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Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

There was a thread here last year regarding necrons in 4th ed, but it devolved into burnthexenos trolling the thread with incessant cheese remarks.

Its been awhile since I have played Necrons, I havent dusted them off since third edition in fact.

Because of that, I am in need of some 4th ed advice for this army.

In third ed, I would never dream of fielding more than one monolith in a list of any points spread, but because of other armies maneuverability, its looking like a minimum of two is almsot required to be competitive with some armies.

I am using this as a base for my force to choose from:

1 lord on foot w/ warscythe
1 lord on foot with SoL
1 destroyer lord with warscythe

10 immortals
8 flayed ones

40 warriors

20 scarab bases
5 destroyers

1 monolith
2 tomb spyders
3 heavy destroyers

Is there any elements that I am missing in order to gain a competitive edge with armies that are being released nowadays? Do I have to invest in another monolith?

Since the screening of third is no longer a viable option, that means that the effective phalanx is dead, (thankfully, as it was boring to play and play against) what new tactics can be used in this edition?

Any help is needed as I am not able to find a reasonable tactica any where on the various forums for the necrons. It seems many feel the army to simplistic to warrant a consideration for tactics.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

South NJ/Philly

I don't think two 'Liths are a good idea outside of 1850 points, it may not even work at 1750 because of the points involved.

Personally I've gone through possible meta-game ideas for Necrons a lot as I was very close to buying them not too long ago. It helps that I've played against them quite a bit.

I like the idea of the army because they trump most assault armies due to being able to just leave CC, and the fact that they're great against Skimmer Lists, which I just hate on principle. I mean, any army that basically rolls up and says "F*@# YOU" to Eldar is good in my book.

I think that currently Immortals are much better than Destroyers and they're not a bad unit to base an army around. I read a post on Dakka a while ago that said the biggest downside to an Immortal heavy Necron army is the fact that your elites cost $300.

With a Veil and one Lith you should be mobile enough to cope with most lists that you'd find. I wouldn't leave without one Veil/Orb Lord and one Destroyer/Orb/Sythe Lord to run interferance by putting a Res orb where needed.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Pinon Hills, CA

I swear by Immortals myself. Worth the points cost and then some. You should get some more if you can afford them. I have a couple dozen in my army, T5, WBB, 24" Assault 2? Sign me up!

"Plant more 'shrooms ladz, wez runn'n outta boyz" - RussWakelin, Grand Inquisitor 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I'm actually playing them in a league at present. They weren't my first choice, but the organizer wanted some variety, and I had more armies available than other people.

Necrons can be a dynamic army that does well against most opponents, or it can be a pretty boring army that isn't much to play or play against. What I would suggest is a blend of firebase (standing lord, immortals, warriors) and mobility (destroyer lord, destroyers, wraiths, scarabs, heavy destroyers). The monolith that you have works toward either end, and gives you some flexibility with either your firebase or your mobility. I don't think that you should need another monolith.

The 2k list I'm running for my league is something like:
- Lord: destroyer body, resorb, phylactery, gaze of flame
- The Deceiver (playing him for some variety)
- 4 Pariahs (trying to get some synergy with The Deceiver, didn't have any luck the first game)
- 10 Immortals
- 12 Warriors
- 12 Warriors
- 4 Destroyers
- 1 Wraith
- 1 Wraith
- Monolith
- 1 Heavy Destroyer
- 1 Heavy Destroyer

I know some people will give this list a hard time, and that's not without reason. I built it specifically to be a bit flawed (phase number of 10) and to try to combo the pariahs and The Deceiver. The wraiths and heavy destroyers are squads of 1 so that I can run them near each other to get WBB rolls, while still having lots of scoring (and deploying) units. The wraiths and the destroyer lord make a pretty decent assault unit.

I would recommend dropping the deceiver for a walking veil lord, dropping the pariahs for another squad of warriors, and either putting the wraiths into one squad and adding a squad of scarabs, or dropping the wraiths altogether and adding two squads of scarabs. The heavy destroyers are worth keeping, since they're the only dependable AP2 necron firepower on the board.

My general tactic is to establish a firebase in key terrain, with my immortals as the focal point of the defense. Immortals in cover die pretty slowly, and if my opponent spends a lot of time trying to bash them, he won't phase me. I then use my maneuver element (destroyer lord, wraiths, scarabs, destroyers, heavy destroyers) to either defend my firebase from assault (scarabs are very good at this, especially if the assaulting units are S5 or lower) or to assault his firebase (it's amazing how efficient T5 models are against tau fire warriors, which I once charged with my immortals). If I can make my enemy work to destroy my immortals (and fail), then I almost always win.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Glendale, AZ

My 1850 Necron list looks (something) like this:

1 Lord - Res Orb, VoD
1Lord - Res Orb, Dest. Body, Phase Shifter, Warscythe

10 Immortals

10 Warriors
10 warriors
11 warriors

7 (or 8) Scarabs with Disrutption Field
2 Wraiths
3 Destroyers

1 Monolith

Basically the Phalanx formation is NOT dead, just severly toned down in 4th. Making you opponent have to check leadership to shoot at your destroyers is always a good thing. I almost always deply in a classic refused flank set-up with my Monolith out on the flank toward the center of my deployment zone in a sort of "f-you, shoot at meh!" maneuver. Contrary to how it looks, this army is also VERY mobile, as half of it can move 12"/turbo boost, and 2/3 of the warrior units can be moved great distances in one turn with the veil and the 'Lith.

I just try to move up one flank and engage half of my opponents army with all of mine, sending out the scarabs in their usual tank-hunt/tie-up role. Due to the actual speed of my army I can actually switch flanks readily in the opening turns of the game if necessary. Stay out of HtH, but in Rapid-Fire range, and try to pwn pwn pwn.

Mannahnin wrote:A lot of folks online (and in emails in other parts of life) use pretty mangled English. The idea is that it takes extra effort and time to write properly, and they’d rather save the time. If you can still be understood, what’s the harm? While most of the time a sloppy post CAN be understood, the use of proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling is generally seen as respectable and desirable on most forums. It demonstrates an effort made to be understood, and to make your post an easy and pleasant read. By making this effort, you can often elicit more positive responses from the community, and instantly mark yourself as someone worth talking to.
insaniak wrote: Every time someone threatens violence over the internet as a result of someone's hypothetical actions at the gaming table, the earth shakes infinitisemally in its orbit as millions of eyeballs behind millions of monitors all roll simultaneously.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Having one monolith is asking it for trouble. Take 2 or none.
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Posted By Will on 03/13/2007 5:49 AM
Having one monolith is asking it for trouble. Take 2 or none.

would you care to explain why?

Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Glendale, AZ

That is the most non-sensical statement I've ever heard.

Mannahnin wrote:A lot of folks online (and in emails in other parts of life) use pretty mangled English. The idea is that it takes extra effort and time to write properly, and they’d rather save the time. If you can still be understood, what’s the harm? While most of the time a sloppy post CAN be understood, the use of proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling is generally seen as respectable and desirable on most forums. It demonstrates an effort made to be understood, and to make your post an easy and pleasant read. By making this effort, you can often elicit more positive responses from the community, and instantly mark yourself as someone worth talking to.
insaniak wrote: Every time someone threatens violence over the internet as a result of someone's hypothetical actions at the gaming table, the earth shakes infinitisemally in its orbit as millions of eyeballs behind millions of monitors all roll simultaneously.

Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

well there is an old adage from third edition which is something along the lines of:

One vehicle is good, but is easily killed
Two vehicles are better and more survivable
Three vehicles are best and atleast one will survive the last turn.

So there may be some credence as to why, but I am curious as to his reasons.

There are alot of people who are taking 2 monoliths in 1500 point lists, amazingly. And if what they say is true, they are actually winning with that formulae. *raises eye brow* and I really want to find out how they are eeking wins out without regard to phase out.

As I said before, there is very little of substance floating around the net regarding necron tactics that I have seen. Most threads devolve down to army lists thread without any suggestions as far as how to use the army.

For such a simple army build (there are only 13 choices total afterall), there has to be alot of ways to use them.

Made in us
Sneaky Lictor

That may be fine for most armies but for Necrons three monoliths in a game with less than 2000 points WILL be phased out. Having nearly half of your points tied up in three models that do not provide help with PO is risky at best.

Even two at 1500 is asking for trouble. Most opponents will focus on the warriors and such and ignore the Monolith.

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Rocket City Gamers 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Pinon Hills, CA

So how do you guys feel about armies with no Monolith? I'm almost afraid to ask...

"Plant more 'shrooms ladz, wez runn'n outta boyz" - RussWakelin, Grand Inquisitor 
Made in no
Fresh-Faced New User

Hellfury, I have always run a 2 monolith army in 1500 points.
It works great, but you need to have a plan on how to use it.
my list is
lord with vod and orb
10 immortals
15 warriors
2 monoliths
Now... the whole army can teleport each turn, this does make a big difference, your army cant be locked in combat, witch is a good thing.
You need to keep you army togheter so you can teleport those units that need it with the monoliths, and use the lord on the last.
have taken this army too 2 turnies and came on 2 and 4 place.
have only ever been phased out two times, and one of them was against a iron warrior that killed both monoliths in the first turn.
against tau and other enemys that can easy kill the monolith, it can be wise to deepstrike them, and just hide your warriors untill the monoliths come.
most importent is, dont use destroyers, if you have 2 monoliths, as you need a high model count.
warriors in cover with a monolith behind him and a orb around have three 4+ saves before it dies, think about that!

But why is the rum gone?
My Deathwing.
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

I was thinking of a similar build to try 2 monoliths out at 1500 but the point about not taking destroyers is a good one.

With such a low phase out, immortals definatly beat out destroyers because of cost.

*sigh* I guess I am going to have to resign myself to buying more immortals by atleast another 10 man squad.

Made in no
Fresh-Faced New User

Immortals is one of the best choices in the codex imho.
I have been wanting to by more immortals but the high $$$ per model is just horrible, they must be one of the most expencive squads.
have been toying with a 30 immortals army, but becuse of the cost im never going to do it.
I do wonder if flayed ones could be good with a monolith, with teleporting them out of combat and re charge each turn.

But why is the rum gone?
My Deathwing.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Glendale, AZ

Posted By dreddnott on 03/13/2007 1:09 PM
So how do you guys feel about armies with no Monolith? I'm almost afraid to ask...

Actually, one the most resilient lists out there is nothing but 1-2 lords and as many warriors as you can cram into what points are left. Depending on points, a smattering of Destroyers and Immortals only increases the firepower of this list.

 Resilient and utterly boring for most people, which why you rarely, if ever, see it.

Mannahnin wrote:A lot of folks online (and in emails in other parts of life) use pretty mangled English. The idea is that it takes extra effort and time to write properly, and they’d rather save the time. If you can still be understood, what’s the harm? While most of the time a sloppy post CAN be understood, the use of proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling is generally seen as respectable and desirable on most forums. It demonstrates an effort made to be understood, and to make your post an easy and pleasant read. By making this effort, you can often elicit more positive responses from the community, and instantly mark yourself as someone worth talking to.
insaniak wrote: Every time someone threatens violence over the internet as a result of someone's hypothetical actions at the gaming table, the earth shakes infinitisemally in its orbit as millions of eyeballs behind millions of monitors all roll simultaneously.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

How about a fast army with no monolith? I'm thinking two destroyer units, a couple scarab bases, heavy destroyers and then as many warriors as you can fit on top of that.

Dakka on World of Warcraft:

MANNAHNIN: I know two guys who have had to quit the game cold turkey because the time investment required by it caused problems with their family life.

JFRAZELL: So in other words, nature is self selecting out those not fit to survive and breed? Hail WOW replacing savannah lions since 1997... 
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Fresh-Faced New User

There are many things in the necron list that will work.
much of it is boring in the long run, there are a few things that makes necrons fun and not just lots of resilient slow mowing troops.
monolith ( my favorite) makes the army much more mobile and opens all sorts of tactical uses, and makes your army include somthing with armor value so enemy tank weapons have somthing to shoot at.
Destroyers a 12" moving strengt 6 heavy 3 weapon, yes please.
veil of darknes, for me a must have item, unless your running a destroyer army.

you can get a
lord on destroyer body
30 warriors and 15 destroyers in 1500
that should give you mobilety without a monolith.

But why is the rum gone?
My Deathwing.
Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

I have thought a lot about buying a Necron army myself and two lists i worked up both go without a monlith and instead max out on infantry. One is more static with only a few fast moving units to take objectives and looks like this:

Lord, Veil Orb,

2 x 16 warriors

3 x 10 immortals

1 x 7 scarabs

2 x 3 destroyers

76 model count and a ton of firepower plus scarabs to tie up fast moving assault units. Not too much mobility though.

the second list i was thinking about would be more fun to play but maybe less effective. It is however, so much more mobile and packs a big punch.

Lord, veil orb

2 x 10 warrios

1 x 8 immortals

1 x 10 scarabs

2 x 5 destroyers

3 x 3 heavy destroyers

I was thinking about dropping the immortals in favor of a destroyer lord with ord to stay with the fast moving units and making up for the point difference with more warriors, or making the foot bound lord into a destroyer lord.

The second list has a lower model count (58) but it has greater range and mobility, plus it can deal better with Nidzillas and termie heavy armies.

I think that either list can get over not having the extra WBB roll the moolith provides by having more bodies on the ground. and both armies put out a pretty staggering amount of firepower.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Pinon Hills, CA

I have run one Lord, two squads of Warriors, a dozen Immortals, four Wraiths and three Destroyers in the past. I have another Lord (classic, egyptian style), two Tomb Spyders and a few Scarab bases I've never used, as well at least another 12 Immortals. I don't think I've ever played with units that don't count as 'Necron' in the codex. I think I'll buy a Heavy Destroyer or two next.

"Plant more 'shrooms ladz, wez runn'n outta boyz" - RussWakelin, Grand Inquisitor 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

  I used the following makeup for my Necron army that I won a recent  RTT with:

  The Deciever

 Necron Lord w/ veil and orb

 4 destroyers

 4 destroyers

 3 destroyers

7 immortals

7 immortals

10 warriors

10 warriors

11 warriors

  I was able to keep a couple steps ahead of my opponents with the destroyers and veiled units and was never in any danger of a phaseout.  The Deceiver was a good choice as in the last battle I was up against a Berserker army that had a greater demon.  The Deceiver saw him off with a couple of rounds of combat and held up some other demons so that the rest of my army could concentrate on shooting up the berserkers and their heavy vehicles.  The only real close game I had was against a Dark Angel army, but the Necrons resilience pulled them through to a win.
  My other opponent had a shooty Slaanesh army with a couple of demonette units that gave me a couple of nervous early turns, but I was able to get my destroyers and a unit of immortals into good board positions and took charge of the game from there.

  An earlier list that I was able to get a close second in another RTT with featured only 8 destroyers in two squads, a unit of scarabs a few less immortals and the Nightbringer.

  In three of the four RTT's I've taken these lists to, I've never placed lower than 2nd, and the games for first were always close.  It was only in the first RTT I took  the earlier list to that I placed lower, but I still won two of my three games in that one.

  I've never really used monoliths because I like having a lot of destroyers zipping around the board. This army is also death for pod armies to try to deal with in the games I've seen and played against podders.  All that's needed is to let the pods drop and then get well out of range of the marines guns and go to work like a buzz saw as they slog across the table after you.  It works that way in almost any game I've ever seen between Necrons and marines.

Made in us
Tough Tyrant Guard

Sacramento, ca

My 1850 Necron list looks (something) like this:

1 Lord - Res Orb, VoD
1Lord - Res Orb, Dest. Body, Phase Shifter, Warscythe

10 Immortals

20 Warriors
20 warriors

10 flayed ones with desruption fields
2 wraiths
2 Wraiths
5 Destroyers
its pretty effec tive list when i played very good number for phase out about 12( if i remeber right)
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Los Angeles, CA

I would suggest to not take one squad of immortals unless you plan on veiling them arround the table. One squad is easy to kill off in one turn and then you lose the necron special rule. This is a huge hit to your army. Two squads, even two squads of 5 are far more difficult to kill off as the first will join the second once it dies.

Call me The Master of Strategy

Army Strategy
Unit Strategy 
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Posted By cypher on 03/15/2007 3:21 PM
I would suggest to not take one squad of immortals unless you plan on veiling them arround the table. One squad is easy to kill off in one turn and then you lose the necron special rule. This is a huge hit to your army. Two squads, even two squads of 5 are far more difficult to kill off as the first will join the second once it dies.

ahh good point. If tied in with monoliths for second WBB's, this gives the 10 immortals split into 2 groups a better chance for survival as it is two seperate units that the forces must concentrate fire upon.

Now we are getting somewhere.

Made in no
Fresh-Faced New User

But if the enemy kills off one squad, and they join the other squad, they counts as dead for vp's.
I like to run big squads so they cant kill off the entire squad a turn.
Favorite moment is when a chaos player used his entire army to kill 9 out of 10 immortals and wounded the lord, then 8 of them return using wbb and the monolith, you should have seen the face off the poor guy.

But why is the rum gone?
My Deathwing.
Made in us
Unbalanced Fanatic

Minneapolis, MN

Necrons defintely play so differently than the other armies out there that they really enrich tournament environments.  So many of the top tier lists get convict kicked in the chest by Necrons. 

One of the most deadly Necron armies that I ever came up against actually was based on using massive swarms of Scarabs.  He had almost thirty of the little buggers and two of the swarms had disruption fields.  The rest of his amry consisted of a Veil/Res Lord one squad of Immortals, a pair of Heavy Destroyers and then the rest was twelve man Warrior squads.  I could see the list having trouble from some quarters, but that many scarabs that can chew through armor and shut down heavy weapons squads can ruin a whole flank.

Still sometimes I could roast a whole squad with one Inferno Cannon blast.

The 21st century will have a number of great cities. You’ll choose between cities of great population density and those that are like series of islands in the forest. - Bernard Tschumi 
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