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Ok, once more with feeling...Call to Arms (Orcs and Goblins)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Burlington, Ontario

So I've tried to do these Call to Arms events that my LGS runs and so far I'm batting 1/3. I failed to complete my Ravenwing build on time, failed to complete my Tyranids build on time, but successfully completed the painting competition. Now I'm going to give this one more shot and hopefully I can end up 50/50 for completion on these. The idea is to build and paint 1500 pts. in a given time. This go round I'm doing a Night Goblin centred army for Warhammer Fantasy. This is for two reasons: they seem silly and fun, and I'm cheap and managed to come into possession of quite a few night goblins for very little cost. I actually have some motivation this time too. I now live in a house with 2 other gamers and they are also participating. Whoever does not complete on time gets a beating by whoever does. So here we go again and I'm hoping I don't have to post pictures of my bruises on here in 2 months.
[Thumb - IMG_20120214_152638.jpg]
The force to be painted. Absent: Mangler Squig

"I have seen war in all its forms. I have seen feral world savages braining each other with stones and I have monitored the death of a whole planet at the hands of a virus bomb. I have seen Space Marines drop to certain death and win. I have seen Titans crush whole platoons underfoot.

But there is no more stirring sight in war than the charge of massed cavalry."

-Dravin Gratz, 14th Tharinga 
Made in us
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Philadelphia, PA

How long do you get to paint the army? That does not look that daunting to complete if you get a 3-4 weeks and can do parts every day.

The last call to arm's I did was 1000 points of an army in a weekend, with Ogre's / monster themed armies allowed. Also no wargear minus command and shields / weapon options which much have been displayed on the models. I rocked out Dwarves. That weekend sucked so bad...

Tournment Record
2013: Khador (40-9-0)

Made in ca
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Burlington, Ontario

It's actually not so daunting, you're right, but between work and other work, (and in the previous attempts, school) it can be tough to find time. I'm also not the fastest painter around. I should be done on time this time because Night Goblins are mostly black, the Black Orcs are mostly black, and I'm doing to Arachnarok mostly black to match. But I counted it all the other day and it's 103 models, including the Arachnarok and a Mangler Squig, which are pretty big and time consuming.

"I have seen war in all its forms. I have seen feral world savages braining each other with stones and I have monitored the death of a whole planet at the hands of a virus bomb. I have seen Space Marines drop to certain death and win. I have seen Titans crush whole platoons underfoot.

But there is no more stirring sight in war than the charge of massed cavalry."

-Dravin Gratz, 14th Tharinga 
Made in ca
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Burlington, Ontario

Ok so I got the Fanatics and Mangler Squig done earlier, but for continuity of this thread, wanted to do an intro post first without pics of them. Here they are.
[Thumb - IMG_20120214_215648.jpg]
Fanatics in progress.

[Thumb - IMG_20120215_020123.jpg]
Fanatics finished.

[Thumb - IMG_20120222_221712.jpg]
Mangler in progress. Bonus: Grimgor Ironhide in progress.

[Thumb - IMG_20120228_032452.jpg]
Mangler Squig finished.

"I have seen war in all its forms. I have seen feral world savages braining each other with stones and I have monitored the death of a whole planet at the hands of a virus bomb. I have seen Space Marines drop to certain death and win. I have seen Titans crush whole platoons underfoot.

But there is no more stirring sight in war than the charge of massed cavalry."

-Dravin Gratz, 14th Tharinga 
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

I find that when mass painting models just slap one color onto all of the models in a squad then add the next color. Once all the large parts are done do the detail work a profit. Also washes will work wonders. My guard is only half as good as it looks thanks to Devlian Mud.

3200 points > 5400 points
2500 points 
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