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I was doing this for my army and decided to take WIP pics. I'm reading my instructions in the video so I sound weird. I would have left too many details out if I "winged it" like usual. Sculptors may laugh at my attempt but I suck at sculpting so this was my process
And yes I'm casting these for duplication because I made the piece ha!
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2009/08/01 04:50:37
Would polymer clay be available in DIY shops or just arts n craft stores? because this looks very interesting as I'm just painting a land raider
great video as always and I'm highly participating in the next one !
Like it ... to bad i will have to buy the clay of ebay or something becosue i have looked in every effing store in town without finding any of the brands you have named...
To minimize the problem you had with it sticking and needing to be pried up, theres two solutions to that might help.
The easiest would be to do it on a pieces of aluminium foil, it should peel right off after bakin and is oven safe
The other would be to dust the work surface with talcum powder or something similar to prevent it from sticcking (just like using flour to keep dough from sticking to the counter).
Either of those should help keep your symbols intact
Well you want it to stick, just to a surface you can put in the oven. Most of the cutting on it was done like a saw and if the clay did not stick to the paper it would have distorted the design greatly. 275 F didn't even brown the paper so it's not a problem. And once baked the clay will easily come off the bottom paper.
I used a number 10 (the curved blade ) to carve manzanita and it never broke or bent, and it hardly dulled past a standard knives sharpness. Pretty amazing actually, manzanita is one of the hardest woods in the world.
Be careful if you do use it though, the curve tip slips quite easily.
Good job, I'm going to try this with Salamander Shoulder pads.
dogma wrote:Is there any Chaos God who goes un-worshiped in Brazil?
Probably Nurgle, Africa has the lock on that.
metallifan wrote:
The Dark Eldar are, by fluff, sex-addicted, space-cocaine snorting, cross-dressing, slave-taking, soul stealing space pirates. They should fit the bill. No one is forcing you to buy minis with man-thongs.
Sharpasaspoon wrote:Rome, Greece and GW.... The Greeks invented Sex, the Romans thought about having it with women, then GW decided to screw us.
I use Zap Brannigan's art of war and try to jam enough wreckage in their main cannon so it won't work.