer look, just enough sameness to produce a uniform feeling. The only thing I would pick up in particular would be shields, far too plain. But congratulations are in order here - good job on these cats!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/28 01:43:21

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Wirecat. Partly the shields being plain was to try to keep them uniform, partly it was so I can separate it from the other unit I intend to build with red shields, but honestly a lot of it was just burnout--was just trying to get them to done.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/10/28 03:18:55

Post by: tzurk

I am a big fan of reaper minis - I use a lot of them for dnd - great to see so many of them painted well here! I have that same dwarf wereshark mini, just waiting for the right time to paint him up and drop him in a campaign.

The basti look great all together. Love the contrasting spear colours - I was going to mention maybe throwing some red shields in there but now I see you’re saving them for the next unit.

Sometimes painting feels like a chore (nearly all the time for me) but seeing the finished unit is always worth the work! Keep it up mate!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/03 05:51:34

Post by: Vejut

So, mostly just starting things this week.
Quick "everything I worked at least a little on" pic:

Started a few different bones minis for the monthly challenge. Avatar of Ra is my third, but hopefully first finished. Hulky guy sculpted a butt on poorly with brush on putty, then started painting up as some kinda weird nudist cyborg, to be opposed by the punky tiefling opposite him--little worried about that one, as I'm not quite sure what to do with the belt and pouches. Also put a bit more color on the wildcat sniper.

And finally, just sculpted some bases on the rats before leaving for work.

Hopefully get those done in the coming week and maybe some of the cleanup and shading on the other stuff.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/03 09:00:13

Post by: Theophony

Saw you post the figs in the monthly challenge , I haven’t painted bones yet but looked at a couple of those models in particular. Do you use GW paints, if so do they work on the bones plastic without a problem?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/03 10:33:58

Post by: Vejut

Sadly, I have older GW, but I'm mostly using vallejo with a little P3 and reaper these days. After you drop on primer (I use vallejo brush on polyurethane), the vallejo works fine, though I tend to avoid thinning my base layer because water thinned paints kinda bead off the bare pvc if I miss a spot priming. Out the bottle works ok though, doubt GW would be much different.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/03 11:01:34

Post by: Theophony

Thanks . Maybe get grab a few bones today/this week. Even though I have plenty to work on right now .

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/06 02:58:44

Post by: Vejut

So, got the enthusiasms, mid week update.
Got the rats all done:

Little bit of progress on the avatar and cat, apparently we're trying to burn stone and eyeballs:

And of course the real reason I'm posting early: I am easily distractable.

Skaven plague monk bodies with skitarii guns. Feel like they're missing something, especially if I try to use them as stormtroops.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/09 20:05:26

Post by: Vejut

Well, trying to saturday update early this week, instead of early sunday morning. Sadly, not much to report.

Did a good bit on the aborted Harbinger of Bast from the chariot project a few months back. Getting close to done, mostly needs cleanup on the dark blue and hands, and doing...something...with the spear and torques. Did some pinwashing with vallejo grey on the skin/fur, and glazed up to cold white, but not really showing up well in photos, or even at arms length really. Tempted to glaze the low points again with something like French Mirage Blue, but not sure that would still read pale bluish white.

Avatar got a bit more work, but mostly just bright gold on the appropriate bits. Think I'll have to pick another color though and re-coat, the bright yellow peeks through the gold too much, and is too bright to look like shade. Also still have no clue what I'll do with the mace. Maybe black for obsidian with some blue accents?

Other challenge entry option I only really covered the coat with a second layer, but hey, pics anyways:

Hangover from last month wildcat sniper mostly got metallics, now just need to clean up the fur and blues and can start figuring out shading. Of course, I would also start another unit project before I got all this done, in this case a bunch of croc games harpies. Debating colors, possibly pink fleshy skin and black wings for an easy ink/speed paint, or something with blue so they go well with the older bluejay harpies in my gallery as an 8 model unit for KoW or the like?

Spoilered for birb lady boobs.

Guess I'll figure it out next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/10 16:25:09

Post by: Wirecat

Very good start on that old Avatar from Reaper. I like Your choice of base colours, they break the figure much less than the most common (off-)white skirt.

Yep, these harpies ask for fleshy colors, but You may go with less vultureish colors for their feathers, or at least plumage. First guess would be sandy/dusty (light sand gradually adding some earthly colour as You go from the rear feathers to the front edge ones, then wash with sepia/mud), and something extra bright, like ara /macaw) parrots, they have plenty of green and blues.


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/11 07:09:38

Post by: Vejut

Probably will try that feather method on the owl you can see sitting around in a lot of these pictures Wirecat, sounds interesting. Really with the harpies its "do I match the old models like it, even though I'm iffy now on the scheme, or do I make new and interesting color mistakes?"

Also, yay! While his chariot is unfinished, I'm 'done enough' with the Harbinger of Bast I was doing, so combined with the spear-cats and an older finished skirmisher unit, I now have a valid WarGods of Aegyptus army! Granted, its tiny, makes no use of the strengths of Basti armies, and the only time I could actually use it is if I somehow sneak saturday night off during Historicon which is probably not going to happen for at least 3 years, but hey, small victories.

Tried some blending/glazing on the skin and did go in with the Mirage Blue, but really didn't come off. Clear base is because the idea is he spends most of his time getting charioted around once I finish that, and I figured a sand base would look weird in there. Also may build and retrofit him a sheild later, but for now, yay! Bare minimum army!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/17 02:42:05

Post by: Vejut

So, beacuse I'm still enthused about it, pic of whats done so far for the Basti warband in the display case. Don't mind the werewolf, he's just photobombing:

Also did some work on shading the Harbringer's chariot driver and horses. Horses about done bar some cleanup on the saddle pads, driver needs his skirt and everything blue done (may also punch up the red some more). Do like the skin-- base of german panzer grey, then vallejo grey wash mixed with two parts black wash, and a drop or two AP blue quickshade, highlighted with french mirage blue, with some back and forth for blending:

Because I have terrible hobby ADD and was paintblocking myself with indecision on the harpies, I put them aside and did some wash painting experiments on a Heru harbinger's skirt thats been sitting about for a while. Came out...okay, from certain angles:

About 15 minutes and three layers of AP quickshade blue work.

As for the actual challenge and last month hangover models I probably should be painting...

Some progress, but really falling behind there, kinda an off week. Ah well, maybe in the coming one, they really are over the hump (basecoats and corrections) really...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/17 02:46:52

Post by: Nevelon

Alwys nice when you pass the threshold of “random collection” into Army. Kitty is looking pretty regal!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/17 02:55:00

Post by: Vejut

He does have a nice supercilious expression, doesn't he? Croc does good sculpting work.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/18 21:43:47

Post by: Wirecat

Very nice stripes on clothing and cartoony highlights on fur, And that huntress is coming well with this color palette. She's a lady, its her style after all, not to be argued about. Cheers!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/24 01:56:48

Post by: Vejut

So, another week down. Kind of an off week in an off month, didn't really get much done, but lets show off what did anyways.

First off, wide angle group shot of everything that got some work done this week:

And then some detail shots. Wildcat sniper just needs cutting off the cork and putting on base:

Didn't end up too bad, though maybe should do more with the fur.

Also kept on with the Heru Harbinger, dunno why I haven't put in the darks for the hair and center wheel of the weapon. Needs the whites cleaned up, more shading/highlights and some wings done as well, but coming along.

And the superheroes. Think these may be at the end of their lines. Cyborg hit the "too many mistakes" bleah point, and just not sure what to do to punch up the tiefling, especially the skin, but he's presentable, if bland and below standard, and I need a challenge entry, so may base and submit him.

Avatar of Ra got some work, but it doesn't show much, and honestly he hit the bleah point when the yellow wash didn't come out with the gold metallic (knew I shoulda used a red brown) so no pics of him

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/24 18:40:54

Post by: Wirecat

Vejut wrote:
Didn't end up too bad, though maybe should do more with the fur.

I'd say it is somewhat strange that You put some speckles on her face and left her tail rather plain. It is hard to do much with her fur, perhaps only platypus is worse - lots of shallow hairs going in different directions. Basecoating in different dark colors and then dry-brushing them out with a single bright color - I've tried this several times, never successfully. But You have nicely accented her dress and accessories that they draw attention away from what little fur she shows.

Vejut wrote:
Also kept on with the Heru Harbinger, dunno why I haven't put in the darks for the hair and center wheel of the weapon. Needs the whites cleaned up, more shading/highlights and some wings done as well, but coming along.

Agreed. Take Your time and don't blame the lack of darks, take in a scale factor (and that we have washes and now the contrasts for a few drops here and there). Thumbs up!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/11/30 09:53:09

Post by: Vejut

So, still kinda off this month, but still got some progress to show.

Switched challenge models and then took two sets of finished pics for the Heru harbinger, because the first quick-y cell pics didn't really come out very well, ended up kinda impressionist looking. I do like how his wings came out, basecoat of VMA beige, then each tier of feathers got buff then Iraqi Sand, and then finally did a strong tone wash, then a couple layers pulling back like wire cat was talking about on the harpies of mid tone for the back, followed by a quick, light white drybrush layer, front was just linen white or Ivory, can't recall which, and then a strong tone white, and a drybrush of ivory/white mix and then white. Sadly, the skin despite a few layers of mid-gray washes doesn't really show much.

the better set of the Aspect of the Avenger, less great set are in my gallery:

Would have taken a close up of the upper body, but the camera wouldn't take one with the model that close, not sure why--old Nikon D60, but it got focus, and I still was at least a few inches away.

Also finished up one of the two supers, not satisfied, but its...okay. Do like how the coat came out, skin's not terrible, but the pants, fur, and everything else, and general neatness just kinda fell down.

Other super is just kinda stalled out and generally ugly feeling.

Likewise, just feeling like I got too sloppy to salvage on the Avatar of Ra, but will probably keep pushing on him eventally, mostly just got another layer or two of quickshade:

Makes it worse: just noticed some speckles of missed shade on the yellow that are just gonna be murder to clean up and make look good.

Plus side, found this guy, who'll probably be my challenge entry for December. Originally in a magenta transparent, gonna do up as another black/greyish werewolf.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/07 19:34:19

Post by: Vejut

Holiday gift building kept me busy, so another low output week.

Got one layer of paint on this guy:

And then prepped, glued, and primed these basti archers:

Moderately annoying, mostly because all I had were the diagonal slottabases they came with, and then some plain non-slot type bases I had to cut slots into--they just look goofy on the diagonal, as they face the corner of the base.

This week is probably gonna be another slow one, but week after is vacation, should have lots of painting time to get them at least base colored.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/07 20:51:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Any progress is good progress. I really like the werewolf model. It's barely a snapshot of what's to come, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it complete.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/08 15:04:56

Post by: Wirecat

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Any progress is good progress. I really like the werewolf model. It's barely a snapshot of what's to come, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it complete.

Seconded! Any progress beats standing still and brooding over... and that were-husky already shows potential!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/09 02:56:20

Post by: Vejut

Mostly its "deciding to make knives for the first time as gifts with all of three weeks to do them." Actually a bit annoyed I'm not getting to him. Plan is something like the tre manor werewolf further up the thread, hoping to play with the shades like the wings on the Heru dude further up the thread for patterning--but first I gotta get time to drop layers on them.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/15 12:23:56

Post by: Vejut

Another week down, still kinda creeping forward. Apologies for the kinda washed out pics, not in my usual setup this week.

Stuff worked on at a glance:

And some closer looks:

Started another two test run paintjobs on those rat ogre termies:

Not much more than a start at a basecoat, but we'll see where it goes. Trying for bone-and-brass armor and pale blue and purple skin.

Also started in on some base coat work on the basti archers, still several colors to go:

And finally, started some highlights on the werehusky. Need some heavy smoothing and cleanup but still got time.

(Clear plastic covered in opaques looks weird from underneath)

We'll see how the coming week goes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/19 09:04:08

Post by: Vejut

Just got back from vacation, figured I'd post up the work I got done from the past week while I had a moment.

Got the Basti archers base coated. Cleanup, eyes, washes, and shading to go. Having them done by new years would be an outside chance, but possible.

Also got to the point of starting cleanup on the rat ogres.

Found a shop selling color shift paint while I was up there, may have gone a bit overboard playing around with it.
Also used it on these Bronze Age Miniatures cheesecake warriors, as a signifier for a magic weapon. These are also at cleanup (except that handle), just not sure how I want to go forward with that armor--colorshift red-green, teal, or just vallejo metallic blue or even silver.

Finally, got the werething ready to be stuck to a base--want to do that before the claws, because the primer isn't holding at the base edge.

May also do another few back and forths with black wash and attempts at light grey glaze--its reading too grey, but its also not popping like I'd like.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/21 20:27:12

Post by: Vejut

So, quick update just to keep myself in the habit. Small progress, main visible ones being basing on the wildcat and the new werewolf. Not quite done, but can see them both from here, which'd put me on a nice round 72 minis finished painting this year.

Also painted some weapon handles on the plate armored cheesecake girls, and eyes on them and the archers, but they aren't all that visible, so skipping showing them for now.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/22 16:32:44

Post by: Nevelon

Nice progress. Slow but steady is the way to go.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/22 19:44:26

Post by: Vejut

I try, but the problem is getting it to all be on the same model!

Just finished the werehound, but I need to be up in 5 hours for work, so probably post pictures of that tomorrow.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/22 22:55:07

Post by: Wirecat

I know that problem. Well now i am not sure it is a problem at all, having more than one model in work. Actually, I prefer them this way when sculpting, but when painting - yes, I do sometimes wander off for too long to feel a cool-down towards a given project. Forcing schedule works, but it is not for everyone, I admit.

Still, I like that week report. As bright as You've finished he she is not that much of a sniper - a leisure small game hunter perhaps. Were-something is also good. May I suggest taking photo from a slightly larger distance? Depth of field is just enough to cover the body but the head is too close for a focus. Or maybe it is my eyes...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/23 18:47:44

Post by: Vejut

So, a bit late, but said hound's finished pics.

Hopefully get the base on the cat sniper (she's totally a sniper, she'll tell you herself, has a scope and everything, even if she doesn't know what all those lines and buttons in it are for!) done by the weekend, and then anything more for the year will be bonus.

Sorry about the blurryness Wirecat--I use my phone camera for quick pics for most of my WIPs and some of my finished, and I'm used to it turning my colors into a bit of a mess if I zoom in too far (not least because its 'digital zoom'--i.e. its just cropping the pic for me!) Probably could stand to keep back a little more.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/25 07:28:18

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Captain Brown. Think I'm going to just start posting stuff when I finish it, and use the weekend posts for WIP stuff

In that vein, finished wildcat sniper, and model 72 for the year:

Here's hoping I can match this years pace in the new year, and hope everyone's having a nice christmas.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/29 13:31:38

Post by: Vejut

Oops. Forgot to post at lunch at work. Mostly just some slight progress on the WIP stuff:

Eyes, skin, and red color base cleaned up on the Basti. Just gotta clean up the blue and brown, and proabably one more skin pass and I can start washing and highlighting. Bases will be and issue, as I found why they were at an angle--they mostly rank up, but the leader can't fit anybody behind him, and some are a bit tight, will have to swap at least his base. Probably won't be done this year, but will be a nice opener for next.

Likewise, little cleanup on the rat-terminators, and a bit of red shading. I want to make the claws obviously abnormal and counts-as lightning claws, not sure the red is going to do it, but not sure if the color shift or blood effects paint would look right.

Finally, a little red highlight and skin wash on the bronze age minis cheesecake girls, spoilered again for breasts:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 1519/12/29 14:22:12

Post by: Viterbi

Those rat-terminators look fun. They give me the strange urge to watch some TMNT cartoons

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/29 15:06:59

Post by: Vejut

They were fun, if a good bit of greenstuffing! The plan is for a full kill team of them (as a way to slooooowly get my full beastman CSM force painted-- just never quite could get the bone armor the way I wanted, and the I got distracted by something else shiny). Got about 8 more done (years back), but having trouble finding more of the basic rat ogre kits for new builds.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/29 21:50:00

Post by: Wirecat

Have You considered warpwolf kits from Privateer Press? They are notably painful to assemble and widely considered crud and "unwolfy", but with all their bone spikes protruding through the fur they could be a dreadnought bases for conversions. One torso with a set of legs, several heads and hands to chose from, only problem would be to find a secure way to glue PVC to styrene.

You are doing great things with all these seemingly random stuffs and bits, Vejut, I enjoy browsing through You blog even when I can't find a time to get my mind together and write some words. Happy New Year!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2019/12/29 22:46:21

Post by: Vejut

Dang it, and the hobby shop I was at on the other side of the beltway was just having a 50% off clearout on privateer...maybe if its still there next week.

Really feel you on the "I like this work but am not sure how to get a response out my head the right way."

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/05 02:55:59

Post by: Vejut

Another week gone, and three models to show for it, just done today. Sadly, was hoping to be able to say I'd averaged a model a day this year (because I sure won't keep that pace as the year gets older!), but hey, progress is progress, and as long as I get the archers done by the 13th, right?

First, and ugliest, just pretty much calling the cyborg done. He's not to standard, but kinda out of ideas. Feel free to C+C what I did wrong:

Camera blur is doing a lot of work there, and I think maybe I should have done something with the cylinders and discs on his back--maybe later.

Slightly better off, I think are the two rat ogre terminators:

Again, kinda feel I should maybe do a little more, this time with the nails so they're more beleiveable when I call em lightning claws, but we'll see how I feel. Either way, hey, half a CSMs killteam done.

Work in progress wise, this months challenge models are started, though still trying to figure colors. Fox is Dark Sword, other two are reaper.

And of course, jumped on the 3d printer bandwagon with some heroforge stuff:

We'll see how they paint up. Til next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/05 08:31:25

Post by: Viterbi

With the cyborg it would probably really be enough, to paint the thing on his back in metal, to give a little contrast. The skin looks very smooth, maybe do a few scratches with a knife and paint the edges a little darker as scars?
Ratminators look great, don‘t feel there needs to be something done with the claws.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/12 03:00:15

Post by: Vejut

Another slow week, but some forward progress.
Adventurers got a little progress, need to do the metallics, but basecoating is done and started some shade and highlight work:

Shaded the purple, shade and highlight on the green, but not sure how I feel on that green, kinda feels like I should blend it more with another layer of wash.

Finally got done enough on the archers corrections, on to shading, sadly probably won't make the model a day mark.

And cheesecake got some metallic and red highlights, gotta do the skin up and finish work.

Will try to actually get some stuff done this week, but we'll see how it goes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/19 01:02:31

Post by: Vejut

Still kinda distracted and slow this week. Didn't get the Basti done, but they aren't very far from it. They look like trash, and the main thing keeping me from dropping them in a bowl with some iso for a while is that I doubt I'd get them this far again if I did given the last couple times I've done mass paints, but they are almost done and not terribly hideous at across tabletop ranges:

Mostly just need the hair and whip, and maybe another layer up of red and wash down of blue, and a base.

My painting challenge models for the month, on the other hand were barely touched. Really not much to say there:

Think I added one wash and did a little metallic paint.

For whatever reason, the cheesecake models got the most effort--they pretty much are ready to base, though I'm considering a bit of blue metallic touch up, and again another brighter red pass. Spoilered for female presenting nipples:

Kinda feel like my quality is backsliding overall. The Basti especially just feel frustratingly rough and messy.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/20 21:18:29

Post by: Wirecat

That vixen looks fun. Just in the middle between Confrontation and its many spin-offs. never actually considered Dark Sword for my one-offs... :(

And do I feel You - sometimes putting minis from "now" and "back then" together brings lots of sad thoughts. We do change and so does our style - and eyesight. :( Try going narrow for awhile, restricting to just a couple models and take a notice whether things will improve, return to old feels or do not change.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/21 07:03:16

Post by: Vejut

Was actually planning on trying a set of quick samurai rabbits from eureka or essex, where the goofyness and kinda junk sculpt means I feel less need to be quality with it, on the theory it was a funk and my brain is lying to me again, or actually breaking out the good W&N brush hoping it'd help brush control. That said, doing a one off with focus and really trying also wouldn't be a bad idea.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/25 20:53:58

Post by: Vejut

Some actual completions yesterday, and some more fuzzy things to start this week.

First, while I'm still not happy with it--finally got the chariot done!

Also finished off the archers unit--over halfway to 1000 points!

Also just need to do up bases on these rabbits I plan to do as a nice low-stakes steam release to start painting on.them:

My models for the painting challenge, however, have hardly moved, need to get cracking on them.

Only really moved the cheesecake barbarians to bases, will have to wait a bit for actual basing.

So that was the week that was. We'll see how next week goes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/01/31 22:20:04

Post by: Vejut

Just a quicky post, will do more Saturday or sunday, but some finished adventurers for the painting challenge:

Camera actually worked in my favor on this one, at least the first two, they don't look as nice to my eye in real life. Probably will post more views on the weekend when I get time.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/01 21:57:43

Post by: Vejut

So, the other angles I had:


Orc monk:

Fox person rogue:

Sadly, her ear had the paint rub off even with the little handling I did.

And human ranger:

Sadly, all the singles came out darker than intended light wise because I'm shooting at the limit of my camera lenses zoom, and so moving the camera up for shooting the singles accidentally moved it in front of the front light, which I didn't notice until it was all put away.

Also finished this week: cheesecake barbarians! I keep trying to use the long grass, but I think I'll have to stop, its less "swamp", and more "hides everything".


Makes 18 for the month, even if those two technically got done at 0035 into the 1st!

Up for next month, gonna try to get some titans together, a dragon or a beastman chieftain for the painting challenge, and getting back to some fuzzy things with these freshly based bunny samurai:

Hoping to use them as a bit of a loosening up project, goofy enough to be interesting, but not part of any plan, and kinda crap sculpt/cast quality so I don't care much if I screw them up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/02 08:11:20

Post by: Viterbi

Very nice work on the adventurers! The minis have lots of character and your bright color scheme really brings that out.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/02 13:25:02

Post by: Nevelon

Nice work on the adventurers. Getting decent photos of our work is always rough. How many lights do you use?

I always hate when paint rubs off. Even when dry, paint is not fully cured. I try not to touch anything for 24-48 hours after I’m finished. You could give her a little white blaze on her ear tip to patch it and give her a little character.

The tall grass does tend to hide/overpower the minis. I’d save that for larger bases and stick to the low stuff.

Always fun to see what’s crossing your workbench, so much variety.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/02 13:37:14

Post by: Vejut

Thank you both. I do try to mix it up, keeps my brain from getting fed up with things, and I dunno, maybe since I started at the tail end of 2nd ed 40k, but I do like bright schemes a lot more.

Light wise, using three chicken lamps with 100w daylight LED bulbs when I pull the good camera out. The larger one there usually has my camera beside it, but when I move the camera up a bit....

Cell camera shots at my desk are also usually three lamps, but just cheap desk task lamps.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/02 13:48:57

Post by: Nevelon

Have you tried light defusers?

Simple test is just to tape some parchment paper over the lights. Should help with shadows and give you better light. Over in the Painting challenge thread for January Modoc posted a pic of what he uses. You can see how it changes the light from a single bulb source to like a square foot of illumination.

I use a lightbox/lamp set up that goes for ~$40-50 online. Same effect, just a little more formal and packs up nice for storage.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/02 16:58:10

Post by: Vejut

I've got clothes pins and wax paper I use occasionally, but its usually less of an issue-- main problem was like I said, I moved the camera forward to get a bit more single model detail, and forgot/didn't notice it was blocking the light--you can see the group pics and the fox are a bit better lit. The other main issue is the shortness of the built in clamps mean the back lights are kinda behind the minis, which is why I need the front light (and all the backgrounds and sides of the minis are well lit but the front isn't.)

I've considered the fabric boxes though--it'd give me a better anchor, and like you said, spread the light even more.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/08 12:12:47

Post by: Vejut

Another slow week, but enh, coming off a binge for me last month.

Main goal for the month is this guy:

Deep Cuts' copper dragon they did for Nolozur's/D&D, and my challenge entry for the month, seen here after a bronze green paint on primer layer, and then some actual bronze. Plan is to highlight up those membranes on the wings and the armor plates in green, and work the rest in bronze. We'll see how it goes.

Also started this guy, an avatars of war beastman cheiftan as my backup in case my attention wanders. Trying pale flesh again, a completely different way again. Good thing its a chaos army he may one day head.

And finally, got a buddy who wants to do titanicus, so trying to put some paint and move ahead my force as opponents. Starting with some mildly modified warhounds:

We'll see were we get by next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/08 13:08:37

Post by: Nevelon

Dragon is off to a great start. Other stuff is looking nice as well. All the titans in different schemes?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/08 21:11:05

Post by: Vejut

The plan is to do them all up like the green one, except done better--its been the paint scheme test mule, with the violet legged one being a further aborted idea that will get overpainted. Took a bit of hunting to get a setup I'm happy with.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/09 15:27:38

Post by: Wirecat

Oh.. my... dragon.... Good luck with it! And that beastman, while a bit overloaded with bits, should be interesting to follow to.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/17 02:44:10

Post by: Vejut

February's just been a generally slow month for painting for me it seems.
Made a little progress on basecoats for the beastman. Cursing past-me for assuming even-more-past-me had cleaned up mold lines before priming:

Did a few wash layers, one of soft tone, and a targeted one of mid brown, on the dragon--really can't see the difference:

Still need to do all the green and aqua.

Bright side, titan #1 is almost done, just need to do the outer layer of armor pads, which you can see started beside it, and wait for the basing stuff I ordered to come in.

I'd like to find a better way to give some shading to the carapace--necrotite green, green tone at the lower edges, thinned necrotite green is fiddlely, mistake prone, and worst of all, splotchy, but full thickness necrotite on its own just looks bland (and kinda plasticy, but I think thats too many layers, too thickly.) Considering trying some freehand, possibly a scale pattern, in transparent or fluo yellow from vallejo, but not sure I can make it come out.

Also got the third titan's underskeleton based, but forgot pics. We'll see next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/20 02:55:36

Post by: Vejut

Well, one titan down, at least until the scenic bases I ordered come in. Probably not the best use of hobby time given how much work is left on my dragon for the challenge, but enh, hobby not job.

Definitely going to magnetize and subassembly more on the next set I do--lots of visible, but hard to reach spots.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/20 06:34:09

Post by: Viterbi

That's a nice bright neon color scheme! And don't worry about the paint comp, I'm sure your dragon will get there on time!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/22 17:25:12

Post by: Wirecat

Actually this now is my favorite warhound pic. Not a fan of the model (design, actually), but from this point of view and with eye-watering color it makes a right impression. Good luck with the rest of the company - and don't forget the bases!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/22 20:38:47

Post by: Vejut

Wirecat-- I admit with the color and the lower armor plate shapes, it really makes me feel like its wearing bell-bottoms. Thank you for the compliment, though. Bases are ordered from Gladius, just waiting on the shipping confirmation--if I don't hear anything by next week, I'll likely start shooting them e-mails. Got their city bases, with a plan for throwing some vanguard 6mm stuff on for decor.

Speaking of the rest of the squad:

Number 2 is down to just waiting on his armor pads and a little touch up, though 3 isn't beyond basecoat yet.

Also setting up four, thinking of trying to go with a cerebus kinda theme:

Not sure if I should go right or left hand style, thinking left with the cut down cockpit on both sides. Wires and holes in neck are from my first thought, of literally jamming three heads in the neck, which does fit, but barely, looked a bit goofy though.
Also took some pics of it to scale on an earlier WIP of titan 2 (really ought to get around to naming them....)

Also squeezed in some work on the dragon's wings, really need to kick that into high gear:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/23 16:24:57

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

I like the metallic effect on the dragon. The color scheme is pretty original.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/28 16:54:05

Post by: Vejut

So apparently, the bases were just on stealth mode, arrived monday. So here's my first finished titan of the Legio Lucidium, the Neon Knights, warhound Rex Populi

Hoping to finish the dragon and the second warhound tonight, just need to do the armor panels.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/02/29 21:20:52

Post by: Vejut

So, snuck the dragon in under the wire:

Means I didn't get the other two titans done, but I have made forward progress. On step 3 of 10 for the pads on both of my next two and the one not assembled yet, and the 3rd titan itself, and number two is based and just waiting on the pads.

Almost finished titan going for a walk with his finished buddy (little titan symbols on the front of the base are to indicate dead center for facing purposes without being obtrusive:

Still in the forge paint booth:

Hopefully have some finished titans and some started marines in space for yall next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/01 03:18:24

Post by: MacPhail

Nice work on your contest entry for the month! I love the gradient on the tongue and mouth, it's really striking and a good choice for the color scheme, and really well executed to boot!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/01 18:08:42

Post by: Wirecat

Dragon is turning out very nicely. I like contrast between softer skin and scales and harder "armor plating".

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/08 11:33:28

Post by: Vejut

Sadly, dragon didn't do as well as hoped, but the standard was fairly high. Didn't finish anything this week, but getting close on the titans, and started a bunch of stuff. Oddly, my entry for March's space marine challenge wasn't one of then, though the backup was:

Planned entry, a bunch of Bronze Age Miniatures space wolves.:

Plan to go heavy on the olive drab and play up the "Marine" end. The backups I was a bit more enthused for, at least at first, but I felt they fit less well, especially with everybody reading it as GW Space Marine (tm)--bunch of angry space rats or fantasy space boarding crew are more of a stretch.
Ral partha void hunters started:

Rats, ex demonblade, from megaminis when I bought them, with bonus also started this week corvus belli werewolf:

And the titan is agonizingly close to done--just need a few more green layers, cleanup, and a base:

Get that done, and I have another bare minimum basic force. Also trying to move it beyond minimum, started a reaver...

Here's hoping...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/13 17:01:43

Post by: Vejut

Got one titan done earlier, just finished the third, so figured I'd post pics of both:

Initially put the name I was intending to use on another titan, not yet fully assembled, so I somewhat embarassingly had to paint it out and correct after the first set of photos were taken. Still iffy on my calligraphy there.

Family photo shots of all three:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/14 02:25:36

Post by: Captain Brown


You are churning out those Titans.



Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/14 05:46:34

Post by: Vejut

Helps a buddy is also into Titanicus, and I also got a 3d printer, which is great for terrain and spare gun bits (the rhino on Kreigsschwein is actually a 3d print), keeps the enthusiasm up. Still probably going to take a break before diving into the next three warhounds and the reaver-- gotta get the challenge models done, and need a pallate cleanser anyways.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/14 05:56:35

Post by: Viterbi

That little rhino on the base is amazing, really helps to set the scale. Just one minor thing, if the titan was supposed to have the german word for warhog, it should be Kriegsschwein, not Kreigsschwein.

Am really excited to see those titans in battle pics in the near future!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/14 06:01:41

Post by: Vejut

You know, you'd think the number of times I've gotten that spelling corrected, (and the number of times duolingo throws 'pig' at me) I'd start getting my i's and e's in the right order...

Was actually going for 'war pig', because the whole set of names, including the legion name was actually an extended set of thinly obscured Black Sabbath/Ozzy Ozborne references.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/15 13:12:57

Post by: Vejut

So, usual weekly update, just a little late.
Started in on my werewolf challenge entries, and their werewolf cousin:

also put a little more paint on the void hunters:

Even dropped a little paint on the rabbits from last month, though not sure where they're going from here:

And then it turns out I lied, I didn't take a break from titans:

These will probably go slower, especially as I'm not fully sure how the three headed guy's gonna go, but still, be nice to have a full venator maniple up and running. Til next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/22 05:59:14

Post by: Vejut

You'd think with an extra day off from the government shutting down, I'd get more done, but sadly, no.

Did make a little progress on the void hunters--down to wash and highlight work.

Got to the same place on the challenge wolves, as well:

Kinda amused by the bad light making it look like the vest is painted with vantablack though--its just a dark blue, gotta do some highlighting there.

And continued getting distracted with titans. Base is actually done, except for the naming and alignment mark, which won't happen until the top is done. Still a good bit of leg layers on the green and striping to go before I have to work that though.

This work week is also shortened effectively, so we'll see if maybe I can kick a bit more out coming up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/22 09:32:14

Post by: Viterbi

Those titan bases are always glorious, they give so much scale to those warmachines. Wolves are coming along nicely!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/22 23:49:22

Post by: Wirecat

Hmmm... That dansing she-wolf with a pair of tomahawks I do not recognize, and yet the style is familiar. Is it Wild West eXodus vibe in Aristeia?

The whole wolf pack looks very varied and catchy in these base colors. Ghostly rabbits in background are a nice touch.

Ad of course - titan bases are ace. Would really like a closer look at these bikers! Cheers!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/23 05:37:35

Post by: Vejut

The she-wolf is a Corvus Belli peice, from their "Double Trouble" set. They also make infinity--not sure the sculptor, have to go dig out the box, from where ever it ended up.

Further progress on the wolves:

Think I needed to pick some other colors, blue fur and armor just kinda run together, and it'll get worse if I use either cloudy or wolf grey to drybrush highlight. Mostly just feels like its down to cleaning up details, maybe a bit of wash on the green pants and red in mouths and ears.

Also, real reason for the post: bike base close ups. Feel the printlines!

Gladius games (now silverback) bases, with a 40k scale biker set I found on thingiverse scaled down to approximately the right size. Even a foot away and zoomed my phone isn't liking it, but rough idea.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/24 12:03:31

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I love the bikes dodging the blast craters, great execution!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/24 14:14:46

Post by: Nevelon

Coming along great. Love the little bikes!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/29 10:53:29

Post by: Vejut

A little late this week due to extra off time, and wanted to have something to show on the titan. Just got the legs done and mounted, as well as some other peices (including the top gun for the Reaver). Now to just get that core torso modeled...

Also did a bit more on the old Crucible Void Hunters:

Just gotta do a solid bit of highlighting (and repaint in one strap), after a bit more "oops" corrections.

Also started putting a bit more base colors onto the rabbits, because I should probably occasionally have some furry things from time to time if I'm gonna call the thread that:

Really, they're cut minis, but man is the casting and sculpts kinda bleagh--just lots of flash and shallow detail. You can tell their older sculpts still soldiering on.

On other furry thing news, for those who don't follow the dakka painting challenge, I finished up the werewolves for it:

sadly, bad handling and bad painting means they're already chipping a bit. I kinda like the vest and the yellow fur, and some of the knee pads, but I'm kinda down on the general quality of work there. Will try to do better next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/30 20:25:10

Post by: Wirecat

Progress is good - and thanks for the bike photo. Wonderful bases! These werewolves are definitely unconventionally painted. Vest definitely helps, although monotonously yellow fur hides details. But then yellow is notoriously difficult to shade... :(

Good luck with wabbits!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/03/31 06:59:56

Post by: Vejut

Got the void hunters done. Amazing how much worse things look when blown up to full monitor size, even compared to on a phone screen. Still, pass the arms length test well enough I think.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/01 06:01:04

Post by: Viterbi

Love the werewolf marines just for the insanity of their sculpts. I believe you saved the bases quite well. And I feel you on big pictures of painted models, I cringe every time I watch mine on the big screen

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/05 00:36:52

Post by: Vejut

Vitterbi--thanks, on both parts.

You'd think with four days off in a week, I'd get more painting in, but only a bit actually did. Plus side, finally got a conversion I like with the fourth warhound, so down to grinding down the paint on him.

As it sits, with the primed panels to finish off the reaver once I get the detailing there done.

With the third head sitting in loosely for mockup. Also, front view of the months challenge entries.
Its "pile of shame" this month, and goodness knows mine is big enough. There was a subchallenge some people were talking about on "paint the oldest mini you've got unpainted", so I did a little digging and research, and pulled these guys out. Far from the ones I've had longest unpainted, but given at least one of them is bottom stamped 1979 by a company that went out in 1996, and I only date to the mid 80s, they very much win on "oldest ones I own." They're mostly done base coating, just need eyes and metallics, then its cleanup, wash and highlight time.
Slightly tighter view of them:

And finally, made a few more passes on the rabbits. Getting there, but slow. Maybe by the end of the month.

We'll see. Need to get back to the Basti at some point before July, if historicon even ends up happening. Just put in an order from Crocodile games for the last troopers I need for the base army...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/06 19:10:53

Post by: Wirecat

Vejut wrote:
We'll see. Need to get back to the Basti at some point before July, if historicon even ends up happening. Just put in an order from Crocodile games for the last troopers I need for the base army...

Lets hope for the better!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/12 12:47:26

Post by: Vejut

another week down. Still not getting as much done as I want, but there is progress.

Biggest one: Warhound Titan #4 is done. I gotta get a better way to do the trim (and the feilds for that matter on these, they take forever, and its grinding me down, but hey, another down.

Came out kinda rough even by my normal standards, but I can do more cleanup later. One more assembled one to do, and three total to get to 1750. I think I really am gonna take a break from these after the Reaver is done though, as I am feeling burnt on them.
The Reaver in question is coming along though!

Again, just a small eternity of trim left. Both this one and the last warhound are magnetized, this one including the torso, so this is kinda still at mockup level, but hey, still usable!

Also got some other small stuff done. A few colors on the rabbit samurai:

Just need to do all the bamboo and the banner poles, and then can move on to details

and a little progress on the challenge models for the month:

About ready to move on to washes there I think.

Until next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/19 00:11:47

Post by: Vejut

Man, April's just screaming by, and I'm nowhere near as done as I want to be.

Still, have made some progress.
Bunnies are around four-five colors from being able to start washing and highlights:

Mostly just filling in flag holder tabs, coloring lacings, and cleanups. Might even get done this month.

Actually did start washing and highlights on the challenge entry grenadier stuff:

Biggest issue here is turns out I have no idea what color to use on that somber grey! Black wash gets too stark, and purple just looks wrong. May try vallejo's grey wash later on the bunnies. That said, still a lot of work to be done here--haven't even washed the scales on the lizard, and I think everyone's boots and leather will need another pass of base before I can start washing them.

For the Reaver, all I did was just glue on all but the shin pads, without further painting, just to feel like I did something-not really going to show that. Enthusiasm's rather aground on that one. Thanks to whoever put some ratings on my titan stuff--I think you're rating it a wee bit high, but its still nice to know somebody likes them!

And then of course, wouldn't be me if I didn't start another bunch of projects before the old ones were done. Got a bunch of Basti from Croc mail order, enough to fill out my 1000 point plan, so started playing around with sculpting some armor on some of them (usual female Basti boob spoilers)

Started with this one, trying the pat and pull method (siding ridge the putty, cut squares, then pat and pull down over the next row each square), kinda enh on the resulting dishing...

Did these two last night, still pat and pull but with more curing first:

Think I like them a bit better, but may instead just try the ridge-and-cut method, like the pat and pull but without pulling, seemed to give cleaner, if less shaped scales I think I like more. Also gotta go back in for greaves, straps, and weapon swaps (and two more bodies, plus a back rank of 5 once I know what I'm doing.)

All three together with a 20mm square base:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/20 22:24:30

Post by: Wirecat

Very nice scale mail, I like that even though it goes slightly against their flavor. These cats are fine, spoilered or not. Good luck with further customization!

As soon as I burn through the bad plastic mountain I'm going to give attention to metal cats too.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/21 05:22:35

Post by: Viterbi

Always love looking into this thread for the weirdness of the not-AT minis. Love the bunnies and good luck on getting them and the comp entry finished!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/22 07:26:36

Post by: Vejut

@Wirecat: Thanks! And I do hope to see that. Need to get on my half of that too, probably after the bunnies and cats are done..

@Vitterbi: Thank you as well, gonna try tonight and this weekend. Shouldn't take too much more, if nothing else, if I throw a base on them I can call them "done but crap" (hoping to do better than that though!)

Will have more Not-Titan stuff shortly, because I just got done the Reaver, giving me a full Venator Maniple and a nice case of burnt out on that for a while. Got two and a half more warhounds on hand and some other stuff coming, and need to get at least two done to get to workable points, but that's for a couple months from now at least.

Finished state:

Just noticed the vents didn't get done, corrected them as I was making this post. Magnetized the arms, carapace gun, and waist, and also finished the chain fist, in case you're wondering why the arm and pose suddenly changed a bit between pictures. Looking at it: wow, what a crap paintjob at that zoom level, but I just don't want to be working on it anymore, and its only mildly bad looking at tabletop distance.
Full Maniple:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/25 16:06:53

Post by: Vejut

And we got through another week. Not as productive as I wanted, but is it ever?
Obviously, got the Reaver out of the way this week, so started in on clearing some more of my desk, so have some fuzzy things.

First priority is the Dakka Painting Challenge stuff for the month. Did a grab bag of old early 80s Grenadier D&D stuff. Actually about at the finishing steps for them now, just got to let some bases harden up and then paint:

Likewise, getting close on the rabbit samurai:

Don't think I'm happy with the helmets, probably should have used a different color rather than just dropping an ugly splotch, but I had it out for working the laces. Need to start some washes on everything and highlights. Not going to be super high standards, but the sculpts weren't either, and they're mostly for a bit of fun. Freehand ended up...kinda uneven on the back banners, kept going back and forth on them and eventually just got tired of it. Using the Miyamoto Kamon, to match Usagi Yojimbo. Granted, several of them look more like the SpaceChem logo, but such is life. If I can get these and the challenge models all done, that'll take me to 52 for the year, which is about on track for my plan of 144. Not sure I can keep this pace, and definitely will aim for less next year, but still kinda a good feeling.

FInally, got the first of the initial 5 girl set of armored Basti with their armor on. I think the primarily cut based style on the girl on the right will be what I'll focus on going forward if I do the next 5, though I'll probably use mostly the style of armor on the older middle set (though hey, variation is good!) Still need to do some cut and drill work for their weapons, which'll be fun, but gotta make sure I don't mess up the sculpting on 'em first. Usual "exposed breast" spoilers:

Until next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/26 19:59:35

Post by: Wirecat

Well... Judging from surviving examples horns and other helmet adornments where quite bright to stand out, polished brass and steel. And I really like these banners-shashimonos, bit more variety and it would have been believable that they dip their little paws in paint to draw whatever "colors" they will be fighting for this day. Mercenary rabbits. Laminated armor is more or less right, dark base, light stitches.

Good luck and steady hand! And sound health in these times...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/27 05:53:17

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Wirecat. A steady hand would have really helped when doing those banners, but we do with what we got.

Got the adventurers done, unless I decide to go in with another pass or two on the bases:

Will post better pics when I take them, somehow managed to get not a single sheild showing.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/29 01:41:55

Post by: Vejut

And the rabbits are all done. Clearing the decks pretty well for the next round of projects. May circle back around to these later, have some old On The Lamb resin otter ashigaru I could add. and probably at least one oathsworn or reaper rabbit samurai in a chunkier scale I could use as the Hatamoto (and I really want to convert a Grundback groundcrawler walker from Privateer as their steampunk magical centerpeice), expand the whole thing out into a dragon rampant or warlords of Erewhon list, but thats for later. For now, bunnies:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/29 06:47:05

Post by: Viterbi

Congrats on fjnishing the rabbits! And truth be told, I would love a group shot of all your furry friends, how much models would that entail?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/29 14:32:53

Post by: Vejut

Finally got the final pics of the Grenadier adventurers:

Vitterbi: As to the group shot, about this many:

mostly just the top tray is the animal adventurers:

but there's a few on the mid and lower levels as well:

Counting the rabbits that I forgot to put in the case before I took the photo, its about 99 bases worth of stuff I'd class in the "Animal Adventurers" set. Sorry if it sounded like the I had the otters and the like painted, not yet, but definitely's got me thinking about it.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/04/29 15:06:15

Post by: Theophony

Rabbit samurai look great .

Also nice work on the old grenadier models.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/01 18:03:09

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Theophony.

I got the enthusiasms today, it seems. Grabbed this guy who was sitting on my painting desk for a while:

and managed to motivate myself to just paint him straight through in about two and a half hours:

Thinking he's going to be my painting challenge entry for the month. That said, probably will take better pictures of him, looked only a little washed out on the phone screen but at full size, I can see they're...rather badly out of focus.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/01 18:29:39

Post by: monkeytroll

Good going

But is it a rhinotaur, or is it a chaos zoat ?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/01 18:52:58

Post by: Vejut

It does kinda have that sort of feel to it, doesn't it?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/01 22:52:34

Post by: monkeytroll

My first thought was that you had converted it from a zoat

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/02 02:45:56

Post by: MacPhail

Man, you fired that guy off quick! I really cool model and nice paint to boot. The pale blue wrap I would not have come up with and it really works.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/03 01:52:24

Post by: Vejut

So, with all that dropping during the week, not as much to report over the weekend, kinda light on the painting, but did do a little modeling.
Decided to do the weapon swaps and reposes on the 5 Basti I'd armored up. Also gave them some bows and arrows so they can hang back and use their better shooting skill, and so I can use them as upgrades to a basic bow unit if I ever play higher points or a campaign game. Fireforge glaives, warlord Celtic bows and arrows Also decided to start in green stuffing armor on the other 5 while I was at it. May have to find where I put my Fireforge Rus sprues to loot them to the remaining bows and arrows for the remaining 5.


Also started in on cutting off swords for the second spear unit while waiting for green stuff to cure, and used the leftover putty to base up a Bronze Age minis were I may paint this month. Standing next to it is another possible project, one of Reaper's dino barbarians, both primed up this week, and a couple skitarii-skaven conversions I did a few months back (and probably seen in the random debris on my desk in some previous pictures) and just glued to bases for priming.


Closer veiw of the rats, dino, and were, from before I based up the were:

Also threw a bit more paint on to the ork nob conversion thats been sitting around for probably a good year or two. Probably need to do up some glyph plates for the sword, but about ready to start highlighting everything else on him. (Spoilered for basti chest photobombs)


We'll see how the week goes and what gets done.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/03 02:12:16

Post by: MegaDave

Hah, that ork nob is great. You certainly have an interesting collection of projects, it'll be fun to see what you do with them!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/03 06:49:13

Post by: Viterbi

Thanks for the cabinet shots!

Rhinotaur is looking good, but the eyes are getting a little lost (maybe just in the picture). Maybe yellow would draw more focus to them? And I love his skin and the wood color on the axe handle, it looks great!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/03 22:21:22

Post by: Wirecat

 Viterbi wrote:
Thanks for the cabinet shots!

Rhinotaur is looking good, but the eyes are getting a little lost (maybe just in the picture). Maybe yellow would draw more focus to them? And I love his skin and the wood color on the axe handle, it looks great!

But then, on a real rhino eyes are also not much of an eye-catcher. Looks great in any case, even though shadows could be deeper in some places.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/06 12:15:32

Post by: Vejut

Thanks again everybody, I'm thinking I'll probably edit the model a bit more to take those ideas into consideration, probably another pass with black in the deep cracks and/or grey across the skin to try to push the contrast. Not sure what to do about the eyes--the bright blue was to try to deal with that originally--as Wirecat notes, real rhino eyes are black and pretty hard to see, but I think the blue-grey I used for the skin blended them back in again--not sure what to use there, possibly thinking some yellow-brown egyptian style kohl markings or something.

A little early for the usual weekly update, but got a good bit done so I figured I'd show it, at least partially to get a bit more input.

Did a few bits of modeling, actually have the modeling on the polearm girls almost done:


Just need to grab some more bows from somewhere, and then green stuff up some hand repairs and possibly some straps for hanging the bows and quivers. Not really liking the look of the Rus bits, I think they look a bit off, so may need to order some more Warlord Celt weapon/sheild sprues, which'd let me use the same sheilds for the 2nd spear unit.

Got 5 of those just needing arms and surface cleanup before I can start painting (the sheilds are post painting, so I can get everywhere easy):

And the main reason I'm posting, I decided to do more with the Ork Nob--just need to choose and fit him with a hand gun (was planning to possibly just leave the hand empty, but the old sword handle is too obvious), a glyph plate on the sword, and then fit a base--and that I'm actually kinda stumped on. Don't want to use a pre-made, as his current one is magnetic, but kinda want to do something different than my others (also doesn't help that it'll set the base for the rest of the admittedly small and disused Ork army I've got). I'll think on it more over the next few weeks, it can wait, though suggestions are definitely welcome.

Really would like the blend to be better on the blue, but having trouble getting thin enough for a good glaze. Also feel like the sword blade needs a bit more, but not sure where to take it. Do like how the horns came out though.

Anyways, will try to have a bit more over the weekend, and thanks again for the comments!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/10 03:16:15

Post by: Vejut

A little more progress.
Started prepping up a gun for my ork nob, and some glyph plates. Not really happy with the wear job I did on the plastic itself for the plates, but having trouble finding better techniques. Honestly, not sure I'm even heading in the right direction with them, color feels wrong, just not sure what a better one would be. Gun is also a bit overlong looking at it now, will have to chop the barrel shorter, probably just direct mount the blue flare to the red box to get something more pistol sized--one oversized weapon I think is enough.

Have the fox next to him that I've also made a small start in onto. Not sure where that one's going either, but really only internal pressue on that one to be done, and have til the end of the month even then.

Basti spears are fully armed and operational, actually put some primer on them not seen here. Foreground are the modified bows I made by chopping the limbs off some Rus bowman, whose arms you can see above next to the ork. Think they'll come out okay.

And some better views of the bows and stock quivers. Started mounting them, but not sure how the bows will go on, and need to do some greenstuff work before I can start priming that unit.

Until next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/10 22:08:21

Post by: Wirecat

I am finding it is more and more entertaining to look into the scatter on Your table and try to guess various bits and pieces.

I believe I've read a quite simple (as in straightforward step-by-step, not a "wash and go") recipe for worn painted armor, but do not remember, where, here on Dakka or on some other modelling site. I will try to remember to look for it, I think it was quite recent...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/11 05:09:55

Post by: Viterbi

Maybe try a little chipping with a sponge on the edges of the orc? Because he is already looking good, love the oversized sword and really wouldn't feel it amiss, if his other weapon was as big. Have you "tried it on" with some blue tac? Maybe it works.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/11 06:06:36

Post by: Vejut

More did the "hold everything together with your hand" kinda thingy, but it basically looked too much like a full shoota, not a pistol. Ended up cutting it down.

Base was an attempt at crackle medium--not sure if the existing base texture was too much, or if I just used too much paint vs medium, but didn't turn out, so just went to sand, as you can see in the last picture. Will seal it up and paint in the morning. I am tempted to try a bit of sponging, but really kinda afraid to ruin him--sadly, one of my better efforts recently I think. Also did a little more with the fox, and started base coating the basti spearwomen.

And threw some more paint at some Megaminis/demonblade rat gangers for my old Imperial Guard army--polished bone for a khaki base color.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/14 17:48:36

Post by: Vejut

Just a quicky update for the ork nob being done:

Really need to start closing out some projects, even with the ork done, I've got four I'm rotating through actively painting and several more partially done, starting to run out of desk space...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/16 15:33:32

Post by: Vejut

So, usual weekend update time. Actually ran in a bit more stuff. Wasn't feeling mass production, so did some odds and sods I had lying around on the pile, specifically the rat skitarii and werevixen from the start of the month, and actually got them finished. Well, or at least good enough to call them finished, and haven't really gone back to re-do one like that yet, so...

If I was going to keep working them, I think I need a little more contrast on both of their red parts, probably take it up to an orange red like VMC Amaranth red, and possibly if anything a bit less light when photographing--they're kinda a bit blown out, both heads and jackets actually have some shading and highlight work that I can see by eye, but that's just gotten flattened into one color, though you can kinda see it comparing the side shots to the head ons how they go from blue to white. Also needed to do a bit more to differentiate the boots and the gaiters on the fox. Granted, my painting does NOT hold up to veiwing on a 17" monitor either.

That said, I did do a little forward progress on the basti--both groups are actually started now, and the spear group actually just needs a bit of base color cleanup and a few missed colors to go on to shade and highlight:

The glaive group needs a few more color passes, mostly blue and eyeballs, and then its own cleanup:

Especially given if it isn't already postponed to next year, it probably will be, but its looking disturbingly likely I'll get this army project done before Historicon. Doubt I'd have the day free to USE it if it does go off, given its always Saturday night at 7 for the Wargods game, and I work that evening, but still, may actually get it done on time--just needs 10 more spear ladies assembled and painted, and then grinding out two units of 10 archers. We'll see where we get to by next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/17 21:34:44

Post by: Wirecat

I really like these rat sharpshooters. You did well with the white fur and red dress. Mad and dangerous look.

It might not be a ąų" monitor fault but also how sharp is the photo. We are dealing with a lot of finite things - brush tip is not at pixel level, neither is the sharpness of the photograph taken through multipurpose lens under usual room light.

Good luck continuing these basti!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/24 11:13:20

Post by: Vejut

Thanks wirecat, I will admit I usually have a lot of fun when I get the mood to dash off some rats. Maybe someday that army may even get fully painted...

Kinda stalled out this week--one arms's weapon is cut off the final 10 basti spearwomen, but assembly is going poorly and kinda slow--nothing to really show. Also didn't really get the motivation for doing up the units already started, granted because I was working on IRL stuff.

That said, dashed off this guy over the last day or two--zevezda KV-2. Been assembled for a while, but just got around to paint. Not happy with it, too dark a green, and really patchy, especially on the abortive weathering on the tracks. Plus side, the big gap at the bottom is because its actually a (poorly working) bobblehead--kinda buzzes more than bobbles, but still enough to tempt me with googly eyes...resisting so far, but those big flat sides need something to break them up...

Maybe there'll be more next week, got some time off coming up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/26 20:11:13

Post by: Wirecat

Nice hardhead, Vejut.

Just a few points. First, in small scale there are two things that can't go wrong - Victorian yellow and Russian green. There cannot be a too dark or to plain green on Russian armor. They are still as mottled as they come, it depends on factory, repair shop, crew, time spent on open air... who knows on what else? One would think they become more standard now - not a chance.

So, Yours is just weeks after being repainted locally, by its own crew, possibly for inspection, some time in early 1941.

Next, tracks - they are important like a spigots on submarines. Make some marks on the edge of a track with a sharp knife to separate at least some links from their neighbors. Not every one, about 10 should be enough to make the track not look like a belt. Zvezda makes a nice texture, but not this nice. If You want light weathering, spray light brown on the chassis from afar. If You want heavy weathering - use powders. But in 1:72 powders are worse than washes. :(

Beyond that - very nice little tank, a definite thumb up!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/27 06:20:43

Post by: Viterbi

Tank is looking good, but I'm not accustomed to see something without fur (or scales) on this plog

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/05/30 22:53:05

Post by: Vejut

Wirecat: may try that with the tracks next time. Paintwise, I was just looking for more contrast I think.

Sadly Viterbi, not a lot of additional furred or scaled things this week either, though I did make some progress.

got the rest of the Basti spears assembled up. Still need mold line and sprue removal, but that'll come over the next weeks. Also did a little painting on the first set. Axe ladies didn't even get touched really. They look much better with greasy-lens-blur than they do in person. Feeling like another splash or two of red on the cloth, and then the sheilds and bases to finish them. Tried a little salvage work on the skin, and its just not coming. Enthusiasm for the project is hitting a bit of a low ebb, probably hop projects again and slow walk them in over the next month or three.


I did get a bonus bit of the project done--did up a catapult, one of Warlord game's war engines for Hail Caesar parthians, IIRC. Plan is to give it some Basti crew based separate (particularly a nice little basti scribe/gamer model croc sent along with my order with them) and have it available if I ever run them as a Kings of War or Warlords of Erehwon (or similar) army.

Just needs some basing, waiting on the first five spears to be done so I can just pull out and mix the plaster once.

Finally, got in my monthly recommended allowance of GW stuff by tossing off a bit of Areonautica Imperialis:

May do some more like it to get a full 7 dakkajet and 1 bomma set, reasonably fun (even if 35 years experience is apparently not enough for me to be able to write the number 1 the right way round...). VGC scrulfulous brown undercarriage with some red and mid brown washes and a little yellow highlight, and Prussian blue upper with deep sky blue highlights and a black pinwash.

Also going to have to figure out what I'm going to do for the painting challenge, probably something with fur there. Supporting Role won, IIRC, so may start in on the bunny Lieutenant from Old Gamer's Workshop I got lying around, or may just go with a banner bearer.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/03 16:32:43

Post by: Vejut

Surprisingly, I actually got some things done this week!

Finally finished the back five ranks of the 2nd Basti spearwoman unit, and the ballista:

Kinda getting an annoying dust or crust of white mineral on top from the cleanup, but maybe that'll go away as it dries over the next day or two, or at least hardens enough I can wipe it away.

Also used the fact that I had the spackle out to base up the remaining melee Basti:

We'll see if this is any cleaner on the paintjob of a method than doing it after.

also started this month's challenge models for "In a Supporting Role", a Rabbit captain/lieutenant/leader guy, and a Guinea Pig pilot, from the Old Gamers Workshop kickstarter.

Lets see how much progress I make by Saturday...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/05 10:40:00

Post by: Viterbi

Those painting comp minis look very interesting, excited to see you tackle them!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/05 14:24:57

Post by: Vejut

Thanks! Already started in on 'em, they're kinda...squishy sculpts. Still have to figure a few colors out, and trying to keep them somewhat linked.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/07 19:42:24

Post by: Vejut

A little late, but a little more done since Friday.
A little more on the Peeg and Rabbit:

Needs a bit of pink and some eyes, and then cleanup and start actually making it look less flat.

Also decided I really wanted to do more rats, so:

A little more color on the old set of 4, and dug out some more of the old Ratlings with Gatlings IG army. Been weirdly feeling a hankering to start digging them all out and getting the army fully painted and based, even if I've really got no desire whatsoever to actually play the new (or old) editions. As an army, they've been waiting since regimental doctrines were a thing (though the front 7 have only been waiting since the 5th ed leafblower codex), be nice to have them displayable. Probably going to start trying to cycle small groups of them through.
We'll see what happens over the next few weeks.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/14 00:03:08

Post by: Vejut

Another slow week with pretty minimal progress:

The challenge models:

Looking very...rough, and kinda flat, not sure what to do about that though. Slightly better in person--they mostly pass the 5 foot test.

And the rat swarm:

Almost done there, just some wash and highlight work, plus edge highlights on the guns really, and then the admittedly fairly major job of 11 scenic bases...
may actually bring them to finished next week...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/14 06:51:07

Post by: Viterbi

The challenge models are looking great, that look on the bunnies face, I don't want to know, what he spotted through his binoculars Rats are looking great too!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/17 22:52:21

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi. Oddly, that look is actually sculpted into him. Got a little done more on them, but not much. Kinda dove down a side alley:

Got these used from Mindtaker Miniatures here on dakka, decided to paint them up for that hobby bingo thing that's rolling around, paint something up within 48hrs of getting it:

So with about two hours to spare, kinda dropped the Escher, though her base colors are done, but the bear is finished:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/22 21:42:51

Post by: Wirecat

You are getting bolder with colors, don't You? Loving it! That bear rider is rocking along very well. Steady hand - and good luck in competition.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/23 14:26:45

Post by: Vejut

Think I'm staying about the same on colors, but am doing more things that crazy colors work well for. Called the bear rider done at that picture, but tempted to go back and push the highlights more, especially on the mail.

Slowed down even more this week, only really put paint on these three, and that on saturday. Got time off this week though, should have more coming., if nothing else finishing off the rats and challenge entry.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/25 22:58:13

Post by: Vejut

Quick mid week yay-I-got-something-finished update. Kept moving on the Escher, and finally got her done last night:

Not really more than a 5 footer job, but happy enough with it as long as it stays at arms length. Working on getting the rats done--just down to bases there, sadly didn't take pictures, and of course, sometime in the next 4 days I really need to finish off that pig and rabbit...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/28 02:02:30

Post by: Vejut

Finally put the rats and the challenge models to done last night, just gotta take better pics of the challenge models in the morning.
Still in the bleah zone for quality, especially on the pig and bunny who don't have the speed painting excuse, but finished models are finished models (weird as that feels for a game I have no intention of playing anytime soon, or possibly ever again--but hey, they were fun enough to paint, and isn't that the point of this?)

Challenge models--

And then the rats, including the demonblade ones I started a while back:

(Cleaned up the double post)

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/06/29 13:17:14

Post by: Vejut

Quick update with slightly less cluttered, if darker pics of the pig and rabbit since I just took 'em:

Didn't notice I'd put the pig back in the same position until I was already uploading, got off when I was trying to find a good angle for the side shot. Ah well...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/05 07:46:01

Post by: JoshInJapan

Dude, your P&m blog is delightfully eclectic.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/05 08:08:59

Post by: Vejut

So, another week down, and starting in on the next batch of messes.
Started up another push on the Basti, trying to get the next round of spearwomen done for the month, to give me a nice core for the War Gods warband:

Even managed to put some color on to them so far:

Also tried to start some more guard-rats, trying to get a bit over a 2nd squad worth of veterans with shotguns painted, since they've waited so patiently since 5th edition for it. (Spoiler because the Basti in the background)

done a decent bit with them as well, just need some remedial model work, some pink and missed black spots, and eyes, and then its on to cleanup and shade and highlight. Model work wise, added a new metal cable to one of the meltagunners after this pic was taken to join his energy pack and the hose on his gun, and I still need to greenstuff up the grenadier's open shoulder (really should have done that first, ah well...)

and slapped a little paint on a Hero Forge mini I bought for a D&D kobold. Still a long way to go for that one:

Dunno how much I'll finish for this month, and I doubt I'll be happy with the paint jobs on any of it, but at least its an OK start!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/05 08:39:41

Post by: Viterbi

Nice WIP pics, good luck on getting some of it done this month. Really love the guard rats, they look so characterful, always nice to see you make more.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/05 09:33:21

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi. Most of the work is GW's sculptors, but hopefully I'll at least keep the character when they're painted! And should be seeing more for a while, given I've got probably three platoons worth of backlog of them, even without making any more...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/05 11:47:55

Post by: Nevelon

Good progress.

I missed commenting on the last page, the writting on the scroll is very impressive. You do that with a brush or a pen?

There is a free program a few of us use called PhotoScape for image tweaking/combining. It’s free (although you can pay to unlock features) but the basic level lets you do things like white balance, adjust contrast, crop, zoom, and combine images into collages.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/05 11:58:25

Post by: CTMNine

Oh, some very nice stuff here. Love how characterful you've been able to keep everything. Inspirational as I set off on a similar journey.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/05 13:59:01

Post by: Vejut

Nevelon: Used micron pens for that. Luckily, unlike last time I tried it, I let them dry fully so they didn't smudge away this time. I've got a copy of GIMP, really should learn to use it eventually.

CTMNine: thanks!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/12 06:14:54

Post by: Vejut

Feeling a bit mixed this week. Moving to day shift after this week and we're coming off COVID induced half shifts, so going to be losing a good bit of hobby time. Was hoping I could get at least the base colors done on both units, so I could run off the shade-and highlight work quickly over the rest of the month, but enthusiasm didn't really cooperate. On the plus side, I did get pretty close.

Rats here mostly just need the guns gone back over, and some gold or copper metallics in a few spots before I start washing:

On the other hand, still need all the metallics, some skin color, and probably another cleanup pass of the reds and blues on the cats:

Still pretty hopeful they'll be done by end of month, but also pretty sure they're going to look like trash--good enough for tabletop distance game peices, but way short of anything to be proud of for the challenge. I think the rats will probably end up looking slightly less so, so I'm tempted to switch to them for this month (or at least two or three with extra effort and that I know where unpainted), but I've gone this far without entering a GW model and I'd kinda like to see how long that streak will stretch, especially as it feels like the odd manufacturers models are the only reason I even pick up votes. Also considering switching to a smaller set of reaper models or something where I could focus more on pushing my quality which I feel's been slipping, but nothing really speaking to me right now, and I'm running out of time. Probably will work on character models or some more animal adventurers after I get this set done, especially with Historicon canceled and a Kill Team's worth of rats already in hand meaning I don't have any particular deadlines.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/13 11:02:25

Post by: Wirecat

One can never be sure about rats, but their scrolls should be recipies - and storage inventory. They are good all the way to their name tags on the bases Vejut, a definite thumb up for them!

Hmm, maybe I should adopt that Furry tag too?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/13 11:40:30

Post by: Nevelon

Slow progress is still progress. Looking good.

Don’t judge yourself too harshly. You constantly make your entries. I just checked the back league tables. You have not missed an entry since you started. That is a major accomplishment. At the end of every month, a bunch of people are always bowing out, for one reason or another. You are posting your final pics. I’d have to sit down and check after having more coffee, but I think you are 4th for the longest entry streak.

I’ve voted for you not just because you paint fun and unusual things, but because I see you improve. You’ve been at this long enough, and paint distinctive stuff that it catches my eye. So I can look at your entry and see that it’s a lot better then what you did last. I reward that with a vote. I also use improvement as a metric on the top dogs as well. When I notice that the top guys are just coasting, I don’t bother voting for them. If they push the envelope and do something really spectacular, sure. I think saving votes for the little guys who are pushing through and need the encouragement is more important.

If you think you would have more fun going to single minis, go for it. There is a time for banging out blocks of troops, and a time for working up characters. Mix it up.

Just keep painting!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/15 06:25:23

Post by: Viterbi

Nice progress and I think the rats could also bag you some votes. They are nice conversions, have a cool background story and look really interesting!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/15 15:21:20

Post by: Vejut

Thanks, all of you. Still probably going to try for the cats, dunno why I get so enthused about them but yet have no motovation to paint them.

Also took a little break to hammer out this little guy this morning:

Oathsworn snake warrior, though don't recall his name.
And today:

Still not getting the blends I want, though I think some of that is I should have thinned that last layer of yellow-green a bit, or at least used a drybrush rather than a straight application. Not sure if even using it was the right call, have some pics in my WIP folder from just before I put that layer on in the gallery (because initially I was figuring I'd do that tommorrow), and I think it might have been better plain, if less nice on the contrast. Also, should probably blow the picture up less, but looks decent to eye, and the answer is always more practice, plus hey, having it done in under a day with decent results isn't bad. Probably try to at least get myself to push some washes onto the rats and cats tommorrow.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/15 17:07:50

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Well-met, citizen of Bubastis, fellow follow of the gods. You've got a lot of cool projects on parade. Really cool to see the amount of work you've put into your Basti spearwomen - it's inspired me to do the same for my Anubi warriors. It looks like you used brass rods? What size, and what did you do for speartips?

For what it's worth, I like the serpent warrior - I don't think the edge highlights are too severe. Looks good in his scale mail.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/15 18:20:38

Post by: Vejut

Thanks for both compliments!
The snake I think its less overwhelming and more just messy, I think I may have overworked it, where the neater if lower contrast basic version ended up better:

I did steel wire rods with separate tips once, and it was ugly--mass greenstuff floofs just behind the points to hide joints. Those Basti are actually armed with Northstar wire spears, at full length. They do also make shorter, smaller diameter spears suitable for javelins, heading to bed now, but I can try to remember to take some pictures tomorrow. Mine were bought from their booth at Historicon in Fredricksburg, VA or Lancaster, PA depending on year, but I know they've got a US stockist at Brigade games (might even be whose booth it actually was!) Just drill a hole through the hand and hope it doesn't drift out the back and nobody looks too hard at the front. I like the pikeman look personally, but I'd think it might look a bit more proportionate cut down a tad, and probably catch my arm and fall off the edge of the desk less.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/15 21:59:06

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Oh great, thanks for the tips (NPI)! I'll put in an order. The posing for the Anubi Warriors with their hands up might make the pikes a bit difficult but I'll use either the shorter version or just cut them to size. The price is very reasonable as well.

Edit for puns.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/16 13:08:03

Post by: Vejut

So, no progress as I just got home from work, but figured I'd post that picture of the wire spears: skinny ones are the 50mm, one leaned against the left front Basti, one across the bottom next to a full length 100mm. Hope that helps!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/17 19:37:09

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice progress on the Basti so far. Wire spears sounds like a great idea-- I have far too many models with bendy lead spears.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/20 15:46:24

Post by: Vejut

Josh--I know right? Only issue is they are a bit sharp, and the way I've got them so long I tend to keep knocking them off the desk.

Getting close on both groups. Basti only really need their mid brown wash, final highlights, and blue color cleanup (and their sheilds and bases)

Rats on the other hand need a highlight on the robes, wash, and thier guns done up, before basing:

And already got some planks built from sprue to mix it up so its not just gravel on the bases:

So, hopefully SOON (tm), which is good because I'm back to work every day, and I've only got one weekend left in the month.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/21 21:48:43

Post by: Wirecat

Planks are good - don't forget black dots here and there with a bit of metalic silver to simulate nails. Cheers - and yes, SOON (tm)!!!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/22 17:58:37

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice go on the planks, I love plank bases. I'm aware that's pretty niche, but I think it's really fun when bases simulate a non-battlefield environment (or a non-traditional battlefield). Planks for the plank throne and so on.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/24 06:31:22

Post by: Viterbi

Nice texture on the planks, hadn't thought that those are sprues

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/26 13:00:09

Post by: Vejut

Wirecat--wasn't planning on being that elaborate this time, but if I do a larger project, possibly be a way to sell it better.

Don Qui Hotep-- probably going to be a bit disappointed, sorry! I was only planning to use them as accents and tie ins with sand--full walkways I 'd have to cut away the rats and re-mount, and that was more work than I was looking for.

Viterbi--surprisingly easy model job, got the idea off someone on this forum (think it might be in the articles? They were making a hut from sprue), just shaved the edges roughly square with the hobby knife, then just start about an inch up a face and make a bunch of pulls down off the edge with the blade without keeping it too straight, and then move up and do it again letting the knife fall into the grooves/overlap. Around the halfway point, or when it feels right, you flip it around and build up the other side until the patterns meet or overlap, and then do the next side. (Obviously, these are so short I just did one set of grooves from each end)

Progress wise, Basti are in the home stretch, a few edge highlights of blue, black touchups because brush on primer is convenient but doesn't hold for nothing on metal, base washes, and doing up 10 sheids with a blend. They're not challenge grade even for me, but they'll probably be done this month. Should have been more careful with the wash, but just really hit the "done looking at them" phase.


Rats came out a bit better-just need base work and the guns done, though possibly a little final highlight pass on the robes wouldn't hurt. Phone battery was running out when I took all three pictures in this post (shut itself off just after I took them), so please excuse the darkness of these-wasn't able to judge the light or rearrange it better.

Until next week!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/26 17:37:23

Post by: CTMNine

Love these. I'm a little intimidated of trying to put 40k weapons on traditional Skaven but these look great. They have a classic look to them. One reminds me of an old school noise marine. Terrific stuff!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/26 18:31:50

Post by: Vejut

The shotguns are cut up kroot rifles--can't remember how I did them though, been several years, but I think I mostly cut to length on double-handed polearm poses--bit annoying.On the other hand, the older clanrats (the 'ape arm' guys that come in 5 peices), gutter runners, and plague monks all work pretty easy--you can actually use cadian and catachan parts, though likely you'll need some green stuff or plasticard filler or some sanding to get a really nice looking fit--that grenadier is just cadian arms on a plague monk body, and then a little green stuff filler. Most of my plasma guns are mounted by chopping off a knife or pole arm arm, and the pistol grip from the plasma gun and just positioning it pistol grip style. both are actually pretty forgiving, just dry fit a bit first.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/27 01:06:39

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Skaven in Space! Nice use of misc. bits, Kroot rifles in particular fit really well with em. The planks look quite good on the bases. Happy to see the Basti getting close to done, I think their fur looks great. The blue is a bit saturated, although that's probably the camera. Maybe a splash of Nuln Oil on the banner?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/27 02:04:49

Post by: Vejut

Don: I think the blue looks pretty true to life. I kinda like the saturated blue, but I think you may be right that it sticks out with the red and yellow being much less saturated. I kinda like it none-the-less, but I am kinda considering some blue shade on the undersides of the spears (and possibly the banner crevices?)

Also, latest rat squad is done! Quick post before putting them in the cabinet and going to bed:

Now I just gotta get the sheilds and washing the Basti bases done by Friday...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/27 20:07:31

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Oh yeah, a blue wash would work - I've had some good success doing thinned-down Contrast paints over their color (e.g., Contrast yellow over Iyanden Yellow, Contrast Blue over Lotheran Blue, etc.). Those rats really came together! Probably best to put them in the cabinet, keep them safe from the cats, who I'm sure are getting hungry at this point.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/28 08:46:26

Post by: Viterbi

Congrats on finishing the rat squad, they look lovely... well not lovely, but you know what I mean

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/30 10:20:51

Post by: Vejut

Cats are done. Now to just grab some pics of 5 of them for the challenge:

Basing didn't really work, but enh. Mostly just doesn't match the old part.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/07/30 23:40:56

Post by: Vejut

So, one last quick spam of pictures before starting to work on new things for the weekly update on saturday:
Closeups for the three Basti I picked for the challenge entry:

And the army project as it stands now, with the latest unit all ranked up with their previously finished back rank--flash really makes them look terrible, as opposed to merely bad, but couldn't really get enough light for a good picture without it:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/02 06:06:14

Post by: Viterbi

They look nice all ranked up, also I would fear all those little spears when trying to get them out of the cabinet

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/02 11:18:08

Post by: Nevelon

 Viterbi wrote:
They look nice all ranked up, also I would fear all those little spears when trying to get them out of the cabinet

Reminds me of conversations I’ve had with kids at the FLGS. “Wouldn’t it be neat to sharpen all the speartips?” No, no it would not. Can you really call yourself a wargamer unless you’ve pulled a miniature weapon out of your own arm? Even with the blunt tips.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/03 15:51:54

Post by: Vejut

Yeah, at least one of those spears has in fact drawn blood, though mostly its just a tangle hazard.

Started in on the next batch of rats, trying to get most of the veterans special weapons done. Also started the challenge models for the month--a trio of wizards and their secretary. Not as much done this week as I wanted, but enh, got time:

Plan is another green snake I think, though considering black, Badger being badger, and a Hooded Crow because I've got the Battlefeild Band stuck in my head.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/09 23:55:29

Post by: Vejut

Another week down.
Made Some progress on the challenge models:

Probably shoud have done the fur work first, but instead did some wash-and highlight after blocking. Not really happy with it, too many tide rings and too start a transition on the lightest color, and I think I jumped a few too many tones because I didn't want to have to reproduce a mix--very visible in the close ups.

May go back over it again with a bit more thinned base color and/or wash. I was really having issues with getting it thin enough to be translucent, but not so runny as to go into all the crevices--a wet pallet might help, but finding room for it in the work area is iffy. (Could also mix in a bit of matte medium, but trying to rely on that less, for time and wastage reasons.) I'm also thinking I may also be trying to overwork things, or at least run well before I've got walking down, trying a bit more highlighting and contrast than will not look busy, especially given my level of (lack of) control. Still a lot to go, haven't even started washing anything but the cloth and ribbons.

Did a little more on the rats, but not much to look at, so just a brief check in there:

Really do need to get around to giving that one plasma gunner a knife...

We'll see where we get to next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/10 04:27:12

Post by: Viterbi

Painting comp entry is already looking on a good way in my eyes, love the badger fur! And good to know that the bird is sanctioned with all that purity seals all over him

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/17 01:10:30

Post by: Vejut

Yeah, not quite sure what Oathsworn was going for there--the snake has a fair few as well! I'm just assuming they're his shinys, and the other three just humor him.

Starting to feel like I'm making progress, if not as much as I'd like.

Did a little wash to the badger fur, may do a drybrush of white and dark grey. Also did the greens and reds which I'm somewhat more happy with than the blues. Still need to do the snake's belly scales, probably a yellow wash, and the main body of the crow, probably with soft tone and a linen white drybrush (and of course, the black feathers.)

Rats are getting close as well:

Far from my best job, but mostly just needs fur and smock cleanups, and then highlighting up the guns and smocks-also probably should do the eyes at some point, probably before declaring the fur done.

Hopefully can haul them to done by next sunday, especially as I've only got one week after that for slip on the challenge models!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/17 05:19:34

Post by: Viterbi

Badger looks so at ease with his pipe. Maybe put some cotton wool (don't know if this is the right english term) for a smoke effect.
Very nice eyes on snake and crow.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/23 01:09:11

Post by: Vejut

Well, technically calling the wizards done, though I may go back and add some smoke like you suggested, Vitterbi. May also try to go and neaten things up or try to punch them up a bit more...somehow, but not sure where to go with them.
Also experimenting with GIMP for collages:

The rats still kinda have hit a motivation deficit--I want to finish them, but even sitting in front of them with the paints, just kinda bleahing out at actually doing the painting. That said, they're pretty close, and hoping I can squeeze them to done if not tomorrow, then at least over the next week.

Still need eyes, weapon highlights, and shading and highlighting the smocks (and then basing). We'll see what we get to.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/23 10:47:14

Post by: Viterbi

Looking good! If I may suggest a little detail that may be a quick win for the Badger and the Crow it's their "toe nails". Doing them off-white or some dark yellow/beige may be a nice and simple highlight. Otherwise they look great and very characterful!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/23 15:30:59

Post by: Vejut

Yeah, trying to balance "actual claws of crows and baders are black" with "this blends in with my prefered stone base and the lower legs." May try kicking them up some tones like you say. Already decided the feathers on the raven needed a little purple, so they contrasted the scales of their feet.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/23 15:43:47

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Or, you could take the nails in the opposite direction. What about toning the lowlights of the nails with a blue or a purple? It might differentiate from the grey without losing the black of them. In theory it seems like a good idea . . .

Great work so far, though.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/23 15:52:07

Post by: Viterbi

Vejut wrote:
Yeah, trying to balance "actual claws of crows and baders are black" with "this blends in with my prefered stone base and the lower legs." May try kicking them up some tones like you say. Already decided the feathers on the raven needed a little purple, so they contrasted the scales of their feet.

See, I did not know that, you learn something every day

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/23 20:18:18

Post by: Wirecat

Oh, yes, the badger manicure problem... My first recipe was "paint them black, let it almost dry then draw a thin white or off-white line starting from the tip of the claw". This makes sort-of-very limited wet blending and still imitates the shininess effect.

But if You'd try some more unconventional schemes, I'll be watching from the bush.

Can't say these grey stone bases are too blending with an array of greys on miniatures. Plus - You can always add a cast shadow to them...

Anyway, good progress - and do keep thinking of them rats.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/23 20:23:24

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Great job on the badger, and nice work on the birdman's crystal. Really tight highlights.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/27 03:02:42

Post by: Vejut

Thanks, all of you for the help and compliments. Kinda did a little of both, washing purple and highlighting white. It looks...ok. Don't"t have pictures because my phone is having screen and access issues, and its how I take most of these pics. Replacement is ordered, but may miss a weekend update. I'll probably post my challenge final pics from the DSLR here though.

That said, midweek update because I pushed through and got the rats done. Lotta flaws if I look close, but not terrible as a group, I think. Played with some prebraided craft wire wrapped around a paintbrush for barbed wire, not sure how it came out.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/27 19:28:51

Post by: JoshInJapan

I really like your space rats. They look like they are fun to paint and play.

Also, I only just realized that your are photographing on your painting table rather than on a cool post-apoc gaming mat!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/27 23:11:08

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Good looking squad. I think the barbed wire is effective; especially it's use as a tail.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/27 23:28:05

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I like the one called "Sauce".

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/28 20:55:45

Post by: Vejut

JoshinJapan: thanks! They were a nice breather and pretty fun paint wise. Play, enh, haven't done that since 5th ed-ish.

Don qui Hotep: not sure where the barb wire tail is? Think it might be the guy in the center but his tail is actually behind that. Glad the wire reads Ok!

DjJazzy Jeff: I remember I had a reason for naming him that, and I really wish I remembered it now!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/30 05:59:41

Post by: Vejut

And a quick weekend update, mostly just getting things ready for the next set of rats, though I may be overloading myself a bit.

Some more shotgunners, and a heavy flamer:

What hopefully should be the rest of the lasguns to bring me up to 6 squads, though I still have a fair few plague monk bodies so I could go up to 7 or 8 squads (especially since IIRC, modern veteran squads require a pistol armed guy as the leader, no more rolling the commander out with a lasgun or shotgun like the rest of the bullet-stoppers:

Some sergeants to lead the veterans, partially painted from probably 5-6 years back (formerly earmarked as my platoon commander officers, but I've got enough random Skaven characters and am unlikely enough to use more than 2 or 3 platoon commands that I feel OK demoting them):

And finally, as I was rooting around to find these guys, I figured I would pull this Leman Russ Vanquisher out of the foam and move it to the display cabinet, with its original, about as old as the ex-officers paintjob (only one that actually got fully painted, I think!):

Dunno why I keep fitting my vanquishers with the triple bolters, I know they really should pack all AT weapons, but...meh. Not like I'm likely to hit the feild with these anyways!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/30 21:12:01

Post by: Wirecat

Progress looks good.

My-my, does the Vanguisher look dated, bolters or no bolters. I know it is just a Russ underneath everything, but... Not to break You dedication an momentum, just a personal lament here. Tinted metal on tracks and white undercoat may make it look brighter, though. Will be watching closely.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/30 22:03:34

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Vejut wrote:
Don qui Hotep: not sure where the barb wire tail is? Think it might be the guy in the center but his tail is actually behind that. Glad the wire reads Ok!

Yes, I see now - it looked like one of the rats had had his tail replaced!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/30 22:07:28

Post by: Vejut

Wirecat wrote:
Progress looks good.

My-my, does the Vanguisher look dated, bolters or no bolters. I know it is just a Russ underneath everything, but... Not to break You dedication an momentum, just a personal lament here. Tinted metal on tracks and white undercoat may make it look brighter, though. Will be watching closely.

Well, that's about as far as that one's going--literally just pulled him out of the foam its been stored in. I figured it looked "good enough", and it'd be nice to keep a few of these guys I actually finished in their original colors. It's a bit dated, but want to do a few (already converted, and admittedly as old as that one and the rats!) after I finish all the new rats that I hope will look a bit more up to my current standards.

Don: If i do more of them, it's not a terrible idea!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/30 22:36:24

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Vejut wrote:
Wirecat wrote:
Progress looks good.

My-my, does the Vanguisher look dated, bolters or no bolters. I know it is just a Russ underneath everything, but... Not to break You dedication an momentum, just a personal lament here. Tinted metal on tracks and white undercoat may make it look brighter, though. Will be watching closely.

Well, that's about as far as that one's going--literally just pulled him out of the foam its been stored in. I figured it looked "good enough", and it'd be nice to keep a few of these guys I actually finished in their original colors. It's a bit dated, but want to do a few (already converted, and admittedly as old as that one and the rats!) after I finish all the new rats that I hope will look a bit more up to my current standards.

Don: If i do more of them, it's not a terrible idea!

Are you planning an army? You certainly have enough character models to make a go of it! Cool Leman Russ variant also, thanks for sharing.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/08/30 23:13:23

Post by: Vejut

Its less "planning" and more "finally getting around to painting", at least for large chunks of it. I've got about a company, company and a half of Russ variants, enough chimera to carry the veteran squads here, some odds and sods Hellhounds and Salamanders and the like, and probably two platoons plus significant special and heavy weapons squad supports in foam in a tupperware bucket in a back room--a decent few of them are painted, but to the rather low standard seen above. That said, my brain is trying to convince me to expand it a bit once I've got more of it painted, and a decent bit of it needs repairs or touchup.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/07 02:40:42

Post by: Vejut

Well, was holding out to try to have more progress, but its time for an update. First up: I've managed to keep up more or less weekly updates on this thread for a full year now! Its been helpful as motivation during a few points as well, especially around the end of last year. Managed to get 146 models done since starting, though I'm kinda short on energy to pull them out for a fancy progress shot. I probably won't keep that pace up next year, aiming for more like 72, but I do hope to move to doing more stuff like tanks and chariots that I've kinda been putting off in favor of getting raw model count pace down (and also because the last couple big projects on the dragons have been motivation killers)

As for what actually I've gotten done this week:
Didn't quite get done the block colors on the rats, sadly. They're close--just eyes, straps, and then cleanup (so, so much cleanup...) but not quite there.

Did the metal trim on my heavy weapons terminator:

And then started in on the month's challenge models, Fenris the Doom Reaver from Privateer press, in mounted and unmounted versions. Only just started blocking here, but still, progress is being made.

Proooobably need to spend more of my hobby time actually painting instead of on the idiot box, and tone down the number of projects, but still, making progress on a good bit of stuff, and on track for my 144 model goal for the year, so we'll see what happens this week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/08 06:02:35

Post by: Viterbi

Congrats on making the regular updates! And love the heavy flamer rat, it looks really menacing.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/13 23:16:29

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Vitterbi, and yes, that guy makes a dandy flamer. Sad I don't have more to fill out one for each squad or some command groups.

Been somewhat demotivated this week, so not much progress, and of course started more "I don't feel like working on whats already here" projects, like I needed more.
Fenris's horse fell off his pins, annoyingly, and his rider keeps spinning on the cork and losing paint, so mostly set them aside this week:

Instead, took the Tethru harbinger of thoth I primed last month, and started in on him. Actually all the way to shading and highlights, though I really needed to have not glued on the back banner--getting in on his back and cartouche is really annoying. I'm kind of mixed on his skirt and skin--in person I don't think it looks too bad, but the ever critical eye of the camera says its still a bit sharp on the color transitions.

Also not really sure what to do with the text scrolls by his neck. Thinking soft tone with electric blue lettering, but not sure it will contrast enough.
Did some minor skin cleanup and eye painting on the cat great weapon unit--still some ways to go there though:

Of course, don't think I even touched the rats. I did however, start yet another project--assembled a bomber flight for Areonautica Imperialis--got it assembled, turrets magnetized, and priming down. Not sure I'm getting as smooth a tone as I'd like with this russian green primer, and not sure where the colors are going from here, except maybe purple camo?

We'll see how we feel this week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/14 04:58:41

Post by: Viterbi

The camera always lies!

And I know the feeling of suddenly switching to other stuff, but in your case that looks good Harbinger is a nice sculpt and paintjob!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/14 19:43:09

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nice work on the Tethru harbinger. I always liked their look. They, Basti, and Khemru were interesting from a game perspective, because they were more support Harbingers than straight combat-harbingers, like you get with the Heru or the Sebeki.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/16 19:57:58

Post by: Wirecat

Your love of blue and cold greys is highly infectious, did anyone told You that yet? Good stuff, Vejut.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/21 16:21:26

Post by: Vejut

VItterbi: Thanks, hoping i can get it the rest of the way done well.

Don Qui Hotep: I've yet to get to play War Gods, will be interesting to play around with. Possibly if Cold Wars goes forward this year, I might finally catch the convention game.

Wirecat: thanks, I keep trying get good shading on it, eventually I might succeed.

Feels like a slow week, but I did actually get done all three Marauders. Tried to simplify my schemes a bit, feel like some of my issues are more layers and shading than my skill can support. May do some more markings on them after some thought, but for right now, radio codes TM-BG, RH-CP, and KD-FM are good to fly:

And a bit of a goofy pic of a dakkajet having a bad day:

That said, only minor other progress, a little shading on some of the rats:

And some further work on the Harbinger. Kind of want to punch up the cloak a bit, but not sure where to go with it, especially the yellow. Think otherwise, he's about done except the base:

Hopefully get him done this week...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/28 02:45:09

Post by: Vejut

Another week down. Mostly been trying to clean up projects for the month.
Thethru is done, or at least as done as he's going to get. Still need to take better final pictures for the challenge, but ended up not going much further with him:

At this point, I have entirely too many harbingers painted up with no warbands to lead. Really need to do something about that at some point--got enough different follower units, just need to get painting.

Also got the latest set of rats almost done. Just need to do a power sword, some basing, and possibly erase a few stray marks where I missed cleaning up their fur:

Hoping to have them done this week, we'll see how motivation feels.
Also started in on this guy:

A 2nd commissar for some leadership assistance. Idea is to try my hand at doing some better flesh, and washing down the coat as a blue-black. Going to try to clean up and improve my first, power fist carrying one as well. Theres also a bit of UK azure I threw on some rat-ogryn and the last set of squaddies for this veteran platoon when I dropped a bit too much in my pallet, but dunno bow far I'll get on them--may try shifting back to some basti or animal adventurers, feeling like I need a change from the rats for a bit. Admittedly, the skeleton in the back is part of a unit of 4 old Ral Partha skellies by Judy Guthrie, wh8ch should help. Hoping to also get them painted up for next month's Halloween edition of the painting challenge...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/09/28 07:09:16

Post by: Viterbi

Good to see another rat squad nearly done. That should feel good, it's always more fun to paint single minis, at least for me.
Nice work on the harbinger, good luck in the comp!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/02 21:48:27

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Great final effort on the Harbinger. Excited to see some spooky skeletons for October!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/05 03:21:15

Post by: Vejut

Viterbi: Thanks! Finally did get the rats done today or at least done enough (could probably use a few little paintovers for missed mispaints, and the power weapon kinda needs the antenna redone after blending, but kinda been dragging on hobby enthusiasm in general:

Don Qui Hotep: Thank you for the compliment. Two colors down on the skellies, a whole bunch more to go:

Also did some more work on the commissar, though really setting myself up for failure here, I think--was going to try to work more on the face and skin tones, and instead I've started shading everything but the them, the plasma pistol and jacket interior before I even finished blocking in the eyes or doing metallics. Dunno how the heck I'll manage to not screw up the already done shading when I go in for the skin...

Dunno how much progress I'll make this week, especially with IRL stuff going on, or what'll land on the desk next. Maybe start the last set of bulk Veterans needed for the ratlings, or possibly start in on some of their Chimeras, though that'd mean repairing all the storage damage. We'll see how it goes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/05 14:26:37

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

Love that sword. Good luck on the skin!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/09 00:29:51

Post by: Vejut

DJJazzyJeff: thanks, I'm kinda proud of it, even if it could probably be a bit better blended.

Actually managed to get everything but the base done, and somehow didn't screw up the face or sword (yet):

Also re-did the face on the old commissar while I was at it, and added bronze trim. Even with the cleaned up areas, really struck me how nasty the older paint job was in comparison. Gotta still clean and punch up the reds, khakis, and black, and of course washes and highlights on the metallics but should be downhill from here on him, which'd give me the leadership for this little force. May have to convert up a command squad for these guys and the old company commander to tag along with...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/09 06:22:16

Post by: Viterbi

Nice work on the commissar and good thing you managed to get the face painted acccident-free. And I love the other commissar sculpt, nice of you to give him some touchups.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/11 04:01:11

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi! Actually kept chugging on them, and actually just got them both done:

Names indicate I may have listened to a bit much NPR as a kid, and I probably should have saved those names for some techpriests, but eh, not changing them now.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/11 13:43:24

Post by: tzurk

Those two look brilliant together! It's great to be able to see a before/after of the "old" commissar. You did a great job on bringing him up to match the new one! I'll echo the praise for the sword, it looks brilliant. Both their faces are nicely done and the bases are interesting without looking crowded.

The ratmen themselves are great too - I don't think we see enough space skaven! Nice work on the reds.

Whatever you end up painting next, I'll be excited to see. Keep it up!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/11 13:47:01

Post by: Nevelon

Nice work. They turned out really well.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/11 22:56:55

Post by: Wirecat

Great work on this pair, Vejut. I think most of these models in the gallery here on Dakka suffer from being "over-washed". Yes, some bits still can be improved, but overall You have more than done justice to them with enough bright spots to break dark and plain parts. Thumbs up!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/12 03:49:58

Post by: Vejut

Thank you Tzurk and Nevelon! It only look something like 11 years to get to them, but still feels kinda nice making progress on them!

Wirecat: Thanks! I do use a good bit of washes, but started trying to keep them in more specific areas, or go back over after. Starting to get results I'm at least not horrified by at arms length anyways.

Gah, almost forgot--made some progress on the skeletons, base coating is done, now I just gotta start the washes and such--probably going heavy on washes for the bones, a lot of texture there, more than I think I can manage fine-brushing. Hopefully don't go overboard on them.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/18 21:18:59

Post by: Wirecat

They remind me good old Confrontation where necromancers were such an equal opportunity employers. Nice/

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/19 00:37:02

Post by: Vejut

Thanks wirecat! I do like when you've got fantasy undead that take more than just human and ambigously elf skeletons!

Actually got the basing and all done over the weekend:

Will probably try to take better photos by next weekend, but for now, into the cabinet and mark 'em as done. Actually kind of tempting me to find some animal heads and or pre-animal headed skeletons to expand out into an undead army, but already got two and a half-dead project on the go for armies and several more where I've got a few models and desires to expand, so that'll wait I think (carefully covering the giant pile of skeletons and skulls just downloaded from thingiverse...)

I did start another animal adventurer though: Dark Sword calls this guy "'Harrek', otter cleric", but I'm kinda thinking of him as a Servant of Cod:

needs a couple more metallics laid down--I want the fish in his hand to be silver I think, plus I'd like to layer on a mid-gray-blue metallic over the dark so its less of an obvious blue-- and a cleaning up on his fur, then I can be off to wash and highlights...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/20 06:17:33

Post by: Viterbi

Otter looks very nice already, great sculpt and nice color choices!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/22 23:51:42

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi! Kinda ruined it with the shading, but I think it ended up...enh, OK.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/24 19:56:06

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I think it actually added a lot! I like the three tones on his face, very naturalistic, darker towards the snout and lighter under the chin. Silver was a good choice for the fish also.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/26 03:23:10

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Don Qui Hotep.

Kinda was mentally all over the place this week. Tried moving the rats and the glaive kitties forward, but only got maybe one color each done on basing--was like pulling teeth and I was making mistakes all over, so I set them aside for the moment:

Also did a very little bit on the gnoll you can see in the background there.
Started in a bit on some reaper pizza kobolds, and also threw some paint at a dinosaur warrior, also from reaper, I put the red skin base on forever ago. Going to try getting them done over the next week or so:

Also primed and cleaned up another Dark Sword animal adventurer, need to start in on it, but its detailed enough to go towards the rear of the pile, more in a quick dopamine hit from finishing easy subtasks mood right now:

So of course between last night being up to late, and today being off, I assemble, prime, and finish a khorne dog. Moderately happy with this one. Base could use more blending, and not sure it matches well with either my khorne rat-terminators or any future non-Underworlds flesh hounds, and the bone color flesh is kinda blotchy, but I feel like I did decently with the red skin (even if admittedly something about the red colors I have temds to make them blend easier than other colors I've tried.) Also leaves me with 7 to go for my 144 painted target for the year.

Lets see how much time I get next week, and if I remember to take final pics of the skellies for the challenge.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/28 02:52:51

Post by: Vejut

Did a bit with the pizza dungeon kobolds:

Getting there. Feels like the bodies need more contrast. Thinking either a green or midbrown wash and then an aluminium edge highlight, but not sure. Any opinions?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/30 01:55:22

Post by: Vejut

Still no final skeletons pictures, but I did get the kobots (or robolds?) finished up:

Gotta get the skeletons photographed tomorrow so I have time to post them. Also trying to to some with the triceratops, but also forgot to take a picture, we'll see how that goes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/10/30 05:50:51

Post by: Viterbi

Very cool updates, those little kobolds are looking mighty fine. And don't sell yourself short on the cod priest, he looks very good!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/02 02:27:15

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi! My main issue with the otter is the paint kinda broke and its more patchy than I'd like, especially on the metal (the blue is also patchy, but that's more failure to apply stuff at the right places)

Kinda bouncing around between projects right now, mostly working on stuff thats been laying around my desk for a while.

Started an Asar (human) witch and priest of Anubis, and a Basti priest of bast for the challenge. Going to try doing sheer fabric on the Basti (and admittedly, probably fail and drop working on the model like I did last Basti I tried this on...) The Asar I plan to practice flesh with--one darker, more Mediterranean, the other more caucasian. Also put some base coats on the Kartikeya model and the triceratops that've been knocking around in the background of my pictures for a good long while. Kinda feel I should have gone for more "molting scales" than "ripping flesh" on Kartikeya, as it'd help him fit better in my old Lizardmen army, but...eh, its more correct for the actual game he came from as he is a literal demon from hell formed from a man, and it does look a nice contrast I think. We'll see how my focus holds up this week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/02 12:01:34

Post by: tzurk

Three cheers for the robolds! Brilliantly characterful little minis. Really love the variety of work in here.

In terms of focus, any paint is good paint and it looks like you're getting a lot of it done! Where is the triceratops man from out of curiosity? Looks like a fun mini for DND...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/02 16:42:04

Post by: Vejut

Thanks tzurk. The robolds and triceratops are both from Reaper Miniatures.

They've also got a sci-fi version, and a more conventional fantasy style guy coming in the bones 5 series

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/02 17:09:37

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

I am always amazed by the variety in your blog Vejut, speaking of which have you got any Adeptus titanicus minis in the works? Would love to see more of them.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/03 02:02:30

Post by: Vejut

Thanks ListenToMeWarriors, I try to keep my brain from getting frustrated, so I kinda have a bunch of stuff going at once to distract it. I've got a good bit more titanicus--A starter kit, some more warhounds, and a Warlord, Warbringer, and a box of questoris knights, but they're kinda back table, I'm afraid--doing that last set even to the basic level they were at was a serious grind and enthusiasm killer--I just could not get clean work on that trim or smooth coats on the green. I've been eyeing them a bit more recently, but I'd like to pull at least one of the big blocks I've got on the desk and preferably both down first, just so I don't completely lose them in the clutter.

And because I feel like I'm yakking a bit much for a P&M blog, WIP update on the active set:

Almost ready for metallics and shading. Basti is lagging as predicted, and I need to get in to clean the eyes up on the human scale models, but almost done base coats!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/05 06:22:58

Post by: Viterbi

Nice update, most excited about the dinosaurs. Can't go wrong with big dinosaurs!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/09 04:19:15

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi. I do like the dinos. Made a bit of progress on 'em, but honestly kinda been a bit busy and a bit run down towards the end of this week.

Needs a bit more highlight and blending on the triceratops, and the loincloth done at all. Probably should also find the sheild at some point. Kartikeya needs a lot of smoothing on the skin, and to jump into highlights. He's also being a little annoying and spinning on the wire to the cork.

Also made minor progress on the challenge minis--did try on the sheer fabric, and already screwed it up with some stray red from blocking. Probably try to recover by putting solid colors in, we'll see. Also need to work on actually doing skin tones.

And of course, the game store that used to be local to me got in a KoW book after serveral months on back order, so I did a bit of shopping there, and of course, after saying I wanted to clear my desk last week, I start another project:

Magnetized them up so I can swap guns, though not the wing turrets (and of course, managed to get 3 of the 4 wing turrets glued in place accidentally...), debating between a black F-117/B-2 style scheme, and an anti-flash white Avro Vulcan inspired one. Currently leaning vulcan, though figuring out how to get color depth there will be fun.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/12 01:54:46

Post by: Vejut

Dino done, may go back and do the sheild for him if I ever find it:

And since I'm here, a little progress on the challenge models, starting in on the skin and shading:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/16 02:28:10

Post by: Vejut

Not much more to report this week, but did get almost done with the challenge models. Just need a bit of basing, and possibly the witch's skirt redone. Again. Posting them, they're...kinda washed out pictures, or at least the large format ones are. I'll try to take better pictures once the basing is done. Not really happy with any of the skins, but feeling like I might be starting to get glazing. Cat lady's robe isn't professional or even display level work by any means, but I think it's at least beginning to get the idea across? Also kinda wondering how to do those recessed heiroglyphs better--kinda did a very thin wash mix of the blue, and just touched brush tip to them, let it capillary action in, but it left a bit of haloing around it (a lot of haloing when I got the mix too thick), probably a bit more than could even be passed off as OSL, and cleanup is a bit difficult to get the brush in.

and a goofy bit of the two Asar trying to send the Basti off, because I thought it kinda looked amusing:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/18 05:16:36

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I love those Dino models! Might pick up a few myself, they might be big enough to proxy for Kroxigor.

Nice skin tone on the Priest of Anubis, also!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/18 05:45:32

Post by: Viterbi

Good like finding the dino's shield, although he is looking cool already (and kinda has a shield on his head )

Challenge models look cool, last pic is funny, especially the pose of the Basti "What have I done?"

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/19 02:01:20

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Don Qui Hotep. I keep going back on forth on the skin--in person it feels a bit splotchy, but the pics at phone zoom levels don't look bad, I don't think. Also, krox sizes vs Reaper dino sizes:

Thank you Viterbi. I do find the "who, me?" expression on there amusing, if accidental!

Finished them just now too! Needs some better pics (and looking at the photos, maybe a bit more work on the edges and some more glazes on the Basti), but I've got a couple weeks on that.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/19 03:00:20

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Vejut wrote:
Thanks Don Qui Hotep. I keep going back on forth on the skin--in person it feels a bit splotchy, but the pics at phone zoom levels don't look bad, I don't think. Also, krox sizes vs Reaper dino sizes:

Thanks for the size comparison! Dollar for dollar, looks like a much better investment! I think I'll pick some up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/20 02:28:39

Post by: JoshInJapan

You're a brave soul for attempting sheer clothing on that Basti. I would have no idea where to even begin.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/23 02:23:02

Post by: Vejut

JoshinJapan: I feel you, but I was running mostly from a googled tutorial, and its actually not that bad if you accept that the end result isn't going to look as good as you want. Basically, "anywhere the fabric is going to touch skin gets skin color, paint the fabric color where it doesn't touch the skin like folds, and then blend as appropriate, possibly with a bit of fabric color blended in to skin where its close but not touching." Granted, I'm guessing from the poor result I got I'm missing some, but that's what practice is for.

The croc minis hit my model goal for the year, so kinda basking in that for the week, and also dealing with a little bit of lockup or burnout? Threw some paint at some Khusuran alien soldiers I'd disliked the casting quality on, because if I screwed it up, its not like I was losing anything:

Figuring some green and black shades for gear and pads, if I ever do more colors on them. That helped, and I put a little more color on a gnoll that's been sitting on my desk for...a while. Fur should be done, need to do his everything else cleaned up:

Over the weekend, I've kinda gone an assembling binge though, not really painting much. Got some Northstar miniatures tribals, have them mostly built for use as Asar for WarGods. I'm figuring they'll march out with my Sebeki, if I ever get either of them painted, to give some needed missile support, and faster objective grabbers. I may also get another box or some Warlord Sea Peoples to have a nice deep anvil unit, but for right now, more desk clutter.

...and then because I'm bad at trying to be a people pleaser, and I've been staring at their fellows long enough...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/24 07:46:18

Post by: Viterbi

There's a lot on your table right now and nearly ready gnoll looks cool, has kind of a furry mad max vibe going on.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/11/30 03:19:27

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi!

Another slow and distracted week here--Put a bit more paint on the gnoll, just needs a base now:

Was going to try to do some work on the titans and human warriors, but kinda got distracted. They are primed now though! May try to do more with them over the next couple weeks.

Also started in on this Oathsworn trollkin adventurer just to get something painted. Mostly needs detail highlights and the like, may also put some color shift paint on the blade, not sure there though.

And just remembered in time to take pictures of my challenge models:

I mostly like how the Priest of Anubis came out, though the washes ended up a little heavy on the base of the staff, and he's already chipping on the ear. Other two...eh, there was an attempt? When not zoomed in on my 17" monitor, I can almost convince myself the witch looks decent, but she needed much less purple and more cleanup and blending with the flesh when I look at the zoomed picture, and the Basti has one good angle with the eyes, and any other they just kinda look cross eyed, at the minimum. Hopefully do better next time.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/07 02:57:26

Post by: Vejut

Another slow week. Almost through base colors on the orcs. Actually trying to pre-shade the bronze before dropping metallic paint on it. Probably a mistake. Still need eyes, and then to really do some cleanup.

Also finally got around to touching the rats with some blacks. Needs more reds and their pinks, but one layer at a time...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/07 07:25:22

Post by: Viterbi

One layer at a time is a good mantra! Orc skin looks very cool, really bright green.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/14 02:34:35

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi. Plan to push it up a bit more once I start shading.

Status of the desk for the week, minimal progress:

Gonna kinda sqeak in these models for the challenge, and sadly probably not getting the Basti or rats done before the new year. Annoying, but its a hobby, not a job, and I made my 144 I wanted for the year already.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/14 06:19:37

Post by: Viterbi

I know the feeling of "having" to get stuff finished, but triple digits is always impressive enough and it's important to keep the joy of the hobby. And on the other hand you will start the new counter with some minis that are already far along and will have quick results

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/21 02:46:17

Post by: Vejut

Viterbi--Yeah, I'm hoping that if I don't get them done in the next two weeks, it'll at least give me a flying start for next year's likely lower goals. Starting to feel more like doing them, but not there yet.

What I actually did:
Almost entirely finish my challenge models for the month. Just need to figure out what I'm doing basing wise, and take some pictures.

I think I'll likely fill in the bits around the bones with mixed sand, and then paint everything in a red similar to the primer coat on the spear orc. Feeling mixed about the sheild freehand--I feel it kinda blows what I thought was a pretty nice for me blend gradient on the sheilds with a much crappier art peice, but I also felt the blend itself was just a little too plain. I'd be willing to hear opinions on other ways to punch 'em up!

Also mostly finished these two adventurers I'd had running along side those two. Sadly, you'd think with as much gee-wiz tech as samsung puts on their phones, they'd get better depth of feild, but alas, they don't, and I didn't notice how blurred out the troll lady was until after they were uploaded. Not happy with how the human's face came out, I need to work on my human skin style. Still, just need some paint on the bases for these two, and then into the cabinet with them:

And lastly, been working on this guy off and on a bit, finally decided to take some pictures. Inspired by theCrowe's stuff, going to be some kind of Badgers and Burrows mini, not sure what yet, may pattern him off my sister's great dane mix for the head (and may need to restart the head from scratch, but hey, that's why its separate:

We'll see what we get done this week, especially as its a short one and I'm off from christmas to the end of the year.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/22 20:43:27

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Nicely done on the shields! I really like the Argo.

Good luck on scratch-sculpting! That is one thing I have never quite dared.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/22 23:05:35

Post by: theCrowe

Hey that's exciting that you've been inspired by my stuff. Thanks for the shout out and I'm really looking forward to seeing your dog warrior coming together.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/22 23:51:24

Post by: darkkt

Greenstuff body off to a good start, look forward to seeing the progress

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/23 00:56:19

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate, some more lovely work in here as usual - you've been productive!

Great colours all around - I love the slight pink/more human skin tone around the mouth of the orcs, particular the one with her mouth shut.

Armature looks good! Really looking forward to seeing that one come out. Good luck with it!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/23 06:39:59

Post by: Viterbi

Great update and I like the freehand on your shields, especially the ship. Maybe if you do some battle damage on the shields with some light stipling it might tie the freehand and the shield better together?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/23 12:13:08

Post by: Fifty

I look forward to seeing where your sculpting goes. Nice pose to begin with.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/25 00:30:01

Post by: Vejut

So, lot of comments on this one...

Don Qui Hotep: Thanks! Kinda cribbing off pictures of LBM sheild decals, still not entirely happy with the shaping. The sculpting I'm still not sure on, but a little bit at a time...

the Crowe: Thanks for doing such interesting work, and making it look so doable!

darkkt: I expect there'll be short little bursts of progress widely separated, but I'll try to keep on it.

tzurk: thanks! Not sure about productive as much as just kinda slow building up of work until it finally looks like something changed, but I'll take it either way.

Viterbi: I'm actually kinda afraid to do more to them in fear of screwing them up. I am considering that if I do another one though. Do kinda want to get back on that Basti harbinger, and I did want to give her a sheild...

Fifty: thanks! hoping the rest keeps up with it.

Did have a short session with the scuplt yesterday:

Liking the massing on the muscles, but gotta figure out how to smooth that surface down a good bit without changing the size too much, and figure out hands and feet (also the head, which I dread starting.) Also pictured with some Konflict 47 doggos from Warlord I'm thinking of trying to knock out quickly.

Then the finished stuff:
Troll lady from Oathsworn and Julie Guthrie adventurer sculpt from the Grenadier era:

Still getting wonky lighting off shots on my desk--both of them actually do have the eyes at least white and dotted, but can't tell from the pics. Really not happy with the two sworder's flesh tone, but trying to keep moving forward, hopefully the next one comes out better.

And finally, finished orc pics. Probably try for better ones with the D60 for the challenge finals, but that'll wait til after Christmas

That dirt fought me so hard--strong tone dried gloss, matte varnish was determined to frost where it built up in the cracks (and I couldn't seem to get it on thin enough given I'm using a hairy stick), gloss varnish just made the issue worse, and a final midtone wash just kinda made it look muddy. Ah well. Next time, just start with a water thinned paint wash instead.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/25 13:38:51

Post by: Nevelon

Very nice work. Love the freehand on the shields. I think we are often too hard with our own criticism. Another thing to keep in mind is the arm’s length rule. Minis need to look good on the table. The ultra-zoom of close up pics is not their native space

Goals are good for motivating you, but don’t become their slave. I know last year I was close to making one of mine, but recognized that if I pushed to get there, I would not enjoy it, and my quality would suffer. So I just accepted the “almost made it” and went on my way, happier with the fail then the victory.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/25 14:45:48

Post by: Viterbi

Really love the armour on troll lady, so nice, shiny and turquoise!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/26 20:56:57

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work on the orcs. I really like your bases-- lots of interesting texture without distracting from the models.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/28 02:26:47

Post by: Vejut

Nevelon: Thanks! A lot of annoyance on this is partially trying to improve for the painting challenge (and just in general, because being able to produce good looking things is nice!), and also the feeling that I was doing better under the camera, but backslid and am not sure where I'm missing. I've made the real goal for the year, anything more is a nice to have (but still a little disappointing when I don't make it!)

Viterbi: Thank you! Its IIRC Vallejo Gunmetal Blue, TurboDork (I think Curcao?) as a highlight, and a purple wash for the shading. Glad it came out OK!

JoshInJapan: Thanks. Glad the effort that went into the fixes ended up paying off in the end.

Not much since the last batch, but did keep on working on the dogs :

The casts were...not the worst, but could have been a good bit better. They all had a prominent mold line right across the face--you can probably still see it in the picture. I also just decided to try to roll with it and get them done, so my cleanup isn't the best either. Still, base coating is done, just gotta wash and highlight them. I did put some more layers on the rats (mostly cleanup and eye whites, so not much worth photographing) , so these might not be the last models of the year, but they probably will be, and they're not a terrible way to finish.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/29 07:22:31

Post by: Viterbi

Thanks for the paint info. I had eyed the Turbodorks colors when I started my marines, but because of the shipping costs decided to use washes and then Contrast hit and I hadn't thought about them since then.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2020/12/31 04:30:06

Post by: Vejut

Still one day left, and I've got no real plans for tomorrow, but these will likely be my last models finished for 2020:

Kinda crap, in "just get them done" mode, though I do like how the white fur on the one came out. Grouping them with the two old Bolt action models of the LMG gunner and his dog ammo bearer I did several years ago for the painting challenge--figure if I play a skirmish game like This is Not a Test or the like, it'll give me a a goofy little gang to run with.

That'll make my total 156 for the year, and the goal was 144, so not a bad year, especially given there's a dragon, 5 (AT scale) titans, and a chariot in there with all the more normal sized figures.

Figuring next year I'll aim for 72, which sadly breaks my last few years streak of doubling the number of models I get done each year--144 was already feeling bit much and discouraging me from doing 'larger' peices like tanks, 288 would probably kill me, or at least my motivation. I do kinda want to try finishing up more of the tanks for my old IG army though, but we'll see what happens.

Thank you for everybody who leaves comments--its motivating to have that feeling that somebody noticed your work, even if only for a minute.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/02 10:59:48

Post by: Viterbi

What was your recipe for the white dog? I'm painting some horses soon and for a white horse (which really are grey according to Terry Pratchett's characters) and currently am just contemplating grey seer base and some contrast white.

And congrats on reaching your goal and to realizing to cut back because you feel it will bring you more joy hobbying. Excited to see what you will do in 2021, your plog is always full with sculpts one doesn't see elsewhere.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/02 16:12:11

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi. Mostly use Vallejo paints, but the white dog was just polyurethane primer white over the bare metal, a thinned down french mirage blue (dark blue grey) wash in the crevices, and then re-highlighting with (IIRC) white-grey and then cold white.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/02 16:17:12

Post by: Nevelon

One thing for counting goals is a trick I used to use to make my numbers, but have stopped doing. Use “model equivalents”. So a mounted calvary guy counts as two (rider + horse is basically painting two models) and things like giant monsters and vehicles count as 4 (lots of area to cover, more details, etc). This lets you tackle big things and not feel you are just shooting your goals.

Doubling your goal every year is not sustainable. There is no way that math works out in the long run. It’s good to push yourself, but let’s not go crazy here...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/04 01:31:32

Post by: Vejut

Nev: I considered counting multiples for vehicles and the like, but it kinda felt like cheating for some reason? Probably the definition of "cavalry/monster" given a lot of the stuff I was doing is kinda technically ogre sized and often I was using kinda random basing sizes. The doubling just kinda happened, and wasn't that bad considering I was starting from 18 when I started counting. There's guys on here doing like, 400 a year, so it was kinda doable another year or two, but yeah, not for me and not with enjoying it.

Been off the last week, so got more than usual done, if much less than I'd have liked to with the time. Finally got back on the rats and Basti (with the usual boob spoiler):

Highlighted the skin some, though I used a mixed paint, and the white didn't mix in well, so its not really noticeable, even beyond the blur. Reds also got started--needs another layer of red, maybe some spot whites on the skin, and then a few washes and cleanups. Should probably highlight the blues as well, not as sure there what to do though.

Rats likewise just need another red layer up, and then the washes and some edge highlights.

Did a little more with the scupting:

Alas, I forgot that the right arm was already a bit short, so that right fist blockout will probably need to get sanded off or worked in somehow. blade was made of a little jagged chunk of polystyrene off-cut from I don't know what that was laying on my desk, and then filed to shape. A bit short, but I kinda like it. Also decided the head will have to be totally redone--eyes on the front, not the side on hounds--but if I do more of these after this one, I can probably use it for that. Why I was sculpting it separate anyways.

And then probably what will be my entry for the challenge this month (if I don't throw them over for some 15mm parthians to start a L'art de Guerre force):

Bronze Age Miniatures Viking sheildmaidens, to start off a new SAGA Norse warband as two points of hearthguard. Going to try going for a orangy natural dye style yellow and a fairly bright green, not sure I've got the right purple to balance that though, and there'll have to be some browns and tans for weapon hafts and hair. Right now they're eye grabbing, but a bit action-figure I think--I was trying for "bright colors because we can afford dyes to style on y'all and show how rich we are." May also try playing around with NMM, but not sure I'll have the patience and focus for that.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/04 20:43:11

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Hey, if a dreadnought counts as five models for the purposes of contesting an objective, it oughta count as five models for the purposes of your painting log!

Love seeing the historical stuff, and the Basti with polearms look fierce. Maybe give the bronze a wash or similar? Might help add a bit of depth.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/05 02:42:00

Post by: tzurk

Musculature on that sculpt is turning out nicely mate, well done.

Rats and Basti both look great in their groups - I agree that a wash might help on their metallics - in fact with the rats i think you could probably chuck the whole model into a bath of black/brown wash and it'd come out looking spot on!

I like the start of the new viking girls too - I think the purple looks fine as is, but maybe if you want to avoid the "Hulk" contrast you could push it either to the red or blue side and see if you like it better that way.

Congrats on a killer year - 150+ models is a great haul and I love the variety in this blog. Looking forward to more in 2021!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/07 02:50:29

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work on the dogs. I suspect they'll be useful in any number of games.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/07 08:52:57

Post by: theCrowe

Great work Vejut. I really like the orcs and the two warrior ladies, I wasn't convinced on troll girl's armour colour early on but it really came out great in the end. And I'm looking forward to seeing those scaven IG finished. The sculpt is looking great so far. What game are you hoping to use it for? You've convinced me that separate heads are the way to go when sculpting. I've done a couple like that now and am appreciating the posing help it affords.
My cat is pestering me to feed her so I better go do that.
All the best for 2021.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/11 02:37:04

Post by: Vejut

Thank you all for the positive comments, it is very appreciated to feel people are enjoying my stuff. theCrowe, as much as I'm ever likely to play with any of them, I was figuring it'd end up in a Badgers and Burrows or something similar force. Honestly, it was mostly just be wanting to try my hand at sculpting something that went with my other furry fantasy things.

I did do most of my layers of washes and such this week:

Basti, washes are done, needs a heck of a lot of cleanup work, mostly in another layer on the skins, probably a blue wash or...something on the blues, and a pass of bright brass to bring the shine back on the edges of the armor and weapon. Really not feeling them, they look like trash at anything closer than this distance, but I want them off my painting stack.

Rats at least I feel like pass the arms length test, but not much more, mass is doing a lot of work there. On the other hand, do up some basing and they're done. Probably going to lazy out and just do piled sand, skipping the wire and planks.

Also got the basecoating done on the norse, on to cleanup and highlights, I think. Will have to go get some 3/4" OD washers to mount them to so as to match my Rus.

Didn't really touch the sculpt or much else this week, maybe next week. More likely will finish up the cats and rats and try to do a one-off or two.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/11 09:54:55

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate, everything looking good! Norsemen are really coming together.

Sounds like you are being pretty harsh on yourself on your cat people and your rat people but they both look pretty good to me. What are you unhappy with in particular?

I think that some basing will help both of them out and are where you can get stuck in to creating cohesion and contrast with very little effort. e.g. to my eye the martian red colour on the rats' bases atm washes out their armour a bit. I would be tempted to sand those bases up and paint it a dark grey colour w a lighter drybrush to help the red and brass stand out.

For the basti, I like the desert theme going on and think the colour works, but maybe a few scattered skulls/cacti/tufts/ruins would help differentiate them a bit. Unless uniformity of the endless dunes is what you are going for, of course!

I completely understand the feeling of just wanting things done! And at the end of the day if you cut a few corners on a tabletop model most people will be none the wiser, and all three units are easily passable as that already!

BTW - holy dooly working on three whole units at once is a commitment and a half in and of itself; kudos are deserved for that feat alone!

Look forward to whatever you come up with - I am sure they will all turn out great!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/12 13:44:43

Post by: Vejut

Tzurk-- I just feel the job is rather ragged, with a lot of tidemarks and stray paint, and every time I go in to clean it up, the paintbrush seems to tag something else.

That said, cats are done:

And the army as it stands:

Two more archer units, and some assorted hero, crew, and chariots to go

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/15 02:29:22

Post by: Vejut

And the rats are done:

Probably need to build and paint one more batch, for some Vox units, an additional grenadier, and some other odds and ends, but that'll be a ways in the future, I'm sick of seeing them right now.
On to the viking ladies, or possibly just throwing paint at something.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/15 02:42:10

Post by: JoshInJapan

Congratulations on finishing a unit. That's one of the best feelings in the world.

Did you give them all names?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/15 03:19:34

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Josh. Only the rats got named I'm afraid. I probably should name the cats even more than the rats, given WarGods is more of a narrative game, but they feel a bit more of an army to take seriously, and coming up with as many rat names as I have has been strongly helped by being able to make most of them jokes (even if I probably won't remember the joke in a few days...) I don't think I could come up with enough decent sounding egyptian names.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/15 09:31:03

Post by: theCrowe

That hobby desk is a beautiful sight. I've been in hobby exile working out of a couple of IKEA shelf baskets since our kids needed the bedrooms. I'm like a wee hobby refugee shedding a tear at a postcard from his homeland.

I'm sure dakka could come up with plenty of comedy Egyptian names for your cats. You could paint them under the bases so as not to ruin the look of your nice sensible army.

I'll kick things off with an offering. How about TutankhaMog? Maybe find a larger base for that one, it's a bit long.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/15 20:37:35

Post by: Fifty

Nice Space Rats. And it is strange how much difference painting the base rims black makes! It makes the models themselves lighter and brighter, without making them look washed out. I know they weren't finished in the first photo, but it is still interesting.

They look good in the photos. I know you did not enjoy it, but they are done. Hopefully the last batch will be less trying for you.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/16 14:46:59

Post by: Viterbi

Congrats on finishing the blob of rats, they are looking very cool together. I can't paint more than five models of a squad at once, so I envy that you were able to get through this big squad.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/18 02:42:38

Post by: Vejut

theCrowe--Thanks for the compliment on the desk. Its one I've hauled from house to house so far since I was a teen, I just kinda wish I took better care of it, getting a little ragged. On the cat names, I just really don't have the bandwidth right now for it, there'll be plenty of time later if I decide to.

Fifty-- Thanks! I kinda just default to black because its easy, covers well, and kinda acts as a border for the rest.

Viterbi--Thanks, glad they at least work at arms length. To be fair, I've been painting them since September, and I'm feeling pretty burnt on them, so groups of 5 probably would have been the better idea both in speed and enthusiasm terms!

In relation to that burnout, been kinda just slinging paint at random things so far, mostly older stuff. I did do the eyes on the norse. Thinking next step is armor shading, since I'm going to be washing with black and it likes escaping the lines and I'd rather only clean up once:

Kinda not feeling them much though, probably because its yet another string of mass painting, so touched up this reaper Lizardman's basecoat--need to figure out how to do that yellow scales, so I can start doing up my lizardman bloodbowl team while keeping my old Lizardman army scheme. Thinking maybe a sculfurous brown or similar orange-brown wash:

Also sanded down the errant hand on the sculpt, now just need to re-sculpt the new one and figure out what I'm doing with that head.

and finally, got on a bit of a tear, and actually took a bear I'd had sitting on my desk since september 2018 from the lightly shaded base-coat he'd been wearing to done:

We'll see how it goes this week. Got some tank stuff 3D printing, kinda want to attack that lizard, but really need to get at least one of the sheildmaidens done.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/18 08:23:19

Post by: theCrowe

Nice selection of stuff. It's Vejut's hobby buffet. The shield maidens are great little minis. They remind me of old 90s marauder minis but they have nicer faces. Maybe if you pick just 3 and get them finished off you'll see what the final look is and either be inspired to see the rest to done or make some changes on the rest before they go too much further.

Also, I just painted 2 plastic Skaven Storm vermin and WoOF! They're not nice minis to paint! How many rats have you painted now? My respect for the endurance of that achievement just grew massively.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/25 02:03:19

Post by: Vejut

theCrowe--thanks for the compliment. I dunno, the only part I found annoying about the Stormvermin was the underskirt area, and to a large extent the lighter colors I was using and the bases meant I mostly contented myself with minimal "yeah, there's probably paint there" work. Most of the ones I've done have admittedly actually been plague monks who have their robes filled in, only maybe 20 or 30 have been actual stormvermin. What part was getting you? I suspect I may have kinda slid by on the fact I was mass painting them mostly.

On the sheildmaidens, I am splitting off four to try to get done, but thats probably just not happening--housework occured and took longer than planned, so they're currently sitting here:

Was trying to shade the armor and then wash down to make a no-metallics chain armor effect (not sure it'd really be NMM, but something in that vein), but sadly what looked promising wet didn't come out once it dried. Also finding a lot of missed spots, so they'll be a while.

That said, sat down yesterday and did my first Battletech mini in a good while:



Being goofy, patterned the color scheme off dad's Kioti or Kubota (can never remember which) tractor. Apparently, the tractor factory is VERY serious about parking enforcement. May put that one in for the challenge instead of the sheildmaidens.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/25 03:39:54

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work on the Urbanmech. A wonderfully ridiculous (or is it ridiculously wonderful) design. I can see why it's such a popular mech.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/25 04:12:18

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I like a good model robot. Nice bright Martian reds. Congrats on getting the bear out of your backlog, always a happy feeling!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/26 19:41:08

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Saw your werewolves make the front page! That's pretty cool.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/27 12:59:07

Post by: Viterbi

Lovely work on the mech, bright orange is always a winner and good job on the base, love the greenage (is that a word?) behind his feet.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/27 22:28:14

Post by: theCrowe

Always nice to see some Battletech on Dakka. That Urbie is giving me pumpkin vibes. Makes me want to march my big bully Atlas right over there and smoosh it flat!

Really like the black framing of the blue cockpit glass. Super scheme all round.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/27 22:33:44

Post by: tzurk

Love the battletech mech! Lovely colours and neat reflections on the windows/screens. The base is nicely done as well.

The bear looks great too, some really nice depth on the fur - very natural!

The variety of your projects on the go always impresses me. The shieldmaidens will get there, and the bloodbowl lizard is off to a good start.

It might seem an odd thing to comment on but I also love that your painting area looks like a painting area! It looks like comfortable organised chaos back there and I can imagine it must be fun to sit down and pick up a few different projects and just look them over before deciding what to paint.

Keep it up!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/01/31 23:26:36

Post by: Vejut

Well, got the norse ladies done:

JoshInJapan: Thanks! The ol' UrbanKeg is a fun little trashcan, isn't it?

Don Qui Hotep: Thank you! trying more for orange, but I'll take red. Not sure why the Werewolves got on the front page, but still nice.

Viterbi: thanks! I'd probably call it "greenery", but I suppose greenage works! Its literally just green painted sand on top of a 28mm scale brick, but works nicely as a planter, doesn't it?

theCrowe: Isn't that what you're supposed to do with an Atlas to an Urbanmech? Thank you!

Moved a few things to the done pile:
Kept on the BattleTech vibe, did up a Hellbringer as a break from batch painting:

Kinda feel like I need to work on getting smoother, narrower edge highlights there, and probably should have done another pass with some thinned down German Camo Bright Green or that mixed with some Lime Green to blend things a bit better.

Also got the Norse Ladies done, or at least four of them, enough to submit for the challenge:

Not sure about my decision to stitch them together like that--clicking through shows their full ugly detail, but medium embed is cramped and shows basically nothing, while full size is framebreaking. I have the raw files and can go back to singles, but its not like there's much to miss. Other four are a bit stalled, but may keep working on them over the next week.

Threw some more paint at this lizardman--kinda like the scales, probably will be how I do my lizards moving forward--sculferous brown, gold or sun yellow, wash of mid brown, moon yellow highlight.

Also tossed a little green stuff at the sculpt:

Looking like its heading more for sheepdog than my sister's dog, and that fist is still wrong (too big this time...), probably have to take the file to it again. Need to figure out a better way of getting a thin detail layer on him for the fur too.

Finally, I think somebody asked a while back for better pictures of those greek-ish orcs with less clutter, so since I had the photo setup out:

Anyways, until next week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/02/02 01:51:35

Post by: theCrowe

Lots of solid and varied work on display. From the Bronze Age to giant robots of the future. You're quite the hobby butterfly.

Sculpt is looking good. Thin layers for surface detail is key but a thick blob where needed can do just fine if you have the support behind it to make the shaping of it manageable. That fist looks big now but once the rest of the fur etc goes on you might find it scales well enough. I'd say just wait and see on that fix. What size is he? It's a little hard to get an idea of the scale from the pic.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/02/03 14:59:55

Post by: Viterbi

Nice update and cool new pics of the orc ladies, really love their shields and the armour work.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/02/03 16:32:16

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I like the variety of things you're working on. Makes me feel better about being all over the place in my own hobbying.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/02/08 02:02:59

Post by: Vejut

theCrowe: yeah, I tend to respond to "enh, not feeling this model today" by going "ok, well, what do you do feel?" to keep moving, and usually thats completely unrelated. Trying to strike the balance between "thin enough to not bulk it hugely" and "thin enough my sculpting tool doesn't just tear it open" on the dog was hard. He's about ogre sized, intentionally so I have space to mess up size and such.

Viterbi: Thanks!

DJJazzyJeff: Thanks! All over the place helps keep it from getting boring, doesn't it?

Kinda was all over the place this week, and pretty unmotivated for the first part of it.

Started prepping a few miniatures for the challenge this month. Initially was going to do a Punga Miniatures Oprichnik I ordered thinking it was a kind of Hussar, figuring they're pretty flashy...then I looked up what that was and found it was a secret police paramilitary and that just kinda took all the joy out of it. I may go back and convert him up to straighten his bendy sword and remove the broom that they modeled on the side just to make him a Hussar, but not this month, I don't think. Tried again with their Admiral model:

I dunno if its just resin being resin or what, but there was a good bit of cleanup to get him to this point, which was also the issue with the other one, and I'm still going to have to go in with that sheathe and extend the hanger straps. OK, so that was out, throw a little paint on a random model to decompress:

Already started before this month, just the staff, but enh. Whatever, on to the next try!
Which was a Greebo Games totally-not-a-Kroxigor for Blood Bowl. Actually kinda kept on him for a few days, and then a burst this weekend.

Still need to do the eyes, and uh, probably should have done the skin up more before doing layers above it, even cleanup there (and there's going to be a lot of it) is going to be un-fun but enh, progress is progress.

Also threw some more paint on the other two big lizards I've been working on slowly for several months (I will not look how long, because I suspect its actually years...):

First mostly just needs the screwups I dropped on their skin with red cleaned up, and maybe some more back and forth on the shading to smooth and push contrast, I think. Second is mostly there on basecoat, just black for the blades and some eye and mouth work.

I also did some prep work for more of my ratlings, or at least their heavy support:

I know the Vanquisher is going to be a commissar's ride, but not sure if I should paint the whole thing in black/red, or just do some turret and front corner bar markings, and leave the rest in the planned pale blue-white/red/bronze scheme that the last one used...

And then what's mostly got my attention this weekend, and whats probably going to be my challenge entry Reaper Miniatures Hellknight Signifier from their pathfinder line:

Need to figure out the base I think, and a day or two to decide if there's anything I can do to actually make it better--those white spots at the knee are light reflection, not sure if I should matte varnish and try to remove them, or put them in as actuall paint (or both!), and it could probably use some smoothing of the paint work, if I dare...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/02/10 01:39:57

Post by: Vejut

Actually finished with the hellknight:

Could probably use some smoothing on the armor, and a shot that actually gets that mask in focus. Fairly pulled back and using zoom, not quite sure why the depth of feild is so terrible.

Also threw a bit more fur at the dog scupt. I can conclusively say its not going to be my sister's lab at this point, but we're having fun sculpting fur anyways.

Also started painting the Demolisher, but only one color, so no picture yet, especially since I'm not sure the approach I'm trying to take to the white will work--thinking VGC Wolf grey, panel lined with VGC Glacier Blue or VMC Deep Sky Blue, and then VMC cold white highlighted, but not sure its going to read properly white. May need to shift to something else for the main color. Possibly start at VMC white grey? Tempted by MSP Ghost White, but not sure I have enough, or that I can get more if I run out. I think I usually pick up my reaper colors at Historicon, and none of the HMGS cons are probably happening this year...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(LI medusa, commissar) @ 2021/02/11 00:21:28

Post by: theCrowe

IIRC you'll get better depth of field with a bigg Fstop. Wider aperture = bigger range of angles can get in but you trade off some sharpness at higher F stops.

Nice musculature going on that sculpt. Definitely looks like you know what you're doing.