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The Bringers of Wonder (currently Mutants and Moustaches)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Great paintjob on that sister!
Made in eu
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Nice work, as always. I particularly like your use of pink/purple as a motif-- the flames and book are weird and really draw the eye.

Now showing classic Eldar! With special guest stars from Mantic

Painting total as of 11/27/2024: 95 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers and a quad mech and a fours giants

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Adeptekon wrote:
Very nice, I like the pink and purps personally, maybe a touch of black for some starker contrast.

 kestral wrote:
Great paintjob on that sister!

 JoshInJapan wrote:
Nice work, as always. I particularly like your use of pink/purple as a motif-- the flames and book are weird and really draw the eye.

Thanks folks I think I'm subconsciously avoiding black in reaction to how GW seemed to paint all their Noise Marines back in 3rd edition, where they'd basically just be black but with pink trim - felt like they were going for 'looks cool and buyable' over 'but this is what the lore says Noise Marines should look like'. Although I've got one on the table that's pink trim over a dark purple base, kind of alluding to that era of Slaanesh paint jobs - for various reasons I keep putting off working on her, one of them being I'm not certain whether she'll strike that balance, or just look plain, and if so whether I need to add a bunch more colours in. Also I decided to paint an album cover on the loincloth, that's kind of an intimidating prospect.

Currently though, Terminators - having had virtually my entire army bounce off a solid block of Black Legion Terminators in their last game (I mean, helped that they had Abaddon hiding behind them, coward that he is, buffing them with all his aura) I've decided I need to up my tactical dreadnought wardrobe:

Trying out a new backdrop as well. On the left, I decided when it came time to paint her bare head that she used to be a Salamander (and a he, therefore), so I went with the jet black skin and red eyes - since all the Bringers of Wonder have Syl's green eyes I put green on the various eyes of the Venomcrawler face which I stuck on as a kind of ornate collar (the Venomcrawler continues to vanish piece by piece, although I am considering assembling what's left of it via a conversion to fill the missing bits with parts of other kits). So that's her old helmet up on the trophy rack, rather than a fallen enemy - also, light coloured wood on the spikes, I didn't want all the trophy racks to look similar (hence also messing with the orientation), since that doesn't seem very chaotic. I also gave her the front of a chainsword, since I really miss the chain-bayonets the old metal chaos Terminators had. In the middle, another Venomcrawler bit in place of the left hand, and the Talon of Horus on the right - presumably a knock-off, maybe there's this Warpsmith of Tzeentch who's got some convoluted plan to get around trademark law by writing 'Talon of Horrus' on the ones he sells to gullible renegades. And on the right, suffering a bit from a bumpy paint job since I was holding the spraycan too far away, my new Terminator squad champion, with chainfist and combi-plasma, both of which she's probably going to regret when 10th edition rolls around and presumably she'll no longer be able to ignore the -1 to hit on using both of those. She's got a bunch of Abaddon's trophies - back in the day I used Abaddon's body to make my miniature of Sylelle, wearing a Terminator suit because this was long before you could just order up a naked lady miniature off etsy, so I pretended she occasionally went into battle wearing armour (or anything) - so the spare parts from that have been rattling around my bits box this whole time. Painting the helmet was a struggle owing to the imperfect primer, but it's supposed to be the Tiger Claws chapter. I didn't intentionally make a trend of decapitated heads on bases, they were just what my eye lit on when I was looking for something to make the bases less plain - I have fun trying out the entirely different paint schemes of other armies on those bits, and for the Ork I went old school with the checks and bright red trim off a 2nd edition Goff.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/04/21 12:14:10

Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

Do you use any washes?

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Adeptekon wrote:
Do you use any washes?

Pretty often, yeah - my armour colour for the Bringers is a dark blue ink over the wraithbone spray, then drybrushed back up to cloudy white, which in addition to giving it that blue tinge (and letting me just slather it into any areas my brush is going to struggle to reach, so they just look naturally shadowed anyway and don't need more work than that) is a huge help in letting me actually see all the sculpted detail; eyes growing old. The basic Bringers gold is likewise gold paint with a crimson ink over it. Aside from skin tones I haven't really taken to contrast paints in a big way, I got most of my painting experience back when it was just paints and inks, so that's still my default approach.

Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

Ah I see, and I just bought me some contrast paint, maybe one of these days I'll have something up here myself...

I only ask because from the pictures it seems like there could be more shade in the groves and folds etc.

But that could just be lighting. I almost posted some minis I painted, but my phone makes them look worse than they already are.

The lightening or my camera totally washes them out.

Yours look good regardless.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/04/22 20:16:07

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Adeptekon wrote:
I only ask because from the pictures it seems like there could be more shade in the groves and folds etc.

The grooves yeah - my drybrushing game is kind of haphazard, it's not rare that I go at the mini with too much paint still on the brush and white out some of the sculpted detail. Probably ought to carefully go back in with some thin ink lines to pick the detail back out, but I'm kinda impatient like that. The cloth is intentional though, particularly on the more recent minis I've found that painting loincloths and cloaks and so on with just a medium scarlet and highlighting up to pink, no shadow wash, makes it feel very Rogue Trader/Realm of Chaos to me.

Anyway, finished off another batch:

Now that I'm playing games I've noticed my tendency to mash together daemonette and Escher and Sororitas parts has made it kind of difficult to be certain if they should be fielded as daemons or cultists or accursed cultists or what, so - along with the mostly non-mutated cultists earlier - I set about doing some 'normal' daemonettes. That plan went a little bit sideways when I started playing with parts, but all four of these would definitely be fielded as daemonettes, so success, I guess. Starting on the left, because techpriests have dirty fantasies too, a daemonette with a robo-arm, sources from the leftovers of Fabius Bile's backpack - I didn't notice at the time but the lower 'arm' is supposed to have an extra part attached on the end, but I kind of like it as-is, the random swivel joint with a cable just waving in the air has a 'no idea what this is for' feel that I like for daemonic tech. The head's from the Escher deathmaidens because I like the blindfold look, and I used the tip of a spare daemonette tail to give her a penis because, well, does Slaanesh need a reason to be handing out extra genitalia? Next to her, the most normal of the batch, with just a tentacular arm courtesy of (I think) also the deathmaiden set, and a Sororitas head (but she's not a mutated sister, she just likes the hairdo), with horns made, I think, from Terminator tusks - since I keep using alternate heads for Termis I've got plenty of helmets left over to hack up for extra horns. Third the most ambitious of the bunch, plugging a daemonette torso and head into a Scourge - I figured using the standing daemonette legs would look pretty awkward with the wings, and filing the waist to fit into the Scourge hips seemed like the easiest way to give her a flying pose. The head was actually the one with the three topknots but I think those look a little awkward, so I clipped them off (been using them as tassles for pistol hilts and so on) and instead gave her the leftover ponytail from the Callidus. And finally, she actually is a mutated human, but she functions as a daemonette rules-wise - wasn't planning her beyond just throwing together random parts, but I decided she's a sister of battle who was a really good duellist but never got to show off because her comrades kept just shooting enemies instead of backing off and letting her swordfight them in the middle of battles, so Syl lured her to the dark side with the promise of all the one-on-one matches she'd ever want, and even talked her into letting herself be possessed by a daemonette to show that she didn't even need her body to be her own to win. Also I clipped off the tip of her tail and attached a spare genestealer hand in its place because... I forget, but why not, right? I had the idea to do a faceless daemonette but when I'd got as far as filing down her mouth I thought that was pretty creepy by itself, so left it at that - I'll probably revisit the faceless idea later.

Getting better at dotting nipples on, too, which is a very niche painting skill, but useful for a Slaaneshi warband. Not bothering with a spoiler tag since, well, it's just paint on a non-naughty sculpt, and besides you know what to expect in this thread by now.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/04/24 00:50:57

Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

These are really looking good!

Made in gb
Been Around the Block


Love these, great colour scheme, great paint job top effort...and ( # y # ) for the win.

A wizardz didz itz andz ranz awayz!!! 
Made in us
Huge Hierodule

land of 10k taxes

So evil

was censored by the ministry of truth 
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Adeptekon wrote:
These are really looking good!

 SpaceMcQuirk wrote:
Love these, great colour scheme, great paint job top effort...and ( # y # ) for the win.


Just one today, but I'm pretty proud of it - the newest member of Death Blossom (that's my Havoc team, it's not a band... although they may be a band in their down time between battles, everyone needs a hobby), Pax:

So yeah, she's named (almost) after Paz Viszla, because after I'd put the mini together - just because I hadn't done a chaincannon yet - that's where I got the idea for the paintjob. My first attempt at object-sourced lighting (not counting deliberately not cleaning up after I drybrush the glow onto plasma gun coils, so the paint spreads onto the gun casing a little), and I guess it'd kind of rudimentary, but I'm pretty proud of it nonetheless. Just as well I'm happy with that part of the job, since the rest of the paint's fairly unimpressive - in fact, due to the ammo belts and the ram bar on the base being in the way, half of his right leg is barely painted, just the blue ink wash over wraithbone spray that I use as a starting point and that's it; luckily having a dark base means anything blocked enough that I can't get my brush to it looks like it's dark because it's in shadow anyway. I initially thought to have him standing on top of something, but nothing leapt out at me when I was looking through my bits box (aside from the remains of the Falcon hull, and I can't have everyone standing on top of a crashed Falcon), but I'm happy with the Gorkamorka ram bar as a substitute - he's not up on top of it, but it bulks out the base which is ultimately what I was after. Kind of a coin toss whether to paint it as Evil Sunz or Bad Moons - I like the look of the bright Ork paint jobs (and I'm finding I really enjoy doing these bits of other armies' colours on base decorations) but ultimately I'm too amused by Red Wunz Go Fasta (and the fact that it was an actual gameplay mechanic) to pass up the Sunz.

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Another outstanding set of models. I'm particularly impressed by your work on the wing membranes. The "splotchyness" (that's a real word, right?) gives a real sense of the organic, like there really are connective tissues and blood vessels just under the skin.

Now showing classic Eldar! With special guest stars from Mantic

Painting total as of 11/27/2024: 95 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers and a quad mech and a fours giants

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 JoshInJapan wrote:
Another outstanding set of models. I'm particularly impressed by your work on the wing membranes. The "splotchyness" (that's a real word, right?) gives a real sense of the organic, like there really are connective tissues and blood vessels just under the skin.

Thanks, but confession time, my 'technique' for the wing membranes was to slop on some contrast paint, lay the mini down flat so it didn't pool at the bottom edge (I blu-tack them to little wood blocks as a painting stand, so the back of the actual mini wasn't on the table) and go play Dreamlight Valley until it dried - did the front and back separately and painted a little extra pink on the 'fingers', but that's all. Sometimes the best solution is the laziest one

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


 Daia T'Nara wrote:
 JoshInJapan wrote:
Another outstanding set of models. I'm particularly impressed by your work on the wing membranes. The "splotchyness" (that's a real word, right?) gives a real sense of the organic, like there really are connective tissues and blood vessels just under the skin.

Thanks, but confession time, my 'technique' for the wing membranes was to slop on some contrast paint, lay the mini down flat so it didn't pool at the bottom edge (I blu-tack them to little wood blocks as a painting stand, so the back of the actual mini wasn't on the table) and go play Dreamlight Valley until it dried - did the front and back separately and painted a little extra pink on the 'fingers', but that's all. Sometimes the best solution is the laziest one

I find that I get the best results with a more Impressionistic technique rather than trying to paint every little thing, so your method gets a big thumbs up from me.

Now showing classic Eldar! With special guest stars from Mantic

Painting total as of 11/27/2024: 95 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers and a quad mech and a fours giants

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


Mutation. Don't listen to Professor X, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Thought I'd be cute and snap a photo of various recent minis in order of how recognisable they'd be to their parents at the moment. Starting from the left, last month's free mini of the month (first time I found out about that), an Intercessor who turns out needed an intercession himself as his faith in the Emperor clearly wasn't as rock solid as the Howling Griffons chapter would've liked - I painted her chestplate (girl now, it's an Emperor's Children solidarity thing) as a Griffon because I've always liked the future-medieval look of the halved and quartered chapter colour schemes, and as with the Warhammer Imperium one a while back I couldn't be bothered filing off the aquila and painting on something else, so I figured I'd hang a lampshade on it instead. Took several passes to get that colour centre-line properly aligned, respect to anyone who paints a whole army of those. The folks at the GW store cut me a break, since I'd just dropped in randomly to pick up a couple of paints and didn't have time to assemble the stock they'd only just received - they let me take it out, so I promised to come back and assemble it in store the following day (when I didn't have a bus to catch right away), which I did - Slaanesh keeps her promises - but took the opportunity to test fit a bunch of parts from the bits box to chaos it up. (I did this month's free mini, the Arbites one, in store today, and just brought a little container full of parts I thought might come in handy.)

Next up, every other part of that mini from the Sigmar Dread Pageant had been used - the goat legs, goat head and crab claw left arm to various Legionaries, the right hand and sword to the Fabius Bile conversion - and the torso was lying around looking all forlorn, so I decided to make use of it. I was originally thinking it'd be a Possessed, but later I decided on a purple skin colour scheme for my Possessed (since they're possessed by daemonettes), and they don't use pistols anyway, so I guess she's just an aspiring champion or something. To her left, the Possessed that got me settled on said colour scheme, one of the two Greater Possessed from the previous Start Collecting Walking War Crimes box - as always I can't just leave well enough alone, so that one got an extra arm and stabbity backpack courtesy of the old Possessed set (its actual backpack is on the Griffon). I used the normal sized base since there aren't Greater Possessed anymore - it leans quite a way forward, but luckily the chunky right arm flung out backwards counterbalances it pretty well.

And finally, this month's painting contest entry, Formerly Sister Misericordia. I mentioned a bit of the process in the contest thread, but to explain in full: I've had this miniature dildo (don't ask) in my bits box for ages waiting for the right mini, and naturally I thought a spawn would be the proper moment to just throw subtlety in the bin and have a giant dick waving around, but the hunched-over posture of the spawn minis didn't really suit that (it'd have been dragging on the ground), but contemplating the dick (phrasing) reminded me that it'd come from a statue that also had interchangeable lady parts, one just as-is, one sculpted with the protruding end of a vibrator sticking out. I'd been idly thinking I'd one day use the default one for the Keeper of Secrets whenever I got around to that, and didn't really think there'd be a suitable use for the other one, but with spawn parts all over the table it occurred to me I could file down the end of the vibrator to match it up to a tentacle, and that somehow reminded me of that critter from the middle of John Carpenter's The Thing with the head on a tentacle - I'd originally been thinking the spawn wouldn't have a recognisable face, but having the un-mutated head on the end of the tentacle like that seemed much more disturbing. For the rest, I just tried to make her look random, rather than the 'Abomination from the Incredible Hulk movie but with a bunch of tentacles' look the default spawn builds have - I feel like that arm coming out of her groin does a lot to mess up the basically-humanoid silhouette, and that's actually another of the heads (the face is in the armpit) on the right side instead of a conventional limb. It was actually kind of intimidating to approach painting, since the mini by that stage was such a convoluted mess, but I decided sticking to just one basic skin tone, rather than using 'monster' skin colours, would be a creepy reminder that she used to be human, so I let the contrast paint do most of the heavy lifting, and just picked out details like claws and eyeballs (there are a few on her back). Having the joints bleeding was a mid-painting decision, just based on how obvious a lot of the joins are between parts (even the ones I'd assembled the way you're supposed to) - I feel like that turns a bug into a feature, making her body look like it's on the verge of breaking itself. My original idea was that the Sororitas backpack and cloak would be hers, but then when I was coming up with her backstory I would up making her a Hospitalier from some obscure minor order, so on the basis that the debris's from her latest victim I painted it in the recognisable Order of Our Martyred Lady colours. Pretty pleased with that overall - the only down side is I can't think of how I'd do anything similarly messed up, but not in the same way, for another spawn, so Formerly Misericordia is destined to remain my warband's sole spawn, with the parts of the other one in the box just going to random future conversions.

Made in it
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Sister Misericordia is certainly something...Living in Japan, I have come to associate pixelation with a certain, shall we say genre of entertainment? This being Dakka, though, I assumed it was an artifact of the photo. This being your project blog, though, means that my first assumption was, indeed, correct.

The kitbash/conversion is superlative-- everything blends together seamlessly, and the end result is weird and gross. You'll definitely be getting a vote from me in the Comp.

Now showing classic Eldar! With special guest stars from Mantic

Painting total as of 11/27/2024: 95 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers and a quad mech and a fours giants

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Holy space moly that is a nice kitbash on the bazooka-bodied..eh.. well.. marriage I suppose?
Also love all the colors making you imagine the scent of peppermint and sweat.. (what?!..)


On the latest pic you've posted, that's quite the quality photo and as for the contents, I think you've become one with Slaanesh irl to think up something as bordering on full on pornography there, You'll definately get a vote from me in the challenge entry.

Hadn't even looked on page 2..
Man, you should make the sculpts for GW from now on, awesome kitbashing.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/05/14 12:33:53

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in us
Huge Hierodule

land of 10k taxes

why is one on the left got digital blurring?

was censored by the ministry of truth 
Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 FeindusMaximus wrote:
why is one on the left got digital blurring?

Its obscuring a not safe for work bodypart commonly associated with the female species.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Also popping in to validate the pixelation Gnarly conversion for one helluva spawn.

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


Thanks folks Don't worry, we'll be back to normal next time - I've already got next month's contest entry planned (pending my ability to actually convert it without making a mess), and it'll be super tactful, there's gonna be a loincloth covering the orifice the daemonette's dragging herself out of and everything.

 Leopold Helveine wrote:
On the latest pic you've posted, that's quite the quality photo and as for the contents, I think you've become one with Slaanesh irl to think up something as bordering on full on pornography there

Oh me and Slaanesh go way back Actually, funny story, Tzeentch was the first chaos god I took an interest in - for lack of choice partly, I got Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned very early in my 40k fandom (before I even really knew about 40k, I was just a Space Hulk player then), so it was Tzeentch or Nurgle, and while I appreciate Nurgle's place in the lore, if I'm going to spend hours and hours painting things I'd like them to be pretty, and inscrutable bird demons seemed cool (I had one of the old metal ones - no longer, sadly). Never really prompted an interest in having a chaos marine army once I discovered 40k proper (tail of 2nd edition, hit my stride during 3rd) - I don't really relate to the idea of armies of Tzeentch, I feel like he's more the type to Eldar it by manipulating some other poor sods into doing his dirty work (but better, since everyone knows that's what Eldar do, whereas my version of Tzeentch would be the one who's convinced the galaxy he doesn't even exist) - and Noise Marines being the point guys for Slaanesh in 40k didn't really convey much of her nuance (don't get me wrong, I love them, but they're silly as hell). So it took a while for me to consume enough lore to really start to get a sense of what was going on with Slaanesh, and realise I liked her best - also this was around about when Paul Sawyer put the Index Astartes legions they weren't doing in-house up for grabs, and I had this fixation on female protagonists (still do) so I bagsed the Emperor's Children because I'd decided Fulgrim was trans (didn't actually write that into the index, it's just subtext, like I'd learned how to write from watching Xena - kind of wish I had, although I don't know that GW would've gone for the background to the Horus Heresy taking a three-page tangent to explain gender dysphoria).

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 Daia T'Nara wrote:
Thanks folks Don't worry, we'll be back to normal next time - I've already got next month's contest entry planned (pending my ability to actually convert it without making a mess), and it'll be super tactful, there's gonna be a loincloth covering the orifice the daemonette's dragging herself out of and everything.

 Leopold Helveine wrote:
On the latest pic you've posted, that's quite the quality photo and as for the contents, I think you've become one with Slaanesh irl to think up something as bordering on full on pornography there

Oh me and Slaanesh go way back Actually, funny story, Tzeentch was the first chaos god I took an interest in - for lack of choice partly, I got Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned very early in my 40k fandom (before I even really knew about 40k, I was just a Space Hulk player then), so it was Tzeentch or Nurgle, and while I appreciate Nurgle's place in the lore, if I'm going to spend hours and hours painting things I'd like them to be pretty, and inscrutable bird demons seemed cool (I had one of the old metal ones - no longer, sadly). Never really prompted an interest in having a chaos marine army once I discovered 40k proper (tail of 2nd edition, hit my stride during 3rd) - I don't really relate to the idea of armies of Tzeentch, I feel like he's more the type to Eldar it by manipulating some other poor sods into doing his dirty work (but better, since everyone knows that's what Eldar do, whereas my version of Tzeentch would be the one who's convinced the galaxy he doesn't even exist) - and Noise Marines being the point guys for Slaanesh in 40k didn't really convey much of her nuance (don't get me wrong, I love them, but they're silly as hell). So it took a while for me to consume enough lore to really start to get a sense of what was going on with Slaanesh, and realise I liked her best - also this was around about when Paul Sawyer put the Index Astartes legions they weren't doing in-house up for grabs, and I had this fixation on female protagonists (still do) so I bagsed the Emperor's Children because I'd decided Fulgrim was trans (didn't actually write that into the index, it's just subtext, like I'd learned how to write from watching Xena - kind of wish I had, although I don't know that GW would've gone for the background to the Horus Heresy taking a three-page tangent to explain gender dysphoria).

Oh yeah, Tzeench has some great units, I also got some AOS Slaanesh but converted them into being 'redeemed' Sylvaneth servants (yeah thast a mindblower) in some weird storyline I wrote that got out of hand and became an entire book.

The first army that took my interest was actually the eldar (dire avengers) seeing them in a shopwindow when I was about 10 years old but never had the funds to buy them then, got my first box of those about a year ago visiting another city that actually has a warhammer store.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Leopold Helveine wrote:
I also got some AOS Slaanesh but converted them into being 'redeemed' Sylvaneth servants (yeah thast a mindblower) in some weird storyline I wrote that got out of hand and became an entire book.

Oh I know that feeling - back before I fell out of 40k I had this random notion to write the memoir of a battle sister, starting with being taken to the Schola and I didn't really have a plan, just let the writing go wherever it wanted, and wound up neck deep in Sensei fighting the War of the New Emperor (he wasn't, of course), which didn't even involve any of my actual armies (she wasn't even from the Order I was painting). If that 'mercenary' topic ever gets up in the monthly painting contest I've got an Inquisitor Greyfax who'll be the basis for a conversion that'll tie that whole debacle to Syl's warband, just so I can pretend it was relevant somehow.

Leopold Helveine wrote:The first army that took my interest was actually the eldar (dire avengers) seeing them in a shopwindow when I was about 10 years old but never had the funds to buy them then, got my first box of those about a year ago visiting another city that actually has a warhammer store.

It was Harlequins for me - my first contact with 40k (even before Space Hulk) was White Dwarf 105 with them on the cover, and I got quite a set of minis between the Harlies and a bunch of the first wave of Guardians, without any knowledge of the rules, just for fun. Even had the old dreadnought at one stage - not any more sadly, although thankfully the smaller minis are all still around. Around the tail of 3rd edition, before I drifted off 40k entirely, I started working on collecting an army, although it never amounted to anything much - I got a box of the then-new plastic Guardians (still think they were pretty cool), but this was back when Aspect Warriors were three to a blister pack, and I wanted all the Aspects (except Warp Spiders, never liked how they looked) but couldn't afford to be getting multiple packs of multiple Aspects to have enough for full squads. I ended up getting the bare minimum and painting just one or two of each, which again thankfully I still have - they were some of the final minis I painted back then, so my peak as a painter, and I'm honestly pretty proud of them:

First version Avatar on a WFB Alarielle to create my Farseer - actually not a farseer, she's the craftworld's lavair, but they have this cultural thing where the lavair's effectively their leader. Also low key slightly part god, and Syl's got a huge crush on her, because I thought that was hilarious (kinda reciprocated too, she's an odd one). I like the current Aeldari minis well enough, but those old metal Aspect Warriors have a special magic for me, it'd be really high up on my Win The Lottery list to ebay up a whole Aspect army's worth of them and finish what I started. (Probably just as well I don't play the lottery, so I'll never have to find out exactly how much worse my eyes are now than they were back then with a 1-to-1 comparison, can't believe I was actually dotting pupils and doing proper gemstones and everything.)

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 Daia T'Nara wrote:
 Leopold Helveine wrote:
I also got some AOS Slaanesh but converted them into being 'redeemed' Sylvaneth servants (yeah thast a mindblower) in some weird storyline I wrote that got out of hand and became an entire book.

Oh I know that feeling - back before I fell out of 40k I had this random notion to write the memoir of a battle sister, starting with being taken to the Schola and I didn't really have a plan, just let the writing go wherever it wanted, and wound up neck deep in Sensei fighting the War of the New Emperor (he wasn't, of course), which didn't even involve any of my actual armies (she wasn't even from the Order I was painting). If that 'mercenary' topic ever gets up in the monthly painting contest I've got an Inquisitor Greyfax who'll be the basis for a conversion that'll tie that whole debacle to Syl's warband, just so I can pretend it was relevant somehow.

Leopold Helveine wrote:The first army that took my interest was actually the eldar (dire avengers) seeing them in a shopwindow when I was about 10 years old but never had the funds to buy them then, got my first box of those about a year ago visiting another city that actually has a warhammer store.

It was Harlequins for me - my first contact with 40k (even before Space Hulk) was White Dwarf 105 with them on the cover, and I got quite a set of minis between the Harlies and a bunch of the first wave of Guardians, without any knowledge of the rules, just for fun. Even had the old dreadnought at one stage - not any more sadly, although thankfully the smaller minis are all still around. Around the tail of 3rd edition, before I drifted off 40k entirely, I started working on collecting an army, although it never amounted to anything much - I got a box of the then-new plastic Guardians (still think they were pretty cool), but this was back when Aspect Warriors were three to a blister pack, and I wanted all the Aspects (except Warp Spiders, never liked how they looked) but couldn't afford to be getting multiple packs of multiple Aspects to have enough for full squads. I ended up getting the bare minimum and painting just one or two of each, which again thankfully I still have - they were some of the final minis I painted back then, so my peak as a painter, and I'm honestly pretty proud of them

My first box was actually an AOS Khorne vs Stormcast box: https://miniset.net/files/styles/set_preview_500_box/public/set/gw-60010299007.jpg?itok=SoPKHgtp
Never bought any more Khorne though, went straight into building a huge stormcast army which I don't even like (and want to get rid of but cannot find buyers..)

I like your choice of wraithbone on the Eldar btw. My Eldar are illustration-style (from their wiki pages) Yme loc and Lugganath.

I get bored super fast so I made loads of different armies, and some of them aren't painted yet (my AOS Nurgle army is still hardly even basecoated -_-)

Anyway, Aspect was never something I wanted to get into, did like the look of warp spiders but I hate working with resin so meh..
Was pretty cool when we atleast got the rangers in plastic.

The positive side to writing books of text to the lore of our creations is that you end up with a lot of thematic ration and characters to recreate, for instance after making my current challenge entry (phonzo) I now kinda want to also make his superior (tarosso), but no clue with what .. maybe when I go visit the other city again sometime I'll pick up a starter (gift) stormcast. I did buy some 50% off boxes of paint and tools lately that have intercessors so I got plenty of spacemarines to add as victims to bases now xD

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Leopold Helveine wrote:
I like your choice of wraithbone on the Eldar btw.

Thanks This was back when Ulthwé were yellow over black, before they changed to their current scheme, so it stood out - I had the notion that the craftworld was flush with wraithbone and used it for everything, including painting all the gems bone, except the one spirit stone. As much as I loved the look of the old Eldar, it bothered me how piecemeal they looked with all the Aspects off doing their own thing colour-wise, hence everyone having bone helmets.

Leopold Helveine wrote:The positive side to writing books of text to the lore of our creations is that you end up with a lot of thematic ration and characters to recreate, for instance after making my current challenge entry (phonzo) I now kinda want to also make his superior (tarosso), but no clue with what .. maybe when I go visit the other city again sometime I'll pick up a starter (gift) stormcast. I did buy some 50% off boxes of paint and tools lately that have intercessors so I got plenty of spacemarines to add as victims to bases now xD

That's very much how I used to work - now I'm kind of doing the opposite, starting with just an idea for a fun conversion (usually from the painting contest), and coming up with the personality behind the mini while I'm painting. Although that's started sprawling out too, since I started framing their backstories as in-universe records - I have this tendency (I blame George MacDonald Fraser) to buck the law of conservation of detail, throwing in completely extraneous background just because it makes the setting seem richer.

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 Daia T'Nara wrote:
 Leopold Helveine wrote:
I like your choice of wraithbone on the Eldar btw.

Thanks This was back when Ulthwé were yellow over black, before they changed to their current scheme, so it stood out - I had the notion that the craftworld was flush with wraithbone and used it for everything, including painting all the gems bone, except the one spirit stone. As much as I loved the look of the old Eldar, it bothered me how piecemeal they looked with all the Aspects off doing their own thing colour-wise, hence everyone having bone helmets.

That's very much how I used to work - now I'm kind of doing the opposite, starting with just an idea for a fun conversion (usually from the painting contest), and coming up with the personality behind the mini while I'm painting. Although that's started sprawling out too, since I started framing their backstories as in-universe records - I have this tendency (I blame George MacDonald Fraser) to buck the law of conservation of detail, throwing in completely extraneous background just because it makes the setting seem richer.

Wraithbone spirit stones sounds cool to begin with, like marble spirit stones hmm.

I also come up with the personality behind the mini -while paiting- because I'm rather whimsical and dreamy during a paint and that has as a downside (or upside, depending on how you look at it) that mini's end up completely different than what I intend prior.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


Besides preparing for next month's contest I haven't really been working with a purpose lately, but as chance would have it a few cultists recently got finished, so I thought they'd make a nice group photo (plus one I've had done for a while, just hasn't been shown in this thread yet):

From the left, this month's free mini from the GW store - since I have my rule that (oldhammer aside) everything's got to be a conversion, large or small, I looked up the sprue when the mini was announced so I could see how it fit together, and brought along a little container of likely bits from home to improvise on the spot. I ended up not using the chaos backpack I'd prepared - a typical Legionary one but with the side vents clipped off, to make it more compact - since marine helmets were too large for the body, leaving the Escher whose hair got in the way of where the backpack would've been. The gun was pretty ambitious, working under store ceiling lights rather than the point-black LEDs I use ta home to make up for my tired old eyes - clipped the shotgun off just forward of the trigger then cut the back of the bolter to match the length, so the sculpted-in left hand would fit with the left arm. Wasn't perfect - under the skull the shoulder's not quite flush, I just slathered glue on to secure it - but it's good enough. Of course cultists don't have boltguns, whereas the shotgun could've been more plausibly covered under 'cultist firearm', but I'm never thinking about rules when I work.

Next up, since I've done a few Eschers with daemonette claws, I wondered if I could get one to match up with a leg instead, but between using the leader body with the big coat and the pose kind of randomly turning out pretty characterful I've decided she's the overall leader of all my cultists, and therefore painted her clothes in full warband colours, rather than the mishmash of street clothes the regular cultists I did a while ago got. The leg didn't quite match up seamlessly, so I filed it down as best I could, and hid the ridge of the two pieces joining at mid-thigh with some fleshtearer red to make it look like she's taken a cut in combat.

And on the right, two old souls in young bodies, veterans of Necromunda first edition. I've got a bunch of Escher juves in the bits box without their heads - not for any scary reason, they were just my go-to for female heads for marines back in the day, since they didn't have the high armour collars of sororitas making it impossible to easily swap them, and their hairstyles were more restrained then the big hair of the grown gangers (so the Furies kind of have a thing of baby-faces veteran sergeants, but never mind). I actually clipped the helmeted head from the current cultist set and glued it on the juve long before I started working on those cultists, it just happened that I didn't get around to painting this one until recently. And beside her, one of the original plastic Orlocks - besides the pastels, I filed the fabric creases off the butt and painted the hips as bare skin, with the bandana around the leg becoming the top of a thigh boot, because nothing says Slaanesh like going into battle without your pants on.

Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

I like the contrasts on these.

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Adeptekon wrote:
I like the contrasts on these.


Finished a varied trio of flyers recently:

On the left, I've been getting to the tail end of my old box of Possessed - who've been serving as a general-purpose parts pack for all sorts of things - and since they've now been given the sack and replaced with shiny new Possessed, I felt sorry for them and decided to put together one that's pure... whenever they had their debut, I wasn't actually in the hobby at the time (that's right, I'm being nostalgic about something I didn't even know about when it was new) - aside from the giant dong of course, these Possessed may be slightly old but they're not Oldhammer (not for another decade or so at least) so I didn't excuse it the usual conversion on the basis of historical value as-is (but the dong's also a part from the old Possessed box, one of the horns with the tip sliced off and a teensy hole drilled into the tip - I don't feel like this is NSFW since it's so low-detail). Since it was lying around I gave him the backpack whatever-that-is from the store birthday exclusive squat (who's being painted as a chaos squat currently, and had his usual decoration replaced with the big star of chaos from the CSM sprue) - most of the runes are on the other side, I accidentally glued it on backwards, but I guess that's how it would've been facing when it was torn off its former owner, so that checks out.

Next up one I've had half-finished for a while, a Raptor with butterfly wings - not the best implementation of the idea, I picked up some cheap trinkets from the local $2 shop to see what I could do, and this is just one of them saturated in purple contrast paint. Probably should've painted the metal parts gold to match the armour, but the whole thing's kind of tacky so I didn't feel like spending that much time on it. Still, she looks okay at tabletop-distance, and I like the idea of not everything being bat wings all the time, I'll definitely return to the idea next time I see a likely wing donor. She's half Raptor half Warp Talon just because I was picking whichever parts looked cool, and didn't know the difference anyway.

And lastly, speaking of not always being bat wings, the wings from the Sororitas box, previously attached to one of those skull-headed cherubs or whatever they are, now on a cultist - of course there's no rules for flying cultists, but those wings wouldn't be able to support her anyway (unless she got hollow bones to go with them, and cultists are fragile enough as it is), so they're just decorative both in-universe and out.

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

The possessed's dong

Fairy wings are great too and the cultist is a solid little kitbash.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/21 15:23:38

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