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Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/14 03:42:31

Post by: angrygriffin

So... the kids got into Warhammer and now I'm revisiting it as of the end of 8th... for the first time since 3rd dropped. I started out with the new hotness of Primaris but the more I paint the more I realise I'm pretty nostalgic about a lot of the older sculpts and I kept on looking at metal mini listings more than new ones.

With equal parts nostalgia and wanting a bit of a handicap in the games with my kids (who play Primaris only forces) I figured I'd put together an all-metal firstborn force (well, all metal infantry anyway). I had a successor chapter back in 2nd called the Harbingers which appears to actually be a thing now, so I'll need to come up with a new name. Going for a not-entirely-goody-two-shoes backstory to somewhat justify lore-wise the battles as the kids seem happy with a good narrative going on.

With that in mind, I started hunting around for some old metal minis. The first one I found was from the very end of 2nd. ed - a Techmarine:

I definitely need more practice painting faces but I'm reasonably pleased with my attempt at this one. Paints used are here. Not 100% completed yet but I'm happy enough with the colour selection that I think I'll go ahead with those paints. Will be leaving basing until the end.

The idea so far is that there'll be a Storm Eagle that's full of marines - which I think will be an achievable goal for this little force in terms of model acquisition and painting time and if I'm still enthusiastic by the end of those models I may keep going.

They're a Raven Guard successor - and since the 19th are known to engage in misleading tactics I can lore-wise probably explain running these guys alongside my Primaris RG force, as a deceptive detachment...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/14 08:16:29

Post by: lordbickerstaff

Love seing the older models brought to life for use in 9th edition (im guilty of it myself) will follow this with interest

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/16 04:32:22

Post by: angrygriffin

 lordbickerstaff wrote:
Love seing the older models brought to life for use in 9th edition (im guilty of it myself) will follow this with interest

I do wonder about the sanity of putting the time into this as they'll get phased out at some point in favour of the Primaris, but... oh well! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how they fare on the tabletop.

I picked up a sergeant to add to the force:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/16 10:00:18

Post by: bantha_beast

Everyone knows that 3rd ed metal minis are the best minis! I have the old metal command squad, including the techmarine, which im slowly painting up. Hopefully i can finish them before they are squatted! Looking forward to seeing what other treasures get added to the force.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/16 20:28:38

Post by: youwashock

Never hurts to keep the old ways alive. Good luck with your army!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/18 06:29:30

Post by: angrygriffin

bantha_beast wrote:Everyone knows that 3rd ed metal minis are the best minis! I have the old metal command squad, including the techmarine, which im slowly painting up. Hopefully i can finish them before they are squatted! Looking forward to seeing what other treasures get added to the force.

I wouldn't half mind finding the rest of the command squad - I think I have a lead on the sergeant, will have to piecemeal it together...

youwashock wrote:Never hurts to keep the old ways alive. Good luck with your army!


This is a little outside the scope of this particular project but I couldn't help but pick it up once I found it:

I'm getting a few of the RT minis now so I think that'll be a following project. They keep on turning up in bulk lots of other metal minis so I can't complain...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/20 09:23:16

Post by: angrygriffin

I always wanted the old metal assassins - now I have a Callidus:

The green is sorted now!

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/20 21:41:03

Post by: youwashock


Multi-melta guy is a great blast from the past, too. Will you be seeking out all the Assassins eventually?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/20 23:20:05

Post by: angrygriffin

 youwashock wrote:

Multi-melta guy is a great blast from the past, too. Will you be seeking out all the Assassins eventually?

I have a couple of other RT era marines on the way - will put up some pics once they arrive.

That's the hope re: the assassins. Way back when I had a Culexus and wanted the others - will just have to keep an eye out for them as they come up.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/20 23:31:05

Post by: PaddyMick

Always goo to see more RT era stuff. That multi melta marine is great; i've got him and another guy holding his MM upright like a pistol. Great character in the old sculpts. Kev Adams, Trish and Aly Morrison, Bob Naismith...

Who sculpted the Intercessors plastic box set?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/21 07:53:36

Post by: angrygriffin

 PaddyMick wrote:
Always goo to see more RT era stuff. That multi melta marine is great; i've got him and another guy holding his MM upright like a pistol. Great character in the old sculpts. Kev Adams, Trish and Aly Morrison, Bob Naismith...

Who sculpted the Intercessors plastic box set?

I can't seem to find who designed the Intercessors anywhere! Maybe it's mentioned in a WD issue where they were announced... I haven't picked up a new WD in years.

Speaking of Bob Naismith, I was talking to him about the Chainsaw Warrior when I painted one to get some feedback about what some parts of it were envisaged as being. Not related to this project, but it was the first face I properly attempted and I rather enjoyed painting it:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/21 07:57:52

Post by: PaddyMick

Sweet dude, chainsaw warrior roolz

Sorry it was a rhetorical question about the interscissors, GW don't credit sculpters anymore, or writers, or artists. A step backwards imo, an frustrating for fans who love thier work - there's some great stuff heing made

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/21 08:13:50

Post by: angrygriffin

 PaddyMick wrote:
Sweet dude, chainsaw warrior roolz

Sorry it was a rhetorical question about the interscissors, GW don't credit sculpters anymore, or writers, or artists. A step backwards imo, an frustrating for fans who love thier work - there's some great stuff heing made

Huh, I had no idea they had stopped doing that. That’s a shame - when did they stop? It was pretty interesting being able to find the person that sculpted the chainsaw warrior 34ish years ago and ask them questions.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/24 10:06:44

Post by: angrygriffin

This one is also not metal but I came across it in my vintage searches - won't be part of this force but how can you not love that face?

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/24 13:54:56

Post by: PaddyMick

Nice, I remember too Avanced Space Crusae which had a bigger version of that guy. I always thought the face spoiled the mini, and it would be more sinister without it, maybe just a robocop style visor/slit.

Re: GW not crediting creatives - not sure when it changed, I only just returned to the hobby myself after a 20 year gap.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/24 22:36:50

Post by: youwashock

Gotta love the old Chaos Dreadnought. Chainsaw Warrior is another classic. Great stuff.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/24 23:41:17

Post by: angrygriffin

Found some more metal Assassins - this is the first one I got some pics of, hasn't been stripped yet - love the socks and ninja thong look:

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/25 05:52:06

Post by: brushcommando

Love seeing this old stuff get some love. It's before my time hobby-wise, but I did a retro project some years ago and it was pretty-cool learning the history of this stuff. Excited to see some paint on that Space crusade dread. Also, as to the not crediting of sculptors and writers -- it may not be a nefarious move (although it is GW so who knows?) I imagine it has something to do with the outpouring of hate writers like Matt Ward and Robin? Cruddace received in the late 5th, early 6th edition era...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/25 07:59:41

Post by: PaddyMick

 brushcommando wrote:
Also, as to the not crediting of sculptors and writers -- it may not be a nefarious move (although it is GW so who knows?) I imagine it has something to do with the outpouring of hate writers like Matt Ward and Robin? Cruddace received in the late 5th, early 6th edition era...

Yeah I gather some rulebooks they wrote were unpopular, at a time when GW was particularly badly thought of for it's policies. It just reminds me of British comics, pre-2000ad, where artists and writers would not get credited, so they couldn;t be stolen by competitors, or build their own fan-base away from the company and so wield too much power, to ask for a pay-rise or whatever.

Anyway sorry for going off topic. I'll be following this thread with interest.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/25 10:11:37

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Always liked that sandals on the old assassin!

A bit of whimsy for the sculptors.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/26 06:16:01

Post by: angrygriffin

I found it interesting going back through some of the older catalogues and seeing generic credits there, too, so it seems that they weren't always consistent with crediting the specific designers even back in the day.

Got lucky with an Eversor:

More pics here.

Kinda getting away from the Marines theme at the moment but I'll take what metal minis I can find when they come up! There's a bulk lot of metal marines on the way, just waiting on the post...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/29 11:08:36

Post by: angrygriffin

Alright, getting back to Marines. Three Devastators, from back when real marines carried their heavy weapons on their shoulders:

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/29 14:39:56

Post by: brushcommando

Ooh. Nice find. I love the Jes Goodwin space marines. Did you manage to snag the Heavy weapon arms as well or is that an ongoing search?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/29 16:30:04

Post by: youwashock

Some fabulous footwear making an appearance here. Big WOOT for the OG Assassin.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/10/31 09:31:11

Post by: angrygriffin

brushcommando wrote:Ooh. Nice find. I love the Jes Goodwin space marines. Did you manage to snag the Heavy weapon arms as well or is that an ongoing search?

I have a couple - not a full squad worth of any one type yet. I have modeled the heavy bolter and may do the others but since I’m keeping it as much metal as possible I think I’ll just modify the shoulder pad to mate neatly with the recess to improve the look a little and stick with the metal weapons.

youwashock wrote:Some fabulous footwear making an appearance here. Big WOOT for the OG Assassin.

There’s some seriously funky styling going on with the older minis, it’s a much less serious aesthetic!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/01 08:41:56

Post by: angrygriffin

Picked up a Sergeant Telion for the scout squad that's coming:

Hoping for some more time to paint in the coming weeks if work gets quieter but for now I'm content building up a to-do list...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/01 13:33:39

Post by: brushcommando

Another cool find. Although this one's making me start to feel old, as I remember when Telion was the new hotness being marketed and seeing him on a nostalgia thread feels a bit odd.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/01 22:05:26

Post by: angrygriffin

 brushcommando wrote:
Another cool find. Although this one's making me start to feel old, as I remember when Telion was the new hotness being marketed and seeing him on a nostalgia thread feels a bit odd.

He’s a bit of an outlier age-wise for this force, and was made well after I had stopped playing - there’s about a 20 year gap between the RT marine above and Telion! I like the sculpt though and he’s metal so I’m calling it a good fit.

I wonder what the last Space Marine model/s cast in metal were for GW.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/02 01:56:13

Post by: brushcommando

If we're talking vanilla marines, I think it was the vanguard/sternguard kits(Barring any special releasees). This would have been during 5th edition, so same vintage as Telion. If we're going broader, I think there were some grey knight heroes, (Crowe I think?) that got limited metal runs right before finecast. I remember trying to convince my friend who played grey knights at the time to pick these up before they went finecast, but he believed the propaganda and said the finecast would be more "detailed"

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/02 23:17:40

Post by: angrygriffin

 brushcommando wrote:
If we're talking vanilla marines, I think it was the vanguard/sternguard kits(Barring any special releasees). This would have been during 5th edition, so same vintage as Telion. If we're going broader, I think there were some grey knight heroes, (Crowe I think?) that got limited metal runs right before finecast. I remember trying to convince my friend who played grey knights at the time to pick these up before they went finecast, but he believed the propaganda and said the finecast would be more "detailed"

I managed to skip the whole finecast thing... I don't think I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of owning one of those minis.

Got one of the other Techmarine sculpts:

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/06 02:04:41

Post by: angrygriffin

Picked up the 1991 Games Day Captain:

So many skulls! Including more all over his cloak.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/06 02:40:44

Post by: brushcommando

Oh man, that's another really cool find. I had the plastic re-make they did of that one, but I can't find him now. Is your idea with the nostalgia marine force to build a playable list, or just a kind of collection that explores the metal marine range? Also, do the various plastic/metal hybrids from the goodwin era count or does it have to be completely metal?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/06 04:09:44

Post by: angrygriffin

Going for a usable force - doubt it’ll be strictly competitive but I play with my kids and a bit of a handicap there isn’t a bad thing. For now.

Once everything arrives and is painted I should have at least a 50PL force for starting a crusade with and we’ll see from there.

I was initially thinking of only all metal sculpts but the fact that plastic backpacks came with a lot of the units makes me think that that’s unnecessarily restrictive… will certainly be aiming for as much metal as possible just for kicks but I don’t want to miss out on a cool sculpt just because.

Any particular favourite sculpts of Jes Goodwin’s that you’re thinking of?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/06 08:02:08

Post by: brushcommando

I guess I was thinking of the tactical squads from the same vintage as your devastator marines. Those had metal bodies but plastic arms/bolters/backpacks.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/06 08:40:07

Post by: angrygriffin

I have a few of those bodies but am a bit short on arms for them, which has led me more down the path of Devastator squads to start with… I can run a Vanguard detachment (and eat the CP loss) that’s light on Troops and heavy on Elites and heavy support squads - that’ll keep it heavily metal with Terminator squads and Devastator squads.

I will have to do Tacticals at some point - can’t really have a vintage marine army without them…

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/07 01:32:49

Post by: angrygriffin

A new Sternguard squad arrived - these sculpts are fantastic.

More pics here. Got 3 of the 5 shot already, will add the rest as time permits! Been slowly filing down mould lines ready to undercoat, there's going to be quite a decent batch for the airbrush shortly...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/07 02:13:17

Post by: theCrowe

Yes! That’s sternguard is a masterpiece! All time classic mini. What a great piece for the collection.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/07 03:30:07

Post by: youwashock

Couple of the greats, there. Looking forward to seeing them painted!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/08 00:28:35

Post by: angrygriffin

theCrowe wrote:Yes! That’s sternguard is a masterpiece! All time classic mini. What a great piece for the collection.

It's funny how much of a difference there is between the poses from the early 90s and the mid-2000s in the metal minis - there's quite a fundamental difference between, say, the Captain with Terminator Honours from way back when vs. the Sternguard squad. I like them all, it's just interesting seeing how things progressed.

youwashock wrote:Couple of the greats, there. Looking forward to seeing them painted!

Me too. Hard finding time off work to do much painting at the moment but I did do a little on one of the other Techmarines the other night - trying to find what on earth I did with his other arm, now, amidst all the mess...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/13 00:40:52

Post by: angrygriffin

Picked up this guy in a bulk buy and couldn't figure out who he was for a while. Turns out he's the 2005 Games Day limited model.

Not sure the aesthetic is going to work for what I have in mind for the nostalgia force but I think I can find a home for his left arm on a Librarian...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/14 03:16:35

Post by: angrygriffin

Master of the Watch - got a little bit of undercoat on him, but now that I'm looking at the pic I realise I missed clipping off a little bit of flashing. Ah well. Shield and head to come... along with a jump pack to make him a smash captain.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/14 04:22:41

Post by: brushcommando

Force is accumulating nicely. This may have been asked before and I missed it, but do you have a color scheme in mind? And if so, is it an "official" scheme or something of your own creation?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/14 04:45:06

Post by: angrygriffin

 brushcommando wrote:
Force is accumulating nicely. This may have been asked before and I missed it, but do you have a color scheme in mind? And if so, is it an "official" scheme or something of your own creation?

Own creation. I broadly like the Raven Guard paint scheme but white arms/helmets bothers me as it really doesn't feel like it fits in with their lore. Makes sense visually and it's striking, but not really for me. So, a Raven Guard successor. Decals will be Omega symbols, as I have sheets and sheets of those that aren't ever going to get used so I might as well make use of them here. Even if I do make use of them up the other way for some boys in blue I must have hundreds so there'd be more than enough.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/19 07:58:10

Post by: angrygriffin

Wanted to test out a slightly different black for the metal guys and didn't want to have to strip something back, so I painted a model that only cost a couple of bucks:

It's a mix of black and green grey - still able to be shaded a bit which will be helpful for the Marines but reads as black without it. It's a speed paint job by my standards - only a couple of hours in it - I'm usually slow as molasses and can't help but aim to complete every single little detail so it was kind of refreshing just trying to cobble together a relatively completed model in a small amount of time.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/19 11:51:01

Post by: brushcommando

Look's good! Weathering came out nice.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/19 17:12:09

Post by: gobert

That is a great colour scheme, and incredibly effective for only a couple of hours! How did you do the weathering? It’s very effective

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/20 01:42:09

Post by: angrygriffin

brushcommando wrote:Look's good! Weathering came out nice.


gobert wrote:That is a great colour scheme, and incredibly effective for only a couple of hours! How did you do the weathering? It’s very effective

Cheers. I'll make another one and take some progress photos to show the technique. It's really simple. I think next time I'll try a pale ash colour.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/24 08:36:34

Post by: angrygriffin

Reconsidering the decals situation... I may have an idea of how I can get some custom ones without actually getting custom ones, we'll see how it pans out.

Found a chaplain - how's this for a face only a mother could love! Not yet stripped back, thought I'd take some pics of how I found him for posterity.

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/30 09:21:15

Post by: angrygriffin

Ok, so... I have been playing around painting a few of these and I'm not enjoying the black as much as I thought I would. I am coming off the back of doing almost 3,000pts of Primaris Raven Guard over the past year and a bit and I'm feeling a bit like I want something other than black as a base.

So... I spent an hour tonight colour testing a new paint scheme (via brush, couldn't break out the airbrush tonight). Can't say I have ever felt the need to paint the boys in blue before but it may make for a refreshing change.

I enjoyed that rather a lot, and I think I'll have a crack at finishing that particular model off then try another one with a bit more care to see if it sticks. Colours used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/30 09:33:17

Post by: brushcommando

Might be a bit biased, but I am always a fan of seeing Ultramarines on the painting bench. Traditional blue and gold are great. If you want to go a little less posterboy, you can give them the shoulder trim of one of the less seen companies, (red for third, green for 4th, black for 5th) and maybe even do red bolter casings to increase the nostalgia angle of your nostalgia marine force.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/11/30 09:39:04

Post by: angrygriffin

Red bolters always felt right to me… I did all my Raven Guard with them and I see no reason to change!

I honestly never had much of an interest in them but after reading the Calth HH book my interest was certainly piqued.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/12/01 10:39:05

Post by: angrygriffin

No bolter here, but I always wanted to do a Marine in the style of the flamer guy from the 2nd. Ed. Codex. It's not an exact copy but it's close enough to work for me.


Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/12/01 12:18:19

Post by: brushcommando

Legit! I love the retro Ultra scheme! 3rd company was a good choice as well. Keeps the bright retro color theme and saves you the trouble of all that bright yellow.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/12/01 23:26:58

Post by: gobert

Yellow flamer ftw! Great choice on colours, and certainly fits the retro vibe really well!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/12/02 04:36:38

Post by: youwashock

Oh yeah, that's retro. Awesome. Looking forward to that Chaplain, too. The old spindly power swords are classic.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/12/03 10:37:47

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys. Really pleased with the colours on this one, I'm hooked on both these paints and on painting something bright and colourful for a change. Picked up an oooold Terminator captain:

There's a bunch more Terminators that came with him but I can't tell whether they're from the same box set or whether they're from later, there's so much paint on them... time for a soak.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/12/31 03:36:48

Post by: angrygriffin

Been slowly working on the Devastator squad as far as painting goes, about halfway through it.

In the meantime, I picked up an old Captain I'm pretty happy with - one of my favourite poses from back in the day:

Only one more pic so far but more to come once he's painted.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2021/12/31 06:40:05

Post by: AustonT

angrygriffin wrote:
A new Sternguard squad arrived - these sculpts are fantastic.

More pics here. Got 3 of the 5 shot already, will add the rest as time permits! Been slowly filing down mould lines ready to undercoat, there's going to be quite a decent batch for the airbrush shortly...

Hands down one of the best sculpts ever. I’ve got at least one spare and one in CF colours. This is a cool idea.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/02 03:03:07

Post by: angrygriffin

 AustonT wrote:

Hands down one of the best sculpts ever. I’ve got at least one spare and one in CF colours. This is a cool idea.

This guy has been undercoated so far and no further - I'm going to work on the veterans after I do a couple of the regular squads so that I nail down the colour scheme I want to stick with before working on the more detailed models. Dead keen to work on the sternguard along with that 2008 limited edition sergeant, they're nice sculpts with crisp details!

Picked up some metal scouts - I always wanted these models for Necromunda way back when, even had a little backstory about how they came to be in the underhive:

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/04 00:59:26

Post by: theCrowe

Love the old metal scouts. I’ve still got about ten of them. Fantastic and full of character. Have you got the one with the Geordi La Forge visor?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/04 22:19:19

Post by: angrygriffin

 theCrowe wrote:
Love the old metal scouts. I’ve still got about ten of them. Fantastic and full of character. Have you got the one with the Geordi La Forge visor?

I have managed to find all from that era but Shotgun #2 and regular Scout #5 - still looking for those two. I initially saw Cyclops in this guy but now that you mention Geordi La Forge I can't un-see that...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/10 22:30:25

Post by: angrygriffin

Found one of the three oldest dreads!

This guy is Fury. Now to find Chuck and Eddy!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/10 22:41:56

Post by: youwashock

Even in pieces, he serves. Awesome addition to the collection.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/10 22:58:04

Post by: angrygriffin

I was well pleased to find him! I think I have a lead on Chuck the Contemptor but so far no luck with Eddy the Deredeo.

Not sure they’re going to be able to proxy as their newer selves given the loadout and size differences!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/10 23:19:16

Post by: Capt.

I find this thread fascinating... You're picking up my entire army. You may have guessed from the few pics I've posted I have an oldhammer 40K army... It's great to see other people have the love I do for the older stuff. Nicely done

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/11 05:23:07

Post by: angrygriffin

 Capt. wrote:
I find this thread fascinating... You're picking up my entire army. You may have guessed from the few pics I've posted I have an oldhammer 40K army... It's great to see other people have the love I do for the older stuff. Nicely done

Hah that's cool. I figured I wouldn't have been the first to tread this path.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/15 04:09:28

Post by: angrygriffin

Picked up the Heresy suit - love the hand-on-hip pose of this guy:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/18 05:22:22

Post by: angrygriffin

I am slowly getting there painting miniatures rather than just collecting them... the Devastator Sergeant is not quite done yet but he's getting close.

Aiming to have him and his squad done by the end of Jan. Colours used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/18 07:06:10

Post by: Guardling

Very nice, proper old school vibes!
Are they going to be all the same chapter or are you doing a variety?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/18 07:45:39

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! At this point I plan to focus on Ultramarines for the metal guys… though I can see some other chapters making it into the mix if a model seems a particularly good fit.

It helps that I have a ton of Ultramarines transfers and that the HH novel Know No Fear was fairly inspiring!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/18 07:54:42

Post by: gobert

It’s great to see some paint on the old Sgt, he looks cool already. Looking forward to seeing the whole squad!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/18 22:41:52

Post by: youwashock

Love the Mk V armor. Way overdue for a plastic kit, I think. The eyes on the sarge are absolutely popping.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/01/20 02:33:48

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys - and the eyes were white ink under a coat of fluoro green. I was aiming for something which was bright and colourful rather than my usual attempts at making the lens look realistic. Still on the fence which I prefer.

Calling him done for now, though the longer I look at him the more I see I want to tweak. Just going to try to get the rest of the squad done.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/03 09:08:44

Post by: angrygriffin

Didn't get the lot of the squad done by the end of Jan due to work commitments, slowly getting there though.

Found a rogue trader bike though - I can't get past the bolters-for-brakes look, it's fantastic...

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/10 10:04:12

Post by: angrygriffin

Tried something different and got this guy done in 2 days of free time - he's a heavy bolter guy from Rogue Trader:

Paint scheme at the bottom here.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/10 18:33:46

Post by: theCrowe

How are the soaking terminators doing? I’m painting up a squad of old metal termies right now for the dakka painting challenge (Which if you should absolutely be entering this month with anything in this collection!) and it reminded me about your nostalgia marine force.

Love the RT beaky with “Heavy bolter” super nice and clean.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/11 01:01:39

Post by: angrygriffin

 theCrowe wrote:
How are the soaking terminators doing? I’m painting up a squad of old metal termies right now for the dakka painting challenge (Which if you should absolutely be entering this month with anything in this collection!) and it reminded me about your nostalgia marine force.

Love the RT beaky with “Heavy bolter” super nice and clean.

Cheers! Thanks for the heads up there, I had missed the painting thread.

The terminators are largely stripped now but only the old captain is undercoated - I have all but three of the RTB09 box assembled loosely (just so I don't get the arms mixed up) and am trying to get a squad of each loadout otherwise, but have kind of stalled on that until I get more painted... I don't need to replace my plastic pile of shame with a metal one, I need to get more stuff painted! Having said that, I am keeping an eye out for the old Librarian Terminator...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/11 15:26:12

Post by: youwashock

You have to respect a guy that hip-shoots a heavy bolter. Looks great!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/14 09:34:07

Post by: angrygriffin


I picked up a metal Deredeo today, which gives me the trifecta of RT dreads - Fury, Chuck and Eddy. No pics yet, I'm keen to assemble all three and gets pics side by side and I have to finish uploading Kickstarter files tonight.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/27 11:09:22

Post by: angrygriffin

Finished up another special weapons guy - this was my first time using glow in the dark pigment for the plasma glow, pretty happy with the results:

Paints used and before pic here.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/02/28 03:37:16

Post by: angrygriffin

I have had this guy almost finished for a while but was off-put by trying out gloss varnish and really not liking the finish - I still haven't applied enough matte coats to overcome it but I'm calling him done for now so I can move on.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/01 22:15:16

Post by: angrygriffin

A work in progress on a Librarian's axe:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/01 22:30:25

Post by: youwashock

Red hot! Keep the oldies comin'!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/04 21:42:12

Post by: Dysartes

The axe is looking good so far, angrygriffin.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/05 10:59:14

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers. I had been doing a lot of glowing blue stuff for the Raven Guard I was painting before these guys and wanted something to contrast with their armour... may not make a lot of sense lore-wise but if it looks cool I reckon it'll be fine!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/05 21:22:55

Post by: Capt.

I'm liking this thread- I like seeing my marines pained up differently by skilled painters

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/06 14:59:30

Post by: gobert

Ooh, that’s a tasty axe! It’ll go very nicely with the armour

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/11 00:50:39

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys. Picked up another old beaky - still fiddling with the left arms for the Devastator squads so I may well end up finishing the RT beaky squad first.

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/11 19:59:35

Post by: Private Benjamin

Gotta love classic pewter miniatures and the original old school beaker Marines had the most character!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/20 09:54:43

Post by: angrygriffin

Found a metal scout with missile launcher - took me a while to find him in the catalogues as he came way after the rest of the Scout sculpts.

More pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/21 22:48:32

Post by: angrygriffin

This guy is a bit newer than most of what I plan to include but it's hard to pass up a metal Space Marine:

This guy is not nearly as tippy as I had expected!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/22 19:13:12

Post by: youwashock

There's an impressive hunk of metal. Nice find!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/25 10:21:16

Post by: angrygriffin

This guy was a bit of a shock after painting up some of the older sculpts - so much detail... I'm leaving him for now until I figure out what I'm going to write on the scrolls. Going to re-do the lenses as well as I'm not as happy with this attempt.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/25 16:35:18

Post by: youwashock

Looks like you could just get some red back on the rim of the eye socket and be good to go. Hard to see the rest of the lens from this angle. Other than that, he looks vivid and awesome.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/26 09:46:24

Post by: Dysartes

angrygriffin wrote:
Found a metal scout with missile launcher - took me a while to find him in the catalogues as he came way after the rest of the Scout sculpts.

More pics.

I think this guy is the only one of the metal vanilla Scouts - as opposed to Wolf Scouts - I don't own at the minute. And he seems to have vanished off eBay entirely, which is annoying.

Well, I guess there's Namaan, too, but I'm less bothered about him.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/03/27 09:33:36

Post by: gobert

Lovely work on the Vet, captured the vibrancy of the era

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/05 12:08:33

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! Spent a couple of nights on this Scout, another couple and he'll be done. Plenty to clean up and a few more coats to go on a couple of pieces but I'm happy so far. Pleased with the blend on his right shoulder across three shades of blue.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/06 10:34:54

Post by: angrygriffin

I'm calling the scout done for now.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/09 13:18:58

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That's absolutely gorgeous skin tones and the eyes are so tiny but so clean! Great work.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/10 02:46:46

Post by: angrygriffin

Thank you! I’m going to have a crack at the rest of this scout squad to try and keep up the face practice, it’s something I have been avoiding for some time and need to keep working on.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/10 03:03:08

Post by: youwashock

Great Scout! How many painted models does this make for the project?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/10 03:06:19

Post by: angrygriffin


Six now, I think. The initial goal was to do twenty and build out from there - I am hoping to get the other four Scouts done this month which will be the first squad done, and I have modeled the left arms of the Devastators to my satisfaction now so I can finish that squad off through May which should bump up the numbers a bit.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/11 09:58:59

Post by: gobert

Cool work on the scout, the skin practice seems to be working! I love the dusty boots too, is it just pigments or something else?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/11 11:20:13

Post by: angrygriffin

 gobert wrote:
Cool work on the scout, the skin practice seems to be working! I love the dusty boots too, is it just pigments or something else?

Cheers! Yeah, that's pigment on the boots - I'm a little while away from getting the bases done but in the meantime I want to play around with which pigment colour I want to use on the bases and minis. It's going to be in the orangey/red/yellowish range, I think, but the good thing about pigment is that until I set it I can easily take it off the mini with no trouble and apply another colour to see how I like that one better.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/18 06:38:47

Post by: angrygriffin

Found Sergeant Naaman and the last few Scouts I was missing - so now I have all of them bar the Fenrisian guys from 2nd. Ed onwards in metal, I think.

Also found the OG Marine. I made a list so I can keep track better.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Finished one of the Scouts. Tried a new varnish, not as matte as I'd like.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/23 11:12:41

Post by: angrygriffin

Another Scout done. Aiming to have the remaining two members of the squad done within a week to make it an entire squad this month.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/23 17:59:23

Post by: brushcommando

Great work on those scouts! Seriously some of my favorite metal models. So much character compared to their plastic counterparts.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/24 08:52:25

Post by: Dysartes

Nice work on the Scouts - I really should get the squad I'm working on wrapped up soon.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/24 11:23:20

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks guys!

One more down, just the Sergeant to go...

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/27 12:00:20

Post by: angrygriffin

Alright, I have had altogether too many goes at the eyes here and I'm calling this one done for now. Happiest with the blend on the hazard stripes.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/04/28 16:37:28

Post by: youwashock

Hazard stripes look amazing. Always a cool choice.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/05/01 07:55:50

Post by: brushcommando

Beautiful paintjobs on the scouts all around. Your pride in your hazard-striping is well-earned.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/05/01 10:54:10

Post by: krijthebold

Yes, those are basically the perfect hazard stripes. Very cool.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/05/04 10:17:21

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks fellas! Keen to do some more chainswords like that...

Picked up a partial old gem:

Needs some parts, but I think it should clean up nicely!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/05/11 11:58:38

Post by: angrygriffin

Playing around with some oil paints for the first time, on a metal Techmarine:

Remarkably easy blending them! That's about ten minutes of work with two blues and a white. Not sold on the lightning effect but I got a bit carried away!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/05/11 14:48:31

Post by: youwashock

Nice axe!

Can't wait to see the refurbished Raider.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/05/12 01:03:09

Post by: brushcommando

I, too, am quite excited to see the original land raider restoration. An excellent model. Especially in the old Ultramarines colors.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/03 12:14:10

Post by: angrygriffin

The Land Raider was plastic cemented together and has been a bit difficult to clean up so far so that's gone on the backburner until I get some more infantry done.

Last month was a write-off for painting, but I'm hoping to get a whole squad done this month! WIP on the sergeant's power maul:

Paints used so far.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/06 12:24:24

Post by: angrygriffin

Alright, that guy is done:

Anyone know of another non-Chaos Space Marine miniature with a power maul/mace?

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/06 15:32:01

Post by: gobert

That power mail is properly cool! Great glowing effect. The lenses came out sweet too.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/06 21:21:15

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks! I wanted it blue, but to be different enough to the armour that it made sense. I’m still not happy with the lens recipe but I think curling the highlight helps with the illusion of translucency, so I’ll definitely be using that again.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/07 01:38:15

Post by: brushcommando

Agreed. You did him proud.

(Edit. Whoops! I was agreeing with Gobert. Didn't realize the page change...)

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/08 12:11:24

Post by: angrygriffin


I'm going to try that power effect on a sword next. In the meantime, I had a crack at getting this guy's body done in one session - managed it in 2 hours, so I am getting faster:

Paints used.

Trying to balance my desire for things to be as good as I can get them and the desire to get a squad done anytime soon.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/09 12:09:49

Post by: angrygriffin

WIP of the next chap's body, the squad leader with a chequered kneepad in company colours:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/10 01:55:56

Post by: brushcommando

Checker patterns for the win! Seriously one of the better part of 2nd ed Iconography that finally came back with the Dark Imperium box. You pulled it off well.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/10 03:20:09

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks! I'm currently in the middle of both loving and hating the pattern, doing the blends on such tiny squares while not ruining the edges was both satisfying and annoying and I think that red/blue is not as striking as the Codex-shown yellow/blue - I might try red/white next time to see if that's more appealing, but I'm happy enough with red/blue that I don't think I'll repaint it.

I will say though that I thoroughly enjoy the aesthetic effect of that pattern, and I may have to start sprinkling little bits and pieces of it through the squads...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/10 05:13:01

Post by: brushcommando

Blue and white is also an option and I feel fits the ultras while being company agnostic. Something to consider if the red is driving you mad

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/12 17:56:37

Post by: Dysartes

angrygriffin wrote:
Anyone know of another non-Chaos Space Marine miniature with a power maul/mace?

Not sure about other Space Marines with power mauls, but if you're wanting the part to convert with, I think there are some Sisters characters with them.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/16 04:12:39

Post by: angrygriffin

brushcommando wrote:Blue and white is also an option and I feel fits the ultras while being company agnostic. Something to consider if the red is driving you mad

That's a good idea... I think that would probably be visually more striking too.

Dysartes wrote:Not sure about other Space Marines with power mauls, but if you're wanting the part to convert with, I think there are some Sisters characters with them.

Was mostly curious about whether it's the only sculpt with a mace - at this point I'm trying not to go too far down the conversions path lest I get sidetracked from the main goal of this force.

Speaking of being sidetracked, I got a bit over-excited about the new 30K vehicles and decided to use a Kratos as a test scheme for the vehicles portion of this force, both old and new. I'm not happy with how red the pigments ended up being, I think they need to be more dirty than rusty so as to blend in with the dust on the infantry's feet (and colouring of the bases when I get to them). Happy with the blends on the sides, though - the whole thing was done by brush and I think the effect came off ok. The WIP:

I think that's finished enough that I'll just duplicate that colouring across to the other vehicles with a different pigment scheme and leave that as it is.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/06/17 13:47:12

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

That's a great looking effect though. It may have been redder than you were intending, but it looks very much like martian dust, and contrasts beautifully with the rich blue.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/07/12 12:18:55

Post by: angrygriffin


Painted up a Word Bearer for a magnetised vehicle base...

Unashamedly going to combine some of the 30K vehicles with the metal marines, 'cos I really dig the aesthetic. Way more than the floaty Primaris tanks.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/07/15 02:05:00

Post by: brushcommando

Nice use of the tank commander sprue! Excited to see the finished tank. Do you plan to get some of the plastic deimos preds when they come out?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/07/16 01:26:40

Post by: angrygriffin

Yeah, I do intend on doing so - though it's starting to feel as though I will be painting vehicles forever at the rate I'm getting through this one! The end is in sight, at least.

The scenic base is certainly responsible for a fair bit of the time sunk into this one so far, mind, but I'm pleased with the impact it has on the model.

Hoping to have it done within another week and maybe if I'm lucky with hobby time get a couple of infantry done after that as a change of pace.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Some progress - calling the sponsons done for now:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/07/20 00:24:41

Post by: ghostmaker

This stuff is awesome!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/07/22 12:09:56

Post by: angrygriffin

 ghostmaker wrote:
This stuff is awesome!


Got the tank to this point, though I think I might back off the weathering a bit now that I look at the photos.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/07/25 11:42:20

Post by: angrygriffin

WIP on the power sword of the Mark 2 Crusade Suit:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/07/28 11:14:00

Post by: angrygriffin

Did the rest of that chap.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/02 08:40:16

Post by: Ragsta

Lovely lovely stuff! The weathering on that tank seems fine to me, but I appreciate you may feel differently. I say persevere until you can get some group shots with the infantry, then see how you feel.

My 2 looking excellent too!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/02 09:22:39

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! Yeah, that's basically the conclusion I ended up coming to re: the weathering - will see how I feel once some more squads are done and I get to the bases.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/02 12:07:56

Post by: Denny

Awesome glow on dat mace. 😊

(Power swords nice too, but I really like the mace!)

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/02 13:29:03

Post by: jeff white

Great to see your progress over these pages. Me too, prefer the old metals. Will never own a restartes marine. OG for the win.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/04 11:40:31

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys! I had a go at Brother Potter tonight - still working on skin tones and faces but I'm happy to call that there and move on.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/04 12:55:08

Post by: Stevefamine

Sword and the bases are wild! keep it up

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/06 06:21:14

Post by: angrygriffin


WIP of a Terminator:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/10 11:42:16

Post by: angrygriffin

Tonight's efforts - part of an allied squad:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/18 12:05:50

Post by: angrygriffin

Same palette used for this guy.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/08/19 04:11:13

Post by: angrygriffin

Both the last two were done using the Zorn palette for the most part - limiting the colours to just a single yellow and red and then utilising black and white as required. I cheated a little and added silver because I wasn't game to tackle a limited palette and learning NMM at the same time. Oh, and I used Goblin Green for the base which is clearly not part of the limited palette.

That was certainly a learning experience but I can heartily recommend having a go at a limited palette as my mixing really got a workout and I learned a lot. Using single pigment paints from Scale75/Kimera made a big difference too in terms of having predictable and useful outcomes from the mixing.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/01 10:21:19

Post by: angrygriffin


This was one of the first minis I painted getting back into painting in late 2019 - same miniature stripped and repainted. Before/after:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/10 11:08:15

Post by: angrygriffin

Threw some blue into the black highlights this time:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/13 12:36:01

Post by: angrygriffin

Brother Blake skipped leg day. Every leg day. Those thighs are tiny...

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/16 17:30:18

Post by: gobert

You’ve been busy hobbyist! The old school ultras are fantastic, really great paint jobs, even if some of the have never done leg day! . The spartan base was really cool too, kind of like a mini diorama, especially with the mown down word bearer

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/17 05:32:27

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! I have been trying to get regular painting in and focus on trying to learn something new each time. Once I get the airbrush setup up and running in it's new location I'm going to try some old vehicles, but in the meantime it'll be some more oldschool infantry!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/19 03:43:30

Post by: angrygriffin

Added a Techmarine with two small references to a British TV show that was contemporary to the model's release:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/19 14:47:58

Post by: IGtR=

Loving the red on that techmarine!

thanks for sharing

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/19 20:18:54

Post by: mcmattila

Excellent paintwork, all around. Very clean and well defined, and I think the modern bases and some weathering really top these vintage models off!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/19 22:12:07

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks guys!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/26 11:51:03

Post by: angrygriffin

Well, this guy isn't going to be part of the Ultramarines but I thought I'd have a crack at green. Dark Angels Captain:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/29 18:06:46

Post by: gobert

That techmarine is great (I don’t get the tv references though). All of the lenses came out really well. I like the captains sword too

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/09/30 09:41:53

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks! Yeah, the reference didn't go as well as I had hoped, I need to work on my freehand. I had a go at bettering my freehand on the DA kneepad, still got a ways to go.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/10/04 18:55:14

Post by: gobert

Maybe I’m just a Smeghead, but is that a Red Dwarf logo on his box?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/10/04 21:02:06

Post by: angrygriffin

Ahhh someone picked the logo! Awesome. There's a 14C on the wrench too in reference to the 14C/14F argument in the first episode too.

I was a little over ambitious with the logo - gotta keep pushing that freehand!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/10 11:53:54

Post by: angrygriffin

I lost all of my hobby time through October to building a 3D printer but it's done now and I'm back. Painted a Necromunda Orlock for a change:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/14 06:50:05

Post by: Guardling

Nice work on the Orlock, love the little warning label on the lasgun!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/15 05:40:18

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! The label I cheated with and used a decal off the Cadian transfer sheet... I wanted to jazz it up a little and couldn't decide between the spades symbol or the warning label, but in the end the yellow/green combination sold me on the latter.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/17 11:13:18

Post by: angrygriffin

Painted the 1990 Blood Angels Captain.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/21 23:03:24

Post by: gobert

Classic mini! Really nice work on the gems, I love how the blood drips on his shoulder almost look translucent. Excellent!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/22 05:03:34

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks! I'm keen to finish off the rest of that Captains series but a couple of them have some old paint that is particularly stubborn - so far 100% isopropyl, acetone, Simple Green, scrubbing and an ultrasonic cleaner have failed to get it all off. I'm going to have to resort to chemical paint strippers at this rate...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/24 10:06:53

Post by: angrygriffin

Juve done:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/11/30 11:02:10

Post by: angrygriffin

Took a detour through a different scale and painted up an Imperial Knight Warden.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/12/02 18:30:16

Post by: ph34r

That's an awesome warden. The caution stripes and splash of yellow on the head are perfect.

Is that a tiny kill tally in white on the carapace?

I also love the warning icon on the orlock. Immediately gives it the right sense of scale, plus your painting is spot on.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/12/02 22:21:57

Post by: angrygriffin

 ph34r wrote:
That's an awesome warden. The caution stripes and splash of yellow on the head are perfect.

Is that a tiny kill tally in white on the carapace?

I also love the warning icon on the orlock. Immediately gives it the right sense of scale, plus your painting is spot on.

Thanks! I'm keen to pick up the other old Wardens (one of which is tracked!) but there's not a lot of them locally.

It was meant to be a kill tally - the 5-tally on the left which makes it most obvious is outside the depth of field in the pic, unfortunately, but it's there!

And thanks re: the Orlock. The warning decal was a bit of an impulse add but I am really glad I did it.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/12/05 10:58:28

Post by: angrygriffin

Brother Lestrade/Leanman:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/12/08 10:17:30

Post by: angrygriffin

Brother Potter:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/12/14 09:27:44

Post by: angrygriffin

Brother Slater!

Tried to do OSL for the first time... I'm not 100% happy with it but happy enough to leave it and try again on another mini.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/12/26 12:17:29

Post by: angrygriffin

Last mini of the year!

This guy I actually bought new back in the late 90s and thought I had lost a long time ago; turns out he's been at a friend's place in a box for a couple of decades and I recently had him returned to me. I thought I'd have a crack at something other than red flames...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2022/12/31 11:43:51

Post by: angrygriffin

So I was wrong, I fit another one in. The actual last mini of the year - complete with needle gun!

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/10 10:45:23

Post by: angrygriffin

This guy had recessed lenses so I thought I'd have another go with the acrylic inks to get a glow effect. Not super happy with the outcome, but not unhappy enough that I want to repaint it, so he's done!

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/10 16:55:50

Post by: muette

What a way to resurrect some ooold sculpts, results are amazing! I'm sure you are having a blast painting those.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/10 20:46:03

Post by: angrygriffin

 muette wrote:
What a way to resurrect some ooold sculpts, results are amazing! I'm sure you are having a blast painting those.

Thanks! Yeah, I'm really enjoying the character of all of these old sculpts - every model is so different, each has their own slightly different bolt pistol, and slightly different pouch setup, and never-seen-again radio thing hanging off their belt... and that's before the pose and weapon variations!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/14 03:01:36

Post by: angrygriffin

Another one of the Armour Variants done! I really dig this sculpt's style - I'm not sure exactly what it is about it but it's one of my favourite RT sculpts.

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/18 11:12:34

Post by: angrygriffin

At a Redditor's suggestion I had a crack at moving to hand painting the symbols rather than using decals. Bulgy Us are hard, as it turns out:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/24 02:58:49

Post by: angrygriffin

More freehand practice - this time taking inspiration from Greco-Roman mosaics for the patterning:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/24 03:37:31

Post by: Stevefamine

Love the lenses, the dry pigment bases, and the crisp blue and reds!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/01/24 05:46:45

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! It’s a lot of fun painting a cheerful, vibrant selection of colours - I’m glad I swapped to the 13th from the Raven Guard!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/02/20 05:21:01

Post by: angrygriffin

Rogue Trader Adeptus Mechanicus:

Paints used.

Heavy Intercessor - next to Brother Froth (oops, who's 1987 not 1988... ah well):

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/02/24 04:16:01

Post by: Captain Brown

Some wonderful old models there angrygriffin.



Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/02/25 20:52:36

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks, Captain Brown!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/02/26 20:48:30

Post by: youwashock

Love that old AdMech model. Also, wow on that scale creep.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/03/19 00:24:53

Post by: angrygriffin

Yeah it was really disconcerting painting the two of them at the same time! Gotta say I liked working with the larger base size, though… I’m going to try some larger bases on the RT minis.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/03/30 11:21:40

Post by: angrygriffin

Painted a Lieutenant Commander. Had to try something different for the sword as it had three facets on each side and try as I might with the previous techniques I couldn't get it looking how I wanted... so glowing near the hilt it is!

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/03/30 19:34:00

Post by: youwashock

Looks great! Another stellar model. You must have amassed enough for a decent group shot by now?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/03/31 20:47:20

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers. Yeah, getting close - I am working on a little diorama to use as a setting for group shots, it’s slow going though!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/04/05 11:32:44

Post by: angrygriffin

Another one down!

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/04/05 18:30:11

Post by: youwashock

So, that visor may be the best painted thing I will see all day. Great job!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/04/06 00:35:34

Post by: angrygriffin

Haha cheers! Took a fair few goes to get it looking right - it’s the first time I have tried to give translucency and depth to something featureless!

Kinda a shame that more marine heads aren’t like that as it was good fun.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/04/16 23:21:42

Post by: angrygriffin

One more of the Armour Variants done:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/04/17 21:09:38

Post by: mcmattila

So much good stuff in this thread! That face in the visor is pretty damn nice, something you don't see every day. (Probably the first time for me, to be honest...) And you really have a knack for making the eye lenses look super bright.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/04/20 09:35:02

Post by: tzurk

Echoing the love on the transparent visor - that's a brilliant idea and really cleanly executed.

Love these old minis, your painting style really brings out the nostalgia through the colour choices while looking modern as well with some of the techniques like the visors and the basing.

Great job.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/09 13:09:39

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys!

Did one for the other side tonight - the 1990 World Eater:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/09 20:51:02

Post by: youwashock

Such a great model. He looks fantastic.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/10 10:54:41

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks! I had a go at gold NMM over several nights and just couldn’t pull it off to my satisfaction so I fell back on the metallics. The red is largely ink which was novel to use but I rather enjoyed it.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/10 14:32:30

Post by: Boss Salvage

Really beautiful Berzerker, love the red and the brass is great, TMM or otherwise. Great face on the dude, between the sculpt and your paint. I've got a couple of his brothers, should find a reason to paint them ...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/18 12:36:29

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks! Been sick the last week and a bit so no painting got done, but I hope to have another old Renegade done by the month’s end!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/28 09:28:39

Post by: angrygriffin

I ended up leaving the Renegade half done and went back to an Ultramarine:

Paints used.

I do dig these old dudes with oddball weapon fitouts!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/28 12:48:31

Post by: amazingturtles

He'll use whatever weapon he darn well pleases!

I really like the designs on his shoulder.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/30 17:01:01

Post by: Boss Salvage

I love the OG marines with xenos weapons, so deliciously heretical And a great excuse for some flashy gems. Grecian (?) shoulder design is indeed super nice too.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/05/31 02:05:48

Post by: youwashock

I love that model. It is always one that I feel typifies the Rogue Trader era. Lovely paintjob, as always.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/06/05 11:19:47

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys!

 youwashock wrote:
I love that model. It is always one that I feel typifies the Rogue Trader era. Lovely paintjob, as always.

I absolutely agree re: it typifying that era - things were so fluid then you could be pretty wild with your creativity with sculpting and loadouts and it all still fit in... I dig it.

Another one down - this is a 1989 Captain:

Paints used.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/06/14 12:23:52

Post by: angrygriffin

Brother Repp:

Paints used.

This guy was a bit of a challenge to light - the recessed eye lenses mostly hidden by the gun are a real pain.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/13 12:35:58

Post by: angrygriffin

Did a size comparison between a Contemptor and the new Terminators.

Painting these two side by side was interesting - the sharp lines on the new plastic chap were quite incredible to work with!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/13 18:46:45

Post by: youwashock

They look fantastic. I love the cape on the Dread. The detail work on the Terminator is amazing.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/13 18:51:37

Post by: Boss Salvage

The new termies get bigger and bigger every time I see them

Amazing shot and very pretty minis. Is that dread wearing a cape??

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/14 05:34:29

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys. And he sure is wearing a cape... he nicked it from a Praetor who got distributed amongst a dozen bases as basing materials and wasn't using it any longer!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/22 04:41:40

Post by: angrygriffin

Painted something a lot smaller and easier than that dread - one of the 1988 Mark Copplestone Commissars:

Three pigments plus black and white for the mini - was nice getting it done a whole lot faster than the Dread.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/23 08:51:02

Post by: Olthannon

Your painting is always impressive but it's your visors that really stand out to me.

The RT marines look superb, quite nice to see the comparison between the newest stuff.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/24 02:26:26

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! There's definitely something to appreciate about both the old sculpts and the new ones - the level of detail and crispness on the new plastics is just bonkers in comparison, but the sheer style of so many of the old sculpts is so much fun...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/07/24 04:15:37

Post by: youwashock

Without charming fellows like the Commisar there, we would never have gotten the crisp new plastics. Hats off to another classic!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/09/01 14:00:48

Post by: angrygriffin


Well, all of my painting time in the last month went into this guy:

...for Darren Latham's painting challenge. That's about as well as I can paint a mini at the moment! No decals, all freehand.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/09/01 15:36:35

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Wow, freehand? That looks amazing!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/09/02 09:51:50

Post by: angrygriffin

Thankyou! I just updated the image after making a change to the eye lenses... got a lot of feedback that the eyes were a bit >.<. Better now!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/09/16 13:36:34

Post by: angrygriffin

Painted a Satyr Studios sculpt:

Paints used.

Great sculpt to work with - I modified the left pauldron and put a backpack of my own design on.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/09/16 22:29:56

Post by: youwashock

Awesome mini. Fits right in with all the classic Marines.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/09/17 05:29:56

Post by: angrygriffin

Yeah I think Drew really nailed these sculpts! Such an Oldhammer feel to them.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/09/18 15:09:05

Post by: Boss Salvage

I 100% would believe this is an official RT sculpt if you told me Paint work drags her right in with your other RT marines.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/10/22 22:43:46

Post by: angrygriffin

Got stuck getting a renegade done and did a Scout while I ponder the other model.

I'm not convinced about the cloak colour choice, but it was an interesting experiment nonetheless!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/11/18 10:52:29

Post by: angrygriffin

One for the other side tonight... a Chaos Space Marine:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/11/19 08:38:14

Post by: muette

Why the long face? (ba dum tiss...)

Really nice paint job, good work!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/11/19 11:37:45

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Ah RT chaos marines.

If any of the retro studios are looking for ideas I would love more crazy multi-headed (or no headed) mutant marines.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/11/20 05:12:20

Post by: youwashock

Loved this guy back in the day. Face of Pink Horror! Great work.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2023/11/20 15:57:35

Post by: Boss Salvage

Great job on one of the weirder RT renegades

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/01/19 04:08:14

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys!

With barely any time to paint since then I have only just finished the next mini - Brother Holt:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/01/20 20:21:47

Post by: youwashock

Another winner. Sun's out, guns out. The RT range has so many oddities, I love it.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/01/20 20:48:27

Post by: osjclatchford

What a delightful bunch of rogue tradery yumminess here!

Beautiful paint jobs befitting such relics that I fondly remember ruining with all the overexcited enthusiasm of a nine year old first timer at the hobby. Thank god they were white metal cos I stripped and repainted them at least twice over the years. Alas sold them all some time ago to buy (what was at the time) new stuff. Stuff that I have since stripped and sold too! Lol thank god for nitromoors

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/02/15 20:40:55

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks guys!

Playing around with the base blue, I think I like the usual result better... but you don't know if you don't try!

A 1986 C100 Marine.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/02/16 19:50:49

Post by: youwashock

Great job. The blue does look good. Keep bringing the oldies out to shine!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/02/16 21:19:11

Post by: mcmattila

You've painted lots of new stuff since my last visit! Love your paintwork on these old, weird but awesome models.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/02 12:03:30

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys!

Another one for the opposition tonight...

Love the sculpt - Jes Goodwin sure did do some good stuff.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/02 18:59:06

Post by: muette


Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/02 20:51:51

Post by: youwashock

Beautiful color combo. One of the best Chaos minis ever.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/02 22:01:10

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks! Yeah, he's definitely a favourite of mine... the sculpt really encapsulates a lot of what is fun about the Oldhammer aesthetic - definitely not taking itself TOO seriously.

I have to say that that it was a great sculpt to paint, too - makes me want to look for more of Jes' 1988 Champions. But then I have so many marines on the to-do list... so many cool sculpts, so little time.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/02 23:18:36

Post by: RedSarge

I did not expect what I found! Wow... Just shows it's not just the model, it's the paint!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/06 21:08:27

Post by: angrygriffin

Haha I'm not sure about that, but thanks!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/15 22:27:23

Post by: angrygriffin

Artificer Armour #1:

Was a nice sculpt to paint, the armour panels were pretty different to the regular Mk6/Mk7!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/16 00:04:04

Post by: Tommygun1918

Nice mini. I don't think I have ever seen that armor pattern before.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/22 02:33:32

Post by: angrygriffin

They're pretty different aren't they?

Here's another Artificer Armour chap I finished last night:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/22 23:24:50

Post by: youwashock

Those lenses are sick! You've done a lot with the extra real estate.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/29 12:21:13

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! I got Female Warrior Gabs done tonight. Backpack is from here.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/29 14:03:00

Post by: Boss Salvage

I love a heat sword <3 And more female space marines is more better.

Thanks for continuing to show me sculpts that I didn't know existed, like those artificer lads! Check out those tubular bolters.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/29 17:17:25

Post by: youwashock

Now there's a mini you don't see too often. Love that sword.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/29 18:54:48

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

You did a great job painting that female space marine, but that has to be one of the UGLIEST head sculpts I have ever seen.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/29 22:21:42

Post by: angrygriffin

Thanks guys! And yeah, that is squarely the most challenging face sculpt I have ever had to work with... I had something like five goes at it and in the end I'm still unhappy with the result, but I added some stitches and enjoyed playing around with that process so I left it there.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/03/30 10:18:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I think the scar works, the stitches are HUGE but that way they're still visible from a few feet away. We rarely look at models as closely as we do in photos.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/02 21:37:21

Post by: angrygriffin

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I think the scar works, the stitches are HUGE but that way they're still visible from a few feet away. We rarely look at models as closely as we do in photos.


I got Brother Hamilton done last night. He's also Gideon Fax from the Combat Card range (pic).

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/04 07:09:28

Post by: muette

Another excellent paintjob angrygriffin!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/04 08:08:58

Post by: angrygriffin


Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/04 18:52:24

Post by: youwashock

This one looks so...normal...compared to the last few. Still a product of his time, but nowhere near as outlandish. How many does this take you to?

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/05 02:59:45

Post by: angrygriffin

Uhh... 32 vintage Ultramarines now, I think, that haven't got chucked back into the stripping jar. A lot of the ones I painted a couple of years ago have gone back to bare metal for another go.

I have decided to put them together into combat squads to better balance the sheer number of captains/sergeants/lieutenants vs. line marines, and the other day I cut off all the 25mm bases from the early models and glued on 28mm slottas, so I need to rebase those and probably paint fresh squad numbers on them so they make sense with the 5-man squad plan...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/12 12:07:20

Post by: angrygriffin

I think this is the first OSL I have done that I'm happy with. RT Librarian:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/12 14:35:59

Post by: youwashock

I don't know which is more intense, the heat of the sword or the fierceness of the glare. Awesome work on those eyes.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/04/13 01:44:20

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! That must be the sixth or seventh go at the eyes - they were sculpted at slightly different sizes and it took a few goes to figure out how to get them looking reasonable - I ended up painting in with dark brown until they were about the same size and shape and working from there. As usual, there were several cross eyed pupil attempts before they aligned…

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/05/02 13:50:13

Post by: angrygriffin

One more done. Brother Harris:

Not sure who sculpted this one - Aly Morrison or Mark Copplestone - but I really dig the sticking plaster on his nose!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/05/02 16:45:39

Post by: youwashock

He's a hard-looking one, isn't he? Great job!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/05/05 21:57:06

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! Haha yeah I love the cleft chin on this dude, and while you can't see it in the pic he has the same metal bolt-on jaw piece that Brother Holt has - he's definitely seem some things.

I have one more Ultramarine to get done and then I'm going to paint something different... the question is what! I have RT/2E Tyranids, and some Harlequins, and some pirates... and Necromunda minis... I really should settle on some paint schemes for any of those groups to make the process of just picking one up and painting it easier, but I have got rather stuck in a blue rut of late.

Though I do need to pick out a sergeant model for combat squad #4 and paint it so as to get a squad done...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/05/18 23:10:18

Post by: angrygriffin

Brother Meredith done!

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/06/08 08:16:01

Post by: angrygriffin

One more - a Khorne Champion tonight:

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/06/09 02:00:58

Post by: youwashock

Poor Brother Meredith looks like he needs a hug and a drink.

That Khorne Champion is an absolute classic. What Realms of Chaos was all about. Excellent work, especially the sword.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/06/09 03:00:12

Post by: angrygriffin

 youwashock wrote:
Poor Brother Meredith looks like he needs a hug and a drink.

That Khorne Champion is an absolute classic. What Realms of Chaos was all about. Excellent work, especially the sword.

Cheers! I would like to find more of that set of Champions, there's just so much character in all of them - it's quite a lot of fun finding little details that you just can't make out in the low-res catalogue pics.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/07/29 03:45:28

Post by: angrygriffin

Totally not part of my Marine force but in my defence they were great fun to paint. Slambo and Chaos Dwarf friend.

More pics here.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/07/29 03:57:02

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

Doing the 1000 degree axe challenge! They look very nice together.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/07/29 04:13:13

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers! Heh every time I paint a molten weapon I laugh at the silliness of hitting enemies with a weapon that's supposedly 1000deg+ and malleable but, well, magic and all that...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/07/29 17:52:14

Post by: youwashock

Phenomenal. And the mini-me is just great. Another classic you have done great justice to. I can't remember if I still have this guy. He sure isn't painted, if I do.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

angrygriffin wrote:
Totally not part of my Marine force but in my defence they were great fun to paint. Slambo and Chaos Dwarf friend.

More pics here.

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/07/29 21:37:39

Post by: tzurk

Brilliant synergy there with the big and lil bros. Love the background for them too.

The mottled red armour on the Khorne champion is a beautiful effect. He'd make a great basis for an inquisitor conversion, daemon sword and all...

Angrygriffin's metal nostalgia marine force @ 2024/08/01 12:05:58

Post by: angrygriffin

Cheers guys! Wish I could find more of the old Chaos Warriors and their matching dwarven companions to paint together - though I really should not get too distracted from finishing off the Marines I have acquired to date, there's just so many nice sculpts to paint and so little time...