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Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

There's a part of me that wants to build up from the Killaboss on Corpse-rippa Vulcha that I painted in the lead up to 4th Edition and just try to eke out some wins. The underdog armies do always appeal to me for some reason and Kruleboyz have some of the most characterful mini's.

Though the Gobbo wolf riders are on the horizon...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2025/01/13 21:28:55

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I've wondered if taking Gobsprakk and then a second monster (like the Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth) in his regiment might be the move now that Prized Beast is a thing. Permanent +1 to hit on all attacks with a nasty brute like the Troggoth? Yes please! Not sure it makes up for all the other shortcomings, but it sounds fun.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Total models painted in 2025: 10 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
You need your bumps felt. With a patented, Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000.
The Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000. It only looks like several bricks crudely gaffer taped to a cricket bat.
Grotsnik Corp. Sorry, No Refunds.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


Points are out today. Most of the support characters came down, with the Sludgeraker tumbling 80 points now that its buff has changed. At least the Devs seem aware of the nerf they did to the Sludgeraker! Still overcosted.

Gutrippers are down to 150 points, so Monsterhunters are not as much of an auto-take in comparison now.

I think I can now fit a Field Sergeant in my list.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So the Hobgrot Slittaboss costs 80 points. They seem to want us to buy him, because they gave some intriguing if not very useful Regiment options for him. He can take 0-1 Infantry, any Hobgrotz Slittaz, 0-1 War Machines and 0-1 Monster.

The Monster part sounds cool, but there are no Kruleboyz Monsters that are also not Heroes. So I can't see how this works? Gobsprak can take a Swamp Beast and several of the Hero Monsters are identified as Swamp Beasts. The Slittaboss cannot take a Swamp Beast, only a Monster. What am I missing? The Marshcrawla Sloggoth looks like a Monster, but it is a War Machine again after a brief time as a Monster. The new points list released today changed the Marshcrawla back into a War Machine from its brief time as a Monster in the December Battle Profiles. Maybe they meant to leave it as a Monster? I imagine that Version Control and Track Changes can be a problem with products like this.

Whatever the answer, I can't see the Slittaboss seeing much table time.

My list for the upcoming RTT will likely be:

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth
Murknob (likely to be Field Sergeant)
Beast-skewer Killbow
Boltboyz (6)
Boltboyz (6)

Swampcalla Shaman with Staff
Gutrippaz (10)
Gutrippaz (10)
Boltboyz (3)

Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof
Boltboyz (3)

2000 points on the nose.

Avoid confrontation using Manifestations, focus on achieving and denying Battle Tactics and use shooting as my hammer. Accept that I will likely be going first and use my shooting to make my opponent regret it, plus achieve some early board control.

Debating between Light Finga and Middul Finga. Sneaky Sneaking is much less powerful now being in Your Hero Phase, but the terrain piece means that it is more likely to pull off. All the infantry in my list are 10 models or less, and those small Boltboyz are quite easy to fit into the 3" Wholly Within Terrain restriction. So having two Teleports means that if we doing it we might as well mean it. Will likely go with Middul Finga, though, to give my shooting the extra range. This can be critical on Turn 1.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/15 23:26:56

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Interesting to note that Kragnos can now bring a Swamp Beast in his regiment now, for whatever that's worth. Gutrippaz coming down to 150 was exactly what they needed, especially now that they can't be buffed to put out the same kind of obscene numbers of mortal wounds. I'd still rather have Monsta-Killaz for 30 points less and the same offensive output (better, in fact, as they have Rend), but maybe having more bodies in the unit helps to make up the difference? Hobgrots needed another cut and didn't get it, and the Slittaboss just isn't going to save them. And yes, while it's nice that the Sludgeraker came way down in points after having the living daylights nerfed out of it, it's probably not good enough to run on its own merits at 240, and its new buff is just not that useful.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Total models painted in 2025: 10 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
You need your bumps felt. With a patented, Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000.
The Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000. It only looks like several bricks crudely gaffer taped to a cricket bat.
Grotsnik Corp. Sorry, No Refunds.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


If the new Sludgeraker had any Rend 2 it might see the table. It was only taken for the damage buff. It is not very surviveable and doesn’t hit very hard in the world of All Out Defence.

Your point on Kragnos is good. I hadn’t really looked at him, but I think he deserves a look now. At least one successful competitive player used him very well with the Index, and Kragnos probably still has power.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/02/01 10:28:01

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


So I have some game experience with the new Battletome...

Good News. The Orruk manifestations are actually pretty good and very thematic. If they got rid of Morbid Conjuration and made all Faction manifestations like these then we'd be in a good place. But they wont', so we aren't...The terrain piece as a fun paint and it is actually useful. It also looks good on the tabletop. Yay GW!

Bad News. We suck on the tabletop now. I don't have Kragnos, and maybe with him we'd have a hammer? I've been going heavy into Boltboyz and I can sorta make a game of it, but its not really competitive. The scary part is that since the last balance update (and before this book), we tumbled to second last in player representation and win rate. I think we will race to the bottom now that the book is on the street. Boltboyz might see play in Big Waagh.

I have a couple of RTT in the near future and I will try to find a path...

Hopium - they put Sneaky Sneaking back to the Movement Phase.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Thoughts and Prayers!
Thanks for the impressions. In this case I will wait before finishing my Kruleboyz army.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


 Astmeister wrote:
Thoughts and Prayers!
Thanks for the impressions. In this case I will wait before finishing my Kruleboyz army.

Heading to an RTT today. Actually won a league game against Slaves to Darkness this week. My opponent had some very bad dice rolls. He failed five 4++ saves with Belakor against my Mirebrute’s clubs and our shooting is still very good.

I am slowly adjusting to the new Sneaky Sneaking. I can’t just leave units of Boltboyz out in harm’s way like I used to!

The foot spell is fun.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


Went to a three-round RTT today. Took a three-drop list:

Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof (Slippery Skumbag)
Beast-skewer Killbow
20 Gutrippaz
6 Boltboyz

Swampcalla Shaman (Swampstaff)
6 Boltboys
10 Gutrippaz

Breakboss on Mirebrute
3 Boltboyz
3 Boltboyz

Game 1 - Border War vs Slaves to Darkness

He had Belakor, 10 Chosen, 10 Chaos Warrios, 5 Chaos Nights, Chaos Lord, Slaughterbrute, Mindstealer Cat thing, Chariot

He took the first turn, and suddenly I had 10 Chosen (3d6 charge), the Slaughterbrute and 5 Knights crashing into my lines. My Reinforced Gutrippaz died to the Fights' Twice Chosen while a Boltboyz unit died to the Knights and Slaughterbrute. My Gutrippaz did take several Chosen with them and my Covering Fire had wounded the Knights, but things looked bleak. Bonnie Tyler's I Need a Hero played across the swamp from Shrek's hut and the Breakboss on Mirebrute answered the call. My Killbow took down the Mindstealer Cat (for Slay the Entourage) while the Mirebrute and surviving Boltboyz took down the Chosen. My left flank Gutrippaz did take down the Chariot, leaving me with the left. The Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof heard me insult his abilities and killed two Knights. Still, I was well down on points.

He kept priority. Belakor came in and killed my Monstakillers (sad face) while the Slaugterbrute picked up a Boltboyz unit. The Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof finished-off the Chaos Knights. I was well and truly penned in in the centre and right, but my opponent was running out of units and Belakor was facing down a Killbow and a Mirebrute. The Killbow connected against Belakor, inflicting five wounds. The surviving Boltboyz in my center softened up the Slaughterbrute. The Mirebrute switched to Freebird and took down Belakor while the Gnashtoof killed the Slaughterbrute. Suddenly my opponent had the Warriors and Lord holding his home objective and that was that. I held the centre and danced around to get the win.


Game 2 - Shifting Objectives vs Gitz

He had Trugg, six Rockgutz, some Fellwaters, a bunch of Squigs, some Squig-rider dudes and two Squig Monsters. As a two-drop he choose to go first. At the end of his Charge Phase he had his Squigs on my backline in combat with my Ghashtoof and a Reinforced Boltboyz, his Squigriders and two Monster Squigs in combat with my Reinforced Gutrippaz. Those Squigs can move...My Covering Fire did thin-out the Squigs and I got a Fights-Last against them. The Reinforced Gutrippaz and Monsterhunters died (gulp), but I did some damage to the two Monsters. The Gnashtoof and Boltboyz took the Squigs down to four models in combat.

I was well and truly pinned and he offered to buy me lunch, but the Mirebrute put on Freebird again while my surviving un-engaged Boltboyz fired away. The Squigs and two Monster Squigs were killed. I was able to get a small unit of Gutrippaz on the left-flank objective and by killing the Squigs with the Murknob achieved Kunning Approach. Eat that for lunch.

I won priority and took a double, starring-down Trug and six Rockgutz plus the surviving Squig Rider dudes. My thought was to deal damage with my Boltboyz before I got swept away. My shooting took down the Squig-riders while the Mirebrute killed two Rockgutz. They had their attacks reduced by my Swampcalla Shaman's spell, so the Mirebrute lived. Meanwhile, the Gutrippers on the left with a small Boltboyz squad wore down the Fellwater fellows.

Trug and the Rockgutz waded into most of my surviving army in my backfield, taking down the Mirebrute, Shaman, two Boltoyz units and the Murknob over two turns. And the Tower. Ouch. Still, the Ghashtoof slipped away and was able to Take the Flanks in conjunction with a small Boltboyz unit on my left. It was now about nibbling the edges and hoping to get objectives. He brought back the Squigriders who were able to put me in check. I took all the objectives in my last turn, but the return charges and accumulated damage meant that it was a lop-sided victory for the Gitz. I was never really in this one from a points perspective (27-43 loss), although I was able to do a lot of damage. My Gnashtoof and I ate my bagel and left-over cold pizza for lunch and licked our wounds.

Game 3 - The Vice vs Nurgle

He had Rottigus and a GUO, two units of Drones, two units of Plaguebearers and some "shooty" dudes. At least this game I would not face a Turn 1 Alpha Strike!

He moved up to Seize the Centre. I sent the Reinforced Gutrippaz into the GUO while most of my shooting softened him up. I didn't kill him, but I did cripple him. The crackback in his turn with Rottigus and the GUO wiped the Gutrippaz, but my shooting, Monsterkillaz and Mirebrute killed both of them in my turn. The rest of the game saw my shooting and Gnashtoof take out his Drones and then surviving Plaguebearers. This was actually a near-run thing as his guys were understandably resilient in the centre. Still, ended the RTT with a second win.

The Mirebrute did a ton of heavy lifting in combat (playing Freebird in your head helps), while the Gnashtoof actually did some killing and also scored lots of Battle Tactics and objectives. My Manifestations didn't do very much in the first two games as he was on me in the top of Turn 1. They did some good work in the third game. The tower was useful with Dirty Tricks, especially in the first two games when I was pinned in my deployment zone.

Getting used to the new style. Pick around the edges while the Mirebrute sets up for a thumping. Looking at reworking the list into a two-drop with Kragnos. Drop the Gnashtoof, the Killbow, a Boltboyz squad and the Murknob.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/02/02 04:24:56

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

So there is some hope, at least for game victories. That's good. Maybe with some points drops we'll be able to hit a critical mass of stuff on the table to be able to grind out events. Not sure that would be a good thing though; I want better rules, not cheaper units!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/7/24, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~16000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Imperial Knights: ~2300 | Leagues of Votann: ~1300 | Tyranids: ~3400 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000 | Kruleboyz: ~3500 | Lumineth Realm-Lords: ~700
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2024: 40 | Total models painted in 2025: 10 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
You need your bumps felt. With a patented, Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000.
The Grotsnik Corp Bump Feelerer 9,000. It only looks like several bricks crudely gaffer taped to a cricket bat.
Grotsnik Corp. Sorry, No Refunds.
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