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Grot of Tanks Collection 1/4 Forge World miniature, Masters6-level, NMM, scenic base. Vote on CMON.
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Painted by: Yaroslav Bozhdynsky
Grot of Tanks Collection 2/4 Forge World miniature, Masters6-level, NMM, scenic base. Vote on CMON.
Post on MadFly-Art.
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Painted by: Yaroslav Bozhdynsky
The centre of a massive brood chamber, heaving and pulsating.
Grot tanks are always welcome.
Squigsquasher, resident ban magnet, White Knight, and general fethwit.
buddha wrote: I've decided that these GW is dead/dying threads that pop up every-week must be followers and cultists of nurgle perpetuating the need for decay. I therefore declare that that such threads are heresy and subject to exterminatus. So says the Inquisition!
Grot of Tanks Collection 3/4 Forge World miniature, Masters6-level, NMM, scenic base. Vote on CMON.
Post on MadFly-Art.
Post on Facebook.
Painted by: Yaroslav Bozhdynsky