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[Mordheim] Henchmen Grouping Question  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Playing around with Mordheim rosters and something occured to me.  If I'm taking a bunch of henchmen armed the same way, is there any reason not to just have them be one big henchmen mob?  Specifically, I'm looking at 4 spearmen and 5 marksmen, each group armed identically.  Is there a reason to not make them 2 henchmen groups, as opposed to breaking them down into smaller groups?  Something to do with earning experience, let's say?

Thanks, been a while since I played any Mordheim o_O

- Boss Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
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Wilmington DE

Not that I have any wherewithal to join this discussion, but wouldn't it depend on scenarios, terrain and opponents?

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Southeastern PA, USA

Big groups are great if you roll, say, +1S and +1A with your first two advancements. But roll +1I and +1 Ld, and you'll be a sad panda. Smaller groups keep you from putting all your eggs in one basket. Generally the strategy is to see which groups get the right advancements, and then pay to add to those groups. Moreover, if you're starting with less than 6 heroes (everyone but Skaven do), more henchman groups mean more chances of rolling "That lad's got talent." And another hero is a very good thing.

All that being said, you lose the ability to add to a henchman group if your last henchman expires. So you're gambling on losing a lot of experience if you keep groups too small. I usually field henchmen in groups of 2-3.

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Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

@ syr - Sorry, was talking about roster construction, not in game running about and doing stuff

@ gorgon - Ahhhh so, that had occured to me, but I was thinking more along your first point about rolling nice for everybody. Thanks for some reasoning behind why I see 2-3 henchmen per group so often, sounds like the way to go.

- Boss Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
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Fresh-Faced New User

Posted By gorgon on 03/09/2007 10:29 AM
Big groups are great if you roll, say, +1S and +1A with your first two advancements. But roll +1I and +1 Ld, and you'll be a sad panda. Smaller groups keep you from putting all your eggs in one basket. Generally the strategy is to see which groups get the right advancements, and then pay to add to those groups. Moreover, if you're starting with less than 6 heroes (everyone but Skaven do), more henchman groups mean more chances of rolling "That lad's got talent." And another hero is a very good thing.

All that being said, you lose the ability to add to a henchman group if your last henchman expires. So you're gambling on losing a lot of experience if you keep groups too small. I usually field henchmen in groups of 2-3.
SUCH good advice, srsly.
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