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Easy E wrote: I have to admit, if I bought Sister Mercy because the front looked cool and found out about that back.... well.... I would be a little put out.
Truth! But the beauty of the model is, you can just paint her up like she's wearing black trousers. Tight ones, perhaps. But trousers nonetheless.
Nope, I never ran an underwater anything. I did have a few on the water/sailing adventures... and one of the player's, upon learning they could buy a boat and go sailing proudly proclaimed, "We can be seamen, seamen." He got a few looks. He didn't realize...
The Blackmoor supplement (little brown book #5) first introduced underwater adventures to D&D. Alas, by that time D&D had already been ruined by the Greyhawk supplement. Thanks for nothing Rob Kuntz. IIRC, it also had the very strange Arneson adventure Temple of the Frog. And the monk and the assassin characters, and rules for diseases. Because what's a FRPG without a way to play out leprosy, tuberculosis and the biggest baddest of them all, the bubonic plague.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/23 07:32:15
Red Harvest wrote: Nope, I never ran an underwater anything. I did have a few on the water/sailing adventures... and one of the player's, upon learning they could buy a boat and go sailing proudly proclaimed, "We can be seamen, seamen." He got a few looks. He didn't realize...
The Blackmoor supplement (little brown book #5) first introduced underwater adventures to D&D. Alas, by that time D&D had already been ruined by the Greyhawk supplement. Thanks for nothing Rob Kuntz. IIRC, it also had the very strange Arneson adventure Temple of the Frog. And the monk and the assassin characters, and rules for diseases. Because what's a FRPG without a way to play out leprosy, tuberculosis and the biggest baddest of them all, the bubonic plague.
Women and seamen don't mix, that's what I always say.
As for Blackmoor, wow, deep cut, that's a good 10 years before my time. Kudos. And especially for having Strong Opinions about Greyhawk ruining D&D.
Did anyone, ever, in their entire gaming careers, even once, run an underwater adventure?
Once... for a single session when the underwater book came out... but it was in a gonzo scifi setting/game back in the 90s as n00b teenage roleplayers so not really applicable to a fantasy style mini. In effect, it was just an otherwise normal adventure with a faux 3rd dimension of theater of the mind movement for all characters with some penalties.
Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.
Kanluwen wrote: This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.
Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...
tneva82 wrote: You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something...
I had a module for one featuring underwater and fishmen with a name a I do not recall. Never actually played it. It felt like too much logistical work.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Did anyone, ever, in their entire gaming careers, even once, run an underwater adventure?
Yes. Several times.
They were all stand alone one-shots or chapters/segments of larger generally non-aquatic campaigns though. (I don't count our most recent Pirate ship based campaign as Aquatic - its more PoTC style. Land adventures, fights aboard ships, ship to ship battles....)
I've yet to run a campaign actually set underwater. Where going to the surface would be odd chapters/adventures.
As a player the closest I've been in is our ongoing 1e Pathfinder campaign. The Ruins of Azlant. The further we go the more time we spend underwater. Wich, since the BBEGs are Abboliths, makes sense.
Red Harvest wrote: Alas, by that time D&D had already been ruined by the Greyhawk supplement. Thanks for nothing Rob Kuntz.
How did Greyhawk ruin D&D, in your opinion?
Wildly off-topic but, it began the trend of placing character skill over player skill by emphasizing stat rolls and creating skills (the Thief class) which was quite a change. It might not have been so bad if there had been a way to train up the stats, which is one thing 5E got right.
Easy E wrote: I had a module for one featuring underwater and fishmen with a name a I do not recall. Never actually played it. It felt like too much logistical work.
The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh and its sequels? The fishmen were Sahuagin. Getting back on topic, it looks like Reaper calls the Kuo-Toa, Tiiks and the Sahuagin, Slithe. If you want Reaper equivalents to D&D monsters.
I have never ran an underwater game, but that doesn't mean horrors from the deep can't pay a visit to an unsuspecting coastal town. Or maybe they are absolutely suspecting, and even lay out the welcome mat.....
"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should."
Ofcourse you dont run underwater campaigns untill you have the proper models to set up the encounters.
With this Fathom Tyrant the GM can finally get those campaigns going.
The slightly misnamed Ogre Magi, I would hate to order this assuming I would get two or more Ogre Magi and be disappointed to find I only got one Ogre Magus. Caveat Emptor my friends! Maybe they should have called it an Oni, no pesky plurals in Japanese.
(All that being said it's a fine looking figure and goes on my wantlist)
Now the female hellborn Paladin has none of those pesky issues but raises so many other questions for me. Like how does a presumably evil half demon become a lawful good paladin? When she casts protection from evil does she hurt herself? Cause that would be a neat kind of penance thing. And how does she sheath that sword anyway?
I don't think I mentioned it but Reaper is also doing a line of busts. 3d printed, $50, and the listing does not give a size which is kind of frustrating. Still they look like they'd be good for serious painters.
The slightly misnamed Ogre Magi, I would hate to order this assuming I would get two or more Ogre Magi and be disappointed to find I only got one Ogre Magus. Caveat Emptor my friends! Maybe they should have called it an Oni, no pesky plurals in Japanese.
(All that being said it's a fine looking figure and goes on my wantlist)
Well, you'll always have the DOTA2 ogre magi at least...
Regardless, and in all seriousness, that's a really cool figure and probably better than most that I've seen for Eastern style ogres/oni for decades. Definitely better than the D&D prepaints but not as good as the collectors edition multipart D&D ogre mage kit (but obviously much less expensive coming from Reaper as a normal Bones release) and several 3d models that you have to print yourself. I agree Oni would have been a preferable name. From a figure design perspective, I think I'd have preferred if his head was about 10-20% smaller to accentuate his size/girth more than his current slightly bobbleheadedness. Regardless, I'll be picking him up and he'll be my second reaper fig purchase to go along with my ogre porter conversion!
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/26 13:55:33
Kid_Kyoto wrote: Now the female hellborn Paladin has none of those pesky issues but raises so many other questions for me. Like how does a presumably evil half demon become a lawful good paladin? When she casts protection from evil does she hurt herself? Cause that would be a neat kind of penance thing. And how does she sheath that sword anyway?
In 5E, paladins don't have to be LG. Never really made sense for Blackguards to only be spawned when a paladin falls - not every evil knight needs to have Darth Vader's backstory. One can be as devoted to petty acts of kicking puppies as to slaying dragons and wotnot.
Paladins should be LG - if you want exemplars of other alignments, a, your game needs to actually make alignment important; and b, provide bespoke classes for those alignments, as abilities are likely to differ - or you could just not cave to those not up to RPing a Paladin...
Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.
Kanluwen wrote: This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.
Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...
tneva82 wrote: You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something...
Dysartes wrote:Paladins should be LG - if you want exemplars of other alignments, a, your game needs to actually make alignment important; and b, provide bespoke classes for those alignments, as abilities are likely to differ - or you could just not cave to those not up to RPing a Paladin...
Well, as an OG 1E AD&D guy, I was going to 100% agree with you here but...
Geifer wrote:I don't see a problem with playing a Paladin of Meh, the god of zealous indifference.
Seems the class should be called like Divine Champions with different names for different alignments. Paladin pretty much screams good guy/gal/demihuman.
Well November is coming to an end, time to fry up the Dire Turduken and gird ourselves for Black Friday.
And check out Reaper's November releases!
First up is a plethora of steampunk figures!
Steampunk fairy, no I don't know why she's showing off her knickers.
Clockwork fairies, not to be confused with steampunk fairies, you can tell because they are not showing off their knickers.
Time Witch, arch rival of the Newsweek Witch.
Steampunk Cowboy, the figure makes more sense when you realize he has two robot arms coming out of his back. Personally I'd like to see him with 4 robot arms so he can be Six Gun Sam the Steampunk Gunfighter, but here we are.
Then a slew of Wild Folk/Firbolg characters, who folks, that live in the wild. Apparently it's some sort of magical half-giant race for D&D with tremendous diversity. Whether you want to play a ranger, or a druid, or a multiclassed Ranger/Druid they have you covered.
And then finally Reaper gets into the Christmas spirit with this Female Krampus, I don't normally like these violations of the Black Friday Accords but I'll let it go.
This time.
I actually recognise the time witch as Freebooter. If that is true, then I wonder what other molds they have. (Hopefully the chaos witch[cannot show the pic here])
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/28 20:54:42
Kid_Kyoto wrote: Seems the class should be called like Divine Champions with different names for different alignments. Paladin pretty much screams good guy/gal/demihuman.
It certainly doesn't seem very well thought out to me that every deity can have a cleric but the holy warrior class is reserved only for gods of lawful stupid and chaotic stupid alignments.
Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone?
Kid_Kyoto wrote: Seems the class should be called like Divine Champions with different names for different alignments. Paladin pretty much screams good guy/gal/demihuman.
It certainly doesn't seem very well thought out to me that every deity can have a cleric but the holy warrior class is reserved only for gods of lawful stupid and chaotic stupid alignments.
Paladins are usually devoted more to ideals than gods directly. And while I'm also a traditionalist re: Paladins should be Lawful Good, the current 5E class options are geared to specific alignments (one sub-class each for LG, LN, NG).
"There are no problems that cannot be solved with cannons." - Chief Engineer Boris Krauss of Nuln
Kid_Kyoto wrote:"Don't be a dick" and "This is a family wargame" are good rules of thumb.
Kid_Kyoto wrote: Seems the class should be called like Divine Champions with different names for different alignments. Paladin pretty much screams good guy/gal/demihuman.
It certainly doesn't seem very well thought out to me that every deity can have a cleric but the holy warrior class is reserved only for gods of lawful stupid and chaotic stupid alignments.
But you already have to customize them by alignment, an Evil Anti-Paladin isn't going to have healing and protection from evil in his skillset. So why keep the name?
Somewhere (gestures towards a pile of boxes in the attic) I have an old Dragon article that proposed 9 paladins, one per alignment. It was typical 80s D&D, random, arbitrary, too detailed in some places, not detailed enough in others.
In the end of course do you need a Paladin class? Aren't they just multiclassed Fighter/Clerics?
Kid_Kyoto wrote: Seems the class should be called like Divine Champions with different names for different alignments. Paladin pretty much screams good guy/gal/demihuman.
It certainly doesn't seem very well thought out to me that every deity can have a cleric but the holy warrior class is reserved only for gods of lawful stupid and chaotic stupid alignments.
But you already have to customize them by alignment, an Evil Anti-Paladin isn't going to have healing and protection from evil in his skillset. So why keep the name?
Somewhere (gestures towards a pile of boxes in the attic) I have an old Dragon article that proposed 9 paladins, one per alignment. It was typical 80s D&D, random, arbitrary, too detailed in some places, not detailed enough in others.
In the end of course do you need a Paladin class? Aren't they just multiclassed Fighter/Clerics?
The answers to your questions are:
But there's an actual forum section to debate this you know....
Kid_Kyoto wrote: Seems the class should be called like Divine Champions with different names for different alignments. Paladin pretty much screams good guy/gal/demihuman.
In Pathfinder 1st edition... they had the Paladin (LG) and the Anti Paladin (CE) and then an archetype for the Paladin called the "Gray Paladin". The Gray could be any good (L, N or C) and had to worship a god who was LG. LN or NG).
But the "hellborn" mini could just be a Lawful Good Tiefling paladin. Overcoming her seemingly inherited evil (even though she is not bound by race to be evil anyway).
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/30 12:19:47