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Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/07/23 17:11:25

Post by: BrookM

Fight for the survival of hive Tertium in this visceral 4-player co-op action game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe - developed by the creators of the popular Warhammer: Vermintide franchise.

Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1361210/Warhammer_40000_Darktide/

[Thumb - 3f54b027-e07e-4fd6-9389-60c97a46291c.jpg]

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/07/23 19:45:25

Post by: Bobthehero

Boy am I glad they went with regular humans as the characters.

A shame that likely means no VT3, I guess the extra content in the form of a 4th class will have to do.

I wonder if it'll get slammed for being a L4D clone? It's much closer to it than VT, with the main element seemingly being shooting and the enemies being zombies, or at least feral humanoids.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/07/23 20:14:12

Post by: Mentlegen324

Vermintide is a great game, so looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

One thing I am a bit unsure of is who exactly you'll be playing as. The trailer shows 4 Guardsmen with different weapons...and I think if that's the case, it'll be quite a poor way to do it. If you're playing as guardsmen with different loadouts t, then there won't be the variety and character that Vermintide has with 4 vastly distinct personalities/features of its characters. Guardsmen just wouldn't have that variety if they're all Cadian-like like the trailer suggests.

But the store page artwork shows 4 characters who don't appear to be all basic guardsmen. 1 is a guardsmen, one seems to be an Ogryn, 1 a sniper and 1 a Priest/some sort of flamer user?

I was hoping you'd play as Inquisitorial Accolyptes/agents - more like INQ28 members where you can have all sorts of different things - than just elements of the Imperial Guard. That would allow far more unique stuff and customization and such.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/07/23 20:16:54

Post by: Kanluwen

Everyone barring the Ogryn does seem to be Guard related...but even then, it's not really like an Inquisitorial angle is a bad call for using Guard equivalents.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/07/23 20:53:22

Post by: Orlanth

The four guardsmen in the trailer are the advance team sent to find out what was wrong in the lower have, and (likely) did not return.
The trailer reveals the location - a hive, and hints as to the OPFOR - Poxwalkers. It doesnt tell us who the characters are.
The characters appear be a selection of sub-assassin/sub-astartes level Imperial agents. I reckon the characters will be similar to that seen in Dark Heresy RPG, fairly low power and totally expendable.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
But the store page artwork shows 4 characters who don't appear to be all basic guardsmen. 1 is a guardsmen, one seems to be an Ogryn, 1 a sniper and 1 a Priest/some sort of flamer user?

I think the 'sniper' is a psyker and the 'sniper rifle barrel' is the end of this staff.
Priest (multi role), Ogryn (melee brute), Veteran Guardsman (short range firepower), Psyker (ranged AOE) sounds like a good feature balance. Sniper rifles sound cool, but I think if we get one the Veteran would use it. However Vermintide wasn't one for slow single target shooting, so I doubt Darktide will be either. Expect lasgun to start then graduating to grenade launcher, plasma or melta.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/07/23 21:04:29

Post by: SkavenLord

I adore Vermintide. Rat catching season has my new winter tradition. Glad to see they’re giving it a shot in 40k too!

Surprised they’re using Nurgle zombies. Guess they didn’t want to be too similar to Deathwing?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/07/23 22:40:47

Post by: Aaranis

Oh lord this is going to be awesome, I know it. I hope the characters will have as much personality as those in Vermintide, need myself a 40k Saltzpyre to banter with.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 01:06:02

Post by: Kanluwen

First gameplay peek. I looove the design they did on the two Guard.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 01:30:21

Post by: Adrassil

 Kanluwen wrote:

First gameplay peek. I looove the design they did on the two Guard.

Just saw this, looks just too damn cool.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 02:34:47

Post by: Grimskul

Looks solid, I really like the addition of the Ogryn.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 03:42:33

Post by: Hecaton

So who's the dark-haired gal? A missionary/crusader of some type? She doesn't look Sororitas and doesn't look Guard. Is she possibly our first example of a Ministorum Priestess?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 04:12:26

Post by: Grimskul

Hecaton wrote:
So who's the dark-haired gal? A missionary/crusader of some type? She doesn't look Sororitas and doesn't look Guard. Is she possibly our first example of a Ministorum Priestess?

Definitely a Ministorum Priest based on her get-up. Hopefully she has access to an eviscerator as one of the weapons options down the line in the game.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 04:45:38

Post by: Hecaton

 Grimskul wrote:
Hecaton wrote:
So who's the dark-haired gal? A missionary/crusader of some type? She doesn't look Sororitas and doesn't look Guard. Is she possibly our first example of a Ministorum Priestess?

Definitely a Ministorum Priest based on her get-up. Hopefully she has access to an eviscerator as one of the weapons options down the line in the game.

gak, I'm hoping the *Ogryn* has access to those...

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 05:03:40

Post by: Grimskul

Hecaton wrote:
 Grimskul wrote:
Hecaton wrote:
So who's the dark-haired gal? A missionary/crusader of some type? She doesn't look Sororitas and doesn't look Guard. Is she possibly our first example of a Ministorum Priestess?

Definitely a Ministorum Priest based on her get-up. Hopefully she has access to an eviscerator as one of the weapons options down the line in the game.

gak, I'm hoping the *Ogryn* has access to those...

Maybe, depends on how model accurate GW wants the game to be. At the very least I expect the Ogryn to have a Bullgryn sub-class or armour that lets him approximate a Bullgryn's wargear like the slabshield and Bullgryn Maul.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 07:07:21

Post by: BrookM

The Vermintide classes weren't strict copies of their tabletop counterparts, so I expect it'll be the same here, especially if classes are involved again.

But liking what I'm seeing so far and curious to see if they'll include a fifth option just like with Vermintide.

Finally, a proper 40k shooter at long last.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 07:31:52

Post by: Hecaton

 Grimskul wrote:
Maybe, depends on how model accurate GW wants the game to be. At the very least I expect the Ogryn to have a Bullgryn sub-class or armour that lets him approximate a Bullgryn's wargear like the slabshield and Bullgryn Maul.

Yeah, it's a long shot as I don't think there's ever a canon example of it happening in 40k, but an Ogryn with one of those would probably be the scariest CC trooper the IG could field.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 08:11:43

Post by: lcmiracle

A karserkin and a guardsman. Both appear to be a balanced class with the Karserkin possbily geared more towards specialist weapons. I'd be disappointed if the Ogryn doesn't get access to heavy weapons like H. Bolters and Lascannons. I guess the 5th class would be a pysker, unless the missionary takes that role but more in the area of providing buffs.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 0011/09/11 08:41:37

Post by: Esmer

Curious what the gameplay/class difference between the Kasrkin and the blonde chick is. She is wielding a sniper rifle so I guess that's her specialisation while the Kasrkin is more of an all-rounder?

Ogryn is pretty self-explanatory: tank.
The Ministorum priest is the CC expert and, I assume, will also get access to flame weapons.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 08:53:55

Post by: Pacific

Looks very cool!

I wonder what platforms it is due to be released on?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 10:25:56

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Colour me excited!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 13:23:49

Post by: Adrassil

It'd be pretty cool if you can pick a class then the avatar's gender and have different 'Vermintide' style dialogue between the characters depending on gender. Also, would be pretty funny to see a female Ogryn lol

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 15:42:41

Post by: BrookM

I think it will be like Vermintide, so gender is locked in place, but with plenty of dialogue in place for just about any party configuration and map event. If it's like Vermintide, then cosmetics and different equipment loadouts will be part of the rewards for playing the game.

As for the classes, I both female and male Guardsmen are simply veterans. The female trooper appears to sport a longlas or a regular whatever pattern lasgun normally seen with the Catachans. But we'll see, waaaaaay back when they did the first Vermintide game they would do character vignettes over time, so we'll see this as well sooner or later.

 Pacific wrote:
Looks very cool!

I wonder what platforms it is due to be released on?
PC, XBox and not PS.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 18:38:33

Post by: Olthannon

Good god damn that looks awesome

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 19:03:04

Post by: Esmer

The only disappointment I have so far is that we won't be playing a Ratling Sniper.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 20:30:22

Post by: Kanluwen

 Esmer wrote:
The only disappointment I have so far is that we won't be playing a Ratling Sniper.

There's always DLC.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/11 22:43:21

Post by: Cripple X

As someone that LOVES both Vermintide games, the gameplay trailer was disappointing in that it was a little too melee-centric. I love chainswords, power mauls, and ripper guns used to bash heretics' heads in as much as the next 40k fan, but I was hoping Darktide wouldn't be an exact clone of Vermintide. Vermintide is melee-centric with ranged usually being a secondary focus, I'd hoped Darktide would take more of a primarily ranged focus. We'll see what the release has in store.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/12 01:12:15

Post by: Voss

I dunno, I get why you're saying it, but I spent a surprising amount of that video wondering why they were focusing so much on the autogun.

Its also worth noting that except for the priestess' thunderhammer, most of the actual _gameplay_ portions (rather than the more cinematic shots) are gun heavy, especially in the second half of the video. There's only about 10 seconds of everyone's melee weapons that show actual gameplay, and then the hammer again later. And I suspect its more to show off the bloody viscera effects than representative gameplay.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/12 22:52:51

Post by: Pacific

 BrookM wrote:

 Pacific wrote:
Looks very cool!

I wonder what platforms it is due to be released on?
PC, XBox and not PS.

Ah that's a bummer.

I have done some reading online and it sounds like it's a timed exclusive for MS, so perhaps eventually it will come out on the PS.

I won't bother asking about the Switch! (Although developers have managed to do some pretty amazing work with that machine).

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/15 10:51:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

Another nice looking bunch of Traitor guardsmen not having models

Sure interesting. will bookmark

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/15 13:41:15

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Not Online!!! wrote:
Another nice looking bunch of Traitor guardsmen not having models
The Deathwing game had Genestealer Hybrids in it, and was developed (not released) before GSC were reintroduced to 40k. This means that the folks who made that game were allowed to see the GSC stuff before the general public knew they were coming back (bit like how I knew about all the new Grey Knight units and weapons, like the Dreadknight, before their Codex came out, thanks to my work with FFG).

So you never know. These Traitor Guard might be an example of an upcoming actual release for 40k.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/16 12:01:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
Another nice looking bunch of Traitor guardsmen not having models
The Deathwing game had Genestealer Hybrids in it, and was developed (not released) before GSC were reintroduced to 40k. This means that the folks who made that game were allowed to see the GSC stuff before the general public knew they were coming back (bit like how I knew about all the new Grey Knight units and weapons, like the Dreadknight, before their Codex came out, thanks to my work with FFG).

So you never know. These Traitor Guard might be an example of an upcoming actual release for 40k.

well that would be a surprise and a welcome one at that.

Tbf though after looking it through once more, i like how they did some serious justice to the poxwalkers at 0:29-30

0:33 is the baseline Traitorguardsmen sarge with the skull mask.

The really interesting bits are at 0:47. There's the regular cowl Traitor guardsmen from BSF, but the dude to the right and the left are diffrent. they appear to be in a Carapace armor and their helmets are unique. the one to the right is, knowing my average chaos design, probably a champion equivalent, because we all know ridicoulus topknot = standing in the chaos forces.
However the night vision stuff alignes them even more with scions, sans hotshot lasguns though, my personal hunch they'd be what was called a Renegade Grenadier. Which would be fething awesome.

At 1:05 you can see a type of berzerker champion with chainaxe? These seem to be more along the old line of FW R&H. Also the faces are inspired by this beauty (the commander that is)here:

1: 20 is the head honcho, blatant guess, Bloody handed reaver, aka traitor gurdsmen Commander.

1:25 is a chaos hound , normally they have an ogryn packmaster associated to them.

1: 32 is interesting because the armor has the same dangerstripes as IW aswell as a seemingly more standardised equipment, would hint torwards the fodder armies of the IW.

1: 48 seems to be a plague ogryn?

What is missing?
Well considering BSF traitor guardsmen galore.
R&H pieces and inspiration.

We have yet to see a psyker / possessed and the fact that the servants of the abyss cultists didn't show up i guess that there is a bit more to it.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/16 14:03:02

Post by: Gurkhal

I'm looking forward to this game like eveyone else.

Someone mentioned that the trailer looks very melee-centric and with that I agree and I am thankful it is. Fatshark has shown they can do the melee combat good so I would honestly be happy if they put what they know they can do well in the center and experimental concepts and stuff more as a side show, for now, which can be expanded on later down the line.

And I am also prefer melee above range; "Blood for the blood god!"

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/17 18:29:03

Post by: BrookM

Dev blog of sorts: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1361210/announcements/detail/4134832513804541331

Basically who they are and why they love the hobby so much, with a lot of personal projects and collections being shown off.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/17 18:57:07

Post by: Kanluwen

I thought it funny they didn't mention "Cadian Blood" in that list of books when I read it. When I think plague zombies, by golly that book comes to the top of the list! It even had some good descriptions of hive cities too.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/18 09:11:18

Post by: Olthannon

 BrookM wrote:
Dev blog of sorts: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1361210/announcements/detail/4134832513804541331

Basically who they are and why they love the hobby so much, with a lot of personal projects and collections being shown off.

Thanks for sharing that it's actually really cool to see, must be fun on their part to be fans of 40k and get a chance to build a game within it.

For me, given that the gameplay of vermintide was great, my main hope is that they put plenty of time into the sound effects for the game. That Space Marine game did a good job of that at the time (the bass on the stalker pattern bolter was noice). I want a really meaty chainsword revving before I cut down some heretics.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2020/12/28 03:35:52

Post by: Chris521

I really liked the trailer. The most important thing is that they seem to be keeping the melee combat from Vermintide. As someone with 600+ hours in Vermintide 2, the raw, visceral combat is it's number 1 selling point.

I think the biggest hurdle for them will be working out how ranged enemies will work. In Vermintide most ranged attacks are telegraphed, easy to dodge, and are just something that forces the player to react rather than a big source of damage. I would expect 40k to have more ranged enemies.

I'm also hoping to have at least one more character since they like to have 5 choices for 4 person coop. If I had to guess what the 5th would be, I would say a psyker since it would cover the biggest hole as far as guard infantry is concerned, plus they already have a starting point for it with Sienna.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2021/06/03 17:20:32

Post by: BrookM

Bumping this one to the top again after some more info has dropped.

Biggest nugget: Dan Abnett has done writing for the game!

Players are prisoners recruited by the Inquisition to do suicide missions for them.

And game is still listed as coming 2021

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2021/06/06 01:28:02

Post by: SkavenLord

 BrookM wrote:
Bumping this one to the top again after some more info has dropped.

Biggest nugget: Dan Abnett has done writing for the game!

Players are prisoners recruited by the Inquisition to do suicide missions for them.

And game is still listed as coming 2021

That was surprising. Even moreso since the Vermintide formula hasn't really had much of a story focus to it. Snippets of characterization here and there and some great banter/lines, but not a focus on plot. I'm curious to see where this goes.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2021/06/06 08:01:31

Post by: BrookM

The first time you play Vermintide you need to play the maps in order, linking them together into a narrative of sorts, but once unlocked you can play in any order you like.

I expect this game to be the same, or have a more dynamic mission selection going on.

Will indeed be interesting to see if Dan's also responsible for the banter.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2021/07/16 21:50:00

Post by: Voss

So this got officially kicked into spring of next year.

Something something Covid, but also,likely just bugs


Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2021/07/16 23:58:06

Post by: flamingkillamajig

Something about this game disappoints me. What i really want to see is the 4 Assassin team (eversor, callidus, culexus and vindicare) all fighting off a chaos insurrection or something. Actually genestealer cult, tau leader assassination or rogue imperial leaders or similar. Could be a lot of fun.

Maybe we could suggest that game idea to them later.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/03/31 14:48:44

Post by: Olthannon

So we finally have a release date but not much beyond that. The weapons sound good but don't look that exciting. I don't know what the CoD syndrome is about but I don't want my 40k guns to just look like modern contemporary fire arms. 40,000 years in the future and we still have a picatinny rail and a holo sight? Why?

Environment looks the most exciting, looks like lighting will be an important aspect of the game.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/03/31 17:19:59

Post by: Bobthehero

I am fine with tacticool gear, personally, I got a squad of Scions with all that fancy kit. Furthermore, it was present in Only War, so, w/e. The galaxy is huge, there's room for everythign

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/03/31 17:51:38

Post by: The Red Hobbit

September 13th of this year. Sounds like fun, the folks in my 40k RPG group were looking forward to this.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/03/31 18:37:17

Post by: Voss

 Bobthehero wrote:
I am fine with tacticool gear, personally, I got a squad of Scions with all that fancy kit. Furthermore, it was present in Only War, so, w/e. The galaxy is huge, there's room for everythign

Though, guys playing poker (or go fish) with goggles and rebreather on need to be barred from the table. That's just messed up.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/03/31 19:01:00

Post by: Bobthehero

That's why he's a Veteran, he's clever

Speaking off, not holding out my breath for that one, but I do hope the Vet gets a Kasrkin skin.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/12 12:53:58

Post by: beast_gts

John French wrote:I am writing for the Darktide video game from Fatshark! One of the coolest things I’ve been up up to! Amazing team on this from head word wrangler Matt Ward, to Victoria Hayward, Sarah Cawkwell Mark Latham, Dan Abnett, and many more.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/12 16:55:22

Post by: Lord Damocles

Why would that many writers be needed for 'dudes fight some zombies'?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/12 16:58:35

Post by: beast_gts

 Lord Damocles wrote:
Why would that many writers be needed for 'dudes fight some zombies'?
Either they're going to pivot and it's going to be more of an RPG, or they're massively fleshing out the 'adventure' side of it...

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/12 21:33:12

Post by: BrookM

Mostly for the dialogue between the characters, same with Vermintide, Matt Ward did most of that.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/13 11:32:58

Post by: Lord Damocles

So it takes six (plus many many more) writers to sort out the dialogue?

Gonna press X on that. Odd that other games don't require half of Black Library on the writing team...

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/13 11:43:10

Post by: Flinty

 Lord Damocles wrote:
So it takes six (plus many many more) writers to sort out the dialogue?

Gonna press X on that. Odd that other games don't require half of Black Library on the writing team...

Most of them might just be some kind of review panel.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/15 08:41:59

Post by: Olthannon

Yeah but both vermintide games were very successful so it makes sense they want to put more effort into this next one.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/25 20:34:48

Post by: Olthannon

Obviously nowt to really go on there but I like the aesthetic.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/04/25 23:51:41

Post by: Voss

I'm a bit puzzled by the aesthetic. Its too 60s/70s James Bond.
I can see some people liking it because there's nothing warhammer about it, but... its got nothing warhammer about it, which seems a bit off brand for a teaser for a warhammer game.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/04 07:11:46

Post by: Flinty

It’s all pretty simple stuff, but the lone voice in the growing darkness is a compelling hook. I assume there is a real psychological reason for using a scared but stoic female voice as well.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/10 07:51:15

Post by: Olthannon

I think a big part of a successful 40k game is atmosphere, you've got this absurd future gothic aesthetic to play with but also the freedom to change things up technology wise based on whatever planet you like. Seems like they're doing a good job of building that up so far. It's nice to see there will be a good narrative element beyond the shooting.

I hope they get the sound effects of the guns right.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/10 10:16:43

Post by: BrookM

I hope they take cues from Hired Gun, that one had a lot of things wrong or wonky, but the gun sounds were meaty and top notch.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/12 07:46:10

Post by: Olthannon

Y'know if the release date is meant to be September we've got a lot of these little teaser videos to go!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/12 10:23:19

Post by: BrookM

I initially thought they'd do one every two weeks, but that's not the case, so I'm guessing this is building up towards the next big trailer probably, we're due a proper gameplay trailer some time soon now.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/12 13:09:34

Post by: Olthannon

I guess E3? That's soon right?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/12 13:56:28

Post by: BrookM

I keep forgetting that E3 is still a thing.

Could be E3, could also be the next big GW event in the UK, they usually demo / show off games there as well.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/16 19:19:30

Post by: Olthannon

So it sounds like it's all going to the warp in a nurgley handbasket.

In Vermintide it was just you and the inn keeper seemingly the last people in the city. Is it going to be the same here in Darktide or are they perhaps going to be saying there's other "teams" out and about?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/16 19:42:16

Post by: Flinty

Hives are big places. Plenty of space to lose whole regiments of fire teams

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/16 19:46:54

Post by: BrookM

The release date teaser showed a hall full of troopers, so we're not completely alone. That said, the player characters are taken from a penal unit by the Inquisition, so chances are they'll be sent into the worst hotzones possible where nobody else would dare to go.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/23 12:34:46

Post by: Olthannon

 BrookM wrote:
I keep forgetting that E3 is still a thing.

Could be E3, could also be the next big GW event in the UK, they usually demo / show off games there as well.


Probably get more news with this!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/23 14:13:09

Post by: Sterling191

E3 is not a thing this year. Got caught in limbo between remote and in person and they just binned it for the year. Some of the ancillary presentations may be happening, but the main expo (in either physical or digital format) isn't.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/05/23 17:29:45

Post by: Flinty

Looks like a lot of recoil coming off that lasgun

Otherwise, looks pretty cool.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/01 05:26:17

Post by: BrookM

We may see the psyker unveil either today or later during the Skulls event, they've been counting down to today with blurred bits of gameplay / trailer, with today's trailer showing off a psychic power going off at an Ogryn.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/01 17:23:41

Post by: Voss

Skulls trailer was odd. I was expecting specialists from a guard regiment, not Farscape outcasts (complete with fitting theme music).

The big trailer of everything is up on WarCom, but its packed with a lot of advertisements and pauses to show off logos, so if you can find independent trailers, that's probably better.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/01 23:36:30

Post by: Olthannon

I think they said early on you're from a penal legion.

I gotta say, looks pretty cool. The guns sound pretty tasty.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/02 05:52:33

Post by: BrookM

Yes they are all from a penal legion, which was indeed mentioned very early on.

And Steam put the game up for preorder as well, soooooo.. no-brainer for me.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/06 17:56:47

Post by: BrookM

Gameplay trailer dropping 9th this month, Summer Game Fest.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/08 11:20:58

Post by: Olthannon

I hope this poor lass gets a response soon.

Although I wonder if by the end she will be converted to Chaos and be chanting to Nurgle in all his manky pestilential glory.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/08 16:05:10

Post by: Bobthehero

I had a fleeting thought that the woman who we saw turn into a Poxwalker was Wyrmwood. But it seems what I assumed was a Vox Caster of sorts with an Inquisition symbol was actually a sort of Mechanicus shrine.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/08 18:45:13

Post by: BrookM

Wyrmwood may be local mission control for the penitents, assigning suicide missions and running debriefs afterwards.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/08 21:46:07

Post by: FezzikDaBullgryn

I wonder if this will be a standard CS:Go style "loadout at start of game" style team based shooter, or if it'll be a progressive RPG multiplayer like the Resistance: Fall of Man 2 Multiplayer, where you unlock new and better class upgrades as you play.

I would much prefer the latter.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/08 21:49:12

Post by: Stevefamine

FezzikDaBullgryn wrote:
I wonder if this will be a standard CS:Go style "loadout at start of game" style team based shooter, or if it'll be a progressive RPG multiplayer like the Resistance: Fall of Man 2 Multiplayer, where you unlock new and better class upgrades as you play.

I would much prefer the latter.

It could be how Killing Floor 1+2 works - when you die you lose your gear and re-buy next round. This creates eco rounds

I dont think it'll be the left4dead where you just walk through and all weapons are generic

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/08 22:57:20

Post by: Olthannon

Well they seem to be saying something about building your class and customising your character as you go so I would guess there is a definite RPG element.

Presumably though it'll play a lot like Vermintide.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/09 19:02:03

Post by: Flinty

I really hope the soundtrack includes “The tracks of the land raider crush the heretic!”

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/09 21:14:06

Post by: Flinty

The psyker powers look fun. Imploding skulls ahoy! I wonder if you get mind bullets.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/09 22:56:06

Post by: Olthannon

Good god damn. I think this is easily the best looking 40k game I've seen. The guns look great and unlike that crappy Necromunda game at least they gave some thought to the optics. The gothic arch holoscope is hilarious.

Guns sound excellent, especially the lasgun. I really don't know who I'd start playing as, I like the idea of playing as the Ogryn but also I do want to be the basic trooper.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/10 00:50:54

Post by: FezzikDaBullgryn

I really hope it's not pay to unlock extra weapons, but it likely will be. Point is, if it's a level based system, where you for instance need to be level 20 to unlock the Ripper gun for the Ogryn, it would be far better than day 1 being able to just equip it on every level 1. I just want a reason to actually play the game, as there likely will be ZERO story. If I have to kill 1000 heretics and mutants to unlock the auto-rifle for the trooper class, that would be a reason to play.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/10 05:32:27

Post by: BrookM

FezzikDaBullgryn wrote:
I really hope it's not pay to unlock extra weapons, but it likely will be. Point is, if it's a level based system, where you for instance need to be level 20 to unlock the Ripper gun for the Ogryn, it would be far better than day 1 being able to just equip it on every level 1. I just want a reason to actually play the game, as there likely will be ZERO story. If I have to kill 1000 heretics and mutants to unlock the auto-rifle for the trooper class, that would be a reason to play.
Where the hell are you basing this on? Have you even played Vermintide?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/11 17:33:11

Post by: BrookM

Found on Steam:

When I started working at Fatshark, my colleagues shared an exciting proposition: We wanted to do First Person Melee, but good. Like, really good! And in co-op. Over network. I asked if we had a good example of another game to set the level of expectation for the scope. We quickly concluded that no, there’s probably none. I had previously worked with many combat mechanics but mainly in a single-player capacity. So all the minor tweaks and tricks you employ to make a punch feel impactful usually rely on time manipulation or slowdowns to get it right. You can’t do that in multiplayer. Most of the tells and interfacing we create require a good, clean view of the enemy. We wanted scores of enemies on screen. So looking at that, we gave a silent Swedish nod of “this might get tricky” and then built the Vermintide combat.

When we started working on Darktide, we discussed an even more exciting proposition: taking the core of Vermintide, putting it into the 40K universe, and adding ranged combat to it. Not like separate sections of classic shooting. But integrated. A mix of the two - A hybrid between meaty Melee and Classic FPS. Because 40K has never been about running around with rifles. 40K has never been swordsmen clashing shields. 40K, in its essence, is Bolter in one hand and Chainsword in the other, facing a tsunami of enemies. Do we have any examples of this from other games? No? Another silent Swedish nod and it was “go time.”

We started out with a very colorful prototype, using Vermintide content but with very bright blue and red mockups of guns. The first “limited scope” was a proper but straightforward aim down sight with some basic recoil and spread pattern controls. It was a step up from our previous games. But here’s the thing: if you put an awesome, cool gun in a player's hands, it comes with expectations and reminders of other games that solely focus on the first-person shooter aspect. We knew this was a risk. We wanted to avoid presenting and reinforcing these expectations. In Darktide when hordes of enemies close in on you, you swap your Lasgun for your Thunder Hammer and wreak righteous havoc on their corrupted souls. We’ve opted to call this Hybrid Combat - not FPS with an optional melee weapon. Players will need to learn how to use both and when to switch between them.

After creating the first prototypes, we sat down and took a long hard look at the game. At the end of that conversation, the Combat team put it bluntly: Shouldn’t we just build a proper FPS experience for our ranged combat? With all the bells and whistles, blend states and dynamic weapons and advanced recoil mechanics and suppression loops and interfacing that come with it? So we did. We even infused all those details into the progression system, allowing players to tailor the weapon handling through a mixer-board-like stat system that makes your gun unique. You are still highly encouraged to bring out your melee weapon because trying to kite a horde or some of our angrier elite enemies will end up with you dead. But up until that point, you’re free to shoot 'em up as much as you like.

Our core pillars have always revolved around staying true to the lore and supporting co-op play throughout. Most of us in the combat team spent a ridiculous amount of time discussing minute details that we needed to resolve to create a proper 40K rendition. How does one aim a lasgun? Is there an iron sight on it? Do the models just lack that detail because they are tiny plastic representations? What are the effective ranges of lasfire? And how well do they deal with armor? Do they have holo sights in the grim dark future? If they do, would it have a slightly gothic arc shape? Of course it would. How does the recoil of a lasgun work, and is it heresy to suggest it has it? If you slap a tactical flashlight onto a lasgun does it, in fact, become twinlinked? At the end of the day, the balance has always been between lore and fun. The “rule of cool” happens to embody the design principles of both Warhammer and Fatshark.

(Not sure if the link will work, it is unlisted, but a preview of the lasgun.)

We’ve always wanted to build a game that allows each player their time in the spotlight. We’re aiming to create enough challenges and player moves that there is both variety and roles to fill. We want Darktide to be a game where it’s not just four players pulling their weight in stacking enemy corpses per second but rather an intuitive shift in your behavior and who takes point. Making enemy hordes be easily dealt with by your fully automatic, flechette shooting Rippergun, while making it weak against heavily armored enemies allows other players to step up and protect you from the elites in the secure knowledge that you’ll purge the poxwalkers.

With the inclusion of a proper ranged gameplay loop, we added a couple of new concepts into the mix, such as Combat Ranges. We expanded on the melee range seen in Vermintide with both a “Far” range and a “Close” range. Core to the experience is the notion that enemies and players behave and perform differently based on their combat range.
Far Combat is the cover-based peeking and accurate shots of combat rifles.

Close Combat is the chaotic and fast dance of short-range damage dealing while dodging and weaving between enemies to survive. Shotguns. Submachine Guns.
Locking fighters in Melee Combat forces both sides into the hand-to-hand combat of Vermintide, which can be helpful as it removes the concern of the ranged threats and replaces them with much more immediate problems, often involving chain axes.

Controlling the range you fight at is central. We wanted movement and positioning to be an essential part of the gameplay loop, whether that means assaulting into melee to quiet the enemy hellguns barraging you with lasfire, or keeping the enemy horde at bay to allow the team to mow them down with gunlines of flamers and autoguns alike. We introduced elements like sprinting, vaulting, suppression, enemy positioning anchors, and combat vectors to create a direction for the combat and allow the players to control the flow of action and manage the ranged threats introduced. A colleague also added sliding as part of an internal hack week project. We quickly integrated it, bridging that last distance as your effective sprint runs out, and you need to slide-dodge a blast from a shotgun to bury your power sword in the gut of a Chaos Ogryn.

Attacks are not all about damage. This has been a critical pillar we built the Vermintide games around, and it holds true for Darktide as well. At its core, we think about attacks as two separate things: Control and Damage. It’s all fine and good to do solid damage, but if you’re not interrupting the enemy while you're at it, you’ll be eating a rusted axe to the face. This goes both ways, where getting stunned or hurt are two different consequences of getting hit. We try to build this deterministic loop where you are in control and should be able to avoid taking hits. There’s no random chance, no false attacks, no “Whoever clicks fastest wins”. We want you to master the gameplay and it’s why we introduced the “Damage taken stat” to the end-of-round screen of Vermintide. It’s the most important one.

This became a problem for us with the introduction of ranged enemies. Specifically, lots of ranged enemies. Dodging and sprinting to avoid shots only take you so far. So we introduced Toughness. It’s a simple shield mechanic allowing players to soak a couple of ranged hits before getting hit-stunned and killed by incoming fire. It’s “the Emperor protects,” but within reasonable limits. It’s the number of shots the Ogryn can take before he realizes he’s been shot. It makes the game work and makes the combat more fun while keeping the player in control and responsible for any damage. Just remember to stay together, as regeneration is tied to sticking with your team.

So, that sounds kind of involved and complicated, right? It is. It’s been one of our primary concerns. Vermintide wasn’t really well known for explaining things. But Vermintide was known for playing quite well. To me, there are certain features you build and a couple of details you add just to make it play right. It’s those little touches that make the game feel good. They don’t necessarily need to be understood or explained or exploitable by the players, but they make or break the gameplay. And as long as the enemy behavior is intuitive, and lines up with the lore and the player fantasy, it just works.

One of the main tools we have, which has also turned into one of the most important rules for us to follow, is the Enemy Types we use. Since everything is complicated and dynamic, we had to build a little ruleset to develop and design around. If we keep to the rules, things combine and work together fine. That’s the main idea until we find something super fun to implement right away. Then we break all the rules, but for all the right reasons.

Horde enemies and Roamers are the baseline threat you face. They are easy fun. Players should kill them at their leisure with any weapon or tool at their disposal. Gratuitous gibbing fodder… Until they appear in masses and the players get distracted and overrun, that is.

Enter the Elites. Built to challenge and promote specific behaviors and load-outs, Elites break your flow, demand your immediate attention, and will end you unless dealt with properly. They also provide an excellent chance for the Plasmagun-toting, “I crave big explosions and instant gratification”-type players to blast them out of existence to the applause of the rest of the team. That thing about your moment in the spotlight.

We throw Specials at you to enforce and challenge teamplay; once you’re grabbed, downed, gnawed on, or hanging from a ledge, you rely on your teammates to purge whatever heresy put you in this position and get you back on your feet. Monsters challenge the entire team and demand everyone's attention while providing an excellent distraction to allow the horde to kill you. We build our enemies with a purpose. We stick to the rules, build that rock-paper-scissors dynamic with our armor types, player weapon profiles, and enemy behaviors. The ask is for the team to identify the threats and adapt their behavior accordingly.

Playing a game of Darktide allows four players to join together and try to survive a mission. There are parts of the mission that you traverse, facing varied and generated compositions of enemies. Since we never build bespoke scenarios, it’s very much a once-removed design process of setting up rules and flows and fail-safes to keep the ebb and flow of threat suitable but deadly. We use a lot of chef allegories since we never know in detail what will happen where or when, but I think we’ve mastered most of the recipes by now. Building up that gut feeling of what consequences an increased Special coordinated attack timer has or tuning up the number of bodies in a horde requires a lot of playtesting. Running the same combat reference level over and over again. The same goes for the mission events, where we challenge the players to solve a task while surviving an ongoing battle within a fixed arena. Tuning which enemies best sabotage the players' efforts of a specific event or knowing when to throw everything at them to create a hectic chaos dance of desperation is always a balance between sadism and benevolent game master.

In the end, the formula and core are the same. We wanted to keep what was great with Vermintide, expand on it with solid ranged gameplay and provide true hybrid combat. It has been difficult. It has been challenging. It has been massive amounts of lore, clicking, and passion. At the end of the day, we’re proud. The experience found in Darktide is fun and panicky and overwhelming and impactful, while our veterans and people who stick around to master it find and explore that depth that makes you stick around. At least, that is what we think we built. We hope you feel the same way.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/11 21:57:26

Post by: Olthannon

That was a great little read through. I think FatShark are the premier warhammer company since THQ died a sad death. They definitely have a commitment to it, very much the same as the folks at Creative Assembly. They are fans and know their stuff and that is dead important with making a good game that is true to the universe.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/13 15:44:33

Post by: Olthannon

A little bit formulaic although I feel that's just a prologue mission. I wish the person playing the demo wasn't utter gak

Looks pretty great though, the particle effects in the darkness coming off the lasgun is a really cool touch. I like the look of powering up the hammer too.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/13 16:46:28

Post by: BrookM

PC Gamers folks aren't real gamers, right?

Lasgun has a lovely punch to it for sure.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/13 18:58:40

Post by: Voss

I was amused by that first door they opened. Its a real little piece of background, but it didn't open in any sort of way I was expecting (either rolling to the right, or hinged in one direction or another, or splitting), but instead popped out and slowly raised (presumably) on a metal arm deadlifting the whole thing.

Its subtly awkward and poorly engineered in a very Imperium sort of way.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/13 23:37:37

Post by: FezzikDaBullgryn

Is it just me or did the player look "invincible"? I mean getting into melee like that with a horde, in a horde shooter, is usually KO, but he just jumps around and is back to full in less than a second it seems, after also taking out 100% of the horde with just his las. I'd really like to know also, what is the use of a 60 round mag, if it's single shot, and reloading is less than a second? 60 rounds speak to automatic shooting, maybe it's an upgrade?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/17 09:57:16

Post by: Selfcontrol

Is it just me or did the player look "invincible"?

Left 4 Dead, Deep Rock Galactic etc are very easy in their medium difficulty setting and Vermintide 1 was too (don't know about Vermintide 2, didn't play it) if you have at least some basic knowledge of the game. The difficulty starts to become noticeable only in higher difficulty settings thanks to a combination of hordes becoming much more dangerous and increased number of special and elite type ennemies, requiring the players to have good coordination and good management of their ressources (special "mutators" in Deep Rock Galactic can also heavily increase the difficulty of a mission and Darktide's developpers have confirmed that such "mutators" are also in the game).

Anyway, since it's a demo which was playable at an event, I expect the difficulty setting to be set at medium, at best. Thus, yeah, the player looks invincible.

Also, keep in mind that Darktide is not a "normal" horde shooter. Players are expected to actively engage in melee combat : they have the tools to do so and the game difficulty is also balanced around it. In Deep Rock Galactic, which is more of a "traditional horde shooter" with most of the ennemies only capable of attacking in melee and the tools available to the players being 95% ranged oriented, melee combat (which is very basic) is only used in very specific situation because it is actively discouraged.

I'd really like to know also, what is the use of a 60 round mag, if it's single shot, and reloading is less than a second? 60 rounds speak to automatic shooting, maybe it's an upgrade?

1. It might be a lore-related decision. Lasguns are described as having huge magazine capacity compared to an autogun of similar size.
2. It might be gameplay-related decision to make the lasgun more useful against a large number of ennemies (even though the ripper gun and the autogun seem to be better).
3. It might be a combination of 1. and 2.
4. Even though less than a second seems short, it can still be FAR TOO LONG in higher difficulty settings. This is something I noticed playing Deep Rock Galactic using the highest difficulty settings.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/17 14:33:29

Post by: BrookM

I just want to say.. ROCK AND STONE.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/22 15:43:15

Post by: Olthannon

Very interesting, especially given that the particular article it is written by Dan Abnett. They look pretty manky which is what you want from Nurgley enemies. Everything they release about this game looks fantastic. Really excited to play, I really hope it's worth it.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/23 10:27:08

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Olthannon wrote:

Very interesting, especially given that the particular article it is written by Dan Abnett. They look pretty manky which is what you want from Nurgley enemies. Everything they release about this game looks fantastic. Really excited to play, I really hope it's worth it.

All that made me want is for an actual r&h dex again.

They nailed the nurgle Stagnation theme perfectly in them.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/23 17:29:40

Post by: Flinty

What a great wee short story. Looking forward to this

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/24 20:17:52

Post by: Flinty

Amd preordered, because why not.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/24 20:22:33

Post by: Thargrim

This looks great, but if it's not coming to ps5 then it's a nope for me.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/06/25 16:30:50

Post by: Eldarain

Very well might be the best 40k game yet. However the melee combat doesn't impress coming from Vermintide.

Hopefully just a symptom of unfamiliar players and low difficulty but it hasn't looked anywhere near as engaging as VT.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/03 06:43:34

Post by: BrookM

72 days to go. 🤞🏻

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/20 16:53:17

Post by: BrookM

Bit of an odd one, but whatever:

Next up, the lethal Cadian Veteran Guard from Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is COMING SOON!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/21 14:04:23

Post by: BrookM

And another one, ace!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/28 17:22:59

Post by: Voss

Just got pushed back:

New PC date is Nov 30.
Xbox is 'after'

A delay of 7 weeks or so, 6 weeks or so before release is never a good sign.
But have a beta signup.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/28 17:31:49

Post by: Olthannon

Voss wrote:
Just got pushed back:

New PC date is Nov 30.
Xbox is 'after'

A delay of 7 weeks or so, 6 weeks or so before release is never a good sign.
But have a beta signup.

I find it so interesting that they (and other developers) apologise for delays to game releases. I would much rather a game was delayed if the end result was better. There's far too many recent games that have clearly been pushed for a release that has led to a buggy miserable experience.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/28 17:39:28

Post by: Voss

Really what they should apologize for is giving release dates so early in the first place. It sets expectations, and then studios are reluctant to upset the applecart (even when its necessary).
Yes, there are budget and advertising issues, but the general audience isn't going to care about that.

My biggest problem with announcements like this is that its so close to the release date, the limited amount of time they're giving themselves for the new date doesn't seem like enough (and are obviously for issues they already knew about).

The specific way they handle it creates a lose-lose scenario, where they're quite often going to do too little, too late.

It is better than just a crap release, but I always thinking 'maybe you should've announced this two months ago?'

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/28 17:53:48

Post by: Olthannon

Certainly, although I do not know that much about game development, I would think with bug testing there's a lot of potential leeway depending on what problems have arisen. This extra month might be that most problems (obviously issues they already knew about as you say) are in hand and this is just a bit of spit and polish.

I completely agree that the early release dates are a problem, but it is an industry wide problem that I don't think many developer studios get as much say as they would like.

The amount of work I've done in the past where I have been told that the deadline is X so you better get it done, regardless of how times you say the word unfeasible

EDIT: I signed up to the beta so I am hoping that I get to sneak that in.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/07/28 18:57:14

Post by: BrookM

Well gak, bit sad as I had the day after off to play the crap out of it, but well, they got their reasons. 🙃

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/08/05 17:38:22

Post by: Olthannon


I don't know if youse have all seen, but the Darktide instagram account has been posting up a lot of cool stuff.

Some nice little videos with gameplay as well.

The eye tunnel is bloody awful, it's much worse than the ones in Deep Rock Galactic.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/08/08 18:24:21

Post by: Olthannon

In case you haven't seen, the first closed beta is 12th August. So if you haven't already then sign up here:


Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/08/12 15:35:26

Post by: BrookM

Well, didn't get an invitation, so I guess my system is too run of the mill for the closed beta. 😭

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/08/13 14:58:06

Post by: Olthannon

 BrookM wrote:
Well, didn't get an invitation, so I guess my system is too run of the mill for the closed beta. 😭

no me neither, probably for the same reason.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/08/23 20:29:00

Post by: Flinty

Hmm. There must be a reason they have veered away from calling them penal troops. Too close to naughty rude words maybe?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/08/23 20:35:22

Post by: Olthannon

 Flinty wrote:
Hmm. There must be a reason they have veered away from calling them penal troops. Too close to naughty rude words maybe?

Possibly, but I'd guess more likely it's wanting to frame it more as the Dirty Dozen (Filthy Four?) than the penal legions.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/09/07 19:36:26

Post by: BrookM

Oh, this is some good gak right there. 😁

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/09/07 21:29:48

Post by: Flinty

Excellent! I love the weirdness of them rattling off lines in what looks to be someone’s front room while they stomp about holding a toy gun

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/09/20 15:11:07

Post by: BrookM

Another batch of mails have been sent out for an upcoming closed beta test. If you want in you'll need to apply via the link the message.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/09/20 16:28:51

Post by: Olthannon

I got briefly excited because I thought it meant I was guaranteed a look in! I get the feeling if I didn't get a pick last time, this will be no different

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/09/20 17:33:44

Post by: BrookM

Same here, chances are we'll have to wait until the 30th.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/01 19:28:48

Post by: BrookM

And a proper trailer:

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/02 00:07:47

Post by: Olthannon

Zealot looks pretty fun to play. It looks superb with every trailer. I hope my PC is up to the task. I don't really have the cash to upgrade my graphics card right now

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/05 17:32:32

Post by: BrookM

Veteran short story: https://www.playdarktide.com/news/short-story-the-veteran/

Meaning.. veteran showcase tomorrow and trailer the day after! 🤞🏻

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/08 22:11:09

Post by: Olthannon

See I'm usually a lad who likes big guns and two handers. In every game I'm a fan of dakka and shotguns. I'll wait until they do a trailer for the Ogryn but I'm not quite drawn to it in the same way. The Veteran looks the most fun because it's the opportunity to play as just a regular Guardsman. And I've wanted to do that for a long time in a 40k videogame.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/11 17:55:59

Post by: BrookM

Holy gak, I got a closed beta key.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/11 18:10:36

Post by: Olthannon

 BrookM wrote:
Holy gak, I got a closed beta key.

Eyyyyy me too! Party time

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/14 13:00:43

Post by: BrookM

No bot support sadly, but the games with randos have not been bad so far. Gameplay's nice and punchy, characters are chatty but don't repeat the same voice lines ad-nauseum like in Vermintide. So far, so good.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/14 17:05:32

Post by: Olthannon

I've been playing as the Veteran. Love the character customisation, I'm from the forest moon.

I've had to pop everything on low but it's going alright. Clearly need a new graphics card.

It's very impressive, the aesthetic is spot on.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/14 17:52:37

Post by: BrookM

Server instability aside, played through two missions now, only real annoyance being no communications wheel asking my donkey-cave team mate to stop wading into melee and drop the fething heal station already so we could all heal up our corruption.

And yes, Cadian veteran here.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/14 19:31:33

Post by: Olthannon

 BrookM wrote:
Server instability aside, played through two missions now, only real annoyance being no communications wheel asking my donkey-cave team mate to stop wading into melee and drop the fething heal station already so we could all heal up our corruption.

And yes, Cadian veteran here.

Yes a buddy and I luckily got the invite, meaning we are stuck with two randoms. Unfortunately that means they always seem to have had their brains partially sucked out through a straw. It would be nice if the Ogryns weren't always in the way when I was trying to blast baddies with my lasgun.

What cracked me up was when you scroll down to Cadia it's just a few rocks in space

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/14 20:15:44

Post by: BrookM

Having random veterans in your game charging at everything with their shovels, getting hit by friendly fire and hogging the supply kits is getting a bit old.

But still, so far so good for me personally. Another annoyance I've discovered is that the game does not save custom key bindings upon quitting the game, bit annoying.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/16 08:12:15

Post by: GrosseSax

gj Fat Shark.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/16 15:32:28

Post by: Olthannon

Came across my first plague ogyrn today. Minor pant papping moment but managed to killerify it good and proper. Got my first armour as well.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/16 20:52:03

Post by: BrookM

Managed to get three games in with my brother, who played as zealot. He had some trouble getting fully used to his loadout, but he had a blast as well, there is something viscerally pleasing about back to back melee combat, watching out for one another as we lug ammo and coolant units around.

I got torso armour and a shotgun, didn't get to fully test the latter as servers kept conking out for me, but so far, I LOVE IT. 20% bonus damage to flak armoured enemies was a great buff, made dealing with those chain axes pricks a little easier.

Plague Ogryn is an ace mini-boss, a lot like the rat ogres, but not as annoying. The mutants on the other hand.. bloody hell, they home in on you like a freight train haha!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/10/22 13:06:06

Post by: BrookM

And class spotlight: https://www.playdarktide.com/news/class-spotlight-ogryn-skullbreaker/


Art has been on point so far, damn.


Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/01 21:47:50

Post by: Olthannon

Wow that sounds terrific, I can't wait to get the full game. I hope it's optimised a little better on release. I didn't think my computer would struggle as much as it did.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/02 20:15:42

Post by: BrookM

It's more immersive, but never been a fan of the shared with randos hub thing myself. But kudos to the devs for all the effort they've put into it, the place was brimming with detail and activity, a massive step up from the keep of Vermintide 2.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/09 21:59:05

Post by: BrookM

Psyker short story: https://www.playdarktide.com/news/short-story-the-psyker/

Meaning.. trailer incoming in a day or two! 🤓

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/10 20:04:30

Post by: BrookM

Not the trailer I was expecting, but still.. nice.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/12 19:34:28

Post by: BrookM

Also, first time seeing a laspistol and knife!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/13 12:39:29

Post by: Flinty

The psyker sounds hilarious. Nice to see a good perils implementation. Now let’s see how well balanced the effects are.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/15 19:21:11

Post by: BrookM

Bolters are also part of the arsenal, a cheeky peek at it in action, the firing sound is a bit naff, but other than that, ace!


Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/16 17:50:18

Post by: Olthannon

I know it's meant to be the weaker ordinary human bolter, but I still want more dakka.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/17 07:11:27

Post by: BrookM

I think only Hired Gun really got the bolter right in a FPS game to date, but YMMV.

Also, beta roadmap: https://www.playdarktide.com/news/pre-order-beta-what-to-expect

We may see progression carry over from the beta to the actual release, but no promises are being made.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/17 20:05:49

Post by: BrookM

Well, the beta's off to a good start haha, I can play through the kick-ass prologue, but cannot team up with friends or start missions, derp! 😅

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/17 23:21:14

Post by: Selfcontrol

I've been watching videos from the pre-order beta and here are all the weapons I've seen.

Sharpshooter :
- The DKK lasgun can be charged up to deal more damages. It's semi-automatic only ;
- The bullpup lasgun (Elysian) is a full auto Lasgun ;
- The plasma gun deals MASSIVE damages against armored ennemies but it can get too hot and then it start burning you to death so you cannot constantly shoot with it ;
- The boltgun is utterly crazy. It has a small magazine and not a lot of spare ammos from I can see and is slow to drawn and reload, but oh boy not only does it have great damages it also has splash damages. Great sound btw compared to the clip I saw from fatshark.

Ogryn :
- Thumper shotgun is now a "true" grenade launcher instead of a single shot shotgun, kinda cool and it also makes it a lot more effective overall ;
- The Ogryn has access to a heavy stubber with a gigantic magazine and lots of spare ammos and seems to be so friggin' cool to use (it's a true spray and pray weapon and it sounds awesome).

Zealot :
- The flamer is truly a horde-killer. Very impressive ;
- The Eviscerator is really really fun and really powerful.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/18 07:39:13

Post by: BrookM

After a bumpy start we did manage to get two games in, on new maps with new objectives to boot. Navigating them was easier as well, happy about that, we didn't get as lost as with the coolant mission.

Game looks better and plays better as well, though on our second mission we were disconnected one-by-one, but managed to hop back on before it ended, so we still all got our XP.

I do miss the option to run private games, so far the fourth rando has been an Ogryn twice and fething hell.. the first one truly lived up to the "plank" stereotype by not using his thumper, charging into everything but not killing things and blocking everybody's LOS, so he went straight onto the block list after that game.

Am looking forward to unlocking new equipment soon though, itching to try out the shotgun and Lucius pattern lasgun. 🤓

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/19 11:20:39

Post by: Olthannon

I'm glad to gear it runs better. I suppose they'll be doing some bug fixes and wotnot during the beta. Man I really want to start playing.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/19 12:29:11

Post by: BertBert

Had a couple of server related issues yesterday, but other than that the game runs fine. Seems to be a bit rough around the edges though. One would have hoped for a more polished state at this point.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/19 12:54:48

Post by: BrookM

Yeah, I am mighty miffed that private games and single player are due to be released sometime December, because we hate having randos in our squad to fill out the last slot, bots are so much better than dealing with someone who doesn't communicate.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/19 13:17:19

Post by: Flinty

Hmm. That would imply that the Xbox release wont be for ages. This makes me sad :(

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/19 22:13:05

Post by: BrookM

Oh. My. Days.

This lasgun is amazing. 😍

[Thumb - 20221119230634_1.jpg]

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/20 14:21:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

The first thing i bought for my vet was a agripina pattern autogun and Lager the vraksian carbine.

Don't blame me, i'd rather be in the other side

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/20 17:54:45

Post by: BrookM

Autoguns are a bit too much of a hassle right now for me, great for mag-dumping, only they almost all have such low capacity mags paired with lengthy reloads that I struggle to take them over lasguns right now.

Still waiting on the shotgun to unlock for my veteran, really annoying. The Lucius is great, but a bit buggy due to how the overcharge on it works, sometimes tapping it for semi-auto fire doesn't properly fire it. Also dying to give the Accatran a go when I unlock it in a few levels, though not sure if I can go without a bayonet on my gun.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/20 20:46:42

Post by: Not Online!!!

it's called Trigger discipline BrookM

Tap firing, for the win

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/20 21:12:24

Post by: BrookM

If a gun has a fun-mode, it's a crime not to use it!

Mag-dumping is a great way to avoid becoming food for beasts of nurgle though! Or dumping it into the centre-mass of a mauler, those guys are tough, I'm glad they implemented the.. whatever it's called in the psychic ward, where you can test your weapons on most enemies you encounter along the way. I kept dropping headshots on maulers, to no effect. In that testing area I found out, those donkey-caves have carapace armour buckets on their heads that stop pretty much all damage.

Still, I prefer the semi-auto approach with the Lucius more, it packs enough of a punch to drop most regular enemies with a single headshot and the charged shot makes short work of just about anything else for the most part. Also, slapping in a fresh power cell is faster than reloading a slug thrower.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/20 22:14:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

 BrookM wrote:
If a gun has a fun-mode, it's a crime not to use it!

Mag-dumping is a great way to avoid becoming food for beasts of nurgle though! Or dumping it into the centre-mass of a mauler, those guys are tough, I'm glad they implemented the.. whatever it's called in the psychic ward, where you can test your weapons on most enemies you encounter along the way. I kept dropping headshots on maulers, to no effect. In that testing area I found out, those donkey-caves have carapace armour buckets on their heads that stop pretty much all damage.

Still, I prefer the semi-auto approach with the Lucius more, it packs enough of a punch to drop most regular enemies with a single headshot and the charged shot makes short work of just about anything else for the most part. Also, slapping in a fresh power cell is faster than reloading a slug thrower.

As someone with gun training, ehhh. Fun mode isn't so much fun, atleast not on most rifle plattforms.

That said i'd Love if they would allow us to toggle auto/semi auto and or salvo/semi auto in autoguns.

Also also, why does the vraks carbine, the one with no fixed stock get higher dmg and a bash compared to the other autoguns?

Quite a few of the elites of the traitor guard you are better off shooting at their legs since they are unarmed.

Anyways is your game also as unstable as mine? I got constant disconnects and back to desktop crashes... Made more ironic by the F key being pressed for abilities shortly before the game commits sudoku?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/20 22:30:13

Post by: BrookM

I've had several crashes when things got really busy on screen, so either during assaults or when loading back into a busy hub. Disconnects happen to us at random it seems, mostly failed handshakes and the like.

I did have a chill quick match where I chose a level 1 job (I am a tourist, bite me! ) and got thrown in with three other players in the 14 - 17 level range, such a chill rando-experience that was. 😊 No stupid deaths, nobody running ahead of the pack, sticking together for coherency buffs, a lot of pinging of foes and supplies, holy gak, I wish more players were like that.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/21 07:22:03

Post by: Nerak

Got this game yesterday and did a few runs. The game itself is great fun, especially with friends. However the loading screens where simply ridiculous for me. No idea why they took so long. Like we’re talking 3-5 minutes per loading screen. It also crashed on two occasions, both where right after a loading screens. Going to try to de-fragment my hard drive and see if there’s anything weird going on in the background with my computer. Decided to start with the zealot and it’s awesome. Charging in and slaying heretics for da emperah!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/21 09:38:16

Post by: Aeneades

 Nerak wrote:
Got this game yesterday and did a few runs. The game itself is great fun, especially with friends. However the loading screens where simply ridiculous for me. No idea why they took so long. Like we’re talking 3-5 minutes per loading screen. It also crashed on two occasions, both where right after a loading screens. Going to try to de-fragment my hard drive and see if there’s anything weird going on in the background with my computer. Decided to start with the zealot and it’s awesome. Charging in and slaying heretics for da emperah!

I get similar loading times and I suspect that most others are also getting them as I still seem to be the first person to actually load into the level as everyone else remains stationary for a good few seconds after I can move.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/21 17:14:09

Post by: BrookM

I think a lot of the loading time is due to the shift towards us having to use their servers for running the lobby and hosting the actual game. Right now they're not running that stuff at maximum capacity, so launch day will be interesting to say the least.. Another reason I really want them to release single player and private games ASAP, I don't care if it makes my system do more of the work, I am not a fan of ingame lobbies where you're thrown in with all those other randos.

Also, never hurts to invest in an SSD if you haven't already for gaming, it's also a massive game changer.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/21 17:19:29

Post by: Grail Seeker

 Olthannon wrote:
Wow that sounds terrific, I can't wait to get the full game. I hope it's optimised a little better on release. I didn't think my computer would struggle as much as it did.

I haven't upgraded my PC in a long time, but this game finally convinced me to do it. My old 1070 card was a powerhouse though and took me through a long gaming period.

Still it was playable if you turned off things like raytracing.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/21 22:05:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

So i finally reached grown up level i think, (11) with the veteran and had far less crashes.
I agree though that the loading time is nuts.

As an aside the skill tree has a bit obvious autopick for the vet with the grenadier specialisation.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/22 21:10:33

Post by: BrookM

Community Update #2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/3485252139448456244

Got two more games in today, played one on the smelter map, which is simply gorgeous. Nothing overly complicated or the like, but a visual stunner for sure. 👌🏻

Drops are a bit naff at the moment, psyker got two Accatran pattern lasguns today, while I'm still waiting on mine to drop.. Also, where's my chainsword?! At this rate I might get a boltgun before any of that stuff.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/22 21:15:35

Post by: Not Online!!!

i just dropped a shovel. A good one at that, me is a happy vet.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/22 22:05:43

Post by: BrookM

Still stuck with my Devil's Claw until I can get something better myself. Did swap out my Lucius for a better MG-pattern, which gives me more reliable semi-auto fire due to the Lucius' charged attack ability, but damn it, I hate not having a bayonet on my gun anymore. It might not be as powerful as a dedicated melee weapon, but it beats having to swap all the time.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/24 02:33:20

Post by: Laughing Man

I'm loving my recon lasgun. The pin-point accuracy combined with the insane rate of fire is great for popping elites and specialists. Completely useless against ogryn, but that's why I've got me a power sword!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/24 10:07:04

Post by: Not Online!!!

And now i dropped a purple columnus autogun.

Shame i wanted an agripina pattern one, or graia, since the full auto columnus is honestly just uncontrollable. ( and i say this as a old BF3 vet G3 fetishists in regards to recoil controll.)

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/24 18:40:41

Post by: BrookM

Still waiting on either a chainsword or power sword to drop, but the recon lasgun is disgustingly good, I expect it to get nerfed at some point I think, as it melts through almost everything with little effort at all.

Hating the plasma gun, it's clunky and the delay on firing it makes for poor gunplay in my eyes.

The boltgun on the other hand, visually not the prettiest model, but from the moment you rack the slide and every time you reload it, great heft to it, the sounds of you handling it make it the beast of a gun it is supposed to be and the way it properly explodes enemies and sometimes does splash damage on hordes.. this is in my eyes the best boltgun representation to date in a 1st / 3rd person shooter.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/24 19:56:29

Post by: Olthannon

I didn't realise the Ogryn could get a heavy stubber, so now suddenly it's very interesting.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/24 22:40:34

Post by: BrookM

Twin-linked at that. They also made the grenadier gauntlet, a weapon I've always found naff on the tabletop, an awesome ranged / melee weapon here; rocket punch comes to mind.

Also got a power sword, massive step up from the Devil's Claw I've been using for most of the game now. Constantly having to reignite the power field is annoying, but cutting through hordes and scabs with just one or two swipes is so satisfying.

Still no chainsword though. :(

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/26 02:28:38

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

So is this a game that is pointless to play solo?

I love the look of the game, but games that need you to play with friends don't work for me as I can never organise times when friends are free, and playing with group of random other people who will abuse you every time you make a mistake sounds entirely unappealing.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/26 07:39:59

Post by: BrookM

Solo play will be implemented soon after launch, it's far from ideal right now, but it is a top priority.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/26 08:20:55

Post by: The Red Hobbit

I've been interested in Darktide for a while since I really love L4D type gameplay. How does it stack up?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/26 11:37:35

Post by: tauist

Me and 3 mates are already committed on starting this game, but the early reports about the game being half-baked at the moment is keeping us on the fence.

Still awfully buggy? What are these rumours about many features of the game only being released after launch?


Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/26 13:12:18

Post by: BrookM

YMMV, first and foremost. I've seen people who never have a problem and then there's people who started having more with each patch, so again, YMMV. The game is more stable now for my group, both graphically and connection wise then it was a week ago. We still get the odd crash and disconnect, but you can rejoin your team if the game hasn't ended yet, or if your team finishes it without you, get the XP and rewards paid out after you complete another mission.

Single player / bot support and private games are sorely lacking right now, but they will be added in as soon as possible post-launch hopefully, as we hate randos ruining games as much as the next person, especially when you have a certain challenge where nobody has to die.

As for the gameplay, if you've played Vermintide, you know what you're in for, but with better ranged combat on both sides. It's not as fast as Left 4 Dead and it needs a bit more thinking I suppose, as melee combat will tear the unprepared apart in seconds.

Okay so, personally I think this game THE love letter to fans of the franchise, as it delivers on so many fronts. The level design oozes grim dark ripped straight from the novels and art. It's awesome to fight through a slum town, a train station or a working tank factory. I also feel they took a page or two from Deep Rock Galactic in terms of making everything look cool and like it actually works. You don't just wait for a timer to end in some cases, but you can see the coolant cells being charged or that broadcast tower being aligned. There's a nice variety of opponents, the traitor guard in particular are a pleasing enemy to fight against, they don't just rush in, but make call outs and cover one another. They may look spiky but they are still trained professionals, for the most part.

And the weapons.. some of them are so satisfying. 🤤 Yes, lasguns have recoil, but I can understand where the devs are coming from with that implementation: weapons need feedback. It gives that crack a bit more bite in my opinion, as I keep falling back to lasguns over bolters, autos and plasma weaponry when playing as the veteran. The game also nails what a boltgun should feel like, from handling it in all its chunky glory to turning enemies into chunky meat salsa with the occasional splash damage. Melee is also great once you get a hang of it, a chainsword or chain axe is a lot of fun to use, or to you know, pointlessly revving it to drown out the inane chatter of some rando in your team.

My personal enthusiasm aside, people are saying it may take a year before the game reaches the point it should be at, if previous experiences with Vermintide 2 are of any indication. So, if not in a hurry, wait for the reviews to pop up a few days from now.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/26 15:11:12

Post by: LordofHats

I've definitely had some performance issues. Frame hang ups and connection issues. The frame hang ups were mostly solved by turning off all the awful graphics settings that were on by default. The game looks so much better without that horrific film grain effect. I have no idea why it's a default setting. Runs way better to.

As for gameplay, I've had a bit of an uphill battle honestly. The early ranged weapons you get seem like they universally suck. I had to reach level 8 before I got one that seemed half decent and it's still not quite enough to support ranged as a primary play style. I really wanted to play a guardsman with a lasgun so that's been a bit of a struggle as I go through missions hoping to find a better weapon.

I strongly feel, at least from my experience thus far, ranged needs buffs across the board. Even on the character who is supposed to main range, it feels wholly inferior to just taking your shovel and bashing enemies to death.

But it's not like melee combat is bad. It's the simple fun Vermintide was. I just looked forward to a more ranged focus game, but between weak weapons and constant screen shake and knock back in gun fights, it feels like a waste of time. Missions could use a bit more variety but I've really only played the same 3 for the most part so far. I hope there's some that go outside or take us to more varied environs. Dirty tunnels under the hive all start blending together and aren't as visually interesting as the ruined cities, forests, caves, castles, and harbors of Vermintide.

That said, I like the game and am excited for the full release. Not many games feel like they'll give me 60-100 hours of fun and Darktide seems like I'll get that imo.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/26 15:45:38

Post by: tauist

thanks for your insight. Just pulled the trigger on it, didn't want to wait for the price to jump back to 60€!

A pleasant surprise is, seems like Darktide is already playable on Geforce Now! I didn't expect it to be available until launch. Have to give it a go tomorrow, if I've recovered from this flu enough.. I reckon it'll look gorgeous with RTX and max detail on

Automatically Appended Next Post:

just had a brief test run, the game seems to be working as expected on GFN. Only a few first minutes in, and the game already brings back fond memories from playing L4D2! Shovel combat does feel satisfying doesn't it

Can't wait for me mates to get theirs so we can start playing for real!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/27 18:22:32

Post by: BrookM

Still no chainsword or new plasma gun anywhere; the store, Sire Melk's shop and the post-mission drops are so abysmal right now!

Also.. spoilering this as they introduced a new enemy today and I feel people should experience it first haha!

They introduced the Daemonhost today and while at first glance it seems to act a lot like the witch from L4D, this one does not go down easily, at all, being almost immune to ranged attacks, dealing massive corruption for just being near it and having powerful attacks that don't just down players, but outright kill them. The devs recommend avoiding conflict if possible, but going around it isn't always an option as they sometimes spawn in the one corridor or room you need to go through. Also quite frustrating to have two or three of these spawn throughout a map, kill two of your party, then teleport away.

For people wondering where to encounter this new foe, it can be found randomly in level 3 missions onwards, with a guaranteed appearance in missions that feature the blackout special modifier. Nothing quite like stumbling in the dark and coming across one of these karking things..

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/27 20:51:16

Post by: tauist

Had my first missions in today. Shooting does feel like a waste of time, as suggested.. Even the sharpshooter is better off just getting a nice melee weapon and rummaging away. I also find running out of ammo constantly.

If you swap out the lasgun for an autogun, can you steal ammo from dead cultists who also use one? That would be enough of a perk to get me switching to autoguns only..

The first few missions felt too damn easy I must say.. no real challenge whatsoever. Hoping it will get more intense after a few more missions.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/27 20:52:43

Post by: LordofHats

Ranged gets a bit better as you keep leveling I've found, so there is that.

That said, I'm about level 10 now and it still feels like shooting is just an all-around slower way to kill most enemies than bashing their heads in, especially considering the armor and knockback mechanics, and the relatively close-quarters nature of nearly every game area. Ranged plays has a lot of drawbacks for negligible benefit, while melee has no real drawbacks at all and better uses the game's mechanics. It's certainly nice to have, but given that the entire veteran class is built around it, I feel like the class is just plain bad compared to the other three without buffs to itself or to guns in general. A zealot just does everything better and even has an ability that helps negate the only drawback of melee (getting to special enemies through hordes). It gets even worse when an Ogryn is on your team, because those closed quarters areas and their size usually mean you can't hit enemies even if you have distance.

Which is basically how Vermintide was, unfortunately and while I got it there I was really hoping Darktide would lean better into gunplay than Vermintide did.

Maybe it's just the weapons I have available, but in that case the game being so RNG-dependent for basic class performance is really bad.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/27 20:54:33

Post by: tauist

Yeah, flailing around with a melee weapon kills hordes fast

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/27 21:34:16

Post by: BrookM

For me gunplay got better as I got better weapons and feats, lasguns will drop certain enemies in one hit, others need headshots or a few hits because in this game, flak armour actually does something.

But yes, veteran takes a few levels to really get going, right now I'm at a point where in our party of three, others being a preacher and psyker, I do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to picking off elites before they get to us, or at the very least softening them up enough for a head-pop from the psyker or a melee fight with the preacher. I'm useless against bulwarks and rampagers unless I pack a plasma or boltgun, but aside from those two, I can deal with just about anything on my own with a lasgun.

And yes, rando verms are the bane of this game right now, the amount of times I've wasted my special ability because some karking fraghead blocked my shots with his big grogging arse is beyond hilarious now.

Gun drops are still arse as well, the vendors really have it in for me, only shovelling useless gak for several days now, nothing class-specific or top-tier worth holding on to.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/28 11:58:17

Post by: Not Online!!!

 LordofHats wrote:
Ranged gets a bit better as you keep leveling I've found, so there is that.

That said, I'm about level 10 now and it still feels like shooting is just an all-around slower way to kill most enemies than bashing their heads in, especially considering the armor and knockback mechanics, and the relatively close-quarters nature of nearly every game area. Ranged plays has a lot of drawbacks for negligible benefit, while melee has no real drawbacks at all and better uses the game's mechanics. It's certainly nice to have, but given that the entire veteran class is built around it, I feel like the class is just plain bad compared to the other three without buffs to itself or to guns in general. A zealot just does everything better and even has an ability that helps negate the only drawback of melee (getting to special enemies through hordes). It gets even worse when an Ogryn is on your team, because those closed quarters areas and their size usually mean you can't hit enemies even if you have distance.

Which is basically how Vermintide was, unfortunately and while I got it there I was really hoping Darktide would lean better into gunplay than Vermintide did.

Maybe it's just the weapons I have available, but in that case the game being so RNG-dependent for basic class performance is really bad.

What are you using?

From personal experience, i found lasguns to be really underwhelming due to their low rof single shot nature especially against hordes. (nothing against the full auto lasguns, those are very good)
I also found that people far to often don't use the vets abilities, it should be regarded as something that should be spammed, not kept.
That said i normaly do serious work with the full auto autoguns, regardless of elites or hordes. The veteran profits from propper team positioning and your teammates not just fething off in every direction or walking infront of you when you are shooting, looking at ogryns especially.
Further you really depend upon the weapon you use for what your job is Boltgun = anti elite and ogryn, Autogun midway, lasgun more precise and technically against hordes with their large ammo count but practically the rof is just not there.

Also people tend to forget that the Vet has 200 toughness instead of 100 and that anything that boosts toughness makes you into a really tough tank, nvm that you can create nades out of thin air within 45 S , meaning that within the average time (somewhere around 15-20 mins) for a mission you can generate a lot of nades for use in a single mission and generate them even for your team if you are in cohesion.

Right now i run an Agripina pattern (not the braced variant) and a powersword with the generating greanades trait and the team grenade drop chance aswell as 2 toughness increasing curiosities (got really lucky and dropped a mastercrafted one that increases toughness and gives bonus exp and damage resistance for tox-flamer.)

Preferentially in a team players give you the initiative for starting a fight, if only for you to be able to mag drop with the ability 1-3 elites (best i got was like 4 2 berserkers and 2 with armor and chainaxes but that was really lucky, a singular dorway and an ogryn blocking them in said doorway.) with an ability and mag you can also wipe in general a single wave from an horde attack even with just 25ish bullets in it.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/28 16:53:09

Post by: tauist

Yeah so maybe autoguns'll be more to my liking then. CARR was my fave weapon in L4D2, something comparable to that one (fires in bursts of three shots) would be ideal in Darktide as well for me I think

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/28 17:57:22

Post by: Not Online!!!

 tauist wrote:
Yeah so maybe autoguns'll be more to my liking then. CARR was my fave weapon in L4D2, something comparable to that one (fires in bursts of three shots) would be ideal in Darktide as well for me I think

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yeah so maybe autoguns'll be more to my liking then. CARR was my fave weapon in L4D2, something comparable to that one (fires in bursts of three shots) would be ideal in Darktide as well for me I think

The "salvo" ones are decent for what you search, comes in either 2 or 3 shot variants

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/28 21:09:14

Post by: tauist

Salvo it is then!

Got a few more missions in just now, and tried an entry level autogun. Big mistake. I was reloading all the damn time! 18 round mags make the entrylevel autoguns kind of useless with their high rate of fire and significant recoil. In fact, my experience was so bad that I switched back to a lasgun immediately

Bought a DKoK looking lasgun with a bayonet, as well as a 25 round mag autogun. One of those will hopefully serv me better next time. Keeping my eyes peeled for any salvo style guns.

Oh yeah, saw someone using a flamer in our last mission. Now, thats a schweet weapon!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/28 21:46:17

Post by: LordofHats

Not Online!!! wrote:

What are you using?

Whatever is in the store.

I didn't even know weapons could drop of missions. I've yet to see it happen. That said, I have seen the full auto lasguns in action and those seem to do work good. I just don't have one.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/29 14:24:42

Post by: Selfcontrol

That said, I'm about level 10 now and it still feels like shooting is just an all-around slower way to kill most enemies than bashing their heads in, especially considering the armor and knockback mechanics, and the relatively close-quarters nature of nearly every game area. Ranged plays has a lot of drawbacks for negligible benefit, while melee has no real drawbacks at all and better uses the game's mechanics. It's certainly nice to have, but given that the entire veteran class is built around it, I feel like the class is just plain bad compared to the other three without buffs to itself or to guns in general.

Currently, the Zealot is hot garbage compared to the Veteran. In fact, every class is hot garbage compared to the veteran. The Ogryn is not very tanky (his huge size and hitbox negate his built-in damage and toughness damage reductions) and his melee weapons are lacklusters. The Psyker has garbage damages (brainburst doesn't scale with difficulty) and is only a CC-bot (negating the usefulness of the Ogryn btw). The Zealot's signature ability has been nerfed to the ground and his talents are overall hot garbage too and his weapons are mostly lacklusters (except for the eviscerator).

Meanwhile, the Veteran has average to good talents that are either very powerful on their own (all the grenades talents) or synergize well with the most powerful ranged weapons available (boltgun, the full-auto lasgun, the DkoK lasgun if you have good aiming skills, braced autoguns, etc), a very good signature ability and he has the most toughness of all classes meaning he can actually tank enemies and not be stunlocked every 0,5 seconds. Oh, and he has access to the best melee weapon in the whole game aka the power sword. The plasmagun kinda sucks though.

The balance of the game is all over-the-place for now. Which I expected, to be honest. It's not bad enough that one class is "auto-loose" in higher difficulty, but you can definitely feel the difference in strength (Psyker is especially sad : being reduced to lightning spam is dumb).

All this aside, you should not forget that ranged combat is heavily influenced by the mission (size of the areas available in the mission), your loadout, the ennemies you are facing and the difficulty of the mission. Going all melee is very efficient in lower difficulties, that's true. But I can assure you that once you start playing at difficulty 4 (it also starts to become noticeable at level 3), going all melee is a sure way to be slaughtered : ranged enemies are incredibly dangerous, hordes are also dangerous in melee and there are so many specials that are hiding among them that you HAVE to soften them a lot with concentrated firepower if you want to survive. That's why I'm using the heavy stubber as an Ogryn : average against horde, excellent against single targets and most importantly, outstanding suppression against ranged enemies.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/29 16:11:22

Post by: Not Online!!!

 tauist wrote:
Salvo it is then!

Got a few more missions in just now, and tried an entry level autogun. Big mistake. I was reloading all the damn time! 18 round mags make the entrylevel autoguns kind of useless with their high rate of fire and significant recoil. In fact, my experience was so bad that I switched back to a lasgun immediately

Bought a DKoK looking lasgun with a bayonet, as well as a 25 round mag autogun. One of those will hopefully serv me better next time. Keeping my eyes peeled for any salvo style guns.

Oh yeah, saw someone using a flamer in our last mission. Now, thats a schweet weapon!

It's called triggerdiscipline and or as we call it, recoil compensating

ok jokes aside, the lucius is good (and it is the DKoK pattern).

If you want to be better with autoguns i reccomend that you go to the psykanum and just spray to learn the pattern and where the autoguns start "muleing" after that it is a matter of muscle memory pulling down and cutting bursts short.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
@ selfcontrol

honestly the psyker (especially low level) is just suffering incarnate and not fun to play with as teammate or psyker...
high level though he is stupidly damage dealing.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/30 04:02:51

Post by: Grey Templar

Having got a psyker to level 30, I can say that I hope they buff them a lot.

A level 30 psyker isn't bad by any means, but the journey there is lackluster and frustrating.

Till level 7, you basically have no psyker specific gear and are just a bad guardsmen. Once force swords and staves start appearing, you are at the mercy of RNG for better ones to appear because your store is going to be clogged with useless chainswords, regular swords, autoguns, lasguns, and pistols. And the sad thing is that if you are unlucky they might be better DPS than keeping an older force sword or stave that you got at lower level. And you're then giving up any real ability to leverage being a Psyker!

Brainburst is too weak. Yeah, it does a lot of damage and can one-shot most elites. But the Veteran on your squad is going to headshot the elite instantly while it takes you 5 seconds to get it off. Sure, once you are maxed out you can make it go faster, but its still slower than the Veteran. And whats the point of it only starting to get good once you've hit max level?

A lot of the Psyker's feats seem good, but end up being bad because they don't work like you might think. Essence Harvest is the worst offender, because it doesn't stack if you get multiple warp charges at once. So it is essentially useless. Wrack and Ruin is bad because the soulblaze it causes is so weak.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/11/30 21:28:28

Post by: BrookM

After a rocky launch, I managed to get two missions in and reach level 30 with my veteran, second mission was on a to me new map with hangars full of Arvus lighters, nice!

Pre-order uniform also looks quite nice, still curious though as to where to get the headset the veteran in the trailers is wearing.

Also, cosmetics shop has launched, it's a mix bag, some really nice, other stuff quite naff and overpriced. The veteran has a nice fatigues and leather jacket combo previously worn by a tanker on offer though.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 01:47:40

Post by: nels1031

Went with the Psyker as it seems like hard mode.

Lot of fun!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 08:14:51

Post by: Not Online!!!

 BrookM wrote:
After a rocky launch, I managed to get two missions in and reach level 30 with my veteran, second mission was on a to me new map with hangars full of Arvus lighters, nice!

Pre-order uniform also looks quite nice, still curious though as to where to get the headset the veteran in the trailers is wearing.

Also, cosmetics shop has launched, it's a mix bag, some really nice, other stuff quite naff and overpriced. The veteran has a nice fatigues and leather jacket combo previously worn by a tanker on offer though.

The cashshop is also a rotating one, to maximise FOMO bs manipulation.

The game also runs more stable to me, but still experience quite a few crashes.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 10:45:31

Post by: tauist

Rocky launch? I thought the launch went pretty well, all things considered.. GFN took over an hour to update, but after that it was mostly smooth sailing (got one 4001 error after a mission before returning to lobby).

Kind of like the DKoK lasgun, large clip, good damage per shot and I can kill off single random enemies with the bayonet easy enough

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 12:12:06

Post by: Skinnereal

I CTD'd yesterday, just as I was walking into the extraction transport. That's only the 2nd I've had the whole way though to level 23.

Crafting looks too expensive to use, but it might be better when playing harder missions, with crafting mats dropping more often, maybe.

The Ogryn voice I picked switches between 2 or 3 different voices now, post-launch. It was a stable single voice beforehand.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 12:41:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

Lucky you, i rarely had a full mission without a CTD in the beta. Yesterday i managed to get my first complete mission without one, only for the next one to have 2, atleast i don't have 5-6 now and less lag, but it is still pretty annoying.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 14:25:18

Post by: BrookM

Really wish they'd tell which Lucius version has the useful bayonet stab and which one has the useless use-bayonet-as-axe feature. 😐

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 16:43:23

Post by: Togusa

 BrookM wrote:
YMMV, first and foremost. I've seen people who never have a problem and then there's people who started having more with each patch, so again, YMMV. The game is more stable now for my group, both graphically and connection wise then it was a week ago. We still get the odd crash and disconnect, but you can rejoin your team if the game hasn't ended yet, or if your team finishes it without you, get the XP and rewards paid out after you complete another mission.

Single player / bot support and private games are sorely lacking right now, but they will be added in as soon as possible post-launch hopefully, as we hate randos ruining games as much as the next person, especially when you have a certain challenge where nobody has to die.

As for the gameplay, if you've played Vermintide, you know what you're in for, but with better ranged combat on both sides. It's not as fast as Left 4 Dead and it needs a bit more thinking I suppose, as melee combat will tear the unprepared apart in seconds.

Okay so, personally I think this game THE love letter to fans of the franchise, as it delivers on so many fronts. The level design oozes grim dark ripped straight from the novels and art. It's awesome to fight through a slum town, a train station or a working tank factory. I also feel they took a page or two from Deep Rock Galactic in terms of making everything look cool and like it actually works. You don't just wait for a timer to end in some cases, but you can see the coolant cells being charged or that broadcast tower being aligned. There's a nice variety of opponents, the traitor guard in particular are a pleasing enemy to fight against, they don't just rush in, but make call outs and cover one another. They may look spiky but they are still trained professionals, for the most part.

And the weapons.. some of them are so satisfying. 🤤 Yes, lasguns have recoil, but I can understand where the devs are coming from with that implementation: weapons need feedback. It gives that crack a bit more bite in my opinion, as I keep falling back to lasguns over bolters, autos and plasma weaponry when playing as the veteran. The game also nails what a boltgun should feel like, from handling it in all its chunky glory to turning enemies into chunky meat salsa with the occasional splash damage. Melee is also great once you get a hang of it, a chainsword or chain axe is a lot of fun to use, or to you know, pointlessly revving it to drown out the inane chatter of some rando in your team.

My personal enthusiasm aside, people are saying it may take a year before the game reaches the point it should be at, if previous experiences with Vermintide 2 are of any indication. So, if not in a hurry, wait for the reviews to pop up a few days from now.

But you best be sure that the real money store was working perfectly on day one. Complete with a wombo-combo of FOMO skins (they're set on timers) and coupled with Premium currency you cannot earn in game and can only buy in the wrong increments, thus ensuring you'll always have left over currency, which entices you to buy more for just "one more hit." I wasn't surprised when I smelled the disgusting bloated stench of TenCent all over this and found out they have controlling interest at 36% of shares in FatShark. It's the scummiest of scummy "business" practices. Even better that all the generic skins look absolutely like garbage bags held together with zip ties when compared to the premium stuff.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Skinnereal wrote:
I CTD'd yesterday, just as I was walking into the extraction transport. That's only the 2nd I've had the whole way though to level 23.

Crafting looks too expensive to use, but it might be better when playing harder missions, with crafting mats dropping more often, maybe.

The Ogryn voice I picked switches between 2 or 3 different voices now, post-launch. It was a stable single voice beforehand.

Even playing on Heresy or above the crafting materials are the most grindy and drip-fed stuff I've seen in a game in quite a while.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 16:46:32

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Togusa wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
YMMV, first and foremost. I've seen people who never have a problem and then there's people who started having more with each patch, so again, YMMV. The game is more stable now for my group, both graphically and connection wise then it was a week ago. We still get the odd crash and disconnect, but you can rejoin your team if the game hasn't ended yet, or if your team finishes it without you, get the XP and rewards paid out after you complete another mission.

Single player / bot support and private games are sorely lacking right now, but they will be added in as soon as possible post-launch hopefully, as we hate randos ruining games as much as the next person, especially when you have a certain challenge where nobody has to die.

As for the gameplay, if you've played Vermintide, you know what you're in for, but with better ranged combat on both sides. It's not as fast as Left 4 Dead and it needs a bit more thinking I suppose, as melee combat will tear the unprepared apart in seconds.

Okay so, personally I think this game THE love letter to fans of the franchise, as it delivers on so many fronts. The level design oozes grim dark ripped straight from the novels and art. It's awesome to fight through a slum town, a train station or a working tank factory. I also feel they took a page or two from Deep Rock Galactic in terms of making everything look cool and like it actually works. You don't just wait for a timer to end in some cases, but you can see the coolant cells being charged or that broadcast tower being aligned. There's a nice variety of opponents, the traitor guard in particular are a pleasing enemy to fight against, they don't just rush in, but make call outs and cover one another. They may look spiky but they are still trained professionals, for the most part.

And the weapons.. some of them are so satisfying. 🤤 Yes, lasguns have recoil, but I can understand where the devs are coming from with that implementation: weapons need feedback. It gives that crack a bit more bite in my opinion, as I keep falling back to lasguns over bolters, autos and plasma weaponry when playing as the veteran. The game also nails what a boltgun should feel like, from handling it in all its chunky glory to turning enemies into chunky meat salsa with the occasional splash damage. Melee is also great once you get a hang of it, a chainsword or chain axe is a lot of fun to use, or to you know, pointlessly revving it to drown out the inane chatter of some rando in your team.

My personal enthusiasm aside, people are saying it may take a year before the game reaches the point it should be at, if previous experiences with Vermintide 2 are of any indication. So, if not in a hurry, wait for the reviews to pop up a few days from now.

But you best be sure that the real money store was working perfectly on day one. Complete with a wombo-combo of FOMO skins (they're set on timers) and coupled with Premium currency you cannot earn in game and can only buy in the wrong increments, thus ensuring you'll always have left over currency, which entices you to buy more for just "one more hit." I wasn't surprised when I smelled the disgusting bloated stench of TenCent all over this and found out they have controlling interest at 36% of shares in FatShark. It's the scummiest of scummy "business" practices. Even better that all the generic skins look absolutely like garbage bags held together with zip ties when compared to the premium stuff.

now that explains some things, albeit my first visit to the store, it seemed to not work propperly since i only could buy 2 sets of aquillas and not the 5 full ones my freind could've....

Shame, because the game, when it works is awesome.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 17:49:43

Post by: Togusa

Not Online!!! wrote:
 Togusa wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
YMMV, first and foremost. I've seen people who never have a problem and then there's people who started having more with each patch, so again, YMMV. The game is more stable now for my group, both graphically and connection wise then it was a week ago. We still get the odd crash and disconnect, but you can rejoin your team if the game hasn't ended yet, or if your team finishes it without you, get the XP and rewards paid out after you complete another mission.

Single player / bot support and private games are sorely lacking right now, but they will be added in as soon as possible post-launch hopefully, as we hate randos ruining games as much as the next person, especially when you have a certain challenge where nobody has to die.

As for the gameplay, if you've played Vermintide, you know what you're in for, but with better ranged combat on both sides. It's not as fast as Left 4 Dead and it needs a bit more thinking I suppose, as melee combat will tear the unprepared apart in seconds.

Okay so, personally I think this game THE love letter to fans of the franchise, as it delivers on so many fronts. The level design oozes grim dark ripped straight from the novels and art. It's awesome to fight through a slum town, a train station or a working tank factory. I also feel they took a page or two from Deep Rock Galactic in terms of making everything look cool and like it actually works. You don't just wait for a timer to end in some cases, but you can see the coolant cells being charged or that broadcast tower being aligned. There's a nice variety of opponents, the traitor guard in particular are a pleasing enemy to fight against, they don't just rush in, but make call outs and cover one another. They may look spiky but they are still trained professionals, for the most part.

And the weapons.. some of them are so satisfying. 🤤 Yes, lasguns have recoil, but I can understand where the devs are coming from with that implementation: weapons need feedback. It gives that crack a bit more bite in my opinion, as I keep falling back to lasguns over bolters, autos and plasma weaponry when playing as the veteran. The game also nails what a boltgun should feel like, from handling it in all its chunky glory to turning enemies into chunky meat salsa with the occasional splash damage. Melee is also great once you get a hang of it, a chainsword or chain axe is a lot of fun to use, or to you know, pointlessly revving it to drown out the inane chatter of some rando in your team.

My personal enthusiasm aside, people are saying it may take a year before the game reaches the point it should be at, if previous experiences with Vermintide 2 are of any indication. So, if not in a hurry, wait for the reviews to pop up a few days from now.

But you best be sure that the real money store was working perfectly on day one. Complete with a wombo-combo of FOMO skins (they're set on timers) and coupled with Premium currency you cannot earn in game and can only buy in the wrong increments, thus ensuring you'll always have left over currency, which entices you to buy more for just "one more hit." I wasn't surprised when I smelled the disgusting bloated stench of TenCent all over this and found out they have controlling interest at 36% of shares in FatShark. It's the scummiest of scummy "business" practices. Even better that all the generic skins look absolutely like garbage bags held together with zip ties when compared to the premium stuff.

now that explains some things, albeit my first visit to the store, it seemed to not work propperly since i only could buy 2 sets of aquillas and not the 5 full ones my freind could've....

Shame, because the game, when it works is awesome.

The game has a lot of potential, and it has a solid foundation. However, the continued intrusion of predatory monetization really, really rubbed me the wrong way.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 19:41:05

Post by: Flinty

As long as it’s just skins I can be remarkably resilient against micro transactions. Any news in the Xbox release? If they need to spend a year to actually properly release the game it doesn’t bode well for a speedy port.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 20:36:44

Post by: Togusa

 Flinty wrote:
As long as it’s just skins I can be remarkably resilient against micro transactions. Any news in the Xbox release? If they need to spend a year to actually properly release the game it doesn’t bode well for a speedy port.

The problem is a little more than that though.

See, part of the enjoyment of a video game as we all know is making your character. And everyone wants their characters to look good. No one wants to play in a semi-serious game with friends, a character that is literally wearing zip-tied hefty trash bags and a can lid for a shield. Which is how most of the in game "basic" uniforms look. For example, Because I got the Emperor Edition, I was "given" 2500 special currency. I chose to spend it on the armor for the Orgryn that literally is just the copy paste of the current 3d "Bullgryns" so that my character looked good on screen and thus my enjoyment improved. This is the underhanded nature of the way it's been implemented. Remember, game compananies hired a lot of psychologists in the mid 00's to help build the foundation for predatory marketing that the industry thrives off of today. Cosmetics aren't harmless, they're actually some of the most harmful of all types of microtransactions and monetization in games.

As far as I know there has been no news related to the consoles.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/01 22:19:20

Post by: BrookM

The ingame store is not pay to win, it just like with Vermintide; cosmetics. For actual good gear you'll need to pray to the RNG deities for good drops and store inventory and grind for materials to upgrade them.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/02 00:19:35

Post by: Adrassil

I would like to play Darktide a lot, but I just remembered the internet is crap where I live so it'd crap out badly. My laptop could probably handle it, though. But we have copper so...

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/02 02:39:16

Post by: Grey Templar

I have decent internet and a very nice computer and I get dropped 2 out of 3 missions. You can usually log back in really quick, but it is an issue.

Like pretty much any online game, the servers are struggling to handle the load out the gate, but I expect it will improve as the community stabilizes.

The real issue is unless you are in when the mission ends, you get nothing. You could make it 99% of the way through a mission, drop, and if it ends before you load in you get no rewards.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/02 22:29:30

Post by: nels1031

This game has got me wanting to start a Renegade Imperial Guard army. They look so cool in game.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/05 08:58:31

Post by: tauist

Indeed. I was toying with the idea of a Chaos cultist army before, after having played more Darktide, the urge is turning into a real thirst hehehe!

Just my 2 cents on the cosmetics microtransaction BS; Couldn't give a toss how my character looks in-game. You will never be seeing a dime from me. I already paid for the game, that's all you're getting.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/05 09:24:20

Post by: Olthannon

 tauist wrote:

Just my 2 cents on the cosmetics microtransaction BS; Couldn't give a toss how my character looks in-game. You will never be seeing a dime from me. I already paid for the game, that's all you're getting.

I treat certain microtransactions like a tip for good service. If I really like the game and I put a load of time into it, I might eventually get something paid because it looks cool. I got my money's worth but I'm still shooting baddies. If it's a couple of quid and makes my character look tidy I'll buy it after a while. But it's not the be all and end all.

I don't know if anyone has dipped into the darktide reddit but it's like a group of children have shat themselves and made it their mission to grab it and smear it on every surface they can find.

I think a lot of those people seem to think they have to buy some paid cosmetic crap and get pissy as a result. If you don't like it don't buy it. Should cosmetics be free? Yeah of course, lots of things should be free that we have to pay for. Microtransactions are a pox on gaming but they also aren't going away any time soon. Blame the system, not the developer.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/05 14:35:53

Post by: BrookM

 Olthannon wrote:
I treat certain microtransactions like a tip for good service. If I really like the game and I put a load of time into it, I might eventually get something paid because it looks cool. I got my money's worth but I'm still shooting baddies. If it's a couple of quid and makes my character look tidy I'll buy it after a while. But it's not the be all and end all.
That's how I feel about Deep Rock Galactic, I buy the DLC mainly to tip the creators, not because I am going to wear some of that stuff. Those magnificent bastards make everything but cosmetic bundles free. New gameplay, guns and missions? All free. A season pass? Free! Didn't unlock all of the season pass content? No worries, it's now put into the game as drops for when you find a helmet. Rock and stone!

I spent my Imperial edition currency to get the veteran bundle, quite like the sleeveless and chainmail combo but hehe, there is the odd rando who will tell you how much you suck for using the cosmetics store. Can't wait for the private lobby system to be implemented already. I do find it sus that the alternate colour patterns for unlocked outfits you can buy at the vendor are all so expensive, probably another ploy to get peeps to spend dosh at the other shop.

Also, dear vendor servitor; give me some good class specific gear already you karking sack of excrement. I haven't seen a lasgun, plasma gun or shovel in days now, this gak is getting silly.

Other than that, slowly getting more missions, good bit of variety going on and some of the maps, especially the exterior ones, are an ace bit of eye candy. Downside is that is hard to explore new maps when randos are speed-ruining everything by running through.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/05 22:52:45

Post by: Flinty

Royal Armouries is at it again

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/05 23:59:30

Post by: Stevefamine

 nels1031 wrote:
Went with the Psyker as it seems like hard mode.

Lot of fun!

Just bought it and rolled a Psyker! Having a blast. Level 8 so far. Painting traitor guard atm so it's great

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/08 19:56:17

Post by: BrookM

Timers have been removed from the cash shop outfits, I guess they got a lot of gak for the time limited aspect. 🤔

Also, got to play a new mission, on Throneside of the hive, where you need to lower a bridge and fight through a more fancy district of the hive. Very nice.

Still waiting on that good kit to drop, at this point I am just hoarding weapons that have good modifiers and feats, saving them for when the full workshop is implemented, so I can just break them down and slap that gak onto whatever I happen to like at that moment.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/08 20:16:28

Post by: nels1031

 BrookM wrote:
Still waiting on that good kit to drop, at this point I am just hoarding weapons that have good modifiers and feats, saving them for when the full workshop is implemented, so I can just break them down and slap that gak onto whatever I happen to like at that moment.

Ah, snap! I've been destroying them for money. Not that money is hard to come by, but I liked the instant gratification. Yours is the wiser course of action and now I regret it :(

Currently have my Psyker up to 21 with a pretty sweet loadout. I got the staff that shoots a big ball of explody psychic stuff and a rapier that attacks pretty damn fast. I do prefer a staff that allows Sith Lord-esque forked lightning on multiple targets but this clears out hordes pretty damn fast. Also had a revolver that absolutely slapped, but I prefer the better staff options. And its more characterful.

Haven't even touched another class yet, other then playing a Veteran during beta. Trying to get as much done with my Psyker before I get bored.

As an aside, is it possible to get 4 of 1 class in the same drop? 4 Ogryn sitting together on the loading screen would be pretty funny.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/08 21:19:02

Post by: BrookM

Levelling is thankfully not a painful or drawn out grinding affair, even when you fail a mission you get a decent amount of XP, not to mention a good amount of dosh and a full payout of any crafting materials you've found in that mission.

I've had a few all Guardsman parties so far and it slaps, veteran is a great class and having four of them throwing las, plas and bolts at hordes is an awesome sight, especially when all perked up to highlight specials when you trigger your ability, we also melted through monstrosities with frightening ease, a bolter on full auto is horribly broken right now.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/08 22:40:30

Post by: nels1031

That sounds wild. The siren song of the chain-axe and bolter have been calling, but I've been able to resist so far.

Meanwhile, I get nervous any time there is another Psyker in the party, as we tend to be pretty soft. I'd really like a Vet or Ogryn in the mix at all times.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/09 08:09:16

Post by: BrookM

Psykers still need a few good tweaks and buffs, especially when playing at a higher difficulty level. If a party works together then all is well, regardless of doubles. But when you have a git trying to speedrun things on their own, triggering every horde and event along the way.. yeah we are not in a rush to get the hound off you when we're still dealing with three hordes between us and you. Which makes me want solo / private play all the more.

Community update #2:

More Weapons
One of the key things you pointed out to us was a desire for more weapons. We had planned to offer more weapons at launch, and are taking the first few steps in this direction by adding the following:
Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher
Achlys Mk I Power Maul

Commodore’s Vestures (In-Game Store)
We heard your feedback on the store loud and clear, and we are making adjustments to how Aquilas are packaged. We are working on adding an 2,400 Aquilas pack to the store, which will arrive next week. We will also add a 100 Aquilas pack within the next few weeks, allowing players to buy smaller fractions of Aquilas. In addition, we are also going to change other functionalities of the store over time.

Crafting System
In our next content update, we will add the “Refine Item” functionality to our crafting system. This functionality will allow you to replace one Perk on a Curio or a Weapon. The same Perk slot can be replaced multiple times, but will block replacing other perks on the same item. This is the next step in building out our crafting system.

Private Play (and Solo)
Starting next week, with 2 or more players in the strike team, players will be able to opt into playing privately via the mission board. This will prevent players who are not friends of a strike team member from hot joining the squad during a mission in progress.

If the squad is all disconnected and a player is left alone when the reservation time expires, the mission will become public.

As for Solo Mode, we are actively working on it. While it technically could work now, we are not happy with its state yet, and we want to ensure the solo experience lives up to your expectations. Right now, it does not, and we would do the game a disservice by implementing it.

Many players have asked us for more interesting ways to interact with people in the Mourningstar. Near term, we will be introducing the ability for your characters to use an emote in the hub. Players will be able to customize this emote wheel in the cosmetics menu for their character.

Okay, but a “For the Emperor!” button…
While we don’t have a “For the Emperor!” emote yet, we’re most certainly asking the team about it. You know, For the Emperor.

Progression Siloing and Shared Ordo Dockets
Since launch, we’ve seen feedback from many players requesting shared progression across characters to ensure a smoother progression loop. Our designers are taking this feedback seriously and are discussing how to best implement a solution that meets our players' desires and gameplay goals while also striking a balance with the game’s design intent. This is a sizable endeavor, and its feasibility is still unknown, we hope to be able to share more information on its progress at a later time.

We’ve been working closely with our community support team on how you all feel about penances in the game, and some of the pain points surrounding them. There’s been a lot of feedback to pore through, but we’ve found there’s a disconnect between how we phrase the requirements of some penances and the criteria to achieve them, making them more frustrating for players than we intended. Based on the feedback received from the support team, we’re currently working through solutions to make penances smoother and more enjoyable for players.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/09 17:34:10

Post by: Selfcontrol

Glad to know Ogryns will have more melee weapons.

Their ranged weapons are all fun (except for the single-shot shotgun, it is such a boring and bad weapon), but they are definitely lacking varied melee weapons. The lack of any kind of chain weapon or power weapon can be felt and the only truly special melee weapon is the slab shield. Gaining a power maul (I guess it's the maul from the Ogryn trailer) and what I assume is a 2 handed weapon will make the Ogryn a lot funnier.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/10 10:12:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

So...i dropped a mastercrafted vraks headhunter. the semi auto DMR wannabee, and i like it BUT:

Yeah, i got the trait that gives me 5% damage/ empty slot in the chamber...

The vraksian headhunter is a MAGAZIN FED SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifle. There is only one fething chamber and that is full or empty, it is NO bloody revolver.

Dear Fatshark, why are you the way you are...

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/10 17:42:34

Post by: BrookM

Yeah, some of the randomly assigned perks are horrible matches for the weapons sometimes.

That said, you could try the gun in the meatgrinder and see if having less rounds in the mag make any difference. If that's not the case, still a gun to hold on to for when weapon crafting is fully unlocked.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/11 05:32:01

Post by: Grey Templar

I suspect the trait does work, it just is 5% per empty slot in the mag. So it would be pretty good, better than on the revolver. But yeah, terrible description and you often do get nearly useless abilities on weapons.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/12 18:45:56

Post by: nels1031

Maxed out my Psyker at level 30. Probably going to stay with it until my regular squaddies catch up and then start over with another class.

Fun game, and glad it was 40. Had it been at the seemingly industry standard of $60, I'd probably be a bit upset at the dearth of content. Not a game where I can sit and do 4-5 missions a night, but a fun 1-2 with the boys.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/12 19:10:51

Post by: BrookM

The plot thickens, as there was little plot to begin with.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/12 20:47:19

Post by: Flinty

I would very much like to play this game. NEedsxboxnauwplsxthxbye.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/12 21:27:46

Post by: BrookM

I think that's not happening until they've fixed and implemented everything for the PC version.

Today I was in a five player game. Well, four players and a bot that did not despawn after the fourth player hopped in, fearlessly tagging along with their laspistol and shovel as we did our mission.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/12 22:25:21

Post by: Eumerin

Odd. This isn't Fatshark's first time making a game that uses bots. You'd think that they'd have that part of it taken care of.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/12 22:29:27

Post by: BrookM

This title is always online, unlike Vermintide, there are still moments of latency or massive lag from time to time. Also quite annoying, sometimes doing a slew of missions won't count towards contracts put out by sire Melk, so after spending an evening doing missions, they don't count towards kill and mission counts. :|

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/12 23:25:55

Post by: Eumerin

Makes sense. Homeworld Mobile often seems to have the same issue.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/15 17:05:04

Post by: BrookM

In today’s community update, we’ll discuss our first significant content drop for Darktide. Due to a technical issue we found when testing one of our weapons, we’re targeting this update to arrive tomorrow, December 15th. We’ve been reading your comments on Steam, the Fatshark Forums, and Reddit and acknowledge your request for more communication, transparency, and where we’re at. Since launch, we have released a decent amount of updates and improved stability for many players, but we still recognize the need for more clarity in certain areas. Today’s community update will focus on what this drop, and with it, Patch 10.0.20 will contain, as well as give insight into some of the key areas we’re addressing.

For future community updates, we aim to cover specific topics of concern that you all have brought to us to communicate how we intend to move forward with those areas of feedback.

First and foremost, we prioritize stability so you can all play the game uninterrupted. We’ve identified several critical issues and are working on fixing them to get there.

We want to give you a look at what those priorities look like from our end. This is a partial list of every stability issue we are investigating, focusing on the most critical and frequent issues we have found.

Actively investigating
GPU-related crashes: This is our number one priority in tracking down and fixing, and we continue to investigate this issue further with multiple teams in the studio. We aim to push fixes for this issue every patch. This upcoming patch should contain some fixes for these crashes, though we continue to monitor any further causes that could relate to this issue.
Penances are not updated when users disconnect or crash during missions. We are investigating this, though it may involve a more significant overall fix on how we track and record player penances in-game.
Players receive error codes 4008 and 2007. We are still investigating what causes players to meet a 4008 during gameplay, but we’ve begun to deploy some fixes to help players avoid meeting error code 2007 in previous patches.
Problems with Twitch drops and account connectivity with Twitch drops. We are still investigating this issue, and our backend team is currently looking into possible causes.
Players reporting that no rewards or progression are given after mission completion (XP/Credits). This issue is possibly related to contracts not progressing, though is pending a solve as we keep digging into further potential causes.

Currently fixing
Contracts do not progress for some players: We’ve sifted through player-provided logs to help pinpoint this issue and found the root cause. The team is at work to implement fixes with the next update.
Various Penances work differently than expected. We’ve made steps towards fixing this in patch 1.0.20 with the “Pick ‘n Mix” penances, but it may require further fixes due to the number of penances in the game.
Server crash kicking players: error code 2001. We’ve identified the cause of this issue and are currently working on solves.
Stuck in queue position 1. While we are actively monitoring this issue, we’ve noticed players continuing to get stuck in queue position 1. Our networking team is currently working on a solution to help players restart the queue should they find themselves stuck.

The Commodore’s Vestures
In patch 1.0.14, we removed the timer from The Commodore’s Vestures, where players could purchase premium cosmetics via Aquila packs. Our plan for the shop is to give players more time between rotation periods until we reach three screens worth of cosmetic bundles. The timer will remain inactive until the first page is due to be rotated out with 24 hours remaining. It’s important to note that the store is on rotation to give players some variety while at the same time not creating clutter. We feel that unlimited store pages are likely to create confusion and a bad user experience. Rest assured, the cosmetics are not gone forever and will likely reappear.

Content Drop: The Signal
This drop introduces a new map, two new weapons - one for the Zealot, one for the Ogryn, the new Refine option in the crafting menu, the inclusion of private games, and the addition of one new condition!
In Comms-Plex 154/2f, it is up to you and your strike team to gain access to the Comms-plex. Get to the roof of the HL-19-24 Archivum and transmit a message to your allies in the Imperium.
Two new weapons:
The Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher, a two-handed Power Maul for Zealots
The Achlys Mk I Power Maul, a one-handed Power Maul for Ogryns.
Private Play is now available when starting a mission from the mission board for Strike Teams of 2 to 4 players.
Refine is now available in the Shrine of the Omnissiah.
You can now choose to refine a single perk, which will lock other perks.
Perks in the item card view will show their Tier through the number of ♦ next to the perk ranging from 1 to 4.
Each Refine action taken on the perk will see a cost reduction for resources.
A new condition:
Hunting Grounds: Rejects will have to fend off increased numbers of Pox Hounds.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/16 11:35:50

Post by: Not Online!!!

And hadron is still only bothering the toaster in the crew room, just slightly less so it seems.

FFS fatshark, let me exchange the abilities.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/16 14:29:34

Post by: Olthannon

The Steel Legion skin looked pretty awesome.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/16 21:34:22

Post by: BrookM

Oh wow, that is indeed a nice skin. The helmets with goggles also look ace, finally some proper headgear!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/16 22:38:29

Post by: Kanluwen

Are there pictures anywhere?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/17 07:15:24

Post by: BrookM

Maybe Morrow will like me more now.

[Thumb - 20221216214152_1.jpg]

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/17 13:49:01

Post by: Kanluwen

Huh. Good to see that it looks reeeeeeeally close to the redesign in the new Guard codex!

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 04:59:45

Post by: Laughing Man

 BrookM wrote:
Maybe Morrow will like me more now.

"Hey boss, look what I found in your closet!"

Nah, don't think it's gonna help you much.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 05:10:36

Post by: LordofHats

I have an irrational appreciation for the chain-ax and I honestly couldn't say why.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 10:18:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

 LordofHats wrote:
I have an irrational appreciation for the chain-ax and I honestly couldn't say why.

it's a more damaging Chainsword when wound up but more effective at slashing... it's wierd.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 12:46:20

Post by: BrookM

I still have a lovely affair with the power sword, it's not the most powerful weapon out there, but it suits my playstyle oh-so well, amazing. I also still feel the same way about the boring, vanilla lasgun, like a laser spitting comfort blanket I keep coming back to it.

That said, mag-dumping a boltgun into a monstrosity and helping other people get the "kill thing in under five seconds" penance is rewarding in its own way.

 Laughing Man wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
Maybe Morrow will like me more now.

"Hey boss, look what I found in your closet!"

Nah, don't think it's gonna help you much.
Sounds about right. I can already feel the contempt radiating from him.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 19:09:15

Post by: Selfcontrol

I really, really like the new weapon for the Ogryn.

It's an offensive crowd control weapon and it is fantastic at that role. When activated, it staggers all ennemies (except monstrosities) for an incredibly long time. In Damnation, it is incredibly useful against Elites such as Ragers, Crushers, Bulwarks etc. Great job from FS even though I wonder if it is not a bit OP.

I also tried a bit the other Sharpshooter's weapons since the patch and I'm pleasantly surprised by the rebalancing. The Plasmagun feels definitely better than it used to be and is now a very good alternative to the Boltgun if you want to kill Elite and Specials (I'd say it is better at this role than the Boltgun while the latter is also good against trash mobs). The DkoK lasguns are also now viable, especially the MK3. The sights are still not great, but they are now usable instead of being a liability. The reduced ammo costs of overcharging the gun and the fact it is now barely affected by suppression make it absolutely outstanding as a DMR style lasgun. Also, the fact that when fully overcharged it ignores carapace armour make it also good against Crushers & Maulers.

I still have no idea what's the point of the Vraks MK7 Headhunter because the Lucius exists and fulfills the fantasy of a DMR-like weapon. However the other Headhunters are now decent and viable alternative to the Kantrael lasguns.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 20:38:18

Post by: BrookM

Overcharged Lucius now ignores carapace armour?!




Well, I tend to go for body shots anyway for Maulers, so not sure if I will remember to go for the head again in the future.

Will also give the plasma gun another try when the game allows me to have one again, as I found it such an arse to handle thus far, the heat management and delay between pulling the trigger and lobbing the shot were what it made it unplayable for me.

I do hope weapon modding becomes a thing, I think there was mention of that? Would not mind putting a bayonet on my Kantrael or a holo sight on my Lucius or boltgun.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 22:16:47

Post by: Selfcontrol

Yes, all Lucius patterns ignore carapace armour when fully overcharged.

The MK3 is the best at that job. And it is very pleasant to simply massacre Crushers during a Volley Fire with a well placed headshot

Reject Kantrael, embrace Lucius !

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 22:40:29

Post by: BrookM

When I will find the time I'll give the Lucius another trial for sure, but to completely reject my beloved Kantrael?! HERESY!

Though this may also be due to how with the Lucius tap-firing isn't as easy as with the Kantrael, though the latter still has some glitches where no sound or visual effect is produced when you fire as fast as you can click.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/18 22:43:32

Post by: LordofHats

As with many things I haven't seen much that makes rate of fire not king for guns. The plasma gun was sweet the one time I used it but the recon and mg iv seem like the best guns in terms of balance.

Especially when you get higher level and finally have enough ammo most of the time.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/19 07:42:19

Post by: BrookM

That they made the lasgun such a reliable, not to mention (YMMV obv.) satisfying weapon to use falls neatly in line with the old Guard lore of veterans preferring lasguns over more exotic weaponry.

Found a MK. III Lucius, it does as advertised, which is nice, only.. it has the wrong bayonet on it. I hate the cumbersome swing attack on the Lucius, I much prefer the faster thrust attack for dealing with enemies coming too close.

I know, I know, veteran problems.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/23 23:46:54

Post by: LordofHats

Did I miss something? I haven't managed to complete a run today. Everyone ignores specials and elites. Runs around the map checking every corner. Kicks off some kind of mission with a bunch of modifiers and then ditches when it's hard.

Did the community become uber bad overnight? It was fine yesterday.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/24 04:01:56

Post by: Grey Templar

There does seem to have been an infusion of new players who don't know how to properly search areas. IE: Wait till you've cleared it and do not run ahead.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/24 07:38:23

Post by: BrookM

I've had a few runs where level 30s will trigger the daemonhost on purpose, then disconnect.

But yeah, having people speed running maps is a big annoyance right now, makes doing certain tasks hard or impossible. I've put the game on the backburner for now, hopefully single player will be implemented soon, because I want to enjoy my game from time to time, take in the maps, not be Sonic the Hedgehog.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/24 09:05:00

Post by: Olthannon

It's the reason I hate playing games with randoms, especially ones like this, Vermintide, L4D etc.

The whole enjoyment for me in games like this is blasting the horde to death and hunting the map for cool stuff. Levels and XP are basically meaningless so why speed run a map?

I type that out but I already know the answer, people online are weirdos and I'll never understand it

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/24 09:44:04

Post by: Adrassil

 Olthannon wrote:
I type that out but I already know the answer, people online are weirdos and I'll never understand it

Me too, dude. Me too lol

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/24 23:47:23

Post by: nels1031

Yeah, I’m only going to play with my friends. Done with randoms. 1/4th of the time, you’ll get a decent crew and it will rest on how well you can jive, but the rest is…frustration. I’ve had lots of fun going down in blazes of glory and losing missions after some bad luck, but just 1 asshat can ruin the experience.

Also, for as fun as the melee combat and special abilities are (popping heads from a distance is so satisfying) at its core its very basic gunplay. It feels great to destroy an onrushing horde, but when you are squaring against ranged, it feels like a game from 10+ years ago.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2022/12/25 00:12:42

Post by: LordofHats

The insane amounts of shake and pushback you suffer while being shot by even standard enemies is something I wish they'd just do away with entirely. It makes no sense and it seems to be there solely to frustrate the player and punish you for wanting to hit things with your sword.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/11 14:43:42

Post by: Squidbot

 BrookM wrote:
I've had a few runs where level 30s will trigger the daemonhost on purpose, then disconnect.

Seen that, but more often it's the barell bursters. Utter gakweevils.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/12 20:40:16

Post by: BrookM

Ah yeah, barrel poppers are also an annoyance, especially because they only launch players and don't do all that much damage to the enemy.

Still waiting on single player support to happen at this point, but did spy new cosmetics which may, though this may be just me, be inspired by an old Guard story about a squad escaping a jungle before it gets glassed from orbit.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/24 19:28:05

Post by: BrookM

Well.. it's something?

[Thumb - 34624895-c5a1-5152-2653-93d633c53b60.png]

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/24 19:31:18

Post by: Flinty

Booooooo. More delay on Xbox. Oh well, on the back burner it goes.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/24 19:33:42

Post by: BrookM

I've been wanting to jump back in, but not with fething randos who feel the need to speed run every map, single player support was promised to be implemented in December, I've been waiting on that to happen, but I guess that's also a few extra months out now.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/25 07:27:20

Post by: BrookM


[Thumb - OOF.png]

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/25 10:12:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

deserved really.

I like the game, i like the loop.

I dislike the artificial grind and RNG bs.
I dislike the cashshop being more functional than the normal shops.
I dislike the horrendous optimisation.
I still have crashes.
I still have loading times long enough to go make coffee and still not finished loading. ( i suspect it's DRM though because if i crash and load the game again loading times get significantly shorter like measurable in minutes shorter.)
I dislike their communication.

Certain mechanics are not fun, cue random bs corruption from grims.
Bad placement and warping in spawning cultists.
Balance for some classes is off.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/25 14:13:29

Post by: BrookM

In the same boat as you really, the loop is good, some of the weapons are so satisfying to use, but yeah, aside from my griping about a lack of single player.. spot on.

🤞🏻 that this can become the next redemption story with enough time.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/26 09:22:20

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

The lack of single player is why I haven't bought it yet. I hate playing games like that with randoms, and with the rest of life it's too hard to organise time with a dedicated group. Would rather play with brain dead AI than randoms, lol.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/30 20:15:04

Post by: Adeptekon

Too bad no LAN play? or PVP, but that's just me.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/01/30 21:49:00

Post by: Olthannon

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
The lack of single player is why I haven't bought it yet. I hate playing games like that with randoms, and with the rest of life it's too hard to organise time with a dedicated group. Would rather play with brain dead AI than randoms, lol.

Brain dead people are far worse than brain dead AI.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/05 09:34:20

Post by: Olthannon

Darktide is currently on sale until 9th March, I plan to pick it up and get some games in at last.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/05 10:12:03

Post by: BrookM

If you have friends to play it with, enjoy! Core loop and whatnot is really great, just don't play it with randos as a new player.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/05 14:09:44

Post by: tauist

Me and my mates got Darktide during xmas holidays, but we all got bored with it within two weeks. Game progress stalled and we ended up grinding the same missions day in, day out.. Can't really recommend the game as a former L4D2 junkie, its a nice try but ultimately a forgettable affair.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 05:36:19

Post by: Grey Templar

Yeah, it could use more maps and missions. Twice as many maps would be a good start.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 09:15:18

Post by: BrookM

Due to how the map pool rotation is done (away with that gak already!) I've yet to play the entirety of the limited offering of maps myself, heh.

End of the month we should be seeing a large patch being rolled out, followed by another update which will hopefully give us an idea of when to expect single player.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 09:36:24

Post by: Not Online!!!

This is a shooter.

The ammount of boomsticks is horrendous.
The ammount of making the boomstick usefull is horrendous aswell. Give me a reddot or a low zoom on my guns already.

But i don't think we will get that, since that'd show just how attrocious the hitboxes are...

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 11:00:40

Post by: BrookM

Careful now, you'll upset the grognards and other piss & vinegar types who think that modern optics have no place in these games or the setting as a whole. 😉

But yeah, slapping an optic onto other guns (like the Lucius), or dare I say, swap out the flashlight for a stabby (not slashy, I hate those!) bayonet attack would be ace.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 17:00:00

Post by: Not Online!!!

 BrookM wrote:
Careful now, you'll upset the grognards and other piss & vinegar types who think that modern optics have no place in these games or the setting as a whole. 😉

But yeah, slapping an optic onto other guns (like the Lucius), or dare I say, swap out the flashlight for a stabby (not slashy, I hate those!) bayonet attack would be ace.

considering i fit the description of a 40k grognard of the worst type, aka a chaos grognard, in many ways i feel like i am immunised from such things.
Also scopes etc are commonplace on units like inquisitorial stormtroopers etc.. We know of differing ammo for Autoguns, and modified lasguns. And we work for an inquisitor, not only that but we get integrated as fully fledged acolyths and are semiregularly fighting off daemonhosts, daemons and plague ogryns... yeah i think we should be able to get piercing ammo, subsonic ammo and a silencer, laserpointers krak nades and other equipment...nvm a 2 times scope. the issue is that the hitboxes, netcode and enemy behaviour is simply not up to the task.

also ffs, whoever thought that it'd be a good idea for pitchdarkness relying upon flashlights and then not giving you one f.e. if you are a psyker or ogryn. Abhumans prohibited from owning flashlights? NVM the fact that it being dark AF does not impede the nurgle cultist mortals that wear rusty sheetmetal facemasks? For real`?

The fact that you can not stab and flash for creating the illusion of having 2 differing lasguns has to stop. I take one of them and working bajonett drill over whatever it is fatshark thought to accomplish with this fixed attack system.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 17:10:50

Post by: BrookM

With regards to the power failure scenarios, IIRC all characters have a weak flashlight as a standard? At least, that's what I remember from when we tried it once or twice during the beta. It's not a fun game modifier to begin with, certainly not worth the pittance in reward XP.

I really hate that there's no way of telling what kind of melee attack is performed by what type of Lucius. I really like to use stab attacks instead of swapping to my power sword for mobs, but I hate it when the melee attack on some of the Lucius types is not a stab, but an overhead chop of sorts, really slow and leaves you wide open to the enemy. 😑

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 17:14:43

Post by: Bobthehero

Yeah, my friend and I bought the game recently and our first run was with power failure, and we both hated it, luckily, we powered through and tried another map, this time without the modifier (which we weren't aware of at the time) and it went a lot better.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 21:19:05

Post by: BrookM

The power failure got even worse after the introduction of the daemonhost, as power failure usually means 99,9% chance of multiple daemonhosts also being present.. 😓

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/06 21:33:48

Post by: Bobthehero

We faced... four, I think, but since we were on Sedition, so we only lost one person each time

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/07 02:13:57

Post by: Grey Templar

The key to Daemonhosts is to either have an Ogryn with a shield OR enough DPS to kill it in a few seconds(not really possible on higher difficulties) while its waking up. If you have an Ogryn with shield the DH is pathetically easy on any difficulty.

It's kind of bad design IMO. The Daemonhost needs to be weaker but also switch who its attacking so its more dynamic and an actual challenge. Right now its just check the boxes for a free monstrosity kill.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/07 02:14:54

Post by: Bobthehero

Less so for level 1 rejects, I must say. We never had shield-gryn support, unfortunately.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/07 06:33:27

Post by: BrookM

As a veteran I triggered a host by accident, leave it to randos to not ping it when they see it and for the entire fight all I could do was block it while the others piled in to kill it with melee attacks. I did not take much damage, if any at all, as I had enough stamina and just about a good enough regeneration to keep up the blocks, but oh yes, a verm with shield would've been amazing in that scenario.

Still don't want them in my party though! 😅 Nine times out of ten they are in the way, soak up your special ability or use their stupid charge attack to scatter nicely packed hordes, making more work for others.

As for hosts, they either need to be toned down, or there should be a reward attached to making the effort to kill one, aside from an achievement you get doing it first time around.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/07 06:38:07

Post by: Bobthehero

I found myself looking for drops from the Plague Ogryn and the Beast of Nurgle, out of habits from grabbing the Loot Dice in VT2, only to find nothing, yeah, I agree with you.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/07 07:00:29

Post by: Grey Templar

You do get a bonus to score at the end of a mission for killing a DH just like with the beast or ogrun. It does effect the XP, money, and technically the quality of the Emperor's gift you get at the end. It would be nice if it gave a lump sum of diamantium and plasteel, but sadly it does not.

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/07 13:58:12

Post by: BrookM

IIRC next update will fix the drop ratio of plasteel and diamantium, or was that already implemented?

Warhammer 40,000 - Darktide - Secrets Of The Machine God coming 25-06-2024 @ 2023/03/07 15:34:46

Post by: Not Online!!!

 BrookM wrote:
IIRC next update will fix the drop ratio of plasteel and diamantium, or was that already implemented?

They increased the rates at which you earn, especially on higher difficulty.

But i am still stuck with 10:1 diamantin vs Plassteel ratio.
Which is absurd.