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Can Space Marines become Inquisitors?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

The big question is where would the Space Marine would have learned to skills necessary to be an Inquisitor. An inquisitor is, first and foremost, an investigator. Their stuff is mostly very high level detective stuff which requires a set of skills very different from a soldier and even an officer. SWAT guys are not detective and Space Marines are like the ultimate SWAT guys. Of course, nothing is truly impossible in such a setting.
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

It's funny people protest the idea when literally one of the five named models for Inquisition, Hector Rex, is SM(ish) Inquisitor. Gee, pray tell, how exactly is that seven foot dude always walking in custom made Terminator armor 'blending in'? Does he don funny hat and a raincoat?

Then there were plans to make Titus of SM game fame an inquisitor, there is even a concept art of how that would have looked - so yeah, the idea is so inconceivable that two (three if we count FFG games) things focusing in Inquisition do it, so impossible, eh?
Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

From what I can see online, Hector Rex is not an Astartes in Terminator Armor. He is a psycher and genetically-modified Inquisitor Lord in Artificer Armor. He's probably less an undercover gumshoe and more a FBI SWAT team leader. I'm sure he can undercover a lot by crashing in doors, taking prisoners, and then conducting psychically-assisted interrogations.
Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


To be fair even Amberely Vail with her love of going undercover has a suit of artificer armour that she goes into battle with.

An inquisitor is, first and foremost, an investigator
Yes but they don;t need to be going undercover - lorewise some def collate and anylise, dictate and order their minons - if the Alpha Legion can do the same thing no reason why a occassional Astartes could not


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


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Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Hector Rex isn't an Astartes, but he is unusually huge and approaching one in size and strength. He does not strike me as the subtle kind who skulks in the shadows.

It is noted that the Ordo Malleus tends to be the least subtle of the big 3 though- when it comes down to it, once the daemons are pouring in there is no more chance for sneaking (unless you are a blank), it is time for the hammers. Force of arms is the only thing that can contain a daemonic incursion and get the rift closed.

Whereas heretics and aliens generally can't see souls and subterfuge can be an option even once war is breaking out.

But as mentioned, many Inquisitors (typically towards the Puritan end) abhor cloaking their identity and refuse to hide it. An Astartes Inquisitor could happily operate in this paradigm. Under the typical robes, they would just seem to be a huge person to most too.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/23 08:02:09

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I suspect an Astartes would fit in on any heavy industrial world very easily. When you consider all the augmentation, servitors, mutants and even just gangs and groups (look at Necromunda). Then an 8ft tall person would blend in pretty easily in the setting.

Once you take the Power Armour off a Marine they might well not stand out in Imperial society at large. Sure there will be social groups where they will stand out like a sore thumb, but even then its more that they'd be abnormal than "oh wait that guy must be astartes". In fact it would be more likely "Oh him.. yeah I think he's some peasant worker stock who managed to make it rich enough to get invited to the party" or such.

And as noted several times over, Inquisitors don't have to be private detectives and spies themselves. Someone has to run the spy network; command the larger forces and all. A Marine could easily work in the capacity as a leader; guiding the direction of their agents to ferret out corruption. They'd likely work great at dealing with larger and more organised cults and problems; where you do need force of arms to tackle the issue. Plus the ability to deal one-on-one with very powerful foes.

Heck in the Eisenhorn books we see him encounter Chaos Marines operating almost on their own or in small teams. If Chaos can do that then what's to stop Marines doing that themselves through the Inquisition.

Honestly the most likely barrier isn't finding a use for a Marine in that role or the social elements or such - it would be the politics of the Marines and Inquisition allowing such a thing to happen in the first place. The various power groups of the Imperium are highly segmented and swapping staff between groups, esp high level staff, isn't easily done. Chances are it would be a constantly issue with many of the Inquisition perhaps not trusting the Marine or regarding them as a spy for the Astartes into the Inquisition itself.

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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I'd think an exceptional Kill Marine might have a chance of it happening as a backstory. They are, on their own, kind of a hilarious concept in their "hey their fellow kids" concept, but it does set a precedent for an Astartes working with the kind of agency a Inquisitor does.
Made in ca
Stormin' Stompa

Ottawa, ON

I feel like the Deathwatch Watchmaster is almost an inqusitorial agents by that point. They are responsible more managing and overseeing an entire military wing of the Inquisition. I wouldn't be shocked if they also occasional decree their own operations.

I personally always liked the idea of there being an inquisitorial agent who was a space marine from an extinct chapter. The last surviving member with nowhere else to go. That would be a cool inquisitor.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 18:03:35

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Made in gb
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

usmcmidn wrote:

So this topic was brought up a lot.

Well Inquisitor came out in 2001 and the Inquisitor community has been fielding this question pretty much on a loop since then for the past 23 years.

Could it happen? Sure, anything *could* happen. There's a Genestealer Cult on terra, them infecting the Emperor *could* happen. Is it vanishingly unlikely? Yes.

The point of Inquisitors is to wield unlimited authority for the betterment of Humanity. They are not hamstrung by endless bureaucracy or chains of command, they are trusted to use any resources they deem necessary to advance the Imperium's survival, even through means that normal men would call Heresy.

A Space Marine is a psycho-indoctrinated weapon of war, they are beholden to the very chains that Inquisitors need to be free of to do their jobs. Their loyalties are divided - if their Chapter Master commands them to do something with the Ultimate Authority, are they really going to disobey? And in that case why not just give Chapter Masters the Ultimate Authority directly.

It's nothing to do with them being unsubtle - plenty of Inquisitors are unsubtle. It's nothing to do with their transhuman physiology - plenty of Inquisitors skirt the line between humanity and something else, but Space Marines are not psychologically capable of the kind of thinking being an Inquisitor requires.

It's kind of like how Space Marines differ from the Custodes in fighting styles, Marines are trained to act as part of a unit, they're a cog in a war machine, whereas the Custodes all train to be superlative individual combatants. Space Marines are part of a machine and Inquisitors build new machines from parts all over the Imperium. So a Space Marine is certainly a useful asset to have in an Inquisitors retinue, but they aren't ever going to be good at building those machines.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 22:33:13

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Charax absolutely nailed it.
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

I think there are lots of exceptions in the lore to all of those arguments though.

As I understand it, marines in the Desthwatch are no longer beholden to their chapter master. There are also the examples stated previously of orphaned survivors of chapter massacres that no longer have such loyalties to deal with.

Also solid examples exist of individual marines being sent off to act as observers/advisors, or even on individual missions.

I’m not sure that there is sufficient evidence to put any absolutes on whether a marine could function as an inquisitor. I agree it’s unlikely, but Definately not impossible.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I for one could go for a sanctioned strike team comprised of orphaned Astartes outside of the Deathwatch.

Consider that highly secretive Chapters exist, like the Dark Angels. If successors had taken a kicking with only the merest handful of survivors? That’s your supply lines sorted. Other than that, they’re free to get on with rooting out cults and that.

Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


The whole sole surviving Astarte, being recruited by an inquisitor and then becoming one themselves would be a cool story.

Made in us
Terrifying Rhinox Rider

It has happened, very unconteoversially, in the space of a sentence. "The process by which an individual is elevated to the rank of Watch Commander varies... [several examples]. In a handful of cases, a Watch Commander has actually joined the ranks of the Inquisition, appointing his replacement before he leaves the Watch Fortress." So at least that much has been printed. It's the 2010 deathwatch core book.

It also solves many of the problems, of whether he has enough experience running a network of covert operators, or whether he is at the command of a chapter master. No, a Watch Commander already is a chapter master. Since his long terms as watch captain and then commander he's severed links to a previpus vhapter, and he controls a fully independent unit of i think 25 teams of ten marines plus vessels and facilities.

Haighus wrote:Hector Rex isn't an Astartes,
But as mentioned, many Inquisitors (typically towards the Puritan end) abhor cloaking their identity and refuse to hide it. An Astartes Inquisitor could happily operate in this paradigm. Under the typical robes, they would just seem to be a huge person to most too.

Rex was recruited by the inquisition and augmented when he was a preadolescent. The timeline allows for him to be someone's project to put Marine implants in a child but train him from the start as an inquisitor. I think it would be tiresome to ever go further down that line of exposition but there's nothing discounting his being physically the same as a marine. Being initiated as a marine also requires 17 hours a day of training with a chapter and fighting as infantry for a chapter, so even with full set of gene seeds he's hardly a marine. Instead he trains 17 hours a day to be an Inquisitor.

In the imagination of John Blanche the art director emeritus, aristocrats and senior officials are often monster shaped. In the abnett- or dan-iverse, Lord Martial Cybon and Heldane have these terrible surgical modifications to make them huge. Marshal Croe is an ordinary planetary aristocrat and officer and he's enormous.

Made in gb
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

pelicaniforce wrote:
It has happened, very unconteoversially, in the space of a sentence. "The process by which an individual is elevated to the rank of Watch Commander varies... [several examples]. In a handful of cases, a Watch Commander has actually joined the ranks of the Inquisition, appointing his replacement before he leaves the Watch Fortress." So at least that much has been printed. It's the 2010 deathwatch core book.

That only applies if you assume the only people who are ever inducted into the "ranks of the Inquisition" are Inquisitors themselves. No interrogators, no acolytes, no inquisitorial agents, nothing else.

If the only things considered to be parts of the Inquisition are Inquisitors, then yes joining the ranks of the inquisition automatically means you become an Inquisitor and there are absolutely 100% Space Marine Inquisitors
Any other interpretation leaves room for people to be within the ranks of the inquisition but not inquisitors, which means those watch captains may not be inquisitors and the ambiguity remains

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Charax absolutely nailed it.
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Charax wrote:
pelicaniforce wrote:
It has happened, very unconteoversially, in the space of a sentence. "The process by which an individual is elevated to the rank of Watch Commander varies... [several examples]. In a handful of cases, a Watch Commander has actually joined the ranks of the Inquisition, appointing his replacement before he leaves the Watch Fortress." So at least that much has been printed. It's the 2010 deathwatch core book.

That only applies if you assume the only people who are ever inducted into the "ranks of the Inquisition" are Inquisitors themselves. No interrogators, no acolytes, no inquisitorial agents, nothing else.

If the only things considered to be parts of the Inquisition are Inquisitors, then yes joining the ranks of the inquisition automatically means you become an Inquisitor and there are absolutely 100% Space Marine Inquisitors
Any other interpretation leaves room for people to be within the ranks of the inquisition but not inquisitors, which means those watch captains may not be inquisitors and the ambiguity remains

Given that members of the Deathwatch, especially the permanent members, are very much already within the wider interpretation of "ranks of the Inquisition" as Inquisitorial agents it is hard to read this as anything but confirmation of the odd Astartes Inquisitor. It also seems extremely unlikely that a Watch Commander would leave their very senior post to just become a subordinate for an Inquisitor when they currently have a lot of agency for an Inquisitorial asset.

If an experienced Marine did become an interrogator, they are very likely to become a full Inquisitor at some point given their combat skills and natural longevity. If they outlast their master they inherit the rosette by default and would be an Inquisitor de facto until the formal confirmation hearing.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 Haighus wrote:

Given that members of the Deathwatch, especially the permanent members, are very much already within the wider interpretation of "ranks of the Inquisition" as Inquisitorial agents it is hard to read this as anything but confirmation of the odd Astartes Inquisitor. It also seems extremely unlikely that a Watch Commander would leave their very senior post to just become a subordinate for an Inquisitor when they currently have a lot of agency for an Inquisitorial asset.

If an experienced Marine did become an interrogator, they are very likely to become a full Inquisitor at some point given their combat skills and natural longevity. If they outlast their master they inherit the rosette by default and would be an Inquisitor de facto until the formal confirmation hearing.

That’s a really interesting point. Don’t inquisitors have access to rejuvenate treatments? Could they outlast an Astarte?

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


usmcmidn wrote:
 Haighus wrote:

Given that members of the Deathwatch, especially the permanent members, are very much already within the wider interpretation of "ranks of the Inquisition" as Inquisitorial agents it is hard to read this as anything but confirmation of the odd Astartes Inquisitor. It also seems extremely unlikely that a Watch Commander would leave their very senior post to just become a subordinate for an Inquisitor when they currently have a lot of agency for an Inquisitorial asset.

If an experienced Marine did become an interrogator, they are very likely to become a full Inquisitor at some point given their combat skills and natural longevity. If they outlast their master they inherit the rosette by default and would be an Inquisitor de facto until the formal confirmation hearing.

That’s a really interesting point. Don’t inquisitors have access to rejuvenate treatments? Could they outlast an Astarte?

An Inquisitor definitely could outlast an Astartes interrogator, we have examples of Inquisitors that are 400+ years old. But the odds are not in their favour given Marines are generally more survivable and comfortably live into the hundreds of years if they don't die in combat.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Killer Klaivex

I don't see the issue with a Space Marine Inquisitor.

Think about it. Space Marine becomes part of Inquisitorial warband for whatever reason. Deathwatch, original chapter wiped out, ancient pledge of friendship, oath of the moment, whatever. Skim thirty years ahead, Mr Marine is made an Interrogator by the boss. Learns his trade as a normal interrogator would. Is eventually promoted.

It would be rare, but it's not conceptually hard to make the connection points. As to their mental suitability - frankly put, if the Alpha Legion can do it, so can a marine. Some take poorly to anything beyond an ork style mentality of 'burn kill smash', others are almost like regular humans.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/12 09:52:46

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