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Made in us
Ruthless Rafkin

Glen Burnie, MD

Malifaux Ten Thunders

1 Broom Weilding Peasant
2 Kitsune on Fire
3 Angry Emberling
4 Wandering Wastrel
5 Terrible Tengu
6 Medative Monk of Low River
7 Steaming Metal Gamin
8 Shadowy Oiran
9 Ten Thunder Brother
10 Shuriken-slinging Torakage
11 Merciless Monk of High River
12 Chain Gun Toting Samurai
13 Pulsating Penangalan
14 Ancient Armor Fueled by Vengance
15 Brutal Sensei
16 Madman with a Machine Gun
17 Master of Many Styles
18 Heir to the Katanaka
19 Wandering River Monk on a 3 Day Bender
20 The Awakened Dragon

Automatically Appended Next Post:
1 Fresh off the Train
2 Perdita's Pet Nephilim
3 Lowly Bureaucrat
4 Brutal Puppet
5 Patroling Guild Guard
6 Hunting Guild Hound
7 Heart-breaking Pistolero
8 Sinister Guild Lawyer
9 Stalking Death Marshal
10 Galloping Guardsman
11 Trick Shootin' Marshal
12 Straight-Jacketed Dynamite Tosser
13 Unstoppable Peacekeeper
14 Pistol Packin' Witchhunter
15 Brutal Guild Captain
16 The Sinister Secretary
17 Master of Constructs
18 The Long Arm of Justice
19 Game Winning Hidden Bird Trainer
20 The Avatar of Law and Order

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/09/03 04:00:28

-Loki- wrote:
40k is about slamming two slegdehammers together and hoping the other breaks first. Malifaux is about fighting with scalpels trying to hit select areas and hoping you connect more. 
Made in gb
Brigadier General

The new Sick Man of Europe

Batman Miniatures Game- Law:

1. Gotham Street Cop
2. GCPD Detective
3. SWAT Cop Alpha
4. Agent O'Connel
5. Lieutenant Brandon
6. Corrupt Commissioner Loeb
7. Arrow
8. Red Hood
9. Black Canary
10. Batwoman
11. Bat Girl
12. Commisioner Gordon
13. Alfred Pennyworth
14. Boy Wonder
15. Bruce Wayne
16. The Goddamn Batman

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/10/07 14:10:45

Made in us


[AoS] Stormcast Eternals

1. Star Eagle
2. Gryph Hound
3. Dracoth
4. Liberator
5. Prosecutor
6. Judicator
7. Paladin Protector
8. Paladin Decimator
9. Paladin Retributor
10. Dracothian Fulminator
11. Dracothian Desolator
12. Dracothian Tempestor
13. Dracothian Concussor
14. Knight Heraldor
15. Knight Vexilor
16. Knight Venator
17. Knight Azyros
18. Lord Relictor
19. Lord Castellan
20. Lord Celestant

[AoS] Khorne Bloodbound

1. Bloodreaver
2. Blood Warrior
3. Skullreaper
4. Wrathmonger
5. Skullcrusher
6. Bloodreaver Chieftan
7. Skullseeker
8. Wrathmaster
9. Skullhunter
10. Deathbringers
11. Bloodstoker
12. Slaughterpriest
13. Skullgrinder
14. Bloodsecrator
15. Champion of Khorne
16. Lord of Khorne

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2016/03/07 22:11:15

Made in us
Ruthless Rafkin

Glen Burnie, MD

If AoS gets their ranks in before Malifaux, I'm gonna write a stern letter to the editor.

-Loki- wrote:
40k is about slamming two slegdehammers together and hoping the other breaks first. Malifaux is about fighting with scalpels trying to hit select areas and hoping you connect more. 
Made in us

Start writing!
Made in us


Poor guy has already posted four tracks, Alph!

Made in us
Ruthless Rafkin

Glen Burnie, MD

 Manchu wrote:
Poor guy has already posted four tracks, Alph!

Yeah! Like, ages ago, man.

-Loki- wrote:
40k is about slamming two slegdehammers together and hoping the other breaks first. Malifaux is about fighting with scalpels trying to hit select areas and hoping you connect more. 
Made in us


FWIW the admins have been super busy with a number of projects not least publishing a miniatures game starter set! Yakface will eventually get back to this thread.

Made in us

I meant "get writing that letter to the editor"!
Made in us
Ruthless Rafkin

Glen Burnie, MD



Is that a good start? Does it sound grandiose enough?

-Loki- wrote:
40k is about slamming two slegdehammers together and hoping the other breaks first. Malifaux is about fighting with scalpels trying to hit select areas and hoping you connect more. 
Made in us

I like it - more please!

All kidding aside, I think your Malifaux tracks will get added, it is just that the guy(s) who can do it is busy and maybe hasn't looked here in a while?
Made in us
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider

40k- Emissaries of Cegorach
1. Mon-Keigh
2. Pathetic Pretender
3. Circus Freak
4. Worthless Vocalist
5. Mediocre Mime
6. Competent Stagehand
7. Skilled Dancer
8. Agile Acrobat
9. Comedic Clown
10. Phantom of the Opera
11. Master Illusionist
12. Mythic Magician
13. Choreographer of the Act
14. Maestro of Fate
15. Death's Jester
16. Seer of Shadows
17. Master of the Troupe
18. Legendary Solitaire
19. Guardian of the Black Library

20. Avatar of Cegorach

The concept I was going for (even tho I may have presented it horribly) is: Rank is done by the skill of the performer and each rank is a type of Performance art or a well known performing name "phantom of the Opera" etc. The highest ranks pre-spoilers are the well known Harlequin Units

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/03/16 01:04:59

Made in us
Master Shaper

Gargant Hunting

40k: Genestealer Cult

1) Expired Embryo
2) Newly implanted Civilian
3) Gibbering Cultist with a hammer
4) Mindless Fanatic of the Brood
5) Newborn Hybrid
6) Crazed Hybrid with a lasrifle
7) Trigger happy Cultist
8) Preacher of the Brood Mind
9) Sneaky Hybrid infiltrating a Hive City
10) Purestrain Genestealer lost on a Space Hulk
11) Fierce Genestealer defending its family
12) Genestealer hijacking a civilian cruiser
13) Lurking Assassin of the Brood
14) Soon to be Broodlord hosting a family reunion
Broodlord converting the planet

Patriarch lighting a beacon for the Hive Mind

It may need a few tweaks and ranks swutch around, but I feel that it gives a good basis. One problem with this is that it takes away from the tyranid rank track, which has similar ranks. I did try to make the ranks different with the adjectives/descriptions and whatnot.

Irishpeacockz-Blackjack needs a pay raise for being the welcomer to the crusade
Palleus-Write a school essay about Kroot! Pride. Prejudice. And Cannibalsim. 
Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

LOTR Isengard

1. Sweaty Wildman of Dunland
2. Ill-Tempered Dunlending Warrior
3. Confused Mordor Orc
4. Unleashed Warg Rider
5. Fighting Uruk-Hai
6. Swift Uruk-Hai Scout
7. Precise Uruk-Hai Crossbowman
8. Dutiful Uruk-Hai Pikeman
9. Cunning Uruk-Hai Engineer
10. Skilled Uruk-Hai Soldier
11. Brutal Uruk-Hai Berserker
12. Teeth-gnashing Uruk-Hai Commander
13. Maggoty-Bread Mauhur
14. Meat's Back on the Menu Ugluk
15. First of the Uruk-Hai, Lurtz


16. Saruman the White, Lord of Isengard

17. Sauron the Deceiver, True Master of the Two Towers

Either 16 or 17 as final rank- 16 for total theme appropriate, 17 for the reality of the situation

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/05/17 21:22:18

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

How about this one:
40K-Space Marines-Deathwatch

1. A victim of Xenos' cruelty
2. Space Marine Initiate with a grudge
3. Possible Candidate for the Deathwatch
4. Newly recruited Deathwatch Space Marine
5. Stealthy Deathwatch Marine with a Stalker-pattern Bolter
6. Fearless Deathwatch Marine with a Frag Cannon
7. Fanatical Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran
8. Deathwatch Sergeant with Xenos-hunting experience
9. Skilled Corvus Blackstar Pilot
10. Leader of a Deathwatch Kill Team
11. Angry Deathwatch Librarian
12. Vigilant Watch Captain
13. Deathwatch Chaplain purging Xenos filth
14. Venerable Watch Master
15. Master of the Deathwatch

16. Head of the Ordo Xenos

I did notice an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor rank track, but not one for the Deathwatch. Hope you like it!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 25 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in gb
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

Two questions;

how come you don't have a Kharadron Overlords rank track here, and would you object to my suggestions for one?
Made in us

 Future War Cultist wrote:
Two questions;

how come you don't have a Kharadron Overlords rank track here, and would you object to my suggestions for one?

Not at all - suggest away!
Made in gb
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

 Alpharius wrote:
 Future War Cultist wrote:
Two questions;

how come you don't have a Kharadron Overlords rank track here, and would you object to my suggestions for one?

Not at all - suggest away!

Kharadron Overlord Beardling
Eager Young Arkanaut Kadet
Graduate Of Arkanaut Academy
Swabbie Onboard A Frigate
Experienced Arkanaut Privateer
Expert Skyhook Operator
Aethermatic Volleygunner
Able Skyduardin With A Skypike
Chef Petty Officer With An Anchor
Skywarden Hitching A Ride
Custodian Of The Ship
Ace Skyvessel Pilot
Captain Of An Ironclad
Audacious Arkanaut Admiral
Lord-Magnate With A Zhaktopper

If I did this right, it's a realistic protrayal of an Arkanauts career. And it's hopefully mildly amusing too.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

I was redirected here for developing / proposing a Ranking Track for Kingdom Death. It looks like 16-20 is the preferred total number of titles, yes? How about this:

Kingdom Death Ranking Track

1. Underfoot Vermin
2. New Child Survivor
3. Inexperienced Young Survivor
4. Hardy Survivor
5. Grizzled Old Survivor
6. Hopeful Savior
7. Furious White Lion
8. Screaming Antelope
9. Forsaken Butcher
10. Avenging White Speaker
11. Shadowy Twilight Knight
12. Wandering Gorm
13. Nebulous Phoenix
14. Mysterious Watcher
15. Gold Smoke Knight
16. Imposing Dragon King
17. Secretive Goblin King
18. Final Satan

Does that work?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/01/20 09:01:44

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

 Alpharius wrote:
I like it - more please!

All kidding aside, I think your Malifaux tracks will get added, it is just that the guy(s) who can do it is busy and maybe hasn't looked here in a while?

Any idea if/when other tracks would be added? Just curious. Thanks!

Made in us
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

The Wastes of Krieg

40K - DKOK

1. Death Korp. Guardsmen
2. Death Korp. Watch Master
3. Death Korp Grenadier
4. Death Korp. Grenadier Watch Master
5. Death Korp. Commissar
6. Death Korp. Death Rider
7. Death Korp. Ridemaster
8. Death Korp. Death Rider Commissar
9. Death Korp. Engineer
10. Death Korp. Engineer Watch Master
11. Death Korp. Veteran
12. Death Korp. Field Officer
13. Death Korp. Quartermaster
14. Death Korp. Field Marshal
Made in au
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph

'Straya... Mate.

[40k] Genestealer Cult
1. Mindwyrm Familiar
2. Fanatic Contagii Brood Brother
3. Maelignaci First Generation Acolyte
4. Hybrid Second Generation Acolyte
5. True Hybrid Third Generation Miner
6. Devoted Locus Bodyguard
7. Gun-Slinging Kelermorph
8. Primacii Fourth Generation Goliath Truck Driver
9. Speeding Atalan Jackal
10. Gene-manipulating Biophagus
11. Secretive Sanctus
12. Nexos Planning an uprising
13. Clamavus Spreading Messages of Joy
14. Revered Hybrid Metamorph
15. Purestrain Fifth Generation Genestealer
16. Jackal Alphus Peering Down-Scope
17. Awe Inspiring Acolyte Iconward
18. Inspirational War Leader Primus
19. Hypnotic Telepathic Magus
20. Patriarch, father of a hidden dynasty

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/02/04 00:32:52

Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

 Rippy wrote:
[40k] Genestealer Cult
1. Mindwyrm Familiar
2. Fanatic Contagii Brood Brother
3. Maelignaci First Generation Acolyte
4. Hybrid Second Generation Acolyte
5. True Hybrid Third Generation Miner
6. Devoted Locus Bodyguard
7. Gun-Slinging Kelermorph
8. Primacii Fourth Generation Goliath Truck Driver
9. Speeding Atalan Jackal
10. Gene-manipulating Biophagus
11. Secretive Sanctus
12. Nexos Planning an uprising
13. Clamavus Spreading Messages of Joy
14. Revered Hybrid Metamorph
15. Purestrain Fifth Generation Genestealer
16. Jackal Alphus Peering Down-Scope
17. Awe Inspiring Acolyte Iconward
18. Inspirational War Leader Primus
19. Hypnotic Telepathic Magus
20. Patriarch, father of a hidden dynasty

Overall, it looks really solid. Comments below:

1) My first thought was that since the Genestealers are kind of unique, in that they implant their hosts and spawn from there, it could be fun to make the first few ranks humorously represent that, like having the first rank be 'Hapless Space Hulk Explorer', the second rank being something like 'Infected and Looking For a Mate'. This can be cool especially because the first few ranks can go by really, really quick for most people (because they're often just 0-10 posts for the first rank and 10-25 posts for the second rank). Of course, that would mean losing the Mindwyrm familiar (as it wouldn't 'fit' that early rank theme anymore) and some other rank as well to make space for those, so I will leave it up to you whether to start with the more straight forward ranks like you have, or something more humorous.

2) One of my main concerns with rank tracks is that each rank when seen by themselves (which is the only way people see them once they're implemented) can give some indication of what rank track people are on. I think you've done a really, really good job on that, especially because Genestealers have a lot of really unique names that apply only to their faction. So nothing on this front I'd recommend changing, just wanted to give you props.

3) Although I'm going to contradict this point in just a second, another major thing we want to try to do is to keep the ranks as short as humanly possible. Though I also don't want to lose any of the 'flavor' of the ranks either. What do you think about going with '1st', '2nd', '3rd' and so on, instead of 'first', 'second', 'third', etc, for the generation names? And what about 'Gen' instead of writing out 'generation' fully each time (so '1st Gen', '2nd Gen, etc)? Do you think that messes ''the feel' of the ranks up too much? It would definitely save quite a bit of characters to do it this way, so my inclination is to make this change.

4) For the most part, you've done a great job of making each rank have a nice little descriptive flair, like 'Secretive Sanctus', 'Nexos planning an uprising', etc. But there are a few which are just a plain name and nothing else. Many of these are quite long names, so I get maybe you were reluctant to add extra flair words to them. However, especially if we shorten 'first generation' down to '1st gen', it would make it easier to fit in some extra flair on these ranks?

1. Mindwyrm Familiar (assuming you decide to keep this rank and not replace it per my note #1 above)
3. Maelignaci First Generation Acolyte
4. Hybrid Second Generation Acolyte
15. Purestrain Fifth Generation Genestealer

5) The last 3 ranks, if at all possible, are supposed to be really cool easter eggs, either harkening back to old fluff or really old OOP miniatures. Currently, your last 3 ranks are just the top 3 ranks for the faction, without anything really cool or fun about them.

A couple things I can think of off the top of my head would be throwing back to the old Patriach miniature, so something like: 'Big Fat Patriach Sitting on a Throne'. It also could be fun to throw back to the original Genestealer design from Rogue Trader somehow, and how they just had a mouth for a face? Do you have the old Rogue Trader book to reference for this? And/or maybe have one of these final ranks reference back to Ymgarl (as the original Rogue Trader fluff said they were from there)?

Of course, if you feel like you need to keep any of the final ranks that are in the last 3 spots, you should not be afraid to cull a couple 'less important' ranks from the somewhere else in the rank track to make some space.

I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
Waaagh Dakka: click the banner to learn more! 
Made in au
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph

'Straya... Mate.

thanks yakface, here is what I have come up with for a revision based on your feedback, for the Genestealer track.

I actually really liked your suggestions, so have included them in.

Would love to have some suggestions from anyone if anyone can see some better changes.

1. Hapless Space Hulk Explorer
2. Infected and Looking For a Mate
3. Maelignaci 1st Gen Acolyte howling with devotion
4. Hybrid 2nd Gen Acolyte stealing explosives
5. True Hybrid 3rd Gen Miner
6. Devoted Locus Bodyguard
7. Gun-Slinging Kelermorph
8. Primacii 4th Gen Goliath Truck Driver
9. Speeding Atalan Jackal
10. Gene-manipulating Biophagus
11. Secretive Sanctus
12. Nexos Planning an uprising
13. Clamavus Spreading Messages of Joy
14. Revered Hybrid Metamorph
15. Purestrain 5th Gen infiltrating a colony
16. Hypnotic, Telepathic Magus
17. Inspirational War Leader Primus
18. Patriarch, father of a hidden dynasty

19. Mouth-for-a-face Purestrain 5th Gen
20. Big Fat Patriarch Sitting on a Throne

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/21 02:50:01

Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

Ok, Genestealer Cult rank track has been added.

I ended up tweaking nearly every rank you suggested (sorry, I can't help myself), but your order of which ranks go in what order definitely made this possible (no way I could have done it without your help), so thanks!

I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
Waaagh Dakka: click the banner to learn more! 
Made in au
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph

'Straya... Mate.

 yakface wrote:

Ok, Genestealer Cult rank track has been added.

I ended up tweaking nearly every rank you suggested (sorry, I can't help myself), but your order of which ranks go in what order definitely made this possible (no way I could have done it without your help), so thanks!

great, thank you so much! Appreciate you taking the time for this.

Made in us
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader

Ossiarch Bone Reapers (Age of Sigmar)

Mortek Guard
Kavalos Deathrider
Necropolis Stalker
Immortis Guard
Aviarch Spymaster
Gnosis Scrollbearer
Mortisan Boneshaper
Mortek Hekatos
Mortisan Soulmason
Mortisan Soulreaper
Morgasht Archai
Liege Kavalos
Mortarch of the Necropolis

Mortarch of Sacrament

Wolfspear's 2k
Harlequins 2k
Chaos Knights 2k
Spiderfangs 2k
Ossiarch Bonereapers 1k 
Made in gb
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch


We need some love for 40K Knights!

[40K] Chaos Knights
[40K] Imperial Knights

[1,800] Chaos Knights | [1,250] Thousand Sons | [1,000] Grey Knights | 40K editions: RT, 8, 9, 10 | https://www.flickr.com/photos/dreadblade/  
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Maybe now we need a Leagues of Votann track!

Fresh from the Cloneskein
E-COG doing odd jobs
Ironkin Assistant
Stalwart Hearthkyn Warrior
Angry Cthonian Beserk
Hernkyn Pioneer with a sense of adventure
Fearless Sagitaur driver
Brokhyr Thunderkyn with a huge gun
Elite Einhyr Hearthguard
Indomitable Land Fortress driver
Brokhyr Iron-master with all the tools
Exemplary Einhyr Champion
Kahl overseeing his Hold
Ancient Grimnyr
High Kahl of an entire League
Lord Grimnyr in direct contact with the Votann

One of the Revered Ancestors

Okay that was admittedly kind of bad, but I know someone else can do better!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 25 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
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