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Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Cool army man. Thanks for posting it up.

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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Appreciate the comment. I am about halfway done with the first vindicator. When I get done with everything I am going to take my old corkboard and make an Army Transfer board to match my armies bases.

Still working a bit on the fluff. Have to think of a way to represent red thirst and rage for my blood angel list without going the crazy vampire direction.

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in ca
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Kelowna BC

pdawg517 wrote: Have to think of a way to represent red thirst and rage for my blood angel list without going the crazy vampire direction.

- chapter primarch's geneseed developed before the technology was perfected and as a consequence the chapter is unusually aggressive and short tempered and struggles to stay within the rules of the astares, especially when pressed in combat

- during the horus heresy, the primarch was tempted to chaos by khorne, but managed to resist, however, the ferocious inner struggle stayed with him. the blood god's presence on the fringes of the blood hammers' gene memory is the shame of the chapter. to atone, they abandoned edged weapons altogether to both spite khorne and not court him again.

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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Hemingway, I really like the second one. Can't say they avoid edged weapons totally as many of my captains have relic blades, such as my vulkan model. Thanks for the suggestions!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I have added a bit more fluff! I hope you enjoy.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/09/23 18:19:17

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

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Death-Dealing Devastator

Central Pennsylvania

great work on them!! good fluff

-1750 pt - 50% painted
-1000 pt- 50% painted

Set up shop and blast 'em to pieces is my favourite strategy.

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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge


I have added the first vindicator.

Still need to paint the other vindi, some speeders and maybe my TFC.


Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

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Sinister Chaos Marine

Finish your damn tanks. Also consider lining them with spikes...and icons of khorne. Trust me it'll be great bweheheh...

Times banned from Heresy-Online: VI 
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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I have finished the second vindicator. Pics coming tonite.

Waffles, I see what you did there!

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine

They see me trollin' they hatin'.

Also you've inspired me to paint ten point neophyte models. And I hate ten point neophyte models.

Times banned from Heresy-Online: VI 
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Longtime Dakkanaut

USA, Indiana

I really like the terminators. But i dont know about the Bright green bases have you thought about a grave yard earth around the edges?

Dont worry, Be happy
Flames of War 
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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I may try the brown.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Added the other vindicator and have complete shot of what I have finished so far!


This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2010/10/27 03:10:31

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I have finished up painting my 1850 point Vulkan army: Charon's Hammer

I will be starting on my BA codex units soon.

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in ie
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout

Birmingham, UK.

Cool army mate, hope you do well with it

The Rout, Vlka Fenryka, Warrior Kings of Fenris.... the Space Wolves. Horus Heresy. Sixth Great Company. 1500pts. In progress.

"Atop a sea, a crimson red,
Axe to bare, land paved with dead,
Strode the Jaw, teeth bared in snarl,
Glimmering maw, death in hand."
Saga of the Gristlefang 
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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Thanks crimosnfist! It usually does pretty well.

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in gb
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot


Nice job on your chapter. I realy like the back ground story. they sound like the guys to have your side.

My own chapoter, The Broken Swords. Almost a full company.


Check out my painting page on Facebook. Wartable Painting. 
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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Thanks tomorf! I'm still coming up with some fluff for them. I don't want this chapter to be "The Best" chapter in that they are perfect and always win and never take losses.

I have started painting the BA JP bit. I have completed a full assault squad and am nearly done with a second squad.

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in us
Sybarite Swinging an Agonizer

New Orleans, LA


125 Khador
1500 Beastmen

Made in gb
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot


Sounds good. It would have good to play against them but theres a big puddle in the way.

My own chapoter, The Broken Swords. Almost a full company.


Check out my painting page on Facebook. Wartable Painting. 
Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

They look a lot better now that I have put brown around the outer edge of the bases. I may retake some of the shots. Also got some shoulder pads for the termies so look a TON bulkier and scarier now.

They honestly look better in person. Not a great painter but I am getting better!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2011/01/13 18:00:42

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in gb
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws


lets see some pics please?

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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I put a new pic of the termies up. I have also added the first assault squad. I apologize for my photography skills.

Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

Made in ca
Dark Angels Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

On The Cypher's trail

Whicked looking army!



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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Thanks for the compliments. This army actually doesn't exist anymore. I have repainted them.


Jidmah wrote:That's why I keep my enemies close and my AOBR rulebook closer.

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