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Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

Given my very positive experiences with Frostgrave and the campaign books written for it, I have a high degree of confidence that this will be similarly good.

And it's another great excuse to "hobby up" a Kill Team of individual miniatures.

Great news.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

I never played Frostgrave so apologies for the likely stupid questions. It was like Mordheim with PVP skirmish combat, correct? Were there solo PVE rules?

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in gb
Stonecold Gimster

Amongst all the talk of Scrappers and Rogue Stars, I'm surprised no-one's mentioned Core Space. In my opionion, a far more fun game than Scrappers and Rogue Stars which I bought in to.

I am dubious about Joe's games now. I bought into everything Frostgrave, including 2 sets of spellcards with sleeves and deck boxes (my wife and I play) and all the supplements, to find he went all GW and 2nd editioned it making lots of purchases now useless if you want to keep up. It seemed like an unecessary cash-in to milk FG gamers.

Anyway, I'll keep my eye on Stargrave, but also on the new Core Space expansions.

My (out of date) Painting Blog: http://gimgamgoo.com/
Currently most played: Silent Death, Xenos Rampant, Mars Code Aurora and Battletech. 
Made in fi
Charging Wild Rider

warboss wrote:I never played Frostgrave so apologies for the likely stupid questions. It was like Mordheim with PVP skirmish combat, correct? Were there solo PVE rules?
One of the supplements (Perilous Dark) added rules for cooperative or solo games. Regular games also have some wild creatures that can attack either player's figures, but with some exceptions (the final scenario in the Lich Lord campaign for example), players won't be expected to fight those together; merely hope they will distract and weaken your opponents.

Gimgamgoo wrote:I am dubious about Joe's games now. I bought into everything Frostgrave, including 2 sets of spellcards with sleeves and deck boxes (my wife and I play) and all the supplements, to find he went all GW and 2nd editioned it making lots of purchases now useless if you want to keep up. It seemed like an unecessary cash-in to milk FG gamers.
Aside from the fact that all but one of the supplements (Maze of Malcor) are almost fully compatible with the new edition (and the rulebook clarifies how to solve some incompatibility issues), the rulebook wasn't changed for the sake of it, but incorporated clarifications and balance issues requested for the duration of the first edition (which included fixing some of the spells, and yes, unfortunately the cards no longer work with 2nd ed); also aside from the fact that the new edition was announced a year before release to prevent people buying soon-to-be-outdated material (cards or 1st ed rulebook); and aside from the fact that the new rulebook explicitly included a bunch of new scenarios so that existing players wouldn't just feel they were buying the same thing that they already bought again. Aside from all of that, yes, the release of a new edition was just like GW churning out annually updated books. Oh, and of course the fact that Frostgrave isn't typically played in tournaments or things, so "keeping up" is basically non-existent: many groups can and will just continue using the 1st edition book and cards, alongside the supplements that, as said, are still useful.
Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

Hey guys, assuming I know nothing of frostgrave, is it a game that has appeal to 40k players?

"But the universe is a big place, and whatever happens, you will not be missed..." 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Matt Swain wrote:
Hey guys, assuming I know nothing of frostgrave, is it a game that has appeal to 40k players?

No, Frostgrave is simple to learn and enjoyable to play.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in si
Charging Dragon Prince

Absolute madman.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/17 13:16:22

Made in si
Regular Dakkanaut

I'm excited for how I imagine this thing to be ... but that's going on a verry little info wight now.

That cover though - like a third party Starfinder adventure module, sold only via drivethrurpg ... A considerable effort must have gone into making anything ScFi appear so not sexy.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Matt Swain wrote:
Hey guys, assuming I know nothing of frostgrave, is it a game that has appeal to 40k players?

No, Frostgrave is simple to learn and enjoyable to play.

I feel personally attacked.

Since it's come up a few times here's the link to Rogue Stars. Never played it but there are some neat figures by Rogue Trader Alum Mark Copplestone.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/17 13:55:19

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


The Broken minis from Maelstrom's Edge would make for good, rag-tag mercs.

And the Epirians would be nice if there's some kind of corporation-alignment for your crew.

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 infinite_array wrote:
The Broken minis from Maelstrom's Edge would make for good, rag-tag mercs.

And the Epirians would be nice if there's some kind of corporation-alignment for your crew.

I'm hoping North Star does pretty much the same thing and makes sprues with a load of random rubber forehead alien heads.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

Lucas Blackwolf wrote:
I'm excited for how I imagine this thing to be ... but that's going on a verry little info wight now.

That cover though - like a third party Starfinder adventure module, sold only via drivethrurpg ... A considerable effort must have gone into making anything ScFi appear so not sexy.

The art is about the only thing I like in Starfinder. I've found it to be consistently good (not great but simply good and aesthetically very consistent) but admittedly I don't look at any third party stuff.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Rogue Stars suffered from a page count issue.

The creator tried to put too much in, and didn't give enough polish to what was there. It probably needed more balance before release, but definitely needed the sort of page count Osprey has given to the Frostgrave series. The core of the rules are great and interesting though. The expansion for it was meant to be released many years ago, but has never surfaced. It probably needs a re-release with the huge FAQ included, but that won't happen now stargrave is on the horizon.

If both the captain and first mate level up independently then that might not be too bad, but if they do a wizard/apprentice thing I feel like it'll be a bit too much of a rehash.

I would have loved to see 3-5 leveling characters and then a crew of 0-30 crew joining depending on the mission. (i.e. in an infiltration mission you might only take you're characters, but in an assault mission you might take most of the crew)

I've been hoping that Deadzone's campaign would get an overhaul for years, but now it might suffer with Stargrave as competition.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

We tried a couple of games of Rogue Stars and only one of Scrappers. We liked the concept of RS, small warbands facing off in a ton of scenarios and settings. But it felt like too much to track on various statuses and lots of tokens/markers. There were also weapon selections that were almost impossible to counter (can’t remember the names). It has an amazing scenario and setting generator that we consult for other games.

Scrappers had a good concept/setting but the rolling mechanisms were too complicated for us. Here’s the qrs as an example of what we found to not be a good fit for us : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwx8Os21jzeXMFpFQktnUWlmREk/view

YMMV but we found Frostgrave to be a good balance between miniature wargames and very light rpg.

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Seattle, WA USA

 Matt Swain wrote:
Hey guys, assuming I know nothing of frostgrave, is it a game that has appeal to 40k players?
I'll give a less trolly response.

I think "probably not." Mainly because 40k is an army/unit game, whereas Frostgrave is definitely a skirmish game. The phased activations in Frostgrave (Wizard plus optional small group, Apprentice plus optional small group, Soldiers) that alternate between players is very different than the phases in 40k in which each player does all their stuff before the other player does. The single d20 roll for attacking and determining damage is likely also off putting compared to the wider distribution you can get from handfuls of d6 (Frostgrave can be very swingy in results). Frostgrave is a very different game than 40k.

Now, that might be exactly what you're after; something totally different. The campaign system in Frostgrave can be kind of fun, but if you're looking for any kind of tactical depth that is not present (IMO) in Frostgrave. If you have even a little bit of That Guy competitiveness in any of your Frostgrave group, it will go very badly as it is very much more a "narrative" gaming experience and there are (still, even in 2nd edition) some pretty badly breaking ways to play if you focus on them.

If you want a "D&D Lite" kind of thing, Frostgrave can be pretty fun. I introduced my nieces (one 20, one 9) to Frostgrave after we had been playing a bit of D&D, and while the eldest has played some other minis games with me, the youngest hadn't, and she pretty quickly got the gist of how to play and actually enjoyed it, and has now started collecting monsters to fill in so they can play at home. On the flipside, a couple of my more hardcore buddies and I started a campaign in Frostgrave that ended quickly because one of them has a tendency to min-max and found that going all in on an Elementalist pretty quickly decimated everyone else's warband (granted, this was in 1st edition so it may not be as punishing in 2nd, but it certainly put a bad taste in our mouths for the game in general).
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

As an addendum, the -Grave series of games contain AI rules for NPC monsters and actors as unaligned threats. This gives the core rules for all the related games a robust framework for solo and co-op play and, indeed, the Perilous Dark book for Frostgrave expands on that to add more solo/co-op play options. (Perilous Dark is also an amazing book on scenario-making and scenario-specific mechanics both for X-Grave/RoSD in specific and gaming in general, and I highly recommend it.) So, for a 40K player, Stargrave + Perilous Dark might be the game for you if you ever wanted to make a themed Kill Team and take them on adventures and dungeon/space hulk crawls against AI enemies.

I myself intend to make my own setting bashed together from a lot of my favorite properties, including some 40K (especially at the Rogue Trader end of the adventure spectrum).

That said, it looks like I need to put sci-fi minis back into my hobby rotation. I don't suppose anyone knows where I could find some close-enough Hyperion Soldier (from Borderlands 2) helmets that would fit Mantic GCPS bodies?
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Matt Swain wrote:
Hey guys, assuming I know nothing of frostgrave, is it a game that has appeal to 40k players?

No, Frostgrave is simple to learn and enjoyable to play.

This made me laugh so hard. Have an exalt.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

West Michigan, deep in Whitebread, USA

I never thought about how great Maelstrom's Edge minis would be for a Starfinder-type game! The only problem would be the need for some melee conversions, because lots of the line is quite ranged weapon-focused.

"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should."  
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 infinite_array wrote:
The Broken minis from Maelstrom's Edge would make for good, rag-tag mercs.

And the Epirians would be nice if there's some kind of corporation-alignment for your crew.

I'm hoping North Star does pretty much the same thing and makes sprues with a load of random rubber forehead alien heads.

I've got 3 dozen Broken waiting for some attention, they are really great models.

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 AegisGrimm wrote:
I never thought about how great Maelstrom's Edge minis would be for a Starfinder-type game! The only problem would be the need for some melee conversions, because lots of the line is quite ranged weapon-focused.
But the Broken have lots of melee weapon options. The two original factions, not so much, but the Epirians have Enforcers and the Karists have Praetorians. You'll need the Faction Expansion Sprue for those weapon options.

If that's still not enough, there's Northstar's Cultist Sci-Fi Accessory Pack. These are more ranged however. The parts are metal and sized for the Frostgrave figures, so I don't know how well they'll fit with the Maelstrom's Edge figures.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut


Confirms you only have two characters gaining experience, but that they can both take different specialties.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

North Carolina

 Psychopomp wrote:
As an addendum, the -Grave series of games contain AI rules for NPC monsters and actors as unaligned threats. This gives the core rules for all the related games a robust framework for solo and co-op play and, indeed, the Perilous Dark book for Frostgrave expands on that to add more solo/co-op play options. (Perilous Dark is also an amazing book on scenario-making and scenario-specific mechanics both for X-Grave/RoSD in specific and gaming in general, and I highly recommend it.) So, for a 40K player, Stargrave + Perilous Dark might be the game for you if you ever wanted to make a themed Kill Team and take them on adventures and dungeon/space hulk crawls against AI enemies.

I myself intend to make my own setting bashed together from a lot of my favorite properties, including some 40K (especially at the Rogue Trader end of the adventure spectrum).

That said, it looks like I need to put sci-fi minis back into my hobby rotation. I don't suppose anyone knows where I could find some close-enough Hyperion Soldier (from Borderlands 2) helmets that would fit Mantic GCPS bodies?

The Drone or AI heads from Pig Iron Miniatures are the closest heads to Hyperion soldiers that come to mind.

Tau Pathfinder heads would probably be easier to convert since they’re plastic.

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
warboss wrote:I never played Frostgrave so apologies for the likely stupid questions. It was like Mordheim with PVP skirmish combat, correct? Were there solo PVE rules?
One of the supplements (Perilous Dark) added rules for cooperative or solo games. Regular games also have some wild creatures that can attack either player's figures, but with some exceptions (the final scenario in the Lich Lord campaign for example), players won't be expected to fight those together; merely hope they will distract and weaken your opponents.

Thanks. Hopefully this one will include them from the get go as a pandemic quarantine edition release.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in ie
Gangly Grot Rebel


I'm really looking forward to this release and have done since it first cropped up on Amazon a few months ago. Love oathmark and have pretty much ditched other (fantasy) games for it now. Love the kits even more, it's so refreshing to have kits that have everything you need to build a unit and with plenty of alternative parts for conversions or command models (Though most of the metal command models are fantastic too). They remind me of the older WFB kits, like the night goblin regiment set that came out around 1999. It's nice to see some fantasy art again too, I hadn't really noticed just how much of the AoS art I'd not really been paying attention too until I noticed how often I was pausing to look at the art in the oathmark rulebook.

Frostgrave was always one of those games that I liked the look off but didn't bother with, but after getting hooked on oathmark I've started collecting the frostgrave books as well, just grabbing them here and there when placing orders. I'm definitely looking at playing some games with my Moridheim & AoS skirmish stuff at some point.

I've really, really wanted to get into the new release of necromunda but personally I found it to be one of the worst releases GW have ever done. The minis are fantastic though, so I've brought them when I've seen them in local stores with nice big discounts. Stargrave will mean that I need to get a table together now.

Gimgamgoo wrote:
I am dubious about Joe's games now. I bought into everything Frostgrave, including 2 sets of spellcards with sleeves and deck boxes (my wife and I play) and all the supplements, to find he went all GW and 2nd editioned it making lots of purchases now useless if you want to keep up. It seemed like an unecessary cash-in to milk FG gamers.

I don't think it was anywhere near as bad as what GW have done/do. It was announced almost a year before release to stop folk buying into the game if they'd rather wait, they gave out a free copy of the 1st edition rules a few months before 2nd was released and it was really only the cards that were made completely redundant, and that's only if you decide to switch to 2nd anyway.

Ancestral Hamster wrote:
If that's still not enough, there's Northstar's Cultist Sci-Fi Accessory Pack. These are more ranged however. The parts are metal and sized for the Frostgrave figures, so I don't know how well they'll fit with the Maelstrom's Edge figures.

They are resin, I picked a couple of sets up a few weeks ago. I honestly don't expect them to keep them in stock if we are going to see sci-fi kits. I picked them up as I really wanted some of the parts for some conversions I started ages ago.

pduggie wrote:Why is everyone excited about this but
Rogue Stars (sci fi crew skirmish) and
Scrappers (sci-fi postapoc "get treasure" skirmish)

seem to get very little love.

Is it that we're all excited for Northstar plastic minis? NS had Rogue Stars minis.

I'd honestly never even heard of Scrappers before this thread. Stargrave already has some popularity before release as there are fairly large communities for frostgrave & oathmark.

Def very excited for northstar plastic minis for sci-fi. I've brought an insane amount of the oathmark kits, I find them so good. So looking forward to mixing the parts into some cool grim dark sci-fi warbands!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 warboss wrote:
I never played Frostgrave so apologies for the likely stupid questions. It was like Mordheim with PVP skirmish combat, correct? Were there solo PVE rules?

Yes to both.

It's a little more involved then Mordhiem, and has the same sort of build up your teams, but the emphasis is on your magic user duo. THEY are the ones that get the most love. You pay in for everyone else and they are disposable, as in you don't have to keep them around through the campaign.

Necromancers.... They know what's for dinner...

At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money. 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
I am dubious about Joe's games now. I bought into everything Frostgrave, including 2 sets of spellcards with sleeves and deck boxes (my wife and I play) and all the supplements, to find he went all GW and 2nd editioned it making lots of purchases now useless if you want to keep up. It seemed like an unecessary cash-in to milk FG gamers.

The second edition corebook contains an appendix listing each 1e supplement book and the updates needed to bring it in line with 2e, which are usually minimal. The only things from 1e that are obsolete are the 1e corebook (replaced by 2e) and the spell deck (the spell lists got a major overhaul and update). Everything else you bought is brought up to date with just the purchase of the 2e corebook.

Heck, that appendix was posted separately, free, as a preview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GPZ7lqSnklwhAIUCJd4Tqc-JjYbFLYV8/view
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 Grot 6 wrote:
 warboss wrote:
I never played Frostgrave so apologies for the likely stupid questions. It was like Mordheim with PVP skirmish combat, correct? Were there solo PVE rules?

Yes to both.

It's a little more involved then Mordhiem, and has the same sort of build up your teams, but the emphasis is on your magic user duo. THEY are the ones that get the most love. You pay in for everyone else and they are disposable, as in you don't have to keep them around through the campaign.

Necromancers.... They know what's for dinner...

Fair enough and I don't have an issue with leveling up only one or two figs in the warband as long as the list building is sufficiently varied enough for the mooks. I never played Gorkamorka or Necromunda beyond a demo but did play in a Mordheim league and levelling up wasn't a big draw for me personally as long as there was a big enough selection of henchman and gear to choose from. Ymmv.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/19 13:47:42

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

They have my attention, at least.
Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
Amongst all the talk of Scrappers and Rogue Stars, I'm surprised no-one's mentioned Core Space. In my opionion, a far more fun game than Scrappers and Rogue Stars which I bought in to.

I am dubious about Joe's games now. I bought into everything Frostgrave, including 2 sets of spellcards with sleeves and deck boxes (my wife and I play) and all the supplements, to find he went all GW and 2nd editioned it making lots of purchases now useless if you want to keep up. It seemed like an unecessary cash-in to milk FG gamers.

Anyway, I'll keep my eye on Stargrave, but also on the new Core Space expansions.

Care to tell my something more about core space?

Scrappers sounds like a game I saw long ago where you tried to loot derelict ships from a fallen empire. Which was a little like gorkamorka i suppose.

"But the universe is a big place, and whatever happens, you will not be missed..." 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Matt Swain wrote:

Scrappers sounds like a game I saw long ago where you tried to loot derelict ships from a fallen empire. Which was a little like gorkamorka i suppose.

Naw Scrappers is like Fallout but with an Infinity aesthetic

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
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