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2014/06/30 01:16:29
Subject: The Brotherhood (Death Guard, Demons, & Board Games, - Wild Hunt completed! Caranthir & Eredin)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
So I've been working my Chaos army for several years now, but between work, a year of school, then half a year in the hospital, and my embarrassingly slow pace I still don't have that much completed. I've been posting on Warseer, but since I hardly ever get replies there I figured I'd migrate my plog on to Dakka.
I have a lot of stuff unassembled, but here's what I have done so far. You'll have to excuse the picture quality, my camera is old and in need of replacing.
Starting with HQ's and then Heavies.
This message was edited 100 times. Last update was at 2024/05/15 03:02:10
2014/06/30 01:31:54
Subject: The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider
Salt Lake City, Utah
That is possibly the most hideous Daemon Prince of Nurgle I have ever seen, well done. I really like how warp and mutated the models look especially the vehicle. Did you use mostly green stuff or kit bashing? Are you planning on doing a Heldrake as well?
2014/06/30 01:58:48
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Next up are the Possessed, Beserkers, Plague Marines, Plaguebearers, and Nurglings
The Plague Marines and Typhus are my first try with weathering pigments.
The Plague Marine champion is also my first use of magnets so he has options for chainsword, plague knife, power sword, and power fist.
Eventually I'll get to my Terminators which will have pretty much every arm option there is. So for 10 models there will be 50 or so arms to do, hence why I'm procrastinating starting them.
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This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/06/30 20:56:34
My first and only painting log. |
2014/06/30 02:16:03
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Archon_Zarbyrn wrote:That is possibly the most hideous Daemon Prince of Nurgle I have ever seen, well done. I really like how warp and mutated the models look especially the vehicle. Did you use mostly green stuff or kit bashing? Are you planning on doing a Heldrake as well?
Thanks so much for the complement Archon_Zarbyrn. The little tentacles on the Daemon Prince's face are my attempt at the army list picture of the Chaos Lord in the 3.5 codex. I actually have the parts for a pair of heavily converted heldrakes, which in this case will be helsquids.
I took the idea from another poster, but mine will be more tentacley than the original. Unfortunately since they got nerfed they've moved to the back of my back log.
This army is definitely the most green stuff work I've done, for example the cloaks on the beserkers and possessed are all greenstuffed along with quite a bit on the Oblits and Plaguebearers (of which I still have a few more converted but unpainted). There's also some kit bashing with Tyranid and Dryad bits on the Vindicator.
Here's what it looked like when it was still being worked on, along with the model I will most likely be working on next: another Obliterator.
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2019/07/11 11:41:55
2014/06/30 19:45:34
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
And lastly here are the cultists and zombies I have done. I've added hair to a few of the models in the army to try and cut down on the number of baldies, and I'm particularly fond of the Cultist with a hockey mask, whom I've dubbed Jason. It's also worth noting that the names on the bases in my army are my own phonetic alphabet of chaos runes. 5 of the zombies, plus another 5 yet to be completed, are from Puppetswar.
Also here is a brief summary of the game I played with a friend on the weekend, my first full game in years.
I used pretty much everything I had done except for the Possessed, Beserkers, and Daemons including a big mob of 33 Plague Zombies, but had to use Plaguebearers and normal Cultists as proxies. I also had 9 bikers/cold one riders and a couple obliterators unpainted, but I wanted to test out Nurgle bikers to see if they're worth painting up next. We decided to just play the kill point mission so the zombies were pretty much a waste with no objectives to camp on.
My 1500pts of chaos was up against Necrons so my vindicator was also a terrible choice, but I had yet to ever field it up to this point so I threw it in anyway. My HQ's consisted of Typhus and my Nurgle Daemon prince for that 2+ cover save with the Black Mace.
His side consisted of a Monolith, a Stalker, 2 Ghost Arks, 2 squad of warriors, 2 squads of Immortals and Lord with a shooty staff but no combat upgrades at all, 2 Annihilation Barges, and a Doomscythe.
I got the first turn and moved everything up, even though I should have just hid my zombies in the corner to deny a kill point. Between 4 Obliterators firing lascannons and 3 plasmagun bikers all they managed was taking the shielding off an Annihilation barge. My Vindicator was only in range of the stalker, but the shot scattered off his tiny footprint and it was promptly gaussed to death on his turn 1. My bikers were also blasted to smithereens and things were looking grim, but my Daemon prince was about to charge in.
He smashed into the warrior squad with a whopping 12 attacks! After killing most of them the warriors somehow passed their break test so he was shielded in combat from the next turns shooting, which instead focused on whittling down my zombies and Nurgle marines. In my turn 3 a lucky shot from an Oblit exploded the Stalker, the prince glanced to death an Annilation Barge, and Tyhpus came 1 HP short of wrecking a Ghost Ark.
His flyer luckily didn't arrive until his turn 4, but I also ended up wounding both my prince and Typhus with their own Daemon weapons. In the last couple turns the prince took down the last Annihilation Barge, the first Ghost Ark was finished off by an Oblit leaving the Lord and Immortals to disembark, and Typhus slew the Lord in a challenge (despite forgetting to activate my force weapon), catching the the fleeing Immortals thereafter.
I should have hid my Obliterators, but I couldn't resist trying in vain to wreck the last Ghost Ark.
By the end, since we got a 1 on whether to play a turn 6, all I had left was my Prince, Typhus with a couple marines, and one of my two units of two Oblits. He had his Monolith, Doomscythe, 1 Ghost Ark with warriors, and some Immortals the flyer dropped off. I had Slay the Warlord, he had first blood, we both could have had, but ended up forgetting about, linebreaker. He most likely would have won if I had had more units for him to kill, but as it stands I managed to squeak out a minor victory of 7 to 6.
The star of the game was definitely the Daemon prince, but it still sucks how the change to Smash rules means he's useless against walkers and vehicles with Armour 12 or higher. If I'm going to play Necrons in the future I have to get more done to replace the vindicator, and my hopes for having a reason to start my bikers were pretty much vaporized. Typhus was good in combat, but since I didn't get his 5-6 power my Psychic phase was so pointless. My hate for Chaos marines' forced god powers is still as strong as ever.
For Typhus' roll on the Chaos Boon table I got poisoned attacks, but had nothing on which, and no time, to use it.
That's it until my next update.
2014/07/02 05:01:28
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Here are a few pictures of my side of the battlefield. You can see a couple of the other Obliterators I have yet to do from Hitech Miniatures.
My first and only painting log. |
2014/07/02 13:46:28
Subject: The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Dakka Veteran
Very cool work - love the tank especially. You must take it every game - even if it does get Gaussed to death.
2014/07/02 14:35:27
Subject: The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos
What a feast! Love this army! The big gribblies are wonderfully wild -- as if it's hard to wrap your brain around what you're seeing. Which IMO is how chaos should be.
And the tanks are particularly wyrd. Well done, man!
2014/07/09 01:46:45
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Cryptek of Awesome wrote:Very cool work - love the tank especially. You must take it every game - even if it does get Gaussed to death.
It's so nice to return and see more comments. Your feedback is much appreciated.
tinfoil wrote:What a feast! Love this army! The big gribblies are wonderfully wild -- as if it's hard to wrap your brain around what you're seeing. Which IMO is how chaos should be.
And the tanks are particularly wyrd. Well done, man!
I recognize you from back when I first started the plog, your Harrowed have come a long way and your fortress of irredemption is spectacular.
The vindicator will be fielded in every non-Necron game for sure, and once I get more vehicles done to split fire a bit it will get more chances to blast apart Necrons too.
Speaking of which my next project was going to be some Havocs, but the local GW is having a painting competition for their 1 year anniversary on the 23rd of August and they're allowing entries in several categories.
I was thinking of entering my Beserkers for the unit, although I have a couple arms I want to change, Typhus for character, and my Great Unclean One for the monster/tank. I already entered the Vindicator in their 3-month anniversary competition and it got 6th place (not too shabby, but I was hoping to get high enough to score some loot for the 2nd time in my painting history).
Anyway that leaves the walker and super-heavy categories with nothing for me to enter with. I have the parts for a walker conversion on my Lord of Skulls, but there's no way I can finish that big a project in a month and a half so that leaves me with either a) a forgefiend or b) a Decimator. I still may not end up finishing in time, but here's hoping.
Normally I hate deadlines, but I'm emboldened by the fact I finished that Obliterator in a week.
The Decimator would normally take me less time, but I'm waiting for a tentacle/hose maker to be shipped from Spain (which oddly enough was far cheaper than getting one shipped from Green Stuff Industries in the States). I want to add more hoses to mine particularly since I pinned his pelvis to his chest piece with a good deal of extra room to be filled in. It's already a huge model compared to a normal dreadnought, but I just couldn't get past his lack of a stomach region.
So since I have no idea how long I'll have to wait for the shipment from Spain I have opted to start work on the Forgefiend. So far I have his arms and his ectoplasma head magnetized, a big rhino horn pinned to the head and the leftover hooves from my chaos warrior giant pinned to his bigger front legs. So all four legs will have hooves and I'm going to try to Nurgle him up as much as time and my abilities will allow.
I'm going to ignore the Maulerfiend option altogether since it would be much less sturdy not gluing the front legs, plus the fact the tendril set is reserved for a Helsquid later on, plus I've heard they're only useful in pairs or trios, and I don't think they're worth taking up multiple Heavy slots with.
I don't like his not-a-gun head so I'm torn between using a spare head from a Heldrake with a big tongue and a couple Dark Eldar blades to keep the rhino horn motif or ordering a Troglodon head which would also need to arrive first and it would be harder to magnetize with the gaping hole the body has. I also tried a Terrorgiest head I had laying around, but it wasn't to my taste either. The Heldrake head has the mechanical look, but it's not Nurgley enough for me yet. So I'll try to work on it a bit, but as far as the competition goes I'll probably just use the ectoplasma head.
For now here are pics of that Oblit. I touched up the back of his loincloth after taking the photos, it didn't help having a bit of gravel stuck to it. I may have to add a cloth to his backside later as his mutated butt is a bit disturbing even to me.
If you look close you'll notice I drilled out all six barrels on his assault cannon.
This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2019/07/11 11:44:06
2014/08/24 02:29:11
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
I just returned from the local GW's store birthday painting competition. I didn't place with my unit, character or monstrous creature, but more importantly I got 2nd place in the Walker/war machine category with my forgefiend that I was still working on into the wee hours the night before. Personally I thought he was better than war-walker who got first, but I am of course just a tad biased.
I ended up magnetizing him in a way that will allow me to switch him to a Maulerfiend with magma-cutters, but since I secured all four legs I'm not sure how I would attach the lasher tendrils. I'm fine with that for now since I see the main use of a Mauler as tank hunting anyway. Most of the units that would be worth the bother of sending him to tie up in combat could probably just destroy him with grenades or something.
I spent too much time working on an alternate head for him that I still can't use since I didn't realize the neck was so impossible to position at anything but a downward angle which, coupled with the heads length, meant it extends to far below the base to stand properly. I was thinking of cutting the ball joint off, sanding, and pinning it to a more acceptable angle. Or I got a Slaughterbrute head, but it too looks a bit too big to be in proper proportion. Since I was mainly working on him just to have something to enter for that category I'll more than likely abandon the head and alternate arms for a while to work on more pressing units.
My first and only painting log. |
2015/01/06 03:12:14
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
I finally got around to finishing my proxy biker lord. I figure the scythe will just be counting as a power sword most games, but it could also double if I feel like swapping out the Daemon Heart for the Spineshiver Blade.
You can kind of see one of the magnets from the front shot, but it's less noticeable when the arm is tilted down. So I could try smoothing a tiny ring of putty around it, but it wouldn't be obvious outside of that one photo. I still have a few alternate arms for him left, but I'll try to build up his unit first.
Once I get to the non-special weapons I'll be using the sternguard stormbolters to represent the twin-linked bolters of bikes while still allowing for chainswords.
Other than the aspiring champion, the rest won't have robed legs, which meant cutting them in half and rejoining them with green stuff to get the right leg spread. I also had to cut off the back off the saddle and attempt a new back for the thicker rider.
I might have been able to use the thunderwolf legs, but they looked maybe even a bit too wide. So I think the ones I'm using are raven-wing legs, with the loyalist iconography filed off.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/01/06 04:42:07
My first and only painting log. |
2015/01/08 21:25:22
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Just a small update this time. I've had the idea for my Terminators to also carry power scythes to count as swords (instead of the cruddy axes).
The thing was that the power axe (especially the mace) arms have pretty short hafts, so it took some delicate pinning (with goblin spears, the very oldest thing left in my bitz box). I managed to get the first three done, so I wanted to have more WIP shots for the plog.
The reaper autocannon took a thicker magnet to stay stable. Hopefully the cutting and filing will be fine enough to do the job a drill and vice would probably leave less noticeable, but I don't really want to go buying more tools. Plus Nurgle is the one 40k army that can get away with being a tad asymmetrical.
The Legs and bodies for this first set are both Forgeworld, but half of the ten I have will just be the Deathwing knight torsos I took the loincloths from, and most will just be regular legs. I'd like to Nurglify those ones a bit more, but we'll see what I end up with.
They will all be on skull bases, same as Typhus. Even though I also have the next 3 bikers primed I don't think I can resist the termies any longer (I never had any in my old chaos army), and once I get enough of them done I can start my first big forgeworld kit.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/08 21:36:06
My first and only painting log. |
2015/01/12 05:42:05
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
So I still haven't gotten much paint on the terminators, but I have spent most of the weekend working on that forgeworld kit I mentioned... a Chaos Spartan.
I got the new oppressor tracks on, but it was a much bigger job than I had originally thought. They come in two size options. Although the smaller one might have been just a tad too narrow, the bigger ones I purchased took a LOT of cutting and filing to correct the width. They also didn't end up an even number of links when I finished them. So they both have one partial link filed down to the appropriate size, but I placed them on the bottoms where they'll be less noticeable.
All in all I think they look much better than the stock tracks, which is critical given they're a big focal point of the model.
That's about all I can do so far though because I'm waiting on some glow in the dark paint to arrive all the way from Romania (why is it always places on the other side of the world that have the cheapest shipping?). I considered LEDs for the interior briefly, but I've never used them before, would need to learn how to sodder, and it would be hard to hide the wires in the solid blocks that are the sides. So hopefully glow in the dark paint will add enough of a glow to illuminate an otherwise dark abyss.
I'm also waiting on a drill and vise so I can magnetize the guns. I wish I had it back when I was magnetizing the forgefiend, but I'm very anxious about drilling through the guns to make them swivel better. There's no way to get new guns if I screw either one up.
Along with the tracks is a pic, atthough hard to make out, of the first two shoulder pads I green-stuffed with faces like I put on the possessed and beserkers, years ago now. I skipped them for my Plague Marines, but I figured I'd try and bring them back for such an elite unitas Terminators.
Lastly are a couple more pics of the Vindicator. I didn't have a bird's eye one, and I tried to get one from the front that isn't too dark (both the flash and automatic flash cause way too much glare to see much).
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2015/01/14 05:42:06
My first and only painting log. |
2015/01/27 22:38:41
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
I've returned with the first three Terminators. The one with the shoulder pad faces and no helmet is the unit champion, Simmons, after Al Simmons from Spawn. I have a lot more arms to do, but for now the only alternate is the extra combi-bolter if I don't field the autocannon.
I also have the guns drilled and magnetized for the Spartan, including a couple pintle options, and I received my glow in the dark paint. So now it's on to try my hand at the interior so I can put it all together after.
My first and only painting log. |
2015/05/03 21:51:16
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Although I still have parts for a couple more, and a bunch more arms, for now my 9 terminators and terminator lord are done. I also finished a few missile launcher Havocs. I'm currently working on a few basic marines and lascannons.
Once those are done I'll probably get on with the rest of the Spartan since I finally got a Kabalite green to try to add a different hue to some of the layers of armour. I did get to try him out for this first time this weekend, more on that to follow.
My first and only painting log. |
2015/05/03 22:29:43
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Lesser Daemon of Chaos
Excellent conversions! They really make you feel all creepy and crawly on the inside! And the vibrant colors really set these guys apart from standard nurgle armies. You're bold! Keep it up.
2015/05/03 23:38:46
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
JeffyP wrote:Excellent conversions! They really make you feel all creepy and crawly on the inside! And the vibrant colors really set these guys apart from standard nurgle armies. You're bold! Keep it up.
Thanks a lot Jeffy.
Here are the first Havocs I've completed, along with a Terminator Lord which is actually marked in my mind as the HQ that most represents me in real life since I've had long hair and a beard since high school.
(Side note: I originally did his cape in a aqua color that was just too bright so I have now finally fixed him with a much more pleasing purple). I also have the interiors on my rhinos done, but haven't photographed them yet.
I've included some photos of the rematch battle, or at least what was left alive at the end when I remembered my camera. Side note: If I recall correctly this was the last 40k battle I ever played.
For the battle I fielded my Forgefiend, my missile launcher Havocs were counting as lascannons, Spartan, 2 units of Nurgle Marines (some proxies) with Rhinos, Daemon Prince of Nurgle without the Black Mace, and my Termies and Lord counted as Tzeentch rather than the usual Nurgle (since he had quite a bit of AP2 weaponry).
He was using the Decurion Formation along with whatever the formation with 3 Night Scythes is called. So 2 Ghost Arks, 3 units of Warriors, Immortals, a large unit of Lychguard, 3 Tomb Blades, Lord, and the Night Scythes.
We played the Emperor's Will Mission so he deployed first with his base in the corner ruin held by the Immortals and my base was in the middle held by Havocs with everything else but the Daemon prince surrounding them. The Prince I sent up the left flank, hoping his cover save would allow him to get into combat.
In his first turn the Necrons took off 3HP from the Spartan and 2 from a Rhino with Gauss. My turn started off well with my Spartan exploding a ghost ark, and my havocs penetrated the other, but it was saved by Jinking. I moved up my rhinos and Prince, although in my urgency to run him forward I left him a bit too open.
He managed to survive the cover ignoring Tomb Blades, but succumbed to the weight of fire from the first Night Scythe to come on and the Immortals. The right hand Rhino, and of course the Spartan, were also wrecked.
My counterattack started off okay, except my left rhino getting immobilised from terrain. I finished off the 2nd ghost ark or possibly the turn after, both my Terminators and a unit of Nurgle marines made their charges into Warrior squads, but for combat the former killed a couple who promptly ran away, leaving the Termies wide open to shooting, and the latter combat was casualty free on both sides.
The terminators were whittled down to just 1 chainfist and the Lord from shooting, and were then charged by the Lychguard with Lord. I made the mistake of arming my lord with a chainfist (and combi-melta which missed), thinking there would be a Monolith or some Annihilation Barges, so he was killed without even getting to attack. On the upside the marines fought bravely and chased down their Warrior unit, but still a horrible performance by my Termies.
At this point the Tomb Blades were in Linebreaker position, so the squad from my immobilized rhino charged them and managed to wipe them out in the first round, and what was left of my other squad charged into the last squad of Warriors (partly to try and put distance between them and the Lychguard). My Forgefiend penetrated a Night Scythe, but couldn't explode it without AP 2.
He nearly died the next turn from 3 glances, but managed to pass all 3 Daemon saves. The game went to turn 6, but we both still held our bases. My first blood canceled his slay the warlord and there was no linebreaker so the result was a tie. I didn't have much left at the end, but technically we also tied for Kill Points at 5.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/05/03 23:22:56
2015/10/15 02:36:14
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
I haven't gotten any work done on my army in quite a while, mostly due to going back to school, but also due to my ever-growing disillusion towards the rules system.
So since I'm not worrying about what my list is going to be any more, I decided to switch gears from my Spartan to an old idea for a Heldrake conversion.
He's still got a long way to go, and yet more tentacles from the Mutalith to add, but he's starting to take shape. I magnetized the mouth gun, even though no one uses the autocannon, did the upper eyes, and one side of the rear tentacles. I'm also going to attempt to magnetize his flying base eventually.
My first and only painting log. |
2015/10/15 05:49:17
Subject: The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Pious Palatine
Aw man, so much cool stuff! Really awesome and thematic army you have there.
The vehicles are especially cool, loving the vindicator and deamon engines. Looking forward to seeing that heldrake painted up.
2015/10/15 08:21:38
Subject: The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler
Eye of Terror
so much awesome cannot be contained in one plague
2015/10/16 00:33:04
Subject: The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Ultramarine Master with Gauntlets of Macragge
What's left of Cadia
Those models are hideous (in a good way). Nice work
TheEyeOfNight- I swear, this thread is 70% smack talk, 20% RP organization, and 10% butt jokes
TheEyeOfNight- "Ordo Xenos reports that the Necrons have attained democracy, kamikaze tendencies, and nuclear fission. It's all tits up, sir."
Space Marine flyers are shaped for the greatest possible air resistance so that the air may never defeat the SPACE MARINES!
Sternguard though, those guys are all about kicking ass. They'd chew bubble gum as well, but bubble gum is heretical. Only tau chew gum
2015/10/16 14:03:32
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control
Love Nurgle blogs, so much win here! The converted Robes on the Missile Launchers are pure awesome. Best use I've seen of DA Robes. Great stuff man!
2015/10/18 21:50:19
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone, it is greatly appreciated.
Only Papa Nurgle knows how long it will be before I finish the Helsquid. I'm pretty close to the point where I can put on the undercoat, but since I'm still painting all the tentacles separately, there probably won't be many more work in progress shots.
With that in mind here is a shot of my attempt at adding to the front tentacles. They might need some tweaking when I rejoin them.
I've been employing a technique from a youtuber which suggested to break off the green stuff joints to be super-glued back later on, for more strength. This is why the rear tentacles are not pictured here.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/10/30 21:45:02
2016/12/31 19:00:52
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Happy new year! My old camera died quite a while ago, so this was my first chance to get a few shots of my completed Helsquid. It was a long dry-spell in between painting sessions. I'm surprised my paint hadn't dried up, but I did get him magnetized to his flying base for easier transportation. Not that I really plan on taking him anywhere.
I can't say how long it will be til the next update sans camera, but I do have a big order of Creature Caster demons coming in. They're over 2 years late, but should be getting shipped sometime this month. Reviews of the casting quality are a bit mixed, but I've already paid off the bulk of the price.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/06/09 09:16:07
2018/05/23 02:27:33
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
Better late than never.
I got a new camera and have had this guy painted up for a long time, but hadn't gotten around to posting him. He doesn't have a 60mm base attached yet, as I'll be needing more of them.
I'm on summer break at the moment so I was going to try to finish off my pair of rhinos. Even though they're not as interesting as the half a dozen creature caster greater demons and dragons I have to do, they should be more straight forward.
I must mention that during the kickstarter campaign I was actually the poster who suggested the chosen name for his weapon, the Evening Star.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/06/09 09:10:40
2018/06/17 06:46:56
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
A quick post before a big stretch where I'll have nothing to show for a while.
I said I would work on my rhinos, but my eye wandered to a very old and big project, a Chaos Knight.
He's made from a knight's legs and pelvis, the upper body of a Lord of Skulls, and the feet from an off-brand model I had considered for the legs as well.
I'm still in the process of green stuffing to make him into something more plague flavored.
Wish me luck.
My first and only painting log. |
2018/06/26 05:06:09
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
I've been getting some good painting sessions in, so it's time to show the first half.
While surfing forgeworld I discovered they now make a walker variant of the Lord of Skulls called the Kytan, but I'm hoping mine will turn out a bit cheaper and a bit better.
You can see part of the peg sticking out that I inserted into the pelvis. I've got a piece of cardboard cut out with a matching hole which I will soon glue to the bottom of the gut gun from the Lord of Skulls where it's hollow.
I first did the metal sections of the knight legs so I could rust them with pigments, sealed with rubbing alcohol, and continued on. I used my medium hose maker to add to the back of the legs. It was much easier to dry brush than the smaller hoses.
There are just over 100 skulls on the base. Even though it's a Nurgle themed variant, there still has to be skulls for the skull throne.
I've also got most of the putty work done on the arms and shoulders. So there is more incoming.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/06/09 08:55:22
2018/06/28 07:02:24
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
I don't normally do many WIP shots, but I'll make an exception for a project this big.
Technically he is now a unicorn, and will stand just under 8" tall when finished. He's not attached yet at the gut or the torso, so he's kinda slumped forward.
I added the rear plate at his waist with supports. You can also see on the back where I used modeling chain to signify that this port is where the daemon is housed. I'm soon going to see if I can fit it on the smaller cylinder above it for a multi-daemon engine.
I have dubbed him Kronos, after the titan. Unfortunately I made the name on his base off center so I'll probably redo it.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/06/09 08:53:36
2018/06/28 08:45:31
Subject: The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Well this is all looking pestilicious! Always fun to find another blog devoted to Big Papa! Love where you're going with the big fella.
Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."
Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven. |
2018/07/01 06:25:32
Subject: Re:The Brotherhood (mostly Nurgle CSMs)
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
inmygravenimage wrote:Well this is all looking pestilicious! Always fun to find another blog devoted to Big Papa! Love where you're going with the big fella.
Thanks a lot inmygravenimage. Always nice to receive praise from a fellow Nurgle devotee, especially one with such an extensive collection.
I just have a small update for today. I'm waiting til Teusday for some paints to arrive, so I can't finish the horns until then. Other than that it's going rather quickly.
I'm pleased to report that I should be able to finish what is left by the end of the week or thereabouts, so the next post should be the finished product. I had originally hoped to be done by the end of July with my usual slow pace, but I just couldn't help but work on him at least a bit every day.
This means I'll have more time left in the summer to start my next project. It's currently inbound and it should be a crowd-pleaser. Looks like my Creature Caster daemons and dragons are getting pushed to the back-burner once again.
So for now here's a shot of the attached torso, the smoke stacks are on as well, and one of the arms so far. The chains have been added to the second daemon housing. There will be another talon on the arm and another horn on the shoulder, but I'm leaving them off for now.
I'm not really pleased with the green stuff joining between the torso and the cannon. With the torso being completely hollow I was kind of forced to obscure whatever you would call the engine things on the side of the cannon. If I could go back I would have extended them out in the first place or tried to fix cardboard or something to the inside of the torso before placing it on. Truly hindsight is 20/20, but there's no way to get it off without most likely breaking everything, so I'll have to live with it. I'll soon be attaching armor plates to the sides so maybe it won't look as bad with a bit more bulk there.
After mulling it over and what may or may not have been a lapse in judgement I went about cutting through the joining I didn't like. After much coaxing I got it off and then tried out my idea of bending pieces of cardboard to shape and gluing them to the inside of torso. This gave the green stuff something to stick to, so the attachment went pretty smooth.
The only drawback is that I snipped off the front exhaust thing to extend with green stuff. It's currently setting overnight propped up by bent q-tips and hopefully they won't turn out too lop-sided.
This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at 2019/07/11 11:47:42