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Alpha Legion without any 'Alpha Legion' - Question about conversions  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Fresh-Faced New User

Tulsa, OK

So I'm building an Alpha Legion army and would it be acceptable to build the list with only Space Marines and no Chaos Space Marines? I'm looking for a general feel. Would that be acceptable in a tournament?

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Executing Exarch

London, UK

If you decide to convert them appropriately then yes, otherwise you'll have a hard time playing counts-as in a tournament setting.

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Longtime Dakkanaut

It depends what you mean by "only space marines." Do you mean an army that looks like s a space marines army that is secretly an alpha legion army in disguise? Or do you mean using space marine kits but painting them as alpha legion?

If the latter, I can't imagine many people will care, especially if you use older, heresy-era kits. Alpha legion is the most disciplined and least overtly chaos-embracing of the Legions, so the lack of spikes is not a big deal. You'll still have to obey WISYWIG though for most tournaments for equipment, so no claiming that heavy bolter is actually a reaper autocannon or the like.

If the former, you're probably going to need to give some kind of major "clues" on the models, at the least. People are not generally going to be amenable to you just running your ultramarines army as alpha legion.
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Dakka Veteran

South Africa

yukishiro1 wrote:
. People are not generally going to be amenable to you just running your ultramarines army as alpha legion.

Would this really be a thing of FLGS games? I know I wouldn't have much issue with it.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

The original poster specifically asked about tournaments, so I was answering from that point of view. Most tournaments frown on proxies, and certainly frown on proxying whole armies.

FLGS vary tremendously in terms of culture. I'm sure for some, rhinos made out of tissue boxes are acceptable, so ultramarines as alpha legion isn't going to cause any issues; for others, even running your ultramarines as salamanders may be frowned upon.
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Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Stevenage, UK

Y'know, the funny thing is - if it's taking the Marine appearance but using the Chaos Codex - the way Marines are so overpowered right now, it's not like anyone can claim it's doing it for an advantage.
Personally, I'd be cool with it specifically because it's Alpha Legion, but for tournaments I would expect you'd need to represent it with an appropriate paint job.

...if you plan on using Space Marine models to run the Space Marine Codex, but just painted as Alpha Legion? ...I don't see any issue with that at all.

"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch  
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Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

I've seen quite a few AL models that are loyalist Marines painted with an AL color scheme. They're a very diverse legion with very diverse goals so one looking completely uncorrupted would make perfect sense.
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Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

I have given thought to putting a phobos pattern AL warband together using a SM successor chapter rules - if the minis are wysiwyg, painted as AL and exclusively use the SM ruleset I think anyone would be hard pressed to argue you couldn't use them.

Please note, for those of you who play Chaos Daemons as a faction the term "Daemon" is potentially offensive. Instead, please play codex "Chaos: Mortally Challenged". Thank you. 
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Dakka Veteran

Dudley, UK

 NoiseMarine with Tinnitus wrote:
I have given thought to putting a phobos pattern AL warband together using a SM successor chapter rules - if the minis are wysiwyg, painted as AL and exclusively use the SM ruleset I think anyone would be hard pressed to argue you couldn't use them.

If that's wrong, I don't want to be right!
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Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

Do you mean only using loyalist marine models? Or do you mean running AL with loyalist rules? Your post was not very understandable on this regard.

But my answer is going to be the same. Most tourneys are going to be WYSIWYG. Most tourneys will not allow "counts as" armys.

Then theres the whole problem of running into wierdos like me who are going to be triggered beyond measure that you are putting loyalists into a VERY chaos legion.

Once more. Because Im weird. The AL do not house loyalists. You cannot pretend to be a chaos worshipper. Its a black and white thing. And the AL, while not dedicated to a god, make much use of chaos and its gifts.

There, got that low grade autism out. Sorry.
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Heroic Senior Officer

Western Kentucky

 The Immortal One wrote:
So I'm building an Alpha Legion army and would it be acceptable to build the list with only Space Marines and no Chaos Space Marines? I'm looking for a general feel. Would that be acceptable in a tournament?

My entire army is horus heresy "loyal" marines. I think I have one chaos model, a sorcerer, because he looked cool. The rest are all run as their chaos equivalent, i.e my devastators are havocs, etc. Paint them with a cool paint job and no one will care. Alpha Legion are very believable to have completely spurned chaos, there's two books I can think of off the top of my head where the warband refuses to worship gods entirely, and instead just rely on each other. Others do worship chaos of course, that's alpha legion for you. It wouldn't be all that odd to see them in normal armor and no mutations. Just make sure they're painted to look alpha legion in some way.

'I've played Guard for years, and the best piece of advice is to always utilize the Guard's best special rule: "we roll more dice than you" ' - stormleader

"Sector Imperialis: 25mm and 40mm Round Bases (40+20) 26€ (Including 32 skulls for basing) " GW design philosophy in a nutshell  
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Lesser Daemon of Chaos

The deck of the Widower

This is how I run my Alpha Legion. I am using older marines (non-primaris) and building my lists to appear as close to a loyalist as possible. My warband's goal is to discredit loyalists and sabotage Imperial installations with a focus on Ultramarines. I haven't won a game yet as the list is very subpar for a chaos list but for my story everything is going as planned. The Crusade rules have been great for this!

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