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Reaper Bones Egyptian God Avatars as Tomb Kings Ushabtis  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Avatar of Sokar, Avatar of Sekhmet and Avatar of Thoth - painted as 'living statues' (Citadel Wraithbone washed with Agrax Earthshade) mounted on Cherry 40mm bases, painted with Citadel Armageddon Dust and washed with Agrax Earthshade, with Citadel skulls as details.

Yes, that's a Morghast skull on the Avatar of Sokar. Katakros came to collect. Settra told him where to stick his bone-tithe!
[Thumb - IMG_20191221_105136755.jpg]
Avatar of Sokar 'living statue' Ushabti

[Thumb - IMG_20191221_105203668.jpg]
Avatar of Sekhmet 'living statue' Ushabti

[Thumb - IMG_20191221_105227942.jpg]
Avatar of Thoth 'living statue' Ushabti

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
Made in us
Combat Jumping Rasyat

Palitine Il

They need SOMETHING more done on them. Right now they look like you hit them with the Agrax wash and called it quits. I’d pick out the tabards and headdresses in brass and give them some inset precious stones.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 ChaoticMind wrote:
They need SOMETHING more done on them. Right now they look like you hit them with the Agrax wash and called it quits. I’d pick out the tabards and headdresses in brass and give them some inset precious stones.

Not a bad idea! Might well do that. Thanks.

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
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