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Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Overread wrote:
Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher is now gone

Bonegrinder Giant and Warpgnaw Verminlord are both "sold out" at present. Hard to tell if that means its "gone gone" or just awaiting new casting.

Right now its seeming increasingly likely that FW is just dropping AoS entirely.

I wonder if it's connected to the "return of old world". None of those kits were really AoS kits to begin with, and now that FW has to redo however many armies, they might want to focus on that instead of random leftoever monsters.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


If anything AoS and the shift toward bigger models would have made them more AoS than Old World. Considering that central GW has models just as big and expensive now the right marketing would have made them ideal AoS models.

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Stealthy Sanctus Slipping in His Blade

I really would hate to see the Dread Saurian go before I got one.... hopefully it sticks around for a few more months.

That is... unless it's replaced with a plastic one. Which probably wont happen.

PourSpelur wrote:
It's fully within the rules for me to look up your Facebook page, find out your dear Mother Gladys is single, take her on a lovely date, and tell you all the details of our hot, sweaty, animal sex during your psychic phase.
I mean, fifty bucks is on the line.
There's no rule that says I can't.
Hive Fleet Hercual - 6760pts
Hazaak Dynasty - 3400 pts
Seraphon - 4600pts
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Jackal90 wrote:
 Overread wrote:
If I were you I'd hang onto the models. They'll likely only go up in value over time, but also who knows if GW "MIGHT" consider one of the two "FW" armies for a main-line release. Or a "chaos dwarf" army of another name with a similar theme.

Thoguh yes I agree it is sad times, esp as GW hasn't really done enough, in my view, to actually promote FW for AoS. Heck the only arm I think they actually did any for was Gloomspite Gitz.

I’ll likely wait for panic buyers then sell the army in parts and be done with it.
Dislike the uncertain nature of it so don’t want to add more.

Will grab some mournguls for my Nighthaunt though as I’m not taking any risks.

As someone that HAD a 40k FW army, mine did go away even tho they said many times they are planning on doing more with it. Instead they removed them.

So this is a real possibility, FW can not be trusted. Everything they sell could go away at anytime.

Made in is
Angered Reaver Arena Champion

My fear is that one of the reason they are pulling models is the recast market. It is ridiculous how prevalent privacy has become for resin models and it might be causing FW to see less and less reason and monetary gain to hold out resin models such as these.

I wouldn't be surprised if GW/FW stops selling resin models altogether in some foreseeable future and just focus on plastic models.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

FW could have helped tho, they could have not increase everything by 30% on something that is already over costed. Yeah they need to pay the artist, molds, etc.. but a single model that is a SM size selling for $75+ is ridiculous. Especially when there are 40+ other miniature companies with the same quality doing resin/metal for 1/5 the cost per size/detail.

FW is costly just to be costly.

Then on top of that, they don't support most things they produce, they are outdated with points/rules, or just stop selling them after a year or few. With Armies being 2-3x the cost and 2-3x less support is another reason why people don't support FW.

TL; DR FW isn't doing well not because recast but b.c they are bad.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/01/22 15:22:28

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