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Made in dk
Longtime Dakkanaut


Went to my first 2k 10th edition game today. It was an absolut learning game so we probably made a lot of mistakes. We also only had printed versions of the secondaries so we had to play fixed.

None of us knew how much one could score on primary/secondaries but we went 50 primaries max, and 20 for each secondary, and we picked 2 secondaries.

He faintly recalled thats how it was so we just rolled with it. We also had no idea how much CP to start with. He recalled one started with 3CP but i recalled watching streams where they had 0 to begin with, so we started with 0 as well.

Anyway, he played thousand sons.

I did not make a super competitive list i just wanted to try things out. Needless to say i lost but not by a lot. It was a 58-68 game loss to me.
Grot 45
Grot 45
Grot 45

Snagga boys
Snagga boys – Painboss 70

Mini Mek 45

Mozrog 195

Morkanaut 305
Gorkanaut 295
Gorkanaut 295

Deff dread 150 (4 klaws)
Deff dread 150 (4 klaws)
Deff dread 150 (4 klaws)

Things of note for me: Mozrog was charged by magnus (sadly i didnt do the charging) and was throwing hands with magnus for 2 turns and died in the end to some shooting. But in general, Mozzie did really really well. The -1AP is really atrocious on his weapon, but if you get to charge you can do some mortal wounds on a +5 i believe, so that sort of makes up for it. But in my case i WAS charged so i couldnt do that. Still though, he tanked a lot of shots, so definitely worth the 195 points.

Gorkanaut/morkanaut i mean.. I dont know if they are good or bad yet. Because playing against thousand sons, they just go: Oops, now you cant take a save" and then the unit just dies outright. Only 1 of my gorkanauts actually went in to close combat against a Vortex Beast and only got 2 wounds out of his 6 attacks, one which was saved and the other which only did 4 damage due to feel no pains. That was probably way below average damage, but considering i pay 295 points for my model and he paid 145 im surprised the Gorkanaut isnt actually more of a beast in CC than it is, given the shooting is rather sub par.

I also had high hopes from the Morkanauts shooting on a +4 on a waagh turn, but i had nothing to really shoot except terminators while it was still alive, and they just tanked.. everything.

On the other hand, Deff dreads did surprisingly well with their +2 save, higher toughness and better move. They also battle shocked a unit of termies so that he lost an objective. The loss of -1 AP to melee is a bit sad, and 150 points is definitely not amazing at all, but they tank a good amount of damage in Melee versus those terminators due to the +2 save. So while i think 150 points is too much for a model with 8 wounds (the vortex beast is 145 points with like 13 wounds, what the feth?) the deff dread is a good model with its better profile. But it definitely needs to be cheaper.

Beast snagga boys seem.. good id say and 2 objective control on grots? Super duper for such an otherwise trash unit (from a fighting point of view, grots are good and vital). Im debating with my self if i should have 2 units of 3 units of grots. On one hand, you dont really run good bits anymore, but i kinda like that i can easily screen out my backline in case of deepstrikes or relocates. And thats just easier with 3 units rather than 2. But im not in need of 3 units if there are no relocates or deepstrikes.. hmm..

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/06/21 20:16:09

Hope, is the first step on the road to disappointment.

- About Dawn of War 3 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Colorado Springs

What was your Dred loadout? All Klaws?

Tying up Magnus for two turns while still being shot at is a pretty good show for Moz, I'd say.
Made in dk
Longtime Dakkanaut


 JohnU wrote:
What was your Dred loadout? All Klaws?

Tying up Magnus for two turns while still being shot at is a pretty good show for Moz, I'd say.

Oh yea sorry. Dreads we full klaws.

I threw -1 to wound on him at a point, that really did wonders.

Hope, is the first step on the road to disappointment.

- About Dawn of War 3 
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

For the record you played it right. 50 max for primary, 40 max on secondaries, 0 cp to start with.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in dk
Longtime Dakkanaut


tneva82 wrote:
For the record you played it right. 50 max for primary, 40 max on secondaries, 0 cp to start with.

Ah thats great.

Does any of you ladz know if we can use Ere we go" on a unit embarked in a transport? They are technically not on the table. The question came up but we played it as we couldnt.

Hope, is the first step on the road to disappointment.

- About Dawn of War 3 
Made in pt
Maniacal Gibbering Madboy

Beardedragon wrote:
 JohnU wrote:
What was your Dred loadout? All Klaws?

Tying up Magnus for two turns while still being shot at is a pretty good show for Moz, I'd say.

Oh yea sorry. Dreads we full klaws.

I threw -1 to wound on him at a point, that really did wonders.

dread is not eligible for the -1, the strat excludes vehicles and gretchin.
Made in au
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Forceride wrote:
Beardedragon wrote:
 JohnU wrote:
What was your Dred loadout? All Klaws?

Tying up Magnus for two turns while still being shot at is a pretty good show for Moz, I'd say.

Oh yea sorry. Dreads we full klaws.

I threw -1 to wound on him at a point, that really did wonders.

dread is not eligible for the -1, the strat excludes vehicles and gretchin.

I think he meant Mozrog, which is a fantastic use of that stratagem. Makes Moz even more of a zogger to remove.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Best list I can do… lots of bodies and lots of damage and lots of OC and lots of mobility and durability…only issue I see is tactical missions might give out decent amount of vehicle or character assassination points…. feel free to tear it up…

Goff pressure:new and improved
Ork 10th (2000 Points)

Waaagh! Tribe
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Beastboss (80 Points)- leading 10x beastsnaggas in trukk
• 1x Beast Snagga klaw
1x Beastchoppa
1x Shoota

Beastboss (80 Points)- leading 10x beastsnaggas on trukk
• 1x Beast Snagga klaw
1x Beastchoppa
1x Shoota

Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun (75 Points)- leading 2x mekguns in backfield
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Grot Assistant
1x Shokk attack gun

Kaptin Badrukk (95 Points)-leading 10x flashgitz in trukk
• 1x Choppa
1x Da Rippa
1x Slugga

Mozrog Skragbad (195 Points)- durable melee missle (ard as nails here)
• Warlord
• 1x Big Chompa’s jaws
1x Gutrippa
1x Thump gun

Nob on Smasha Squig (95 Points) -mortal wound bomb leading 6x squigriders
• 1x Big choppa
1x Slugga
1x Smasha squig jaws
• Enhancements: Headwoppa’s Killchoppa

Warboss (70 Points)- leading 10x nobs in trukk
• 1x Attack Squig
1x Power Klaw
1x Kombi-weapon
1x Twin slugga

Zodgrod Wortsnagga (80 Points)- midfield move blocking w 20x supergrunts and 2x runtherders
• 1x Da Grabzappa
1x Slugga


Beast Snagga Boyz (105 Points)
• 1x Beast Snagga Nob
• 1x Power snappa
1x Slugga
• 9x Beast Snagga Boy
• 8x Choppa
1x Close combat weapon
8x Slugga
1x Thump gun

Beast Snagga Boyz (105 Points)
• 1x Beast Snagga Nob
• 1x Power snappa
1x Slugga
• 9x Beast Snagga Boy
• 8x Choppa
1x Close combat weapon
8x Slugga
1x Thump gun


Trukk (50 Points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk (50 Points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk (50 Points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk (50 Points)
• 1x Big shoota
1x Spiked wheels
1x Wreckin’ ball


Flash Gitz (190 Points)
• 1x Ammo Runt
• 1x Kaptin
• 1x Choppa
1x Snazzgun
• 9x Flash Git
• 9x Choppa
9x Snazzgun

Gretchin (90 Points)
• 2x Runtherd
• 2x Grot-smacka
2x Slugga
• 20x Gretchin
• 20x Close combat weapon
20x Grot blasta

Mek Gunz (90 Points)
• 2x Grot crew
2x Bubblechukka

Nobz (230 Points)
• 1x Boss Nob
• 2x Ammo Runt
1x Power klaw
1x Slugga
• 9x Nob
• 9x Power klaw
9x Slugga

Squighog Boyz (220 Points)
• 2x Bomb Squig
6x Saddlegit weapons
6x Squighog jaws and saddlegits
6x Stikka

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2023/06/22 16:54:46

Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

 Tomsug wrote:
Wazboom is useless. Mek Gunz / SAG

Yeah, only D3 shots is a joke. Should at least be a flat 4, if not more, and the strength isn't great either.
Made in dk
Longtime Dakkanaut


Forceride wrote:
Beardedragon wrote:
 JohnU wrote:
What was your Dred loadout? All Klaws?

Tying up Magnus for two turns while still being shot at is a pretty good show for Moz, I'd say.

Oh yea sorry. Dreads we full klaws.

I threw -1 to wound on him at a point, that really did wonders.

dread is not eligible for the -1, the strat excludes vehicles and gretchin.

him as in mozrog, but i understand your confusion

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/22 04:49:26

Hope, is the first step on the road to disappointment.

- About Dawn of War 3 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User


Is there a rule I'm missing that says you can have multiple leaders in one squad? I keep seeing people mention using both a warboss and a painboy in the same squad and I was under the impression is was one leader allowed per unit.

Also I just realized that the way heavy weapon squads work makes any +1 to hit bonus completely useless to them. Very disappointing. Definitely screws over other armies more than it does us, but I was thinking of trying to buff a truck full of lootaz or flash gitz with a mini mek.

Chaos 3000
Daemons: 3000
Orks: 6000
IG: 2500
Ogres: 4000
TS: 2000
S2D: 2000 
Made in us
Smokin' Skorcha Driver

Just da boyz can, it’s a rule under their unit composition.

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. 
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 OOTN wrote:
Is there a rule I'm missing that says you can have multiple leaders in one squad? I keep seeing people mention using both a warboss and a painboy in the same squad and I was under the impression is was one leader allowed per unit.

Also I just realized that the way heavy weapon squads work makes any +1 to hit bonus completely useless to them. Very disappointing. Definitely screws over other armies more than it does us, but I was thinking of trying to buff a truck full of lootaz or flash gitz with a mini mek.

Not completely useless. -1 to hit things are still a thing. Just my 1st game I ran into situation where I had -1 to hit and once even -2 at which point ability to get +2 to hit would have been welcome.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

RedNoak wrote:
if you are going by damage output and durability per point. you'll never use boyz again. well maybe to tarpit with 20 of them or to teleport them with weirboy

but in 90% of the situations you are better off with snaggaz. especially now that you can either take 10 or 20. nothing in between.

painboss looks good because i wanna run a couple of trukks. and space is at a premium here... i need those snaggaz to hit hard and survive as long as possible

3 s9 attacks, 5+++ , bringing back d3 snaggaz and occasionally heal a character 3 wounds is nothing to scoff at

i would at least try him out. maybe beastboss is better... time will tell.

I like how you say that beast snaggas are better than Boyz in all situations due to points efficiency and then immediately ruin that efficiency by insisting on a Painboss.

At least the Beastboss adds 1 to hit and does considerable mortal wounds on 4+ devastating wounds.

I really, honestly, do not understand the point of the Painboss in snaggas squads. What value is he bringing to the unit that wouldn't be solved by spending those points on more snaggas?

Fang, son of Great Fang, the traitor we seek, The laws of the brethren say this: That only the king sees the crown of the gods, And he, the usurper, must die.
Mother earth is pregnant for the third time, for y'all have knocked her up. I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe, but I was not offended. For I knew I had to rise above it all, or drown in my own gak. 
Made in dk
Longtime Dakkanaut


 TedNugent wrote:
RedNoak wrote:
if you are going by damage output and durability per point. you'll never use boyz again. well maybe to tarpit with 20 of them or to teleport them with weirboy

but in 90% of the situations you are better off with snaggaz. especially now that you can either take 10 or 20. nothing in between.

painboss looks good because i wanna run a couple of trukks. and space is at a premium here... i need those snaggaz to hit hard and survive as long as possible

3 s9 attacks, 5+++ , bringing back d3 snaggaz and occasionally heal a character 3 wounds is nothing to scoff at

i would at least try him out. maybe beastboss is better... time will tell.

I like how you say that beast snaggas are better than Boyz in all situations due to points efficiency and then immediately ruin that efficiency by insisting on a Painboss.

At least the Beastboss adds 1 to hit and does considerable mortal wounds on 4+ devastating wounds.

I really, honestly, do not understand the point of the Painboss in snaggas squads. What value is he bringing to the unit that wouldn't be solved by spending those points on more snaggas?

If you bring mozrog or a beastboss on squig he can heal them.

Otherwise you are not going to heal a wounded mozzie or beastie boss on squig. So they add that value.

Hope, is the first step on the road to disappointment.

- About Dawn of War 3 
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 TedNugent wrote:
I really, honestly, do not understand the point of the Painboss in snaggas squads. What value is he bringing to the unit that wouldn't be solved by spending those points on more snaggas?

20 snaggas cost 210. Requires 30 damage to kill through 5++ so 10 extra snaggas. 10 snaggas cost 105 which is more than 80 of painboy. Plus d3 back and it's own combat ability.

Doesn't seem that bad unless unit of 20 is pure junk to begin with.

Now if 10 will do job just as well as 20 so you are better of having 2 units of 10 and one hides on the turn other unit does the job then 10 naked snaggas way to go.

Plus of course if there's better buff for 20 to do the role than just more durability. But for 20 units 20+painboss takes more effort to take down than 20+10.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/22 09:28:58

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

tneva82 wrote:
 TedNugent wrote:
I really, honestly, do not understand the point of the Painboss in snaggas squads. What value is he bringing to the unit that wouldn't be solved by spending those points on more snaggas?

20 snaggas cost 210. Requires 30 damage to kill through 5++ so 10 extra snaggas. 10 snaggas cost 105 which is more than 80 of painboy. Plus d3 back and it's own combat ability.

Doesn't seem that bad unless unit of 20 is pure junk to begin with.

Now if 10 will do job just as well as 20 so you are better of having 2 units of 10 and one hides on the turn other unit does the job then 10 naked snaggas way to go.

Plus of course if there's better buff for 20 to do the role than just more durability. But for 20 units 20+painboss takes more effort to take down than 20+10.

Beast snaggas have a base 6+ fnp, so you can only attribute the rolls of 5 to the value of a painboss. Using your quick math would be 5 beast snagga boys worth ~53points.

Best to just bring a beastboss!
Made in fr
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Ah knew forgot something. Yea that lowers value quite a bit.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in pt
Maniacal Gibbering Madboy

Beardedragon wrote:
Forceride wrote:
Beardedragon wrote:
 JohnU wrote:
What was your Dred loadout? All Klaws?

Tying up Magnus for two turns while still being shot at is a pretty good show for Moz, I'd say.

Oh yea sorry. Dreads we full klaws.

I threw -1 to wound on him at a point, that really did wonders.

dread is not eligible for the -1, the strat excludes vehicles and gretchin.

him as in mozrog, but i understand your confusion
Oh, yeah great use mate, my confusion. Btw i don't think the snaggas are a good use unit, the reason i say is they get close to the cost of 10 nobz and their far less offensive add in transports/warboss and you get more mileage out of nobz. Point wise is pretty close. If you want tarpit unit i would say boys with painboy might be more efficient , since they cost less.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/22 12:44:14

Made in it
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Forgeworld Points are out including Squiggoths and Grot Tanks: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/yjHP7Y5opT8kkexf.pdf

Warboss on a Warbike is only 80pts, looking forward to seeing his rules. Gargantuan Squiggoth at 440pts

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/22 12:54:24

Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Forgeworld Points are out including Squiggoths and Grot Tanks: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/yjHP7Y5opT8kkexf.pdf

Warboss on a Warbike is only 80pts, looking forward to seeing his rules.

Yeah, fingers crossed he has an ability that's better than the Deffkilla Wartrike that has actual synergy with warbikers.
Made in it
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Yeah I've been wondering what they'll the biker boss. Perhaps he'll give the unit he's leading the old dust cloud protection and +1 to Advance & Charge.
Made in dk
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Grimskul wrote:
 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Forgeworld Points are out including Squiggoths and Grot Tanks: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/yjHP7Y5opT8kkexf.pdf

Warboss on a Warbike is only 80pts, looking forward to seeing his rules.

Yeah, fingers crossed he has an ability that's better than the Deffkilla Wartrike that has actual synergy with warbikers.

Grot mega tank at 110 points? This will either be a very gakky shooting platform or a really freaking good one i think.

Also im surprised that the warboss on bike even survived, i thought he was shafted? Alongside grot tanks.

Mega dread and Meka Dread at 225-230 points seem really excessive. They will need good rules and stats to make up for that.

Garg squig at 440. Ooof. But i guess when the Stompa is 800 and the garg squig has the same amount of wounds, what to expect really.

Also the Kill tank at 305 its essentially a morkanaut price wise. Cant wait to see datasheets for these models.The Kill tank can either be decent or terrible. As with so many other things.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/06/22 12:58:47

Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

United Kingdom


I won't even say Ninja'd as it took me so long to type up about the FW units that 11th edition is just around the corner

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/22 13:07:14

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Forgeworld Points are out including Squiggoths and Grot Tanks: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/yjHP7Y5opT8kkexf.pdf

Warboss on a Warbike is only 80pts, looking forward to seeing his rules. Gargantuan Squiggoth at 440pts

Interesting warboss on warbike is included they discontinued the model… pleasantly surprised and it’s a decent price too… no killaklaw. So his damage is down but maybe he buffs bikes; they just need a little more to be a competitive unit.

Nobs on bike I am hopeful for something decent although I doubt they increase thier damage which is what bikes lack and instead increase durability (wounds/toughness).

I doubt bigtrakk beats trukk based on points but that killtank is a good price and just as much as a naut.

The dreads look overpriced and I doubt they have an ability that makes up for it like deffdread.
Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

gungo wrote:
 The Red Hobbit wrote:
Forgeworld Points are out including Squiggoths and Grot Tanks: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/yjHP7Y5opT8kkexf.pdf

Warboss on a Warbike is only 80pts, looking forward to seeing his rules. Gargantuan Squiggoth at 440pts

Interesting warboss on warbike is included they discontinued the model… pleasantly surprised and it’s a decent price too… no killaklaw. So his damage is down but maybe he buffs bikes; they just need a little more to be a competitive unit.

Nobs on bike I am hopeful for something decent although I doubt they increase thier damage which is what bikes lack and instead increase durability (wounds/toughness).

I doubt bigtrakk beats trukk based on points but that killtank is a good price and just as much as a naut.

The dreads look overpriced and I doubt they have an ability that makes up for it like deffdread.

It would be nice if they took the opportunity to make the Mega Dread do something for other Walkerz units, like a sort of mini-boss, since he can't actually lead them as units, with either an aura or some sort of ability in the command phase to make it up for Dread WAAAGH! players who've been shafted for a couple of editions now.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Colorado Springs

RIP my Chinorks, but I think we got a good slew of options otherwise.

Not having to worry about all the FW Space Marine nonsense might end up being the best part though.
Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

United Kingdom

The Big Trakk miiiight have a very small niche if it still gets the Supa Kannon and still has a transport capacity. Stick a load of Lootas or Flash Gitz in it then you've got a trukk equivalent that can actually do some damage after its kicked out its passengers, or join in with the Dakka.

The Gargantuan Squiggoth could also be useful.... Provided you can get it across the board, in which case it's probably immediately pulping whatever it hits outside of opposing super heavies.

Comparing the Big Squig to it's likely closest comparison, the Gorkanaut, for 150ish points more than the naut you get;
1. 2" more movement, 1 point of Toughness, 10 Wounds and 4 OC.
2. Trading lots of anti-infantry shooting for 2d6 KMK-esque shots, and doesn't take a -1 for shooting in engagement range. This presumably applies to anything using the 20 man firing deck.
3. Slightly lower strength on the strike melee attack (still wounding most vehicles on 3s) but a huuuge damage increase when they land. Also has a much improved sweep attack, but sadly lacks the +1 to hit during Waaagh.

Left to run around on its own, it's a pretty fast, durable beater and could be used as a distraction carnifex dialled up to 11.

You could also load it up with burnas and have a pretty potent gunboat that multicharges units and goes absolutely hog wild in engagement range.

Notably, you can use Orkz is Never Beaten and Ard as Nails on the Squiggoth. Suddenly making it way more durable, and giving no care to whether it gets charged or units with Fights First.

I will be using one regardless of whether it's worth taking

Convenient that it's 10 points less than 5 MANz, a Mega Mek and a Battlewagon

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/22 14:04:56

Made in it
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


 Afrodactyl wrote:

Notably, you can use Orkz is Never Beaten and Ard as Nails on the Squiggoth. Suddenly making it way more durable, and giving no care to whether it gets charged or units with Fights First.

I will be using one regardless of whether it's worth taking

Sounds fantastically durable, please post how the game goes once you run one.
Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

United Kingdom

 The Red Hobbit wrote:
 Afrodactyl wrote:

Notably, you can use Orkz is Never Beaten and Ard as Nails on the Squiggoth. Suddenly making it way more durable, and giving no care to whether it gets charged or units with Fights First.

I will be using one regardless of whether it's worth taking

Sounds fantastically durable, please post how the game goes once you run one.

I can guarantee you I will just be making dinosaur noises the whole game and will completely forget about objectives in favour of squishing things
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