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Krushhk's Grotesque Conversions  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Commoragh-bound Peer


Ive been doing some work on some grotesque conversions and i thought id put up some WIP pictures of them and ill update as i go

I took my starting idea of using the rat ogres for bodies and vampire ghouls heads from here


and then i just sorta built on from there

heres my blog which has the earlier WIP photos as well...


theres also my baron sathonyx conversion in there and some crappy photos of my archon and dais of destruction as well

Henshin-A-Go-Go Baby

6k Kabal of the Black Heart
3k grey knights
3.7k blood angels (Phoneix Warriors) (Shares units/models with gk)
1.7k (Shares models with gk/ba(slowly swapping out for gk/ba)) + another 1-2k of random space marines that i didnt bother counting 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Hampton Roads, VA

Awesome work, I also like the batman references. If you can I would suggest getting rid of the skaven runes is possible.

"Hi, I'am Cthulu. I tried to call, but I kept getting your stupid answering machine."
Love's Eldritch Ichor

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Made in us
Crazed Cultist of Khorne

Everywhere and Nowhere(Tigard, Oregon)

I'd suggest for the bell ringer that you stick a guy in it's(grotesque) clenched fist, so it looks like it(grotesque) is going impale it(poor sod clenched in fist), rather than it(grotesque) pointing seemingly randomly into the sky. I really need to stop using it(pronoun).

2000 points of violent, Chaotic goodness (needs paint)
Chaos Daemonhunters. Try and figure that one out. 
Made in us
Anointed Dark Priest of Chaos

Love them.

They remind me of the Hybrids from the Dirz (Confrontation).

++ Death In The Dark++ A Zone Mortalis Hobby Project Log: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/663090.page#8712701
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Why are they on 60mm bases?

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in us
Prescient Cryptek of Eternity

Mayhem Comics in Des Moines, Iowa

I don't like the way the wires go out over the arms, seen most noticeably in the picture below. It's going to cause them to rip their cabled out if they were to lift their arms up too high or get caught in a fight or something. I think they'd look better if done more subtle being shorter and going under the arms.

Krushhk wrote:

Made in au
Commoragh-bound Peer


guardpiper wrote:Awesome work, I also like the batman references. If you can I would suggest getting rid of the skaven runes is possible.

i completely forgot about doing that...will have to fix that before i get to painting them....

im also doing the batman naming with my harlequins....i got the troupe master as the joker, shadowseer as harley quinn, death jester as bob the goon and the rest are just random goons with names taken from the 60s batman tv series....

Slater wrote:I'd suggest for the bell ringer that you stick a guy in it's(grotesque) clenched fist, so it looks like it(grotesque) is going impale it(poor sod clenched in fist), rather than it(grotesque) pointing seemingly randomly into the sky. I really need to stop using it(pronoun).

Yeah i have one of the thieving grots which am intending to do that with

this one here as he is in the perfect pose for someone being squished

Grimtuff wrote:Why are they on 60mm bases?

they are 50mm bases because the 40s seemed a little small for some of the bigger ones and the 65 were way to big so i had to find someone that sold 50mm bases that were in similar style to GW.....some of them would of looked alright on 40mm but i dont like the idea of having some on 50mm and some on 40mm so i just went with sticking them all on 50mm

Aduro wrote:I don't like the way the wires go out over the arms, seen most noticeably in the picture below. It's going to cause them to rip their cabled out if they were to lift their arms up too high or get caught in a fight or something. I think they'd look better if done more subtle being shorter and going under the arms.

Krushhk wrote:

This is true, but at the moment i am too lazy to fix it...maybe before i paint it...unless i can just say they are stretchy and made for that purpose then i can continue being lazy.....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/03/06 23:12:14

Henshin-A-Go-Go Baby

6k Kabal of the Black Heart
3k grey knights
3.7k blood angels (Phoneix Warriors) (Shares units/models with gk)
1.7k (Shares models with gk/ba(slowly swapping out for gk/ba)) + another 1-2k of random space marines that i didnt bother counting 
Made in us
Death-Dealing Dark Angels Devastator

"Solomon Grundy born on a Monday" heh. Really like it, those rat ogres are pure conversion gold now that there plastic.
Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Wow, I really like these!

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in au
Commoragh-bound Peer


Got another day off of uni tomorrow and ive got my glue, so i should be able to get some more work done on them...

Ill at least finish bane and ill try and get clayface finished to...He is using the same model as Rhino but ive cut of the canister on his shoulder(which i used for gorilla grande) and ive also hacked his arm up and am resculpting it into a hammer/mace and having him point it foward instead....

The hammer is done, just need to glue the spikes onto it, which i couldnt before as i had no glue. Then i need to hack his arm up a bit more so i can put the rest of it back on.....yay fun

Henshin-A-Go-Go Baby

6k Kabal of the Black Heart
3k grey knights
3.7k blood angels (Phoneix Warriors) (Shares units/models with gk)
1.7k (Shares models with gk/ba(slowly swapping out for gk/ba)) + another 1-2k of random space marines that i didnt bother counting 
Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


This blog makes me really really really want to get the Rat Ogre box set to build chaosy stuff for my warband. Those bodies are super cool, and I didn't realize how much steampunkesque bitz were included in the newer Skaven stuff.

They could make great bodies for Demons, Spawn, or even highly mutated Terminators.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/03/07 21:16:41

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Holy Terra - Lexington, SC

Awesome work! I too would like to pick up a box of these and hack away! What kit are the heads from?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/03/07 21:41:04

Thorian Enclave Inquisitorial Guard - 6000points
Grey Knights - 4000pts
Divine Crusaders - 5000pts
Order of the Argent Shroud - 3500pts
Kabal of the Black Heart - 3000pts
Wife's Deathskulls - 4000pts
My armor is contempt, My shield is disgust, My sword is Hatred. In the Emperor's name, Let none survive.  
Made in au
Commoragh-bound Peer


The heads are from vampire ghouls

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Update: Managed to nearly get all 7 of my grotesques finished converting...just have a bit more greenstuffing to do on killer crocs hands which i will have to do tomorrow to allow it time to harden.

Once that is done i will take some more pictures and post them up here, then i can get started on painting them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/03/08 09:10:11

Henshin-A-Go-Go Baby

6k Kabal of the Black Heart
3k grey knights
3.7k blood angels (Phoneix Warriors) (Shares units/models with gk)
1.7k (Shares models with gk/ba(slowly swapping out for gk/ba)) + another 1-2k of random space marines that i didnt bother counting 
Made in au
Commoragh-bound Peer


Update 2:

I have finally finished the conversion process on all of my grotesques, so here is the final pictures of them before they are under coated and painted

I have sprayed the rest, just gonna give clayface and killer croc a chance for their greenstuffing to harden then i will spray them as well and i can begin painting them up.

Henshin-A-Go-Go Baby

6k Kabal of the Black Heart
3k grey knights
3.7k blood angels (Phoneix Warriors) (Shares units/models with gk)
1.7k (Shares models with gk/ba(slowly swapping out for gk/ba)) + another 1-2k of random space marines that i didnt bother counting 
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