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Made in ca
Lethal Lhamean

somewhere in the webway

first off....is veskit broken? alot of people in my local gaming group think he is....

also, a question about his kit. it says he has fighting claws with built in warplocks. and that he fights at str 5 with -3 save mod. does this only apply 1st round? or does he always fight with this, regardless of ongoing rounds?

Melevolence wrote:

On a side note: Your profile pic both makes me smile and terrified

 Savageconvoy wrote:
.. Crap your profile picture is disturbing....

Made in eu
Infiltrating Broodlord


I don't think he is broken. Powerful but expensive, so that balances it out, imo.

He can use his warlock pistols in the first round of combat as it says in his description. After that he is back to his basic profile.

Schepp himself

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