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Blood Bowl 2nd edition  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


Can somebody provide a summary of the new BB rules and a comparison with BB first edition?

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in gb
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

Wow, first edition? That’s going way back. Hmm… well to start with you didn’t begin each drive in the middle of the pitch…

You know GW put out like a dozen how-to-play videos for SSE, right?

"Three months? I'm going to go crazy …and I'm taking you with me!"
— Vala Mal Doran
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Joking aside, I'm assuming you mean 2016 edition. Goonhammer has done a nice write-up here:


Thread Slayer 
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

Goonhammer only scratch the surface though. This only covers most of the skills and teams:

Prices are more detailed, down to increments of 5k (instead of 10k).

GFI → Rush
Intercept → Interfere?
Catch: what does this include? Intercept? Hand-off? ++
In Tackle zone(s) → Marked
Not in Tackle zone(s) → Open
Extraordinary (skill) → Trait

New universal ability. Based on the Leap skill, which is now divided into 3 tiers:
Anyone can do this.
Only over occupied squares (Prone/Stunned).
Apply a negative modifier for being marked (either in originating or target square).
Requires the skill.
Over any square, either unoccupied or occupied (Standing/Prone/Stunned).
Apply a negative modifier for being marked (either in originating or target square).
The player cannot also have Pogo-Stick.
Requires the skill.
Over any square, either unoccupied or occupied (Standing/Prone/Stunned).
The player cannot also have Leap.

Must jump exactly 2 squares in a single direction. Can Fall Over in the original square if the Agility roll was 1.

Accurate: The +1 modifier is split into 2 separate skills.
Accurate: Quick and Short only.
Cannoneer: Long and Long Bomb only.
Always Hungry: If eaten with the ball, bounce from the Always Hungry player’s square (instead of the team-mate’s square).
Animosity: Cannot change target if Animosity triggers.
Arm Bar (new): +1 modifier to the Armour roll when an opponent fails to Doge/Jump/Leap away.
Ball & Chain: No turnover if moving into the ball. Cannot be combined with ‘On the Ball’ Skill.
Blood Lust: Removed.
Bombardier: Even if caught, the bomb explodes on 4+. Prone/Stunned players are not ‘Knocked Down’.
Brawler (new): Re-roll a single Both-down result.
Break Tackle: +1 modifier to Dodge for Strength 1-4, +2 for Strength 5+.
Claws: Cannot be modified.
Cloud Burster (new): The opponent must re-roll a successful Interfere attempt during Long/Long Bomb Pass.
Decay: +1 modifier on the Casualty table.
Defensive (new): Remove Guard from opposing Marked players (during the opponent’s turn only).
Dirty Player (X): Variable modifier (X).
Diving Catch: A failed catch no longer bounces from the player’s square. No mention of what happens if multiple players can use this simultaneously???
Dump-Off: No restrictions for the 2nd Block of a Frenzy.
Fan Favourite: Removed.
Filthy Rich: Removed.
Fumblerooskie (new): Can ‘drop’ the ball (if carrying it) during a Move or Blitz action, placing the ball in any square vacated during the movement and does not bounce.
Iron Hard Skin (new): Immune to claw.
Kick Team-mate: Heavily simplified. Basically just Throw Team-mate, causing Injury on a fumble. Must apply Mighty Blow if the player also has that skill.
Kick-off Return: Merged into new skill ‘On the Ball’.
Leap: Cannot leap 1 square. Applies negative modifiers for being Marked (either target square or original square). Reduce any negative modifiers by 1 (to a minimum of -1). Can Fall Over in the original square if the Agility roll was 1.
Loner (X+): Usually 4+ like before, but can in some cases have a different value.
Mighty Blow (X+): Usually +1 like before, but can in some cases have a different value. Only triggers during Block/Blitz action, so no longer useful in defense.
Monstrous Mouth: Moved from Extraordinary to Mutation.
Multiple Block: Resolved simultaneously (even if one block result in a Turnover).
Nurgle’s Rot: Renamed to Plague Ridden. The new Rotter joins as reserve immediately. Only triggers during Block/Blitz/Foul action, so no longer useful in defense.
On the Ball (new): A combination of Kick-off Return and an improved Pass-Block with less restrictions.
Pass-Block: Merged into ‘On the Ball’.
Piling On: Renamed to Pile Driver. Changed to give a free Foul. Does not cost a re-roll.
Pile Driver: Renamed from Pile Driver. Changed to give a free Foul. Does not cost a re-roll.
Pogo Stick (new): The best alternative to moving over a square. Over any square, either unoccupied or occupied (Standing/Prone/Stunned). Can Fall Over in the original square if the Agility roll was 1.
Prehensile Tail: Also applies to Jump and Leap.
Projectile Vomit (new): Stab that requires a 2+ roll (unmodified Armour & Injury). If failed, the player hits itself instead.
Right Stuff: Requires Strength 3 or less.
Running Pass: Can continue moving after a Quick Pass.
Safe Pair of Hands (new): Can place the ball in an adjacent unoccupied square when Knocked Down or Placed Prone (but not if Falling Over). No bounce.
Safe Throw: Renamed to Safe Pass.
Safe Pass: Modified Safe Throw. Cannot cancel intercept/interfere, but always cancel a fumble, even on a roll of 1 (then the activation ends). Can a player also having Running Pass continue moving?
Shadowing: Test has changed.
Old: 2D6 + MA (opponent player) < 8 + MA (Shadowing player)
New: D6+ MA (Shadowing player) > 5 + MA (opposing player)
The result is as follows (Shadow MA - opponent MA):
5+ MA: 100% (same as before)
4 MA: 97% → 83% (diff -14%)
3 MA: 92% → 67% (diff -25%)
2 MA: 83% → 50% (diff -33%)
1 MA: 72% → 33% (diff -39%)
0 MA: 58% → 17% (diff -41%)
-1 MA: 42% → 17% (diff -25%)
-2 MA: 28% → 17% (diff -11%)
-3 MA: 17% → 17% (same)
-4 MA: 8% → 17% (diff +9%)
-5 MA: 3% → 17% (diff +14%)
-6+ MA: 0% → 17% (diff +17%)
Sneaky Git: Not ejected if rolling Double on armour (even if Armour is broken). Can continue to move after the Foul.
Strong Arm: Only applies to Throw Team-mate. Can only be gained if also having Throw Team-mate.
Swarming (new): Can set up D3 additional players during kick-off (allowing more than the usual 11 players).
Swoop: Scatter D3 in a single direction (Throw-in template), instead of a random direction each square. Lost the +1 modifier to Landing.
Tentacles: Test is reduced from 2D6 to a single D6.
Throw Team-mate: Requires Strength 5+.
Very Long Legs: Reduce any modifiers by 1 (minimum -1) to Jump/Leap. +2 modifier to interfere. Ignore Cloud Burster.
Wild Animal: Renamed to Unchanneled Fury.
Animal Savagery (new): Same as Wild Animal / Unchanneled Fury, but if failed, and there is an adjacent friendly player, this player must Block the friendly player (opponent can apply any skills that affect the Armour/Injury roll), then continue the activation as normal.
Weeping Dagger: Removed.

All teams are given keywords which are used to limit what Star Players and other inducements they have access to:
Badlands Brawl: Black Orc, Goblin, Ogre, Orc
Elven Kingdoms League: Dark Elf, Elf, Wood Elf
Halfling Thimble Cup: Halfling
Lustrian Superleague: Lizardmen
Old World Classic: Dwarf, Halfling, Human, Imperial Nobility, Ogre, Old World Alliance
Sylvanian Spotlight: Necromantic, Undead
Underworld Challenge: Goblin, Skaven, Snotling, Underworld
World’s Edge Superleague: Dwarf

Other keywords denote special rules and inducement discounts:
Bribery & Corruption (Black Orc, Goblin, Orc, Snotling, Underworld): Re-roll a 1 for Argue the Call (once per game).
Favoured of Undivided/Khorne/Nurgle/Slaanesh/Tzeentch (Chaos, Nurgle, Renegade): Chaos and Reneagde can choose any. A team can never change this alignment.
Low Cost Linemen (Ogre, Snotling): Do not count cost of advancements for permanent Linemen when calculating Team Value.
Masters of Undeath (Necromantic, Undead): Use the Necromancer as head coach (same as before).

Several teams are removed (any team not yet released in plastic). Changes to team rosters (all teams are given a tier):
Amazon: Removed (since added in separate pdf).
Black Orc (new, Tier 2): New (similar to Lizardmen).
Chaos (Tier 2):
Beastmen: PA 4+.
Warrior: PA 5+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Minotaur: PA 5+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Access to Troll or Ogre in addition to Minotaur (limited to 0-1 Big Guy).
Chaos Dwarf: Removed (since added in separate pdf).
Dark Elf (Tier 1):
Line: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Runner: PA 3+.
Assassin: PA 5+. +1 MA. Cost(-5k).
Blitzer: PA 4+.
Witch: PA 5+.
Dwarf (Tier 1):
Line: PA 5+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Blitzer: PA 4+.
Runner: PA 4+. Cost(+5k).
Slayer: Pa -. Cost(+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Deathroller: PA -. Cost(+10k). Loner 5+. Dirty Player +2. Lose access to Passing (double).
Elf (Tier 2):
Line: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Thrower: PA 2+. Cost(+5k).
Catcher: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Blitzer: PA 3+. Cost(+5k).
Goblin (Tier 3):
Line: PA 4+.
Looney: PA -. Lose access to Passing (double).
Bomma PA 4+. Cost(+5k).
Doom Diver: PA 6+. Lose access to Passing (double).
‘Ooligan: PA 6+. Dirty Player.
Fanatic: PA -. Lose access to Passing (double).
Pogoer: PA 5+. Cost(+5k). Pogo Stick.
Troll: PA 5+. Cost(+5k). Loner 3+. Projectile Vomit.
Halfling (Tier 3):
Line: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Hefty: PA 3+.
Catcher: PA 5+. Cost(+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Treeman: PA 5+.
High Elf: Removed (since addded in separate pdf).
Human (Tier 1):
0-3 Halflings.
Line: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Catcher: PA 5+. Cost(+5k).
Thrower: PA 2+. Cost(+10k).
Blitzer: PA 4+. Cost(+5k).
Ogre: PA 5+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Human Nobility: Removed.
Imperial Nobility (new, Tier 2): Inspired by Human, Human Nobility and Bretonnia.
Khemri: Removed (since added in separate pdf).
Lizardmen (Tier 1):
Skiing: PA 4+.
Chameleon: PA 3+. On the Ball.
Saurus Blocker: PA 6+. Cost(+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Kroxigor: PA -. Lose access to Passing (double).
Necromantic (Tier 2):
Zombie: PA -. Lose access to Passing (double).
Ghoul: PA 4+. Cost(+5k).
Wraith (new, replaces Wights): PA -. Cost(+5k). Foul Appearance. No Hands. Side Step. Lose access to Passing (double).
Flesh Golem: PA -. Cost(+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Werewolf: PA -. Cost(+5k).
Norse: Removed (since added in separate pdf).
Nurgle (Tier 2):
Rotter: PA 6+. Cost(-5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Pestigor: PA 4+. Cost(-5k).
Warrior: PA 6+. Cost(+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Beast of Nurgle: PA -. Lose access to Passing (double).
Ogre (Tier 3):
Snotling: PA 5+. Cost(-5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Ogre: PA 5+.
Runt Punter: PA 4+. Cost(-5k).
Old World Alliance (Tier 1):
Human Line: PA 4+. Lose Animosity. Lose access to Passing (double).
Human Catcher: AP 5+. Cost(+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Human Thrower: AP 3+. Cost(+10k).
Human Blitzer: AP 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Dwarf Blocker: AP 5+. Cost (+5k). Loner (3+). Lose access to Passing (double).
Dwarf Blitzer: PA 4+. Loner (3+). Lose access to Passing (double).
Dwarf Runner: PA 4+. Cost (+5k). Loner (3+).
Dwarf Slayer: PA -. Cost (+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Halfling: PA 4+. Animosity (Human & Dwarf). Lose access to Passing (double).
Access to Treeman in addition to Ogre (limited to 0-1 Big Guy).
Orc (Tier 1):
Line: PA 4+. Animosity (Line). Lose access to Passing (double).
Goblin: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Thrower: PA 3+. Cost(-5k). Animosity.
Blitzer: PA 4+. Animosity.
Black Orc: PA -. MA +1. Cost(+10k). Animosity (Black Orc). Lose access to Passing (double).
Troll: PA 5+. Cost(+5k). Projectile Vomit.
Renegade (Tier 2):
Human Line: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
0-1 Human Thrower.
Goblin: PA 4+. Lose access to Strength (double).
Orc: PA 5+.Lose access to Passing (double).
Skaven: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Dark Elf: PA 3+.
Troll: PA 5+. Cost(+5k). Projectile Vomit. Lose access to Passing (double).
Ogre: PA 5+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Access to Rat Ogre in addition to Troll, Ogre & Minotaur (limited to 0-3 Big Guys).
Savage Orc: Removed.
Skaven (Tier 1):
Line: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Thrower: PA 2+. Cost(+15k).
Gutter Runner: PA 4+. Cost(+5k). Lose Weeping Dagger.
Blitzer: PA 5+.
Rat Ogre: PA -. Animal Savagery. Lose access to Passing (double).
Re-rolls: Cost(-10k).
Skaven Pestilent Vermin: Removed.
Snotling (Tier 3):
Line: PA 5+. Cost(-5k). Lose Disposable (skill), gain Low Cost Linemen (team special rule). The difference is rating is now advancements only, while it used to be hiring fee only. Lose access to Passing & Strength (double).
Fungus Flinga: PA 4+. Lose access to Strength (double).
Fun-hoppa: PA 5+. Lose Leap & Very Long Legs, gain Pogo Stick. Lose access to Passing & Strength (double).
Stilty Runna: PA 5+. Lose access to Passing & Strength (double).
Pump Wagon: PA -. Cost(-5k). AV (-1). Lose access to Passing (double).
Troll: PA 5+. Loner (3+). Projectile Vomit.
Undead (Tier 1):
Skeleton: PA 6+. Lose access to Passing (double).
Zombie: PA -. Lose access to Passing (double).
Ghoul: PA 4+. Cost(+5k).
Wight: PA 5+.
Mummy: PA -. Cost(+5k). Lose access to Passing (double).
Underworld (Tier 2):
Goblin: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
0-1 Snotling.
Skaven Line: PA 4+. Lose access to Passing (double).
SkavenThrower: PA 2+.
Vampire: Removed (since added in separate pdf)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/12/04 16:36:54

Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


Yeah, I meant the 2016 release.
Wow, Baxx what a nice summary.

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Wow Baxx, think you need an honourific of 'Doctor' or something in front of your name for that post! Very impressive !

Did anyone ever play the first-first edition (late 80s?) I always liked the look of the Dungeon Bowl set but never got to play.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Pacific wrote:
Wow Baxx, think you need an honourific of 'Doctor' or something in front of your name for that post! Very impressive !

Did anyone ever play the first-first edition (late 80s?) I always liked the look of the Dungeon Bowl set but never got to play.

Played the Dungeon Bowl from 2nd Edition in the late 80s (the one with plastic dwarves and elves). Great fun, we ended up enjoying that one more than the base game. Teleporting, exploding chests etc...

Hopefully get into the new edition when we are back to face-to-face gaming.
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