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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/05 20:44:23
Subject: Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Regular Dakkanaut
I am about to give this a go.
I have seen a few things online, but I guess by taking the majority of the AoS Blood Warrior models, then using the Khorne Berzerkers arms, weapons, shoulders (depending on each model) you can make, well, anything that will look better than the stock Berzerkers models
I have made up a load of stock berzerkers using the forgeworld chainaxes already, but for this batch, I got some ork chainaxes from kromlech, link in spoiler
They are ever so slightly larger than the forgeworld ones but, I think they will look ok, plus they are a 3rd of the price. I am going for the chainaxe/chainsword combo, WYSIWYG, with the berzerker champions having a power weapons.
Anyone done it before, tips, advice etc?
2000 pts
2000 pts
2000 pts |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/06 07:00:04
Subject: Re:Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Dipping With Wood Stain
Check out KrautScientist's World Eaters, he recently did a conversion using Blood Warriors and the new CSM kit. Most awesome berserker I've seen!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/06 08:30:26
Subject: Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Violent Enforcer
I've done it, and can confirm that it's worth it. Some people will recommend replacing the legs so they have greaves rather than boots. (I didn't do this because I don't have tonnes of Mk.III armoured legs lying around - my zerkers are in pariah armour due to poor supply lines, and they march ever on in their quest for new boots!)
Also adding chaos backpacks really makes them look the part. Marine shoulder pads and arms are good but optional - mix and match and see what works for you.
Do you know what your sin is, Malcolm Reynolds?
Ah hell, I'm a fan of all seven.
But right now, I'm gonna have to go with wrath. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/06 08:35:30
Subject: Re:Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak
you mean something like these? Ignore the shody paintjob
Can confirm, is realtively easy, altough you will need leftovers from 2 CSM boxes to get enough of those sweet sweet melee weapons/ chainsword.
The cleavers make for god chainaxes though.
A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/06 08:55:59
Subject: Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Thane of Dol Guldur
Check out my buddy nineswords on insta for some conversions using those parts, and some cool back stories too
Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children
Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/06 11:52:04
Subject: Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Regular Dakkanaut
I just added chainsword and CSM backpacks to mine
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/06 19:11:51
Subject: Re:Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Regular Dakkanaut
Not Online!!! wrote:you mean something like these? Ignore the shody paintjob
Can confirm, is realtively easy, altough you will need leftovers from 2 CSM boxes to get enough of those sweet sweet melee weapons/ chainsword.
The cleavers make for god chainaxes though.
Dice4thedicegod wrote:I just added chainsword and CSM backpacks to mine

Yeah really nice job guys, that is exatly what I am a after, although I will go 100% chainaxe/chainsword combo (other than the champions), like I said I already have the 10 chainaxes from kromlech and I have a fresh box of blood warriors and a fresh box of the stock khorne berzerkers so should have enough bits.(plus I got some other spares)
And yeah.... I know that is a lot of money really to plough into them, but well done custom berzerkers like that look so, very very sweet. Shame the stock berzerkers models are rubbish, they desperately need an update, but after recent black legion/ CSM updates, it doesnt seem like they are going to get one any time soon.
2000 pts
2000 pts
2000 pts |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/12 19:29:23
Subject: Re:Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Regular Dakkanaut
Ahh these blood warrior models are SOOOOOOO much better than stock berzerker.
In the end used the blood warrior legs, torso and head, berzerker arms, shoulder pads and backpack. Very happy with the result.
2000 pts
2000 pts
2000 pts |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/13 00:24:14
Subject: Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Regular Dakkanaut
Great job!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/14 21:03:57
Subject: Re:Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
Regular Dakkanaut
I used the Blood warrior and new Chaos Marine kit to do my Bezerkers too. Wanted to keep the power armour bodies tho as I wasn't a fan of the leather boot look. I nearly finished the champ but then got sidetracked with other stuff so they sit waiting to be finished
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2019/08/14 21:07:34
Subject: Re:Berzerkers/Blood Warriors kitbash conversions
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak
BUDFORCE wrote:Ahh these blood warrior models are SOOOOOOO much better than stock berzerker.
In the end used the blood warrior legs, torso and head, berzerker arms, shoulder pads and backpack. Very happy with the result.
Well done lad.
Now that is a propper angered marine.
A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH. |