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Confrontation: Resurrection-Skirimsh and board game confirmed.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel


A Facebook page has appeared which seems to be revamping and re-releasing Confrontation.

Its mostly in French though so I'm not entirely sure what its about


Confirmation that a skirmish game and a board game are in development.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/02/11 13:10:48

My PLog

Curently: DZC

Set phasers to malkie! 
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

A bit of speculation there about who the people behind that FB page actually are. Doesn't CMON own Confrontation now?

Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Not saying much. Only that there will be a skirmish game and a boardgame

lost and damned log
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Azazelx wrote:
A bit of speculation there about who the people behind that FB page actually are. Doesn't CMON own Confrontation now?

That was back in 2011/12 I think. Would the licence of run out maybe?
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

You'd think given it's numerous false starts people would let it lie?

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Did Confrontation have any false starts? I only remember it face planting when it tried to sell plastic prepaints to metal boutique model collectors and that was that. CMON had the licence for years, but as far as I recall never did anything remotely useful with it.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I'm sure there's been attempts to reboot it over the years? I may be getting confused with other stuff of course.

Main thing I remember about Confrontation from the olden days was PorSeer whacking off over the 'filigree', despite most of it being painted on.

I appreciated the sculpts, but not being a painter, didn't see much in it for me

Made in gb
Multispectral Nisse

Luton, UK

I know (of) someone that was tasked by CMON with rewriting the game but they didn't like the direction he went so the project was scrapped. There was also a company called Blackball who announced they had something in the pipeline in 2013 I think, but nothing ever came of it.

No idea what's going on here. The pdf says 'Stellar Licencing and Consulting", which according to Linkedin was founded last year. It's possible a new company has obtained the rights from CMON and are making a play to get this done. They list 'crowdfunding' as a speciality so I guess it'll all be Kickstartered.

“Good people are quick to help others in need, without hesitation or requiring proof the need is genuine. The wicked will believe they are fighting for good, but when others are in need they’ll be reluctant to help, withholding compassion until they see proof of that need. And yet Evil is quick to condemn, vilify and attack. For Evil, proof isn’t needed to bring harm, only hatred and a belief in the cause.” 
Made in ca
Deathwing Terminator with Assault Cannon

 His Master's Voice wrote:
Did Confrontation have any false starts? I only remember it face planting when it tried to sell plastic prepaints to metal boutique model collectors and that was that. CMON had the licence for years, but as far as I recall never did anything remotely useful with it.

The initial launch had a lot of translation problems, as well as boxes randomly coming with only French rules and cards, which they were unwilling to replace. I pretty much gave up on it at that point. I still have some of the metal models around that I use for D&D.
Made in us

 Azazelx wrote:
A bit of speculation there about who the people behind that FB page actually are. Doesn't CMON own Confrontation now?

They...did, but I'm not sure if they still do?

It also looked as if CMON 'replaced' Confrontation in their hearts (and release schedule) with WRATH OF KINGS, so...
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Bathing in elitist French expats fumes

The publishing house that proposes this latest venture does the French version of Call of Cthulhu and some Spanish roleplaying games. Their website is very euro-centric (sorry Great Britain...) but I have seen some of their products in my FLGS, what with the phillistines who won't learn English no matter what.

Their "5 Supplices" (Five tortures, loosely) supplement looks great, so they can put out a quality product. They are a publisher, though, not a miniature company. They have not mentionned *anything* about who their miniature producer is.

This is the horse Raging Heroes should be hitching their wagon to, imho. If only they can sculpt males too.

 GamesWorkshop wrote:
And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!

Made in gb
Multispectral Nisse

Luton, UK

What seems an interesting idea here is that they look to have moved beyond the Rag'Narok, so there could be massive upheaval across factions. One of the things I've long thought would be an impediment to any new Confrontation game is how you deal with players' existing collections - there are a lot of extraneous profiles that bloated the game over its 10 years, many of which tread on each others toes. And yet if you scrap a lot of it you'd end up not getting the support of the Rackham nostalgists whose stuff is then invalidated.

If they instead say that older models can represent just a handful of new, post-Rag'Narok profiles then it might give them the design space needed to grow a new game whilst throwing a bone to people looking for any chance to come back.

I always think that Confrontation was just a little bit ahead of its time. In the days when few published games looked much beyond GW style dice rolling, Confrontation's melee system was something crazy - allocating your dice pool between attack and defence, choosing whether you wanted to 'roll up' a 6 to make the enemy's defence harder at the risk of rolling a 1 and failing your attack completely, a wounding mechanic that incorporated where on the body you were landing blows etc. I also think today's online tools and builders for games like Infinity would have been a godsend for dealing with who could take what artifact, spell etc back in the day.

Damnit I'm getting excited now ust remembering the game, this is absolutely going to end up in tears!

“Good people are quick to help others in need, without hesitation or requiring proof the need is genuine. The wicked will believe they are fighting for good, but when others are in need they’ll be reluctant to help, withholding compassion until they see proof of that need. And yet Evil is quick to condemn, vilify and attack. For Evil, proof isn’t needed to bring harm, only hatred and a belief in the cause.” 
Made in us


I loved the Confrontation combat mechanics... but yes, some rules/profiles bloat towards the end!
Made in de
Fresh-Faced New User

 Azazelx wrote:
Doesn't CMON own Confrontation now?

No, I don't think so.
IIRC when Rackham went under Cyanide Studio (the computer game company that does the Bloodbowl games) bought the complete IP. They then licensed some of it to Legacy Minatures/CMoN.

LM/CMoN was working on "Confrontation: Phoenix" in 2012. Backers of their Guilds of Cadwallon Kickstarter were promised a preview. But when LM/CmoN asked a few selected Confrontation veterans on their opinion about "Phoenix" the response was apparently so bad that they scrapped the project completely.

Edit to include the info about Legacy Miniatures.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/02/08 15:34:14

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bewulf wrote:
But when CmoN asked a few selected Confrontation veterans on their opinion about "Phoenix"(...)

I can see where it all went wrong...
Made in us

I do vaguely remember that - there was a forum that was the 'host' to the playtest group...

Anyway, I really do think it's apparent that CMON Confrontation became CMON Wrath of Kings, so maybe this is for real?

Not super-excited if we end up with dodgy translations again, but happy enough if it means Confrontation returns!


Welcome to the official page of Confrontation-Resurrection.
After the ultimate confrontation of ragnarok, the factions maimed and disorganized troll again the world of aarklash, hungry for revenge and conquests. The ways of the light, the meanders of darkness and the paths of destiny nursing their wounds and prepare to new clashes.
Griffon, RAM, boar, immobilis, Sphinx... what banner will gather enough strength to chop down his rivals?
In 2017, without-detour revives the flame of the battles.

(Note: That's a Facebook translation!)
Made in gb
Multispectral Nisse

Luton, UK

Dragonpainting has disappeared entirely but I think it held much of the history of Confrontation's various attempts at coming back. One of the main guys there, who was a UK tournament veteran and worked on some profiles for some of CMON's 'Legacy Miniatures' range of previously unreleased Rackham sculpts, said that he'd been approached to write a new version. Before he'd really gotten anywhere the project had been taken away from him though, next thing he knew Blackball were involved with this 'Phoenix' edition. No doubt he was one of the selected veterans who provided feedback.

Looking back through Dakka threads on Confrontation I found this from Jan' 2013, though it was pulled from Dragonpainting from August 2012


Hi guys, this is Matthew Hope with Blackball Games. Still recovering from GenCon where we had a great experience demoing the beta rules for Confrontation Phoenix. I'd like to take this chance to introduce myself and answer a few questions.

Duncan Huffman and I formed Blackball Games a few years ago to provide game design services to the industry as well as find an outlet for our own projects. Since our inception we've provided contract game design for Soda Pop Miniatures with Relic Knights, Cool Mini Or Not with Wrath of Kings as well as a number of other companies. I am the lead game designer for AE-WWII and AE-Bounty and Duncan has years of experience in the organized play and marketing with Privateer Press. We have been avid Confrontation fans since the early days of C2 and are honored to have been given the opportunity to tackle Phoenix.

CMON will be launching the Phoenix website in the next week or two and, once live, we will be using it as our vehicle to provide information and answer questions. We will also be looking for members of the community to help us in the monumental task of testing Phoenix with the hundreds (if not thousands) of reference cards, spells, miracles and artifacts out there. So keep an eye out for the website to go live where we will be able to address the questions and concerns that are already pouring in. I can hit a few of the questions from this thread.

- There is no release date planned for Phoenix. The rules are still in beta, so there's a lot that's still in the air.
- We're rolling back the rules and setting to the C3 book we know and love, while making some changes that focus on balance, streamlining rules and speeding gameplay.
- The plan is to stick with square bases.
- Some models will see a (sometimes significant) increase in AP value, though some costs will decrease.
- We have not finalized what factions will be released or any other decisions regarding release schedule, etc.
- The cards used in the demo are early versions and do not necessarily represent the final copies.

Keep an eye out for the Phoenix website to go live - join our Facebook page for updates. We are so honored to be working on a game that so many of us loved so passionately. I think we have a great opportunity to bring back a game that was truly great. Thanks for your patience and support!

No idea if they ever communicated again.

But anyway, let's not dwell on the past!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/02/08 15:51:02

“Good people are quick to help others in need, without hesitation or requiring proof the need is genuine. The wicked will believe they are fighting for good, but when others are in need they’ll be reluctant to help, withholding compassion until they see proof of that need. And yet Evil is quick to condemn, vilify and attack. For Evil, proof isn’t needed to bring harm, only hatred and a belief in the cause.” 
Made in se
Pulsating Possessed Space Marine of Slaanesh

Ohhhh, i am guessing if they do this, it will be a complete new line of miniature? Anyway if this is official i am really exited!
Made in us

Riquende - thank you!

I couldn't remember Dragon Painting and Blackball Games!

Holding out hope that this is for real, that the mechanics are similar to 'real' Confrontation and that this isn't going to be another pre-painted attempt with the brand...
Made in se
Pulsating Possessed Space Marine of Slaanesh

I think there is a chance this is a fan-made and not official with a license. But not sure...
Or maybe not, is this the publisher? www.sans-detour.com Looks thrust worthy i guess?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/08 17:03:29

Made in ca
Dangerous Duet

I do hope for a return of Confrontation. I became a wargamer in 2010, when the crappy last edition died.

Made in us
Auspicious Aspiring Champion of Chaos


I've repurposed my Wolfenstein into a kings of war army, and thier decently priced out there, so I'd welcome a return for more well priced minis.

I collect:

Grand alliance death (whole alliance)

Stormcast eternals

Slaves to Darkness - currently Nurgle but may expand to undivided.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Bathing in elitist French expats fumes

For a game that began with a simple little leaflet included in every purchase, the game was great.

If they are past the Ragnarok, maybe they can switch to round bases, and publish free profiles, called battle papyrii, on a website. Although they did create an IP that was rich. The books that came with some of the minis were well written. Come to think of it, it was the only RPG/minis gaming I ever did in my native language.

 GamesWorkshop wrote:
And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!

Made in us
Swamp Troll

San Diego

When the original was still around, my gaming group had a bilingual guy teaching the game. It also happened to be difficult back then to get the proper figures though. I've always mentally lumped Confrontation in with the old Void days before I-Kore went up as a cool game that suffered from poor logistics. I can see how not having a French stopgap could exasperate the problem.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I know a bit more about the CMoN days of Confrontation due to being on Dragonpaiting a lot back then.

Basically, license wise, you have Cyanide Studios (video game company) has the main over license (not sure if they own it or licenses it from someone else) who licensed their stuff to a company called Legacy who then teamed up (and eventually sold the license I believe) to CMoN.

Everyone is correct in that there were 2 different versions of the rules, one done by Blackball. The first set was really disliked by the Confrontation fanbase (as there was a limited alpha) and so there was a rework that never materialized and getting into the beta was part of a reward for an early CMoN kickstarter that they never delivered on nor addressed (that I'm aware of).

The main reason, according to the person I know that use to work on the Confrontation project for CMoN, that the game never came to light is because they didn't see it financially viable due to the hugely popular re-castor that's well known that sells all the old sculpts, new ones and provides the 3.5 rules too. Apparently they were frustrated with one of the license holders father up the chain who weren't bothering to go after the re-castor to shut them down as I remember once it was stated that as soon as Cyanide (I believe) took care of it they'd release the game.

Another reason, that I've only heard speculated but makes sense knowing the community, is CMoN was worried about the cost of metal but didn't think the community would accept the figures in plastic.

Where exactly WoK falls into this I'm not 100% sure but I know it was in development before CMoN got their hands on the Confrontation license. There were concept art up on Dragon Painting long before.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/08 18:08:41

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I'm pretty sure Blackball were the folks behind the version 2.0 Sedition Wars rules too

Made in us
Been Around the Block

I think that Paolo Parente of Dust Studios owns the IP for Confrontation from when Rackham went out of business. I think they were in debt to him for the production of the Confrontation and AT-43 miniatures, or something like that.

From there I think he put the license under a sub-business of Cyanide Studios or something and CMON had the license to sell the resin cast versions of the original miniatures lines.

I'll ask Paolo next week if he has anything to do with the relaunch of Confrontation, because I think this could be a cool relaunch.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/02/08 19:48:10

Made in us
Using Object Source Lighting


 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
I'm pretty sure Blackball were the folks behind the version 2.0 Sedition Wars rules too
Now that you mentioned it, yeah, IIRC they were.

My painted armies (40k, WM/H, Malifaux, Infinity...) 
Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

It was indeed a great game, and was actually as popular as GW products in my circle at its peak (but I suppose it was much more popular in France than elsewhere).

The facebook post doesn't say much, just that the story will be after Ragnarok, and that they'll keep the same aesthetic. Most of the text talks about how much the community is great and still keeps the game alive, so it feels like they really want to exploit the players' nostalgia.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 spiralingcadaver wrote:
 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
I'm pretty sure Blackball were the folks behind the version 2.0 Sedition Wars rules too
Now that you mentioned it, yeah, IIRC they were.

They also had a hand in WoK and Relic Knights. They were CMoN's go to rules writers for several years.
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