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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Anacoco, Louisiana

I'm curious; have you considered making Chaos-y armor trim for things like the Ironclad, Contemptor, or even Leviathan dreadnought? I saw an Iron Warriors one with simple but effective trim that just really elevated it to the next level, and my sculpting skills...well, they leave something to be desired!

Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Great Leviathon (which I say begrudgingly as an Imperial Fist player!) and some nice subtle weathering, which all too often is over the top on Iron Warriors

Thanks for sharing

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Anacoco, Louisiana

 IGtR= wrote:
Great Leviathon (which I say begrudgingly as an Imperial Fist player!) and some nice subtle weathering, which all too often is over the top on Iron Warriors

Thanks for sharing

Oh, I wish it was mine - I was using it as an example to go with my question!
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

Time? What is time? I struggled in the past (at least, I’m mostly sure it was the past) to grasp and grapple with time, learning to appreciate passing minutes. But now (at least, I’m mostly sure it’s now) I grow suspicious of the seconds hours and days as they sneak away behind me in this strange miasma that engulfs me, with I suspect is so many others (at least, I’m mostly sure there are others)…

∙ Despite being lost in this warp storm that is distorting all time, I continue to attempt to be productive (Focused? Not so much.) as I wait for the tempest to calm.

For some reason, tonight’s insomnia has compelled me to post something, so I hope this is a sign that I’ll be able to follow up with more significant updates in the reasonably near future, but the fickle fates of the storm always seem to alter my best intentions so we shall have to see.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

 Kepora wrote:
I'm curious; have you considered making Chaos-y armor trim for things like the Ironclad, Contemptor, or even Leviathan dreadnought? I saw an Iron Warriors one with simple but effective trim that just really elevated it to the next level, and my sculpting skills...well, they leave something to be desired!


I have considered doing things like that but it's hard to pull off for lots of reasons. From getting the fit right, the casting process, and the size of the market for such specialized kits, it's really hard to make something like that work especially as a one-person operation like the studio is right now; in the future, it might be more practical. I do want to make 'bulk' Trim Kits that are just strips and arcs of various trim detail that can be cut to size and added to any model a builder chooses. It wouldn't be a perfect solution, requiring the builder to have the skills and ambition to cut and shape them, but it's the best way I can think of to make a kit the current studio can handle that will work with any kit a builder is willing to take the time/effort to apply it to.

Talk about these kinds of ideas and much more will be coming soon.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Anacoco, Louisiana

Ahh, fair enough! Maybe 3d-printable STL files would be better for more unique/niche things if the interest is there?
Made in us
Liche Priest Hierophant

You know... Kepora's got an idea there.

You're already making up 3D printing files for these things... You could probably sell some of those digital files, you know? No overhead for them, infinite stock...

GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy and paste it into your sig and add 1 to the number after generation. Consider it a social experiment.

If yer an Ork, why dont ya WAAAGH!!

M.A.V.- if you liked ChromeHounds, drop by the site and give it a go. Or check out my M.A.V. Oneshots videos on YouTube! 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Autocannon looks cool.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

I saw your taser goad combat arm on B&C, and while I really dig the design, I think I agree with the poster who felt it didn't do WYSIWYG well enough. If the helverin autocannons are stacked on one side, I'd expect a non-combat arm in the other socket - the dude suggested an ammo hopper but I'd probably do a little nubby AdMech manipulator arm, ala the Dunecrawler. This would also make for a deliciously asymmetrical silhouette, which feels more appropriate for AdMech (and is just fun in general).

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

There are weapons to pair off with the Lance-Goad but they still need some tweaking. However, the Auto-cannons are meant to be paired up as-is such as the Rule-of-Cool demands.

∙ So I picked up a box of Armigers for future plans, and then a warp storm hit making time meaningless.

∙ Damn, they’re a fun little kit to put together, downright easy to magnetize, and positively begging for some customization.

∙ So who am I to ignore inspiration granted to me by what I am sure can only be the will of the Omnissiah? More coming soon...
I find the stock Auto-cannons to be so lacking and just wanted to make them feel more menacing. Doubling them ties it in with the Mechanicus serving Knights theme I'm aiming for (inspired by the AC's on the Onager kit) while also making it look more intimidating, if I do say so myself. I'm embracing my Counts-as spirit here and ignoring that pestering WYSIWYG in the name of Cool.

Making STL files opens other cans of worms that require other considerations so I'm still thinking about that option but I'm not committing right now. It saves on final production but not on any of the development time/costs and I've taken several years perfecting my production process for a reason, so I want to aim to get the full production studio running. Honestly, I'm right on the cusp and if 2020 hadn't been cursed I think I'd be in a very different place right now, maybe literally.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

More on Armiger weapons and the like in the near future, but now it’s time for something not quite so completely different…

∙ Remember this little biological component? Well, I tried to ignore the idea for later but then this happened…

∙ Forgive me Omnissiah, for I have innovated! I beg your forgiveness as I commit these acts in your honour and glory.

Having a deep understanding of gravity manipulating technologies the Archaeopters of the Atrum Laboris forge world employ exotic anti-gravity arrays to provide lift and remarkable maneuverability to the craft.

My plan is to create nose-mounted Las-cannons (which makes more sense to me than mounting them in the rear) and combined with the pictured Phosphor Blasters and under-wing bombs, the builder can make the kit with more options on where to mount the weapon systems; strafing gunboat with forward-facing main weapons, the bomber with under-wing bombs plus front and rear-facing Heavy Stubbers, and the Transport just needs to lose the bombs. Despite me using a backdrop image with them pictured the Heavy Stubbers sticking out of the doors just seemed like a crude solution to me and this setup removes their need. Also, a replacement tail component is in the works but it’s still quite rough. I’m keeping the vertical fin/flap but replacing the bottom fins/flaps with a smaller anti-gravity array.

Like I said earlier. I'm trying to stay productive in preparation for future plans. Focused? Not so much. I probably should have worked on something else and saved this for later but this idea got in my head and I couldn't let it go until I could see it properly.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

Yup, I probably should have waited a little while before starting work on any Knight concepts but this is a good example of how my gift for creation is both a blessing and curse; sure it provides an endless stream of ideas, but sometimes it also all-but compels me to become obsessed with exploring a particular inspiration and I struggle to ignore the idea and leave it for the later. Ultimately it’s not the worst thing, since it means I have a body of work waiting ‘in stasis’ for the time when I can start to really increase my output and I will be able to pull them out one after another. In the meantime, I feel some frustration with myself for not being as disciplined with my schedule as I would like to be. With that said, I’m settling into a plan for this spring and summer and in this case, the Knights will find their place in that, sometime near the end.

∙ In case anyone is wondering, the Taser arm is a ‘sleeve’ so the rail can be adjusted to any position during the build.

∙ In the spirit of Knights in service to a proper forge world this is what I had in mind to pair up with the Taser combat weapon.

Naturally, these could also be doubled up and used as a Counts-as option to represent some other variant of the Knight chassis. Even now I’ve still got a few more ideas bouncing around in my brain that I’m really forcing myself to not get distracted with and I’m going to be happy with these concepts to show my thinking so far. As with so many things up to this point, this is more of a proof-of-concept that’s something of a baseline that already has lots more work involved before I could make it a physical reality for production, and then there are the other additional ideas that could build on top of the baseline but I simply can’t invest the time into them, yet.

So, while these are reasonably complete looking they're actually far from finished but in addition, they're also just a teaser for many more future ideas.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Looking great, and I agree that WYSIWYG is just a pain in the rear-end. There are enough people out there who can't deal with something that is totally WYSIWYG, so I rarely bother.

Notes to the oppo is fine, and frankly more useful.

Thanks for sharing your work!

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

+++ Comm-Link ∙ Active +++ Carcinogenic Hazard Detected! ∙ Respiratory Filtration Required +++ Air Exchange Unit ∙ Initiating +++ Compiling ∙ Cant of the Sacred Prime Layer +++ Reciting ∙ I see a door of Red and I must paint it Black … +++

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

Once I start considering a batch for priming it can have something of a snowball effect if there are enough things laying around. So, I added in the four Servitors and one of the kit-bashed Priests I’d created a while ago, and combined with the bloody crew I’ve got a dozen infantry to do as well as the vehicles. This all started with me considering priming just the Dunerider transports. I literally ran out of mounting sticks and had to improvise with the last few objects. Oh well, I can’t see how I can complain about extra progress; all progress is good progress. It’s all gotta’ get painted sooner-or-later and it looks like sooner it is!

∙ Well, that took longer than expected. An emptied bottle of Mr.Hobby Surfacer 1500 Black and several hours later…

*Subtle hums a few more bars of Paint It Black*

I see the bits primed Black and now I must paint them mostly Bluuuuue

*Groan* Sorry, dad joke. But if the shoe fits I guess I've gotta' wear it.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

 Subtle Discord wrote:
I see the bits primed Black and now I must paint them mostly Bluuuuue
*the slowest of claps*

Nice big pile of prime, look forward to the blue + metal to come!

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

+++ Comm-Link ∙ Active +++ Data Exchange ∙ Compiling Data Stack 8∙M∙21 +++ Innovation Protocols ∙ Initializing +++
+++ Message ∙ Directing Motivational Encouragement Servitors to provide assistance with protocol implementation. +++

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in de
Fresh-Faced New User

 Subtle Discord wrote:

∙ I’m still having a few issues printing these bits but here’s the Linked Bolter and Melta looking really solid.

Unfortunately, the Flamer simply didn’t print. When it does work (and the success ratio is high) the results are so good that I’m certain that I just need to tweak the print setting and/or be selective where in the build area I place small objects like this. It’s hard to tell if it’s the new resin or the fact that these parts are quite small so they only have a small profile for each layer when they’re printing. Or maybe it’s a bit of both.

Hi! How i can get stl or printed you combi-weapons? I cant find it in you shop. So i need it - in only one realy good chaos combi-weapons in internet!
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

*Subtle stumbles out of a small unexpected warp phenomenon with a bewildered expression on his face which he quickly shakes off, regaining some semblance of focus*

Replies, news, and ongoing updates coming very soon... and this time I mean it! But first, quiz time!

∙ One of these components is created with a $4,000 3D printer and one is created with a $300 3D printer; which one is which?

I may have made it a bit too easy because I went out of my way to zoom in very tight and hit these with really strong light at very low angles to get the minor, almost invisible, surface variations to actually show on camera. Otherwise, without magnification, it becomes all-but-impossible to tell the difference when holding them in hand. The newer resin 3D printers that have started to arrive in the last few years are starting to reach a price-to-performance ratio that’s almost hard to believe. But, more on that in the near future.

I promise to be following up very soon. My brain is as cluttered as my desk right now (It seems I prescribe to the, disordered desk = active creative mind, concept) but I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t get out of this Covid induced rut. Big things are coming into focus, figuratively and literally, very soon.

*Subtle ties a rope around his waist and tentatively steps back into the warp phenomenon*

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in us
Member of a Lodge? I Can't Say

Philadelphia PA

One of these components is created with a $4,000 3D printer and one is created with a $300 3D printer; which one is which?

Going to throw out a wild guess that the one on the left is the cheaper printer, there's just some small rough areas (looking at the burrs between the rivets on the lower edge of the piece).

Still amazing development in printing. I'm eager to see how the process develops in the future.

I prefer to buy from miniature manufacturers that *don't* support the overthrow of democracy. 
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

I’d have to say the left is the cheaper one as well, though the rivets look nicer.

I bought a photon Mono with washing station and resin for $325. It’s not perfect, but getting great results with the basic setup.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

So I have a Word document file that I use to write out and prepare posts, especially if they’re long, which is rather common. I’ve been looking through it as I write this and noticing all of the unfinished compositions that got lost in the fog that has been the last 18+ months and there’s trains of thought I want to salvage and other stuff that’s out-of-date and not worth mentioning anymore. This is to say, some posts may seem a bit disjointed as I mash a few things together while catching up.

I’ve been trying to find time and focus to get some paint on the models I recently primed. On a related side note, I wanted to bring up a product that I’ve been trying to find for several years. After purchasing several different ‘acrylic mediums’ and never finding the right blend of consistency and transparency, I finally found this stuff.

∙ It’s all about finding a product that has ingredients that don’t create too much translucency and has the correct viscosity.

I’ve never used GW’s Lahmian Medium but I suspect this is very close if it’s not identical. Almost transparent and about as thick as a medium-light syrup this stuff has become my new go-to thinner when I want to keep the paint’s consistency while thinning out the pigment. The bottle warns of weakening the paint film strength if you use too much but I haven’t had issues when I’ve used it to create quick glazes/washes of unique colours and with the all-but mandatory coat of varnish that table ready miniatures receive it shouldn’t be an issue. At about $5-6 CAD for a 118 ml (4 oz.) bottle, it’s about 25% the price of GW’s product for what I suspect is the same results and 118ml should last for years for a typical painter.

∙ Do these augmentations and cybernetic replacements make my butt look fat? As requested several months ago, an image of the Servitors from the back.

As I mentioned earlier, the large packs are mostly leftover bits from the Kataphron kit chopped up with a bit of styrene and a few gubbins from other leftover AdMech bits to complete them. Nothing too elaborate but I think they are a good quick solution and they have the kind of bulk that helps sell the hunched pose of the Servitors I attached them to, as intended.

∙ I haven’t had a chance to take any other pictures of this group but here’s the earlier photo without altered lighting mucking up the colour.

I focused on the kit-bash Daedalosus, Servitors, and the crew of the Artillery Truck to get the smaller stuff out of the way. At some point, I’ll take some pictures of the Servitors alone with less dramatic lighting so I can show them from the front and back in full colour. I need to get around to taking some good photos the two Dominus Tech Priests too, now that they’re painted, but I’m kinda’ waiting for them to be varnished for the nice unifying effect it has on the paint and decals; they’re still a bit too shiny in places to photograph well.

∙ Every once-and-awhile it feels like the four heads of the servitors have been tasked with overseeing the painting progress.

The artillery trucks are more complex and more interesting so I chose to get started on them first. Most of the shading is done and once the primary weathering is applied it’s just down to the highlighting and fiddley details, followed by the obligatory dirtying up finish them off.

∙ I’m always nervous about overdoing the chipping effect when I apply it. A vehicle needs some wear-and-tear but I don’t want it to seem heavy-handed or too uniform and predictable.

In my mind as I’m applying it I’m constantly thinking about how the paint damage might happen; this is a spot where ground stones would have been kicked up while driving, these are the openings where crew enter/exit and their gear knocks up the edges, winch loops need some scuffs and scratches around them so they look used, etc., etc., etc. On a certain level, it’s silently giving the model a bit of a backstory in my mind while I work and it helps give me some direction instead of just randomly applying it and hoping for the best.

∙ To anyone who guessed or is curious, the 3D printed components on the left were from the lower-cost 3D printer.

I recently added an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro resin printer to the equipment in my little maufactorium. While my Solus printer achieves amazing results it has a painfully small build area compared to the average sizes of the newest crop of 3D printers that have been arriving in the last 2 years or so. A respectable build size combined with enough resolution and I think the pictures show that the technology is getting very impressive results at a reasonable price point. It still comes with many other considerations (space, noise, smell, chemical storage and handling, learning curve) that keep it a long way from mass-market penetration but for a market demographic that partakes in a hobby that has a significant ‘some assembly required’ element, I suspect there’s a higher percentage of gaming hobbyists who might rather invest in a setup like this so they can create custom bits and models for their existing armies rather than invest in a new army.

∙ Not bad for a quick test print to try out the printer and a first try to check the tolerances of the components I created.

These are the lower resolution 50µm layer height and while there are a few stubborn spots it’s easy to see the results are more than passable. In many cases, the layering in stubborn spots can easily be dealt with using a bit of 400-600 grit sandpaper and it really is only an issue in select locations that are usually predictable. If there’s too much detail it can be impossible to remove but if it’s a large flat area it’s very easy to sand away. Naturally, dropping to a 20-30µm layer height makes the issue even less of a problem; in all but the most stubborn spots, the layers are so small that primer and paint fill them in the majority of the time.

But, before I get too far off into the weeds on that subject before I’ve got it sorted, I’ll leave it here so I can do some direct replies and keep juggling the other stuff in the studio that I’ll be talking about in the near future.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Marrenoloth wrote:
 Subtle Discord wrote:

∙ I’m still having a few issues printing these bits but here’s the Linked Bolter and Melta looking really solid.

Unfortunately, the Flamer simply didn’t print. When it does work (and the success ratio is high) the results are so good that I’m certain that I just need to tweak the print setting and/or be selective where in the build area I place small objects like this. It’s hard to tell if it’s the new resin or the fact that these parts are quite small so they only have a small profile for each layer when they’re printing. Or maybe it’s a bit of both.

Hi! How i can get stl or printed you combi-weapons? I cant find it in you shop. So i need it - in only one realy good chaos combi-weapons in internet!

Thanks! Given you signed up just to ask this quite a while ago, I'm not sure if you'll see this now, but I'll be talking about such things in the near future.

Theophony wrote:I’d have to say the left is the cheaper one as well, though the rivets look nicer.

I bought a photon Mono with washing station and resin for $325. It’s not perfect, but getting great results with the basic setup.

Anycubic is making great printers and the Mono is the same specs as the Mars 2 Pro I've recently picked up. Talk it from first-hand experience, the results you'll get at 20 microns Z layer height (yes it's a longer print time, but it's worth it for minis) as opposed to the stock 50 microns are really good even beside the high-end printer I have. I'll be talking a bit more about my experience in the near future and maybe you'll find it useful.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/08/19 00:19:57

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Nice to see this blog is still going after my 8 year break from the hobby. Great work!
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

+++ Comm-Link ∙ Active +++ Data Exchange ∙ Halt! +++ Priority Encryption Key ∙ Verified +++ Key Designation ∙ Centurio Ordinatus +++ Data Exchange ∙ Compiling... +++

*In a Bugs Bunny voice*
“Just look at that Domnius, it doesn’t become you at all! Here, let me fix it up. What a shame, such an iiiinteresting army too. My stars, if an iiiinteresting army can’t have an iiiinteresting commander, then I don’t know what things are coming to.”

A gift from Santa that’s been sitting on a shelf several months awaiting its turn, after a bit of careful rebranding, meet the new Archmagos Artisan [Name to be Determined] that will be directing the archaeological expeditions of the 3rd Artisan Legion 1st War Cohort. I’ll be using them as a counts-as Cawl if I ever have the desire to use Mars rules. Otherwise, it makes an excellent centerpiece for the infantry of the army. In turn, it seems the latest expedition has resulted in success…

+++ Image Capture ∙ Displaying +++ Template Construct Preview ∙ Displaying +++ Priority Exchange! ∙ Construct Requirements +++ Adjust Parameters ∙ Ongoing… +++

Printed at full scale on an 8.5”x11” sheet of paper, ok, I’m starting to think I was a bit ambitious when I chose to create ‘something big’ to test the new capabilities of the studio. However, this completely improvised (in the spirit of all Ordinatus constructs) passion project has reached this point, so it’s too late to stop now. In an effort to avoid wasting materials I’ve still got some testing and some learning curve to climb before I start 3D printing the parts for this Minoris Macro Engine but expect to see it translate from digital template to a real construct in the near future.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

Ok, so the Ordinatus had to be placed in stasis for a while so I could focus on something for the studio before I put too many hours towards a personal project. It will return. But, I also came to the conclusion that work completing the project in this post would give me the experience I need to get the best possible results when I start trying to print the more complex forms of the Ordinatus chassis. I’ve almost got the cannon itself complete (and I’ll show that in the near future when it’s done but it still needs the focusing array – just wait, I’m quite pleased!) but just getting that much done informed me that I needed to turn my attention to some studio projects first.

Many moons ago I was asked if I would consider doing complete vehicle models. I answered that I was eager to get to that level someday but at the time the effort required to finish a complete model like that with every detail created to my hobby-OCD standards seemed daunting and/or simply out of reach; but then I got good at 3D modeling. Fast-forward a bit, and despite getting my hands on a very good DLP 3D printer that opened the door to a new world of design and manufacturing, size limitations restricted how far (read: how large) I could take my ambitions; but then there was (finally!) a significant price-to-performance jump in 3D printing technology. So today I’m pleased to say that, yes, I think I’ll be making good on my talk many months ago that I need to start doing larger projects as a better foundation for the studio to build on.

I’ve also been asked on several occasions if I would consider distributing my designs as STL files for people to 3D print themselves. Beyond the honest hesitancy, I had to let my designs go off into the digital wild of the internet, I was genuinely skeptical of just how many people had access to high-resolution 3D printers that would make the market really worthwhile. Well, despite the effect of the warp storms that have distorted so much over the last few years it seems that 3D printing was at a tipping point that even current disruptions in day-to-day life could not stop. In the last few years in particular the previously mentioned significant price-to-performance jump in resin 3D printing tech that made my own ambitions larger, has also made it much more attractive and attainable to many more enthusiast-level hobbyists who are picking up a 3D printer. So yes, given recent developments I think STL files will be on the menu soon. Note, this will not be replacing plans to get the casting studio up and running at a proper sustained ongoing capacity but this will help that part of the studio get going.

∙ Lost in the Nurgle-induced warp storms that consumed our planet in 2020, the delay may have actually been a good thing.

∙ Now, not just 3D modeled as a demonstration, but updated and carefully redesigned for resin 3D printing and proper assembly.

∙ And this time, I’m quite serious… Now entering real-space, [+++ Pattern Designation To Be Determined +++] Medium APC.

This has been printed with an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro with a 20-micron layer height and believe it or not, it’s still only a proof-of-concept prototype that still needs some final adjustments to the design to improve the visual quality and fit during assembly. Once those adjustments are complete and the components are properly set up for printing, if I can do it, then anyone with a similar setup can do the same. Because this hobby has a major ‘some assembly required’ component it will attract a larger than average percentage of the community who is willing to add the extra steps required to have the creative control that a good 3D printer can provide. That said, people who are predicting that 3D printing is going to turn tabletop gaming completely upside-down and blindside GW in some dramatic way don’t know very much about injection mould mass production, economies of scale, and the seductive lure of convenience. Regardless of how deep the 3D market will penetrate the hobby the vast majority of consumers will always prefer to simply open a box/bag and remove the desired product. The idea of adding even a fraction of the added time and effort of 3D printing, regardless of payoff, is simply a non-starter. So, it seems simple to see that the studio needs to use the digital assets to create STL files for the 3D printing market and then direct the returns generated towards turning the designs into cast resin kits for everyone who just wants to build the damn things, not give 3D printed birth to them.

Interested in what you see? Intrigued by what you’ve read? Want to help the studio out in this endeavour? Stay tuned. Further updates and information coming soon.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Well, having just resurrected my AnyCubic photon Mono last night, I have to say that I absolutely love 3D printing.

My take n the whole situation is this. Some of us are willing to try new things and buy the printer, learn the system and build our armies from liquid. Others as you said want it to come in a box and others still want it assembled and painted. Where your at you can target the liquid audience, have partners to tap the box audience and even cater to those who will build and paint them to sell to others.

If you can make a living on it, amazing, more likely it would supplement some hobby spending.either way that is great in my book. If you could take out GW, then I’d punch you in the nose , but I would love to see it become a source of competition for GW so they would need to reign in their prices to remain competitive. If they see that a single person could disrupt their complete control of the market then I hope that would make them realize they need to reduce pricing because they keep testing just how much is too much for a model. I decided that it would be cheaper for me to buy a printer and print “close enough” models than to buy GW models.

The above may be convoluted, it’s too early and I’m sleep deprived.

Good luck.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

3D printing is amazing, and in several ways, it is reaching a cost-to-performance level that will shake up some aspects of the tabletop gaming hobby. Sadly, it's not going to force GW into a corner that compels them to reduce their prices. GW has a completely in-house lock on their plastic injection mould process, from design to mass production. No other tabletop gaming company comes even close and it will take years for a competitor to get themselves into a similar position to be serious competition. Could an already existing 'big player' try to step in and try? Sure, but it's highly unlikely because on paper how GW does their thing seems counterintuitive; the vast majority of companies will choose to save money by outsourcing many of the things that GW intentionally keep in-house, and despite the effect on their prices, it's also one of their key advantages. Now, the world is in a very new place today so there's actually a real possibility that things could change as many companies are struggling with supply chains that have become too long and complicated. But in the short term, 3D printing is not going to be something that will suddenly undermine a company like GW and put them on a back foot. However, no matter how large GW is and how broad their product offering, there will always be many gaps in their line that they simply can't/won't fill and that's where small studios will come in and leverage the technology to cater to those markets. They're too small for GW but they're more than large enough for people like myself who want to create a business to cater to those markets. Sorry, I'm not going to change GW's calculus and pricing structure but people like myself can offer an alternative if you're willing to offset the extra labour involved.

That's the real rub that many 3D printing enthusiasts seem to ignore. People who enjoy the 3D printing process are a bit lost in the forest and they can't see the trees. If you think it's cheaper to 3D print a model then you're likely only looking at material costs (and even that can be deceiving) and not factoring in the labour involved because it's something you're willing to contribute as part of what you find to be an enjoyable hobby process. It's also very likely that you are unfortunately like so many people and not earn enough per hour in your day job that you can offset the retail cost that way, but you can offset it by putting in your own labour and getting a higher return because of the final value of the object you create. As someone who has a foot in both worlds, I see the value in the things I want to produce (I wouldn't be doing if I didn't) but despite the high price tag, I can also rationalize why I'll still purchase GW products as a base and supplement them with personal projects and independent studio's work; I'm consciously willing to pay a premium for GW products because I know how rare (and expensive) it is for a company to actually invest in the skills, technology, and equipment to keep the majority of their production in-house and not ship it off to take advantage of lower-cost inputs and looser environmental regulations in other parts of the world. That's not to say I don't wish the costs of the kits to be lower, but I can understand that there's more involved than it seems at first.

Naturally, it's going to be a range how far from one side to the other people will be, and that's a good thing. That should mean there's a range of healthy markets that can actually have a beneficial knock-on effect for each other. Time will tell.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

∙ Oh yeah, in case anyone is wondering, yes, this vehicle will absolutely have a selection of weapon systems.

I didn't want anyone to think this was all just about the vehicle chassis that's been seen before. Naturally, anything that dressed up and ready for a night on the town needs some accessories. However, I'm holding off printing prototypes until I've worked the kinks out of the tank and that should help me avoid issues with the weapons. In theory...

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

That's a big cannon! It looks great.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Toronto, Canada

Thanks. I like to think almost anyone can appreciate some "BBBRRRRRRRRRRRTT!!" in their arsenal.

"The old galaxy is dying, and the new galaxy struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters."

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