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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Forgot pictures again tuesday, but took some at home.

Just need basing on the stegadon, though the skinks have moved (broke off) and will likely need a touch up.:

Also started the 2nd Spartan tank at paint night, quite a bit to go though:

And some test ideas for a scheme on some demons, need washes and detail work, not sure it works:

Need to focus on something but at least it'll be there if my brain comes back to it next year.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

More incremental progress, metal tracks and spot colors on the demons:

Did get the base done for the stegadon though, so thats done:

Fairly satisfied with the army painter speedpaints for that, likely start in on some lizard OPFOR for the chaos.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Another Tuesday paint night, another dash off in another direction.

Did make a little progress on the warmaster demons:

But also picked up this giant sloth:

And did some kinda silly paint to it:

Aaaaangry pikachu (and some marine tests for 6mm.)

Just needs some basing, but that'll be tomorrow.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Made some progress this week, mostly in assembling some goofy skeletons:

Filling out the non command groups of the skeleton sword units. Even in death that bigger group can't stop styling.

Also got down to basing on the snake-rider for my warmaster stuff:

Spoiler for slaaneshi boob worm being what it says on the tin.

And a centaur to lead my beastman army:

Just need some basing to finish them up, then I dunno, maybe more 6mm stuff?
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Got the warmaster heros done and based:

Usual boobworm spoiler.
And grab bag from tuesday paint night:

Got most of the way done with the skeleton bodies, just needs the swords, a drybrush, and basing, and then its just sheild freehand. Also ran through the 10mm kroxigor, think she's also down to just basing, maybe some touchups. And painted up more 6mm onslaught athena suits and made progress on the tank. Coming up on a vacation soon, so we'll see what gets done before the end of the year, and probably do a roundup for the year.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Kinda fell off updating this with the holidays and all, but progress has been made.
Got the kroxigor done just before I left:

gave him some runners to boss around, as befits a characterc from the leftover and broken guys from the stegadon. I'm going to need to get some core lizzies so I can run him in an army..
On vacation I got in a game of titanicus with the cousin, his loyalist inquisitorial titans using custom legios vs my cod-solarians in a memeaple.

His force, including a fearsome psi-titan, and a neutron cannon dire wolf, in a venator and IIRC a regia.

My corrupted Legio Lucidium, in two corsairs, supported by knights to make the 2500 point limit. All the hounds are corrupted and carrying preternatural grace, immaterial shield, and cameloline, while the reaver is proxied for a double volcano cannon model with the frozen soul mutation.

Modified version of the spaceship reinforcement fight, hoping my reaver holds long enough for the hounds to storm up the side, and hoping to be hard enough to hit with the stacking mods to make up for less hull.

Sadly, first shot of the game off first fire, his neutron cannon shocks out my reaver, crashing its sheilds, and then the psi titan casually blows it away, taking all the knights with it in an ammo detonation. This becomes a theme--I think I lost more titans to one side or the other mag detonating or catastrophic meltdowning than I did enemy fire, and it kind of snowballed.

(Probably a little out of order)
I didn't have a good answer to the psi titan, and beam doesn't roll to hit, removing that protection, and then the resulting damage removed the camo, which I wasn't actually playing right anyways. Not the best result, but fun enough, and now I know what doesn't work. Jist means I really need to get at least the warbringer done in the next 6 months...

Got home in time for paint night, started some skeletons, but mostly finished the second spartan and some Onslaught athena suits. Bit small to match the marines I've been getting, so probably the same use they've just premiered to table as, anti-titan infantry tokens.

And of course, last night I got some extended painting time, and got the skeletons just needing final assembly and basing:

Hoping to finish them tonight, which'd make a nice 241 for the year, though sadly likely with several missed goals and mostly smaller scale stuff, but still, kinda happy with the progress.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And finished the skeletons. Will probably try to do a wrapup tonight or possibly next year. But in the meantime, skeleton hordes:

Glue still is a little wet there, but done enough. Next year, hopefully get some command groups and back ranks going. Not quite sure what system they'll be used in, but 20mm base skeletons are pretty setting agnostic.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, wrap up of last year on the hobby goals:
Buying: probably the army painter contrast stuff when it comes out, anything oathsworn puts out for burrows and badgers, and filling out my unbuilt typhon and sebeki Wargods of Aegyptus armies, maybe re-opening my currently complete basti. Try to keep other purchases to a minimum.

Painting: at least 72 models, at least one 28mm tank. Get up to 4 points of Saga force done for either my female norse or my Rus so I finally have something playable, bonus points if both so I have usable demo forces. Try to finally get one of my started and stalled Typhon units over to the finished pile. Keep my Dakka Painting Challenge entry streak alive for the year by entering each month. Maybe do some terrain.

Playing: Finally get to the historicon Wargods game now that I have a usable army. Start playing Titanicus, ideally start attending a game club regularly if we can get Covid under control.

Buying, I did get the speedpaints and badgers, but didn't really get the Wargods stuff, and really got distracted by other systems and ended up with waaaaay too many new minis.

Painting: well, 241 for the year, so beat 72, but I was trying to keep things down to do more big stuff, and I kinda...didn't. Only larger than ogre sized models I did were a dragon with speedpaints and a griffon, and in fact much of the year's output was 10mm stuff. On the other hand, I did get the Rus infantry based, and I do technically have 4 points of Shieldmaiden even if its almost all hearthguard and probably neither is really demo-usable. I also did a batch of 10 Typhon swordsmen done before blehing out on them, and kept the Dakka challenge streak alive and painted one (1) tree in terrain so..failed successfully I guess?

Playing: Could have gotten to the WarGods game at Historicon. Didn't see the entry under "Tournaments" instead of "events", so thought it was canceled and didn't bring my models or attend that event. oops... I did get four games of Titanicus in which is doing pretty good for me, and while I didn't get myself playing much, I did start regularly going out to paint night at the local store. Not terrible.

Also for fun and procrastination, broken down by type, I painted:
34 Skeletons
2 big Monsters
5 Ratty boy space Marines
3 Generic SF models
13 WarGods models
22 Ratlings with Gatlings IG
14 Battletech units
14 random fantasy models
6 gnolls
13 Sheildmaidens
5 Cat people
30 Badgers and Burrows models
43 10mm fantasy stands, 41 of which were for some form of Chaos
2 Wolves or werewolves
6 Salamanders 6mm units
1 dwarf for my eventual fantasy army
25 Rus infantry bases
and 1 Titanicus model (an acastus knight)

So, definitely some runs in there, but a nice mix of different things.

and last night, started setting things up for this year:

Hopefully can run through the lizards army with speedpaints. I'd like to also do more with 6mm epic, maybe get my 3d printer back working, play in a possible Mordheim campaign at the FLGS, and get at least 1 more actual titan for titanicus done, have to think about what else. Happy belated new year everyone.

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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Slow progress, but blocking done for the beaver deacon for the pai ting challenge:

Accompanied by some bad squiddo shieldmaiden archers, to be painted up for the FLGS mordheim campaign. If I need to, I'll grab some already painted crossbow ladies instead, but WYSIWYG is nice.

And getting their gang mates some progress.

Also gets my saga force a little closer to done, still a ways to go though.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Belated paint night update:
Beaver about down to basing:

A little more progress on the slann:

And highlighting and deciding how to do flesh for the saga ladies:

Still trying to get back on rhythm, but getting there.
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Religious Beavers....(Theo snickers off into the darkness )

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Yep, very eager, and finished now too:

Now I just gotta finish those saga ladies before the end of the month...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And some progress on the shieldmaidens. Not nearly as good at flesh as I am with the fur:
Current full batch:

And some closer photos:

Some washes to blend the highlights back in and should be on to basing and then scratch and dent repair (and probably some varnish)
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Nice job on the holy beaver!
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks aku-chan!

Ending setup for tuesday paint night:

Mostly painting up the space marine and slann, didn't really touch the sheild maidens there, just started blocking in shields.

A little closer on the marine and slann:

Not sure where I'm going with the noise marine, tempted to add an electric blue for the eyes, but feel that might be a few too many colors, even for slaanesh. Likewise I know what I'm doing with the chair, but less sure on the vines.

On the other hand, mordheim shieldmaidens are pretty close to done, varnished up, waiting on bases work (and one shield):

Need to do some figuring on how to get washers on things, but almost there...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Finished the mordheim band, at least to a usuable level:

Likely swap out the werewolf and dogs when I get some replacements on proper basing done, but usable and fully painted for now. Not happy with how the varnish sits on them, leaves em looking kinda plastic but I'd like near instant chipping even less.
Also finished the extra few as well:

Don't think I'm getting to backup projects for the month like that tau fleet I picked up, but we'll see.
Made in ie
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Your big beaver priest is great! I love the base idea. Hope he picks up a good few votes.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks theCrowe, me too! Probably I could have painted the red on the base a bit better though, and the yellow is a bit dirty, was trying not to steal the thunder of the rest of the model.

Also have some more views of the spare berserkers:

And as you can tell from the warlord dogs being with the spares, I fixated and got at least the four dogs I needed for the warband from white prime to almost done:

Just gotta paint and snow flock them, then its trying to find another model option on the werewolf so the bases can all match. May have a friend printing one, or might mod up a reaper bones. Also got tired of the sword on the shield chewer breaking off, so drilled that and threw a spear in. Now just gotta decide if I want to attack a new titan, finish the old one, or do a BFG fleet...
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Belated finished dog picture:

And some Tuesday paint night results, should have another 4 spearwomen done next time I get time for assembly, probably saturday morning:

Not a BFG fleet, but hey, progress is progress, and it is an active project.
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

More lovely shields! These are great.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks theCrowe!

Got the ladies done, and then banged out some objective markers/warpstone markers:

Also got a game of titanicus in, borrowing my buddies Defensor and chaos warlords in an extermigus vs his reavers and last warlord in a corsair at his place. Using the matche play book, I had take and hold and the kill secondary, best choices out of some rather bad ones for the maniple, which I mostly picked to play around and try the vulpa warlord long bomb. Setup/1st turn:

2nd turn, pulled the center guy back because he got rather beat up, templates are his and my smoke templates, while top guy sets up a charge.

Mostly peppering, but took down the bottom reaver who just fell down.
Then disaster, upper titan failed his charge roll after I'd already popped the strategems. Still managed to warp displacement and walked in...but then mostly wiffed the fist and smashes.

Final turn, he killed my middle titan, top finally blew up the upper reaver by exploding, which just dropped, and I conceded. Final positions:

Still fun, if a bit disappointing!
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Some Tuesday paint night pictures, pushed some shieldmaidens to close to done, after a long break:

And worked more on an old greebo games krox and started a snake demon, spoilered for snake breasts:

Not a bad way to end January, hopefully keep making progress.
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Your shieldmaidens continue to delight, and the krox is spectacular, especially the blue skin.

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks JoshinJapan, glad they're coming out ok. Sadly not really done much more than decork and put on the washer bases though.

Mostly side bits so far, did up a circe and some pigs killing time at the game store before a game yesterday, may base them up to use as more doggies, circe still needs a good bit of work though:

Also had a friend print up a printed obsession skulldog to use as a werewolf, rather than rebasing the other one:

Raw prints

Bit of paint.

And primed my likely challenge entry, a nice line holder lance of mechs in forest camo.

Want do do some display board work with it, not sure I'll have time..
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Been a bit quiet, tuesday paint night I mostly did basing which wasn't much to show, finished them off just now.

Finished creatures:

And a nice batch of shieldmaiden warriors:

Clears the decks nicely, hopefully get some titanicus stuff done in the rest of the month, and still need to do more on the monthly challenge battletech stuff.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Always a joy to see the mixed medley of stuff crossing your workbench.

I like the piggies, something just fun about them.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Nevelon, it means I don't get any army scale projects done, but it also means I don't get bored. And yeah, reaper sculpted those piggies goofy cute.

Got another game of titanicus in over the weekend, this time trying out solaria rules with my hounds. One of these days I'll get more big guys done for some variety...
The forces:

And the field and setup.

I had deep field grab, and survive secondary, he had a kill em all secondary and a moving objective primary. I spread my initial drops hoping to draw his deployments out of position so I could then corsair slide out and hopefully isolate his warlord. (Also hopefully dechoking the choke points.)
Sadly wasn't to be, my double vulcan carrier got nailed turn 1 by his all big gun warbringer, failing most of his voids and missing most of his vulcan shots, and then eating enough shots to kill him, and that kept through the game--I think I only rolled one vulcan above average the whole game.

Turn 1 start (mislabeled)

Turn 2
And turn 3 end:

In the end I got two warhounds, roughed up but didn't kill or compromise his reaver, and got tabled (admittedly because I had one warhound left and threw him into fire specifically so there was a clear winner)
Still a fun game, but a dissapointing showing. I also need to remember this isn't infinity, so pie slicing cover mostly just masks guns and loses firepower.
On the other stompy robot side, did get some more work on the mechs, including a (failed) experiment with AK's oilbrusher green. Will try again on something a bit more matching in color and with qtips for cleanup on hand--the included brush was kinda wide and out of the jar didn't have a lot of flow, but the annihilator will have to get overpainted again.
Made in gb
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos


I’ve not played battletech since I was a kid! It’s awesome to still see it being played!

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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Glad to remind you of happy things, itsonlyme.

Did a little piggy at tuesday paint night:

And almost done the mechs, just need some basing work:

Been a bit slow, local mordheim campaign eating up hobby time. Hopefully get a little more done soon.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Usual paint night update, mostly playing around with some vallejo xpress paints I found. Useful, but not sure I have the hand steadiness to get the most from them:

Orcs are orc skin, pterodactyl and dragon are nuclear yellow and gloomy purple, and the dragon base is dwarf flesh, all over vallejo polyurethane white hand painted on (thus the splotchyness.) Demon was already flat colored with IIRC salmon pink and got a dwarf flesh coat on her skin, seems useful?
Dragon got one more coat of lemon yellow conventional paint on his wings and currently looks like this:

Just needing basing. Not my best work, but nicely quick.

Also got some flock and static grass, and finished up the mechs:

Not going to get the display board idea even started, but maybe next month. No idea what to paint for Space Marines next for the challenge, maybe kitbash up some gnoll soldiers out of the frostgrave gnolls and wga space nam kits?

Also got some progress on my titan:

Probably won't be done in the next three days in time for the game, but still, getting closer.
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