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Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 vipoid wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:

That's how I felt when they removed Sergeant Bastonne from the Guard book.

If you don't mind me asking, who was Bastonne? (I do play IG, but only since 6th)

As mentioned, he was an upgrade to a Veteran Squad. He was a Cadian and he was kind of a big deal for Veteran Squads as he at least presented a hope for a later box that would include Carapace Armor and Hellguns/Hotshots as he came equipped with a Hotshot Laspistol.

He was also a Big Deal as he could, after everyone else issued Orders, attempt to issue an Order to his own squad. He could do the same Orders as a Senior Officer---which, again, is a Big Deal.

 Kanluwen wrote:

I'm hopeful that Dark Eldar and Tau both are going to see something like the Grey Knights where some boxes are given options for 'HQ' choices. Ghostkeels and Stealth Suits are, IMO, strong contenders for HQ choices in the Tau book.

Scourges, Hellions, and Reavers would be strong contenders for HQs in the Dark Eldar book. Reavers and Hellions could be Wych Cults while the Scourges could be Kabalites.

That would certainly be nice, though the treatment of DE up to and including the index does not make me hopeful.

While we're basically wishlisting, though, I'd also like a Mandrake HQ. Especially since GW has basically make that one unit separate to the rest of the army.

I'm curious as to what they're going to do with the Mandrakes if I'm going to be honest. They're kinda like Harpies in the Dark Elf lists for AoS; they're closer to a creature of Chaos than anything else...in Fracture, didn't the Decapitator open up a portal for Daemons or something?

I could theoretically see them cropping up in the Slaanesh lists later on. Would make for an interesting dual kit as well, tying a similar unit into AoS.
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I think Mandrakes are Demons but independent of Chaos. In the Path of the Dark Eldar novels the Decapitator gets pretty unhappy about Chaos in the Mandrake realm.

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