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Made in us
Executing Exarch

Odenton, MD

So this is a WIP Tutorial. While I was making it the last dregs of my camera battery released the mortal coil.... So more Photos to come.

First off you will need to buy a can of Great stuff expanding insulation foam. Should cost around 3.50 a can.

Next you will need get some waxed paper.

After that dig up a bunch of jar lids, or any 60mm ish disk. (I used some resin bases I had sitting around)

Next fine an old phone wire or Cat 5 cable, anything with bundles of small wires inside look good.

Place the bases a far distance apart on the wax paper and spray a blob of foam on them.

Note on this picture the one in the bottom right corner was stirred up about 40 minutes into drying.... as you can see it deflated, but it still has a cool texture.

Wait 1 hour.

Now take off the little tube attachment and spray strings of foam all over your foamy bases.

Wait 20 min, and in bed your Cat5 cable, and silly tyrind bits/

All thats left is to spray it and paint!

I just hit it with some bone primer and a green wash to show the texture, In a bit I will get a painted pic up.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2010/01/16 04:28:59

Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Olympia, Waaaghshinton

May I ask what foam and what bits? This looks awesome!

I'd love to embed this into a base, make it look like it crashed in the ground!
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Odenton, MD

The foam is called great stuff.

Those bits come on some of the nids sprues, I am not sure what ones though, as I bought a mega force when they were still offering it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
On I side note I would get the 2X expanding foam, I have one that expands more but it seems to lose some texture.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/01/16 04:31:05

Made in de
Crazed Savage Orc


The Nid thingy is from the Black Reach Assault Box or what the old starter box is called.

Boss, Raglun´z mob ´az redda trouserz dan uz!
Too bad, da mob got stinky about ...
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Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Jacksonville, NC

Wow, great idea there! and looks equally awesome!

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Made in gb
Aspirant Tech-Adept


the old starter set was battle for macragge
Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

It's from Battle for Macragge. I remember that bit from my set.


2800pts Dark Angels
2000pts Adeptus Mechanicus
1850pts Imperial Guard
Made in us
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Neat! Definitely looks organic - I hope you post the finished, painted product.

I'm not like them, but I can pretend.

Observations on complex unit wound allocation: If you're feeling screwed, your opponent is probably doing it right. 
Made in gb
Tunneling Trygon

Nottinghamshire- England

Looks KWEL!

Grimtuff wrote: GW want the full wrath of their Gestapo to come down on this new fangled Internet and it's free speech.

A Town Called Malus wrote: Draigo is a Mat Ward creation. They don't follow the same rules as everyone else.
Made in us
Furious Raptor


Those blobs....oddly.....work...hmmmmmm

1500 vs 1500 -40k
2500 vs 2500 -fantasy

Made in us
Savage Minotaur


Awesome, I will have to try that. Thanks.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran


I just had to compliment you on these. I think they look awesome, if I played nids I would definitely make these. I might anyway just for cool terrain.

5000 points (Blue rods are better than green!)
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