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"The Iron Curtain" - Soviet T-55A Diorama  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

@ Wolf - there are plenty of German sets out there, don't worry you can super detail to your hearts content! Any specific vehicle in mind? I can help you locate some and send you links to pictures if you have anything planned.

@ Deff - generally speaking I've found that these resin sets have actually been of very high quality with very little warping, and little excessive flash. Also the resin gates (the large chunks of resin from the pouring channels in the mould) as also in sensible places and not difficult to remove. The only warping I've found has been very minor and only on the very very thin sheets and panels. This was easily fixed by running under warm water and pushing flat to the required shape.

Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

Well atleast they are of good quality.Can't wait for more.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks Boss-Pimpalotz, the final setting of the diorama will most likely be in snow. I'm not sure how heavy the snow will be at this stage. Maybe light fall or maybe heavy .

I recently got an amazing book called "Frozen Hell" by the Xtreme Modelling magazine people, it covers various techniques for recreating snow and ice in dioramas and really was a fantastic read. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in dioramas regardless of the setting (historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi).

Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Probably Tiger tanks mainly , God I lovee those machines.

I've always wanted to do a German Diorama,

HAs there been any advancements on the terrain at all ?

Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

Dunno if this is the kind of scale you would like to work in wolf,but here's a little review just to give you a general idea of Dragon's kit:


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/04 11:17:06

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Hi Wolf

Funny you should say that CMK do interior, drivers cabin, and engine sets for the Tiger.

Verlinden also do Resin interior set for Tigers:

Haven't started on the Terrain yet, I'll probably start it soon though so I can try the layout of figures and the tank.

Made in gb
Xeno-Hating Inquisitorial Excruciator


Its Really coming alive great job!
Found some of the soldiers kits last night online theyre going to be purchased in the future


I'm always looking for new players for system-less one on one RPG's via MSN and Email PM me if your interested!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

abhorsen950 wrote:Its Really coming alive great job!
Found some of the soldiers kits last night online theyre going to be purchased in the future


Thanks! What figures did you go for? Sounds interesting, please put up a blog on what ever you find

Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Those interior kits are fantastic cheers !

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

No worries, happy to help. You can order them online directly from the manufacturers. Just google Czech Masters Kits or Verlinden for the webstores.

Made in de


While I really like what youve done so far, Id love to see you build a tiger diorama one of these days.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Flachzange wrote:While I really like what youve done so far, Id love to see you build a tiger diorama one of these days.

Thanks but if I do that it will leave nothing for Wolf to do!

Seriously though I've considered trying other nations armour, but have never gotten round to it. Maybe one day I will!

Made in us
Imperial Agent Provocateur

Have you ever considered taking a Leman Russ or other GW kit and building internals in it? I have seen that done a few times, but I think with your skills and knowledge you could do a really good job of it. Most of us GW-only painters have a very "cartoony" style which is ideal for 40K and Fantasy, but your hyper-realism and attention to detail could create something quite wonderful.

Perhaps a Sisters of Battle vehicle, with shrines and seals on the engine, and censers, and candles, and this and that and the other?
Made in gb
Xeno-Hating Inquisitorial Excruciator


Thanks! What figures did you go for? Sounds interesting, please put up a blog on what ever you find

I found only german infantery at the scale you are using and a smashing hanomag with three figs aswell for only £10
but i found Germany infantry, the afrika corps 1/48
not a lot of selection but ive ffound a smashing collection of 1/72 which i think im going to go for

Keep up the good work


I'm always looking for new players for system-less one on one RPG's via MSN and Email PM me if your interested!
Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Hah cheers, Gundam for that thought of saving me the pleasures of posting a blog of my tiger diorama

Made in gb
Xeno-Hating Inquisitorial Excruciator


Wolf cant wait to see yours posted on here too
keep up the good work Gundam


Automatically Appended Next Post:
I just want to ask.
Does missing-lynx.com only show 1:35 models in there gallerys?
Or do they show all scales?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/04 18:02:27

I'm always looking for new players for system-less one on one RPG's via MSN and Email PM me if your interested!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Hi ABH, Missing Lynx is mostly 1:35 but I believe they also have some 1:48 stuff. Armorama certainly has 1:48 work in their blogs.

Got the Modelkasten tracks today. These are plastic individual track links that are fully workable, they consist of 88 links per side and give a fantastic natural sag on the road wheels.

Interior with the start of the Engine bay, still missing the engine at the moment. The reviews I've read say that the CMK deck fits well into the Tamiya Hull but actually I found on mine that it needed some work to get a right fit and for the upper hull to fit correctly. I had to shave down the walls a little and sand down the underside but it was worth it in the end.

Turret interior detail (the dusty reside from the superglue was cleaned off after the parts dried fully)

Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Looking good ! I like the wires coming out of that little box thing under the turret, looks really nice

What kinda of colours are we going for this tank then ?

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks Wolf, the wiring and cabling was done from reference pictures in the CMK instruction sheet and certainly was quite tricky! Needed just tiny bits of superglue run along the length of the brass wire and then carefully positioned with tweezers. I think the end result is worth it though as it adds a little extra depth and makes the parts look much more like working electrical components.

As you can see from these reference photos the interior of the T55 was a maze of instruments, wires, and cabling! I don't know how the crew made sense of it all!

As you can also see with so many various different parts in different colours painting the interior is certainly going to keep me busy!

As to the colour scheme for the armour of the Tank I've been doing a lot of research into this. Soviet Tanks were mostly painted Dark Green but during winter operations they were either white washed or painted a Green and White disruptive camo pattern. I was reading a Forum post on Armorama and Mig's Jimenez (Of Mig's Productions) confirmed that the two tone camo was continued through to this period. It will look like this example (in this case a T-72) but with weathering etc.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/08/05 11:46:26

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Melton Mowbray, UK

Brilliant model! It looks so realistic!

I feel sorry for you though, because YOU have to paint it

Great work as always.



This is insanity at it's finest. 
Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Ha you're right it is a mess in there I hope your noy going into that much detail

I'm liking that cammo scheme as well, should looke really nice when weathered and so on.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks guys! Maybe I am mad but I'm certainly going to try and paint the interior as faithfully and accurately to the reference photos as possible!

I'm sure it will be great fun once I crack into it, which will be fairly soon! I'll keep telling myself that the ends will justify the means!

Made in gb
Xeno-Hating Inquisitorial Excruciator


Wowzas keeps getting better and better
why dont you post your dioramas on www.militarymodelling.com the stuff on theres smashing and your work will fight right in

cant wait to see more


I'm always looking for new players for system-less one on one RPG's via MSN and Email PM me if your interested!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks ABH. The main reason I haven't posted in miltary forums really is that I was very much a Fantasy/Sci-Fi wargamer with a Fantasy 28mm background, and I've only just recently started branching out into Scale Modelling. It was a natural progression for me really from Forgeworld kits and the techniques used in the Modelling Masterclass book.

I probably will try posting on Armorama and places like that though. It would be interesting to see what the scale model specialists make of my builds as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/05 12:29:52

Made in us
Death-Dealing Dark Angels Devastator

Annapolis, MD

Looking awesome as usual GM! Did you ever finish up the KV-1 diorama?
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks Shellfish!

The KV-1 diorama is still ongoing. I've done some more work to it recently and plan to update the blog soon.

I added the Crystal Resin river and also worked on the terrain a little. It's not forgotten about yet!

I just couldn't resist starting this one!

Made in us
Thrall Wizard of Tzeentch

Dear Gundam-Mecha,

I traditionally do not care at all for historical or modern miniatures, as I typically find them to be boring and lifeless. After reading your blog, my opinion has changed 100%. The level of detail applied by both yourself, and the kit-makers is astounding, and I never would have guessed that so many conversion opportunities would present themselves (and be exploited so fully).

Thanks for sharing your incredible work!

Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

Hehe liking the new avi.Anywho as always nice work,keep it coming.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Well it's been a while since my last post but I'm finally back!

I've been quite busy posting on Scale model Forums recently and my work has gone down pretty well there actually!

Which was a suprise and it was nice to talk rivets etc with other historical armour geeks!

After some discussions on scale model forums and some further research I discovered that the Tank crew I was planning to use was out of period. I looked for reference details of Soviet Tank Crew and Infantry Uniforms and I found some great reference images of the Soviet Afghanka (which saw service from 80's to early 90's) and also various Tankers helmets used in the 1980's in Afghanistan. I decided to swap the tankers with a modern Russian Tank Crew from Checnya 1992 in my diorama, as even though they are post Soviet the Afghanka matches their uniforms very closely and also let me choose figures in winter dress which suited the scene much better. Here are some reference images:

padded winter Afghanka

Summer Afghanka

1980's - 1990's Soviet/Post Soviet Tankers helmet

I've also been doing alot of research into ways to upgrade the T-55 to a T-55M or T-55AM to make it match the 1980's setting a little better. This will include a scratch built KTD-2 Laser Range Finder make from plasticard, and an upgraded thermal barrel on the main gun.

KTD-2 Laser system (the big box ontop of the barrel)

Build updates:

Finally finished the Engine bay although it wasn't without problems. I found once built many of the CMK parts just simply didn't fit together at all correctly. It took some work to jiggle it around but I'm happy with the end result.

With the upper hull:

Some of the detailing on the cables and washer hoses, and fenders:

Turret exterior

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Rahveel - thanks for the kind comments! I'm glad your enjoying the blog. Just wait till the terrain and all the figures are factored in, It will have a lot more life

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2009/08/12 14:09:15

Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

Wow really coming along well and in very nice detail.Get more up soon.

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
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