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Chaos Dreadclaw scratch build tutorial [Link]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Been Around the Block

West Bend, WI

Hey all! Not sure how many people will be interested in this, but I finished a 4 part tutorial on scratch building your own Dreadclaw using cheap materials. When finished the piece will have cost you less than $6 in materials.

Check it out at Scratch Built 40k.

Hope you all check it out!

[Thumb - 100_2870.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_2867.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_2869.JPG]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2011/07/28 12:49:20

Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

Palm Beach, FL

You cannot believe how long I've been searching for this. Thank you!
Made in us
Been Around the Block

West Bend, WI

No problem! I'm just glad others are getting use out of the tutorials.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

West Bend, WI

Thought I'd post a couple images of the finished scratch built Dreadclaw for anyone who was curious about it. These are the 4 sides of the vehicle.

[Thumb - 100_2948.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_2950.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_2951.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_2952.JPG]

Made in de
Happy Imperial Citizen

Cologne, Germany

I´ve been waiting for this for YEARS, and it was worth the wait! Thanks Krisken, great work! I´m definetely going to build one or more of these babies and post pics when I´m done.

As a side note, what`s up with the paintjob? The model is awesome, but I don`t seem to be getting the color scheme. Is that supposed to be rusted pre heresy Death Guard?
Made in fr
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Amiens -France-

Great tuto!

I'll give it a try!

Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


Oh awesom! Thanks man
Made in us
Crazed Cultist of Khorne

Everywhere and Nowhere(Tigard, Oregon)

This is amazing. I'm off to go make about ten of these for my next apoc. Can't wait to pair these off with the new Contemptor Dread.

2000 points of violent, Chaotic goodness (needs paint)
Chaos Daemonhunters. Try and figure that one out. 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Tampa, Fl, USA

I printed the templates and started building this but things were off.

How were we supposed to print them? I used my browser, scaled at 100% but the body of the pod (those eight walls) were short and stubby compared to yours. Looking at your cutting board as a reference it looks like the body segments were 4" tall but the templates that I printed were shorter, along with their trim templates.

It ended up looking more like a lunar lander than the dreadclaw but it still looks cool. Just wondering what I did wrong
Made in us
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

VA Beach


Let the galaxy burn.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

West Bend, WI

@ Clyde: Glad you liked it! Yeah, I was going for a pre-heresy Death Guard look, rusted from the ravages of time (and Nurgle, of course). I started the army with the traditional brownish/tan color trim but found it wasn't contrasting enough for me.

@ WhiteOutMouse: Egads, looking at that it does look small. I'll fix that ASAP. You're right, the template is an inch short. Apparently I made my mistake when I measured from the 1" mark (gah, hate computer drawing!). This kind of mistake on my part is inexcusable, and I apologize for it. The dimensions should be correct now (wow, those legs must have seemed huge!). Sorry about that!

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

That's a brilliant scratchbuild. Only criticism would be that it needs some strips of plasticard or cardboard down the outside edges of the fins, to hide the expanded polystyrene texture.

Definitely looks the part, though. Nice work on the tutorial.

Made in us
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

Looks really cool. I like the rust effect.

GIFSoup Like Top Gear?
http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/251333-Custom%20Blood%20Angel.html?m=2 Please vote. Thanks.
Made in us
Been Around the Block

West Bend, WI

Thanks insaniak! I suppose an additional plasticard strip to hide the foam would improve the model.

Glad you like how it turned out 40k Ninja! Right now I'm almost finished posting a Mk1 Land Raider tutorial, which will get its own thread after the last tutorial post is finished.

Made in za
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

South Africa

Whats the Dreadclaw used for some sort of a Drop pod, or a or for space combat a Ship to Ship transport that punches though hulls? Im thinking of making my own for a terrain piece some time.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/07/31 09:26:50

Shadow Legion's lost warmachine http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/382008.page

2750 point - Space marine
750 point - Ork
1250 point - Wood Elves
750 point Brettonia
Made in us
Been Around the Block

West Bend, WI

It's similar to a Drop pod in that it arrives like one (in that it must start in reserve) it arrives like flyers. There are a slew of other rules, but you'd be best looking them up in the Imperial Armory book as whatever I say may make a mockery of the actual rules!

Made in us
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine

Dayton OH

Nightfall wrote:Whats the Dreadclaw used for some sort of a Drop pod, or a or for space combat a Ship to Ship transport that punches though hulls? Im thinking of making my own for a terrain piece some time.

I don't know the rules, but fluffwise yes. Dreadclaws were used both for ship to ship actions and for orbital insertion. They were equipped to clamp onto a ship's hull and then blow an opening with melta charges. Imperial marines don't use them because their machine spirits tended to be vulnerable to chaos. Lots of "accidents" around the hangar bays and such.

For the Emperor! Kill Maim Burn!... I mean purge the unclean!  
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut


This is great! Works perfectly as drop pods for a pre-heresy army and it's easy to follow.

Thank you!!
Made in us
Been Around the Block

West Bend, WI

Thanks lucas! Always nice to hear that the work I put into the tutorial paid off!

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Another Dreadclaw tutorial!, I'll certainly be making my own now!

"Ave Dominus Nox!"

"Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! Death to the False Emperor!" 
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