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grave robber (deadspace)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

hi poeple just wanted to show my new conversion idea i played the game deadspace 1,2 en saw the movies so just had to convert
models for them i used the zombies from mantic games head from the new skeletons GW and the talons from tyranids gaunts

in the movie deadspace downfall thers a unused scene of a monster called a graverobber i found a foto on the internet and will
use that as a gide for the conversion using a carnifex en bits from the corps cart.

let me hear what you all think of this idea.
pictures will follow ASAP.



cheers and C&C.

Made in au
Hellacious Havoc

Kinda gross, but cool.

Made in gb
Fully-charged Electropriest

Hereford, UK

Very cool.
Made in gb
Massive Knarloc Rider


I like how in the artwork, as the bodies on the back get closer to his back legs, they become more human, and look alive, and in horror. You should try and emulate that onto your one.

Check out my (new) blog at https://neonrust.home.blog
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

ok poeple sorry for taking so long but here are the first pic of the graverobber so far, i have other conversion and still not done thinking of more.
and still have more ideas for conversions including the new warlord samurai models comming in mid or end 2012 i wil convert those onto the apes from planet of the apes.


so love to hear the comments.
pictures of the necromorhps will follow including the crew from the movies.


Made in us
Monstrous Master Moulder


I think that is pretty sweet so far! I want to see this bad boy painted.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/30 22:08:18

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


As a nurgle painter, i approve!
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

thanks poeple
ok here i got a new conversion of the hive mind its the end boss of the first game enjoy.

hope you all like it

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/02/24 14:11:49

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