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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Final Trailer  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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 Lance845 wrote:
I haven't seen it yet so this comes with no knowledge of how it's framed in the movie, but knowledge drop off can be significant in a very short time frame.

You only need 1 generation raised without achool or education to have kids who also don't get school or education and thats the end of it.

Yeah those older people might talk about reading and writing and books but it all just becomes stories from whichever old people are even still alive.

Remember the plague killed a LOT of people and muted most of the rest. Most knowledge goes with it within 40-60 years.

It's not even just education and knowledge but about the connections and collaboration between people and skill sets that drives technological advancement. Lose those as human groups become small and isolated and even mute, and things could decline rapidly.

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Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

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 Lance845 wrote:
I haven't seen it yet so this comes with no knowledge of how it's framed in the movie, but knowledge drop off can be significant in a very short time frame.

You only need 1 generation raised without achool or education to have kids who also don't get school or education and thats the end of it.

Yeah those older people might talk about reading and writing and books but it all just becomes stories from whichever old people are even still alive.

Remember the plague killed a LOT of people and muted most of the rest. Most knowledge goes with it within 40-60 years.

It's not about the humans at all. It's more about the apes knowledge of their origins as this is still happening the area where the outbreak started. Watch the movie. It's good but the timing on things just doesn't add up in the pacific northwest environment. Granted, maybe they meant generations of apes as you can go 2 for 1 generally vs. human generations.

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 Hulksmash wrote:
 Lance845 wrote:
I haven't seen it yet so this comes with no knowledge of how it's framed in the movie, but knowledge drop off can be significant in a very short time frame.

You only need 1 generation raised without achool or education to have kids who also don't get school or education and thats the end of it.

Yeah those older people might talk about reading and writing and books but it all just becomes stories from whichever old people are even still alive.

Remember the plague killed a LOT of people and muted most of the rest. Most knowledge goes with it within 40-60 years.

It's not about the humans at all. It's more about the apes knowledge of their origins as this is still happening the area where the outbreak started. Watch the movie. It's good but the timing on things just doesn't add up in the pacific northwest environment. Granted, maybe they meant generations of apes as you can go 2 for 1 generally vs. human generations.

Well, that is also both easily explained and was addressed in War.

The humans spread the disease. The apes also got infected. Bad Ape was intelligent without ever understanding why. Caesar and crew never really stopped to explain it. The entire world where the plague spread had communities of humans and apes infected and Ape communities all over the world would have no knowledge of ceasar or the gas that made them smart.

Ceasars community was both small and isolated. They made their big move across the desert at the end of war and their community may have met other communities and spread word of ceasar but thats one big game of telephone.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/16 13:37:17

These are my opinions. This is how I feel. Others may feel differently. This needs to be stated for some reason.
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Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

Home Base: Prosper, TX (Dallas)

I understand that. It's more the rate of things combined with what happens at the end of the movie where the vagueness of the time jump doesn't really work. But also like I said it's mostly me being a turd. It was a fun movie, my kids liked it, and I'll happily plop down for the next one. It wasn't as good as the first three but it's not far off of the third film.

Best Painted (2015 Adepticon 40k Champs)

They Shall Know Fear - Adepticon 40k TT Champion (2012 & 2013) & 40k TT Best Sport (2014), 40k TT Best Tactician (2015 & 2016) 
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Norn Queen

Watched it. Really enjoyed it. It would have been nice if they put a bit better framing of when this takes place in the movie. As it is they say "several generations later" while outside the movie they said something like 200 years.

I liked the characters. I enjoyed seeing the ape societies evolve. Good contained story and while i would love to see more of Noah and the Eagle tribe I am also happy to see the story move on to new characters.

These are my opinions. This is how I feel. Others may feel differently. This needs to be stated for some reason.
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Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

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My brother told me it was more like 400 years, but I'm not sure where he heard that. The level of decay on the buildings was about right for 400 years, some skyscrapers still standing but decaying fast, but I can't see books surviving that long in any environment. Of course, if they are being cared for, maybe longer.

I still enjoyed the movie, and the callbacks to the original one from the '70s. I look forward to seeing where they go with it from here.

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 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
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