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2017/05/15 02:14:23
Subject: Gorgon's XIIth Legion: World Eaters - Land Raider Phobos added 6/11
So I'm finally getting around to posting pics of my nascent World Eaters for 30K.
For my legion, I found inspiration across the interwebz. But my main inspiration was this artwork from Betrayal. Although there are many things I liked about it, I was particularly drawn to the darker blue, and how the simple lines of Maximus armor seemed to fit the World Eaters' utilitarian nature (at least how I envisioned them).
I can talk more about my thinking and creative approach as we go along. But to start things off, here are pics of some of my tacticals!
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/06/12 18:30:23
Love them. The blue/white contrast is great and the basing and the way you tie the weathering on the lower legs into the basing scheme is fantastic. Great stuff.
@Elbows -- Personally I like blood as a controlled accent. Most of my models have some, but I keep it pretty limited. I also want to be able to run these guys as loyalists who aren't completely out of their gourds yet, and I think the limited blood makes that more believable from a visual standpoint. I found that Tamiya Clear Red gives you some nice, fine splatter once you get the hang of it, and that keeps the look more controlled (as controlled as splatter can be). But I can't blame my fellow XIIth legionnaires for losing control and piling on the blood. Blame the Butcher's Nails!
Marines need rides, so here are a couple of Rhinos for everyone's perusal.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/12 02:07:04
Hello gorgon, Your Legion - World Eaters are well done. The dark/navy blue & the flat white are how XII Legion should look.
I heard fluff that World Eaters start out as gladiators & the most dangerous that survive are candidates to become Space Marines.
I do not know if it is Pre-Heresy Or in War Hammer 40'000 that Members of the Legion - World Eaters had part of their brain removed to make them more extreme in close quarters fighting on purpose.
@Ubl1k -- I use Mark 2 armor and the bunny ear helmets on my sergeants, officers and (eventually) vets. The fluff behind my company is that it's an older company that's suffered from attrition and now has grizzled veterans leading a lot of young bucks. It also helps make them identifiable after a big unit has piled into close combat.
Here are pics of some of my jetbikes. I have six in all. I really like the speed and shooting they bring to the table. Plus I can use them to assault in a pinch.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/12 01:53:55