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New to mordheim.. Marienburgers  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Dark Angels Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Hey guys, im just starting out in mordheim and made a warband list for marienburgers. I got a box of militia to make them out of, and I might get some characters form gw but there isnt much out anymore. Anyway any advice would be cool as im not too sure about making a warband, ive got the gist that armour is a no good so ive avoided it and just maxed out on bodies.

Captain: 140gc
-Brace of duelling pistols, sword, helmet, lucky charm

Champion: 45gc

Champion: 45gc

Youngblood: 18gc

Youngblood: 18gc
Warriors: x 3 –maces 84gc
Swordsmen: x 4 –swords 180gc
Marksmen: x 2 –bows 70gc
TOTAL: 600

also some rules questions: can you buy miscellaneous items at the beginning of a campaign, the only place the items have prices in the rulebook is in the trading section/campaign section..
also if you use a brace of pistols for your attacks in close combat can you still parry with your sword?
thanks in advance

Made in gb
Xeno-Hating Inquisitorial Excruciator


Im not good on the rules myself
but you warband seems sound.

Ide love to see models.


I'm always looking for new players for system-less one on one RPG's via MSN and Email PM me if your interested!
Made in au
Dark Angels Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Haha yeh painting is always the hard part, mordheim seems trickier because the models might swap theyre weapons throughout so you dont know what to stick on them!
Made in cn
Blackclad Wayfarer

From England. Living in Shanghai

At the start of the campaign you can't buy anything that isn't on your "wargear" roster, so no lucky charm for your leader just yet.

Other than that your list looks ok, though I would perhaps change a swordsman for another archer since in early games shooting can win the game (not so much later when people start getting multi wound T4 models).

Looking for games in Shanghai? Send a PM 
Made in gb

Ards - N.Ireland

personally I'd swap the warriors for some more marksmen but thats purely because i like a bit of supression and fire support for my melee units, other than tha ti'd be inclined to give my marksmen a club each for the two attacks just incase.

Dropping the swords from your champions and leader means more clubs for everyone so you can if you want to go that route give your heroes including or excluding if you wish the youngbloods 2 clubs
Made in us
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

When my group was still playing Mordheim heavy, the prevailing opinion was to use Marienburger's extra GCs for something nasty, like 3 blunderbusses. They'll win you more games (especially early on) than swords, which I think are overpriced.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/21 23:49:03

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