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2015/08/19 11:25:15
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Hello, here I will post pictures of my minis. Comments and criticism please.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/08/19 13:05:03
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/19 11:47:23
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my Models?
Flailing Flagellant
First my greenskins.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/19 12:02:12
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my Models?
Flailing Flagellant
Now my Dwarfs.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/19 12:44:41
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my Models?
Flailing Flagellant
My Ogres.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/19 13:02:50
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my Models?
Flailing Flagellant
My chaos warriors.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/19 13:17:13
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Batman models.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/19 13:30:01
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/19 13:34:51
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Ultramarine Master with Gauntlets of Macragge
What's left of Cadia
Looking good. Keep up the good work
TheEyeOfNight- I swear, this thread is 70% smack talk, 20% RP organization, and 10% butt jokes
TheEyeOfNight- "Ordo Xenos reports that the Necrons have attained democracy, kamikaze tendencies, and nuclear fission. It's all tits up, sir."
Space Marine flyers are shaped for the greatest possible air resistance so that the air may never defeat the SPACE MARINES!
Sternguard though, those guys are all about kicking ass. They'd chew bubble gum as well, but bubble gum is heretical. Only tau chew gum
2015/08/19 14:11:40
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Longtime Dakkanaut
Very nice. What paints are you using? They look very realistically muted.
2015/08/19 14:43:21
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Longtime Dakkanaut
Too much good stuff to comment on everything!
Particularly note worthy items are the idea of using the bound slayer with the arachnaroc; love it!
The forest goblin theme war machine.
the 'Chaos Warriors #1 ' unit, especially the converted command group. Those monopose units always looked a bit weird with every model but three being the same and I think you have found a nice work around. The standard bearer is especially good.
2015/08/19 19:47:37
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Thank you for your comments. The paints are mostly the old GW paints with agrax earthshade applied to most models.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/25 12:07:45
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Hello everyone!
Here is my latest model, a converted night goblin shaman on flying carpet.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/08/25 12:38:39
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Mysterious Techpriest
That carpet is pretty damn cool!
2015/08/25 12:51:03
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Pious Palatine
Nice collection there. My fav is the giant spider, it looks really wicked.
2015/09/16 14:52:59
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Here is my latest finished unit, a (small) hoard of zombie goblins (zomblins) led by my necromancer shaman.
The models are from Titan Forge except the two with spears; they are converted from the Battle for Skull Pass night goblins.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/17 20:57:56
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/09/16 14:53:41
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/10/19 23:01:53
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
I've been thinking about a back story for my necromancer shaman.
"Kostuh was an unusual goblin; even as a runt he gave the other goblins the creeps. It may have been his unyielding stare or the way he could go for days without making a sound but they couldn't quite put their finger on it. This was all sufficiently unnerving for them that they kept sending him away on the premise of 'finding mushrooms'. On one such mission, Kostuh stumbled upon a particularly impressive area of mushroom growth; the air itself was aglow with sparkling green....power! All of a sudden the air swept to the side and he was in an infinite field of green, with a throbbing pain in his head. He looked behind, mouth drawn into an increasingly wicked smile as his fingers kneaded the air. There before him was Mork (or possibly Gork), laughing maniacally as green lightning scattered about in the air.
Once Mork had decided that Kostuh had been drenched in enough spittle, he started to impart wisdom and philosophy of the utmost rigour.
"Dos yer want to clob tings?" boomed mork
Kostuh nodded.
"Dos yer want to smash tings?"
Again Kostuh nodded.
"Dos yer want to rip the very life oot of yer enemies and pound them intuh mush?"
Kostuh nodded enthusiastically.
"Go then"
Kostuh's head was reeling and his skin was wet. He opened his eyes. To his surprise, before him stood, surrounded by mushrooms was a slobbering cave squig. Kostuh stared at it. It stared back. Kostuh, realising the significance of this moment, kostuh informed the squig that henceforth its name was 'Squiggy, herald of Mork'. The squig stared incomprehensibly. Kostuh was satisfied by this.
Upon his return to his tribe with the squig, Kostuh informed them of Mork's promise. They laughed at the lies of a tiny runt. When they noticed the squig they fell silent, before some of the more stupid of them charged the squig. some landed a blow but the majority were eaten. After a long enough time Squiggy (and half the tribe) was dead. Kostuh ran from the tribe, swearing that he will have his revenge, and that one day he will be reunited with squiggy. After many years journeying (and a few more hiding) he returned to the tribe (well a tribe, it was a long time...). On his journey he had learned necromancy. He wasted no time and set about the tribe in malevolent and wanton abandon to a chorus of their screams. Within the hour all of the goblins were dead. After this his reanimated their corpses and set about searching for Squiggy. After many days searching Kostuh found the bones. He reanimated them. To this day Kostuh rides upon the back of the skeletal squiggy at the head of his Zomblin hordes as he lives out Mork's prophesy."
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/19 23:02:13
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/10/19 23:17:45
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Ultramarine Master with Gauntlets of Macragge
What's left of Cadia
Some gorgeous looking models here. Excellent work. The shaman's fluff is pretty nice too.
TheEyeOfNight- I swear, this thread is 70% smack talk, 20% RP organization, and 10% butt jokes
TheEyeOfNight- "Ordo Xenos reports that the Necrons have attained democracy, kamikaze tendencies, and nuclear fission. It's all tits up, sir."
Space Marine flyers are shaped for the greatest possible air resistance so that the air may never defeat the SPACE MARINES!
Sternguard though, those guys are all about kicking ass. They'd chew bubble gum as well, but bubble gum is heretical. Only tau chew gum
2015/10/20 08:56:56
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Regular Dakkanaut
Your spider thingy is very well done, I like the detail of the spider itself as well as the crazy gobbos riding the top of it.
2015/10/24 03:55:41
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Regular Dakkanaut
I aplaude anyone who does not forget about Ole Tom bomb. Extra points for knowing about his wife.
2015/12/20 18:56:31
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Here is my skratch built night goblin chariot. It is based on a bad moon design.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2015/12/21 19:42:06
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Regular Dakkanaut
Good work, I love the chariot! Great idea!
2015/12/28 09:16:18
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Guardsman with Flashlight
Looking good! I like the detail in your work.
Perhaps work on the eyes; make them more distinct (or add them where missing). In most, it was a bit odd that I couldn't notice them.
Just my preference, but in some cases maybe reduce the amount of colors used on a single model/unit. For example the maneaters. I initially got confused and then lost focus all together - I think because of the colors. When I try to count the colors, I lose track at around 15. I had a much easier time looking at your cave troll, which had 4 colors including the base.
2015/12/28 20:45:00
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Thank you for your comments, and I will consider the points you raised Snuggles.
Now for Squigs! The giant cave squig in the middle was sculpted by me, whilst the sculpt quality is pretty bad I think it has a certain charm to it (could just be my bias though ).
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2016/01/06 01:48:22
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Out from the belly of a cave, trudging through the swirling mists formed from its own rank odours appears a troll. Blinking in the sunlight, it joins the boegening goblin hoard.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2016/01/06 04:47:27
Subject: Thoughts on my models?
Troubled By Non-Compliant Worlds
Overall I think your painting is well above the average I've seen, and you have excellent consistency across the board.
If I was to make a criticism or suggestion, I'd say they lack some 'depth'. There doesn't seem to be as much contrast between your highlights and base color as there could be to optimize the effect.
I can certainly see your highlights, but a little more contrast (IE: add more white to the highlights) would make the green skin pop a lot more.
That said, well done!
Night Lord XIII Company: 6,600 Points, 12W-4L
Skaven Cheese-stealer Renegade Cult: 2,000 points, 0-0
Warboss Spine Squisha's Ork Warband: 3,000 Points, 1W-3L
Carcharadons Astra: 2000 Points, 11-2
Drukhari: 1250 Points, 2-0
2016/01/06 18:06:18
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Thank you Kajaki War Pig.
Here is the tied up slayer from the battle for skull pass set. He thought he could stem the tide of trolls entering the hoard...
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2016/04/05 14:48:29
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Here are some forest goblins I've been working on.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2016/04/06 22:42:51
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
Here is a model of Arwen carrying Frodo to safety on horseback from the fellowship of the ring movie. Now all I need are some ringwraiths...
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |
2016/04/11 19:53:12
Subject: Re:Thoughts on my models?
Flailing Flagellant
The arachnarok spider left a spare head which has been lying around... until now! I have sculpted it a body and painted it. The result is below.
After all this is only One_Warboss_and_his_squig |