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How are people plannig to use the Forgefathers?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Madrak Ironhide

Will they be used for Warpath?

Will you proxy them in for Spacemarines/Imperial Guard/Inquisition?

Home brew 40k?


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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

For the time being, proxying them as standard Space Marines for 40k. Stat-wise the IG are too weedy with T3, and Orcs with BS2 doesn't fit either. For friendly games, I reduce Initiative by 2 and increase LD by 1.
- Normal guys as standard Tactical marines. You can use these rather cool tunneling machines from Ramshackle games as 'drop pods' (in the spoiler tags below)

- The Iron Ancestor as a Dreadnought.
- Forthcoming 'Honoured Ancestors' (or the old Squat exo-armour models) for terminators.
- This tank, again from Ramshackle, as a Razorback

-Drakkarim as Sternguard veterans, Stormrage Veterans as Devestators (you can mix these guys in as heavy weapons in the squads as well)

Funnily enough, I think playing them as SM actually fits the concept of the Forge Fathers more than the SM themselves! The guys jump out of their transports, blazing away with their weapons. They are not exceptional in CC, but are tough and can hold their own in a fight, giving the sergeant a 'power hammer' which comes in each box fits well also. I think if you use the 'tactical upgrade' pack to give them a beefier, more high-tech look.

That's only my own interpretation, but I know some people have used them as counts-as IG also which might also work. Another chap I know thinks they fit well with the GK codex (using that special Inquisitor Character, and massed henchmen) - although I think that fits better as the old 1st edition 'Squat' concept, rather than these newer Forge Father models.

When the time comes for Warpath to get the KoW treatment (and get a new book, evolved version of the rules etc.) then I will probably try them out in that as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/07/10 00:28:04

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Pious Warrior Priest


Salamander rules are a good fit for them, due to all the heat-based weaponry and thunder hammers.

Would have worked out even better if the army was still I 3.

Space Wolves aren't a bad match either due to the norse mythology theme.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/07/10 14:43:29

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

West Michigan, deep in Whitebread, USA

My buddy and I want to play some games of 1st edition 40K (Rogue Trader) and they would work just fine as Squats in power armor. Iron Ancestor as Dreadnought, and to me the Stormrage Veterans could be a pair of plasma gunners, and a pair of heavy-bolter gunners. The support weapon can be a thudd-gun.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/07/10 19:43:54

"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should."  
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Salamander rules are a good fit for them, due to all the heat-based weaponry and thunder hammers.

Would have worked out even better if the army was still I 3.

Yes right... although using them myself I plan to give them the lower initiative, along with 1 higher LD. If the person I am playing isn't keen on it, then I will just take the I3 (all in the name of keeping it in character! )

Another option is the Tomorrows War AAR ruleset - you don't need that many models for it, and the ruleset can be adapted to pretty much anything.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

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Frightening Flamer of Tzeentch

New York

Hmmm I might use mine as Space Marines with all this talk lol
Could maybe try a Green color scheme so I can get away with Salamanders!

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Malevolent Miniatures 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

If anyone is interested, here are a couple of the Forge Fathers with the 'Tactical Upgrade' pack. They are a couple of £ more expensive than the standard set, but I think really add to the models, and make them more of a 'hard sci-fi' style, rather than 'fantasy dwarves in space' (I'm much more keen on the former!)

Basic trooper:

Missile launcher trooper (this guy comes in the tactical upgrade pack, and I think the 'Drakkarim' set also)

I think the model range is really getting better now, and a big improvement over the initial releases.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

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Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Pullman, WA

As soon as the stormrage vets come out in plastic, I'm making a Space Marine counts-as force with them. Looove those models.

Imagine the feeling when you position your tanks, engines idling, landing gear deployed for a low profile, with firing solutions along a key bottleneck. Then some fether lands a dreadnought behind them in a giant heat shielded coke can.

The Ironwatch Magazine

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Made in us
Frightening Flamer of Tzeentch

New York

Awesome job Pacific.

Check out my commission painting service at
Malevolent Miniatures 
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Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

You've made those look really good, Pacific!
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