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2009/11/25 08:34:33
Subject: [[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Ultramarines Space Marine by LBursley
I believe the Regal Blue covers pretty well. But with less coats the overall look of the model would be darker. I'm sure the model would look great using the colors in the tutorial, the finished product would just have a bit more contrast.
2009/11/25 11:49:24
Subject: [[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Ultramarines Space Marine by LBursley
So, maybe if I did the couple of coats of Regal, then maybe a coat of 1:1 Regal, and Ultra? And for the extreme highlight, maybe a greater mix of Ultra and Grey, or a mix of Ultra, and Ice Blue?
- Media Nox Meridies Noster
- Sons of our father, stand in midnight clad. We bring the night.
2009/11/25 19:34:32
Subject: [[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Ultramarines Space Marine by LBursley
Hooray for part two! Let's be off to YouTube, then...
Automatically Appended Next Post: EDIT: Watched the video and liked it very much! I liked Ash's comment of "having a green 'COMPLETE' stamp" smash onto the finished picture showcase of the model at the end. How about a red 'ASSIGNMENT' stamp at the begining of a tutorial series also?...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/12/06 21:47:46
I really appreciate the darker shade of Ultra in this video - this will be a good basis for me to do my Crimson Fists.
Man, I wish there was a real Black Library where I could get a Black Library Card and take out Black Library Books without having to buy them. Of course, late fees would be your soul. But it would be worth it. - InquisitorMack
2010/01/07 11:38:31
Subject: Re:[[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Ultramarines Space Marine by LBursley
Hi, I a new to the forums. I love the videos only I am awful at maths and fairly new to painting at this standard and things like watering down paints I haven't ever taken notice of before.
But what my problem is I don't understand the ratios. Is it paint to water, or water to paint? Also for example REGAL BLUE Diluted 2:1. What would I do? Thanks. Excuse the low intelligence.
2010/01/14 07:52:15
Subject: Re:[[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Ultramarines Space Marine by LBursley
My friend will appreciate this, video's can often be easier then just pictures as you can se the progress
- "Do not believe in me who believes in you, do not believe in you who believes in me, but believe in you who believes in yourself! DUMBASS!"
~Dark Eldar- Pirates of the Crystal Moon - 2400 points 38/15/4
~Pre-heresy Luna Wolves- WIP! (Probably gonna be a while)
~Recently sold sisters, GW ruined them for me their burning of xeno's will be remembered! (Friend bought them back for me, making them work, statement so far half stands after a lesson learnt)
~ SKAVEN - 1000 points and growing, just have assassinate a few warlords to get my way...need more cheese...
'The bane of a gamers existance '
2010/01/14 16:40:53
Subject: Re:[[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Ultramarines Space Marine by LBursley
kahanejosh wrote:Hi, I a new to the forums. I love the videos only I am awful at maths and fairly new to painting at this standard and things like watering down paints I haven't ever taken notice of before.
But what my problem is I don't understand the ratios. Is it paint to water, or water to paint? Also for example REGAL BLUE Diluted 2:1. What would I do? Thanks. Excuse the low intelligence.
The ratio is 2:1 Paint/water . I use dropper bottles to aid in this, so it would be 2 drops paint/ 1 drop water for the 2:1 ratio.
2010/02/07 14:01:16
Subject: Re:[[HD VIDEO]] How to paint Ultramarines Space Marine by LBursley