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DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 04:32:57

Post by: aphyon


Since there is no dedicated DUST section on DAKKA much like the battletech thread this is for everything DUST 1947 related.

First the resources

The parent company site


US distributors


Ammo drop-ITALY


Dust war journals

Download resources-free PDF rules and unit cards


PS-their forums got hacked it is a bad link DO NOT CLICK ON IT!

A nice batrep channel for DUST (and several other systems)


I will be posting batreps from time to time and any major additions as well as answering any questions that may come up.

DISCLAIMER-i know all about the bad kickstarter episode, that was a long time ago in gaming terms but many players are still salty about it. that is not something i care about or intend to discuss here.

The game itself is fantastic, the miniatures are top rate and the rules are some of the best in the industry for an alternating activation system. overall the game is great fun to play and well balanced (everything has a counter). If you prefer the board game version or the 3d terrain version of the game(i prefer the latter as a veteran gamer) all are welcome here it is only a slight change in the measuring system for the most part anyway.

Additional note: much like the L5R CCG, DUST has a global war campaign system where players can play monthly scenarios and post them to the DUST site so that their battles directly change the course of the story.


My current armies i will be using for future battles in the 150 point+ range (or smaller as need be)





SSU-Soviet/Chinese alliance


Welcome to weird war II, the alternate history wargame!

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 04:51:57

Post by: xKillGorex

Nice one, Dust needs some more love on here, picked up a starter and added some extra bits a few years ago but sadly the games dead here in the uk.

The models aren’t even on sale here anymore, it’s a shame really as loved the Walker kits. Thinking I might use some of the walkers with my bolt action stuff just for fun.

Good to see someone enjoying the game and setting though.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 05:54:29

Post by: aphyon

 xKillGorex wrote:
Nice one, Dust needs some more love on here, picked up a starter and added some extra bits a few years ago but sadly the games dead here in the uk.

The models aren’t even on sale here anymore, it’s a shame really as loved the Walker kits. Thinking I might use some of the walkers with my bolt action stuff just for fun.

Good to see someone enjoying the game and setting though.

Without good promotion, usually among gamers, no system ever survives. it gets drowned out by GW or other well known IPs.

It was the same when infinity first started. somebody taught me the game and i in turn promoted it to others. now there are loads of players in my area.

Stepping over that ledge of spending more money on another system, also tends to hold people back. many people are a 1 or 2 system gamer. i was the same way up till about 6th ed. i had battletech and 40K.. there is still an active group at our store that plays FOW exclusively.

6th ed killed 40K in my area so i branched out for the sake of variety as gaming is now my main hobby. i now have minis and rules to play close to 10 different systems from b5 wars to monster apocalypse. each one has it's own feel to keep me interested.

Fortunately most of them are far cheaper than 40K

The topic at hand-it is such a great game it needs the love. alot of people like you bought the kits because they are great looking but don't or have never actually played the game.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 09:17:27

Post by: xKillGorex

Ah it all went down here after the trouble they had with battlefront. That pretty much killed it straight away over here. Shame as I really enjoyed playing tactics.

Like I said though il use them in bolt action for fun.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 19:47:59

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

DUST 1947 is doing so much better without Battle-Farce at the helm.

I played 4 games of this system over the weekend. A local store just started carrying it, and the game is really taking off here in Central California.

We started all the way back with the original Dust Tactics, then took a long pause. Feels good to see they have sharpened and deepened the rules to a fine edge.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 19:54:30

Post by: aphyon

It is also that they really care about the game rules and try to fix errors, it reminds me that i forgot the official warfactory youtube channel. where they have actually addressed thing like balancing rules.


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 20:07:06

Post by: chaos0xomega

I picked up two of the smaller starter forces at Origins last year (Luftwaffe and IJN), I have been able to generate zero interest in even demoing the game my local community other than inquiries as to whether the mechs are suitable for use in Konflikt 47. It seems most people view the IP as toxic after the FFG and Battlefront fiascos

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/22 20:34:31

Post by: aphyon

chaos0xomega wrote:
I picked up two of the smaller starter forces at Origins last year (Luftwaffe and IJN), I have been able to generate zero interest in even demoing the game my local community other than inquiries as to whether the mechs are suitable for use in Konflikt 47. It seems most people view the IP as toxic after the FFG and Battlefront fiascos

That is yet another reason for player promotion. it is weird since the game is huge in some parts of the world like Poland.

I run demos as well. it has generated some interest in my area though. once they expand the IJN line one of the guys is interested in building a force.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/24 04:24:57

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Having a Store with an account to directly order anything we want has been immensely helpful. Now our new players are as excited as the old returning ones.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
and on that note, here's one of my Spawn of Cthulhu

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/24 06:12:26

Post by: aphyon

Excellent! did you get the box set?

One of the guys at the shop was interested in playing the axis until he found out you could do lovecraft monsters and he was sold.

I think we have outdone the tyranids in that department.

Make sure to post up some battle pics!

On a 4X6 table i have found that 150-200 points is a good sized game with decent amounts of terrain.

I am not sure how your terrain situation is, but last year i picked up a large amount of the german hand painted finished terrain from ESLO hobby via noble knight games. looks great with DUST minis.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/26 21:47:24

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 aphyon wrote:
Excellent! did you get the box set?

One of the guys at the shop was interested in playing the axis until he found out you could do lovecraft monsters and he was sold.

I think we have outdone the tyranids in that department.

Make sure to post up some battle pics!

On a 4X6 table i have found that 150-200 points is a good sized game with decent amounts of terrain.

I am not sure how your terrain situation is, but last year i picked up a large amount of the german hand painted finished terrain from ESLO hobby via noble knight games. looks great with DUST minis.

I have several box sets of Mythos ,but I do not like some of their models -- enough to prevent me from a highly effective force. My main faction is PLA.

I used to play Dust back in the day, so we have killer flat tile terrain like the surfaced submarine and the subway / underground tunnel staircases.
Plus lots more. I'll check out Eslo hobbies tho!

I will get some pics of the next battle posted for sure, we did not take many last weekend. Too busy annihilating one another!

What factions do all of you play?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/27 11:38:07

Post by: aphyon

Well obviously my armies are posted

this is ESLO terrain

everything in the pic is ESLO except the barn on the right hand side (it belongs to the store but it fit the theme).

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/28 23:43:08

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Eslo terrain looks fairly cool. I'll bookmark that.

Here's one of my PLA heroes in action.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/29 12:04:14

Post by: aphyon

Not that familiar with the PLA, but our dedicated SSU player so wants to get commissar Poon to add to his Russian force.

I want another hero box to come out with gregor&izzy in it since they are stuck in the desert scorpions command box now, and i don't need more brits, and he is US marines why is he in there?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/06/29 18:46:04

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

PLA Assault Squad -- contrast and traditional paints.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 aphyon wrote:
Not that familiar with the PLA, but our dedicated SSU player so wants to get commissar Poon to add to his Russian force.

I want another hero box to come out with gregor&izzy in it since they are stuck in the desert scorpions command box now, and i don't need more brits, and he is US marines why is he in there?

Yes Commissar Poon is beastly.

Oh I wonder if you can get Gregoy + Izzy on the second hand market? Or would that cost too much?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/07/04 21:19:23

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Avatar for the Cthulhu Mythos. All contrast paints.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/07/05 00:35:09

Post by: aphyon

i see you put it here as well, fantastic mini, never want to be on the receiving end of love from that thing.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/07/07 16:15:06

Post by: Carlson793

 aphyon wrote:
i see you put it here as well, fantastic mini, never want to be on the receiving end of love from that thing.

Avatar of Nyarlothotep is pretty easy to take care of. Psychic Scream may seem scary, but it rarely has more than three units in range.

Now the two Spawn of Cthulhu that come in the First Summoning box with it, those are scary! Charge, First Strike, and throwing 8 dice against Infantry or 4 dice against Vehicles and Aircraft.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/07/08 08:54:57

Post by: aphyon

The big Cthulhu is even worse(or better if your playing him) since he gets health back with every successful hit IIRC, in addition to fly, first strike, and the rest.

Running Rasputin in that list is a must though since he is the only one who can command reactivate the mythos monsters.

Nobody has any mythos stuff in our group yet so we are just working with the WWII setting. seriously wanting more of the pre-viewed units to be released like the IJN battle robots or super heavy walker and the allied DUST version of the p-61 black widow(mamba)

Not like i need to start another faction myself, i just need to spread the love.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/07/26 09:11:43

Post by: aphyon

Just a general quick update, got some new ESLO terrain for my city table, i have been adding some city streets stuff with blocking LOS mostly for DUST. this was the corner church, it was on sale, unfortunately the cap of the tower was made out of resin and got chip damaged in shipping. not to terrible considering i got it at a discount.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/09 13:56:20

Post by: aphyon

Greetings, with our hours being limited at the FLGS, this week we took a break from playing 5th ed 40K for a bit of dust.

We decided to do a simple battle mission with the allies once again trying to breach the bocages in normandy.

points -150

Rules not being used-
.under fire/supression tokens
.reserve unit replacement
.critical hits

The table

The axis mostly laser themed force. (rommel is standing in as the panzer prince)

The allies-themed heavy ranger TO&E

The start-

The middle

The end

As you may know playing DUST loads can happen in a single turn with alternating activations . the game ended up only going 3 turns, but we still decimated each other pretty well by that point.

the axis force started out strong winning the first (and second) initiative. making quick work of my heavy walkers. (panzer prince riding in a heavy laser walker does that)

MVP for me was the allied pelican(DUST version of the P-38) he took a bunch of hits and had to run back to get repaired, but still managed to take out both enemy planes, enemy heavy walker,, most of the infantry and command vehicle .

By the start of turn 3 i was down to a command tank, command squad and plane, the axis had fared similairly having their command squad, command tank and laser support squad.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/09 14:09:55

Post by: Kayback

Why is the Jet P-38 thing so goofy and cartoony while everything else, especially the Axis fliers, fairly real-world looking?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/09 21:16:51

Post by: aphyon

Because reasons? it's the asthetic they chose, i mean in real life i love the P-38, but i think this is just a point where the 50's style comic book feel of the game pops up. since all aircraft in the game can act as skimmers the giant engines and vectored thrust nozels make the deformed shape of the plane less of a focus. having the axis planes all based of the HO229 flying wing design is a matter of visual excellence i will admit.

pretty well every faction has a certain "look" they maintain. all the SSU tanks are based on the IS3 just like the helicopters are pudgy versions of the hind.

here are a few examples-

the P-61 black widow (future release) design for the allies

SSU attack helicopter design

The SSU heavy tank body

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/12 06:06:19

Post by: Kayback

Huh I love that P-61.

Yeah that Mini Hind looks janky too.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/12 19:17:58

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Nice pics and board set up Aphyon!


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/13 05:49:58

Post by: aphyon

Well the idea behind that mat and terrain was specifically for DUST for a bocage themed table. i just happen to like the ESLO terrain so much i bought lots more of it and i use it on various tables.
I am just at a point between all my terrain for 28mm, infinity, epic/battletech scale and 15MM scale i am running out of storage space for terrain.

Have you guys managed to get any private games in down in cali?

that's what we have to do to get around the "lockdown" rules. small gathering of 5 or so friends in a private invitation only setting.

while we were playing DUST the other guys were doing star wars legion.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/14 19:10:15

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 aphyon wrote:
Well the idea behind that mat and terrain was specifically for DUST for a bocage themed table. i just happen to like the ESLO terrain so much i bought lots more of it and i use it on various tables.
I am just at a point between all my terrain for 28mm, infinity, epic/battletech scale and 15MM scale i am running out of storage space for terrain.

Have you guys managed to get any private games in down in cali?

that's what we have to do to get around the "lockdown" rules. small gathering of 5 or so friends in a private invitation only setting.

while we were playing DUST the other guys were doing star wars legion.

Yes indeed we have gathered privately -- thankfully. Very small sessions, 2 - 5 people max from limited social pods.
Dust has been a favorite lately -- We did a match with the lovely official Dust painted terrain
my friend purchased. We also ran the amazing Catacombs scenario where you must open the door and fight the Mythos monsters
to claim the objectives.
I'll try to find time to post some pics later but it is a bit of slog on this site to do so.

This weekend it's 40K for us with 9th edition demos, then probably back to Dust. I've been selling a lot of stuff lately, to narrow down my
storage issues as well.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/15 06:08:15

Post by: aphyon

Yeah we got a game set up for tomorrow, not sure who is playing who yet.
But we will be doing our 5th ed hybrid 40K

Our 3.5 berserker army wants a challenge so i am looking at adding in an allied grey knight grand master/terminator retinue with a callidus assassin from the 3rd ed codex to my normal list.

demon hammer, sacred incense, grimore of true names, hammerhand (when it doubled your strength-all those grey knight halberds at strength 10 that strike at initiative ) oh my

whatever we play it should be fun.

After playing 9th your probably gonna want to go back to dust,

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/16 12:34:19

Post by: aphyon

Well after watching the previous game happen i managed to get another DUST battle in.

i went for more of a stalingrad table this time since i was fighting the SSU/steel guard list at 150 points-

i was using the same axis list used in the prior game.

With all the damage resilience, and combat engineer shinanigans around it was quite a slog. especially when you consider the SSU list was basically a hoard army, a really tough one.

Usually straight up battle games in DUST are pretty well over by the end of turn 3, but went more than double that.

We ended up calling it a tie at the end because of time. the axis still had the panzer prince/laser walker (MVP of the game for axis, just wrecked stuff), command squad/command tank, the bloody baron(who bailed out of his wrecked plane) and a single surviving member of a blood cross heavy laser support team.

The SSU didn't fare much better, having the steel guard command squad, combat engineer walker the 2 artillery spotter teams, and both light artillery tractors left.

The table

The start

a couple turns in

The end

Until next time-

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/08/23 12:08:10

Post by: aphyon

Time for an update.

Something some players may know, DUST like legend of the 5 rings has an interactive world map that is affected by player battle outcomes based on official scenarios.

The new mission "PUNISHER" just got released. so we gave it a try.

The points limit is up to the players withing a few required items for the scenario. we decided on a roughly 75 point infantry battle.

This was a max 8 turn game where the objective could only be engaged starting turn 3.

The defenders have 2 vehicles. the attackers have a single demo charge. the attackers win if they destroy one of the 2 experimental vehicles with the demo charge (they cannot be damaged or moved in any other way)

The defenders win if they prevent the demo charge from being planted or defuse it before the end of the turn it is armed.

In this setting the AXIS heavy grenadiers were on defense

and somewhat appropriately the ALLIES US heavy rangers backed up by British SAS were the attackers.

The table

The attackers deployment

The defenders delpyment

It was a pretty brutal exchange as it usually is in DUST

This is how the allied advance looked. on turn 1

After all the "dust" had clears the defenders were down to 5 troopers between 2 squads and the allies had a single jump pack ranger left.

The allied player managed to punch out the right flank and plant the charge with his lone trooper and the grenadiers were to far away to diffuse it before the turn ended giving the sllies a close fought victory

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/09/13 15:24:33

Post by: aphyon

Running a bit different list tonight

More of a focus on armor as i am building an airborne force for my planes around the
Fallschirmjäger so i wanted my heavy grenadiers to have a different feel.

The 150 point force, with only a single character this time.

VS an allied force of heavy rangers previously posted.

As usual since this was a demo game we just went for a bloodbath mission and it did not disappoint'

We got through a total of 3 rounds before the end.

The setup


At the end of turn 2

Turn 3 finale

The allies started out really strong, they managed to reduce all my grenadier teams to a single wound/model. killing both my heavy walkers before a few bad dice rolls on the american side turned things around in the final turn.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/09/23 13:03:55

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Nice battle report Aphyon, thanks!

Our last match was the Catacombs scenario, where you must awaken Mythos monsters to caputer ojbectives. 100 points, infantry only! It was possibly the most off-the-hook game we've ever had. Totally rad fun.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/09/23 18:20:59

Post by: aphyon

Excellent stuff, keep the pics coming! did you post your results to the "endless war" world map tracker?


So what was that about 75 points per side?

They have quite a few great scenarios on the website, though i have only used a few. i am looking forward to using my own scenario this coming weekend.


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/09/24 04:12:22

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

I've never checked out that world map tracker, is it being monitored by the company at all?

Here's a fun shot of Chef firing up those reliable hand flamers

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/09/24 05:33:19

Post by: aphyon

It is still part of the active promotion from the DUSTUSA site

Ah the french assistance in the allied war effort with trusty blow torches.....would have been funnier of he was a Swedish chef.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/09/27 10:30:28

Post by: aphyon

Just played a bit of a home brew scenario.

Allied attackers attempting to break through and destroy a fuel cash with a demo charge. axis forces successfully defended but at great cost.

Armies were as those previously posted. at 150 points

At the end of the game the allied forces had a command squad, command tank and a single heavy walker left on the table. the axis force was down to a heavy weapon support squad, a command squad and a tank commander character without a tank.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/10/15 05:46:41

Post by: aphyon

i have been neglecting my duties here as the DUST fanboy

Production is slowly coming back so DUST has added a few new items

a giant terrain piece for the cuthulhu fans-

A new rocket artillery tank for the SSU with kutusha and other rocket pods (one for AA)
based on the amphibious chassi previously released as a command vehicle/transport/light tank

Although i am not a fan a new merc force with alternate weapons options is also in the new release

Here is a video on the new items from the war factory

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/10/25 13:47:37

Post by: aphyon

After a bit of a break from DUST did a game against a player building an NDAK panzer force.

Since he was running a desert force we decided to use an appropriate themed table.

He didn't want to face the SSU so we used my rangers as the opposition force. we did a 150 point game so he borrowed a few of my units to get him enough points.

He actually free handed the decals for the NDAK palm tree on his ludwig medium walkers, i forgot to take a close up shot it was really well done.

The allied force started out strong but after my infantry decided to find the displeasure of the dice gods and his did not (put nearly 50 shots into a single heavy weapons team to finally kill it, he was rolling like a boss on saves) he turned the tide. as it is always with DUST the game was fast and brutal. surprising how much can happen in a couple turns of alternating activations.

I ended up with 1 character the command squad, command tank and and assault ranger squad left. where he had a heavy weapon team, while he had his (damaged) jagdwotan, 2 jagdloki walkers a heavy weapons team and a command squad with their tank giving him a clear victory.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/11/08 12:39:01

Post by: aphyon

Bit of a re-match

My friends AXIS army is growing, he is building up both a zombie army and a walker force. he played a mix of them tonight with a couple borrowed units from me to get him up to the 150 points level.

Our battle tonight was strangely enough not in the desert, but rather northern france, why the dreaded russian were present is anybodies guess.

The table

My army was overall shorter ranged and slower that most of his stuff, but very durable with most units having damage resilience.

The setup



Having his zombies rush forward to meet me helped me quite a bit since i have several units with fire based very short ranged weapons that negated his saves.

Fortunately for me i was rolling really well and managed to cross the table without loosing to many units.

It even allowed me to get some units into close combat, though i think that will change now that he understands how the steel guards work.

MVP for the game was definitely the "anti-intantry squad or may be we should call it the super killy death squad

I tried to get him to play one of the mission scenarios from the DUST USA website, but he wanted to look over them first so perhaps we will get in one of those next week,

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/11/21 07:55:25

Post by: aphyon

New release update

This is a big one...quite literlally a giant resin kit of the IJN faction super heavy mech walker (still cheaper than forge world )

Also up in resin kits some dustified tanks

Lastly a mercenary pilot

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/11/29 23:48:43

Post by: aphyon

Update time-

New releases-
the kit and premium versions of the jagdpanzer.

With a laser and a guided missile, when you need everything dead.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/12/04 08:32:13

Post by: aphyon

flamthrower variant in premium edition just got released.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/12/04 20:25:10

Post by: Mr Morden

Really awesome stuff - great to view

I do like the DUST models and picked up a few armies in the kickstarter and bits and pieces since then but not managed to get a game yet although did proxy some for a Konflict game.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/12/05 06:20:27

Post by: aphyon

Well as you can see we have been having a blast with it. i just want this covid thing to be over so i can get restocks on the Fallschirmjäger i need to order.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2020/12/20 03:42:59

Post by: aphyon

Well damn.....if you really want to spend the money

the premium version of the steel samurai for $400...and it's already sold out.

Another edition of the power loader kit for the mercenaries-

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/13 12:25:08

Post by: aphyon

Update time again...so if giant mecha with a giant railgun isn't your speed and you say want to go hit them with a stick...here is the new release melee version of the same model.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/18 20:53:47

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

That mech with the rail gun is sick. I love it. We played Dust over Zoom a few months ago. WIth some paper proxies for our opponents army units. A lot of work to prep, but went really well.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/18 22:25:12

Post by: aphyon

Well i would hope so, it is the DUST version of a warhound titan.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/24 19:54:54

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Nice to see a bit gaming support for this one.

I was one of thouse that jumped on the kickstarter. Eventualy i got everything i payed for but not suprisingly they are sitting unused in their shipping boxes someplace at the back of my attic, mainly cus i belived the game would end after the KS.
I remember at the time it was either dust tactics or konflict 47, and i did not like some of the mechanics in 47, so i landed on dust. Pre assembled minis was allso a plus.

When i get done with my other two projects, i might take a look at it from a collectors point. (i dont game and even if i would, some serious covid restrictions is going in my city)

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 10:12:12

Post by: aphyon

Yeah, with the way the last year has been (10 months or so at this point since the rotary impeller got nailed) and the nature of the gaming community i can see why you are not getting games in for non-GW systems. a true shame considering how good the game is both rules wise and model wise.

I will continue to do my little part supporting it for as long as i can.

Speaking of for the model builders the mercenary scooter squads kits are the new items up for release

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 10:45:23

Post by: FrozenDwarf

See, that is the kind of "silly" stuff i can get behind!

Took a trip to their site and kinda got the same reaction when i saw the japanese faction.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 11:37:43

Post by: aphyon

Seriously right? ninjas, school girls and giant robots? can it get anymore Japanese?

DUST is like an old school 1950s comic book version of WWII.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 14:06:44

Post by: FrozenDwarf

..and that is what made me choose that over konflict47.

Having never gotten into the game, can you quicly say what is the difference between dust and dust tactics? they booth at a glance looks identical but tactics appears to be the quick game version???

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 16:19:24

Post by: warboss

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
..and that is what made me choose that over konflict47.

Having never gotten into the game, can you quicly say what is the difference between dust and dust tactics? they booth at a glance looks identical but tactics appears to be the quick game version???

Are they both still available? Back when this was being distributed by another company (FFG?), IIRC one was more a board game with tiles and the other was more a tabletop minis game with actual inch/cm measurement though I can't tell you which was which as I only followed it (and still do) just to look at the cool models.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 16:37:53

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 warboss wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
..and that is what made me choose that over konflict47.

Having never gotten into the game, can you quicly say what is the difference between dust and dust tactics? they booth at a glance looks identical but tactics appears to be the quick game version???

Are they both still available? Back when this was being distributed by another company (FFG?), IIRC one was more a board game with tiles and the other was more a tabletop minis game with actual inch/cm measurement though I can't tell you which was which as I only followed it (and still do) just to look at the cool models.

kinda why i ask.
i dont even know if the old ks content is even usable in 21...

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 22:40:33

Post by: Eilif

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
 warboss wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
..and that is what made me choose that over konflict47.

Having never gotten into the game, can you quicly say what is the difference between dust and dust tactics? they booth at a glance looks identical but tactics appears to be the quick game version???

Are they both still available? Back when this was being distributed by another company (FFG?), IIRC one was more a board game with tiles and the other was more a tabletop minis game with actual inch/cm measurement though I can't tell you which was which as I only followed it (and still do) just to look at the cool models.

kinda why i ask.
i dont even know if the old ks content is even usable in 21...

IIRC, my buddy said all the minis and vehicles are usable, you've just got to buy updated unit cards.

I picked K47 over Dust but that didn't stop me from picking up alot of FFG Dust vehicles and buildings for use in other games at the various closeout sales for. Built up the building kits buy Still got alot of unopened vehicles for "someday...."

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/25 22:52:23

Post by: warboss

Do any of the mentioned games (Dust in its various incarnations and K47) have custom vehicle construction rules to incorporate models from other sources?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/26 07:16:36

Post by: aphyon

FrozenDwarf wrote:..and that is what made me choose that over konflict47.

Having never gotten into the game, can you quicly say what is the difference between dust and dust tactics? they booth at a glance looks identical but tactics appears to be the quick game version???

Dust has an interesting history. Paulo first tried to sell it to rakham but they didn't want a WWII game so he scified it and made the short lived AT 43 game.

When he finally did get DUST made it was a board game made to be played on 4" tiles. when the MKII version of the game came out Andy Chambers (of GW fame) was hired to make the normal miniature TT rules. the main rulebook contains both sets of rules and this was retained with the 3rd version of the game-DUST 1947.

Keep in mind that DUST like infinity every model/unit has 2 actions that can be combined. so every movement/range distance is easily translated into 4" even though the cards are still printed for the tiles. so for example a weapon with a range of 6 tiles is 24" in regular non-tile play.

In my original post i have links to the free downloads for all the DUST 1947 cards/rules and all new model on the parent website also include the cards in their description.

warboss wrote:Do any of the mentioned games (Dust in its various incarnations and K47) have custom vehicle construction rules to incorporate models from other sources?

No, the game is so well balanced the company has no self build rules. the only thing they have is "dustified" special versions of real WWII vehicles like a panzer IV H with a laser cannon upgrade.

The only thing i see even close to that is the DUST war journals guys have a few of their own un-official dustified WWII vehicles(same download page i linked).

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/26 07:34:00

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:

In my original post i have links to the free downloads for all the DUST 1947 cards/rules and all new model on the parent website also include the cards in their description.

Thats where i glanzed over the rules, and got confused.

I`ll hit up youtube or shoot them a mail.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/01/26 12:22:16

Post by: Eilif

 warboss wrote:
Do any of the mentioned games (Dust in its various incarnations and K47) have custom vehicle construction rules to incorporate models from other sources?

Not as such. I can't speak for DUST but I assume you'd be fine using custom vehicles on a counts as basis in K47. We used DUST units. What sort of vehicles were you looking at?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/02/15 19:20:21

Post by: aphyon

New update

PLA version of the steel guards special weapons sets in premium.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/03/07 11:47:05

Post by: aphyon

Little demo game tonight.

Had a new player at the FLGS who was interested in learning, so we threw down a quick death match 150 point axis VS allies battle

I let him run my standard heavy ranger force and i countered it with a mix of my usual axis laser force as well as an airborne unit (that failed to get hit second action after jumping in and got promptly waxed before he could fire the guided missile)

A fun battle, lots of stuff died and he enjoyed the game.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/03/14 17:17:30

Post by: aphyon

Just what one needs, more Japanese school girls (ahem naval cadets)....WITH RAIL GUNS!

New premium model release.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/03/14 21:45:06

Post by: FrozenDwarf

ooooooooo that p38 rocking the chibi look!

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/03/25 14:03:35

Post by: aphyon

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
ooooooooo that p38 rocking the chibi look!

Yeah the russian hind style helicopters have the same look.,

the german planes just look like upgraded HO229 flying wings. i want them to release the larger DUST version of the p-61 black widow, i have seen the previews but that is all.

The new update-
AXIS blood cross starter box set in premium-

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/04/18 13:17:31

Post by: aphyon

The battle of the remel bridge crossing revisted in 1947

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/04/23 09:33:41

Post by: aphyon

New update time-

Super heavy axis walkers, a re-release of the artillery rocket version and the new quad laser variant

I currently own the AA variant myself.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/04/23 15:22:30

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Looks good.
On the topic of superheavys, kinda sad the IJN K-JP12 versions was limited edition those two realy fit the range.....

edit, oh btw, i finaly bothered to spend some time in the cold closet and after about 20 mins i found the box. (and it aint small...)
It is packed to the rim of the old tactics kickstarter. I know the two army boxes are premium products, but the rest, cant remember if they are or just the basic primed stuff. Guess i will find out

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/04/25 21:57:52

Post by: Eilif

Question for you dust-heads. What's the demand like for FFG era Dust kits? Have cards been released to allow them to be used in the current edition?

I'm looking at the NIB stuff I have taking up space that I purchased back in the day for use in my Mech Attack games I'm thinking I might never get around to using it and maybe I should let some of it go.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/04/25 23:57:01

Post by: aphyon

The kits are pretty much the same with 3 levels of modeling-full kits/primed+ assembled/ factory painted premium.

the change over from FFG has not really seen any difference in the actual kit quality. as for the cards-unlike 40K everything is still in use in the current edition and the cards are free to download PDFs (links in my first post)

If you have some of the named characters they can be pretty hard to find. i am still trying to get ahold of "tom" or "gregor&izzy" i want them in premium but at this point i will take what i can find as tom is currently not in production and gregor&izzy are only available in the desert scorpions box set that i do not need.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/04/26 00:27:52

Post by: Eilif

I may put a few up for sale and see how they do. Good to know they're still playable and cards are available.

Regarding the figs you're looking for, I don't think I have any characters. Except for the Tenement Buildings and Quonset Huts (which I put to good use: https://www.chicagoskirmishwargames.com/blog/2015/01/fully-painted-dust-tactics-warzone/
https://www.chicagoskirmishwargames.com/blog/2015/06/dust-tenements-mantic-battlezones/ ), nearly all the stuff I bought was vehicles.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/01 14:01:05

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 Eilif wrote:
I may put a few up for sale and see how they do. Good to know they're still playable and cards are available.

Regarding the figs you're looking for, I don't think I have any characters. Except for the Tenement Buildings and Quonset Huts (which I put to good use: https://www.chicagoskirmishwargames.com/blog/2015/01/fully-painted-dust-tactics-warzone/
https://www.chicagoskirmishwargames.com/blog/2015/06/dust-tenements-mantic-battlezones/ ), nearly all the stuff I bought was vehicles.

Eilif that is a cool use of the huts. I have a box and i've been intimidated thinking of painting them. I'm just not quite sure what will look good.
We don't have those buildings anymore, but that is a cool look you've attained.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/02 14:53:33

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:

i am still trying to get ahold of "tom" or "gregor&izzy" i want them in premium but at this point i will take what i can find

ammodrop has the model kit of greg and izzy in stock, but shipping from eu to u.s might cost more then the kit itself..

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/02 15:42:08

Post by: aphyon

Yeah that's a problem if i wanted to spend that much i would have bought the premium boxed set (desert scorpions command) when it first came out.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/02 17:44:37

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Last match, Mission 109: Rural Skirmish

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 01:17:12

Post by: aphyon

Always good to see more DUST games.

So how many points were you playing and what was the army lists?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 06:20:35

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Ok i am confused about the unit cards.

1. i cant find any digital version download, and i need for ssu and allies
2. i see the physial unit card packs for sale at various sites, but it seems the IJN pack dont exist.

So what is going on??

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 07:32:35

Post by: FrozenDwarf

from your first post, dont click it you said....

 aphyon wrote:

Dust war journals

Download resources-free PDF rules and unit cards


PS-their forums got hacked it is a bad link DO NOT CLICK ON IT!

more confusions, this time allied tank models:
conversion kits:
-the kit image for the m26 pershing II dont match with the unit card image, is the unit card image from an older kit and the current conversion is a newer kit? (kitis basicly just the weapons, but the pdf card shows a completely different turret)
-a conversion kit exists for the sherman, but no unit card in your allied unit card link, yet there seems to be a unit card included in the sherman kit when i look at it. Is the model not added for 1947 or did they forget to add the unit card to the download file?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 07:46:33

Post by: aphyon

i said do not click the link to their FORUMS on the page as that link is no longer viable.

secondly i think you may be confusing the fact that some units come with multiple weapon options/turrets.

T he M26, M10 and the bulldog heavy walker can mount a phaser cannon or a 6 gun recoilless rifle system. the cards are there for each of them in the linked PDF. not sure which weapon system you are referencing.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 09:21:46

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Then it is simply a communication error, english aint primary language in norway. How you typed it, made it look as if the link you posted was faulty and hacked.

When it comes to allied tracked tanks, this is my confusion.

so what i was refering to are these two:

For the sherman, i find no card in the pdf, unless the wolverine is supposed to be its model, but then again the wolverine is a M10 tank destroyer IRL, not a medium tank like the sherman is. ofc in terms of rules i guess the game dont seperate a medium tank and a tank destroyer, but visualy it is a big difference. yet in the kit, it appear as if a stat card printed in 2019 is included.........,but it is not in the pdf, and i find no conversion kits for the wolverine traked tank.........................

For the pershing, the turrets on the stat card image in the pdf looks like it comes from the M5 heavy walker model, yet the kit in the link, is just a cannon swap, not a complete turret, so where did they get thouse pershing turrets from??, and where did they get the sixk shooter turet wep for the pershing III????
And i cant find a complete dust model of the sherman or pershing either, other then the elite section on the main dust site https://dustgame.com/product-category/dust-elite-exclusives/ and they are just cannon swaps.............................

To me, it looks as if they are opperating with two different pershing models, one official and two custom kitbashes................

Bottom line is, i want to add the sherman to my collection, but if it is not a legal model due to no card in the pdf section, then i have to go for the pershing. (same wep, higer pointcost and health)
Since there is no card for the sherman i dont know how it looks outside of the existing conversion kit image. For the pershing i would rather have it look like the pdf card image, then a simple cannon barrel swap, so kitbash????

This is frustrating!! (and yes, i get major stuck on pointless details, a character flaw due to my personality disorders)

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 11:29:45

Post by: aphyon

Those links are for the "dustified" kits

you buy the tamiya model kit from a model shop and then buy the DUST upgrade kit to make it a DUST model with DUST weapons and the card comes with the upgrade conversion kit.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 11:49:06

Post by: FrozenDwarf

so where would the original dust1947 sherman II and pershing II be? permanently out of prodution since i cant find them in any of the 3 offical distributor stores or the primary dust site?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 12:12:43

Post by: aphyon

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
so where would the original dust1947 sherman II and pershing II be? permanently out of prodution since i cant find them in any of the 3 offical distributor stores or the primary dust site?

They are NOT DUST kits they are tamiya kits with DUST upgrade parts



DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 13:10:51

Post by: FrozenDwarf

I understand you want to help me and thanks for finding the stat card pdfs, but we have big communication problems in regards to the tanks, that there is no solution to.

I will send an email to the dust site, hoping they can shed some light on this.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 13:28:15

Post by: chaos0xomega

I think you two are talking around eachother a bit (and by you two I mostly mean aphyon).

FrozenDwarf understands that the Pershing II and Sherman II are conversion/upgrade kits added onto tamiya kits.

FrozenDwarf cannot find a unit card for the Sherman II even though theres a conversion kit for it. He wants to add the Sherman II, but since he can't find rules for it he can't. FrozenDwarf has a unit card for the Pershing II, so hes going to add that instead. He has speculated that maybe the Wolverine unit card is meant to be the Sherman unit card, because that has a unit card but no model, whereas the Sherman II has a model but no unit card - in short he theorizes that someone at Dust Studio fethed something up and theres a name/product mismatch here.

FrozenDwarf has a unit card for the Pershing II and found the conversion kit for it, so he wants to add that instead since theres less confusion surrounding it. HOWEVER, the appearance of the Pershing II on the unit card does not match the appearance of the Pershing II on the conversion kit. The Pershing II on the unit card has an entirely different turret, whereas the Pershing II in the conversion kit is just a barrel swap using the existing Tamiya turret. He understands that there are different weapon options included, but that does not address the difference in the turret itself. He wants the DUST style turret with DUST weapons, rather than the Tamiya style turret with DUST weapons.

FrozenDwarf is asking for clarification on the conversion kit that matches the Pershing II unit card, i.e. the one that has a completely different turret, as opposed to just a barrel swap on the Tamiya turret. He is speculating that the one on the unit card was a homemade kitbash, or that it might be an outdated/out of production version of the conversion kit that is no longer available, or that it might have at one point been a standalone kit that was discontinued in favor of the conversion kit.

I hope that clears up the confusion.

Honestly DUST is being horribly mismanaged from a business standpoint. It seems they have four "official" websites (dustusa, warfactory, ammodrop, dustgame) depending on the region, and none of them seem to have matching or complete product listings. There are kits that appear on one site but not the others, or on some sites but not all. Take the IJN Steel Samurai for example - not available on DustUSA, available on DustGame as a Collectors Edition and Elite Edition (whatever that means), available on AmmoDrop as a "Kallamity Edition" (whatever that means), hot available on Warfactory.

Completely unhelpful.

EDIT - cleared up the language, something about my work network/firewall feths up my posts and scrambles them. Sorry!

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 18:20:49

Post by: aphyon

FrozenDwarf cannot find a unit card for the Sherman II even though theres a conversion kit for it. He wants to add the Sherman II, but since he can't find rules for it he can't. FrozenDwarf has a unit card for the Pershing II, so hes going to add that instead. He has speculated that maybe the Wolverine unit card is meant to be the Sherman unit card, because that has a unit card but no model, whereas the Sherman II has a model but no unit card - in short he theorizes that someone at Dust Studio fethed something up and theres a name/product mismatch here.

The link he gave was pretty clear in english at least- from the ammo drop site.

This set includes all the necessary parts to assemble a M4A3E8 (P) HVSS, based on the Tamiya 1/48 M4A3E8 Tank. It includes all the weapons and the main’s gun mantle, as well as a unit card. Please note that this set does not include the Tamiya kit.

It appears the sherman card was made after that PDF was released so it would not appear there like many of the newer kits do not.

FrozenDwarf has a unit card for the Pershing II and found the conversion kit for it, so he wants to add that instead since theres less confusion surrounding it. HOWEVER, the appearance of the Pershing II on the unit card does not match the appearance of the Pershing II on the conversion kit. The Pershing II on the unit card has an entirely different turret, whereas the Pershing II in the conversion kit is just a barrel swap using the existing Tamiya turret. He understands that there are different weapon options included, but that does not address the difference in the turret itself. He wants the DUST style turret with DUST weapons, rather than the Tamiya style turret with DUST weapons.

The appearance of the kit in the original PDF card is the tamiya pershing kit with the entire bulldog kit turrets placed on it.

Perhaps it was made before they produced a conversion turret kit for the actual tamiya model?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 18:33:47

Post by: chaos0xomega

Well there we go, glad we cleared all the confusion up, hopefully that gives FrozenDwarf the information he needs to make a decision.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/03 19:50:11

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Yes, we are now on the same page, pdf stat card image is a kitbash with a static display model kit pershing hull, and dust walker turret.
I should get a reply from dust by the end of the week on this matter too.

that beeing said, i read thru the core rulebook, and one thing i dont quite understand, is the infantry armor value just a scale for transportation, or is it some advanced rule for it that i missed?
If there is not, it kinda seems odd to me that an armor 3 or 4 heavy infantry is just as fragile as an armor 1, aka 1 life per model.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/17 02:35:25

Post by: aphyon

Go big or go home-

300 point game-the 3rd battle of stalingrad

The axis


I was busy playing my own games, so i just helped set this one up. i snapped a few more in between pics but apparently stalingrad still is stalingrad for the german army. as in not a victory.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/18 09:25:02

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Jealus of that SSU striker heli. I want one but they are discontinued. Seems a fair size of the models from the days of Tactis are, and they are not coming back.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/18 10:53:42

Post by: aphyon

Sad to hear that, i bought a bunch of stuff over at miniature markert a few years back when they were selling off the old fantasy flight edition.

What i am currently after are some premium Fallschirmjäger infantry units to finish off my airborne army. just waiting on the re-stocks.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/18 13:06:20

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Yea, i have looked thru the pdf stat cards for the axis, ssu and allies and about 1/3 of the units are discontinued for all 3 factions.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/19 19:41:47

Post by: aphyon

Shiny new up date time

mythos is getting more love




Mercs get a new hybrid walker


SSU get some PLA infantry


And the ninjas have arrived for the IJN




And a hetzer with railguns just because

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/27 11:36:07

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Got my axis Heavy Grenadier units in the mail today, so just need to wait for some restock of walkers to finish of a 100p force.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/27 17:57:26

Post by: aphyon

Nice, post pictures when you get it all together

Our group has found that 150 points feels about right for a full scale battle. as you can see from the above battle report 300 points is just massive like an apocalypse battle where we used an entire 8ft table.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/27 18:23:50

Post by: FrozenDwarf

btw what IS the plastic they are using?
All the knifes and macine gun barrels are bendt... 2 times did i put them in hot water and straighten them out, only for for them to return to exact same bendt position 1H later both times...............

Think i will limit myself to some basic level painting on these minis: axis grey highlights, skin, weapons, pouches and ammo belts, so there is 3 colours there.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/28 05:31:15

Post by: aphyon

Not sure, i have seen some kits with some warping, but i only have a few odd pieces in my collection. one of my heavy grenadiers has his ammo pouch on his arm instead of his belt and that thing isn't coming off so i left it instead of risking breakage.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/29 02:27:52

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Damn I love the new previews, esp the Mythos creature and the last IJN tank.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/05/29 06:07:01

Post by: aphyon

Yeah they look great but i still want some restocks...i need to finish my german paratrooper army.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/06/12 09:56:24

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Got a batch of premiums in the mail today that i ordered in april, compared to the kickstarter premiums i got 6 years ago, the quality has been inreased a notch. More details has been painted, and there was a small level of dust weathering on pants of the infantry, but it is still single layer paint all over the models. Strong pigment covering in that one layer tough. Faces now had shade layer too.

Packaging for the walkers has improved, there is now foam in the box in addition to bubblewrap bags.

For me personly, i am satisfied, i have payed more for equal quality by both low rep and high rep painting studios in the past on 28mm scale. Will prolly do one more round of prem orders in the future to finish off my allied and ssu premium kickstarter forces, and then go normal primed for future forces.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/06/12 10:58:53

Post by: aphyon

Sadly everything i want in premium is still out of stock.

All i need is 3 squads of axis paratroopers, but nobody has them anywhere in premium.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/06/12 12:14:07

Post by: FrozenDwarf

yup, the better preforming a unit is, the faster it is sold out. That is how it is with all games.

I asked them about the restock speed for premiums and they said that it was happening at random selections and only when they did not have new wave releases in the works, so sadly all one can do is wait.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/06/12 13:45:48

Post by: aphyon

Yeah i think the focus right now is on the IJN and mythos line.

They have so many kits out of stock it gets frustrating sometimes. they have tons of units in stock i don't need of course.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/07/15 12:42:31

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Finaly found a shop that had the IJN starterbox in stock, they have realy improved the model quality since the tactics days. Crispy clean detail, minimal flash, coloured plastics minis instead of primed painted minis, i hope all factions eventualy get the same treatment as IJN.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/07/15 22:24:10

Post by: aphyon

Nice, i heard about the color injection plastics, but i have yet to see them in person.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/07/16 10:21:38

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:
Nice, i heard about the color injection plastics, but i have yet to see them in person.

Well, nothing can beat the minis in your own hand, but here is 3 images right from the bag, as a substitute to whenever you get some
Tengu has the same plastic, but not too well glued togeather, there are big seam gaps down the rail gun where the two plastic parts meet and around the coils, get the kits for the walkers and do the job properly, if you can.
note, not a single sword or gun was bendt, that is a big step up.


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/07/19 00:59:23

Post by: aphyon

Did some more DUST promo love tonight . taught another new player the game using my demo armies-

AXIS VS ALLIES 150 points

US heavy rangers VS german heavy grenadiers



As it was an intro game we didn't use any scenario objectives, so the carnage lasted just 3 turns before the table looked like this-


With nothing left on the table to hurt the bulldog the axis forces were forced to retreat.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/07/27 06:44:25

Post by: aphyon

little belated new release update....

More ninjas, because everybody needs more ninjas.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/07/27 14:07:56

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:
little belated new release update....

More ninjas, because everybody needs more ninjas.

Actualy, more new ninjas then that are out for sale now, they just have not been mentioned on the main site news feed yet(lets blame it on the summer laziness ). Apart from two heros that are placed in allies and axis range, i belive we now have models for all the platoon options in the expansion book.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/08/30 02:30:40

Post by: aphyon

I was hoping for a restock on the premiums but i finally just gave inand picked up the primed minis for the fallshirmjager force i wanted to build.

I had to order some paint so they get to hit the table "naked" for now

The 150 point force-

special characters
.bloody baron

.guided missile team.

air support-
.X2 blitz


Battle number 1

we used the 3 objective "3-2-1 contact" mission
scoring started on turn 2 and it was an 8 turn game.

I was facing my loner army steel guard infantry horde.

I was ahead on points scored, but he was rolling saves and damage resilience like a champ so i was loosing the body count battle...kind of normal facing the russian infantry horde i suppose.



After my last plane went down i had no way of dealing with his walkers, so my command squad decided to quit the field.

Game 2

VK stash/tug of war

1 center objective that could be pulled. starting on turn 3 if it was pulled closer to 1 side of the table a victory is declared.

I was winning this battle in hand and it was only the Ranger player remembering about the objective, and a few lucky dice rolls that pulled (litterally) him a win.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/08 07:13:17

Post by: aphyon

Ok i got them all painted up finally


Did 2 games-the first was the tug of war scenario VS the SSU steel guards at 63 points infantry only.




Scoring starts on turn 3 and by that time the SSU had pulled the VX crate far enough to their table side to pull off a win. although surprisingly i did manage to wear down their numbers with just small arms.

The second game was a 3-2-1- contact-triple objective scenario VS heavy panzer grenadiers. Also infantry only at 63 points.



I find the paratroopers are very much glass hammers putting out blistering amounts of fire especially against lighter (less than class 4) infantry. but being light class 1 infantry themselves they do not have much staying power especially in the open.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/13 02:22:34

Post by: aphyon

Well this was an intense game.

The mission: 3-2-1 contact
the points-150
the factions-ALLIES heavy rangers VS SSU steel guards

To counter the SUU heavy infantry The allies swapped the command vehicle for an artillery vehicle


The artillery being a hard counter to the steel guards super infantry save did some good work. making this a very close and hard fought game.


In the end the SSU had the lead on points but were down to a scant 2 models on the table but the ALLIED forces were not able to get into a position to finish them off before the end.


A very intense and satisfying game.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/13 08:43:52

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Yea, obj games a tricky that way, put too mutch fokus on the objective and you gain all the aggro, wait for too long and you realise the mistake a turn too late.

I got the impression that the german paratroop faction was based on hit and run sinc ethey are squshy but mobile, would replacing a plane in favor of a walker to help screen your troops help you? i think you allready have enugh killforce, you need screens, IMO.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/13 09:42:59

Post by: aphyon

The big problem i ran into was dealing with class 4 infantry. i just do not have enough heavy firepower to deal with them.

I just ordered a luft horst walker to aid them when fighting steel guards as a replacement for the adler air superiority fighter.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/20 02:51:11

Post by: aphyon

Another close game of DUST this week. we are getting our missions form the online downloads section found here-


This battle was the secret weapon mission-


battle points were 150

I ran my fallshirmjager as the attackers replacing the air superiority fighter-adler with the luft horst drop walker.

My opponent was running a heavy ranger command squad, a devils own scout squad, 2 USMC heavy weapon teams, 2 bulldog phaser heavy walkers, 2 rattler AA walkers(with phaser turret options) and 2 tank commander characters.

Now that he has gotten hooked on the game he has decided to play USMC so i gifted him some of the units i wasn't using in my allied army including the tanks and USMC teams above.

The paratroopers played the attackers in this one, thematically fitting their role. as it is with dust it was a pretty brutal back and forth that came down to turn 3 he failed to activate the secret weapon on his activation and i barely managed to eliminate his command squad with the engineer.





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/20 09:58:18

Post by: FrozenDwarf

nice table.

did the horst help your situation, or do you need to face a ssu list to find out?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/20 10:52:03

Post by: aphyon

In this case it was a good swap. the adler is really good if you are facing enemy air, but having some range from the horst helped support the paratroopers.

i really wanted to get close enough to use the flame thrower but i know that the secondary weapons on the horst are really just backup, not it's main point.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 06:22:30

Post by: FrozenDwarf

and it is over....... hit the link.

I`m sad today.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 06:53:59

Post by: aphyon


I guess were in AT 43 territory, get the mini's while you can. before it gets stupid expensive and hard to find.

Wonder what game Paolo will come up with next.

I just hope my last order went through

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 07:06:31

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:

I guess were in AT 43 territory, get the mini's while you can. before it gets stupid expensive and hard to find.

Wonder what game Paolo will come up with next.

I just hope my last order went through

yea i was for the past 4 days contemplating on placing a order, i guess it was my 6th feeling that prevented me from actualy doing it. Perhaps the writing was on the wall as early as in summer, when the ijn troop units did not recive an official annoucement.......

Only thing left now is 3d printing, but that could take years before it is up to speed, if it ever will.
Leaves a few questions open too, like when will the army build app be removed, and is the community big enugh and dedicated enugh to keep the game alive?

As far as i know the only option now is Konflict 47 but that is Warlord Games and their rep aint exactly good(very overpriced models and weak rules set for whatever they make) plus i think even that game is dead, i see no product for it at sale anywhere, so i dont think there is any wierd world war II games out there anymore.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 08:09:10

Post by: aphyon

Hitting the related stores now-miniature market noble knight and ammo drop (italy)

Just ordered the desert scorpions primed HQ box to get gregor and izzy, NK has the avatar of cthulu, i might get it just to have it.

Ammo drop still has the IJN railgun tank i think that will be on my list.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 09:18:59

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Lacing too mutch in ijn to bother speed shopping, only have the starter and i would need ninja battlesquad + basan for 50p. basan is doable, but battlesquad(or any ninja squad) is not and only 50p force is boring, to get to 100p i would need alot more including walkers that are not avalible and ninja infantry types plus hq. I was waiting for restocks before i would take the plunge into ijn, now that will never happend.

Did place an order on mmarked tough, merc shredder/desi as i have no anti air walker in any of my forces and ssu red rain/fury for spetz as i dont own cheap anti tank + karl/lavren as i allready own an iosef.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 09:20:33

Post by: Mr Morden

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
 aphyon wrote:

I guess were in AT 43 territory, get the mini's while you can. before it gets stupid expensive and hard to find.

Wonder what game Paolo will come up with next.

I just hope my last order went through

yea i was for the past 4 days contemplating on placing a order, i guess it was my 6th feeling that prevented me from actualy doing it. Perhaps the writing was on the wall as early as in summer, when the ijn troop units did not recive an official annoucement.......

Only thing left now is 3d printing, but that could take years before it is up to speed, if it ever will.
Leaves a few questions open too, like when will the army build app be removed, and is the community big enugh and dedicated enugh to keep the game alive?

As far as i know the only option now is Konflict 47 but that is Warlord Games and their rep aint exactly good(very overpriced models and weak rules set for whatever they make) plus i think even that game is dead, i see no product for it at sale anywhere, so i dont think there is any wierd world war II games out there anymore.

Sad to see - Also Konflict models are very small compared to DUST

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 09:41:12

Post by: aphyon

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Lacing too mutch in ijn to bother speed shopping, only have the starter and i would need ninja battlesquad + basan for 50p. basan is doable, but battlesquad(or any ninja squad) is not and only 50p force is boring, to get to 100p i would need alot more including walkers that are not avalible and ninja infantry types plus hq. I was waiting for restocks before i would take the plunge into ijn, now that will never happend.

Did place an order on mmarked tough, merc shredder/desi as i have no anti air walker in any of my forces and ssu red rain/fury for spetz as i dont own cheap anti tank + karl/lavren as i allready own an iosef.

The SSU AA tank is brutal, it is good against almost anything in the game. one of our big SSU players has 3 of them with the artillery/AA option along with 2 of the tesla/cannon tanks.

I added a few items to my NK wish-list to keep an eye out for, that i know i and some friends will want in the future.

It has been more than 2 weeks since i placed my order for the horst and they already billed me, i am wondering what they are doing with all the other items that were still in stock? perhaps filling vendor orders? need to keep an eye on MM/NK games for the next few weeks.

Still really sucks though, i have been building up a good little DUST community and now this.

super irritating considering how good of a game system it is compared to that other thing.

DUST USA still has the tengu/enenra walker


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 10:08:50

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 Mr Morden wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
 aphyon wrote:

I guess were in AT 43 territory, get the mini's while you can. before it gets stupid expensive and hard to find.

Wonder what game Paolo will come up with next.

I just hope my last order went through

yea i was for the past 4 days contemplating on placing a order, i guess it was my 6th feeling that prevented me from actualy doing it. Perhaps the writing was on the wall as early as in summer, when the ijn troop units did not recive an official annoucement.......

Only thing left now is 3d printing, but that could take years before it is up to speed, if it ever will.
Leaves a few questions open too, like when will the army build app be removed, and is the community big enugh and dedicated enugh to keep the game alive?

As far as i know the only option now is Konflict 47 but that is Warlord Games and their rep aint exactly good(very overpriced models and weak rules set for whatever they make) plus i think even that game is dead, i see no product for it at sale anywhere, so i dont think there is any wierd world war II games out there anymore.

Sad to see - Also Konflict models are very small compared to DUST

yea i was not refering to konflict47 as replacment for models as they are 28mm and dust is 32mm, but as that was the only game range other then dust1947 that i know of that is in wierd world war 2.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 aphyon wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Lacing too mutch in ijn to bother speed shopping, only have the starter and i would need ninja battlesquad + basan for 50p. basan is doable, but battlesquad(or any ninja squad) is not and only 50p force is boring, to get to 100p i would need alot more including walkers that are not avalible and ninja infantry types plus hq. I was waiting for restocks before i would take the plunge into ijn, now that will never happend.

Did place an order on mmarked tough, merc shredder/desi as i have no anti air walker in any of my forces and ssu red rain/fury for spetz as i dont own cheap anti tank + karl/lavren as i allready own an iosef.

The SSU AA tank is brutal, it is good against almost anything in the game. one of our big SSU players has 3 of them with the artillery/AA option along with 2 of the tesla/cannon tanks.

I added a few items to my NK wish-list to keep an eye out for, that i know i and some friends will want in the future.

It has been more than 2 weeks since i placed my order for the horst and they already billed me, i am wondering what they are doing with all the other items that were still in stock? perhaps filling vendor orders? need to keep an eye on MM/NK games for the next few weeks.

Still really sucks though, i have been building up a good little DUST community and now this.

super irritating considering how good of a game system it is compared to that other thing.

DUST USA still has the tengu/enenra walker


ssu AA tank might be brutal, but that aint waht i have, i only have the iosef(part of the kickstarter force), thats why i ordered shredder, something is better then nothing.

i might be saved on the ijn, i dunno.
i just placed an order on warfactory, the 2nd dust shop in eu for a merc squad, ninja troop+hq and 777, but only time will tell what happpends to that one. IF that do goes thru, finding the basan is ATM easy as it is the least popular walker set.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 16:49:22

Post by: manic _miner

Sorry to hear about the game being stopped.
Paolo has been posting pictures of Fantasy stuff on FB recently.Might be what he will be concentrating on now.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/09/30 18:02:46

Post by: aphyon

Well until the current economic conditions change i cannot see it going anywhere. it has been the last 2 years that they could not survive. the game was looking so promising before everything shut down with all sorts of new models in the works. at least all the rules are still free for continued use. also between current stock and re-selllers like noble knight there will be model availability for some time.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/02 06:42:33

Post by: aphyon

I pulled the trigger, i am now the proud owner of a full 135 point mythos army...darn noble knight for having it all in stock.

That means the only armies i don't have are mercs and IJN.

I know a tyranid layer who plays with us who will be happy now that he can play the monster faction in DUST.

Now the painting.................

A little add on...what could have been if they made the rest of the models at the bottom of the page-


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/02 11:20:32

Post by: FrozenDwarf

All hope is not out yet for merc and ijn.
merc and ijn walkers is basicly ebay only by now, but the infantry is still avalible in eu shops.

Granted, i am a little doubtfull of thouse eu shops, henche why i did not order anything 4 months ago, but now it is basicly do or get lost. I just hope there wont be any problems and the in stock status on the items i ordered was correct.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/03 02:00:32

Post by: Eilif

You Dust players have my condolences.

I'm just an admirer from afar and a had been a dabbler in the minis and terrain. I was skeptical of the post-FFG Dust but it really looked to me like Paulo had made good and had a built a successful new life for the property. I'm sure you folks all felt the same.

I hope you all keep enjoying the Dust rules. If you want to try others, my club enjoyed the K47 rules a couple years back and even had one player use Dust minis. It's workable, even Dust vs K47 minis add long as you don't mix them in the same army.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/04 20:29:29

Post by: FrozenDwarf

well, battlefleet gothic lives again due to 3d printing, no reason to why dust1947 should not aslong as the communitys that enjoys this game still continues to exist. There is bound to be some 3d files pop up in some years.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/06 05:53:43

Post by: aphyon

We can hope, or better yet releasing some of those "unfinished" designs. i really wanted those IJN battle robots.

Just got my desert scorpions HQ box in. i think i will give the command squad to the new guy since he just got started with his army and doesn't have one yet...since i already have one for every army i own. the characters look like fun so i will keep them around. of course gregor and izzy was the entire reason i got it to begin with.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/06 10:16:39

Post by: FrozenDwarf

My orders are underway aswell, so a 50p IJN ninja force is in the bank.
I allso found the impossible on ammodrop, an axis jagd walker, primed with all 3 weps. gonna paint it white so it can double as Snowlynx as i have Sigrid2.

No more cash to spare for this and by the time i would get some again i doubt there is any product left for what i am missing, so i`ll be happy with what i have: 100p allies(mainly usmc), 100p ssu (mainly spetznas), 75p axis (block), 50p IJN (ninja) + some merch units to be used as fillers: hq squad, merc troop, demo squad and AA walker.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/06 10:25:35

Post by: aphyon

That is still a pretty decent sized game. we consider 150 to be equal to 2k for 40K

Your axis block is actually up to 125 since the IJN are part of the same bloc.

I can mix and match of course, but my core armies are set up for 150 with a few extras for variety swap outs.

Have you seen some of the recent army pics up on the facebook page? some of them are quite impressive.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/06 12:24:06

Post by: FrozenDwarf

No, i dont use FB, is it a public group?

Where was it stated that axis and ijn can be in same force? I know they work together in the lore, but did not know that transfered to the game aswell, and the army build app i only see merc option when i uncheck the block option.

Yea, you old time collectors have all you need, we new collectors got shafted and have to rely on 3d print proxys from now on.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/06 18:07:24

Post by: aphyon

I don't have a FB account i just visited it and scrolled through what i could see. one of the players posted a huge IJN ninja army. looked fantastic.

My understanding is that the IJN is part of the axis block just like the British stuff is part of the allied bloc or the PLA is part of the SSU block. they are sub factions within the block. if you look at the world map The IJN territory is listed as part of the axis bloc. there are only 4 blocs the light green is neutral.


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/07 12:55:02

Post by: chaos0xomega

That map is outdated. IJN are not Axis bloc, they are their own standalone bloc/unafilliated faction. Fluffwise, the IJN is in a civil war with the Japanese Army which is still part of the Axis bloc, hence why its "IJN" and not "Japan".

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/08 06:27:27

Post by: aphyon

chaos0xomega wrote:
That map is outdated. IJN are not Axis bloc, they are their own standalone bloc/unafilliated faction. Fluffwise, the IJN is in a civil war with the Japanese Army which is still part of the Axis bloc, hence why its "IJN" and not "Japan".

Interesting, historically there was always rivalry between the imperial navy and army, so it makes sense in a way, although open rebellion doesn't seem like something the emperor would allow. it appears form the Wikki that the entire military united in separating from the AXIS bloc. so it makes sense they gave them their own bloc super weapon while still using some axis equipment.

I don't have any IJN stuff so that isn't going to be an issue for me.

On the flip side i think i will use this in future for the AXIS hetzer model or the dustified STUGG H that i have the card for.


I wanted to get one anyway so i might as well use this as an excuse

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/10 13:27:07

Post by: aphyon

Time for new shiny minis

the Mythos army arrived


First game was up against an infantry heavy allies force in the woods

including 3 new hero models i got out of the desert scorpions HQ box.


The table set up for this one was plane crash. the middle 24" of the table was the search area. on turn 4 all infantry units started to look for the secret documents. only found on double army symbols. when found it could be placed withing 8" of the search unit but could not be claimed if an enemy unit was within 8" of it.

The mission was a bit hard for Mythos since all the monsters count as vehicles so they only had 4 units searching.

only took the one pic of this game at the start.


Game 2 one of my co-workers showed up to get some games in so we ran him through a demo of DUST with more of a standard Axis VS Allies.

It only took about 2 turns to take out most of the stuff on the table.



The last game the guy who wanted to play Mythos monsters got in a game VS the other DUST Axis players.

This game started out clearly in favor of the Axis force even with all the LOS blocking terrain. Most of the Mythos monsters have short range or melee only attacks. i really want to add a MI-GO raider squad to the list to give it some more range and get it up to 150 points.

About half way through the Avatar of Nyarlathotep turned the game on it's head by eliminating the 2 heavy laser walkers with some well placed eldrich fire and proceeded to eliminate every unit that could hurt it, surviving thanks to it's high armor class and damage resilience.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/10 16:25:20

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

I managed to get 2 boxes of PLA multi-purpose infantry for my Chinese forces. My collection is good now, I"m so stoked.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/10 19:19:36

Post by: chaos0xomega

I'm looking at a ~$3k order to get basically everything to round out my IJN/Luftwaffe collections (only thing I'd be missing is the Steel Samurai because the fookin thing sold out again), as well as the multi option ninjas and ninja specialists. Also the RSO Flak because RSOs other than the older Pak and laser kannone minis are apparently sold out everywhere. Also considering picking up a smattering of Allied/SSU stuff for posterity.

Don't particularly care for the game per se, it was fun but a bit simple for my tastes on the grid and all, are there any other (generic) rulesets that they might have applicability to?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/10 20:04:14

Post by: FrozenDwarf

chaos0xomega wrote:
I'm looking at a ~$3k order to get basically everything to round out my IJN/Luftwaffe collections (only thing I'd be missing is the Steel Samurai because the fookin thing sold out again), as well as the multi option ninjas and ninja specialists. Also the RSO Flak because RSOs other than the older Pak and laser kannone minis are apparently sold out everywhere. Also considering picking up a smattering of Allied/SSU stuff for posterity.

Don't particularly care for the game per se, it was fun but a bit simple for my tastes on the grid and all, are there any other (generic) rulesets that they might have applicability to?

Well it was ment to be the bridge between board games and tabletop games, so the simple setting you cant change. There is normal inch conversions for using the game on normal 3D tables in the advanced section in the core book, but that might not be enugh for you?

My stuff prolly wont come until another 1-2 weeks time, (thats how it is when you live to the far north and are not part of eu) but i have begun painting the ijn starter box. tengu is done and the squad is 90% done.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/11 02:17:28

Post by: chaos0xomega

Bit the bullet, bought the following to add to my Kampfgruppe Florentine and Shadow of Death boxes:

3x USMC Light Walkers Pack
1x Six Shooter/Bulldog
2x Blackhawk Light Walker
4x Pounder/Hotdog
4x Cobra/Rattler (AMP)
2x Fireball/Punisher
2x Devestator/Punisher II
1x Heavy Rangers Assault Squad
1x Heavy Rangers HQ
2x Allied Rangers Army Box
1x Taskforce Rhino

2x Fallschirm RSO Laserkanone
2z Luft Hans
2x Luft Heinrich
2x Luft Hermann
2x Luft Horst
1x Hexe
3x Fallschirm RSO Pak 40 (2 to convert to Flak 3)
1x Koenigsluther (lucky, albeit expensive find)
2x Fallschirmjager Tank Hunter Squad
2x Fallschirmjager Anti Aircraft Squad
2x Jagdpanzer/Flammpanzer
1x Raketentruppe HQ
1x Fallschirmjager HQ
2x Raketentruppe Tank Hunter Squad
2x Raketentruppe Anti Aircraft Squad
2x Luftwaffe Infantry Support Units
1x Fallschirmjager Battle Squad
1x Raketentruppe Battle Squad
1x Sturmkoenig (another lucky find, also expensive, also a premium edition)
1x Axis Luftwaffe Army
2x Axis Luftwaffe Support Weapons
2x Koenigslothar/Koenigswotan

4x Gembu/Basan
2x Type 777 Medium Tank
2x IJN Navy Cadets Kill Squad
2x IJN Cadets Support Weapons
1x IJN Ninja HQ
1x Ninja Infiltration Squad
3x Tengu/Enenra Meedium Walker
2x IJN Railgun Teams
4x IJN Ryu II/Ruy III Heavy Walker
1x IJN Headquarters

2x Steel Guard Army Box
8x PLA Steel Infantry Multioption Box
4x Red Rain/Red Fury
2x Type 47 KV3D Heavy Tesla Walker
2x Steel Guard Starter Set - Kowalski's Marauders
1x SSU PLA Headquarters

Totaled around $5500

No clue what I'm going to do with it all just yet, those mechs will definitely be seeing some use with Gamma Wolves though

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/11 02:21:45

Post by: aphyon

Yeah i never used the grid rules. the 3d terrain rules are far superior to current 40K in every way. i like to think of it as infinity "light" as it adds elements of both 8th ed style 40K and infinity being a bit more complex than 40K in the core mechanics but not as crunchy as infinity for speed of play.

Everybody likes different game systems for different reasons. i cannot stand malifaux for example and while i love the star wars legion minis i hate the FF mechanics with a passion.

Edit for the list-
That's Some solid choices

I am assuming you went all primed edition on those. i would hate to have to build all that as kits

The steel guards are a pain to fight without artillery, they just refuse to die. and the fallshirmjager are great fun to drop in on your enemies. the games yesterday i gave one of my spare ROLF characters to the other axis player and he used him to great effect.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/11 06:51:10

Post by: FrozenDwarf

haha, one person is raking up half of the inventory in u.s, =P

Atleast you have a range of models that is quite unique, and as you said, the mechs will fit right into gammawolf.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/11 10:33:24

Post by: chaos0xomega

Yeah everything is primed except the sturmkoenig. I wanted a sturmkoenig and a premium edition was all that was available lol.

EDIT 1 - Only about half of that is coming from the US, the rest is being imported from AmmoDrop (and also a random dude on eBay who had a Koenigsluther still in packaging from the Battlefront era).

I also missed a couple items on the list lol
1x SSU Steel Guard Command Squad (Dust Tactics version, so missing the 4th guy - Guai Lo)
3x Karl/Lavrentiy

The only thing I really wanted that I couldn't get was the Steel Samurai (and also RSO Flak 3s). Would have also liked to have been able to grab Steel Guard Fire Support, Anti-Tank, and Tesla squads. Would have also liked Natalya/Natasha/Nadya walkers, my inability to find them is how I ended up with the PLA Steel Guard squads.

Going forward I'll probably pick up some more stuff to round out the forces and bring them all to rough points parity (not that I expect that I'll ever actually play them using Dust rules) as I come across stuff. Dust USA is still waiting on its delivery of the IJN Ninja Specialists and Multioption Ninjas, of which I will be buying a bunch (assuming they dont sell out first). For SSU, right now I'm eyeing some more PLA Steel Guards and maybe a few boxes of PLA light infantry too for SSU, for Axis I'd like to see if I can grab some Luthers/Ludwigs/Lothars (but maybe I'll settle for the Jagd versions or some Wotans/Flammluthers) would aso be nice to get Adler/Blitz/Falke/Moskitos in ther, and Allies probably a few more walkers, maybe I'll get some Marines too.

Realistically I'll probably end up using the mechs, etc. for Gamma Wolves/Konflikt 47 more than anything else, though I may write a generic ruleset to accommodate the entire collection of miinis, though maybe I'll give the 3d/non-grid rules a go to see how I like them. Personally, I'm hoping another company swoops in and buys up the rights to the minis and rereleases stuff as part of a new game - its a shame the infantry minis are such an off scale otherwise I could see Warlord swooping in to resuscitate Konflikt 47 with the DUST walkers, etc. (as Warlords own K47 minis are mostly dogshit).

EDIT 2 - Found the good Command Squad w/ Guai-Lo, so added that.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/11 12:29:08

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Dont hold your breath, products has been listed as awaiting restock for several months allready, and the news gave the impression that limited numbers of the ninja stuff aka hq, multisquad and recon was made.
And that giant ninja robot was super limited.

Where did the prepainted premiums went off to? i was on the site the day before the game shut down and there was still alot of premium stuff for sale.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/11 12:37:32

Post by: chaos0xomega

I assume the inventory on dustgame.com is being shipped out to ammodrop and maybe dust usa.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/12 05:39:21

Post by: aphyon

FrozenDwarf wrote:Dont hold your breath, products has been listed as awaiting restock for several months allready, and the news gave the impression that limited numbers of the ninja stuff aka hq, multisquad and recon was made.
And that giant ninja robot was super limited.

Where did the prepainted premiums went off to? i was on the site the day before the game shut down and there was still alot of premium stuff for sale.

chaos0xomega wrote:I assume the inventory on dustgame.com is being shipped out to ammodrop and maybe dust usa.

Yeah i was thinking the same, lets hope they show up, There were several items on my "to get later" list. now we just need Paolo to release STL files and rules for all the stuff he never released.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/12 13:53:27

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
 aphyon wrote:

I guess were in AT 43 territory, get the mini's while you can. before it gets stupid expensive and hard to find.

Wonder what game Paolo will come up with next.

I just hope my last order went through

As far as i know the only option now is Konflict 47 but that is Warlord Games and their rep aint exactly good(very overpriced models and weak rules set for whatever they make) plus i think even that game is dead, i see no product for it at sale anywhere, so i dont think there is any wierd world war II games out there anymore.

Remember Clockwork Goblin makes K-47 minis, and they have a nice surprise --- they are putting everything into 15mm to allow play in Flames of '47, that is Flames of war with K-47 minis.

You can peruse what they have on their site:

The flames of '47 rule set group can be found on Facebook.

The other option is really only Warlord's 28mm version, unless you want to grab some of the more obscure systems...

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/12 15:25:35

Post by: chaos0xomega

All the more obscure systems at this point are basically dead/unsupported

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 11:13:06

Post by: chaos0xomega


Spent yesterday scouring the web to try to get some Blitz/Adler/Moskito/Falke for Axis and non-TSH KV-47s (Natalya/Natasha/Nadya) and airborne KV-47s (Nastasia/Nikita/Nina) for SSU.

Managed to find a bunch on the dark recesses of the web, but every order I placed ended up getting cancelled either because they were no longer in stock or they were an international seller that doesn't/won't ship to the US, and then there were a bunch of orders I couldn't place because the stores were no longer accepting online orders for various reasons. Very frustrating.

I did eventually manage to get 1 Adler/Blitz kit (cost an arm and a leg) and 1 Moskito/Falke kit (reasonable price but international shipping is a killer) which weren't cancelled (yet). I also managed to get my hands on a pair of the original Axis walkers (Luther/Ludwig/Lothar) for posterity.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 13:15:50

Post by: FrozenDwarf

grats, yes the hamstering has begun for real, miniature marked is vacumed for anything but allied powersuits and 6 legged walkers, and some german troop stuff.

My first package arrived today: axis jagd walker with all 3 wep options, kit merc hq squad and ijn gembu/basan. a week to payday, so im hoping i can find the rest then if it has not been vacumed by others,

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 13:25:41

Post by: chaos0xomega

I still intend to buy one more of each the punisher 1 and punisher 2 six-leg walker kits, and I'd like to get a set of Jagd walkers and Wotan II ARs, but right now I'm more focused on trying to track down some of those SSU goodies.

All else fails maybe I'll buy the TSH walkers and see if I can figure out how to design a 3d printable cockpit enclosure for them.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 14:35:36

Post by: FrozenDwarf

chaos0xomega wrote:
I still intend to buy one more of each the punisher 1 and punisher 2 six-leg walker kits, and I'd like to get a set of Jagd walkers and Wotan II ARs, but right now I'm more focused on trying to track down some of those SSU goodies.

All else fails maybe I'll buy the TSH walkers and see if I can figure out how to design a 3d printable cockpit enclosure for them.

mm, anything that aint spetznas is very hard to find and basicly ebay only.
I saw some tactics kv152s listed for 130-150$ in ebay this summer. The kv47 is ebay only and red guard was not even listed in any of the 3 sites, so they prolly never was made after tactics ended.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 15:54:01

Post by: chaos0xomega

Well, looks like I did manage to score 1 airborne walker with transport 'copter on BGG after all. Would have preferred a second one but it is what it is.

Edit - also managed to score a trio of KV47s (non-spetsnaz) from Singapore on BGG. Woot! Only 1 each but I'll take it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 18:15:37

Post by: aphyon

Nice, i am glad i have all 4 of the axis planes i wanted(X2 blitz, addler, flake/moskito, although i would not mind having a geist). the only one i have seen in any number now is the glide bomb one(hexe) that comes with the fallshirmjager starter box. some of the others have shown up here and there on ebay and such.

The only thing i am really after for a friend is the totenmeisterin character, but we may have to go 3rd party in the end for that one.

Otherwise our group is sitting pretty good. i snagged the desert scorpions boxed set like i said to get the characters, i am giving the command squad to our new allies player and i just recently scored a command prinzluther transport, NDAK command squad(noble knight) and the combined konigs wotan/lothar II kit (all the way from Poland via ebay) for our other axis player.

Some stuff is really easy to find like the USMC/spetznaz units but like what happened with AT43 some of the better units are hard to find, or super expensive noble knight has the standard lothar primed but they want way to much for it.

Looks like the DUST war journals site is gone, if anybody needs them i have the free PDF downloads they had up for most of the axis/allies and SSU cards & main rule book if anybody needs them.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 20:35:17

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Yea, aircraft situation is bugging me. i can currently find a block allies plane for less then retail price, but bloc axis and ssu; impossible outside of ebay..... it is allmoust as if they where not made at all after tactis ended..

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/14 22:35:10

Post by: chaos0xomega

I suspect that Paolo didn't have access to the molds for the items made under previous iterations of the game, or if he did they were the IP of FFG or Battlefront or whoever the previous publisher was and they wouldn't release the rights to him to use them. Its not a solid theory but its the only thing that makes sense to me to explain why he would have otherwise had access to the production tooling for a very large range of models that he seemingly never reprinted and instead chose to focus on investing a large amount of resources into the development of new sculpts/variants of those things instead (variants which were often styled differently from their predecessors).

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/15 05:53:51

Post by: aphyon

Not really certain that is the case-they recently re-released the allied pelican fighter (p-38) with full options including the tornado variant with phasers. that is most likely why they are more available.

As for the axis planes the last few were all the hexe and geist versions with the radar antenna on the nose, the only new one for SSU was the helicopter (mi-472) with the tesla cannons- it still appears to be in stock on the DUSTUSA store.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/15 13:37:30

Post by: chaos0xomega

can't speak for the pelican, but the sculpt for the hexe/geist are entirely different from the adler/blitz, byt the design for both are sinilar enough that you won't notice the minor differences that give it away (aside from the difference in cockpit design). Same is true for the SSU helicopters, overall they look very similar if you compare the FFG version to the most recent incarnations but theres a few minor stylistic differences in the sculpts - in the Invader for example, the Dust Tactics FFG sculpt the cockpit has big chunky rivet heads, whereas the Dust Studios sculpt they are smaller and fewer in number

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/15 17:03:12

Post by: FrozenDwarf

hehe, i have to giggle at the model hoarding going on now.
Prior to the bad news, the italian site was allmoust untoutched, now it is vacumed of ijn ninja models, only the 777 and inflitration squad remains.

Suspect that shop will have a pretty good clean over the coming weeks as it has currently some stuff none of the other two sites has.

Have to live on nudles and bread for a week, but i managed to pick up one of the very few remaining ijn ninja sniper teams, plus a ssu steelguard army box in kit. I allready have a steelguard hq and support squad, so i sould make a nice little force backed up by some block tanks or mercenaries units.

They allso have very recently got Addie in stock as resin kit for thouse who missed the premium version on the homepage.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/15 18:24:36

Post by: aphyon

Recent checks of noble knight and ebay have seen a boost in available units seen, several pelicans show up as well as some FFG multi kit boxes.

plus a ssu steelguard army box in kit. I allready have a steelguard hq and support squad, so i sould make a nice little force backed up by some block tanks or mercenaries units.

My entire SSU force at 150 is themed around the steel guards horde. the only unit i do not run is the sniper team. aside from the artillery tractors/spotter teams it is steel guards and 7 of the combat engineer walkers(miniature market had a great deal on them last year). having an army that is 95% damage resilient tends to annoy people.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/16 06:16:50

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Forgot about the scalpers...........

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/16 16:53:12

Post by: chaos0xomega

I mean, I'm doing a lot of hoovering, I would wager I constitute a large chunk of it on my own considering that I started October with 29pts of IJN and 26 pts of Luftwaffe, and currently have about 452 pts of IJN, 638 pts of Luftwaffe/Axis, plus 485 points of Allies, and 625 pts of SSU... and this isn't even my final form.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/16 20:29:44

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Question is, would you have done it if the company had not shut down?
Someone wrote, 100p in dust is about 1500p in 40k...

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/16 22:59:33

Post by: chaos0xomega

Eventually, yes. Collecting Dust was on my to-do list (I bought those starters for a reason), however my inability to convince friends to give it a go (they thought it was a dead game, they may have been right) pushed it to the bottom of the priority list, and the lack of availability for half the product range for the last 2 years had me waiting until things came back into availability to bother. The announcement through that calculus out the window and its become a scramble to try to grab as much of this stuff as I can while I can - I fully expect the game to relaunch in the future with new masters once again, but since it seems like a segment of the product range gets left behind through each different iteration of the game who the hell knows if any of this will be purchasable in the future.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
OK. Think I'm done for now.

All I have left on my hit list is stuff with plenty of inventory floating around.... although I need to be honest and say that my tendency towards trying to build realistic squads/platoons, etc. has me itching to take all the pairs of mechs I've purchased and turn them into trios or quads, but I have to draw a line somewhere.

Only thing I'll be buying in the interrim is a bunch of IJN Ninja kits the moment that Dust USAs shipment clears the port of seattle and gets put up for preorder.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/17 08:03:10

Post by: FrozenDwarf

mmm, i dont think anything from 1947 would be left out if the game sees a new official day, but the tactics stuff, that was not "inhouse" so prolly why half the range never returned.
Spetznas, Blut and USMC was around during tactics and featured in the book as the examples for each block, so im guessing they was not BF/FFG and that is prolly why thouse 3 have a lot of models floating around.

Block models is prolly still in the hands of BF/FFG and prolly the reason to why they was not reproduced or featured in the rulebook.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/17 16:30:22

Post by: aphyon

Got another run with the MYTHOS force tonight.

I was defending in the "doomsday weapon" scenario. i really stretched it out since i had the chance to turn it on turn 3 but went all the way to 5 before it went off, if it had gone a one more turn i would have lost.

The table was pretty thick with area terrain so the minions of the elder gods got to play a bit.





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/18 01:56:55

Post by: chaos0xomega

hmm suddenly I want to collect a bunch of Mythos stuff... too bad most of it seems to be sold out everywhere

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/18 13:39:30

Post by: FrozenDwarf

ok, homebrew rules time.

Been toying with rules for an idea of a IJN fighter plane. I used axis Adler as reference but tryed to make it a bit weaker and a bit stronger. First time im making rules and no, this aint playtested in any ways.


toughts aphyon? of us who write in here, you are the one who actualy plays the game on regular basis and uses airplane models.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/19 06:11:28

Post by: aphyon

I like where you are going with this for a dustified unit, a few things-DUST is pretty strict about uniformity for balance so the stats for the plane should match

class 2
6 wounds
movement grid of 12-24

as far as the weapons go-

I think you need to drop the range on the cannons to 2
(damage looks fine)
add in 2 one use bombs for 17, guided missiles or rockets for 18 and the infantry support railgun- statline(a single one center-line mounted) for 20.

i do like the kamikaze option, that is a nice touch. as a fire/burning wreck attack it would ignore infantry and cover saves so that makes sense as well.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/19 09:02:22

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Thank you. I would want some sort of random dice roll on the kamikaze impact but i dont know how to creathe sutch a rule and to keep it simple. This the first time ever im trying to make rules for any game.

Did not know that there was an idea of balance uniformity for dust units, that will make things a bit easyer, but sadly allso a bit more duller.

So Is basicly the weapon damage the only thing that can be different?; aka armor value, hp points, weapon range and movment is the same across a whole group?

I am allso working on a cheap mercenary version of the allies micky (8ap) as a more durable alternative to the mercenary recoiless rifle support squad.
Basicly as i would want to have it, the support squad hits hard but is fragile, the merch micky hits "weakly" but is more durable. But to get ti donw to 8ap i would have to make it less durable then the usmc micky and remove one or both machineguns.

I want this becouse there is no offical cheap (7-8ap) anti tank walker that can be used by everyone.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/19 09:41:11

Post by: aphyon

From playing the game you notice a few things-characters get the optional rules for variety.

Almost all ground units either move 2/4 or 3/5 there are few exceptions like the humanoid walkers are 3/4 (do not seem to run as fast but walk faster) and heavy weapon teams also go really slow like mortor teams etc...

All planes are locked into 12/24 just like the helicopters are locked into 6/12 but they have more wounds and the option to hover for suppressing fire.

One thing that is different- class 4 IJN walkers are more heavily armored so normally they would have 6 wounds but instead have 7 or 8 compared to every other walker of class 4. i think this is a balance to the fact the only super heavy walker they have is the iron samurai compared to all the 6/7 heavy vehicles available to all the other blocks.

Thank you. I would want some sort of random dice roll on the kamikaze impact but i dont know how to creathe sutch a rule and to keep it simple. This the first time ever im trying to make rules for any game.

It isn't needed. you only have a 33% chance to wound on a roll of army symbol for everything under the template as it is.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/21 07:27:07

Post by: aphyon

Well i got my final order in from the main DUST shop-the premium luft horst. such a well done mini, and the only premium vehicle i own, will miss all the premiums i never got a hold of that were on my to-get list.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/21 09:01:06

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:
Well i got my final order in from the main DUST shop-the premium luft horst. such a well done mini, and the only premium vehicle i own, will miss all the premiums i never got a hold of that were on my to-get list.

All my usmc and spetznas are premiums (100 ap each), kickstarter 6 years ago. The 1947 era premiums are better painted then the tactics premiums, as i placed a small order for premiums in the summer.

dustusa shop cloused yesterday, site is still up but shop has been disabled. warfactory has been vacumed for dust units expect the block stuff that noone realy wants, same for ammodrop, but since both sites sells other games or products, their shops wont shut down.

Got my warfactory order today: 1x ijn hq and troop unit in kit, 1x 777 in kit, 1 merc troop unit primed and 1x axis johanna kit.

I am missing a 2nd ijn tropp unit and the arty walker for a 100ap force and it is too late to find them now, so im at a end at around 70 or 75ap for ijn.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/21 10:26:51

Post by: aphyon

Yeah looks like the mass buying rush is about to end. we all knew it was coming, but at least we got some things together.

.My SSU is sitting at 150AP it is a themed list so i don't think i will add anything to it.
X7 walkers, X2 artillery tractors, X2 spotting teams, X5 steel guards squads
.My allies are looking at 190AP give or take a few points depending on what i run the command walker as (AA/artillery/command)
X3 walkers, 1 plane, X4 special characters, X4heavy ranger teams, X2 SAS scout teams
.I just added a MI-GO assault squad to my Mythos so i got it up to 147AP
X3 special characters, 1 command squad, 1 mi-go squad, X4 monsters
.Last my big force axis-307AP between my fallshirmjager force and my heavy grenadier force.
X 5 walkers, X4 planes, X5 special characters, X5 heavy grenadier squads, 1 grenadier command squad, X3 falshirmjager squads, 1 fallshirmjager command squad,

I know both the other axis player and allies players are both over 200AP each (and the other SSU player is easily hitting 300...so many tanks and helicopters) so we have enough stuff for some good variety in our games.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/21 17:22:19

Post by: chaos0xomega

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
 aphyon wrote:
Well i got my final order in from the main DUST shop-the premium luft horst. such a well done mini, and the only premium vehicle i own, will miss all the premiums i never got a hold of that were on my to-get list.

All my usmc and spetznas are premiums (100 ap each), kickstarter 6 years ago. The 1947 era premiums are better painted then the tactics premiums, as i placed a small order for premiums in the summer.

dustusa shop cloused yesterday, site is still up but shop has been disabled. warfactory has been vacumed for dust units expect the block stuff that noone realy wants, same for ammodrop, but since both sites sells other games or products, their shops wont shut down.

Got my warfactory order today: 1x ijn hq and troop unit in kit, 1x 777 in kit, 1 merc troop unit primed and 1x axis johanna kit.

I am missing a 2nd ijn tropp unit and the arty walker for a 100ap force and it is too late to find them now, so im at a end at around 70 or 75ap for ijn.

Dust USA is closed for inventory temporarily. Their webstore wasn't accurately reflecting their actual inventory and they were issuing lots of refunds for things that people were ordering but they didn't actually have. They plan to go back live soon once they can correct the issue.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/21 18:51:46

Post by: FrozenDwarf

thought their huge number of starter boxes was a bit odd...

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/22 11:17:17

Post by: chaos0xomega

I don't think it was particularly odd, apparently they were a much larger distributor than the other two in Europe. The issue doesn't seem to be with the starter sets for what its worth as those of us who had orders cancelled mostly missed out on individual unit boxes, etc.

Anyway, I bit the bullet and bought a bunch of Mercs + Mythos, I figure between the two I can put together a decent army. Managed to snag an Annihilator (or whatever the MG turret that goes on the Panzer 38 (t) is called) from Ammo Drop!

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/23 03:36:01

Post by: 455_PWR

Wish they would restock mythos cultists, migo assault squads, and resin characters like angela and gregor. Been looking for them for a while to no avail.

Maybe ammodrop will be able to continue runs of resin characters and conversion sets.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/23 06:48:38

Post by: aphyon

Sadly this is the last run, "restocks" will only be a thing if you find it on ebay or places like noble knight re-buy from collectors once the stock on hand runs out.

That is why we have been trying to get all the stuff we wanted while we can...and some people went a bit crazy like chaos up there.

Granted i started my collection years ago, so i have already spent a bit.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/23 08:40:02

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:
I like where you are going with this for a dustified unit, a few things-DUST is pretty strict about uniformity for balance so the stats for the plane should match

going back to this, i am having fun dustifying a tiger 1, but i have a question, there is one tiger unit in the game, flammtiger, but it is whitout a turret, in my head it makes sence to increase the HP by 1 or 2 if a turret is present, but would that mess up the uniformity?

basicly what my tiger would be is just a more durable pz4 with higer ap cost.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/23 15:53:15

Post by: chaos0xomega

I have been asking ammo drop if they would continue producing the resin stuff and they haven't answered. I suspect the answer is actually "yes" but they aren't saying so because it might run afoul of their agreement with Dust Studio and they are trying to skirt under the radar.

Evidently the steel kamikaze amd steel samurai are produced by/for Ammo Drop exclusively and when I asked Kallamity about whether he knew anything about it he said the only persin that would know is Luca at AmmoDrop...

so, Ill keep checking on their site until a Steel Samurai shows up in stock

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/26 08:31:43

Post by: aphyon

so.....i got my mi-go order in...it just didn't have any minis in the box

It was a sealed box with 3 flight stands and the unit card...so i started digging around for alternatives.

Found these in 32mm for the mi-go raider squad


I also thought this may make a nice spawn of shrub-niggurath


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/26 08:44:05

Post by: FrozenDwarf

ooo i hope that is a one off situation, no one to complain to anymore either.......

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/28 10:29:34

Post by: FrozenDwarf

3/4 orders has now arrived, it was my first order to u.s store that have not arrived yet, going on 4 1/2 weeks now for that postal airmail delivery, usualy it only takes 3 weeks.....

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/28 17:40:14

Post by: aphyon

Welcome to the supply chain disruption than helped kill dust studios.

I get the same thing going in reverse especially anything i order from Russia. usually takes a month minimum to get the the USA.

It has not been a good week for me. first we had the empty box sent to me as i mentioned above and now the konigslothar/wotan kit i had on order from Poland apparently got canceled because it had taken some damage in shipping. i am still trying to get them to send it anyway so i can at least attempt to repair it.

Have not heard back on either case yet.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/28 18:12:05

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Taken damage from them to you, or from factory to webshop?
My package from them was done very sloppy, but everything was intact. Delivery from italy has been prima.

I imagine the poland store was caught offguard by the hoarding spree over the past month and things might have gone a bit hot for them.

Another thing that came as a supprise to me is how little space the kits take. Like, we all know kit boxes are small, but we are all used to pre assembled products from them, aka big boxes.
Seriously, the kit version of the ssu steelguard army box uses the same box size as a primed IJN walker and it is 1 walker and 9 powersuits in there.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/10/28 18:24:22

Post by: aphyon

Taken damage from them to you, or from factory to webshop?

No clue, they just sent a note saying it was "damaged and could not be sold" it was one of several they had already sold, apparently i got the short end of the stick so to speak.

I have a request in for a refund for the mi-go order, we will see what happens.

I managed to find a replacement on ammo drop i just had to pay through the nose for shipping on it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 06:25:08

Post by: aphyon

Well a bit of good news, ammo drop sent me a mi-go squad and the konigslothar/wotan kit is on it's way, apparently the shipment wasn't damaged afterall.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 06:46:08

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 aphyon wrote:
No clue, they just sent a note saying it was "damaged and could not be sold" it was one of several they had already sold, apparently i got the short end of the stick so to speak.
Or "This will go for a mint on eBay soon enough, so we're keeping it and telling people it's damaged."

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 06:49:39

Post by: aphyon

Fortunately they did not do that to me. so not as bad as bridge media who sent me the empty box and then demanded i send them back the empty box to get my refund. shipping cost me $12

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 07:51:18

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Good stuff.
going on week 7 for my miniature marked order. Tracking no longer works, fear that package might have gone to the void, normaly as said it takes 3-4 weeks for shipments from them to arrive to me.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 08:26:26

Post by: aphyon

Strange, i have never had a problem with miniature market. maybe the shipping gremlins are after you now?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 08:54:43

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Nor have i until this order.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 09:19:20

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 aphyon wrote:
Strange, i have never had a problem with miniature market. maybe the shipping gremlins are after you now?
Did get a box of AT-43 Therian guys - those spiky balls mine constructs, whatever they're called - that was smashed to pieces.

They, of course, send me a replacement free of charge.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 11:02:21

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 aphyon wrote:
Strange, i have never had a problem with miniature market. maybe the shipping gremlins are after you now?
Did get a box of AT-43 Therian guys - those spiky balls mine constructs, whatever they're called - that was smashed to pieces.

They, of course, send me a replacement free of charge.

thing is, your items arrived, mine has not yet.
and should the grmins have teleported my order to a different dimensions, MM cant send me replacments cus there is none left.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 15:03:16

Post by: warboss

Got my only dust mini prob ever... The soviet campaign pack with a portly iron (curtain) man flying power armor. It's a cool looking fig fwiw and i plan to use him someday in an rpg (dnd artificer?). I was tempted to get the IS-3 heavy tank and ISU-152 tank destroyer equivalents when FFG was doing their firesale but ultimately didn't for some reason.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 15:56:42

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 warboss wrote:
Got my only dust mini prob ever... The soviet campaign pack with a portly iron (curtain) man flying power armor. It's a cool looking fig fwiw and i plan to use him someday in an rpg (dnd artificer?). I was tempted to get the IS-3 heavy tank and ISU-152 tank destroyer equivalents when FFG was doing their firesale but ultimately didn't for some reason.

Yea he is a superhuman hero for the ssu core block, called Ivan Vasilev Smersh, aka Winter Child, if you are too lazy to read the fluff.
Quite decent too but expensive, he costs basicly the same as tanks.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 18:03:24

Post by: warboss

Thanks. I also would have accepted Comrade Porkins as a name too. I might eventually read the fluff but all I had the chance to do yesterday was reach into the box and pull him out. I haven't even looked at the tiles and I'm interested in those for rpg reasons too.

I'm guessing it is not an accident that his last name is a stalinist counterintelligence organization that itself is phonetically derived from the slavic word for death.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/06 19:12:01

Post by: aphyon

 warboss wrote:
Thanks. I also would have accepted Comrade Porkins as a name too. I might eventually read the fluff but all I had the chance to do yesterday was reach into the box and pull him out. I haven't even looked at the tiles and I'm interested in those for rpg reasons too.

I'm guessing it is not an accident that his last name is a stalinist counterintelligence organization that itself is phonetically derived from the slavic word for death.

Not an accident at all, DUST has a lot of tongue and cheek humor as well as cliche settings on purpose. like the entire IJN faction being made up of school girls and ninjas, the mercenary faction basically being all WWII pinup girls. chracters named after actual era personalities or humor-IE. commisar poon, Dr. fu ling yu, machete mack, bloody baron(he is a flying ace aka the red baron), etc...

The winter child is super good, being both damage resilient, having a super infantry save and benefiting from cover (unlike the steel guards with the same super infantry save), has radiation weapons and can fly...so yeah he is super expensive game points wise. he is basically soviet ironman

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/07 12:28:02

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:
Strange, i have never had a problem with miniature market. maybe the shipping gremlins are after you now?

contacted MM, problem solved, it was communication error from them. turns out the shipping had been changed from USPS to UPS, thus why the tracking no longer existed, and they did not inform me of the change.
order lies at my local pickup point and i am collecting it tomorrow.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/08 01:08:34

Post by: aphyon

Well that is a relief, i think i am pretty well done. i got my mythos up to 150 AP now. my other friend has his zombie army and panzer company army mostly finished, i think the only thing he is missing is the totenmeister character for his zombies.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/08 08:31:48

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 aphyon wrote:
Well that is a relief, i think i am pretty well done. i got my mythos up to 150 AP now. my other friend has his zombie army and panzer company army mostly finished, i think the only thing he is missing is the totenmeister character for his zombies.

yea i am basicly done too, missing one starter but no crisis if i cant get a hold of it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/08 13:35:48

Post by: chaos0xomega

Im still shopping scouring the deep recesses of the web for those odds and ends that are missing from my collection, getting very close to complete though. I've had to brush up on foreign language skills to get some of this stuff, most recently I had to fumble through Swedish and Italian lol.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/08 16:19:09

Post by: FrozenDwarf

chaos0xomega wrote:
Im still shopping scouring the deep recesses of the web for those odds and ends that are missing from my collection, getting very close to complete though. I've had to brush up on foreign language skills to get some of this stuff, most recently I had to fumble through Swedish and Italian lol.

well you are lucky, you live in usa based on your profile flag, there are shops over there that had what i wanted but will not ship outside of usa.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/08 18:03:20

Post by: chaos0xomega

Less lucky than you might think. A number of shops wouldn't ship stuff that I wanted and I wasn't about to drive anywhere between 2 and 17 hours (depending on the shop).

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/08 18:38:32

Post by: FrozenDwarf

thats wierd.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/08 21:18:45

Post by: chaos0xomega

Theres lots of online sales fraud in the US when it comes to hobby/collectible retail. People complain about inconsequential things and if they know how to navigate ebay/paypal, etc. dispute system can very easily get a full refund for an item without having to return it (i.e. they steal it/get it for free). Something like a minor dent in the packaging of a collectible item, or if you sell something advertised as "mint condition" but they feel its really "near mint", or if you're selling something like pokemon/magic cards and they feel like the cardstock or print quality is slightly off and indicative of bootleg cards, or if you sell a premium action figure and the joints are looser than they expect and indicative of an off-brand knockoff, etc.

All of those (and more) are examples of things I encountered personally while doing online sales for a local retailer, in every case they got their money back even when we were able to show them that the action figure we sold them was purchased by us directly from the official manufacturer/distributor, or that the reason for the difference in cardstock in the magic card set was because the set they purchased is older and predates a change that WotC made. The worst is when you clearly describe and photograph things like dents and defects in a product (like a rare action figures packaging) and someone complains about it and still forces their way to a refund even after they admit to not reading the listing or looking at the photographs carefully, etc.

So, a lot of stores don't bother, they are content to just sell locally without dealing with the headache.

That being said, if you have access to stores with inventory of things that I might be after, and I have access to stores with stuff that you might be after, maybe the solution to our problem is to do a trade?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/09 10:17:58

Post by: FrozenDwarf

I wish i could, my personality disorders dont play along, i can barly function in the daily life, thats why i am a collector, not a gamer.

i did not know about the situation you describe for store product in us, i can only say that u.s and norway could basicly be on two different planets.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/09 12:26:44

Post by: chaos0xomega

I'm sorry to hear that :(

And yeah having friends from Scandinavia who have come to stay/live in the US for extended periods there is definitely large degrees of cultural separation.

Anyway, if anyone happens across a Blutkreuz Headquarters box (Laser Grenadier Command Squad + ~5 Characters), keep me in mind, I will reward you with a handsome finders fee as I have been unable to find one myself.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/14 17:51:27

Post by: aphyon

A little update time-

Starting off i took a couple recent group shots-

My complete allies force-


And my full Luftwaffe force-


We also did a smallish 105 point game tonight-

The scenario was the plane crash in the jungle. why axis were fighting axis? well considering one force was Blutkreuz we sort of imagined why there might be a rift.

the Blutkreuz starting line-


I did what drop troops do and moved to eliminate the largest threats before i could start searching for the objective that could only be claimed on turn 4, and only by infantry.

the zombies pushed forward and even got into some hand to hand, but i managed to make some stupid good amount of saves from shooting. it was anybodies game until turn 4 when rolf found the objective and won the game. Kurt got MVP because he and the anti tank squad managed to take down 2 heavy walkers...and Kurt himself just refused to die. he survived being assaulted by CC zombies, shot by a gorilla flamefaust, shot at by the prinzluther twice before finally dying to the command squads guns.





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/14 18:40:58

Post by: FrozenDwarf

100p aint small if done right, gotta fokus more on armor 1 infantry squads and walkers in 8-12 ap range + no air, and you will have about same amount of models to move around in a 100p game then you have in a 175-200p.

one of my 100p ssu forces list: spetsnaz; vasiliy, ivan, saboteur squad, kill squad, assult squad, TSH; aleksei, anatoly, natasha, block type 47, steelguards type 46.
so 2 heroes, 15 troops and 5 walkers.

Good thing about zombies, they are everyones enemy, just do a "hail hydra" twist

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/14 19:22:07

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Lovel terrain and nice battle report @aphyon thank you!

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/15 01:43:39

Post by: chaos0xomega

I'll be doing some glamor shots of my collection once everything finishes delivering lol

I now have ~1200 points of SSU, Allies, and Axis, plus another 500 or so of IJN and combined Mythos/Mercs. Pretty much done shopping unless I can come across any of these for a reasonable price:

1x Gregor the Defector
2x Cultist Saboteurs
2x Steel Guard Fire Support Squad
2x PT-47B

other than that, if the missing Dust USA container is ever located I'm gonna try to snag 8x Ninja Multikits and 6x Culstist Multikits.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/15 03:01:03

Post by: aphyon

Well you got quite a good collection so you can at least have variety and enough stuff to do what i do and have armies for other players to use.

Myself i really do not need anything per say. there are a few items that would be ok to have like the steel guards sniper team that fits the theme of my SSU army but i am already at 150 AP which is the normal sized games we play.

The only mini i really wanted was an offical "tom" character for my tank commander. i am using a generic guy for now so it isn't like i "need" him.

My friend who plays the other army in the battle report has everything he needs except the Blutkreuz hero set/command squad box-mostly the totenmeisterin

I really wanted to add in a few of the future releases that will sadly never be made now-the priest version of the bulldog, P-61 black widow version of the heavy phaser aircraft, mythos deep ones,and the IJN battle robots.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/15 13:16:49

Post by: chaos0xomega

Yeah, I went through the old preview posts and got incredibly sad. The next couple waves of models for this game would have been some of the best minis for this game or any other out there.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/11/28 17:00:44

Post by: aphyon

New players mean more demo games!

So we had 2 experienced gamers at the FLGS tonight that had never played DUST so i broke out the allied and SSU armies they requested to play and walked them through a 150 point match.

Because they were just learning the system, we didn't do any of the fantastic mission scenarios. we went a full 8 turns with one SSU combat engineer walker standing alone against a plane and an artillery walker. dice were rolled and models were moved.

Both of them had a good time, so i expect to see more games in the future. our other axis player also finally got his konig luthor in so there was much happiness there.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/04 05:31:50

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

in our 2nd episode of Table-Top Throwdown we explore how to continue playing and collecting one of our favorite miniature games. Lots of visuals added into the discussion as well. Hope you enjoy it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/04 07:21:25

Post by: aphyon

Thumbs up and commented.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/05 03:22:22

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

chaos0xomega wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that :(

And yeah having friends from Scandinavia who have come to stay/live in the US for extended periods there is definitely large degrees of cultural separation.

Anyway, if anyone happens across a Blutkreuz Headquarters box (Laser Grenadier Command Squad + ~5 Characters), keep me in mind, I will reward you with a handsome finders fee as I have been unable to find one myself.

My local shop has one man! I checked for you today. I'll PM you now

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/05 14:00:24

Post by: aphyon

Hey if they have another one i need one for a friend to, we are desperately trying to find the totenmiesterin.

I have a couple of the operations box sets on hold for me for next week that we found in the back, one of them has the winter child in it so i will be picking that up along with the one that has bazooka joe, sigrid and the panzer prince in it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/05 19:18:25

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 aphyon wrote:
Hey if they have another one i need one for a friend to, we are desperately trying to find the totenmiesterin.

I have a couple of the operations box sets on hold for me for next week that we found in the back, one of them has the winter child in it so i will be picking that up along with the one that has bazooka joe, sigrid and the panzer prince in it.

The other gent hasn't responded, and store needs sales. PM me I can try to hook you up if i hear from you first.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/06 08:36:07

Post by: aphyon

I checked the store and i don't see it on there, i will try to call them tomorrow.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/08 14:41:40

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 aphyon wrote:
I checked the store and i don't see it on there, i will try to call them tomorrow.

Glad you got a hold of them. They have lots of inventory not listed on their site yet, I think they are behind in that endeavor.

We're playing Dust this weekend --pics incoming.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/08 15:54:48

Post by: aphyon

We're playing Dust this weekend --pics incoming.

I look forward to it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/12 15:53:23

Post by: aphyon

Our game of DUST tonight was operation titan

Game size 205 ish points

My allied force


Points are scored in this mission by a variety of accomplishments

. first blood
. kill a vehicle with an infantry unit
. kill a vehicle with a single shooting attack
. kill a vehicle
. have an undamaged vehicle survive the game
. kill a heavy vehicle with a light vehicle


The setup looked like so



The game had an 8-turn limit, however in the normal case of DUST when there is this much firepower on the table things tend to die quickly...especially in the first turn where i was getting some horrible dice rolls

By the end of turn 1 the table looked like this


Axis were ahead 3/2 at this point scoring first blood, tank kill, and tank kill of heavy VS heavy.

By the end of turn 2 we had savaged each other pretty well. The axis were still slightly ahead.


By the end of turn 3 there wasn't much left-

We pushed on one last turn to turn 4 at that point i had managed to kill his last heavy laser walker with great help from the character Marek and his phaser rifle.

Leaving me with 3 points ahead and no way for him to recover, so we called it there.


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/12 16:30:40

Post by: warboss

That allied aircraft is clearly overcompensating for something with those powerplants! Glad to see you're gaming and having fun.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2021/12/19 18:22:19

Post by: aphyon

Just a fast one tonight-75 points, just to try out the new models-got the winter child SSU super soldier character.

Bit of a beast clocking in at 21 points, that is more than some heavy tanks.


i went up against a combined US ranger/british SAS allied force.



The highlight was the epic battle between the winter child and Rhino-


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/01/09 16:49:40

Post by: aphyon

Well we finally got everybody together and all the new shiny.

This game was a 170-point blutkreuz VS steel guard.

The scenario was a "chase the alien" objective.

So, each player gets to move the aliens a random direction 4" every time they activate a unit. starting turn 4 if you have a unit within 4" of the alien at the end of the turn and no enemies are within 4", you can "capture" the alien for a win

the setup-



A little epic closeup-the winter child chewing through some gorillas including the "marcus" special gorilla character.


The win on turn 5 went to the axis force but only just barely with the totenmeisterin scoring the winning capture.



DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/01/09 16:58:58

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Nice board, great pics, and thank you for the report. The Chase the Alien scenario -- where does the objective start? center of board?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/01/09 17:04:10

Post by: aphyon

Yeah, there is a crashed ship and a little grey aliens model i have (reaper minis) that starts in the middle of the table.

That little guy ran all over the table. before he finally got caught.

I downloaded most of the official scenario PDFs from the DUST USA site before it shut down. this is one we had been meaning to try.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
i was also really tired when i posted all this so i forgot to post the army showcase pictures

The Blutkreuz


The SSU steel guards


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/01/25 07:32:22

Post by: aphyon

There you go showing off your fancy conversions.....i want to see some game pics

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/01/25 11:51:50

Post by: Mothsniper

No one to play with. Well, not true, I am sure I can find someone in town.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/01/29 22:53:18

Post by: Eilif

Really digging those tank conversions. Looking forward to the final results.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/02/06 16:34:57

Post by: aphyon

New shininess-

Just got my Cthulhu army back from the painter-i let him choose the colors. came out looking fantastic.


DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/02/20 19:56:31

Post by: aphyon

I finally got those Cultists on the table.

Game 1 was a battle of monsters. the ancient gods faced off against the undead.

The setup-

150 points, clash of titans kill mission

the axis force of blutkreuz


The mythos force-


I sent a light force around his right flank as a distraction and managed to tie up 3 units.


It turned into a cat and mouse game as i could not get close enough with the avatar to attack his tank without exposing him to withering fire.

In the end the zombies won the day but it was very close with both of us down to only a few models.


Game 2

VK stash-

mythos VS panzer grenadiers with armor support.

This is another new addition that is seeing it's first table action.

I managed to get a 3d printed sci-fi hover STUGG to use as the DUST hetzer laser tank destroyer. of course the panzer prince tank commander character had to take it for a spin.


This mission turned out to be a bad matchup for my army as i had no real close combat unit and most of the mythos force is dedicated to it, so if i go out to far i just get wrecked. it allowed the faster mythos monsters to jump on the objective and drag it to victory.



DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/03/27 21:25:51

Post by: aphyon

had not gotten a full dust game in for a while so when i noticed a certain historic yellow building in the back room i set up the stalingrad table.

Unfortunately, a couple of the buildings were missing so i just winged it with some other fill ins.



The mission was- a mechanics job

His engineer was holding a tech discovery in the far right rear ruined building, i had 8 turns to kill his engineer. by the same token he was trying to stop my engineer from getting into the building ruins.

The table deployment for this scenario was end to end with the table broken into 24" 3rds. for a change of pace i took the plane out (probably a mistake) and filled in my points with british SAS phaser troops.


The other player picked the heavy panzer grenadiers to defend-


As one would expect with DUST the game was brutal for both sides. i spent a fair few points on bringing 4 characters instead of more rangers.



It ended up being a loss for the allies, who were down to 2 members of the command squad. on the other side though he was down to a tank commander without a tank, a single heavy grenadier he still had his command squad hold up in their command vehicle.



DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/04/18 19:46:13

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Nice game by the sound of it,

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/04/26 18:07:34

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Heads upp, apple and google are removing apps in the store that has not been updated whitin some time.
That could mean the dust1947 army builder app(dust enlist) goes out the window too. if you have it installed, it can still be used until it no longer works, but if any players wold stumble across the remains of this game in say 6 months, there wont be any app for them to find.


Are there any places on the internet that has the full statcards for all the units right up until the game ended, outside of the army builder app??
I never bothered to buy the physical decks when i could find anything in the app......

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/04/26 18:18:37

Post by: aphyon

The only place that had all the core rules and stat cards online was DUST war journals, but that site is gone.

you can screen grab most of the cards from ammo drop


If there is anything missing, you can PM me with an email address to send it to, as i have all the PDFs saved from DUST war journals including all the dustified units.

P.S. Ammo drop still has many DUST minis in stock according to their web store.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/05/16 00:06:02

Post by: aphyon

Have not had a DUST game in a while to post, but i still have been adding a bit here and there-

the full SSU force is up to 194 points with the addition of a "dustified" KV1


The table was set up for a 40K game so the terrain may look a bit out of place.

The mission was "operation titan" that centered around earning points for killing walkers and vehicles in various ways-infantry VS vehicle, heavy VS light walkers etc...

the game had an 8 turn limit.

the setup/deployment-



The axis scored first blood since they had more ranged fire than i did.

The steel guards themed force is very resilient but it has to get to you to do real damage. so my side of the table thinned out early on especially thanks to the hard counter against my infantry of his super heavy walker using artillery (he forgot his at home so he barrowed my AA variant).

Once i got to him though it started turning around quickly and we tied up the points in the last couple turns.

The winter child (we all know he is Russian ironman) was probably my MVP but at 21 points one would hope so. he left a trail of destruction while tanking fire from most of the axis force for a few turns.

At the end the axis force managed to gain a 1 point advantage that i just ran out of time to overcome. it turned out to be a very close game with a score of 9 to 8 in the axis favor.







DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/18 06:17:26

Post by: Monkeysloth

Was looking around the internet to see if I could finish off my IJN Cadet set (just need the sniper from the starter) and saw that Paolo sold the IP earlier in the year so I'll probably just wait to see what comes back instead of trying to order from Italy. Rumors seam to be either CMoN or Asmodee bought it but who knows if either of those are true.

[Thumb - 294329881_10224185945609510_1243142347165152445_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 279718666_10223823560910119_5876465944313023190_n.jpg]

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/18 07:42:14

Post by: aphyon

Ok that is possibly a bright spot, i hope that something positive comes from the new owners. there are so many units i was looking forward to getting before everything went away.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/18 08:33:34

Post by: FrozenDwarf

so we now know the game has been sold, atleast it is not lying dead in hes shelf, so that is posetive.

im not expecting any annoncment for atleast 12 months.
- a massive model range if one includes the tactics range
- finding production facilitys if the new owner desides to sell physical models.
- there will be new rules, no company that buys another companys game is using the same rule book, and making new rules plus basic playtesting takes 1-2 years.

one thing i am pretty shure about, there wont be any pre assembled primed models under the new owner if they choose to sell models and not just STL files, it is a pointless cost expense that allso drives up the price of the model range if they choose to sell physical models.
it might have been a viable thing to do 8 years ago, but not in todays world.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/18 16:59:10

Post by: Monkeysloth

- finding production facilitys if the new owner desides to sell physical models.

Seams like if they need to produce models they can use Paolo's factory as that didn't go under. He's one of CMoN's manufacturers -- thus the rumor that CMoN bought it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/18 17:00:42

Post by: chaos0xomega

No he's not. Read the rest of the bit from the interview, under the section you circled. he very specifically says he does not own a business and that he is just an employee of a hong kong based company.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/18 18:34:52

Post by: Monkeysloth

Yes I know. His factory doesn't have to mean he owns it but works there instead. I refer to the place that employees me as "My Company" when talking to friends and family and they call it "Your Company" when talking to me.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/18 19:06:46

Post by: chaos0xomega

Yes, but, its a bit different when you say "my/your factory" vs "my/your company", the nuance of contextual idiomatic expression works when you're talking about a company as a place of employment, when you're talking about a place in terms of a more specific function (like a factory) the distinction breaks down and becomes less clear. Especially when you follow up in the next sentence with a statement that seems to double down on ownership (wrt "He is one of CMoNs manufacturers", as opposed to "He is one of CMoNs employees" or "He works at one of CMoNs factories", etc.).

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/19 00:15:48

Post by: Monkeysloth

It's just semantics. I don't see any reason to really get that debitive over it.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/19 00:24:05

Post by: chaos0xomega

Im not... errr... debitive. I'm just explaining to you why the intent of your statement was misunderstood.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/31 14:28:05

Post by: aphyon

Spreading the love tonight with a couple of demo games.

The first was a smallish 75 point basic learning game of ALLIED heavy rangers VS AXIS falshirmjager.

It went so quick we had another go with a 105 point game. this time he wanted to try out the SSU steel guards heavy infantry.

We decided to use objectives, so we did the 3-2-1 triple objective 8 turn game. the middle objective was worth 2 points, the closest to each side was worth 1 and the one furthest away from the starting area was worth 3.

Because the AXIS force was a paratrooper army they gained and early lead by being able to drop on to 2 of the objectives. the game was as bloody as normal, it took till the final turn for the steel guards to kick the falshirmjager off the table and score a narrow 1 point victory.






DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/31 20:32:54

Post by: Eilif

Where's that German hover tank from?

Great battle pics all around. The German forces look really good along side what I assume is SW Imperial (space Nazis...) themed terrain.

I dug out my box of Dust stuff from the big FFG selloff and it's going very well for me on eBay. There are quite a lot of folks apparently still interested in even the FFG DUST product.

Except of course for the Tenament sets which are my treasure and I'm going to use every last piece from.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/31 21:03:35

Post by: aphyon

If you are referring to the hover STUGG i am using it as the laser hetzer, although the rules do exist for the dustified standard STUGG (along with free 3d print files on yeggi for a ton of "dustified standard WWII vehicles). it is a 3d printed mini design called the huntsman, you can find the STL files online or order from one of the many ETSY sellers like this one-


Great battle pics all around. The German forces look really good along side what I assume is SW Imperial (space Nazis...) themed terrain.

Depends on which battle we are talking about the one with the hover STUGG is actually a Stalingrad table. it is missing a few original buildings but that big yellow one is the German headquarters in the ruined GUM department store.

The space marine outpost table is 3d printed terrain from war scenery taken directly from the dawn of war video games.

Als on a side note...in the DUST universe the AXIS forces are not NAZIs Hitler was successfully assassinated in 1943. Germany was denazified by the 1947 era hence the return to the use of the imperial iron cross for the national symbol.

And yes, veteran DUST players, as well as people who discover how good the game is are still trying to get ahold of minis, with the new announcement of the sale of the IP hopefully in the next year or so we will see a return of the game officially.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/07/31 21:48:37

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 Eilif wrote:
Where's that German hover tank from?

Great battle pics all around. The German forces look really good along side what I assume is SW Imperial (space Nazis...) themed terrain.

I dug out my box of Dust stuff from the big FFG selloff and it's going very well for me on eBay. There are quite a lot of folks apparently still interested in even the FFG DUST product.

Except of course for the Tenament sets which are my treasure and I'm going to use every last piece from.

You wont have any major issues selling what you have, the FFG range is pretty rare now and about 2/3 of the total model range in 1947 are from them and was not recast in any major numbers (if at all)
But there is allso the visual design of the dust models, they do stand out.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/08/29 06:59:26

Post by: aphyon

Did another demo game tonight at around 130 points.

I had originally set up the table for a 40K game i was supposed to have so we just re-used the table.



The person trying out the game chose the axis fallshirmjaeger force.

Since i was going up against elite airborne troops i decided to face off with my allied heavy rangers.

The axis force is a hammer, a glass hammer but still a hammer. and for most of the game they were in the lead. since it was an intro game, we decided to skip any scenarios or objectives.
We went the full 8 turn standard game and ti was down to the wire at the end.

The rangers managed to win the day but at a very high cost. all they managed to hold was their right flank. with only the command team, command walker and the tank commander character with his dog (Gregor and Izzy) surviving.





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/10/03 02:40:15

Post by: aphyon

We really need the new company to start making DUST again. i only have so many armies i can share

Such was the case tonight.

The store still had a bit of DUST items in the back room so i loaned out my alled force to the player that got them so they could do a big game. a "normal" game for DUST comparable to a 40K game for example is about 150 points. they ame was over 260.

As you can tell by the deployments



The game mission they chose was operation titan. points were awarded for vehicle kills by various means-fisrt blood, man VS machine etc...

The way it goes with dust the back and forth AA system leads to a high amount of action in every turn.

The fight you know had to happen was the named CC characters going toe to toe. Marcus the gorilla VS the heavy ranger Rhino.


The battle of attrition started favoring the allied side of the table so they called the game after 3 of 8 possible turns.

Still a fantastic battle.





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/05 01:47:03

Post by: aphyon

Been a while for some DUST action, got a fun game in tonight

steel guards (SSU) VS heavy genadiers (AXIS)

150 points
Scenario- alien on the run (it's here)

Every time you activate a unit the alien you are trying to capture moves 4" in a random direction.

Unfortunately for me he kept running Stright for the soviet force.

They captured him early on, but i managed to destroy the unit holding him....then they got him again and the steel guards unit holding him could not be dislodged.

the game went 4 turns (required to score the win in the scenario) of a possible 8. with the SSU force coming out the winners.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/25 14:18:00

Post by: aphyon

In the spirit of the holiday it was time for some Cthulhu...VS falshirmjaeger at 150 points.

I was doing some damage but there was no stopping the monsters, i killed most of his infantry but only 1 spawn of Cthulhu, then i got wrecked in return.

Fun times indeed!.





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/26 03:17:40

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Very cool. Are you playing free-measure?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
How are all of you feeling about the CMON acquisition?

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/26 14:45:35

Post by: Eilif

I don't think I'll ever play DUST but I keep following this thread for the great models and the reminder that a game is never really dead as long as long as it has players.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/26 16:07:58

Post by: warboss

Same. I love a bunch of the models but only own one though so far as I keep making my save vs that anime school militia unit...

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/26 17:04:21

Post by: aphyon

Shrapnelsmile wrote:Very cool. Are you playing free-measure?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
How are all of you feeling about the CMON acquisition?

We are using the standard 3d terrain rules (written by Andy Chambers) from the DUST tactics/battlefield book-times all movement and ranges X4 to represent the conversion from the tiles.

As for the latter, it has been what six months since he sold the IP? we are just waiting on them to do something with it. there are many people who want to build armies if models were more available.

Eilif wrote:I don't think I'll ever play DUST but I keep following this thread for the great models and the reminder that a game is never really dead as long as long as it has players.

I feel that way about many games, it is why we play old hammer, or large table infinity via N2, and we still play the B5 wars rules set for star wars and star trek games-sometimes updates are not an improvement.

warboss wrote:Same. I love a bunch of the models but only own one though so far as I keep making my save vs that anime school militia unit...

The power of an army of school girls and ninjas will wear you down eventually. i didn't have the funds at the time to get them as i was working up the falshirmjaeger and Cthulhu armies as well as helping a friend find unis for his zombies at the very end of the production run.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/27 02:54:32

Post by: Eilif

Regarding the DUST IP, was it sold outright or licensed to CMON?

Is Paulo still involved? Tough to imagine Dust without him.

Looks like there's a comic that comes with figures coming soon with a new game in summer.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/27 06:42:41

Post by: aphyon

 Eilif wrote:
Regarding the DUST IP, was it sold outright or licensed to CMON?

Is Paulo still involved? Tough to imagine Dust without him.

Looks like there's a comic that comes with figures coming soon with a new game in summer.

If you look near the top of the page there is a screen capture, looks like he sold the IP completely. either way there was so much stuff in the pipe that i hope sees the light of day

Many of the models were done and more were rendered when things went under like these-




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/27 15:16:34

Post by: Eilif

Somehow I missed that. At least he's still involved.

That black widow with jets "Black Mamba" would have been cool to see

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/27 16:34:45

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 Eilif wrote:
Somehow I missed that. At least he's still involved.

That black widow with jets "Black Mamba" would have been cool to see

Thing is, he moust likely aint, all thouse images was from right before he shut down the game.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/27 19:18:02

Post by: aphyon

Eilif wrote:Thanks,
Somehow I missed that. At least he's still involved.

That black widow with jets "Black Mamba" would have been cool to see

I wanted one, heck i wanted all those and then some to add to my armies.

Here is an overview off all the planned models, a few of them made it before the end....but so many more would have been great. the allies in particular are lacking in artillery options so seeing a walking priest made me a bit excited.


FrozenDwarf wrote:
 Eilif wrote:
Somehow I missed that. At least he's still involved.

That black widow with jets "Black Mamba" would have been cool to see

Thing is, he moust likely aint, all thouse images was from right before he shut down the game.

That is why i am hoping the new company taking over will continue with the previous releases, but it is all up in the air.

Either way i was fortunate enough to grab PDFs of all the available cards as well as a hard copy of the main rule book plus a bunch of the missions before the related online resources went away.
So we can still play the game in full.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/28 05:09:06

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 aphyon wrote:
Eilif wrote:Thanks,
Somehow I missed that. At least he's still involved.

That black widow with jets "Black Mamba" would have been cool to see

I wanted one, heck i wanted all those and then some to add to my armies.

Here is an overview off all the planned models, a few of them made it before the end....but so many more would have been great. the allies in particular are lacking in artillery options so seeing a walking priest made me a bit excited.


FrozenDwarf wrote:
 Eilif wrote:
Somehow I missed that. At least he's still involved.

That black widow with jets "Black Mamba" would have been cool to see

Thing is, he moust likely aint, all thouse images was from right before he shut down the game.

That is why i am hoping the new company taking over will continue with the previous releases, but it is all up in the air.

Either way i was fortunate enough to grab PDFs of all the available cards as well as a hard copy of the main rule book plus a bunch of the missions before the related online resources went away.
So we can still play the game in full.

I'm grateful to say we grabbed a lot files, resources and the like before they disappeared as well.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/28 16:42:02

Post by: chaos0xomega

 Shrapnelsmile wrote:
Very cool. Are you playing free-measure?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
How are all of you feeling about the CMON acquisition?

Based on the comic preview minis, it seems like CMON will probably be treating DUST more like a board game going forward at a smaller scale that isn't compatible with the legacy minis. At a glance, they did not appear to be scaled to DUSTs 1/48 scale and look more in line with Zombicide, etc.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/28 17:15:00

Post by: Monkeysloth

chaos0xomega wrote:
 Shrapnelsmile wrote:
Very cool. Are you playing free-measure?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
How are all of you feeling about the CMON acquisition?

Based on the comic preview minis, it seems like CMON will probably be treating DUST more like a board game going forward at a smaller scale that isn't compatible with the legacy minis. At a glance, they did not appear to be scaled to DUSTs 1/48 scale and look more in line with Zombicide, etc.

Paolo on Facebook said the CMON stuff was 1/48.

[Thumb - Screenshot 2022-12-28 101447.png]

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/28 18:26:13

Post by: chaos0xomega

oh sweet, nevermind me then!

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/28 21:18:57

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Well the comic figs has 40k style bases but i guess that is nitpicking, the industrial plate design of the bases could be seen as a little out of place, but then again it was unique.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2022/12/28 22:59:37

Post by: Eilif

 Monkeysloth wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:

How are all of you feeling about the CMON acquisition?

Based on the comic preview minis, it seems like CMON will probably be treating DUST more like a board game going forward at a smaller scale that isn't compatible with the legacy minis. At a glance, they did not appear to be scaled to DUSTs 1/48 scale and look more in line with Zombicide, etc.

Paolo on Facebook said the CMON stuff was 1/48.

Just to note that Zombicide is darn near 1/48 (34mm) anyway being 32mm and larger. I had a huge collection of Zombicide come through and I was tempted to keep some of the figs, but they towered over my regular 28-30mm figures so I passed on them.

Keeping the same scale is a step in the right direction. Will be interesting to see how this all shakes out.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/02/19 16:55:34

Post by: aphyon

A quick last minute game tonight. nothing fancy-150 point Ctulhu VS SSU. the other player wanted to try out the monsters.

The avatar of Ctulhu did some serious work. but finally went down, the avatar of Nyarlathotep was a much tougher nut to crack and killed quite a few units.

MVP for my side had to be the winter child. russian iron man really racked up the kills.

At the end it was basically down to the beasty and my tank....tank came out on top. good times.







DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/02/19 22:09:46

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Sadly my groups have moved away from Dust since the dissolution of the company. I still have all my stuff, but we haven't played in ages. Looks like a blast there.

DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/06/04 14:20:40

Post by: aphyon

We needed to get some DUST time in at the FLGS, had a couple extra players join in to try out the game taking over a couple units.

!75 point game. scenario-midnight run

There were 2 ammo crates on the table. slightly offset from the center in opposite positions. the players had 6 turns to get infantry to the farther crate and drag them back to their deployment zones. the battle takes place at night so ranges are reduced to 24" for all units. giving the slower shorter ranged SSU steel guards a bit of an advantage. it was as expected a brutal fight. with 3 entire steel guards units getting removed while trying to get their crate. the last squad barely survived and managed to pull off a win on turn 3. the guards lived up to their reputation and did not go down easy having an improved infantry save and damage resilience.

In total the SSU lost a steel guards fire support unit, tesla unit, anti infantry unit. a single combat engineer walker, a light gatling gun walker and the winter child (Russian iron man) . 12 models

The axis forces lost a grenadier laser rifle squad. a tommy cooker support gun squad, a death ray support laser squad, a medium walker, heavy walker and Sigrid (character). 12 models.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/07/10 00:09:05

Post by: aphyon

One of the guys at the store wanted to try out the mythos Cthulhu army for dust so we did a quick 150 point battle against the axis airborne forces.

The air support for the falshirmjaeger was the key to victory as they had limited weapons to hurt the big monsters as they counted as class 5 or class 7 vehicles. the focus on my side was to kill everything he had that could fly and thus melee attack the aircraft. it came down to a critical failed assault by the avatar of Cthulhu leaving one aircraft alive with twin laser cannons and no anti air capability left in the mythos army. he still had the avatar of Nyarlathotep that was just wrecking the ground units, but with no way to hurt the plane that could kill everything on the ground the mythos force conceded.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/07/23 14:08:17

Post by: aphyon

We did another chase the alien mission and this time there was no good outcome for the alien....on one side we have axis zombies and on the other Cthulhu monsters. every time a unit activates for both players the alien moves a random direction. he ended up spending most the game running in circles around the center ruined building. it was a very close game with the zombies taking a beating from the big monsters. but they still managed to win by getting the alien far enough away to successfully capture him.






DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/10/22 23:31:23

Post by: aphyon

Finally got some DUST in again.

Mission- plane crash

the objective was to search for missing documents from the crash starting on turn 4. requiring a double success roll on a search action by infantry. the objective is then placed withing 4" of the search unit and 8" of the crash. it can be claimed if there are no enemy units wihtin 8" of the objective and the search unit is within 4".

The table was heavy woodlands


axis heavy grenadiers with 2 characters

Allied mixed force of heavy ranger/desert scorpions and 6 characters.

The start.



we picked away at each other but failed to find the objective on turn 4, the panzer prince managed to find it on turn 5 and we spent lots of back and forth trying to eliminate the opposing forces that rushed in to take the objective. the axis forces managed to chase the allies off the objective and pull out a win on turn 6 (of 8).





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/11/05 12:37:43

Post by: aphyon

I wasn't actually supposed to be playing dust, but the guy who was supposed to fight the axis forces was out sick so i filled in with my allied force.

I went really phaser heavy including a large number of desert scorpions units.

It was a bloody slog and i was down to 3 units at the end, but i managed to kill everything he had that could hurt my heavy walker, giving me a narrow victory.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2023/11/27 05:16:02

Post by: aphyon

Got some 3d printed "dustified" pershing IIs in my force. so i ran through one of my oldhammer 40K players through a training game of DUST to give him some new experience. '

now he wants to build his own force. luckily i have copies of all the unit cards and rules. and i have found some STL files for the vehicles and infantry.

Since it was his first game, we didn't do any special scenarios. as it is with DUST it was a pretty bloody game. with only a few units left on the table at the end. we played 165 points allies VS axis.



DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2024/01/07 12:52:43

Post by: aphyon

Got a larger DUST game in tonight just shy of 250 points.

We did the operation titan mission. with various ways to earn points by killing enemy vehicles.

The Allied force was a heavy phaser tank unit supported by heavy ranger.

i had a buddy of mine 3d print some of the "dustified" units like pershing IIs


I faced him with the steel guards SSU force.

I was overall a lighter force, but most of my units were damage resilient.


For most of the game we were neck and neck on score. i was winning the attrition war, but started loosing on victory conditions. in the end i ran out of time (8 turns) and enough AT firepower to turn the game around. still a good fight with some silly levels of durability. (it took 4 tanks shooting my AT infantry squad to finally take them down).







DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2024/02/04 13:35:22

Post by: aphyon

Just a small introductory game tonight. put mythos up against axis forces.

it was a very close game with only rasputan and his command squad VS a single heavy grenadier and a laser heavy walker that had a single point of health left.

the win went to the axis force when he remembered he could back up and outrange me-




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2024/02/12 02:06:22

Post by: aphyon

We played the capture the alien scenario again because it is fun and i was teaching a new player.

this time he tried out the allied heavy ranger forces and i took the axis paratroopers.

the paratroopers are a glass hammer. with the really heavy lifting being done by the support aircraft. even so they managed to do enough damage to help finish off the really dangerous allied walkers and anti-infantry jump units.

The allies should have brought the AA platform instead of the artillery version. but still fun overall.





DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2024/02/26 07:50:32

Post by: aphyon

This time we did a slightly bigger game at 165 points. my opponent wanted to run the SSU again. so i decided to throw somehting at him he hadn't battled yet.

i ran a phaser heavy armored list. his heavy infantry of course being some of the best in the game shrugged off the damage, but his tanks losing the only save they could get (cover) was a bit punishing.

we played the 3-2-1 contact mission with the spaced objective each one being worth more points the father it is from your end of table starting zone.

While he managed to get his infantry to the center of the table to contest it, it wasn't enough to overcome my early gains.




DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2024/07/31 05:29:33

Post by: aphyon

Just a heads up for anybody looking for DUST walker proxies-

Found these fantastic STL files that really fit the setting-






DUST 1947-resource/batrep/awesomeness topic @ 2024/08/12 01:35:39

Post by: aphyon

DUST is alive and well.

Thanks to the availability of 3d printing, my friend decided to play test the IJN to find out what worked for him before he ordered the STL files.

For the first game he tried an infantry heavy list with 2 AA walkers mostly focusing on the ninja railgun teams

for the second list he traded out 4 of his 7 ninja railgun teams for 2 of his railgun walkers (tengu)

Aside from that switch he kept most of it the same-

ninja command squad, ninja infiltration team, named character sniper, named character ninja railgun solo, vehicle pilot named character solo, (3) ninja railgun teams and 2 of each of the walkers AA/railguns

clocking him in at just under 150 points which is about a standard large game size.

The improved cammo for the ninjas is rather annoying since you cannot directly shoot at them unless you are withing 8" in the first game the plane was his demise since it is fast enough to get right up on him. once i destroyed both his AA walkers it was pretty much game over.

Game 2 was much different. as the Tengu have AA capability as well as one shot tank killing power if they hit with both railgun shots. VS the allied bulldogs heavy phaser cannons it was pretty much a game of who lands the shots first. as both ignore cover. the railguns have the advantage of extended range (unlimited VS 40")

It was a good experience fighting an new force. in both games we ran the chase the alien scenario.


