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Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

That jet looks so nice. I really like the color scheme and the kitbash. Always looking forward to seeing more from you.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

thanks for the responses.

The dirty colouring is something I am working on. My friend painted his ork army licketysplit with fantastic dirty look, in his words "just slapping it around". For me it takes some work to not end up with a neat smooth look.

The yellow is either ye olde iyanden foundation yellow or tausept as base, then washes of Nazdreg yellow contrast ( full and thinned), multiple drybrushing of bad moon yellow. sometime Agrax earthshade.

the checks at this size i use modelling masking tape and drybrush white first then add masking tape square and drybrush the black. the positive of this method is it is easily scratched to add a little weathering.

A surprising close up of the GeeBee pilot. I was tickled to paint his suit in orange as an Xwing homage. Once he is in the jet, most of his lower half is not visible but I know it there (the surprise is how close up shots reveal paintjob not as smooth as I thought). I may dub him Guld Leedda Wanga.

Here he is in his fav place, about to rawr off and blast stuff.

And yep, some paint progress on the Chinorks, here is the pair so mr yellow much further along

Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

They look fantastic so far!

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

First he wows us with a rebel Ork and his awesome dakka plane. Then he shows us the chinorks with paint! Great progress, and the yellows are worth the extra effort, they look great!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

Warboss_Waaazag wrote:They look fantastic so far!

appreciate the comment, Warboss

gobert wrote:First he wows us with a rebel Ork and his awesome dakka plane. Then he shows us the chinorks with paint! Great progress, and the yellows are worth the extra effort, they look great!

thanks! my ork force is a mix of yellows and reds and some black. Reds for me at least are far easier to vary the shades.

finally da Yella Chinork is all done- my first go at weathering/chipping on it- nothing extreme or using powders but I am happy with it. I used the rhinox hide and metal with sponge and brush. I concentrated only on the mid section and flooring where the boys would be stompin n scraping on the way to scrapping.

I've included da red un- just detailing on that now- I have the mountain orks from sheildwolf riding on it. i did some mild conversions to give them guns. They have magnatised bases too and the flat flooring on both chinorks is plastic ferrous sheet. I am also slowly magnetising all the bases and using the sheet in plastic containers for storage.

and now the progress shots.

Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

ah once more unto the covid lockdown in nz. Thankfully I can work from home, but must leave hobby alone during work hours...

I had enough of the air waagh gitz for a while and scattered off to evaluate my ork walkers. Mr red Kinder surprise Kan is the result, a repaint i really enjoyed doing. the mostly metal Kans are kitbashes with three dread at the rear (one is a robogear kitbash). I'll touch them all up ( with paint), to intersperse painting my beastsnagga troops.

and finish that red chinork of course too.

Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

some Walka progress.

the yellow Kans are done for now. I may end up going back to weather and chip them up once all are done. We shall see. I started wargaming with Mordheim and the tail end of bright marines, weathering and dirtied up sci-fi stuff while a beautiful thing, is something I am still thawing out to.

Red kinder Kan snuck in the back for the group shot.

For the last few years I have much preferred building and converting etc than the painting phase, so this post has been great to battle the great pile o shame. I had converted this guy a few months ago, he is an Other side miniature (or bigature) named "the kings hand", I picked him up for half price because he screamed megadread. The shins have been cut down to get that ork hunched posture. Defiler claws, artelM for the Ork head with horns thingy on top and other odds n sods.

I'd delayed putting him in thread on the idea of getting paint on him first but, eh some glorious naked shots is ok for now
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Lovely set of Kans you’ve got there Vestibula! Great use of left over sweets and other assortment of bits. The naked MegaDredd looks promising too!

Shame you guys are back in lockdown, though I find long meetings great for cleaning up parts… as long as you’re not on Camera!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

 gobert wrote:
Lovely set of Kans you’ve got there Vestibula! Great use of left over sweets and other assortment of bits. The naked MegaDredd looks promising too!

Shame you guys are back in lockdown, though I find long meetings great for cleaning up parts… as long as you’re not on Camera!

Thanks Gobert, yeah cleaning would be fine to do. I have tried painting before and lost track of meeting

the kans are a real mix of stuff, eg one kans legs are from the Macca's Incredibles ball robot thing toy that was training/trying to kill Mr Incredible, kinder, robogear kit, guitar wire and some other military model kit bits- was great fun building them.

Here's ol' Yella, near done, just some lenses and the base sand/grit(plus weathering at some point). This guy has always been unreasonable, and didn't take getting bit to get smashy. The saw arm is robogear kitbash.

side pose...
Made in ca
Stormin' Stompa

Ottawa, ON

That's a nice dread-waaugh you have going there. The conversion work helps make each one feel unique and hand crafted. The yellow is impressive as well, considering you're starting with a black primer.

Ask yourself: have you rated a gallery image today? 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Great conversion on the King's Hand! I actually almost bought a few myself to convert into gorka/morkanauts but bailed on the project, but you've nailed it

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

Mr Nobody wrote:That's a nice dread-waaugh you have going there. The conversion work helps make each one feel unique and hand crafted. The yellow is impressive as well, considering you're starting with a black primer.

Thanks Mr Nobody, orks are great for conversions because a bit of roughness here or misaligned bit there is all A OK. I see fantastic popping yellows on Dakka and elsewhere; for my orks, I'm satisfied with the darker/murky undertone to the yellow. With my beastsnaggas, I plan to get a cleaner yellow and have an overall brighter look- all that natural living

Boss Salvage wrote:Great conversion on the King's Hand! I actually almost bought a few myself to convert into gorka/morkanauts but bailed on the project, but you've nailed it

thanks Boss Salvage, fyr, the kings hand plastic is much softer than a gw model and can be bent if you pushed but retains memory so goes back to shape. It was very easy to cut ( just in case you come across a bargain). You've reminded me of an earlier post I made for my gorka/morka nauts then did not update again cos life https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/609966.page. One scratchbuilt/kitbash and the actual kit. they are painted now so I'll post up some painted shots later in this blog.

Here's an update on the red dread, Mista Claws or maybe Mr Krabb, Ol' Yella is in the shot for size comparison. The red sections are finished, needs touch ups on the metals and some yellow panels with spot of black in similar proportion to Ol' Yella's red & black bits. It may detrack from an overall army coherency but eh, it's Orks Hopefully the colour cross spotting will pull them together visually.

and from the rear
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut


Really cool work on those ork mekaz, both the building and painting is looking really nice!
I would encourage you to put a bit more time on the bases, with a few more elements they would make the miniatures stand up even more!

Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may be be dead.
Painting blog:
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

 Killatores wrote:
Really cool work on those ork mekaz, both the building and painting is looking really nice!
I would encourage you to put a bit more time on the bases, with a few more elements they would make the miniatures stand up even more!

thanks for the praise and encouragement! Yes! re bases

I had been thinking that myself, and the larger bases really emphasise the serviceable but bland current style. I am investigating easy (time wise) options as painting base materials is a nope for me if at all possible to avoid. The premixed geek scenics looking the goods for the lazy basers. I've ordered some and will play about once they get delivered.

quick dodgy grab bag progress shot. I have the reds and yellows done on the red killa kans, the red Mr Krabbs dread is nearly done now. Ole Yella is in the shot to show coherency overall so far. Hmm, now that shot is uploaded I see that I left off one red kan he'll be in next time.

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Loving the variety you’re getting in these guys. I’ve got to agree with Killatorres, though I think what he was meaning was to add some items to the bases rather than changing the main base materials. Maybe throw some scrap from your bits box on them? A dead space marine is always a good adornment!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

@Gobert - bloody and battered base decorations are tight! but it would break my lazy base guy process you're right that it does add a lot. I'll think about that, especially for characters; makes a nice change from foot on rock to broken marine.

not much progress over weekend - it was first weekend on a lower covid lockdown where restaurants are open (with restrictions). Eating out at a great yum char place was da bestest

Given the lack of progress on current kans, I got my naughts out and snapped a shot. I now note they are not fully finished but nearly done so as i mentioned earlier, here is an update to my earlier naught thread. the red morkanaut is scratchbuilt with lotsa bits - the earlier thread has wip nekkid shots. speaking of large bare bases...

Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

righty, red team is go! I am satisfied with their painted state now. please disregard the bases for now, the scenic stuff is yet to arrive. these next photos were done outside in late morning light, NZ is in Spring now so we are getting actual sunshine ; interesting how light makes all more vibrant, it especially loves bringing out the yellow/brown pop/contrast.

Now a couple shots of red and yella combined!

what da oomies see just before getting jolly welll stomped.

a more top down perspective...

I well pleased that they look like part of the same waaagh- my hazy view is a nascent waaagh, a recent mixture of clans all ready to go waaaagh on non-orks for a change. there is one more dread and three kans that i plan to make mostly black with red/yellow spot colour to stretch the colour coherency more. If I likey, I'll keep it up, if not all good as I struggle with black schemes.

comments /questions welcome

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Great work on finishing the kans and dredds, I love the dull yet some how brightness of the reds and yellows. I think you’re right that the spot colours tie them together nicely. A black mob should also work, so good luck with them! Will they also get a Kinder Kan?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

That Geebee is baller. Cool stuff

 Avatar 720 wrote:
You see, to Auston, everyone is a Death Star; there's only one way you can take it and that's through a small gap at the back.

Come check out my Blood Angels,Crimson Fists, and coming soon Eldar
I have conceded that the Eldar page I started in P&M is their legitimate home. Free Candy! Updated 10/19.
Powder Burns wrote:what they need to make is a fullsize leatherman, like 14" long folded, with a bone saw, notches for bowstring, signaling flare, electrical hand crank generator, bolt cutters..
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

gobert wrote:<snip> Will they also get a Kinder Kan?

hey Gobert, I actually thought i had built three Kinder Kans but can only find two lol. I reckon I will so every group has same numbers- I think GW dropped the ball when they removed the dread kicking kans into line.
AustonT wrote:That Geebee is baller. Cool stuff

Thanks AustonT! a nice coincidence while painting up the geebee blastajet was putting on the Rocketeer movie,I was on a rewatch and all i recalled was Jennifer Connolly was in it, and bingo- there's a geebee in the movie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Sounds like you need to buy some more chocolate!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

Winter is drenching the land once more... no better time to finally get more progress on this greentide

Anyone find that buying new kits gets you motivated again on you work in progress stuff? I dived into Horus Heresy and now find more interested in progressing my Orks... eh, hobbying is hobbying. My gaming crew are low on motivation at mo for gaming so it more modelling fun and thats where Orkz cant be beat.

Finally finished both Chinorks, and bases ( the glue is not yet fully dried). The base mix is Geek gaming scenics Wasteland soil with a few bits added here and there.

the large ladz are added to shot for a lark- I not recall if legal but it reminds me of Edge of Tomorrow.
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

and other work on some boyz, well at least infantry of a type. I decided to get the 6 meganobz from the set all in red with the classic claw and shoota. I've been mucking about with the killsaw bits and bloodbowl black orcs for pure melee- they're still wips.

the red big ladz:

you may note the two Mekz at the back. The red dude with KKF is a conversion/kitbash from necromunda ambull bot legs, teleporta triple gunthing for arms and warboss torso from Assault on Black Reach. Yellow BigMek is a model I got in a trade- I hacked off his gun (it is now on the red chinork front cannon) for a meganob kmb arm and added the teleporta blasta . They're on 50mm bases cos looks better to my eye.

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Good to see you back vestibula. The chinorks look great on their fancier bases. It elevates them nicely . The nobz and Mekz look double ard in their mega armour!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

I put down my mekboy hat and despite failing eyesight requiring not only my usual glass peepers but also teknologikal Head-mounted eye zoomers, i delved into the tiny world of Aeronautica Imperialis.

i bought the models as they came out, FOMO is real these days as things go out of stock and stay out for the boxed games.

The little planes bring warm feelings to me so I have a number of the models.

For bases, I have two colour schemes, brass and bronze. Easy spray using rustoleum rattle cans, army painter dip stuff and a bit of metallic in the radar type areas. Biggest time consumer here is dismantling the bases for the spraying.

I have played a couple games and it is rather basic given the high maneuverability of all planes but eh, if we all only bought the models cos the games rocked then there would be less models bought and forum arguments fought. So my motto these days is models good, is good.

so, Imperial Navy and Astra Militarium attached wing.

I am splitting the paint scheme between ground attack and low level flying aircraft vs the interceptor types. For me, that's ended up with the following two groups:

Ground Attack/Low level specialists:
marauder, marauder destroyer, Avenger & Valkyries

Interceptor & high attitude reconnaissance:
Thunderbolts, lightnings, Marauder Pathfinder & Marauder Colossus.

First up is the Ground assets and an Avenger for the scheme on an aircraft- this is the same scheme as my Guard army. Best thing about the ground assets is... no canopies.

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Ground attack wing is first up for painting. Used my airbrush for this to speed it along. I have a badger patriot 105 that i can use for undercoating/base coating. I also have a krome renegade that i use mostly for swearing or staring at. I find a budget airbrush from SuperCheap Auto easiest to get consistency with so used that for applying the beige. My airbrush level is like, totally basic, so I am sure the renegade can do great things just not for me.

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next progress shot has one marauder and destroyer done, with the others having had the rhinox brown splotch with bone dashes applied. I applied Contrast aggaros dunes, diluted 50/50 with medium to entire plane, using extra medium when wanting to move/tone down the contrast.

the number of tiny canopies here cannot be understated- especially the tiny valkyries. It was a near thing but you'll see who triumphed.

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more progression. teeny tiny decals are tight! I used them sparingly on the bombers and will apply similar layouts to all my aircraft. You'll see the blue stripes- this will be a unifying colour for the interceptor wing (hopefully).

Also, even though not in the photos, the bombers underside is duck egg blue - which is the planned colour for the interceptor wings.

Did you know how many windows a Valkyrie has? 12. Even teeny tiny ones.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
and Imperial Navy ground attack and low level supremacy wings are completed. (aside from varnishing- dang rainy day).

Trying the full size link to pic- any comments on what works best would be appreciated.

Ah yes, canopies. I kept it simple and used grey seer base. White for streaks from usually the top right corner of panes. Asurmen blue wash for final touch ( the ye olde gw washes). Even so, saving them all for the last step was tedious as all hell.

Next up will be the Interceptors- NZ spring weather permitting

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2022/10/29 06:07:28

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Those look great! Great job.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Wow! The tiny planes look great, the details came out really well on them all. I imagine the windows were a real PITA. How did the magnifying glasses work out for you? I’ve been tempted to try the ones I’ve seen on insta with the built in lights.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

cheers for comments

I use a headset magnifier like the one in the link. Works well, you can wear normal glasses with the magnifier no problem & it fits my boof head ok & there are easy to use different magnification levels. You soon get used to moving the model into best focal point. Drawbacks are the visor bit is heavy, enough to slip /slam down if you try to keep the magnifier contraption on your head and just rotate the visor up. I learnt after the visor swung down and hit my glasses and nose and then fell off my head onto the paint desk that perhaps, not to use it that way. Also the light is a kewl gimmick of minimal actual use- just light your workspace better.


If I was to get head magnifier again, I would look for a lighter visor version that still allows glasses.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The first of the Interceptor wing:

This is my Pathfinder Marauder conversion. The radar dish is from Dropfleet Commander Space station kit. Canopy yet to do in photo but has been done. Positives of the interceptor scheme is:
canopy is already gray seer.
Simple and looks like many current military aircraft who've various shades of gray like a bureaucracy utopia.
It may look gray but it is actually duck egg blue. Taking photo in sunshine really bleached out the drybrushed duck egg.
way easier than the low flying wing camo scheme.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/10 04:27:37

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Thanks for the review, they seem pretty good, I’ll have to look for a lightweight one too . Also good to know the light is an optional gimmick too.

The duck egg does look pretty grey in the pick, a bit Tornado GR4

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in nz
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

aye, that Tornado GR4 is purdy. If the imp craft had cones I would two tone it as well but Imperial navy have bricky block noses.

Latest on the interceptor wing.

So there will be the common blue across the air force and of course same decal layout. The red thunderbolt is that ace pilot.
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