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New to Mordhiem, which Warband to start?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Carnival of Chaos

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Made in gb
Potent Possessed Daemonvessel

So after looking through the rulebook, I'm considering starting a Mordhiem warband, but am having trouble picking one. I've narrowed it down to a few I like, so for a guy completely new to the city of the damned and unsure of what it's really like, which of these gangs do you suggest going with?

Skaven-Pros': Fast and sneaky, which is how I normally play in WHFB.
Dynamic model range.
Cons: Needs a lot of models to make a good gang apparently.

Carnival of Chaos-pro's: I love the model range
Fairly unique
Cons: Seems to be a hard force to learn with.

Beastmen-pros: They're Beastmen. Need I say more?
Awsome Minataur
Good Aestheitc.
Cons: The thing in the woods name is very apt, if you get my meaning....
Fairly expensive models.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Mordheim is the only minis wargame I've had success at winning. I played Skaven, bulking up on giant rats because they were cheap and fast. Easy to replace them and use them to tie up the other guy's gang. They're pants in any setting where you have to climb to get objectives BUT if you tie up his guys or kill them before they can get to warpstone counters/whatever, you still win a majority of the time.

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Little lord Fauntleroy wrote:So after looking through the rulebook, I'm considering starting a Mordhiem warband,

Skaven-Pros': Fast and sneaky, which is how I normally play in WHFB.
Dynamic model range.
Cons: Needs a lot of models to make a good gang apparently.

Go Skaven. It's in the base rulebook, so it's balanced and fair. Plays well, too. Model-wise, a regiment box of plastic Skaven should cover your regular dudes, and all of the models are available in plastic from the WFB side.

The Beastmen rules were horribly broken when they came out, and I'd go so far as to simply ban them from any Mordheim league I ran. If they've been toned down, then the new plastics make them very affordable.

The Carnival is after I was playing, so I can't speak to them.

Made in us
Fleshound of Khorne

Skaven were always my favorite warband. As far as models go, the "night runner" regiment for WFB is the repackaged Mordheim set and intermixes with the clanrats as well.

"Centurion: Jealous newbie marines wanted a Marine version of a crisis suit that gave S/T and 2 weapons in one fire turn and an extra W, so that is my take on the Marine Turducken" shasolenzabi  
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