I believe it was mentioned in the Caiphas Cain Novel "Death Or Glory" that some techpriests, mainly enginseers, wear cog-shaped necklaces around their neck as a symbol of their following of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but if I remember correctly it was not explained what exactly the symbol was. I was looking into it for possible cosplay and because I just like necklaces and if I were born into the 40k universe I would most definitely be a techpriest. As far as the necklace goes, is it just a cog on a chain like Gears of War COG tags (no I do not like the COGs better than real Space Marines) or is it more complex, such as with an depiction of the Omnissiah or the Adeptus Mechanicus bone/tech skull insignia? I would appreciate any pictures that I may have missed in searching.