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Made in gb
Stabbin' Skarboy


So they used to have a dimension thread over on the-waaagh.com. It included dimensions for both both GW main and Forge World vehicles and was a great resource for Ork scratch builders that might not have access to the real vehicles to measure but still wanted something with the same footprint.

If you used the site then you will know it has had issues for years. First with not being able to sign up as a new user, then over the last year major server issues and a on again off again relationship with the internet.

Its back up for now, but you have to wonder for how long?

I figured the dimension thread was worth preserving and considered just plagiarising the thread. But I believe in giving credit where credit is due and just looting it wholesale is a lot more honest.

So the original thread as started by "big mek tank krusha" is here and the content of the first post is quoted below.

If the owners of Dakka, the-waaagh or big mek tank krusha have a problem with what I have done then .

Sorry, serious hat time, if its a problem let me know and I will remove this post.

If any Dakka users want to contribute missing dimensions, more accurate data or comparison photos then please do and I will see what I can do about updating this first post.

Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:09 PM
right, so after seing another 'how big is' thread I figured it'd be good to get a pinned thread with the sizes of all the stock ork vehicles in it, along with chimera chassis, rhino chassis, leman russ and landraider (the 'standard' loots).

one faltering step later and i realised i didn't have many of these vehicles.

thanks to bigmek Gobsmasha and a load of other gitz, we've got these dimensions:

It goes: Tank name,Height,Width and then Length:

Battlewagon: 3" tall without turret, 5" tall to top of turret, 3" wide, 6.5" long
Chimera: 2" tall, 3.6" wide, 4.5" long
Rhino: 2" tall, 3" wide, 5" long
Trukk: 3" tall, 2.5" wide, 5.5" long
Deffdread: 3.5" tall, 2.5" wide (feet)
Killakan: 2" tall, 1.5" wide (feet)
Landraider: 2.5" tall, 5" wide (no sponsons), 6.25" long
Stompa: 9" to top of head 12" to smokestacks 7" wide (bottom of skirt) 7" long (bottom of skirt)
wartrakk: 1" tall without driver/gunner, 1.5" wide, 4" long
Leman Russ: 3" tall to turret, just over 2" tall to tracks, 4" wide without sponsons, 4.75" long
warbuggy: 2" tall to gunners head, just over 2" wide, 3.5" long
fighta/bomma kit: ~22,5cm wide, ~22cm long, hull 18cm.
skorcha kit: Trakk: 3.75"L 1-3/8" W 2.25"H, w/storage tank: 5-7/16" L 1-3/8"W 2.25"H

Gargantuan Squiggoth: 9" tall, 5 1/2" wide, 13" long
bikerboss: 2" tall to head, 1.5" wide, 4" long
big trakk: 2.5" tall, 3 3/8" wide, 6 1/4" long
krusha tanks: 5.5" tall, 4" wide, 8" long
Grot Tanks: 50-60mm wide, 60-70ish mm long and about 55mm high with the turret
grot mega-tank: 2.5" tall without turrets, 5" tall to top of turret, 3" wide, 6.5" long

what we still need:

warbuggy dimensions ding!
wartrakk dimensions ding!

skorcha kit dimensions ding!

leman russ dimensions ding!
width and length of land raider ding!
width of chimera ding!

ForgeWorld stuff (if possible):

mega/mekadread dimensions (i assume roughly the same)
big squiggoth dimensions
gargantuan squiggoth dimensions ding!
krusha tanks dimensions (i assume roughly the same) ding!

warkopta dimensions
grot mega tank dimensions ding!
grot tank dimensions (i know they'll vary a bit but roughly) ding!

big trakk ding!

gun wagons
fighta/fightabomma ( i assume roughly similar)

bikerboss ding!

scale shot with:

grot, boy, nob, meganob, warboss, megaboss(ghazzy) and the special characters if possible ding!
featuring a ruler if possible to give scale.

small conversions that don't change the scale (repositioning, headswaps, banners e.t.c) are fine but preferably nothing to change the scale of the model itself please.

any dimesions you can give will be much appreciated, once i've got all the basic ones i'll be making a table of it to make it easy to read and mad grot says he'll pin it! and we can be rid of 'how big is' questions forever!

well, we'll be able to point them there anyway.

More vehicles added

FW Battlefortress:
length: 9.5" (237mm)(minus exhaust, including deathrolla)
width: 5" (128mm)
height: 5" (128mm)
track width: .9375" (23mm)
width of driver compartment: 2.125" (54mm)

FW Mega/Meka Dread: (all approx and will vary depending on pose)
height: 4.5" (115mm) tall
width: 5.75" (150mm)(including arms)
shoulder-to-shoulder width: 3.5'" (85mm)
depth: 2.5" (60mm) front to back (ignoring arms)

FW fighta-bomma (I believe the fighta is smaller)
fuselage: 8.5" (215mm) long x 1.25" (32mm) wide x 2.375" (57mm) tall (tallest) 1.375" (37mm) tall (shortest)
wingspan: 11" (275mm)
wing width:2.5" (60mm) at fuselage — 1.5" (37mm) at wing tip
tail span: 6.5' (161mm)

FW Killbursta (including ram)
length: 9.5" (237mm)
width: 4.5" (112mm)
height: 4" (102mm)
diameter of barrel: .875" (23mm)
bore of gun: .5" (13mm)
length of barrel: 1.75" (44mm) (measured from mantlet to muzzle)
width of mantlet: 1.625" (41mm)
track width: .8125: (21mm)
diameter of front wheel: 1.1875" (31mm)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/14 19:35:09

Edited for spelling ∞ times

Painting in Slow Motion My Dakka Badmoon Blog

UltraPrime - "I know how you feel. Every time I read this thread, I find you complaining about something."

Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

ork vehicles have dimensions people pay attention to? News to me lol. Other races yea its kinda important but everyone seem to ignore it for orks since bigger slabs of metal on wheels are always cooler.

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in gb
Stabbin' Skarboy


At some point someone might object to you using that shoebox with jam jar lids for wheels and an empty toilet roll tube for a gun as a buggy

I keep playing around with the idea of trying to sculpt a Gargantuan Squiggoth. I have never seen any Squiggoths but the last thing I would want is someone to turn around after months (years for me) of work and say cool model but thats far to big to use or thats not even standard squiggoth sized. I would like mine to at least be close in size to the official model and thanks to the-waaagh I have a fairly accurate idea of what size that should be.

Anyway I've added some more stolen data for FW models to the first post.

Edited for spelling ∞ times

Painting in Slow Motion My Dakka Badmoon Blog

UltraPrime - "I know how you feel. Every time I read this thread, I find you complaining about something."

Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

Have to admit the Gargantuan Squiggoth is also a want for me. I have been tempted to buy it multiple times despite HATING apoc games, so i'd never use it since its apoc only.

It is immense though. I saw one at the FLGS when i was stationed in south korea all painted up...damn thing was the size of a chihuahua lol...which is kinda funny using THAT as a comparison to how big something is....

I could sculpt one out of Super Sculpy, which is a polymer clay, but its durability when fired is nowhere near as good as hardened greenstuff....so i'd be kinda nervous i'd break it lol. Greenstuff is sticky as hell compared to what im used to, thats why i suck with it with any real detail.

EDIT: Also i have broken past polymer clay creations just by moving them around. Theyre nowhere near as brittle as Ceramic clay, but its still pretty fragile especially bits that stick out. Thats why im nervous on making anything i plan to plop on the table and shift around a lot out of this stuff lol

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/15 00:53:46

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Great idea for as thread. I forgot about a lot of the precious info stored there. I wish them the best, but it is nice to have this as a kind of insurance.

Made in us
Waaagh! Warbiker

Maryland, US

Thanks for that thread, I was just looking for the size of Warbuggies to start making my own from custom cars model kits (e.g. Revell)

So, the Warbuggy is 2" wide, 3.5" long
What kind of a scale is that? Roughly 1:40?

My P&M blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/588540.page


Da Fast and Da Furious! about 5000pts (25% painted)
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