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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

 Wyldhunt wrote:
That's something I've always been a little unclear on. Are nulls/blanks *actually* soulless, or are their souls just functionally undetectable due to their null field?

Like, in D&D terms, an anti-magic field is still a magical effect.

It’s a bit vague, altering between “no presence in the warp” and “negative presence in the warp”.

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


There may also be degrees of blankness.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Terrifying Rhinox Rider

A background book that I don't understand the purpose of says that the assignment has seven classes of people who are resistant to psychic effects, but only the most severe class are untouchables who are used the way the Sisters or Frauka are used. I don't expect that to matter for most other books
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

I say go for it. The Dudes of Dumbness cry out to be made... well, not actually cry out, but... yeah.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oooh... Chaps of Censorship?

Men of Muffling?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/26 18:40:47

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

pelicaniforce wrote:
A background book that I don't understand the purpose of says that the assignment has seven classes of people who are resistant to psychic effects, but only the most severe class are untouchables who are used the way the Sisters or Frauka are used. I don't expect that to matter for most other books

...which book?

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in gb
Esteemed Veteran Space Marine


 Flinty wrote:
I say go for it. The Dudes of Dumbness cry out to be made... well, not actually cry out, but... yeah.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oooh... Chaps of Censorship?

Men of Muffling?

Surely if anything it’s Misters of Silence?

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

 General Kroll wrote:
 Flinty wrote:
I say go for it. The Dudes of Dumbness cry out to be made... well, not actually cry out, but... yeah.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oooh... Chaps of Censorship?

Men of Muffling?

Surely if anything it’s Misters of Silence?

Strong contribution! Nice

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

 Flinty wrote:
 General Kroll wrote:
 Flinty wrote:
I say go for it. The Dudes of Dumbness cry out to be made... well, not actually cry out, but... yeah.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oooh... Chaps of Censorship?

Men of Muffling?

Surely if anything it’s Misters of Silence?

Strong contribution! Nice

Misters of Muteness if we want to go more on the alliteration route.
Made in vn
Dakka Veteran

I am not into gender exclusivity. For example, Howling Banshees and Wyches are commonly depicted as female, but there are also male members. These organizations tend to be mostly female because their traditions are geared towards matriarchy, which means the men are likely not treated/seen as equal. In fact, male Wyches are essentially sex toys so that the female Wyches can reproduce.

I agree with female Custodes and I will agree with male/LGBT Sisters of Silence as well. I don't even like the name, by the way.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

On the “hey, what’s with all the chicks?” feature of Sisters of Silence. As I’ve mentioned in a few interlinked threads, for me the evidence points to them not being natural manifestations of the Pariah mutation,

After all, there’s a pretty decent number of Sisters of Silence, especially for a mutation which has been described as a one in billions chance. So many billions, it’s possible a given planet may only produce a single Blank/Pariah/Null per generation. This is suggestive some kind of gene editing is going on.

That they’re all female, essentially reducing any already supposedly recruitment pool by approximately half? That again for me supports some kind of tech wizardry going on, as outside of Tradition (which whilst a poor reason still remains a reason) why would such a specialised Order impose such a restriction.

The tradition could stem from the onset of Old Night. Perhaps their base on Luna started off as a prison for sci-fi witch hunts. A place to keep bothersome Blanks away from a burgeoning psychic population. And it was their concentration in one place, and their immunity to warp shenanigans that allowed their survival. And as the dust settled, their persecution was remembered, and “Sisters, let no man ever bind as they once did” type stuff.

But that, in itself, doesn’t explain their frequency, only gives a possible Chinny Reckon as to why they’re all female. So the technological answer remains, for me at least, the most likely.

And we can look to the wider Imperium and Galaxy for similar examples. House Escher for instance? Whatever it is that makes their males feeble and imbecilic aside, we know they’ve mastered (or at least can do!) parthenogenesis. Essentially virgin births, where no male or sperm is involved.

House Goliath is almost the reverse there. Originally genetically designed to be big, strong, resilient, all-male and, importantly, sterile. But life uh…found a way. And whilst comparatively rare, when a Mummy Goliath and a Daddy Goliath love each very much, a Baby Goliath is possible.

And that’s just well documented examples from a world by no means at the top of the technological heap.

Next we’ll look at the Votann. Each and every one is a Designer Baby. The Votann determines what traits the members of the next generation will likely need, and provides those via gene bank. And on an individual basis. Which is remarkable.

So in-universe? We know that tech exists. So we know that theoretically it is possible to manufacture Blanks to order, we just can’t be sure that’s what the Sisters of Silence are doing.

Oh and of course we know cloning exists, and the Imperium is iffy at worst about that sort of thing.

Finally? All Hail Algorithmo for his bounty this day. Because this video popped up on my YouTube feed, covering the various forms of parthenogenesis in nature. It’s pretty low level stuff, but it is accessible and nicely factual. I present it as a way of demonstrating that the Imperium, or at least pre-Old Night Man could’ve adapted one, some or all of these natural versions to humans.

And finally, let’s not rule out that if my hypothesis of gene editing/cloning/cloneskein is correct, the manifestation of the Pariah Gene is by no means the original intent of the tech. It could be a happy accident that once people’s heads started exploding and things started crawling out? A failed experiment suddenly proved its worth, and was put into production.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


 Haighus wrote:
There may also be degrees of blankness.

From 40K wiki:
Omega Minus (-7) - Omega Minus grade psykers are actually the "anti-psykers" usually referred to as "Untouchables" or "Blanks." These individuals are so inert in the Warp as to actually exhibit a negative psychic influence upon others. This primarily manifests in realspace as a region of "blankness" (hence the name) surrounding the individual where psychic powers will not work. It is impossible for psychic powers or entities native to the Immaterium to penetrate or affect this space. Imperial science has learned that the psychically inert region surrounding the Omega grade subject even interferes with natural bioelectric function in an organic brain. This neurological effect on others often results in the development of the irrational fear and loathing that baseline Humans nearly always display towards Blanks. This can even manifest in psychosomatic effects, such as thinking that the Blank emits a highly offensive odor. For psykers, however, the sheer presence of a Blank produces excruciating physical and mental distress.
Psi (-6) - This grade of The Assignment, which actually includes Psi through Sigma grades inclusive, represents individuals who are oblivious to fluctuations in the Warp and are immune to psychic probing by a telepath. The range of this ability varies, with the highest class at Sigma grade being deemed "blunt" or resistant to some psychic effects, and the lowest grade of Psi being extremely resistant to the effects of psychic power, yet still capable of being affected by an extreme degree of psychic strength.
Chi (-5) See above.
Phi (-4) - See above.
Upsilon (-3) - See above.
Tau (-2) - See above.
Sigma (-1) - See above.
Rho (0) - An individual at Rho grade is incapable of manifesting any psychic abilities, but can be fully affected by them or other manifestations of Warp energy. This is the grade that encompasses the vast majority of Humans in the Imperium and serves as the baseline grade of The Assignment.

I had heard it before in Majorkill's vid on Psyker tier/ classes that they did go into "Negative" psyker-ness, but was unaware of the various degrees. I'm assuming Omega Minus means no warp whatsoever while Chi and Phi means a smaller range or extent?
Once again, thanks James Workshop for leading to more questions with the "Lost age of technology/ we dunno/ etc" hand-waving.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Does the Wiki say what the source is for that table/structure, btw?

Especially if we're talking the Fandom wiki...

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in gb
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

Seems like it's heavily paraphrasing the psychic mastery section of the Inquisition illustrated guide from black library (which is a terrible book)

It's not even a good paraphrase, human baseline is rho-pi, not just rho, and omega is just omega, there's no "omega minus" on the scale

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Charax absolutely nailed it.
Made in gb
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar

robbienw wrote:
A.T. wrote:
robbienw wrote:
No one would say that unless it was an all male force. If it was a mixed gender force they'd say my soldiers are ready. Or my company is ready. Or my force is ready. Or my crew are ready. Or just "we are ready".
No, in those cases they would often use men as a gender neutral term.

They really wouldn't because then they'd think the group was entirely male, and its very easy to use other terminology to indicate a mixed group.
Hi. I'm non-binary. And as a non-binary person, I'm *exceptionally* aware of when people used gendered language to refer to me, or those around me.

I'm here to say you're wrong. Masculine language is the default used in English, rightly or wrongly, and in military terms, this is INCREDIBLY common. But, in case you don't believe it, please go and check out two entries on GW's website.

Veteran Guardsmen (evident in the name), and the entry for the Catachan Command Squad, which is described with the following text:
"The Imperial Guard is a vast fighting formation and for its operations to go smoothly a substantial command structure is needed. The officers who lead Platoon Command Squads are charged with ensuring their Platoon fulfils the Company Commander's orders and gets the job done. Platoon Commanders are accompanied by a hand-picked team who help him fulfil his duties. The Command Squad coordinates ambushes, prioritises targets, positions kill-zones and leads the charge to destroy the enemy."

Does this imply that all Platoon Commanders are men?

robbienw wrote:We have the quote from RT stating they are men
Rogue Trader, famously published at a time when GW would never have used "men" as shorthand.
the quote from 30k where the Emperor states they are men
Which one?
the quote from the 8th edition codex that explicitly states their recruits are infant boys
Again, possibly an oversight, but sure, I'll acknowledge it.
a BL author stating he wasn't allowed to iclude a female one because they are male
That's not what it was at all.

ADB was told that he couldn't *because the miniatures were all male*. Not because "Custodes are male". There is a distinction to be made there.
an entirely male miniature line
We only have models of male Vindicare Assassins. Can only men be Vindicare Assassins? We only have models of male priests. Can women not be priests? We only have male Scion models. Can Scions only be men? And only very recently have we been able to reliably and faithfully depict all-women Cadian units.

A miniature line isn't always the most accurate depiction of 40k.
and a whole book 60+ book series that ran for 80 years that hasn't featured or mention a single one amongst a host of named male Custodians.
Huh?? For 80 years? Which series is that?

That book series has also not named every Custodian. It's also never mentioned things like Ultramarines Nullificator Squads, or Aethon Pattern Sentinels, or countless other things. Does that mean those also don't exist?

Its a retcon, nothing more.
It *is* a retcon, yes. But it's only really a retcon of the 8th edition Codex, and of a scant few words in it. It's not a retcon of "a whole 60+ book series that ran for 80 years", or from some foundational text in Rogue Trader.

So, I think some perspective is in order here.

EDIT: I got bored. I found a few more instances of masculine language being used to describe things which, if I'm not wrong, should be gender neutral. Namely:
The Eversor Assassin - "...when the time comes for him to act, he’s roused from his coma and unleashed. Only his death will stop his berserk mission."

The Culexus Assassin - "...the Culexus Assassin is a soulless anti-psyker who shifts constantly between worlds, capable of utterly annihilating enemies in a spectacular shower of gore with his arcane and incomparable power."

Kelermorph - "To the enemy he is a figure of dread, a hated anarch who seeks to tear down the foundations of civilisation."

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/05/07 16:27:37


Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Charax wrote:
Seems like it's heavily paraphrasing the psychic mastery section of the Inquisition illustrated guide from black library (which is a terrible book)

It's not even a good paraphrase, human baseline is rho-pi, not just rho, and omega is just omega, there's no "omega minus" on the scale

I think it is combining several sources- Omega minus is from a different source and the 40k wikia looks to have assumed they are the same rank. Which they could be, but they could also be different, or one is a subrank of the other.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Or it’s just good old Imperial Efficiency!

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Or it’s just good old Imperial Efficiency!

It could be... but I don't trust the 40k wikia as far as I can throw it because they don't cite stuff properly, so it could be a mistake, a fudging assumption, or Imperial contradictory sources.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 Sgt_Smudge wrote:
Hi. I'm non-binary. And as a non-binary person, I'm *exceptionally* aware of when people used gendered language to refer to me, or those around me.

I'm here to say you're wrong. Masculine language is the default used in English, rightly or wrongly, and in military terms, this is INCREDIBLY common. But, in case you don't believe it, please go and check out two entries on GW's website.

While I agree with you or I’m assuming I agree. Who cares how YOU model YOUR own plastic toy soldiers. Be a good dude or dudette. Respect everyone. Idc about this argument and everyone has their own head cannon.

However, certain language is and can be very masculine but term sons isn’t a gender neutral term and refers to male youth. I think that is why people are upset with the lore change. Again, idc male and female Custodes who cares. Be a good person and I’ll be happy to play you and hang out afterward.

There is a lot of people that have divested a lot into the hobby and are not keen to change, especially as they see it as “washing” out themselves for others or as some say “pandering” to certain people.

And lastly, again for the third time, they are your toys, model and paint them however you want. The hobby is for all and we should absolutely be inclusive to all. We all are conscious beings that are stubborn. Which is ok, we have to stop this division and get on with bigger and better things. We shouldn’t be fighting each other, especially since the Tau faction is still a thing…. Burn.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/07 19:33:47

Made in gb
Assassin with Black Lotus Poison


usmcmidn wrote:

However, certain language is and can be very masculine but term sons isn’t a gender neutral term and refers to male youth. I think that is why people are upset with the lore change. Again, idc male and female Custodes who cares. Be a good person and I’ll be happy to play you and hang out afterward.

That actually depends. In the Rogue Trader PC game, for example, the Warrant of Trade confers the title of Lord Captain. As such, all bearers of the warrant in the rogue trader dynasty are referred to as Lord Captain, regardless of their actual sex. Your character can even comment on how they should be Lady Captain if you are playing a female character, and are shut down by your seneschal who sticks to the legal letter of the warrant. Conversely, this could possibly also result in there being male Lady Captains out there for the same reason.

So, following along similar lines, it could be possible that the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the Imperium refers to all children sent to become custodes as "sons" regardless of their actual sex. Headcanon, of course, but fits well into 40K.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/07 20:28:02

The Laws of Thermodynamics:
1) You cannot win. 2) You cannot break even. 3) You cannot stop playing the game.

Colonel Flagg wrote:You think you're real smart. But you're not smart; you're dumb. Very dumb. But you've met your match in me.
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 A Town Called Malus wrote:
usmcmidn wrote:

However, certain language is and can be very masculine but term sons isn’t a gender neutral term and refers to male youth. I think that is why people are upset with the lore change. Again, idc male and female Custodes who cares. Be a good person and I’ll be happy to play you and hang out afterward.

That actually depends. In the Rogue Trader PC game, for example, the Warrant of Trade confers the title of Lord Captain. As such, all bearers of the warrant in the rogue trader dynasty are referred to as Lord Captain, regardless of their actual sex. Your character can even comment on how they should be Lady Captain if you are playing a female character, and are shut down by your seneschal who sticks to the legal letter of the warrant. Conversely, this could possibly also result in there being male Lady Captains out there for the same reason.

So, following along similar lines, it could be possible that the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the Imperium refers to all children sent to become custodes as "sons" regardless of their actual sex. Headcanon, of course, but fits well into 40K.

I’m specifically talking about the term sons. I don’t buy that “sons” colloquially refers to daughters as well. Especially during the time period the specific article in question was written (in real life). Well before gendered discussions. Gender theory and discussions aside…

The lore was changed and that’s fine. The hobby should be accepting and open to everyone. We all deserve to be represented in our armies. Who cares, just be a good person, and respect everyone. Hate Tau, they are the real enemy.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/05/07 21:30:26

Made in gb
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar

usmcmidn wrote:
Who cares how YOU model YOUR own plastic toy soldiers. Be a good dude or dudette. Respect everyone. Idc about this argument and everyone has their own head cannon.

However, certain language is and can be very masculine but term sons isn’t a gender neutral term and refers to male youth. I think that is why people are upset with the lore change. Again, idc male and female Custodes who cares. Be a good person and I’ll be happy to play you and hang out afterward.

There is a lot of people that have divested a lot into the hobby and are not keen to change, especially as they see it as “washing” out themselves for others or as some say “pandering” to certain people.
Very much agreed on "let people do as they will with their models" (well, short of using their models as a canvas for genuine hatespeech, etc)!
And while I agree that "sons" is specifically gendered, and very rarely ever used to refer to mixed-gender groups, I was more responding to the comments that things like "men" or "brotherhood" are *always* in reference to all-male groups, and that no-one would ever use them to refer to a mixed gender group. Because that's simply not true.

Yes, sons is used to describe the Custodes recruitment pool, but, unless I'm wrong, only the once, in the 8th edition Codex. It's pretty miniscule lore change, as lore changes go.

I completely understand folks being invested in the hobby, but... this is a pretty minor change, as changes go. Which is why it very strongly feels like there's an ulterior concern there.


Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


For clarity?

If you have an army of Custodes. And you’re using it three years from now. And it has no obviously female models. And someone decides to have a go at you about that?

They’re being a knob. Just as anyone having a go at you for not using a 100% Codex paint scheme for a Chapter with an established scheme. Or if you wanted your Orks to have fleshy skin instead of green skin. That person trying to tell you how to do your hobby is a knob.

Exceptions made when you’ve used childish drivel like swastikas and associated nazi symbology or similar on your models to provoke a reaction.

Made in gb
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:

For clarity?

If you have an army of Custodes. And you’re using it three years from now. And it has no obviously female models. And someone decides to have a go at you about that?

They’re being a knob. Just as anyone having a go at you for not using a 100% Codex paint scheme for a Chapter with an established scheme. Or if you wanted your Orks to have fleshy skin instead of green skin. That person trying to tell you how to do your hobby is a knob.

Exceptions made when you’ve used childish drivel like swastikas and associated nazi symbology or similar on your models to provoke a reaction.
Absolutely. Just because women Custodes exist doesn't mean you need to add them into your army, or replace some of your models' heads now. The option just exists for you now, if you so want it.


Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 Sgt_Smudge wrote:
usmcmidn wrote:
Who cares how YOU model YOUR own plastic toy soldiers. Be a good dude or dudette. Respect everyone. Idc about this argument and everyone has their own head cannon.

However, certain language is and can be very masculine but term sons isn’t a gender neutral term and refers to male youth. I think that is why people are upset with the lore change. Again, idc male and female Custodes who cares. Be a good person and I’ll be happy to play you and hang out afterward.

There is a lot of people that have divested a lot into the hobby and are not keen to change, especially as they see it as “washing” out themselves for others or as some say “pandering” to certain people.
Very much agreed on "let people do as they will with their models" (well, short of using their models as a canvas for genuine hatespeech, etc)!
And while I agree that "sons" is specifically gendered, and very rarely ever used to refer to mixed-gender groups, I was more responding to the comments that things like "men" or "brotherhood" are *always* in reference to all-male groups, and that no-one would ever use them to refer to a mixed gender group. Because that's simply not true.

Yes, sons is used to describe the Custodes recruitment pool, but, unless I'm wrong, only the once, in the 8th edition Codex. It's pretty miniscule lore change, as lore changes go.

I completely understand folks being invested in the hobby, but... this is a pretty minor change, as changes go. Which is why it very strongly feels like there's an ulterior concern there.

Man I just don’t care. It’s one article and people are flocking to that one article and making people uncomfortable. The lore changed, so what. Make and paint your little toy soldiers however you want. The hobby is for everyone and should be inclusive. As for the hate speech thing I agree mostly. People say some pretty outlandish things that shouldn’t be said and extremely rud and hurtful. However, we need to also realize that simply disagreeing with someone and not liking what they say isn’t necessarily hate speech. Like I said everyone invests themselves in the hobby and all are welcome. Just be a good person, if you have a disagreement with someone that doesn’t mean they are a bad person. They just don’t see things like you do and that’s okay. We have to stop with the divisiveness. After all the Tau want us to be divided.

Made in gb
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar

usmcmidn wrote:
 Sgt_Smudge wrote:
usmcmidn wrote:
Who cares how YOU model YOUR own plastic toy soldiers. Be a good dude or dudette. Respect everyone. Idc about this argument and everyone has their own head cannon.

However, certain language is and can be very masculine but term sons isn’t a gender neutral term and refers to male youth. I think that is why people are upset with the lore change. Again, idc male and female Custodes who cares. Be a good person and I’ll be happy to play you and hang out afterward.

There is a lot of people that have divested a lot into the hobby and are not keen to change, especially as they see it as “washing” out themselves for others or as some say “pandering” to certain people.
Very much agreed on "let people do as they will with their models" (well, short of using their models as a canvas for genuine hatespeech, etc)!
And while I agree that "sons" is specifically gendered, and very rarely ever used to refer to mixed-gender groups, I was more responding to the comments that things like "men" or "brotherhood" are *always* in reference to all-male groups, and that no-one would ever use them to refer to a mixed gender group. Because that's simply not true.

Yes, sons is used to describe the Custodes recruitment pool, but, unless I'm wrong, only the once, in the 8th edition Codex. It's pretty miniscule lore change, as lore changes go.

I completely understand folks being invested in the hobby, but... this is a pretty minor change, as changes go. Which is why it very strongly feels like there's an ulterior concern there.

Man I just don’t care.

Politely, I *do*.

I agree with everything you're saying about "just get on and enjoy your own minis", and I'm not claiming for a second that "simply disagreeing with someone" is hatespeech (which is why I said genuine hatespeech), but I don't believe for a second that everyone who says they "just care about the lore" is being genuine with that comment. And if that *is* the case, calling those behaviours out is not "divisive" - it's calling out bad actors.

I'm not fond of turning a blind eye to *genuinely* problematic behaviour.


Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 Sgt_Smudge wrote:


Politely, I *do*.

I agree with everything you're saying about "just get on and enjoy your own minis", and I'm not claiming for a second that "simply disagreeing with someone" is hatespeech (which is why I said genuine hatespeech), but I don't believe for a second that everyone who says they "just care about the lore" is being genuine with that comment. And if that *is* the case, calling those behaviours out is not "divisive" - it's calling out bad actors.

I'm not fond of turning a blind eye to *genuinely* problematic behaviour.

There are going to be evil people in this world. It exists. There are bigots and racists. And I’ll happily walk shoulder to shoulder with you fighting that behavior. But simply assuming someone is something because they are saying “I care about the lore” is wrong. You’re imagining hate in their hearts. Unless someone specifically says something truly racist, bigoted, x-phobic etc… we can’t assume everyone is evil.

We need to be more open and loving. I’m not going to go into my background but I’ve seen some real evil. And that’s not necessarily it. This thread topic is going a whole different direction. I’d truly love to talk to you more about it on a PM if you like. Discussion and respect is extremely important.

Could there be male sisters of silence, sure. Model and paint them however you want. They are your toy soldiers. I’d love to get a game in with you regardless.

Made in fi
Courageous Space Marine Captain

usmcmidn wrote:
Who cares how YOU model YOUR own plastic toy soldiers.

Convert a nice female space marine, post a pic online. You'll find out who cares about it really quickly! I assume female Custodes receive similar treatment.

Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

I've seen one on a HH FB group and the top post is from the poster thanking the Mods for removing comments from people spewing hate for the model/hobbyist.

One of the latest WD issues had a hobbyists Marines that were painted in various Pride colour schemes featured and there was an outpouring of hate on various social media outlets.

The idea that nobody cares about "Your models" evaporates as soon as you leave your immediate person.
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


usmcmidn wrote:

There are going to be evil people in this world. It exists. There are bigots and racists. And I’ll happily walk shoulder to shoulder with you fighting that behavior. But simply assuming someone is something because they are saying “I care about the lore” is wrong. You’re imagining hate in their hearts. Unless someone specifically says something truly racist, bigoted, x-phobic etc… we can’t assume everyone is evil.

We need to be more open and loving. I’m not going to go into my background but I’ve seen some real evil. And that’s not necessarily it. This thread topic is going a whole different direction. I’d truly love to talk to you more about it on a PM if you like. Discussion and respect is extremely important.

Could there be male sisters of silence, sure. Model and paint them however you want. They are your toy soldiers. I’d love to get a game in with you regardless.

Whilst I agree that people should not be too quick to assume bigotry, especially via a written medium with an international membership, some contributors have helpfully made it clear that they do in fact hold some pretty bigoted and hateful views. The amount of red text by mods in the main thread is evidence of that, although the offending posts have been removed.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

We all need to be aware of how a culture war is fought, and carefully manufactured. Because a big part of it is deliberately obscuring any nuance or differences in opinion on the other side of the political spectrum.

That’s done deliberately, because it makes it easier and easier to find the hottest of hot takes from a lunatic fringe and claim “that’s what they all think”.

It can also mean some folk get upset by things, but have never really stopped to think “wait, why am I upset? What has made me so invested in this?”.

That’s writ large on our silly little models. This is a very engrossing hobby. Not only does collecting, building and painting an army require dedication, but there are hundreds, possibly now thousands, of books to read. And so it’s very easy to lose yourself in it.

And, having been a GW Till Monkey, and had the pleasure of showing newbies the ropes? For a fair percentage of those newbies, games nights and the associated social scene were the first time they’ve ever really found Their People.

To see them start to come out of their shell, and how quickly social skills can develop when someone is in a safe, welcoming area is genuinely heart warming. But it does carry dangers. You can end up nodding and agreeing to be polite and fit in, and a few years later find yourself quite deeply entrenched one way or the other, without consciously getting yourself there.

Which is why it is important to challenge certain things. The Custodes thing hasn’t really changed anything apart from a few words on a page, yet for some it’s seemingly all part of a grand conspiracy to make them Lesser.

To ask “why is this so upsetting” might, and genuinely can, cause someone to give their head a wobble, and some introspection. It won’t necessarily change their mind or stance, but we all need to check our opinions once in a while to understand why we stand for what we stand for. That’s just healthy.

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